Lizard pendant meaning. Tattoo "Lizard": full decoding of the multifaceted symbol.

Tattoos depicting a lizard were popular even in ancient times, because according to scientists, lizards appeared a very long time ago, about 100 million years ago. Lizards are often depicted on their bodies in the form of a Latin “S”, in various colors and sizes. IN modern world Lizard tattoo is one of the most common types. And this is not surprising, because the lizard symbol carries several secret meanings.

Tattoo designs depicting a lizard are always very colorful, just like the reptile itself. Drawings are usually applied to the thigh, lower leg, forearm, back and even neck. Tattoos are also performed in black and white.

In ancient times, the symbolism of the lizard meant agility and dexterity. It was believed that such tattoos brought a person such qualities as courage, invulnerability, and at the same time dexterity. Legends say that the green lizard was associated with evil and demonic forces. Therefore, the image of such a lizard on the body protected a person from dark forces. Tattoos with lizards were called patron demons.

In addition to the above, in ancient times the lizard was considered a symbol of logic and wisdom, bringing good luck. Interestingly, in North America, lizards were associated with a talisman that favored rain, and in South America There was an opinion that the lizard was a symbol of sexuality. As for our predecessors, scientists have proven the fact that lizards in Rus' were revered as a symbol-amulet that prevented dangers and troubles. But in Christianity, the lizard is associated with an evil demon.

What is the significance of a lizard tattoo? Most often, a lizard tattoo signifies dexterity, agility and rebirth. This value is explained by such a property of the animal as regeneration (the ability of lizards to leave and cast off a tail, which soon grows back). This makes it easier for lizards to resist danger.

In the modern world, a lizard tattoo is tattooed with a certain intention: it is believed that it helps to find strength for self-development, self-realization and to confront various problems.

Of all the sketches, the most popular is the chameleon, which is the personification of adaptation, originality and originality. The monitor lizard is not inferior in polarity. He is different from other lizards large size. The meaning of a tattoo depicting a monitor lizard is multifaceted. The drawing denotes patience, observation, strength, composure.

Request from your master that he draw you an individual sketch of a lizard tattoo, just for you, a unique and inimitable design that will decorate your personality.

Lizard tattoo video

Below are photos of lizard tattoos from different artists.

Lizards are an attribute of beliefs, folklore, and traditions of almost all southern peoples. Among the northerners, the lizard, as an unusual creature and a curiosity in general, either remains unnoticed, or takes on the role of a “terrible deity swallowing the sun” or simply a minion of the devil. Despite their small size, lizards attract a lot of attention with their appearance and speed of reactions. Lizards are prototypes of dragons; sometimes everything connected with snakes was attributed to them, less often - crocodiles. People have endowed lizards with many mutually exclusive properties, but one way or another, these properties include magic. But before we talk about the magic of an animal, we should figure out what kind of animal we are dealing with.

Lizards (Lacertilia, formerly Sauria) are a suborder of the squamate order of reptiles. The suborder of lizards is not a biologically clearly defined category, but includes all those species that do not belong to the other two suborders of squamates - snakes and moths. Body length from 3.5 cm to 3 m (Komodo dragon). The body is valval, flattened, laterally compressed or cylindrical. Some have well-developed five-fingered limbs, others are limbless; the latter have a serpentine body.
About 4.3 thousand modern species, united in 20 families: geckos, lepidoptera, iguanas, agamas, chameleons, skinks, true lizards, girdle-tailed lizards, girdle-tooths, etc. Distributed almost throughout the globe, excluding cold zones. Single species rise into the mountains to the border of eternal snow. Most lizards lead a terrestrial lifestyle; sometimes they climb bushes or trees, bury themselves in the sand (round-headed, etc.), some live in trees and are capable of gliding flight; a number of geckos and agamas can move along vertical surfaces (for example, on rocks). Some lizards live in the soil (they usually have no eyes and an elongated body). The sea lizard lives near the surf line and often enters the water. Some lizards are diurnal, others are nocturnal (they have a slit-like pupil). Most lizards feed primarily on insects and their larvae, as well as arachnids, mollusks, worms and other invertebrates, and sometimes small vertebrates.

Lizards are mostly oviparous and also ovoviviparous, and some are even viviparous.
In a narrower sense, lizards refer to members of only the family of true lizards (Lacertidae), which includes 30 genera with 170 species. Distributed in Europe, Africa (excluding Madagascar) and Asia. This family includes the genus Lacerta, which includes about 40 species. Lizards are useful because they eat insects harmful to agriculture. The meat of large lizards is eaten by the local population, and the skin is used for various products.
Many species of lizards are capable of throwing off part of their tail (autotomy). After some time, the tail is restored, but in a shortened form. Also, some lizards are able to measure their color for protection purposes, merging their color with the environment.

2. Lizard in the myths and beliefs of the peoples of the world.

Logos (Words), divine inspiration, wisdom;
immortality, resurrection from the dead, rebirth;
desire for light;
spring; heat, heat;
fertility; health; vitality, protection, security;
military art;
laziness, idleness.

The symbol of the lizard is present in the mythology of many peoples of the world, for example, the Australian aborigines consider the lizard to be a symbol of rebirth. In Australian folklore, as well as in the tales of the peoples of Melanesia and Africa, the lizard is one of the popular characters or a ancestral ancestor, such as the Tarrotarro lizard, is considered a cultural hero. There is also the meaning of the lizard - in Aboriginal stories, a lizard is chased by an eagle, which is a sign of adultery and family themes. There are several other myths regarding lizards, for example, here is what is said about the lizard in the mythology of the Dieri tribe: “First Muramura created many small black lizards, which are still found under the bark of trees. They seemed very attractive to him, and he decided that they should stand over all the crawling creatures. Muramura divided their paws into legs and arms and made their fingers. Then he put his finger in the middle of their face and made a nose, in the same way he made their eyes, mouth and ears. of lizards on its hind legs, but it fell. Then Muramura cut off its tail, and the lizard was able to walk on its hind legs..."
Among the North American Indians, the lizard is a symbol of agility and dexterity. They also have lizards - a symbol of growing maize. It personifies fertility and the power of development. In the culture of the indigenous peoples of America, there is a deep internal connection between the lizard and the power of fertility; the lizard has the same meaning - fertility - among the Mexicans. The Pueblo peoples (southwestern United States) considered the lizard a symbol of the growth of sexuality and life-giving rain.
Lizards in rock art Arizona, New Mexico and Utah are found in fertility plots.
In Egyptian and Greek symbolism, the lizard meant divine wisdom and luck, and also symbolized the god Mercury, who patronized trade and eloquence. The lizard is an attribute of Serapis and Hermes, sometimes Athena was depicted with a lizard sitting on her chest, and the lizard was also an attribute of allegorical images of Logic. In one of the myths, Apollo, who symbolizes the Sun, kills a lizard. Therefore, it should be in the shade and in a crevice.
Askalab, in Greek mythology the son of Misma, who gave Demeter drink when she was thirsty in search of Persephone. A. laughed at the greedily drinking goddess, and she, pouring the rest of the water on him, turned A. into a speckled lizard. It was believed that whoever kills a lizard makes a sacrifice to Demeter.
In Roman mythology, she was believed to sleep all winter, and therefore symbolized death and resurrection. The lizard was a good sign in Egypt and in general in the ancient world, where it was sometimes associated with wisdom. Also in Egypt, the lizard was an emblem of heat, heat and fertility.
According to Pliny, the crocodile and lizard symbolize silence, since they were believed to have no tongues. Based on this, it was believed that the lizard feeds on dew.
In Tahiti, lizards were considered the receptacles of the gods or their sacred animals, they were gods royal family. The priests called out to the lizards, praying for the health and well-being of the heir. There were beliefs that lizards live in places where treasures, treasures, or simply layers of gold are buried, so it was also called a symbol of wealth and luxury.
The people of New Zealand considered the lizard evil, believing that its appearance would bring disease and death. In New Zealand, the lizard motif is common in realistic wooden sculptures, and in tattoos it has been transformed into a stylized S-shaped design. The Maori felt a sacred fear of green tree lizards, considering them one of the physical manifestations of the god of evil, harbingers of illness and death, guardian spirits of hiding places
In the legends of African peoples, a lizard is a magical sign of compromise. This is what a fairy tale says: a lizard negotiates with a spider and gives him a cape (net) for catching flies, and in return gets his bread back. This is a magical sign of the ability to reach a compromise.
In China, the lizard is a symbol of cunning, sacrifice and speed. In Holland, the lizard was a symbol of divination and the secret of female wisdom.
In Russian folk tradition, a lizard was similar to a snake. Thus, peasants believed that a lizard’s bite was poisonous, sometimes even fatal; sometimes it was believed that a lizard could gnaw through a person’s skin and get to the very heart. In order not to die from a lizard or snake bite, you need, according to popular belief, to quickly run to the water and get drunk, and you need to do this faster than the lizard, since if the lizard gets to the water first and drinks, the person will die; if a person turns out to be faster than a lizard, then the lizard will die, and the person will quickly recover.
At the same time, people believed that a lizard could save a person from a snake bite. For example, if there is a snake next to a sleeping person, the lizard gets into his bosom and tickles him until he wakes up. Sometimes peasants also believed that the lizard took its tail from the viper; That's why they beat her to make her lose her tail. It was also believed that if you mix pieces of lizard into food, small lizards will hatch from them, which will then come out in balls through the throat and strangle a person. The witches dried the lizards, ground them into powder and mixed them into vodka in the belief that whoever drank this vodka would die. The girls gave a decoction of dried and crushed lizards to drink to the guy they wanted to bewitch; but it was believed that if the broth stood for at least a day, it would turn into poison, from which a person would go crazy and die.
Killing lizards was often considered a sin by the people; this prohibition was probably associated with ideas about the soul of the deceased appearing in the form of a lizard. The peasants believed that if you kill a male lizard, the father in the house will die, and if a female lizard, the mother will die; at the same time, a green lizard was considered female, and a gray lizard was considered male. It was believed that “Lizards, basking in the sun, “drink the sun,” so peasants mercilessly killed lizards, along with snakes. Although at the same time in some places it was believed that “the sun cries” when it sees a killed lizard, so it should be buried in earth, otherwise continuous rains would begin, since the heavens began to mourn the dead, and because of this, a flood could begin. During a long-term drought, a lizard was even sacrificed in order to cause rain.
In addition to all of the above in Ural myths: the lizard is the spirit of the mountains. The mistress of the Copper Mountain turned into a lizard.
The meaning of a lizard as a symbol can be interpreted in different ways. Everyone knows that if you cut off a lizard's tail, it will grow back. (We can assume that the lizard's strength lies in its tail). But many ancient peoples believed that any part of a lizard’s body (head, paws, torso) could also grow back. That is why the image of a lizard was given great importance symbolic meaning. Lizard is the ability to self-heal. In general, there are many legends associated with lizards about creation, humanity receiving fire and more. For example, according to one of the legends, once upon a time large and strong Lizards lived on earth. And these animals became so proud that they began to consider themselves stronger than God. Then God became angry with them and turned them into tiny creatures. But the lizards were not afraid and did not become despondent. And then God gave them precious scales and the ability to regenerate.
The legends and tales of the Finno-Ugric peoples tell how “The Devil decided to repeat the creation - he squeezed a handful of earth, but when he unclenched his hand, a lizard appeared.”
Numerous myths about a person receiving fire, with the role of a “hero” producing the flame, mention the lizard. So Kambel sent the lizards one by one different types, and only the smallest one managed to get to the pandanus, under which there was a fire, bypass the guards and return, holding the fire under her arm so that the water would not get on it. A funny detail: Kambel could not find the fire that the lizard, playing with its owner, hid from him; in the Kiwai myth, the rat, iguana, and snake fail, and only the large lizard manages to get fire; Dare sends the black cockatoo Kapya, who knew many different things and could speak humanly. Kapia carried a red-hot stick in his beak, and the heat caused red dots to appear at the corners of his mouth. The mistress of the fire ties a stick to the dog's tail, then to its back, but water gets on it; finally, for the third time, the stick is placed on the head. The lizard carries fire in its mouth, keeping its head above water; Indian legends say that a lizard steals fire from a jaguar.
In Zoroastrianism, the lizard is a symbol of Ahriman (the spirit of disaster) and the evil spirit.
In Christianity, the lizard is interpreted ambiguously. On the one hand, she carried evil and the devil within herself. Since the lizard, according to popular belief, was classified as a “reptile,” people believed that they were born from the devil’s eggs and could cast the evil eye or bewitch a person. She is an attribute of Sabazius, who is depicted holding a lizard in his hands. In the Bible, the meaning of Judah's changeability is conveyed by such a symbol as the “house of the lizard.” The Judas type is a type of person who knows no peace, who is under Mercury and must develop external vigorous activity that masks the inner essence of his restlessness.
On the other hand, early Christian texts (“Physiologist”) report that when lizards grow old and their eyes fade, they crawl into the cracks of walls facing east. And when the Sun rises, “their eyes are opened and they are healed. And you, man, when... the eyes of your heart become dim, in the same way seek the rising sun of justice, our Lord Jesus Christ, and He will open the eyes of your heart.” Like a bee, a lizard can embody a soul and, in this form, snatch out of the mouths of those sleeping, who receive evidence of this after the animal returns. The blind lizard, which seeks the land where the sun rises, symbolized the sinner seeking help from God. In connection with this positive assessment of it (rebirth, rejuvenation through molting, passionate desire for the spiritual - light), the lizard was often depicted on lanterns, amulet, etc. The lizard also became an emblem of enlightenment when reading the Gospels and an amulet against eye diseases.

3. Lizard in esotericism. Lizard as a totem.

In mystical teachings, to which Shamaism belongs, with its inherent totems, the lizard is always referred to as the “shaman’s companion.” In itself, like a totem, it carries many different magical qualities, it is a useful totem. It is believed that this totem is most effective for women.
People tend to look for the magic of a totem animal in appearance and behavior, translating them into the language of “useful magical qualities.” For example, due to the fact that some lizards have a neck decorated with a collar, it is believed that the lizard’s neck is a symbolic bridge between the higher and the lower. Therefore, the lizard, as a totem, teaches us to connect consciousness with the subconscious, reality with sleep. With its help, you can master the technique of controlling dreams. The spikes and ridge on the back, in turn, indicate increased sensitivity of the chakras.
The lizard as a totem improves intuition, sharply activates perception, or foretells that this will happen soon. The qualities of a lizard correlate it with psychic abilities and developed intuition. The magic of the lizard allows you to perceive the subtlest, barely noticeable movements and changes - both physical and intangible - and track them not only in reality, but also in dreams.
Tail autotomy is interpreted as the ability to get rid of unnecessary attachments. The lizard awakens in a person the ability to easily and painlessly distance himself from everything that burdens us. It can help you break with the past. Meeting this reptile may mean that you need to take on new things and follow your impulses.
The Lizard's help is the shadow side of reality, where dreams are considered before a person decides to manifest them physically. The lizard is the help of Dreams (dreams), which can always help you see the shadow. This shadow can be fears, hopes, or the very thing that the person is resisting.

“The lizard basked in the shade of a large stone, hiding from the scorching rays of the desert sun. The Snake crawled past, looking for at least some shade to rest. The Snake watched the Lizard for a while, but the Lizard did not react. The snake hissed to get the Lizard's attention. The lizard's sleepy eyes slowly opened and he saw the Snake.

"Lizard, you always get the best shade when it's hot. This is the only big rock for miles. Why don't you share it with me?"
The lizard, after thinking for a while, agreed: “Snake, you can use the other side of my stone, but you must not interfere with me.”
The snake hissed, "How can I bother you Lizard when you are doing nothing."

The lizard smiled: “You are such a stupid snake. I am not idle. I dream (dream).”
The snake wanted to know what the difference was between inaction and Dreams (dreams), and this is what the lizard explained. "The dream enters the future, Snake, I go where the future lives. You see, I know that you will not eat me today, precisely because I saw you in my Dreams, and I know that you are full of mice."

The snake was amazed: “Lizard, you are right. And I wondered why you allowed your stone to be used.”
The lizard grinned: “Snake,” she said, “You are looking for shadow, and I am looking for shadow. Shadow is where Dreams live.”

The Lizard could create a reality where the Snake would eat it if it wanted to. The lizard is an attribute of the creation of future realities.
Sometimes the Lizard is a sign of internal conflict, a message that the person is processing his difficulties or fears and therefore should not experience nightmarish events in daily life.
It may also imply that the person has not dreamed enough about their future.
Imagination is the door to all new ideas and creations.
The lizard symbolizes the dream world on the other side of time and space. She dreams about the future. The lizard teaches how to create a future reality with the help of dreams, since it can look into the future and knows in advance what will happen later. This is a prophecy to oneself. The one who has dreamed of the situation must decide whether to implement it or not.
The lizard encourages you to carefully reflect on your dreams.
The lizard as a shaman’s companion or even a “tool” is present in the teachings of Carlos Castaneda::

“ He opened one of them, put his hand into it, and with the other hand wrapped the edges of the pouch around his wrist. He seemed to have grabbed something, judging by the way his hand was moving in the bag. Suddenly, with a quick movement, he pulled the bag off his hand, twisting it like a glove, and brought his hand right to my eyes. There was a lizard in the hand. Her head was only a few inches from my eyes. There was something strange about the lizard's mouth. I looked for a second, and then involuntarily recoiled. The mouth was sewn shut with rough stitches. Don Juan ordered me to take the lizard with my left hand and hold it tightly. I squeezed it; the tail curled around the palms. I felt nauseous. My palms immediately began to sweat.

He took the last bag and, repeating the same movements, brought out another lizard. This one had her eyelids sewn together. He told me to hold it in my right hand.

When both lizards were in my hands, I was close to fainting. I felt an irresistible urge to abandon the lizards and run away from here.

“Make sure you don’t crush me,” he ordered, and his voice brought me back to reality.

He asked what was wrong with me. Although his face remained serious, it was clear that he had difficulty holding back laughter. I wanted to ease my grip, but my palms were so sweaty that the lizards began to slip out. Their sharp claws scratched the skin, causing disgust and nausea. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth. One of the lizards had almost crawled out onto my wrist; To escape, all she had to do was squeeze her head through her fingers. I felt an indescribable physical disgust, close to despair. I growled through my teeth for him to get the vile creatures away from me. My head started to shake. He looked at me with innocent curiosity. I growled and stomped like a bear. Finally he snatched the lizards, put them back and began to laugh. I wanted to laugh too, but my stomach cramped and I lay down.

I began to make excuses, saying that all this was due to the sharp claws of the lizards scratching my palms. He said that there are many things that can drive you crazy, especially if you don't have the determination, the drive to learn; but if a person has unshakable aspiration, no emotions can be an obstacle, because he is able to keep them in check.

Don Juan waited, and then handed me the lizards again in the same sequence. He ordered them to be held with their heads up and gently stroke their temples, as if asking them everything I wanted to know.

At first I didn't understand what he wanted from me. He again ordered to ask the lizards any question that I myself could not answer. He gave a number of examples: finding out what I need about people I don’t usually see, or missing things, or places I haven’t been to. Then I realized that he was talking about clairvoyance. I was overcome with great excitement and my heart began to pound. I felt like I was losing my breath.

He warned me that for the first time I shouldn’t ask about anything personal: it’s better to think about something that has nothing to do with me. You need to think quickly and clearly, because these thoughts will not be able to be corrected later.
I began to feverishly think of something to find out. Don Juan hurried me, and I was at a loss to find that nothing worthwhile came to mind.

After a painfully long search, I finally found one question. Once upon a time, someone stole a bunch of books from the reading room. It was not a personal question, but it interested me. I had no guesses or assumptions as to who or who took the books. I stroked my temples with the lizards, asking who the thief was.

A little later, don Juan put the lizards in bags and explained that there are no special secrets with the root and paste. The paste is made to give direction; the root brings clarity. The real mystery is the lizards. They are the most important thing in all the witchcraft with the second portion. I asked - are they something special? Yes, he replied, they must be from the area where your own plant grows; they should be your friends, and to make friends, you must first look after them for a long time, bring them food and say kind words.

I asked why their friendship was so important. Lizards will only allow themselves to be caught by someone they know, and anyone who takes Devil's Weed seriously should take lizards seriously too. As a rule, you should catch them only when the paste and root are ready, and always at the end of the day. If you're not very friendly with lizards, he said, it can take several days to try and fail to catch them, and the paste only lasts for one day. Then he gave me detailed instructions regarding what to do with captured lizards.

- When you catch the lizards, put them in separate bags. Then take the first one and talk to her. Ask for forgiveness for hurting her and ask for help. And sew her mouth shut with a wooden needle. To do this, use the thorn of the choya plant and agave fiber. Pull the stitches tightly. Then tell the second lizard the same thing and sew up its eyelids. Everything should be ready by nightfall. Take a lizard with its mouth sewn shut and explain to it what you want to know. Ask her to go and watch for you; tell her that you were forced to sew up her mouth so that she would hurry back to you and not tell anyone anything on the way. Dip her in the paste after anointing her head and lower her to the ground. If she runs in the direction of your luck, then witchcraft will be successful and easy. If she runs into the opposite side, then witchcraft will not work. If the lizard goes to you (south), then you can expect special luck; but if he runs away from you (to the north), then witchcraft will be terribly difficult. You might even die. Therefore, if a lizard is running away from you, this is an opportune moment to retreat. At this moment you can make just such a decision. In this case, you will lose the opportunity to command the lizards, but this is better than losing your life. However, you may still decide to continue witchcraft despite my warning. Then the next step is to take the second lizard and ask it to listen to your sister's story and retell it to you.
“But how can a lizard with its mouth sewn shut tell me what it saw?” Isn't her mouth sewn shut to keep her silent?
“They sew her mouth shut so that she won’t talk to the first person she meets.” They say that lizards are talkative: they stop everywhere to chat. Anyway, the next step is to apply the paste to the back of your head, then rub your right temple with your head, just be careful not to get the paste on the middle of your forehead. At the very beginning of training, it is a good idea to tie the lizard by the middle of the body to the right shoulder. Then you won't lose her or hurt her. But in the future, when you become more familiar with the power of the “devil’s grass,” the lizards will learn to obey you and will themselves stay firmly on your shoulder. After you have applied the paste to your right temple like a lizard, dip the fingers of both hands into the pot and rub the paste first on both temples, and then smear it on both sides of your head. The paste dries quickly and can be applied as many times as needed. When applying the paste each time, use the lizard's head first and then your fingers. Sooner or later, that lizard that ran off to watch will return and tell everything about the journey to its sister, and the blind lizard will tell it all to you, as if you were of the same blood. When the witchcraft is completed, release the lizard, but do not look where it runs. Dig a deep hole with your bare hands and bury everything you used there.”

4. Use of lizards in magic.

In practice, there are several known options for using lizards in magic, other than directly as an ingredient for various kinds of potions, talismans, amulets, etc.
Lizards were used in agricultural magic: for example, during a drought, in order for it to rain, in some places they ritually killed a lizard. At the same time, it was sometimes also believed that a stick that managed to disperse two fighting lizards could subsequently disperse the clouds.
Seeing the first lizard in the spring, the peasants spread a belt and drove the lizard through it, and then girded it again, believing that this would protect them from lower back pain. The girls caught the first lizard and passed it through their sleeves so that their hands would not sweat. To get rid of headaches, the lizard was placed in the bosom or in a hat, which was then put on the head along with the lizard, etc.
In Ireland, it was believed that if you licked the whole lizard, the tongue would from that time and forever acquire healing powers and be able to heal ulcers and soothe pain by licking sore spots. Moreover, if the person who did this ever falls asleep in the open air with his mouth open, he can be sure that the lizard will not crawl into his mouth and throat.
It was believed that a person who has a talisman with the image of a lizard or a talisman with part of a lizard, in order to achieve harmony with the world around him, first of all seeks and finds harmony with himself, the strength to fight within himself.
The ancient Greeks used the movements of a lizard on a wall to cast their spells.
Modern use lizards are diverse, for example, the following case is known, described in the literature:
“In my own house, there are totemic images of lizards at the entrance. The lizard is the keeper of dream time Australian Aboriginals and one of the guardians of the inner mysteries. This is an exclusively female totem. When you open the door of my house, you encounter lizards. I have two large wood carved Balinese lizard figurines and a painting of a lizard next to the Door. They protect my space and also help reinforce the energy I desire for my home. Their presence creates a sense of sacred space.
At one time, many tramps lived in our neighborhood. Although most of them were kind but unhappy people, one tramp stood out for his sinister appearance. He came into our garden and looked into the house. My daughter Meadow was very young and I was worried about her safety. When my anxiety reached its peak, I carefully picked up the large wooden lizards and placed them on the steps in front of the entrance. I asked them to let people into the house only with good intentions. It so happened that I saw from the window how the tramp again approached my house. He looked at one lizard, then at the other, quickly turned and left. I didn’t see him again.”

5. Lizards and omens.

There are several signs associated with lizards:
. Newlyweds will never become a happy family if a lizard crosses their path on the way to church. (Everywhere). In some areas of England, it was considered bad luck if a lizard crossed the path of a wedding procession on the way to church.
. The lizard crawled out - winter is over. A lizard basking in the sun means cold.
If you bring a lizard into the house, neither bedbugs nor cockroaches will appear, and if they do appear, they will soon hatch.
. The killed lizard was a harbinger of death in the family.

6. Lizards and dreams.

Seeing a lizard in a dream may mean that the time has come to see what is behind and what it is: fears, the future trying to catch a person, or it is a part of the person himself that wants to ignore his weaknesses and humanity.
The lizard can tell a person to pay attention to his dreams and their symbols.
A lizard can mean an insignificant enemy, a cunning person, minor troubles, disappointment, an unexpected attack; stroking a lizard - taking on an unsafe task; eating it is wealth; to kill is to defeat the enemy.
If a woman sees in a dream that a lizard has shed its skin or bitten it, this means that misfortune awaits her. Seeing a beautiful lizard is a symbol of harmonious existence with dangerous person, maneuvering skills.
A lizard in a dream is not a very friendly symbol. A lizard may be a harbinger of attacks from ill-wishers. If you kill a lizard, a person will be able to restore his reputation and regain his luck, but he will have to pay for it... In this sense, they can symbolically indicate, by appearing in a dream, the need in each situation to look deeper into the essence of phenomena in order to discover the true picture of the state of affairs .
In the dream book, Artemidora is interpreted as evidence of an “undeservable way of thinking.”

7. Mayan calendar: Lizard.

“People born on this day will become rich and wise, jacks of all trades,” say the ancient Mayans. The Lizard day sign is associated with fertility and harvest. “Precious chirping birds are your birds” is a prophecy for those born on this day. All these benefits will indeed belong to the Lizard man if he focuses on his true path, directing his gaze forward to the highest goal, represented in the day-sign of the Road. After all, the Road of Life is spirituality.
Lizard people are endowed with excellent health. The Classic Mayans associated the Lizard with the south, and today's patroness of the South is Mary Magdalene! In the Aztec system, the Lizard rules pelvic area human body- the center of sexual energy. Lizards often have poor control over their passions - the sign of their Past is the lazy and voluptuous Vulture, and the Power of the Left Hand is the sexy Dog. Like all other signs, the Lizard has its own strengths. These forces are often earthly, not from other worlds. Lizard people make excellent workers if they work in the fresh air, in nature: they take care of the garden, absorb the healing power of fresh air. They should avoid dimly lit corners of clubs and bars at all costs. Lizard day sign natives need light, nature and fresh air to always remain healthy and prosperous.
The Lizard's weaknesses are as mundane as their strengths. In addition to their unbridled nature, they are also prone to getting into debt because they do not know how to control their spending.
Those born on the Lizard sign day may always have to pacify themselves, avoiding promiscuity and adultery. Otherwise, they can awaken the dangerous power of Silicon (the Power of the Right Hand) and provoke an outright conflict. If the Lizard directs his abundant vital energy into business, then the promise of the book “Chillam-Balam” will come true. “They will achieve perfection in their chosen craft, become rich, and the “precious chirping birds” will become their birds. But if they give in to their love for sensual inclinations, they will only end up in debt and trouble.

8. Lizard. Slavic deity.

Lizard - in Slavic mythology, an infernal reptile-like monster associated with the water element. He was an antagonist of solar deities, which is reflected in the legend of the absorption of the sun. Lizard - 1) Sacred image of the owner of river waters; 2) a symbol of settled agriculture; 3) a symbol of armed detachments of settled farmers.
Academician Rybakov B.A. in “Paganism of Ancient Rus'” writes: “... the Slavic Lizard, who married a drowned girl, corresponds to Hades, the god underworld, wife of Persephone. And the sacrifice was made not to these seasonal forces themselves, but to the constantly existing ruler of all underground and underwater forces that promote fertility, i.e. Lizard, Hades, Poseidon.”
The Lizard's sanctuaries were located, naturally, in swamps, the banks of lakes and rivers. The main temple was located not far from Novgorod, in the place where the Volkhov River flows from Lake Ilmen. The Old Russian chronicler calls the Lizard “Prince of Volkhov.” He “blocked that river Volkhov” waterway. And those who did not worship him he devoured, others he drowned. Therefore, people, then ignorant, called him a real god of the accursed.” Black chickens and young girls were thrown into the water as victims for the Lizard.
In the unique carol songs of the Belarusians, the Lizard (into which the image of the Crocodile was transformed among the Slavs) was presented as the patron of girls getting married, and sat in a place of honor in a golden chair.

9. Lizards and the Third Eye.

In the last hundred years, ideas about the existence of a third eye have been supported by some findings of biologists and paleontologists who discovered rare species highly organized animals with a real third eye. The most typical example for this is the consideration of the lizard tuateria. This rare type of reptile lives on the islands of New Zealand and at one time scientists discovered a real third eye, which is located on the crown, closer to the base of the head. It is a dark speck surrounded by a rosette of scales. Despite the fact that this “eye” is covered by skin, it can register the degree of illumination, and informs the hatteria’s brain about the light or dark time of day. Paleontologists also report finds of ancient lizard skulls, on which holes for the location of the third eye were clearly discernible.

10. Lizard in astronomy.

Constellation Lizard.
Official name Lacerta
Official designation Lac
Latitudinal hemisphere Northern
Seasonal hemisphere Autumn
Quadrant Summer
Perseus group
Best time astronomical visibility August - September
Best time for evening visibility September - October
Localization in the middle northern zone south
Visibility at latitude north of 56° S.
Full visibility north of 34° S.
Area in sq. degrees 201
Number of stars visible to the naked eye
bright (4m) dim (5m) faint (6m) faint (6.5m)
1 13 35 64
Average area (g) per star
bright dim weak weakest
201 15 6 3

The Lizard is a constellation introduced by John Hevelius in his famous Uranography, published in 1690. Hevelius commented on his choice: “This place in the sky is so crowded that nothing larger could fit there.” Hevelius had in mind not just a lizard, but a very specific genus: the ring-tailed (or mountain) agama, the Latin name of which (Stellio) has an “astronomical” connotation. It is indicated in "Uranography" along with now official name constellation Lacerta.

11. Additional Facts.

. On Roman coins there is a lizard to the goddess of health Salus.
. The Gaidi lizard is one of the symbols of Barcelona.
. The lizard is a symbol of Ibiza, as well as the emblem of the state of Alabama in the USA.
. In England it is considered the sign of firefighters.
. In one of the myths, the lizard is killed by Apollo. The statue of Apollo Saurocton "Lizard-Slayer" was made by Praxiteles (lost, copy in the Vatican Museum, Rome). According to some sources, this myth means the lizard’s desire to die at the hands of Apollo and to be among the “privileged” in the next world.

...but my personal opinion is this: the lizard cannot be considered only a totem, this perception is too narrow, besides, I cannot help but note that I honor and respect most of all our Slavic culture and I want to draw a parallel and tell you that it was the ancient Slavs who were very respectful of the lizard, in fact, it is the Slavs’ concept of the lizard that can answer the question “what is a lizard in Magic?”

Dear Friends and regular readers of my publications! I am pleased by your attention to the topics that I raise in my articles! With each article, I feel that there are more and more topics to write about, especially since you, dear readers, ask me many interesting questions, which sometimes become the main idea for writing a new article!

Today I would like to talk to you about very interesting topic which concerns lizards as a special symbol in Magic and esotericism. It is with lizard There is a lot of symbolism associated with Magic, which is why we can still very often hear conversations about what it is lizard in Magic Is it a totem, a special symbol, or something more?...

As always, I would like to understand a little about some of the terms that are now so often used in esoteric terminology. What's happened totem? Totem(in the language of North American Indians literally translated as “his kind”), in primitive beliefs - a natural object (animal, plant, inanimate object), related to a certain group of people. In a scientific sense, under totem means a class (necessarily a class, not an individual) of objects or natural phenomena to which one or another social group, clan, phratry, tribe, sometimes even each individual sex within the group (Australia), and sometimes an individual (North America) - provide a special worship with which they consider themselves related and by the name of which they call themselves. There is no such object that could not be a totem, but the most common totems were animals. Of course, this word came to us from North America, but this phenomenon (call it what you want, but the essence is important) was very common among our ancestors - the Slavs.

From this point on, as they say - in more detail. It is very interesting that among the Slavs the totem in its meaning was slightly different from classical concept, namely: our ancestors believed that totem is something between a person and an animal, which is why this phenomenon was called “totemic ancestors”. Totemic ancestors, as the ancient Slavs believed, were supernatural founders and leaders of magical rites in which people participated. The Slavs never had the idea of ​​reincarnation and they did not believe that their souls were previously in animals. But the Slavs knew that a particle of the blood of this or that animal was in the blood of a person belonging to a certain clan. The Slavs perceived totem animals precisely as physical ancestors (please note that in this place the beliefs of the Slavs are very, very different from North America!). Man originated from the animal, and it was not the soul that was once embodied in the animal. The human gods from whom the Slavs descended (as they believed) were similar to both people and certain animals. People did not choose a totem because of the strength or courage of a particular animal; it was believed that the choice of a totem for a particular kind was made by the Gods themselves. As a result, each clan (tribe, if you like) had its own “sacred animal” that they worshiped. This is where the concept came from "totem amulet"- this is a part of skin, bone, etc. the animal that the clan worshiped. So, let’s understand a little about what a totem is, but my personal opinion is this: a lizard cannot be considered only a totem, this perception is too narrow, besides, I cannot help but note that I honor and respect most of all our Slavic culture and I want to draw a parallel and tell you what exactly the ancient Slavs treated the lizard very respectfully, in fact, it is the Slavic concept of a lizard that can answer the question “what is a lizard in Magic?”

Lizard- in Slavic mythology infernal reptile-like monster associated with the water element. He was an antagonist of solar deities, which is reflected in the legend of the absorption of the sun. Lizard in Slavic mythology is:

1) Sacred image of the owner of river waters;

2) a symbol of settled agriculture;

3) a symbol of armed detachments of settled farmers.

Interesting, isn't it? I also want to recall the words of Academician B.A. Rybakov, who in his work “Paganism Ancient Rus'" writes this: "... Slavic Lizard, who married the drowned girl, corresponds to Hades, the god of the underworld, the husband of Persephone. And the sacrifice was made not to these forces of seasonal action themselves, but to the constantly existing ruler of all underground and underwater forces that promote fertility, i.e. Lizard, Hades, Poseidon." That's how it is! Our ancestors are Slavs for good reason associated the lizard (lizard) with the “nav world”, considered these reptiles “the lords of all underground and underwater forces”, in addition, lizard have always been associated with minerals, with the wealth that is hidden in the depths of the earth’s bowels. How can one not recall the famous Russian “tale” by P. Bazhov “The Mistress copper mountain"? Among the Slavs, the lizard was also the keeper of all “earthly riches,” that is, precious stones, minerals, and other minerals. Indeed, lizard No wonder it was held in high esteem by our ancestors!

By the way, the sanctuaries Lizard were located, naturally, in swamps, the banks of lakes and rivers. The main temple was located not far from Novgorod, in the place where the Volkhov River flows from Lake Ilmen. The Old Russian chronicler calls Lizard"Prince of Volkhov". The records of chroniclers have been preserved that the Lizard “... blocked the waterway in that Volkhov River. And he devoured some who did not worship him, and drowned others. Therefore, people, then ignorant, called him the real god of the accursed.” Black chickens and young girls were thrown into the water as victims for the Lizard. Of course, such extremes were unnecessary, but as you know, “a story cannot be said without exaggeration”! In the unique carol songs of the Belarusians, the Lizard (into which the image of the Crocodile was later transformed among the Slavs) was presented as the patron of girls getting married, and sat in a place of honor in a golden chair.

I mentioned above that Lizard as a symbol among the Slavs it was also “a symbol of armed units...”.

This is interesting, so I will try to explain to you why the Lizard has absorbed such symbolism. If you carefully analyze the myths and beliefs of the peoples of the world, you will definitely notice that they have a lot in common, therefore it can be boiled down to the fact that in all myths the lizard was associated with such concepts as:

Logos (Words), divine inspiration, wisdom;

piety; divination;

immortality, resurrection from the dead, rebirth; desire for light;

spring; heat, heat;

fertility; health; vitality, protection, security; logics;

military art, weapons, dexterity.

Now, I believe, you understand why the lizard has always been held in high esteem by strong warriors and people who had a connection with military affairs and weapons.

Lizard as a symbol and as a totem found among many peoples of the world, a lot can be said about this interesting reptile, but if you combine all the beliefs and convictions of ancient civilization, the lizard was idolized precisely because it has the ability to “throw away its tail” (autotomy) and change its color depending on where it is (for the purpose of self-defense and camouflage). It was believed that it was the lizard’s ability to self-heal and “resurrect” that connected it with the gods and, in particular, with the “Navy world” (the world of the dead and the afterlife among the Slavs).

If we go deeper into this topic, in the Russian folk tradition lizard was like a snake. Thus, peasants believed that a lizard’s bite was poisonous, sometimes even fatal; sometimes it was believed that a lizard could gnaw through a person’s skin and get to the very heart. In order not to die from a lizard or snake bite, you need, according to popular belief, to quickly run to the water and drink, and you need to do this faster lizards, because if the lizard gets to the water first and drinks, the person will die; if a person turns out to be faster than a lizard, then the lizard will die, and the person will quickly recover. At the same time, people believed that a lizard could save a person from a snake bite. For example, if there is a snake next to a sleeping person, the lizard gets into his bosom and tickles him until he wakes up. Sometimes peasants also believed that the lizard took its tail from the viper; That's why they beat her to make her lose her tail. It was also believed that if you mix pieces of lizard into food, small lizards will hatch from them, which will then come out in balls through the throat and strangle a person. By the way, lizards have always been associated with witchcraft and witches, because exactly dried lizards most often used for "love potion". The witches dried the lizards, washed them into powder and mixed them into vodka and believed that whoever drank this vodka would die. The girls gave a decoction of dried and crushed lizards to drink to the guy they wanted to bewitch; but it was believed that if the broth stood for at least a day, it would turn into poison, from which a person would go crazy and die. It is reliably known that dried lizards were used by many tribes and nationalities specifically for poison and for love spells.

By the way, it is precisely the extraordinary ability lizards to self-restoration served the birth of such proverb: “it’s better to lose your tail than your life” (this is a symbol of agility and “sacrifice of the little in the name of the big”!).

How can I not remember my “favorite” Christianity? By the way, in Christianity the symbol of a lizard is a symbol of Satan and evil, therefore, Christians often called for killing lizards in order to “drive away evil” from those places where lizards are found. As you can see, the beliefs of Christians are simply blasphemously distorted; once again I had the opportunity to prove this to you.

So, dear readers, we have looked at the lizard not only as a totem, but also as a special symbol, a special “deity,” but I would like to talk a little more about the symbolism associated with the lizard. Lizard - a symbol of flexibility, the ability to easily change color depending on the situation. Is a lunar creature. This is the element of humidity. Since the lizard was believed to have no tongue and feed on dew, it personified silence. In Egyptian and Greek symbolism lizard signified divine wisdom and good luck. The lizard is a symbol of the planet Mercury and an attribute of Serapis and Hermes. Hermes is the messenger of the gods, patron of travelers, conductor of the souls of the dead, a messenger of war and peace, but also a carrier of information, without which trade is impossible. Dream interpreters believed that seeing a beautiful lizard in a dream is a symbol of a harmonious existence with a dangerous person, the ability to maneuver.

By the way, interesting fact: In Roman mythology it was believed that the lizard sleeps all winter, and therefore symbolized death and resurrection, here Roman mythology is closer than ever to Slavic mythology, which also, as I wrote above, always attributed the lizard to the “Navian world” (the world of the dead).

In addition, records of early Christian texts have been preserved, which say that a lizard can be a symbol of the Soul a person and when a person dies, a lizard runs out of his mouth - that’s how life runs away from him.

I would also like to note that our ancestors were very respectful of lizards and they tried not to kill them unnecessarily, this was considered a sin and this prohibition was probably associated with ideas about the soul of the deceased appearing in the form of a lizard (I wrote about this above). The peasants believed that if you kill a male lizard, the father will die in the house, and if the lizard is a female, the mother will die; at the same time, a green lizard was considered female, and a gray lizard was considered male. It was believed that lizards basking in the sun,“drink the sun,” so pious people mercilessly killed lizards, along with snakes. Although at the same time, in some places it was believed that “the sun was crying” when it saw a dead lizard, so it should be buried in the ground, otherwise long rains would begin, since the heavens began to mourn the dead one, and because of this, a flood could begin. During long-term droughts, a lizard was even sacrificed to bring rain. And indeed, it is true - the death of a lizard is always “mourned” by heavy rains.

It is also very interesting that the lizard was often associated not only with world of the dead, but also with the world of dreams, it was believed (and rightly, by the way) that a lizard could help control dreams and manage dreams. Here we cannot help but recall the books of Carlos Castaneda, in which he interestingly talks about the fact that the shaman, as a representative of the “class” of the mystical teaching of totemism, always had a “helper, a guide,” or, more simply, his own totem, and it was precisely a lizard . A lizard can help you learn to control your mind. Some lizards have a neck decorated with a collar, and therefore it is believed that the lizard’s neck is a symbolic a bridge between the higher and the lower. That's why the lizard as a totem teaches to connect consciousness with the subconscious, reality with sleep

The lizard symbolizes the dream world on the other side of time and space. She dreams about the future. The lizard teaches how to create a future reality with the help of dreams, since it can look into the future and knows in advance what will happen later. This is a prophecy to oneself. The one who has dreamed of the situation must decide whether to implement it or not.

In addition, it is very rare, but there are such species as snake lizards- something between a lizard and a snake, this natural anomaly has always been associated with Magic and Witchcraft.

As you can see, dear Friends, lizard as a symbol and as a totem- a very ambiguous and interesting phenomenon; there have always been legends and myths around this beautiful and strong reptile. Lizard in Magic and Esotericism occupies a very honorable place, but what a lizard means to you is up to you to decide, but since I treat this reptile with very reverent respect, I consider it my assistant and friend, I urgently ask you - do not catch or maim lizards, do not kill them! If a lizard wants, it will come to your hands, do not keep it in captivity!

Sincerely, Your Yulianna Koldovko.

Lizards are ancient reptiles. Since ancient times, attitudes towards them have varied. On the one hand, they symbolize fertility, and on the other, the embodiment of evil spirits. For the Indians, it was a cunning animal, distinguished by its dexterity and resourcefulness; the Greeks worshiped it to establish trade, and among the ancient Egyptians the lizard also symbolized good luck. But in European cultures these reptiles were identified diabolical beginning. As you can see, attitudes towards lizards were different. But there was also a very important similarity: this creature could adapt to any conditions and situations, and survive, no matter what. Therefore, it is precisely such qualities of the lizard as adaptability and resourcefulness that are attributed to all those who want to get a tattoo with the image of this reptile.

Lizard tattoo - meaning for girls

Often such a tattoo is associated with dexterity and agility. Many also attribute to her the ability to be reborn. This is explained by the fact that lizards can, in case of danger, throw off their tail, which soon grows back. This is what gives the lizard tattoo the following meaning: rebirth, donation in the name of a good near future. To enhance this meaning, a sketch of an animal is applied to prominent areas of the body, such as the wrist, neck, and shoulder. A lizard tattoo on the wrist is perfect for women who lead active life, those who are ready to take risks and make extraordinary decisions that will bring benefits in the future.

But these are not the only interpretations. In Rus' it was believed that the lizard patronized dark forces and demons. Therefore, the image with this animal was considered powerful, protecting its owner from dangers and evil forces. Today, more and more often, such an image is applied by those who want to reveal their potential, realize themselves in life and adequately confront difficulties and obstacles.

A lizard tattoo means that a person wants to emphasize such qualities as composure, common sense and observation.

A lizard tattoo is an extremely interesting symbol that will surely appeal to many and will delight not only with its external elegance, but also with its deep meaning. Of all the creatures on the planet, snakes are the closest to lizards in nature. These two species are indeed very similar, the main difference being the presence of limbs and the shape of the scales. To understand who such a tattoo could harmoniously suit, and what a lizard tattoo means, let’s figure out how representatives of different cultural traditions would perceive it.

IN Ancient Greece The lizard was considered the patron of a special science of eloquence - rhetoric. The North American Indians considered him a cunning and resourceful beast. In African tribes this is a symbol personified resourcefulness, adaptability, flexibility. Just like, a lizard can have opposite meanings: on the one hand, it is a symbol of fertility and prosperity, and on the other, the spirit of evil and the embodiment of dark forces.

Thus, one can relate to lizards in different ways, but one thing is clear: these are the most ancient creatures that at all times could adapt to the world around them and survive. An interesting ability of these creatures is the ability to shed their tail, which subsequently grows back. This gives additional meaning to the lizard tattoo: regeneration, rebirth, sacrifice for the future.

A lizard tattoo is suitable for active, enterprising people. They are ready to take risks and get out of the deepest water unscathed. Like a reptile shedding its tail, such people can make unconventional decisions that will then benefit them.

Due to the elongated shape of this creature, the most popular tattoo options are lizard tattoos on the arm and leg. It is difficult to imagine a particular variety of styles when depicting it; here, the most realistic version of a three-dimensional 3D tattoo is most optimal. However, fans ornamental art They can always choose a trible style sketch. It's up to you!

Photos and sketches of lizard tattoos

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