Alexander Tikhomirov short biography. Conflicts with famous people

Alexander Tikhomirov is a photographer, life styler, blogger and independent film maker. Author of extreme videos. He became famous for his collaboration with both foreign and domestic musicians. The article will present short biography photographer


Tikhomirov Alexander Grigorievich was born in Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region) in 1991. The boy's parents were working people. Soon after Sasha's appearance, his father left the family. At first, the boy was sent to a boarding school, and then to a cadet corps. But after some time, Sasha was expelled from there. Later, the future photographer lived with his grandmother.

Since childhood, Alexander Tikhomirov was fond of sports, attending sections. He tried many different disciplines. Later, the young man became interested in parkour and made his first video with friends on the topic of “urban acrobatics.”

Study and work

After school, Alexander Tikhomirov was going to enter a military institute. But then plans changed, and the future blogger went to Moscow, submitting documents to a private university (in the field of “business technology”). Soon Sasha was expelled from there. A year later, he decided to enter the architectural university in St. Petersburg. But the attempt was unsuccessful, and Tikhomirov returned to Rybinsk. For a year, the young man worked as a security guard and also as a window production foreman.

The following summer, the future photographer again tried to become a student. This time Sasha applied to a Yaroslavl university. Tikhomirov entered, but only attended lectures for three months. It was during that period that Alexander began to earn money by filming videos. Therefore, the young man dropped out of school again. True, this time he did it of his own free will.


Alexander Tikhomirov began working as a photographer and videographer in Yaroslavl. Then the young man decided to improve his skills and move to the Northern capital. There, Sasha became closely involved in photo shoots and filming weddings. But his fame was brought not by photographs of happy newlyweds, but by piquant shots of models posing candidly. Many of Tikhomirov’s works with erotic themes began to be used as design elements for cell phone cases and T-shirts. Later, Sasha switched to video filming. He made the “Cinderella” video for Bob Sinclair (French musician). Tikhomirov also worked with the Timati production center.

But the young man’s main success is creating extreme videos in the “lifestyle” style. In them, Alexander Tikhomirov jumps with a parachute in Dubai, drives a yacht in Bali, rides along the Crimean mountain roads in a convertible, and so on. The following videos chronicled his travels to Europe, Los Angeles, Sri Lanka and Hawaii. The videos went viral, gaining millions of views on YouTube. Therefore, today the young man has made shooting viral videos about extreme sports and travel his main direction in his work.

Personal life

From time to time, Alexander Tikhomirov, whose biography is known to all lifestyle lovers, featured a beautiful girl in his videos. It was a model named Mary Shum. It was she who became the blogger’s favorite woman.

In October 2015, young people announced that they were expecting a child. In May 2016, Mary gave birth to a son, Alexander, in Hawaii. The boy was given a very unusual name - Cosmos. On Tikhomirov’s YouTube channel, a separate video was dedicated to his birth. And a few months after the appearance of Cosmos, Mary and Alexander went to the registry office and officially signed. The wedding took place in October 2016. The blogger also posted a video dedicated to her on his channel.


Between long trips, Alexander lives in Russia: sometimes in St. Petersburg, sometimes in Moscow. Well, in his “free” time he edits and mixes the footage, and also negotiates with partners.

Sports is what else Alexander Tikhomirov is interested in. The photographer loves to practice tricks on trampolines, jumps into the pool from a tower, trains in the gym, and so on.

The blogger’s hobby, skydiving (stunts during a free fall), deserves special mention. Doing this beautiful and spectacular view Sasha started sports in Dubai. Immediately after filming in Crimea, he needed to finish filming the video footage somewhere. At this moment, the blogger had a strong desire to jump with a parachute. Tikhomirov tried to do this in the capital, but bad weather conditions prevented him. He was asked to wait a couple of weeks, but the matter was urgent.

Alexander Tikhomirov (blogger's age at at the moment- 26 years old) went to Dubai, where he could jump within 2-3 days. There the young man found a Russian instructor and made an agreement with him. I had to pay a lot of money, but in the end Tikhomirov received permission. In three days, the blogger made about thirty jumps and filmed the missing material.

Looking back, Sasha does not regret his action at all. After all, now he has a license to jump all over the world. Then the young man jumped from a hot air balloon in St. Petersburg. After that, the popular American extreme sportsman Jay Alvarez wrote to him. And with each new video, the hero of this article received more and more proposals for cooperation.

Books and films

Alexander Tikhomirov, whose biography is presented above, is very fond of Richard Bach’s story called “The Seagull Called Jonathan Livingston.” The young man read it before entering the university. Sasha immediately recognized himself in the main character. It is small, easy to read and at the same time fully consistent life philosophy blogger. In the book, all the seagulls were busy only looking for food. And only one of them worked on improving her flying skills. Alexander believes that this is the point - to improve in something every day.

The blogger’s favorite films are: “Route 60”, “Lucky Number Slevin”, “Fight Club” and “Forrest Gump”.

Anyone who has ever touched the topic of bodybuilding or at least once dreamed of an athletic physique has most likely heard about Alexander Tikhomirov. This is a very controversial person who causes more criticism than support. His activities can be assessed as you like, but let's go over the facts a little.

The road in sports

Alexander Tikhomirov - from the Ivanovo region. He attracted attention to himself repeatedly and loudly. Nothing is known about his past.

What he's doing today:

  • occasionally competes in bodybuilding competitions;
  • actively promotes itself at all fitness-related events;
  • lectures on hormonal supplements for athletes;
  • carries out the sale of various sports supplements.

She is married to Elizaveta Tikhomirova, a girl with the strongest spirit. No children.

Fight against illiteracy

Initially, like all sports bloggers, Alexander Tikhomirov began to fight sports nihilism among the population. The fact is that just a few years ago, bodybuilding training was not familiar to most people. Sports nutrition was considered something harmful and dangerous; some still believe that cans of protein powder contain real chemicals.

The athlete started with good educational videos. There, the viewer could see how myths about sports nutrition were debunked, and also get acquainted with several exercises for bodybuilding training. They treated this content differently until it became clear that Tikhomirov was reading all the materials from one well-known sports site.

Like any athlete, at a certain moment our hero was faced with a choice - to continue natural training or to take the slippery slope of hormonal doping. Thus began the path of Alexander Tikhomirov to the title of a kind of anti-hero in the world of Russian bodybuilding.

Steroid "coming out"

As a bodybuilder, Alexander Tikhomirov can evoke any associations and thoughts. In general, the sports community agrees unanimously - this guy has a lot of courage.

As you know, selling and buying anabolic steroids, as well as testosterone injections are illegal today. A certain volume for purchase and sale can become a reason for criminal prosecution under one of the “drug addiction” articles and send to places not so distant for a very long and real period. But it will not be possible to achieve serious results, like Arnold or Jay Cutler, without additional “external support”.

In connection with this, for representatives of the sports community who love to lift iron, the purchase of some prohibited sports supplements has turned into a kind of quest that cannot be told to anyone.

The athlete also spoke about how to use supplements correctly, what is the difference between one and the other, and what consequences this may have. Alexander Tikhomirov does not consider steroids to be something forbidden and harmful. He also knows that up to a certain age it is forbidden to interfere with the endocrine system, but he is skeptical about the ban. Thus, he professes a certain medical nihilism, rejecting all traditional medical postulates, which state that the human hormonal system is in a very fragile balance, which can be disrupted by roughly interfering with it.

The most interesting thing is that Alexander Tikhomirov openly declares that you can buy growth hormones from him. Fatal courage or fantastic desperation? Obviously, no one can explain what kind of natural phenomenon this is in the human mind.

Fight "without rules"

As already mentioned, our hero did not disdain any actions to promote his own personal brand. He once said that he would compete at the Moscow Open Bodybuilding Championship and would certainly win. In the end, it all ended with just guest posing, and Tikhomirov did not participate in the competitive part. But he managed to make such a noise that everyone close to the world of iron sports couldn’t stop talking about him.

But the most striking PR campaign was a real fight without rules with Vadim Ivanov. It’s worth noting that the latter started this mess with the aim of promoting his sports nutrition store.

The natural result of the fight was Tikhomirov’s technical defeat in the first round. Vadim Ivanov knocked his opponent down, took the fight to the low ground and delivered several crushing blows to the face. Our hero had no choice but to cover his face with his hands and wait for salvation from the judge. The moral is still the same - you should not participate in any fights without proper preparation.

Conflicts with famous people

Alexander Tikhomirov has become a kind of antagonist in the world of bodybuilding. His reputation can only be described as scandalous. And it seems that all representatives of the “iron sport” have expressed criticism of him.

One of the most striking conflicts occurred with Maxim Martsinkevich, a Russian nationalist convicted of extremism. Differences of opinion on one of the joint projects led to Maxim promising a reward to anyone who carried out a humiliating reprisal against Tikhomirov. But, fortunately, the threat remained unrealized.

28-year-old photographer and blogger Alexander Tikhomirov became famous thanks to his photo and video works. His extreme travel shots quickly gained popularity on YouTube, and Tikhomirov became one of the most sought-after photographers and cameramen in Russia. Tikhomirov himself never hid the fact that he managed to turn his hobby into work. An unusually well-paid job.

It’s inspiring that I’m doing what I like,” he admitted in an interview. - I started by photographing girls. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't all I wanted to do. Namely, travel and play sports. In general, I always wanted to come 100% to doing only what I like. And now I have achieved this. My work involves traveling, playing sports and filming.

In 2015, a beautiful brunette began to appear in Alexander’s videos more often than other girls. Fans quickly figured out that this was model Mary Shum. In October, the couple announced that they were expecting a child - nine months later their son Cosmos was born, and in October 2016, Mary and Sasha got married. Tikhomirov also posted a video from the wedding on his channel.


Fans admired this love story: the young parents often traveled, posting stunningly beautiful family photos. Everyone considered them an ideal couple - after all, on Instagram everything really looked like a fairy tale.

However, in June last year, fans were stunned by the news: Tikhomirov and Shum were breaking up. Sasha himself announced this by posting a “farewell video” with his wife on the channel, about the creation of which, it seems, he did not even warn her. Sasha and Mary met in a cafe, Tikhomirov put the camera on the table and, despite his wife, began to talk subscribers that he “fell in love” with another woman, and that his and Mary’s marriage had come to an end. The surprised and excited girl tried to insert her remarks into this monologue, but she did not succeed.

I fell in love, realized a lot for myself and now I want to build my life differently. I also realized that I don’t want to spend it (my life) on my family. I want to have a career, work. Do some big things. And big things not related to family. To be free, the photographer kept talking and talking.

Mary, in turn, tried to “negotiate” about subscribers. The girl noted that she would like to receive part of her earnings from joint videos, which are posted on Alexander’s channel. “You want a kickback, right?” - Tikhomirov asked her, promising to think, and at the end of the video he said, addressing the already ex-wife: “You’re a beauty, find yourself a prince!”

Later, the blogger deleted this video from his account, but it did not disappear from the Internet. The video can be found on the Internet under the caustic title “How Alexander Tikhomirov made a mess of himself.” The comments under this video are also entirely negative. Subscribers are outraged by how cynically the favorite of millions broke up with the girl to whom he had recently publicly sworn his love. “Just a dissolute egoist who doesn’t want a family after he created one,” “He played at being a family,” “Why film the breakup? They don’t talk about such things publicly!”, “A complete freak!” - people were indignant in the comments. Some also commented that the couple never remembered the son of Cosmos, instead deciding to “divide” the subscribers: “They sit and discuss links and reposts, ugh!”

It was not difficult for subscribers to find out the name of the blogger’s new chosen one: she turned out to be 24-year-old former participant in the “Bachelor” project Radmila Sadykova. Fans of the broken couple immediately disliked her: many believe that she is less attractive than Mary Shum, and Tikhomirov will certainly regret his choice.

Some time after the breakup, Mary Shum published a post on her Instagram in which she said that Tikhomirov had not seen their son Cosmos since the breakup and was not eager to meet the child or pay child support for his maintenance. Many in the comments noted that they had already unfollowed the photographer they once liked.

The child is already my own. And I have to raise him and raise him myself. And he also asked to cancel his subscription to cartoons on TV, because 800 rubles are debited from his card every month. This is how it happens,” she wrote.

Alexander Tikhomirov is a young independent photographer, filmmaker and blogger who became famous for his collaboration with Russian and foreign musicians and as the author of extreme videos.

Alexander was born on February 21, 1991 in the Yaroslavl region, in the city of Rybinsk. Parents were simple working people. True, the father left the family soon after the birth of his son, so the boy was educated first at a boarding school, then at the cadet corps, from where he was expelled after some time. Later Tikhomirov lived with his grandmother.

Already in childhood and adolescence he was athletic child: studied in various sections. I tried many sports. Later Alexander I became interested in parkour and then, together with my friends, I made my first video - just on the topic of interest in “urban acrobatics.”

After school, Tikhomirov was going to become a cadet at one of the military institutes, but instead he went to the capital and entered a Moscow private university in the direction of “New Business Technologies”. However, the young man was quickly expelled from there. Having not entered the St. Petersburg Architectural University the following year, Alexander returned to Rybinsk, and for a year he worked as a security guard and also as a worker in window production.

The following summer, he again tried to become a student, this time at a Yaroslavl university. The guy managed to enroll, but he only attended lectures for three months: it was at that time that Alexander began to earn money by filming videos, so he dropped out of school again, though this time on his own and completely.


After his first attempts to work as a photographer and videographer in Yaroslavl, Alexander Tikhomirov left for the Northern capital and began organizing photo sessions and filming weddings there. But fame young man They bring not shots of happy newlyweds at all, but piquant photos of girls openly posing. By the way, many of his works became widespread as design elements for T-shirts and mobile phone cases, which later prompted Tikhomirov to think about his own clothing brand.

Later, Alexander switched to video filming. He made the “Cinderella” video for a French musician and also worked with a production center. But Tikhomirov’s main success is in creating extreme videos in the “lifestyle” style.

In these projects, viewers can see how Alexander jumps with a parachute in Dubai, rides a convertible along the Crimean mountain roads, drives a yacht in Bali... The following films told about travels to Hawaii, Sri Lanka, Los Angeles, Europe.

The success of these small videos was serious. Main direction in creative biography Tikhomirova is shooting viral videos about travel, extreme sports and a free lifestyle.

Personal life

Soon the main character videos of Alexandra Tikhomirova became beautiful girl, and the blogger’s fans became interested in who she was. It turned out that the fashion model’s name is (Mary Shum) and she is Alexander’s beloved woman. The girl also runs her own blog on the topic healthy image life. And Marie’s main place of work is considered to be the Mavrin modeling agency.

In October 2015, the young people announced that they were expecting a child, and on May 29, 2016, Alexander and Marie had a son, who was given an unusual name - Cosmos. By the way, the couple purposefully went to Hawaii to give birth, and, of course, such a significant event as the birth of a baby also received a special video report.

And when the baby grew up a little, the parents went to the registry office and officially signed. The wedding celebration took place in October 2016. Of course, this time we couldn’t do without Alexander’s traditional video, made with his own hands.

It is worth adding that between numerous travels, Alexander Tikhomirov lives in Russia - sometimes in Moscow, sometimes in St. Petersburg, and devotes his “free” time to mixing footage and negotiating with partners. The main hobby of the photographer and film maker is still considered to be sports. Alexander trains in the gym, swims in the pool, jumps into the water from a diving board, and practices tricks on the trampoline. Not long ago, Alexander began recording music.

In May 2017, it became known that Mary Shum and Tikhomirov had made a decision. According to the girl, the couple did not agree on the future. Alexander was tired of his family and realized that he was not ready for such responsibility.

“Yes, I probably want a girl younger than myself, who will look at me with wide open eyes and listen to every word, and even if I’m wrong, not show that she doubted my words. I believe that in my case it should be one way and no other” (spelling and punctuation preserved).

A month after breaking up with his wife, Tikhomirov publicly announced that he had fallen in love. The girl's name is Radmila Sadykova, she younger than Alexander for 2 years. Rada starred in the show “The Bachelor,” where she fought for her heart. Of her own free will, Radmila left the project with a scandal.

In parting, the Rada told Ilya that he was not the kind of person who could be introduced to his parents, friends and dog. The girl had a breakdown after she got on a joint date with a bachelor with her and another contender - . This behavior of the Rada was also due to the death of her own grandmother, who died the day before.

Alexander Tikhomirov and his new lover Radmila chose Moscow as their place of residence. The lovers travel a lot; they have already visited Mallorca, the Maldives, and Turkey. In addition to appearing on the Internet, the couple participated in a photo shoot for Invoise magazine. The blogger posted the photo on his own account in “ Instagram ».

In addition to blogging, Alexander Tikhomirov became the creator of the Born To Be clothing brand, which he advertises online “

And photographer, blogger Alexander Tikhomirov decided to break up. Most of all, everyone was worried about the question “Why” and how Mary would raise her common child, the son of Cosmos, alone.

Sasha decided to dot the i’s. He invited Mary to a cafe and suddenly began filming a video. He spoke to the camera about how he wanted to explain to everyone why he made such a drastic decision.

At first, the guy didn’t name the exact reasons, only saying that: “Believe me, there were many different prerequisites”.

Mary protested at first: “What if I say that I don’t want this video to come out.”

Sasha asked Mary to wait and calm down. As a result, Tikhomirov admitted that he went to Bali and fell in love:

“I fell in love, realized a lot for myself and now I want to build my life differently. I also realized that I don’t want to spend it (life) on my family. I want to pursue a career, work. Do some big things. And big things , not connected with family. To be free."

Sasha speaks confidently.

Mary asked in surprise: “Why do you need me? You said it all yourself. Just my presence?”. Sasha answered in the affirmative.

“There is no need to blame, condemn, or feel sorry for anyone. We are fine, I’m sure.”- Alexander added.

He tried to summarize this video with the information that Mary now has a personal channel in which she will talk about “women’s and children’s things,” and also asked not to insult his current girlfriend, with whom he will now travel. At the same time, Sasha admitted that it was “his fault that he fell in love.”

Afterwards, the couple decided to discuss the financial aspect of the relationship. "Just announcing my channel is not enough. I worked for you for two years"- Mary rightly noted. Sasha promised to repost every blog of Mary until she has 100,000 views on each video. But Shum noted: “I worked for you for two years, I want (reposts) for two years”. Mary also asked to post a link to her own blog on Sasha’s channel (the former “family” family channel).

The girl also noticed that Tikhomirov continues to earn money from old videos; she would like to receive part of the earnings:

"You want a kickback, right?"- asked the blogger.

“Why the “kickback”? I think it’s fair. And what’s more, you, at the expense of those subscribers who subscribed when we were together, you will receive income from them from new videos as well”- Mary reasoned reasonably.

"Okay, that's where we end today's meeting."- Sasha suddenly “rounded off” and turned off the camera.

He turned it on during a friendly farewell:

"You are a beauty, find yourself a prince"- Mary’s ex-husband wished.

“Of course, my wife is a beauty, a beauty, but I was not at peace in my soul next to this woman. I need peace of mind.”- Tikhomirov concluded his frank story.

There are a colossal number of opinions on this matter, some accuse Sasha of not being able to save his family and dooming Cosmos to a lonely childhood without a dad, others supported Alexander, saying that he did the right thing, since the main thing is to be honest with yourself . Well, no one has any questions for Mary; only the most unpleasant people could form a negative opinion about such a spectacular and wise girl. - Magazine of modern youth