Human eyes are like a wolf's meaning. The meaning of the tattoo "Wolf

The popularity of tattoos is growing steadily, and young people are paying close attention to such an interesting way to decorate their bodies while showing off their life principles or ideals. Usually no one thinks what does wolf tattoo mean or swallows, tattoo of a naked girl or an owl. Meanwhile, the culture of drawing drawings on the skin is quite ancient and each image performed on different parts of the body carries an important semantic load. Therefore, it is important to remember that if the body is applied wolf tattoo: meaning this figure must be found out in advance so as not to get into a mess.

What can a tattooed wolf mean?

Tattoo artists note a trend: very often people choose a picture based on outward appearance without thinking at all what she can say about her owner. But the tattoo will remain on the skin of the owner for life.

The main wolf tattoo meaning- this is courage and endurance, that is, the qualities inherent in the directly depicted beast. Along with these, other interpretations of the drawing are common: devotion, strength, purposefulness and independence. A weak-minded and indecisive person does not need to stuff the image of a wolf, because it will not reflect it inner world.

Loyalty to their pack, the only partner for life and the willingness to accept any hardships for the well-being of loved ones - these qualities of wolves are implicit in those who are ready to tattoo themselves with this predator. In addition, the drawing symbolizing "wolf" devotion in love is not suitable for windy and loving natures who often change partners.

Often, representatives of the weaker half of humanity do wolf tattoo: meaning for girls this picture is somewhat different. The hard fate of the she-wolf, forever devoted to the only wolf and ready to sacrifice everything for him, is not very attractive. So is it worth predicting such a life for yourself? Along with this, filling a drawing of a wolf, the girl declares her loyalty to her partner and the desire to follow him.

Variants of the image of a tattoo "wolf"

Each of the many options for the image on the skin of this strong beast has its own nuances and subtle shades of meaning. What does a wolf tattoo mean howling at the moon? In addition to standard meanings, a symbol of loneliness, social independence and unknown dark power appears here. In some cases, such a lone wolf symbolizes an experienced betrayal.

The animal depicted in a jump or on the run speaks of the owner's readiness to overcome any obstacles, love of risk and possible vindictiveness. A picture with a wolf pack applied to the skin confirms the leadership qualities of a person, his desire to help and protect people close to him. By determining what does a wolf tattoo mean on fire or with red eyes, most often they stop at the option of belonging to dark forces, unknown and witchcraft. No wonder the ancient people revered the wolf not only as a protector, but also as a guide to the otherworldly worlds.

The meaning of a wolf tattoo comes from ancient times. The image of a wolf for each nationality carries a different semantic association, which has invariably changed over time, and the image of a wolf was emphasized as something good or something bad.


The associations that the wolf symbol evoked were different for everyone. Some peoples feared him and associated him with dark forces, others respected, worshiped and deified. By nature, the wolf is a predatory animal, and from early times it was a great competitor to male hunters. He was perceived by people as a terrible and dangerous animal that hunts flocks of sheep at night, and with the help of his luminous eyes and wild howling at the moon communicates with the dark world. However, gradually the attitude of people towards the wolf began to change. Many rulers began to consider it an honor to associate themselves with the symbol of the wolf, as it will bring them wisdom and greatness. For the peoples of Eurasia and North America, the wolf has become an image of the god of war and a symbol of government. In Greco-Roman mythology, the wolf is dedicated to Mars (Ares) as the personification of rage and anger, as well as Apollo. In Celtic mythology, the wolf symbolized the mysterious lunar power. For the Slavs, the wolf was a totem animal and many tribes worshiped him as a deity. During the winter period, men wrapped themselves in wolf skins and communicated with their animal ancestors, from whom they asked for wisdom, strength and protection from evil spirits.

Wolf tattoo meaning

The main meanings of a wolf tattoo for men are courage, strength, fearlessness and independence. For girls - loyalty, care, dedication. A person who does not possess these qualities should not fill the image of a wolf, since it will not reflect his inner world.
In the tattoo world, there are a large number of wolf images that carry a certain meaning. Tattoo masters can offer you many different options execution of this symbol:

  • A wolf with fiery eyes is an influential symbol in the world of black magic, many peoples associated this symbol with a werewolf.
  • The wolf among the tongues of flame - personifies the awakening of the dark essence. Largely means a werewolf, a demon.
  • Wolf eyes are a sign of discernment and understanding. This tattoo tells everyone around you that you see everything and everyone through and through. You understand things much deeper than they might seem at first glance.
  • Werewolf - depicted at the moment of transformation or already turned around, symbolizes dark sides personalities that a person wants to comprehend and subjugate.
  • A wolf howling at the moon - symbolizes proud loneliness, hermitage in some way, independence from the outside world, inner strength.
  • A jumping wolf means a willingness to achieve all goals, overcoming any obstacles.
  • The white wolf is a spectacular extraordinary personality. A majestic, fearless lone warrior, symbolizing the power of good.
  • Running wolf - indicates impetuosity, risk, desire for speed, thirst for change, as well as a desire for wandering and adventure.
  • A wolf in a pack - such a tattoo is suitable for a leader, a leader who, until the last heartbeat, will protect his family and friends.
  • Wolf with bared fangs - denotes aggression, strength, rage and fearlessness in any situation.
  • The she-wolf is a symbol of loyalty, care, justice and devotion. The wolf always fights for his wolf, and she, in turn, must go alongside him to the end.
  • A wolf with a grin and red eyes - personifies a werewolf, his image is often used in the Fantasy tattoo section.
  • The jaw of a wolf (grin) - the drawing makes it clear that its owner is a fearless person, a fighter for life.
  • Wolf paws or wolf tracks - this drawing refers mostly to women, as it is very popular with them and means guardianship.

Places for tattooing

Tattoo masters turned human body wolf tattoos can be located on various parts of the body. Men opt for:

  • shoulder,
  • forearm,
  • breasts,
  • back
  • or leg.

Thus, showing their power and relevance to this beast. However, tattoos are also found on other parts of the body, such as the neck.

As for women, the most attractive places for them to get a tattoo are:

  • scapula,
  • small of the back,
  • wrist,
  • forearm.

I would like to note that one of the main factors when choosing a location for a tattoo is its size and scale. Larger patterns are depicted on the back, smaller ones on the leg or forearm.

With different placement of the pattern on the body, for example, the shoulder or shoulder blade, the meaning of the tattoo will be the same as on any other part of the body.

The color scheme of the tattoo

Most often, for color implementation, tattoo artists use black with the addition of blue, red, green, gray to emphasize certain details. "Cartoon" and unrealistic tattoo sketches can be made in a variety of colors (in most cases, bright), which will be depend on the imagination of the master.

Wolf tattoo for men and girls

The wolf tattoo has no gender, it is applied with the same frequency by both men and women. It all depends on the choice of pattern and color style.

Wolf tattoo styles

There are a lot of styles with the image of a wolf, and there is simply no point in listing them. A tattoo can be either a realistic image of an animal or a stylistically adjusted one for any style: Slavic, Celtic, Greco-Roman, etc.

Compatibility with other characters

A wolf tattoo can be combined with various elements, mainly watches, flowers, the moon, feathers.

Summing up

A tattoo depicting a wolf is often applied in difficult life moments. Before applying a tattoo, you should seriously delve into all the meanings of the image options in order to choose the most optimal and suitable for your character. It is worth remembering the main thing that the owner of this image must be strong in life and be a leader by nature.

Wolf tattoo is one of the most common. It has a lot of options, and each such option is notable for its style. First of all, this tattoo is popular with men, but recently women have chosen it for themselves.

One of the reasons for the massive popularity of the wolf on the body is the different, often opposite meaning of the symbol. For some, this image personifies a warrior defending their native cave, for others it is, on the contrary, a predator. The third in the image of a wolf sees loyalty, friendship. Fourth - family values... The fifth directly connects the animal with a werewolf and otherworldly forces. As a rule, in a good tattoo there are additional symbols that allow it to be interpreted unambiguously in favor of a certain meaning. Let's explain some of the most common meanings of a wolf tattoo.

Wolf tattoo meaning on the zone

Usually, the “denials” of the regime - prisoners who are constantly in conflict with the administration of the prison or zone - fill themselves with a tattoo of a wolf in prisons. Such a tattoo means contempt for cops, aggressiveness, the desire to become a leader in their midst, loyalty to the traditions of thieves.
Often this is the bared mouth of an animal. Less often - the whole wolf. It can be located on the shoulder or chest, sometimes large on the back, less often on the legs.

Wolf howling at the moon tattoo meaning

First of all, a tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon means loneliness and, as a result, the desire and ability to achieve everything alone. Such a person in a society of his own kind feels like a lone wolf. In addition, he is convinced that certain magical powers help him, which helps him a lot in life.

Wolf howling at the moon and dream catcher tattoo meaning

Dreamcatcher is a Native American motif in tattoo designs. In combination with the wolf, the importance of the supernatural magical powers of the wearer of the body painting is further emphasized.

Wolf crawling or creeping tattoo meaning

Such a tattoo characterizes the lonely cautious, adequately assessing the enemy, the ability to take the decisive step at the right time, when the enemy does not expect him at all. But the tattoo itself is done precisely in order to warn the enemy about his insidiousness.
A similar tattoo can be considered a motif of a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is close in meaning to a crawling wolf, but emphasizes the lower motives of its owner.

Wolf and she-wolf tattoo meaning

Such a tattoo focuses on fidelity to family principles, usually monogamous people who are devoted to one person for life make such a motive. Faithfulness and decency in personal relationships are emphasized.

It is worth listing a few more meanings of a wolf tattoo for men, used in modern wearable designs:
  • A wolf with burning eyes is a symbol of a werewolf, a vampire, the ability to transform to change your body.
  • A wolf in a pack - even more emphasizes the leadership of the owner of this tattoo, the willingness to protect their loved ones to the last.
  • A wolf in a jump - the presence of strength to overcome the most difficult decisions, the ability to achieve unattainable goals.
  • A wolf with a grinning muzzle is aggression, such a person will not stop before inflicting harm on an innocent person in order to achieve his momentary goals.
  • The head of a wolf is portrait - among the Indians, the wolf was considered a symbol of brotherhood. Such a tattoo can serve as an image of a strong friendship.

The meaning of a wolf tattoo for a girl

It is worth noting that girls, within the meaning of the meaning, often apply to the body not of a wolf, but of a she-wolf. Accordingly, such a motive can mean family values, love for children, devotion and monogamy.
Often such tattoos are complemented by some details peculiar to female tattoos, for example, it can be a framing of a wolf's head with a bouquet of scarlet roses.
Anyway, before deciding to apply a drawing on the body, a lot of work must be done to study this issue, consultation with the tattoo artist, meticulous selection of the style of the drawing and the choice of the master himself, whose style is most suitable for this tattoo.

At all times, wolves were feared, hated or idolized. They were competitors of people in obtaining food, hunted only early in the morning or at night, and communicated with the help of howling. All this made them symbols of dark forces and evil. Nobody remained indifferent to this formidable animal. For example, he was considered a god, and on tattoos, which at that time were a symbol of a warrior, a wolf was depicted with orange or blue stars instead of eyes. In the countries of America, he is still considered the shaman's mentor and assistant. This is such a strong and controversial beast.

Therefore, choosing a wolf tattoo for yourself, you should remember that if you are a weak and weak-willed person, have an indecisive and gentle character, then it simply will not suit you. And in the presence of perseverance, determination and inflexibility, such a tattoo can become a kind of talisman in life. The "wolf" is not suitable for those who cannot decide in any way with a permanent partner. The animal is by nature a faithful family man, which means it is worth thinking about. After all, if a she-wolf dies, the male remains forever alone. That is, a tattoo of a wolf on the shoulder, the meaning of which is not characteristic of him by nature, is definitely not suitable for ladies' men - there will be no happiness.

The image of the wolf

The wolf is most often depicted as howling - this is, as it were, an indicator that a person is lonely and independent. The jumping animal is a symbol of determination. A pack of wolves is a sign that a person is loyal to his family and is ready for anything for her. A running predator can mean both speed and vindictiveness. If the wolf is on fire, then this means the presence of a demon. Here are how many image values ​​there are, and that's not all. There is also a tattoo "grin of a wolf", the meaning of which, according to the beliefs of many peoples, means depravity and demonic forces. Let's take a closer look at other interpretations of such a body pattern.

The meaning of the wolf tattoo

It is worth remembering the main thing - in whatever image the wolf was made on your body - it was and will remain a guide in After all, it is not for nothing that in ancient times many peoples considered him one of the images of the devil. But at the same time there is another meaning of the wolf tattoo - it is a protector from the evil forces of the other world. It would seem, what is the connection between such different interpretations? But this is the nature of this beast: an enemy and a friend rolled into one. He always has his own opinion on any issue. True, in the mind of a wolf there is a division only into black and white, which means that he understands only good and evil. There is no middle ground. That is why such a tattoo will be the perfect complement to a straight and unbending person. He will never destroy someone else's world, but he will not let him into his own either. By the way, girls also need to know the meaning of the wolf tattoo. Indeed, very often they just like the picture, and what it symbolizes is not important. So, the meaning of the tattoo "wolf" for a woman is a female predator. She is faithful, loyal, and in the event that her male dies, she lives only with revenge. But at the same time, the she-wolf is the standard of the mother, she is gentle, caring and loving. In life, she can forgive almost everything except betrayal. So if you fully comply with this interpretation, then you can get a tattoo. She will only emphasize these features and enhance them. - Journal of modern youth