Scene with bison and hunter defeated. "Scene with wounded bison." Skatal painting. Upper Paleolithic. Cave shops. France. Society and social processes

Kombarel, parking of the era of the Upper Paleolithic in the cave (Kombarel, near Lez-Ezi in the Department of Dordogne (France). On the walls in the depths of the Cave of a narrow corridor with a length of 237 m in 1901 Over 400 images of various animals (mammoths, rhinos, horses, bison, deer , Alpine Lions, etc.), as well as anthropomorphic figures. The technique of drawing drawings is predominantly engraving.

Zaray Sai, a gorge in the southwestern spurs of the Gissar Range. On rocky canopies Z.- S., in the niches and small grottoes were found to the ocher drawings. G. V. Parfenov in and A. A. Formozovy in the main plot of rock painting Hunting people with dogs on wild bulls, Jeyranov, Kozlov, Kabanov; Hunters are armed with onions and arrows and are closed in masking clothes; There are other images. Possible drawings of the Mesolithic dozolithic. Found and later images are found. Zaray Sai, a gorge in the southwestern spurs of the Gissar Range. On rocky canopies Z.- S., in the niches and small grottoes were found to the ocher drawings. G. V. Parfenov in and A. A. Formozovy in the main plot of rock painting Hunting people with dogs on wild bulls, Jeyranov, Kozlov, Kabanov; Hunters are armed with onions and arrows and are closed in masking clothes; There are other images. Possible drawings of the Mesolithic dozolithic. Found and later images are found. Ecolitonezolitholyolitonezololol

White Sea Petroglyphs are compact - their distribution area does not exceed 1.5 sq. Km. 10 points are known at large (Big Malinin, Yerpin Pudas, Shoyukshin) and small nameless islands. Pictures are knocked out on durable crystalline shale of gray. In antiquity they were in the water itself. Most of the knockers are small (20-50 cm.), But there are also giants 3-3.5 m long; There are also very small - less than 5 cm.

Kobustan. Shark image. Within Kobustan, in the pool r. Jarankechmaz, known over 4 thousand ancient rock paintings (silhouette and contour engraving, painting), among which scenes of harvest, sacrifices, dances, images of boats with rowers, people and various animals (date from the mesolite time to the Middle Ages). Next to the weak pictures, in the caves and firmware, the parking lots were found. Kobustan. Shark image. Within Kobustan, in the pool r. Jarankechmaz, known over 4 thousand ancient rock paintings (silhouette and contour engraving, painting), among which scenes of harvest, sacrifices, dances, images of boats with rowers, people and various animals (date from the mesolite time to the Middle Ages). Next to the weak images, in the caves and fuser, found parking of the stone century. Enacting images of images

Tassili Elephant's casual art (Wed Jarat) referring to the "buffalo period". The plot is very common in the molding art of the Sahara, starting with the "buffalo period" to the present, especially in Aire, where the elephants lived even less a hundred years ago. In Wede Jerate, there are 96 images related to different periods. The elephant shown on the vertical plate; Squares that have been drawn ear should depict the skin folds on its outside. Width 1.8 m.

Figure "The buffalo period" on the horizontal plate (WED Jarat) represents two animals from the Feline family; One, apparently, is going to clutch the other in the back; The lower reminiscent of the cheetah, the top can portray the pins of hyena or spotted wolf, the only animal of this family, inhabiting in Savane, but capable of making bare in desert areas, it is with hyena. See Length.

Baran with a "helmet" (bu ale, south oran); On him a human figure with a shield; height is about 1.5 m. This is one of the best drawings "The buffalo period" both from the point of view of the excellent transmission of form and parts and in terms of execution by the correct stroke and excellent polished surface. Since the drive head on the head, for a long time it was believed that he had a connection with the Egyptian Baran-Baran Ammona, but now it is already known that this is not so that the drawing is much older than all the images of a ram in Egypt.

An ancient buffalo with a spiral on a vertical plate (Wed Jarate), the height of about 2 m. Bubalus Antiguus is now the extinct view of the buffalo, which probably disappeared in neolithic. He plays in Sahara the role of "fossility-determinant" for the drawings of an ancient period, which is due to the very fact of this fact and is assigned its name. This animal had huge horns, the distance between which could reach 3 m. In this case, its image is accompanied by a double helix carved on the body; This symbol is very often found in the rock paintings of the Ued Jarate, but it's a mysterious meaning. On the same slab there are other drawings; Many of them are polished, among these last it is possible to distinguish a horse. There are also drawings whose contour is applied by points, for example, a giraffe between buffalo horns and a human figure to the left of them.

Skatal painting (Wed Jarat), depicting palm trees and chariot, whose wheels were erased with painting. Refers to the "horse's period", which corresponds to about 1200 BC. e. It can be seen that the old dried trees of Spinal, and therefore, palm trees cultivated. In the hands of people, there is something like sickles on long handles who served, maybe for cutting out the chipsticks. This is the most ancient image of the palm tree, found in North Africa and Sahara, in this case it is modern chariots with horses "in the flying gallop".

Painting (Parking Tacduchin, Tassili), depicting cattle shepherds. Ovals on the left means huts; There is no one in the first; Before others, women's and children's figures are visible; This is the reflection of the life of a polygamous family, which we can now observe in the shepherds of Fulbe in the cereal steppes south of the Sahara. Before the huts are standing at the tie of calf, and the rest of the bulls fall behind them, but more cows, with a removal full of milk. In some people hairstyles in the form of helmets, others in the form of small caps, like the current Fulbe.

An image of a man in the headdress of the "Judge". The figure has a height of 2 m and from the point of view of decorative is remarkable, although he suffered from time and partially destroyed. Profile is meaty, man-shaped; The lower part of the face seems to be covered with a mask; Hair is transferred to white, thick pricked strokes, and the face is covered with small vertical strokes and white dots. The right is a small human head in the same style, but the face is covered with a mask, and a tape is woven with vertical multi-colored stripes written in red, yellow and white okra.

Detail of a large panel of the "range period", called the "Court Scene". People dressed in front clothes have caps on the head, decorated with that dots, with horizontal and vertical lines; Big cloaks descend from the neck to the pee, covering the back. They are moving to the right, rounding backs and bent slightly, depicting as if older venerable people who accomplished the act of justice; The last one in one hand holds onions. Above them is a man and easier dressed holding another.

Primitive art

Primitive art. The art of the paleolithic era.

The art of the era of the primitive community arose about the 30th millennium BC. er, in late Paleolith, when a person appears modern type. Fastening the results of labor experience in art, a man deepened and expanded his ideas about reality, enriched his spiritual world and more and more towered over nature. The emergence of art meant, so a huge step forward in human cognitive activity, contributed to the strengthening of social connections and strengthen the primitive community. The immediate cause of art was real needs everyday life. So, for example, the art of dance has grown out of hunting and military exercises, from peculiar stages, figuratively transmitting labor classes of the primitive community, the life of animals. In the emergence of song and music, the rhythms of labor processes had great importance and the fact that musical and song support helped the organization of collective labor.

Work visual arts Appeared already in Orignance (that is, at the very beginning of the late Paleolithic). The most important monuments of the art of Paleolithic - cave images [Caves in Spain (Altamira, etc.), on Y. France (LASCO, MONTESAP, etc.), in the Russian Federation - Capov Cave], where the full lives and movements of the figures of large animals prevail, which were major hunting objects (bison, horses, deer, mammoths, predatory animals, etc.). More opportand images of people and creatures that combine signs of man and animal, handprints, schematic signs, partially decoded as reproduction of housing and hunting traps . The cave images were performed by black, red, brown and yellow with mineral paints, less often - in the form of bas-reliefs, often based on the similarity of the natural convexities of the stone with an animal figure. In addition, in Late Paleolitis, works of round sculptures depicting people and animals (including clay figurines of women - the so-called Orignan-Solteniysky "Venus" associated with the cult of "ancestor"), as well as the first samples of artistic thread (bone engraving and stone). The characteristic feature of Paleolithic art is his naive realism. The striking vitality of many Paleolithic images of animals is due to the peculiarities of the labor practice and the world perception of a Paleolithic person. The accuracy and acuity of its observations was determined by the everyday labor experience of hunters, the whole life and well-being of which depended on the knowledge of animals, to track them down from the ability. With all its vital expressiveness, the art of Paleolithic was, however, in full primitive, infant. It did not know the generalization, the transfer of space, the composition in our sense of the word. To a large extent the basis of Paleolithic art was the mapping of nature in living, personalized images of primitive mythology, spiritualization of natural phenomena, empowering them human qualities. The bulk of the monuments of Paleolithic art is associated with the primitive cult of fertility and hunting rites. In Late Palayolitis there are also routines of architecture. Paleolithic dwellings, apparently, were low, in-depth about a third to the land of dome-shaped buildings, sometimes with long tunne-shaped inputs. Sometimes the bones of large animals were used as a building material. Numerous samples of late Paloolithic art were found in the territory of the Russian Federation [in Ukraine (Mezinskaya Parking), in Belarus, on Don (Kostenkovsky-Bishevskaya parking), in Georgia, Siberia (Bulyat, Malta)].

The art of the era of Mesolithic.

Between the 10-8th millennium BC. e. The gradual retreat of glaciers who covered the territory of Europe begins to the north. As a result of the warming, extensive steppe spaces that served as pastures for mammoths, bison, reindeer and horses, turn into dense, endless forests. Large animals, which had previously hunted a man, die out or go looking far from far to the north. So, the territories of the Central and Southern Europe disappeared the reindeer. Now the prey of people becomes elk, noble deer, boar, bison and smaller animals. Distribution receives fisheries and collection of oysters. Climate warming contributed to the fact that our ancestors began to lead a settling lifestyle. Parking of an ancient person are now located mainly along the shores of the seas, rivers and lakes. Primitive craftsmen invent onions and new tools of labor, tame a dog and begin to engage in livestock and agriculture. Construction and fracturing of weaving production appears.

The worldview of a person who feels more bold and independent changes. Magic role is significantly intensified, agricultural mythology appears and develops. All these changes are reflected in art acquiring a cult sound. The multicast painting disappears, which becomes monochrome (monochrome). Typically, the drawings are performed by one paint - black or red, their main elements are schematics and silhouette. Almost completely disappears the volume.
At the same time, a lot of new, uncharacteristic for Paleolithic appears. Events in paintings of artists of this time are presented in relationships, i.e. the composition appears. The plots are enriched, the main object of the image is a person, his victory or defeat in the surrounding world.
Picturesque technique also undergoes changes. The basis of the paints are substances such as egg protein, honey and even blood. At first, contours are applied to the surface with a brush, and then the drawing is painted paint one color.
These new elements can be seen in the rock painting found in the coastal mountain regions of East Spain (Spanish Levant). The focus of artists focus on the image of a person, not animals, and the person is almost always indicated in action. The volume, perspective and color do not matter, the main thing is to transfer the movement of figures.
Paleolithic painting, as already mentioned above, are individuals who are not among themselves the figures. The rock painting of Spanish Levant is a multifigure compositions depicting events that happened to the artist himself and its contemporaries.
The very first monuments of painting the era of Mesolitis in Eastern Spain were found by archaeologists in 1908. The rocks covered with paintings rise along the edges of the valleys and in the mountain gorges between Barcelona and Valencia. They are found on the south. This is mainly picturesque scenes (petroglyphs are practically absent here) depicting people and various animals. Animal figures dimensions usually do not exceed 75 cm, and human is slightly smaller.

Honey collector. Aran.

There are very large compositions, for example, in Alper (Albad, East Spain Province) are paintings, which present tens of animals and hundreds of human figures.
Many drawings of Spanish Levant are dedicated to hunting scenes. Murals depict the herd of animals pursued by people with bows, or hunters running away from the wounded beast.
A great interest is a drawing of Arana, depicting a honey collector rising in a rope to the nest surrounded by bees.
In the gorge of Veltatori, the researchers discovered a whole gallery of pictorial compositions with scenes of hunting for deer, boars and rams. There are images of military battles, as well as murals, apparently the narrative of execution (in the center - a man pierced by arrows, around him - people with bows).
In the rock painting East Spain, very rare images of women. One of the most famous compositions is t. N. "Walk", on which an ancient artist drew a walking woman and a child. If male figures in painting are full of speakers, then women are static, but more naturalistic.
Scientists followed how the painting of the era of the Mesolitis took place. Early painting, relating to this time, was distinguished by naturalism and proportionality in the image of human figures. Gradually, the correctness of the proportions disappeared, and people with unusually narrow wailies, thin hands and long legs appeared on the frescoes. The upper part of the body became similar to a triangle, crowned with a round head.
Over time, the proportions are even more deformed, the painters began to portray a person with a short torso, too big legs and head turned into profile. In the end, schematism completely pushed naturalism. The human body, his legs and hands in the paintings of this time are represented by ordinary thin lines, allowing you to easily pass the movement and reproduce a wide variety of postures.
This trend practically did not spread to animal images. As a hunting hunting, they had to have an appropriate look and therefore retained the weight of forms and realism.
Some picturesque monuments of the era of mesolite are numerous layers of drawings. A number of researchers explain this by the fact that certain territories moved many times from one hosting tribe to another and the winners tried to consolidate their right to this area with the help of painting.

Reindeer hunting. Painting in the Cave of Spain. Mesolithic.

The era of neolithic.

For Mesolit, he followed a neolithic - a new eyelid, or a century of polished stone. The ice age, and with it and megafauna, and the species diversity of mankind remained behind. Neanderthals left the historic scene, our ancestors were the winners - Croanonian people. Therefore, our story begins with the era of Neolithic. In the era of neolithic production process, and with him and spiritual life so complicated that the development material culture In individual territories has its own characteristics. If, in earlier era, art has almost everywhere developed about the same, now it has acquired its local features in each area, according to which the Egyptian neolithic can be distinguished from the neolithic of two, neolithic Siberia, etc. But there are also common for neolithic art: widespread use of small plastic from stone, bones, horns, clay. Animal figures are real, although they are generally interpreted. Sketchy images of female figures, sometimes covered with ornaments, reproducing patterns on clothing. Especially characteristic of neolithic development decorative art; Almost everywhere we see the desire to decorate things that are in everyday use in humans.
Most of all, we came to clay ornamented dishes. In the forms of neolithic vessels, and especially in the method and variety of their decoration, one region was different from another. You can trace the development of the ornament from the simplest patterns on the vessels of a non-comb-type (Eastern Europe) to perfectly made and richly painted vessels of Egypt or Tripolia. A bright and expressive example of neolithic culture can serve a tripoly culture, widespread in 4-3 thousand years BC. In the south of the European part of Russia and Ukraine and on the territory of a number of Balkan countries. The end of the Tripolian culture belongs to the egue of the Eneolyt (copper eyelid) and bronze. Tripoli settlements of farmers were most often on the banks of the rivers. Houses made of clay and wood, rectangular in terms were probably covered with ornamental painting. In settlements, houses were found for housing and small women's figurines. But the work of tripoles in decoration of ceramics was especially rich and widely unfolded. According to a variety of forms and ornament, Tripolian ceramics is not inferior to either Egyptian or an overseas. Tripolie vessels were made of bright yellow or orange clay; The body of the vessel is covered with a variety, but almost always consisting of spiral lines, geometric ornament, filled with red, black, brown, white paints.

Painting of the era of Neolithic

In the northern forest areas, where the hunting economy continued to exist, the old traditions of rock art were preserved. But the emergence of a new, more progressive stage of development can be seen here: rocky images performed mainly by shock technology, sometimes applied paint.

In addition to animals, the person appears in the rock paintings, but according to expressiveness of people's images inferior to images of animals, although it is always clear what the artist wanted to express.

The casual art of the neolithic era was found not only in front and Central Asia, Europe, but also in more southern regions of the globe, for example, in some areas of Africa (South Rhodesia, sugar), in Spain.

In this painting and crest schedule for the first time in primitive visual art, a desire to grace. To make sure it is enough to look at the image of a woman collecting wild honey (Arana, Spain). Unlike the mighty "Venus" of Paleolithic here on the stone, the young female body, graceful and captivating.

Or, for example, rocky paintings found in the territory of Algeria, in Sugar, in the area, called Tassili-Agere. An analysis of seeds extracted during excavations shows that several millennia ago there was heavy vegetation. Flowering, colorful and mysterious for us, the fantastic world opens in the art of Tassili Adger.

Fat pastures and fat flocks in hundreds of heads. Slender shepherds, energizing as slim cows. The bodies of people and animals are intentionally elongated in the desire for decorativeness and grace. Symphony of tones - brown, black, reddish and yellow with golden overflows. Stylization and fiction. Solemn-refined horned dancer or goddess in a luxurious dress. Mighty bulls, graceful antelopes. Strong, running from hunters or just strolling giraffes; Their neck and legs form a flexible, fabulous bold pattern. Fit-shaped dancing figures. Hunters with animal faces. Figures in masks probably express some magic symbols. Lukes and arrows alternating in a rapid, exciting viewer rhythm. Battle chariots carrying in the whole spirit. Unsupported movement and suddenly again the ace of grazing herd.

Let us remember the painting of the cave shop. There was monumentality, as if the inviolability of the image taken by the artist. Here - liveliness, fluidity and free fantasy, sharpness and accuracy of drawing, grace and elegance, harmonic combination of forms and tones, the beauty of people and animals depicted with good knowledge of their anatomy, swiftness of gestures, gusts, the overall symphony of the beautiful - that's what is striking and fascinates in the Grand Shadow picture gallery"African desert, the world's largest" museum "of prehistoric art in the world.

It is significant that this art, characteristic of neolith, has long continued to exist in African tribes who have retained primitive relations. The wonderful rock painting of Bushmen on inspiration and style is neolithic.

On the eastern bank of the lake in the vicinity of the demons of the nose, a monument of the visual art of the late Neolithic was found: dozens of figures are carved on it about 4 thousand years ago. Moose and deer, geese and swans and big rooks with rowers. All this is clearly designated. But besides, some circles are not with the processes, not on the long poles ... We do not know what they are depicting. Is it the sun? Or moon? Everything, taken together, obviously, the magical mystery, designed to give a person to win the beasts, i.e. Again the celebration over nature.

Neolithic sculpture

The first samples of the neolithic sculpture are associated with the burial cult and are symbolic. In the settlements of Jericho and Chatal-Hu-Yuk (Anatoly, Turkey), numerous skulls of people and animals were found, decorated with pearl inlays and coated with a layer of clay painted with red okra.

These are nude figures of women (sometimes pregnant) with exaggerated chest volumes and hips. Other "sculptures" represent the moment of childbirth, while the figure is placed on a high seat, flanked by zoomorphic figures. Another type of sculpture represents a mother with a baby in her arms. Mother is depicted with lush hips and breasts and a schematic head with small sloping eyes on the face. This type of figures was found in the Khachilar settlement (West Turkey).

In Europe, the culture of the Mumelnica (Romania) also gives the characteristic samples of the sculpture of this type, but differing in greater schematics. In not so ancient settlements (about the IV millennium BC) in the south-east of Europe - Serbia, Romania, Frakia - the type of sculpture, which is a geometric schematism. The most indicative is its samples found in Romania, in the burial of the Chernavod, their forms are reduced to elementary volumes (cone and sphere). These are sitting figures with hands that support their heads or resting in her knees. The head rests on a powerful neck, the face is round, with a cylindrical nose.

Another group of sculptures comes from Vinci (Serbia). In this case, the sculptural images are simplified to the shape of triangles. The head and individual parts of the body are especially accented, in some places holes are made to attach some additional elements. Separate parts are cut in the form of relief, outlining eye contours or fingertips.

In the south of Europe there is a type monumental sculpture, closely associated with the culture of megaliths. We are talking about Mengira statues, most often representing women, less often men, sometimes - characters of an indefinite sex.

These statues continue the tradition of decorative threads and polychrome painting in the form of winding lines associated with some dolmen in France, Spain and Portugal. The outlines of the bodies in some cases are aligned the same as the statue from Saint-Serun (Saint-Germain-En-Le, Paris Museum), which can distinguish the eyes, nose and limbs; Sometimes they disappear at all in the process of simplification, only hints on breastings of breasts, like the Neolithic goddess from Grott Kuazar (France) remain.

"Deer, swimming river." Bone carving (from Lorth, the Department of the Upper Pyrenees, France). Upper Paleolithic. Museum of National Antiquities. Saint-Germain-en-le.

"Woman with a cup." Limestone relief (from Lossel, the Department of the Upper Pyrenees, France). Upper Paleolithic. Museum of Fine Arts. Bordeaux.

Anthropomorphic subject. Fashionable image. Neolithic. Sheremetyevsky rocks. Khabarovsk region.

"Scene with wounded bison." Skatal painting. Upper Paleolithic. Cave shops. Department of Dordogne. France.

"Hunters." Skatal painting. Neolithic (?). South Rhodesia.

The relief with the symbolic image from Castel Bestcho (Sicily). Limestone. OK. 1800-1400 BC. e. National Archaeological Museum. Syracuse.

"Leopards". Skatal relief in Fetzane (Libya). Neolithic (?).

Schematic images of human figures. Skatal painting. Neolithic. Mountains of Sierra Moraine. Spain.

Head of women. Mammoth's bone (from Brynsanpui, Landa Department, France). Upper Paleolithic. Museum of National Antiquities. Saint-Germain-en-le.

Conceptual image of a woman. Cave relief. Neolithic. Croissar Department of Marna. France.

T.N. Villendorf Venus. Limestone (from Villendorf, Lower Austria). Upper Paleolithic. Natural historical museum. Vein.

"A man playing lute." Marble (from Keros, Cyclades, Greece). Neolithic. National Archaeological Museum. Athens.

1 class. Extracurricular activity. 2 half year, January

Lesson-journey "Ancient miracle of light is a rock painting."(Primitive artist)

Spectator - Presentation "Frame drawings" (petroglyphs).

Literary Series - a) "The history of the arts for kids";

b) "Artistic culture of primitive society" (Reader, author-compiler I.A.Himik).

Musical row - Calm music with background for work.

Materials and tools: Paper white and gray, cardboard, coal, sangin, pastel.

Purpose: To form in children the ability to "watch and see", "listen and hear", "imagine and depict".

Tasks: Develop observation, creative imagination, visual and engine memory, interest in iso, emotional, aesthetic, figurative perception.

(Develop, thereby give knowledge, instill skills, work out skills)

During the classes.

  1. Org. Sing (mood) -1- 2 min.
  2. Introduction of new knowledge (message studies. Mater. For presentation) - 10 min.
  3. Creative practical activity - 15-18 min.

Task: give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming work!

  1. Training exercises - 2-3 minutes.

What and how does the artist-schedule work?

A) acquaintance with new expressive means: line, bar, stain and combination of these elements (+ contour, + tone);

b) acquaintance with graphic materials: coal, pastel;

c) familiarity with the technique: the end (edge, end), plafhmy, rubbing.

3.2. C / p - 15 min

4. Summing up - 3-4 min. Express exhibition

(hanging works with the story of his creative design).

  1. Reflection - 1-2 minutes.

Slide 1.

We have winter, outside the blizzard window. Maybe we will go on a journey to distant, warm, unknown countries?

Your part turns into a time machine. They corrected the seats, sat down comfortably, the belts fastened. Click on the Start button: 5,4,3,2,1 - Start! We go!

Slide 2.

We will be transferred to distant ancient times, for many thousand years ago, when there were no cities or vintage castles on Earth. It was a long time ago! The oldest man looked like a monkey. Those people have not been able to talk yet. They communicated with each other as animals, with a variety of sounds.

Primitive people were afraid of predatory animals, thunderstorms, floods, forest fires. Why all this happens - they did not know, could not explain.

It's time for us to decline. Before we leave the time car, remember: We were in deep antiquity, there are no roads, some trails on which they can meet wild animals. Watch yourself quietly, do not go anywhere.

Find the reduction button, land. Estate the belts. We fell into the cave age.

Slide 3.

Before us is beautiful mountains. Carefully stepping, come closer and climb higher. Look - drawings. Among those primitive ancient people were skillful artists. It's hard to believe it, but it is. People who did not know how to not only write and talk, but they could not even cut a simple pot of clay, but owned the artist's skill!

Slide 4. Warves the rocky part, look at the mountain on the other side. This beauty is the case of nature itself. Look out! We see the scene of hunting. The image is very simple: red-brown figures of running people and animals.

Slide 5.

Go down. Before us entrance to the cave. It was the caves that were home (housing) and asylum of ancient people. There they hid from rain and cold winds, from evil people And wild beasts.

There were a lot of worries from ancient people. But when he appeared free time, they loved to draw. Drew on the walls, ceiling. They saw what they saw, the fact that they were surrounded by: life and death, plants and animals. They believed that if they drew the beast in the depths of the cave, then living predators would go, without harming them. And if you draw a wounded beast - it will help them in the hunt.

There, inside the cave, dark, only torches and shadows from the fire will light our way. It is necessary to keep together, be careful.

Slide 6.

In the meantime, we did not entered, lift your heads and look at the ceiling. We can see images of animals.

Let's go deep into the cave and on the left on the wall we see a couple of deer. One of them is completely painted in red, and the second is indicated only by the contour.

Slide 7.

Before us scene hunting. Everything is simple and understandable: Fresh-footed deer rush at a huge speed, and arrows of hunters are already induced. An unknown artist used only one color, but achieved an amazing liveliness.

And now he is a handsome bison (bull). The front of the body is volumetric, and the legs seem short - the impression of the severity of the figures is created.

Slide 8.

An ancient artist using one black color, depicted a wounded bison, hit by a hunter's spear. (This is a scene with the wounded bison in the cave shop in France).

The hunter itself dies. Long-haired woman standing on one knee in front of the body of the deceased husband, mourns his death and is preparing to send to the kingdom of the dead. Ancient people believed that the souls of the dead, the souls of the ancestors move to a distant "country of the dead." And the path to the kingdom of death is sailing on the ship.

Slide 9.

The flock of bizono is carried at high speed, with huge sharp horns of the air. The knock of the hoofs of strong bulls, their terrible roar. In this picture there is a two-color image: black and red. Because these colors are clearly visible in the twilight of the caves, which are lit by the torch or the flue of the smoky fire.

Many ancient drawings Very mysterious, even strange and bizarre. They are much incomprehensible. (Sometimes each figure is significantly in itself, regardless of the whole composition). Images are schematic, simplified (stylized). Sometimes only points, strips, unclear pictures for us. We can only only guess what the primitive artist wanted to say with its drawing.

Although it is clear here that 2 people are on the hunt, they are well armed.

Slide 10.

A man in a horty helmet rides on a two-wheeled cart (chariot) with a harnessed goat or horse. In front of a person a snake - a symbol (sign) of zipper. (In the Scandinavian mythology, this is God Tor in the chariot, and the image of the snake is a flash of lightning).

A scene with a praying person - a huge snake is approaching him.

Many rock paintings left us ancient artists, they left their mark in history. Thanks to them, we can get a lively idea of \u200b\u200ba person's life of those distant times.

It's time for us to go back. After examining attentively, the drawings inside the cave, wearing a fire, we take care of the campfire, they will be useful to us, carefully leave the cave.

Slide 11.

Close your eyes - it was dark there, open again - we are encountered a bright sun. Gasim torches. Once again, look at the pictures on the rock and sit down in the car time. Fix straps, 5,4,3,2,1! - Start! Let's fly home. Find the reduction button. Landed. This is our class and our desk. Moving in time in prehistoric times ended well.

Fiz.min. Stand up. Shake your feet. Scroll back. Pull up the sun. Sit down.

Do you want to become ancient artists?

On the tables you are lying. Take half, put in front of yourself. Before you coal. Yes, yes, the most we took from the fire in the cave. This is natural coal. And I put an artificial, made in the factory, compressed coal in the form of sticks. This is an ordinary burned birch wand. She added pastel chalks, and suddenly they will come to you?

What do you think: where did the ancient artists get red paint? They knew the necessary plants. Brew clay. Before applying paint on the wall so that it fastens, it was mixed with blood or egg, here and paints.

Technique work coal.

But how did an ancient artists work coal?

Training exercises.

Make with me.

  1. The end (edge, end) will be the line.
  2. Plafthum - Stroke.
  3. Rubbing - finger from the center to the edge of the sheet (not rub!)

Let's try a little man?! Circle, cucumber, sticks - ready.

We repeat the reception: end, plafhmy, rubbing.

Choosing the right material.

It is necessary to choose the right list to work. When were you when you were in a cave, the wall touched your hands? It is smooth, maybe uneven, rough? Put the grungy white or dark sheet in front of you, if desired. This is not just a sheet, this is the wall of the cave (mountains, rocks). You will now be ancient artists.

Close your eyes. Imagine:

Someone will draw on the rock of the rapid bull or deer;

Someone primitive man in the animal skins by the fire;

Or maybe your hunter will go hunting with a spear and arrows?

Open your eyes. Presented? How to locate a sheet today better: vertically or horizontally?

Fiz.min. We will prepare your hands: rub-warm, fingers connect, knocked cams.

Ready? Start.

Practical work. s / r.

Summarizing. Express exhibition.

What did you depict?

Choose the best job (designate it on a blackboard with a smilee, a heart ...)


Are you satisfied with our journey to the ancient world? It was not terrible? Not tired? Let's still travel?

Lesson 4. Theme of the lesson: The emergence of art and religious beliefs

Objectives lesson:

Educational: promote the formation of knowledge from students about the occurrence of art and religious beliefs;

Educational: contribute to the formation of a sense of respect and interest in the history of their people, humanity as a whole; formation and development of cognitive interest of students;

Developing: Promoting the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing the ability to learn.

Tasks lesson:

    development of students in educational and communicative (improvement of oral speech skills), educational and information (work with a card, textbook), and logical (work with terms and concepts, comparative characteristics Acceptance of the hunt of the oldest and ancient people, their lifestyle) skills and skills;

    the formation of student relations to labor and cognitive activity as the main difference of a person from animals and the main factory of development;

    form students knowledge about the occurrence of art ancient monuments in our country;

    form knowledge of knowledge about the emergence of religious ideas and rites;

    formation of concepts: rock painting, soul, "country country", witchcraft rite, religious beliefs.

Type of lesson: combined

Approach to learning : problem-active personality oriented.

Teaching methods: explanatory illustrative, problem of problem presentation.

Forms of work of students in the lesson: Frontal, individual, steam room.

Principles of the organization's organization: The minimum number of scientific concepts, using the maximum number of perception channels, emotional saturation, communication with the needs, the measurement of concepts, stimulating the independent activity of students, competitiveness.

Concepts and terms: Skatal painting, soul, "country country", witchcraft rite, religious beliefs.

Description of the required technical equipment for the lesson : Tutorial Universal history. History Ancient Mira. Grade 5: Textbook for general education institutions / a. A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Svencitsky; Ed. A.A. Odenderova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012, computer with the ability to play on the big screen presentation and multimedia files, presentationPowerPoint. .

Structure and course of the lesson:


The class willingness is checked to the lesson, missing are noted. The topic and objectives of the lesson are announced. The topic is written by a teacher on a blackboard, students in notebooks.

II. Check the studied material.

1 Frontally, orally, brief answers from a place to teacher questions

When did the first people settled in our country?

What changes did they occur in comparison with the oldest people?

How did the climate change?

Why was it possible to accommodate people in places with cold frosty winters?

What did the dwelling of people of that time looked like?

2. Departed at the board

Hunting. Changes in the hunt.

After the answer, the student is invited to compare

3. Message of the student "Mammoth". Students listen, then ask questions on the subject of the message. The work of the speaker is also rated, and the quality of the questions asked.

If necessary, other students or teacher helps the speaker complements his response. It is specified that the mammoths were different types. The smallest up to 2 m growth and up to 900 kg weighing, and the largest types of about 5 meters and weighing 12 tons, which is twice as much as the largest modern terrestrial animal - an African elephant. It is proposed to compare mammoth in size with some modern objects.

4. Deployed response at the board

Generic communities.

Additional question . What signs of the generic community expresses the word "community"? What are the signs of the word "generic"?

5. Perform test task.

Orally answers from place

Choose the correct option and complete the offer.

The emergence of new tools of labor was associated with

III . Preparation for the study of new material

Setting a problematic issue.

IV . Studying a new material

Frontally, orally, explanatory-illustrative narration with interview elements and using ICT (presentation PowerPoint. ).

1 Opening of cave painting

In 1878, in Spain, the archaeologist Sautola and his daughter went to the cave Altamira. When Soutouola lit a torch, they saw pictures drawn on the walls and a set of cave. Later were open and other caves with drawings of ancient artists. Among images are easily recognized by bison and deer, bears and rhinos. All drawings were made with amazing skill. There were images of animals with plenty of legs - so artists tried to pass the movement

The archaeologist who opened the cave painting, suggested that it was created by primitive hunters many thousand years ago. What was his assumption? 1) depicted bison - animals that have long been extinct; 2) the bones of another extinct beast - a cave bear and wreckage of stone workers of labor; 3) Artists used not modern paints, but a colored clay - okra, whose deposits are found in the same cave. But almost none of the scholars of contemporaries did not believe that the images of the Bizonov were created by primitive people. How to invent, why. What objections arose from scientists? Some students can express the right guesses ("scientists believed that people did not know how to draw so beautifully"), who teacher helps to justify.

2. Riddles of ancient drawings

Working with textbook illustrations.

Look at the pictures on the textbook page 17-19. What do you see them?

Many drawings contain riddles - incomprehensible signs and items, people with bird heads, or in the robe, like a skatewill. But most importantly - we cannot understand why the scenes depicting the hunt were drawn in hard-to-reach, dark caves

3. Figure and Magic Ritual

What do you think, why primitive people often painted dying, affected by spears and animal arrows? 30 thousand years ago, people were still dependent on the forces of nature; They did not know how to fight forest fires, floods, diseases, often suffered from hunger. Unlike the most ancient people, "a reasonable person" wanted to understand why people are sick and die, from which the harvest of fruits and berries depend on the forest, good luck on the hunt. Sometimes the forest was full of game, the river was abounded by fish, but suddenly she disappeared. Where did the beasts disappeared? Why isn't fish catching?

Knowledge for the correct answers was not enough, people began to seem that nature is managedsupernatural Forces. There is a belief that supernatural forces can be attracted to help, for example, smoke the beast, depicting it wounded and powderAnd if you depict such a beast in a cave, it will definitely fall into the trap.

It is possible that the ritual rites played before the drawings - hunters worked out the course of the future hunting. Look at the drawing on page 24

4. The emergence of religion

In those days, people born faith in a root, in the wonderful properties of individual items. People began to deify the phenomena of nature. Without knowing how to explain the nature of dreams, the ancient man began to believe in the existence of the soul. Fear of natural elements, the inability to explain the phenomena of the surrounding world led to the emergence of religious representations.

5. Ancient stone structures

From primitive times, we reached vast structures called megaliths. The most famous of them is the Stonehenge complex in England. Ancient builders built a construction of forty stone slabs weighing tens of tons each. Over the mystery of Stonehenge, scientists are fighting for several decades.

According to one version, the complex is an astronomical calendar, since many plates are focused on the most important stars, and through the aisles in the key days of the year the sun, the moon and stars are visible.

V. . Fixing

1 parallel during the study of a new material.

2 Discuss with students and answer the questionWhat caused the appearance of art and religion?

3 Look at the drawing of the "scene with the wounded bison and a hunter" page 19. What do you think the artist wanted to show this image? What could precede such an image?

4 conversations on questions:

Why are primitive artists depicted mammoths, bison, horses, deer?

What role did these animals play in their lives?

What is called religion, religious beliefs?

Did the religion always existed?

When did she get?

Why did religious beliefs arise?

What ancient religious beliefs are you known?

        What word can be replaced by the following expressions:

Belief in the gods and spirits - ... (religion).

Images of revered gods and spirits - ... (painting).

Gifts to gods and spirits - ... (sacrifice).

Defeat by spears of the drawn animal - ... (Walking rite).

Creatures that were the fantasy of the oldest people - ...(Werewolves).

5 Describe the drawing of the "Witchcraft rite before the hunt". What do these people do? Why and why? What phenomenon indicates this picture?

V. . Task at home

VI . Summarizing

1. Reflection.Reflective circle.
1) All participants in pedagogical interaction are sitting in a circle.
2) The teacher sets the reflection algorithm:

what new learned?

what did you feel?

what are the reasons for this?

how do you rate your participation in the lesson?
3) All participants express their opinion.
4) The teacher completes the reflexive circle, summarizing the information obtained.

2. Outcome lesson

3. Evaluation of the lesson - Magazine of modern youth