Hyperboreans who they are and where they lived. History of Hyperborea. Hyperborea in myths and legends

Where is Hyperborea now?

For a long time, the location of the northern mainland remained a mystery, and fragments of an idyllic paradise remained in oblivion. eternal ice. Evidence former grandeur the ancient ancestral home should be sought on its best-preserved remains, namely, soldered by a glacier into the largest island on the planet - Greenland, and in the polar tip of Canada.

Despite the fame of the legendary Atlantis, its geographical sister Hyperborea is becoming more popular. If the power of the Atlantean civilization is absorbed by the waters of the ocean, then the Hyperborean one was more fortunate. However, many kilometers of ice complicates the search. It may seem inappropriate to call this lifeless piece of land the Green Island, but traces of "northern Atlantis" will soon be discovered here.

This summer, an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society is going to the largest island in the world. Experts will test the hypothesis that Greenland is part of the mainland that went under water due to the fall of a celestial body more than 10 thousand years BC. It is known that as early as 8 thousand years ago, the peaks of mountain ranges, now hidden under the ice of the North Pole, stuck out above the water surface. But they clearly "do not pull" on the mainland. And, quite likely, the solution will be unexpected: the continent did not sink completely, and they were looking for it in the wrong place ...

Hindus believe that their ancestors lived in Svalbard

In ancient myths, a certain continent in the Far North is considered the abode of the blessed, or the ancestral home from which they came different nations. The Indian epic "Mahabharata" mentions that "in the north of the Sea of ​​​​Milk (Arctic Ocean) there is a large island of Shvetadvipa, the land of the blessed, where is the Center of the World, around which the Sun, Moon and Stars revolve."

The Hindus considered the “golden mountain Meru, the queen of the mountains”, located exactly at the North Pole, as the center, or the Navel of the World. The Indians believed that their ancestors came from regions where the night lasted a hundred days. Today, the polar night lasts so long at 77.4 degrees north latitude - in the south of Svalbard or in the north of Taimyr.

The ancient Greeks also considered Hyperborea a happy land, where the golden age continues. And they even attributed Hyperborean origin to the builders of the Delphic temple - Abaris and Aristaeus. And the Roman historian Pliny the Elder (23 - 79 AD) writes about the Hyperboreans as a real people: “The sun shines there for half a year. This country has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. Strife and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life ... ".

Of course, the Hyperboreans could not be contemporaries of the Hellenes and Romans: at that time the north was already ice-bound. However, so exact description polar day can hardly be imagined from nothing. It is the astronomical part of the description that makes us believe that there is definitely something here for a reason.

The climate in the north of Eurasia in ancient times was not like the present. This is confirmed by recent studies conducted in the north of Scotland: even 4 thousand years ago, the conditions there were comparable to the Mediterranean. And, according to scientists, in the center of the Arctic Ocean there could be a favorable zone of temperate climate, milder than in the polar territories of North America.

Where is Mount Meru

On ancient and medieval maps, Hyperborea is depicted in the same way: a round mainland, divided by rivers or straits into four parts, in the center is a high peak - Mount Meru, towering at the pole. The mainland looks the same on the map of Gerard Mercator, a famous cartographer of the Renaissance. However, now at the Pole, even under water, there is nothing like it!

Only now has the conflict been resolved. Director of the International Center for UFO Research Valery Uvarov drew attention to the fact that some ancient structures are oriented not to the current pole, but to one point 15 degrees from it. This is not a mistake, the priests attached the greatest importance to the exact orientation of temples and other buildings relative to the cardinal points. They wanted in this way to show a certain place, more important than the current North Pole.

The largest "arrow" was found in South America. This is the Road of the Dead, along which the city of Teotihuacan was built. Although the Mayans and Aztecs were able to determine the cardinal points to within fractions of a degree, the Road deviated 15 ° to the east. The same “inaccuracy” has many monumental structures around the world, including the ancient pyramids of China. The azimuths drawn from the "wrong" structures intersected at the same point - on a mountain rising in the middle of the Greenland ice. What if this is Mount Meru, the former North Pole?

The north pole has moved

Valery Mikhailovich began to compare ancient maps with a map of the seabed of the Arctic Ocean and became convinced that the coincidences between them could not be called an accident. The outlines of the shelves of Greenland and the Eurasian Plateau exactly matched the image of Hyperborea on ancient maps, except for the fact that Gerardus Mercator, Orontius Phineus and other cartographers depicted them as land and all with the same “error” by 15 degrees.

The four rivers or straits of Hyperborea also fell into place: the river, running from its center to the south, ideally repeats the outline of the coastline of the western coast of Greenland in the area of ​​​​the Baffin Sea and the Davis Strait, and its mouth went exactly into the bay of the Labrador Sea. The river going east coincides with the rivers that flow into the fjords of King Christian X Land, and the river that carries water to the north flows exactly into the bay of the Lincoln Sea.

Now, in the north of the Eurasian Plateau, Svalbard, Severnaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya and the New Siberian Islands rise above the water. Mercator here depicted the mainland, cut by rivers, as the north of Siberia was “before the flood”. Channels are clearly visible on modern bottom topography maps. Siberian rivers, stretching under water for almost 1000 kilometers from the coast.

Mercator used several ancient and modern maps, and as a result, some of the details of the relief were drawn twice with an offset of 15 ° from each other. There is no doubt that Mercator used some very accurate sources: for example, the map shows the strait between Asia and America, the existence of which became known in Europe only after Bering's expedition in 1728.

There is no more doubt: Greenland is a part of Hyperborea that has not gone under water. But what moved the North Pole from Mount Meru to the ocean?

She was killed by a blow from outer space

Ancient legends of many peoples mention a catastrophe on a global scale, the difference is only in its description. For some it is a flood, for others it is a worldwide conflagration. But what if we are talking about the same phenomenon - the fall of a planetoid or the use of a hitherto unknown weapon that shifted the earth's axis by 15 degrees? Those who lived closer to the epicenter remembered the fire falling from the sky and a giant fire, while the rest were reached only by monstrous waves and masses of water pouring onto land.

“It was raining fire, the earth was covered with ashes, stones and trees leaned towards the ground. Stones and trees were crushed... The Great Serpent fell from the sky... and his skin and pieces of his bones fell to the ground... Then terrible waves surged. The sky, together with the Great Serpent, collapsed to the ground and flooded it ... "- says the Mayan legend, written in the manuscript" Chilam Balam ".

Chinese chronicles tell of an incredible event, how the Sun did not set for several days, and the cardinal points changed places. In the treatise Huainanzi, this is described as follows: “The vault of heaven broke, the earthly scales broke off. The sky tilted to the northwest. The sun and stars have moved. The land in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, and therefore water and silt rushed there ... ".

An ancient Egyptian papyrus preserved a mention that in ancient times the seasons changed: "Winter came like summer, the months followed in reverse order, the hours were mixed up."

Incredible force impact was struck at an angle to the plane of rotation of the Earth. The North Pole has deviated by 20° from the original angle of inclination of the earth's axis, which was approximately 9°. Over time, under the influence of inertial forces, the angle of inclination gradually changed and finally took its current position. Judging by indirect data, the catastrophe occurred 10 thousand years before our era.

We'll find out the truth in the fall

It is very easy to test Uvarov's conjecture. Mount Meru was the ritual center of Hyperborea: it was surrounded by temples, a road led upstairs and, perhaps, some kind of building also crowned the peak. It is free of ice and has never been covered to the top with it.

The Russian Geographical Society is going to send an expedition to Greenland this summer to confirm or deny the bold version. According to Valery Mikhailovich, the chances of finding something in an unexplored area are very high.

The expedition will take place in late July or early August, when the area in Greenland is as free from ice and snow as possible, he said. - The issue with Danish visas and funding has already been settled. We arrive in Upernavik, located 200 km from the place where the alleged mountain is located, and then we will get there by helicopter.

We will be the first to be on the legendary mountain thousands of years after the disaster. There were no scientific expeditions. I am sure that even the Eskimos passed by indifferently: they do not consider the mountain sacred. If the theory is confirmed, it will be the greatest archaeological discovery of the new millennium.

She was also searched for on the Kola Peninsula

The first rumors that traces of an ancient Arctic civilization were preserved in the north of the European part of Russia arose at the beginning of the last century. The occultist and mystic Alexander Barchenko, enlisting the support of the head of the special department of the OGPU Gleb Bokiy, in August 1922, with five companions, went to explore the deep regions of the Kola Peninsula. Soon, the Petrograd Krasnaya Gazeta published a sensational interview with Barchenko, who announced that they had managed to find the ruins of temples older than the Egyptian pyramids.

But in the summer of 1923, a certain Arnold Kolbanovsky went to check the sensation. He found the guide Barchenko and repeated the route with representatives of local authorities. It turned out that the "ruins" are just stones whimsically turned by wind and rain. The exposure did not affect Barchenko in any way, but his acquaintance with Gleb Bokiya and other major figures from the Cheka did not end well: in 1937 he was arrested and shot.

For reference

The name "Hyperborea" from ancient Greek is literally translated as "beyond Boreas", that is, "behind the north wind" (Boreas is the god of the north wind among the Greeks), but the correct translation means "far north". The Indian name “Shvetadvipa” is translated as “Country (or Island) of Light”: the Sanskrit “shveta” in meaning and sound (taking into account the transformation of “sh” into “s”) is identical to the Russian word “light”.

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There is a legend that in ancient times there was a country on Earth. And it was great and powerful, and rich and happy people inhabited it ... Alas, now science fiction writers talk much more about this country than scientists. Official science does not believe the ancient legends.

But on the other hand, it is known that history was rewritten many times - in every era, under every government. So it turns out that the more ancient times we study, the less reliable information we have about them. And very little is known about the legendary Hyperborea.

What did the ancients believe?

And they believed that there was once a golden age on Earth. No one fought with anyone, and all peoples lived happily under the rule of a certain Polar civilization. And then some kind of discord happened between them, and a war broke out between Hyperborea (translated as “beyond Boreas” - the north wind) and its former colony - Atlantis (yes, that very one!). The result of the war was the Flood, and Atlantis went to the bottom of the ocean. Hyperborea also soon died, or at least lost contact with the rest of the world.

In any case, ancient scientists believed that it existed in their times. The Roman historian Pliny the Elder in his Natural History describes Hyperborea very colorfully: “Beyond the mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, live happy people who call themselves Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends. It is believed that there are the loops of the world and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. The sun shines there for half a year. Homes for these inhabitants are groves, forests; strife and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes only from satiation with life ... There is no doubt about the existence of this people.

Destructive weapon

The mighty northern country is mentioned both in the Indian "Mahabharata" and in the Iranian "Avesta", which also tell that its inhabitants are long-lived, spend time in carefree fun, and the old people, having enjoyed earthly joys, throw themselves into the sea. From the top of the sacred Mount Meru, a view of the Milky (White) Sea opens up. There are neither cold nor sultry winds, so the earth gives people a bountiful harvest.

In addition, legends say that the Hyperboreans (like the Atlanteans) had a highly developed technique. For example, they used aircraft. And in their arsenal was a weapon of enormous destructive power. Perhaps its use was the reason for the disappearance of legendary civilizations. But there is no exact information about what destroyed Hyperborea. However, traces of her stay on the planet have survived to this day.

In the wild north...

We do not know the exact coordinates of Hyperborea. But there is no such dissonance of versions of the location, as with respect to Atlantis, either. Most researchers believe that this Land of the Sun was located on the territory of the Kola Peninsula. Hence its name: "kolo" from the ancient Aryan - the Sun. This is confirmed by the unique Mercator map, issued in 1595, but clearly based on more ancient sources. The north of Europe and the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean up to the Bering Strait are well drawn there. But in the center of the Arctic, instead of ice, there is a circular inland sea and four large islands. The description of the map says: “The ocean between the four islands breaks into four straits, along which it rushes to the North Pole and is absorbed by the earth ...”. The islands on this map appear to be quite inhabited and covered with vegetation.

But where did the ice go? Now many scientists are coming to the conclusion that several millennia ago the climate on the northern coast of Eurasia was much warmer than now, and more like a Mediterranean one. This is evidenced not only by the numerous remains of heat-loving plants and animals, but at least by the fact that every summer migratory birds return there for some reason. Maybe the genetic memory of the warm ancestral home is triggered?

Walrus bone planes

In the middle of the last century, Soviet scientists found some evidence that relatively recently part of the Arctic Ocean was land. Two mountain ranges were found there, the higher one reaching the edge of the ice.

Much says that the inhabitants of the Northern country closely communicated with all the peoples who inhabited Eurasia. It is not for nothing that archaeologists find models of aircraft made of walrus ivory and rock paintings depicting people floating in the air.

stone labyrinths

And all over the north of Eurasia, strange structures are scattered - from the English Stonehenge to the stone labyrinths of Karelia, the origin and purpose of which scientists argue so much. Take the same Solovetsky stone spirals. They were considered burial grounds, altars, models of fishing traps, and even antennas for communication with aliens. As a rule, next to them are small pyramids made of stones. They were discovered in the last century by Soviet scientists, although they have been known to local residents for centuries.

A strange disease - meryachenie.

Oddly enough, the discoverers of the ancient civilization were not historians or archaeologists, but psychiatrists. In the twenties of the last century, the Institute for the Study of the Brain and mental activity, headed by academician Bekhterev, became interested in one phenomenon: many inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula developed a disease - “measuring”. This is a kind of psychopathic state, the main feature of which is that patients with uncontrollable impulsiveness repeat the words and actions of those around them and carry out the orders given to them, even the most ridiculous or dangerous ones. In all other respects they are perfectly normal.

Scientists decided to organize an expedition in order to understand what was happening on the spot. It was headed by Alexander Barchenko, a researcher at the Institute. In 1922, the expedition reached the area of ​​Seydozero, a place that the northern peoples have long considered holy.

Who is waiting for "Old Man Kuyva"?

The first thing they found there was "Old Man Kuyva". The old man was an eighty-meter image of a man on the steep slope of Mount Kuivchorr. In its style, the image did not belong to any of the known cultures. It is unlikely that it was created by local fishermen or hunters. The painted man spread his arms affably, as if he was waiting for someone. But who - scientists have not been able to find out.

However, as well as why for thousands of years the image has not been erased by snow, rain and severe northern winds.

The next discovery of scientists was a stone column standing in the middle of the gorge and a huge cube next to it.

Expedition leader… shot

Further more. Seidozero and Lovozero, located not far from each other, were connected by an ancient road made of stone slabs. On a hewn stone, which was found on the side of this road, half-decayed signs were distinguished - a trident and an oblique cross. And there was also a picture of a flower resembling a lotus.

Barchenko decided that everything found was traces of Hyperborea.

But the expedition failed to advance further. After the discovery of the first traces of an ancient civilization, scientists began to have bouts of that very “measuring”. I had to hastily leave for the capital, where Barchenko made a detailed report for the Cheka. The text of the report was immediately classified, and the scientist himself was arrested on suspicion of anti-Soviet activities. In prison, he began to write a book about the found Hyperborea, but did not have time to finish it - soon Alexander Barchenko was shot ...

Bridge between eras

But over time, interest in this legendary country only grew. More and more enthusiasts and serious researchers dealt with this issue, more and more interesting facts and inexplicable archaeological finds were received by historians. Already in the new century, large-scale excavations of such cities as Arkaim began to be carried out on the territory of our country. True, they are clearly younger and much less developed than Hyperborea, sung by the ancient chroniclers. But perhaps these cities are the bridge connecting us with our ancient ancestors.

p style="text-align: justify;">It's not for nothing that Nostradamus called the Russians "the Hyperborean people". The main thing is that we do not share the fate of our great ancestors ...

The theme "Heritage of Hyperborea" is dangerous to some extent: it captivates a person as a whole - Ancestral Memory wakes up. This topic is inexhaustible, if only because if modern civilization is at most 10-12 thousand years old (and we know its history poorly), then the history of the Clans of the Race that once inhabited the legendary Hyperborea began about 500 million years ago . In general, about 1900 million years have passed since the first appearance on Earth of the Clans of the Race.

No, I did not make a reservation - but put two concepts in their places:
1. History of the Races (First)" on Earth and
2. The history of the last mass settlement of Daaria, or Hyperborea, by the Races, otherwise - by the Clans of the Great Race, which has about 450 thousand years.
Below I propose short review the history of the Northern ancestral home of mankind - Hyperborea, it is Arctida, Daaria, Severia ... the country of Races - Race, Rus'. What, you didn't expect this? But this is exactly what the Vedas of the First speak about - the KNOWLEDGE of the Races, the First.
● So, if you are only interested in the history of Hyperborea (Arctida) - read the article below (based on trustworthy materials found on the Internet), as additional materials there is a good selection of books about our Ancestral Motherland.
● For those who feel the NEED TO KNOW (KNOW) the Heritage of our First Ancestors - I recommend the articles "The Meaning of the Present Spiritual Development"and" To the descendants of the First - what to Do ", and only then decide whether it is for you, KNOWLEDGE of the First. And if "Yes" - always happy to help in Comprehension of it.

The mysterious country of Hyperborea

In the ancient written sources of Greece, India, Persia and other countries, there is a description of the peoples who inhabited the territory of circumpolar Russia more than 2.5 thousand years ago. Among the ancient states there was also the mysterious country of the Hyperboreans, practically unknown and unexplored today.
The encyclopedia says that the Hyperboreans are a people living on the other side of the north wind of Borea, which blows from the caves of the northern mountains. They are a fabulous people who lived in some kind of paradise country, eternally young, not knowing diseases, enjoying the uninterrupted "light of the heart." They did not know wars and even quarrels, they never fell under the vengeance of Nemesis and were dedicated to the god Apollo. Each of them could live up to 1000 years.

The question of who the Hyperboreans were has worried people at all times, but this question remains largely unresolved today. What do ancient sources say?
Literally, the ethnonym "Hyperboreans" means "those who live beyond Boreas (Northern wind)", or simply - "those who live in the North". Many ancient authors reported about them.
Herodotus (IV century BC) reports that the Hyperboreans lived beyond the Ripean mountains (Urals), behind the Scythians, to the north of them.

The Greek geographer Theopontus (4th century BC) gives information about the Hyperboreans, about which the demigod Silenus informs the Phrygian king Misad during their conversation: "Europe, Asia and Africa were islands surrounded on all sides by the ocean. Outside this world there is another island with many inhabitants.A large army of this island (the empire of Atlantis) tried to invade our lands by crossing the ocean.They reached the land of the Hyperboreans, whom everyone considered the happiest people of this part of the land (the polar part modern Russia). But when the conquerors saw how the Hyperboreans (who had taken refuge in caves) lived, they considered them so unfortunate that they abandoned all their aggressive intentions and returned home, having concluded a friendly agreement.

One of the most authoritative scientists of the Ancient World - Pliny the Elder wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real ancient people, who lived near the Arctic Circle, and genetically connected with the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo Hyperborean. Here is what is literally said in the Natural History (IV, 26): “Beyond these [Ripean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people (if you can believe it), which are called Hyperboreans, reaches very old age and is glorified by wonderful legends. It is believed that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the revolution of the luminaries.The sun shines there for half a year, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn equinox, the luminaries there rise only once in year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter. This country is all in the sun, with a fertile climate and devoid of any harmful wind. Homes for these inhabitants are groves, forests; the cult of the Gods is managed by individuals and the whole society; there are no strife and all sorts of disease. Death comes there only from satiety with life. There is no doubt about the existence of this people."

Even from this small passage from the "Natural History" it is not difficult to get a clear idea of ​​​​Hyperborea. First - and most importantly - it was located where the Sun may not set for several months. In other words, we can only talk about the polar regions, those that in Russian folklore were called the Sunflower Kingdom. Another important circumstance: the climate in the North of Eurasia in those days was completely different. This is confirmed by the latest comprehensive research conducted recently in the north of Scotland on international program: they showed that even 4 thousand years ago the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean, and there were a large number of heat-loving animals. However, even earlier, Russian oceanographers and paleontologists found that in the 30-15 millennium BC. the climate of the Arctic was quite mild, and the Arctic Ocean was warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. Approximately the same conclusions and chronological framework were reached by American and Canadian scientists. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation in the center of the Arctic Ocean there was a temperate climate zone favorable for such flora and fauna that could not exist in the subpolar and polar territories of North America.

The favorable climate near the coast of the Milky Sea (in the country of bliss) is explained by the fact that in those distant times the North Geographic Pole, along with the ice shell, was located off the coast of Canada and Alaska (see Fig.). At that time, the peaks of the Mendeleev, Lomonosov and Gakkel ridges stood as a triple barrier in the Northern Ocean on the way of cold and ice to the Novaya Zemlya-Taimyr region. And the warm Gulf Stream reached and skirted Novaya Zemlya and reached Taimyr. Because of this, the climate was much milder than today. Along the Gakkel ridge, along a series of islands, there was a route from Taimyr to northeastern Greenland. The recent existence of large islands of the Arctic lands in the northern ocean is evidenced by the maps of Mercator, compiled by him in the middle of the 16th century. AD based on more ancient sources (see Fig. 1).

The map of G. Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all time, based on some ancient knowledge, where Hyperborea is depicted as a huge arctic continent with a high mountain (Meru?) in the middle.

Fig.1 Map of Gerhard Mercator, published by his son Rudolf in 1535. The legendary Arctida (Hyperborea) is depicted in the center of the map.

One of the confirmations of the indisputable fact of the favorable climatic situation is the annual migration of migratory birds to the North - a genetically programmed memory of the warm ancestral home. Indirect evidence in favor of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization in the northern latitudes can be powerful stone structures and other megalithic monuments located here everywhere (the famous cromlech of Stonehenge in England, the alley of menhirs in French Brittany, the stone labyrinths of Solovki and the Kola Peninsula).

On the other hand, ancient authors and, in particular, Strabo in his famous "Geography" write about the marginal northern territory, the polar extremity of the Earth, called Tula (Tula). Thule just occupies the place where, according to calculations, Hyperborea or Arctida should be (more precisely, Thule is one of the extremities of Arctida). According to Strabo, these lands are located six days sailing north of Britain, and the sea there is gelatinous, resembling the body of one of the varieties of jellyfish - the "sea lung". If there are no reliable texts, and material monuments are either not recognized or hidden under the Arctic ice, the reconstruction of the language can help: as a keeper of the thoughts and knowledge of the disappeared generations, it is no less reliable monument in comparison with stone megaliths - dolmens, menhirs and cromlechs. You just need to learn to read the meaning hidden in them.

Despite the meager information of historians, the ancient world had extensive ideas and important details about the life and customs of the Hyperboreans. And all because the roots of long-standing and close ties with them go back to the most ancient commonality of the Proto-Indo-European civilization, naturally connected with both the Arctic Circle and the "end of the earth" - the northern coastline of Eurasia and the ancient mainland and island culture. It was here, as Aeschylus writes: "on the edge of the earth", "in the deserted wilderness of the wild Scythians" - by order of Zeus, the rebellious Prometheus was chained to a rock: contrary to the prohibition of the Gods, he gave people fire, discovered the secret of the movement of stars and luminaries, taught the art of addition letters, farming and sailing. But the land where Prometheus, tormented by a dragon-like kite, languished until Hercules (who received the epithet of Hyperborean for this) freed him, was not always so deserted and homeless. Everything looked different when a little earlier here, on the edge of the Oikumene, the famous hero of antiquity, Perseus, came to the Hyperboreans to fight the Gorgon Medusa and get magic winged sandals here, for which he was also nicknamed Hyperborean.

In the folklore of a number of peoples, a description of wonderful clear-voiced maidens who could fly like swans has been preserved. The Greeks identified them with the wise Gorgons. Perseus, it was in Hyperborea, accomplished his "feat" by cutting off the head of Medusa the Gorgon.

The Greek Aristaeus (VII century BC) also visited Hyperborea and wrote the poem "Arimaspeia". By origin, he was considered a Hyperborean. In the poem, he described this country in detail. Aristaeus possessed clairvoyance and could himself, lying in bed, fly in the astral body. At the same time, he (through the astral body) surveyed large territories from above, flying over countries, seas, rivers, forests, reaching the borders of the country of the Hyperboreans. After the return of his astral body (soul), Aristaeus got up and wrote down what he saw.

Similar abilities, according to Greek sources, were also possessed by individual priests of Abaris, who arrived from Hyperborea in Greece. Abaris, on a one and a half meter metal "arrow of Hyperborean Apollo" presented to him, with a special device in its plumage, crossed rivers, seas and impassable places, traveling as if by air (see Fig. 2). During the journey, he performed purifications, drove out plagues and plagues, made reliable predictions about earthquakes, calmed stormy winds and pacified river and sea disturbances.

fig.2 Arrow of Apollo

Apparently, it is not without reason that many ancient authors, including the largest ancient historians, persistently talk about the flying abilities of the Hyperboreans, that is, about their possession of flight techniques. True, Lucian described them as such, not without irony. Could it be that the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic mastered the technique of aeronautics? Why not? After all, many images of probable aircraft - such as balloons - have been preserved among the rock paintings of Lake Onega
The Hellenic Sun-God Apollo, who was born in Hyperborea and received one of his main epithets at the place of birth, constantly visited his distant homeland and the ancestral home of almost all Mediterranean peoples. Several images of Apollo flying to the Hyperboreans have been preserved. At the same time, the artists stubbornly reproduced a winged platform, completely atypical for ancient pictorial symbolism, ascending, presumably, to some kind of real prototype.

Apollo (like his sister Artemis) - the children of Zeus from his first wife, the titanides Leto, are uniquely associated with Hyperborea. According to the testimony of ancient authors and the belief of the ancient Greeks and Romans, Apollo not only periodically returned to Hyperborea in a chariot drawn by swans, but the Hyperboreans themselves, the northerners, constantly came to Hellas with gifts in honor of Apollo. There is also a substantive link between Apollo and Hyperborea. Apollo is the God of the Sun, and Hyperborea is that northern country where the Sun does not set for several months in the summer. Geographically, such a country can only be located beyond the Arctic Circle. The cosmic-stellar essence of Apollo is due to its origin.

Apollo's sister - the Goddess Artemis - is also inextricably linked with Hyperborea. Apollodorus (1, 1U, 5) depicts her as the intercessor of the Hyperboreans. The Hyperborean affiliation of Artemis is also mentioned in the most ancient ode of Pindar, dedicated to Hercules of Hyperborean. According to Pindar, Hercules reached Hyperborea in order to accomplish another feat - to get the golden-horned Cyrene Doe:
"He has reached the lands behind the icy Boreas.
There is the daughter of Latona, the rush of horses,
I met him who came to take
From the gorges and winding depths of Arcadia
By decree of Eurystheus, by the fate of the father
Golden-horned deer..."
The Titanide's mother Leto gave birth to her sun-bearing son on the island of Asteria, which means "star". Asteria (Star) was also called sister Leto. There is a version. that the cult of Apollo was re-introduced to the Mediterranean already in the days of ancient Rome. The cult of the common Indo-European Sun God was brought here by the Proto-Slavic tribes of the Wends, who founded and gave names to the modern cities of Venice and Vienna.
From the Far North was also a classic Sun God Ancient World- Apollo, who regularly returned to his historical homeland and bore the nickname Hyperborean (other Gods and heroes had similar epithets). It was the Hyperborean priests, the servants of Apollo, who founded the first temple in honor of the Sun God in Delphi, maintaining constant contacts with the northern metropolis.
Pausanias claimed that the famous Delphic sanctuary of Apollo was built by Hyperborean priests, among whom was the singer Olen.
So many-glorious here they made a sanctuary to God

"Also Deer[s]: he was the first prophet of the prophetic Phoebus,
The first one, songs which he composed from ancient melodies.
Pausanias. Description of Hellas. X. V, 8.
It is known that, having matured, Apollo on the chariot of Zeus flew every summer to Hyperborea, to the banks of the shady Istra (the modern Ob River, but with the source of the Irtysh) to the homeland of his ancestors - the god of Hyperboreans, the titan Koya with his wife Phoebe, who are the parents of his mother Leto. On the same chariot, the king of the Scythians Prometheus flew to his Northern Urals (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe source of the Lobva and Bolshaya Kosva rivers).
Apollo was considered a prophet, oracle, healer, god, founder and builder of cities. Having erected with the help of the Hyperborean priests cities and temples in Delphi, Asia Minor, Italy, Claros, Didyma, Colophon, Kumah, Gaul, in the Peloponnese, in his life he was closely associated with Hyperborea. There he himself, his son Asclepius and other children received knowledge from the sage Chiron and the Hyperborean priests.

The Greeks reported that high morality, art, religious and esoteric beliefs and various crafts necessary to meet the needs of the country flourished in Hyperborea. Agriculture, animal husbandry, weaving, construction, mining, leather, and woodworking industries were developed. The Hyperboreans had land, river and sea transport, lively trade with neighboring peoples, as well as with India, Persia, China, and Europe.
It is known that the Hellenes moved to Greece because of the Caspian about 4 thousand years ago. Previously, they lived near the Khatanga and Olenok rivers, next to the Hyperboreans, Arimaspians, and Scythians. Therefore, these peoples have so much in common in historical reports.

Of the children of Apollo, the most famous is Asclepius, who became famous in the field of medicine. He wrote and left behind a generalized knowledge of medicine in multi-volume books, mentioned in various sources, but not extant. It is possible that such knowledge in the field of healing existed on all ancient continents, and was later lost. But today they have begun a second procession across the continents from the countries of the East.
Hyperborea was visited by Greek merchants, scientists, travelers who left information about this polar country, where there are snows, polar days and nights, and the population escapes from the cold in underground dwellings, in which there were temples and other structures.

The ancient Greek writer Aelion described an amazing cult rite of the country of the Hyperboreans, where Apollo has priests - the sons of Boreas and Chiron, six cubits tall. Every time when the established sacred rites are performed at the prescribed time, flocks of swans flock from the Riphean mountains. Majestic birds fly around the temple, as if cleansing it with their flight. The sight is mesmerizing in its beauty. After that, when the harmonious choir of priests, accompanied by cytharists, begins to praise God, the swans echo the experienced singers, smoothly and accurately repeating the sacred singing.

The swan is the symbol of Hyperborea. The sea deity Forky, the son of Gaia-Earth and the prototype of the Russian Sea Tsar, was married to the Titanide Keto. Their six daughters, who were born within the limits of Hyperborean, were originally revered as beautiful Swan maidens (only much later, for ideological reasons, they were turned into ugly monsters - grays and gorgons). The discrediting of the Gorgons followed the same pattern and, apparently, for the same reasons as the attribution of opposite signs and negative meanings during the collapse of the common Indo-Iranian pantheon into separate religious systems (this happened already after the migration of the Aryans from North to South), when the "devi " and "ahuras" (light divine beings) become "devas" and "asuras" - evil demons and bloodthirsty werewolves. This is a global tradition inherent in all times, peoples, religions without exception.

During the reign of the god Kron, who ruled during the Golden Age, large national sports games began to be held in Hyperborea, long before the advent of the Greek Olympic Games. These games were held in several places: at the sources of the Pur and Tolka rivers, east of the mouth of the Yenisei (there are remains of large stone structures) and others. It was the Hyperboreans who recommended the Greeks to reward the winners of the Olympic Games with an olive branch instead of an apple branch and gave them the sacred olive tree.
The king of the Scythians during the life of Koy and Zeus was Prometheus. The country of the Scythians was located in the Northern Urals. The residence of Prometheus was at the source of the rivers Lobva and Bolshaya Kosva. Legends say that Prometheus gave people writing and counting, but in reality, he most likely carried out another reform of the writing that existed before him.

There is no doubt that the Hyperboreans had their own written language, since without it Chiron and Asclepius would not have been able to write books on medicine. By the way, the ancient writing among the northern peoples (Yamal - Taimyr) was preserved until the beginning of the 20th century.

The Hyperboreas owned the technology for the development of underground deposits of useful metals. They could tunnel under rivers, lakes and even the bottom of the sea. Hyperborea built unique underground structures. During the cold season, they found shelter in underground cities, where it was warm and there was protection from space and other influences.

Aristaeus, describing his journey through Hyperborea, reports on the many marvelous stone statues.
Contrary to popular belief, the culture of the pyramids is not of southern, but of northern origin. In a cult-ritual and architectural-aesthetic form, they reproduce the most ancient symbol of the Arctic Homeland - the Polar Mountain Meru. According to archaic mythological ideas, it is located at the North Pole and is the axis of the world - the center of the universe.
There is a mountain in the world, steep-hilled Meru,
She can not find any comparison or measure.
In transcendental beauty, in inaccessible space,
She sparkles in golden attire<...>
The top is dressed with her pearls.
Its peak is hidden by clouds.
On this peak, in the pearl chamber,
One day the heavenly gods sat down...
Mahabharata. Book 1. (Translated by S. Lipkin)

Nowadays, boulders, mysterious in shape and size, towering above the area, are called remnants. Many of them have a large energy field that creates inexplicable energy effects. Other described structures of the Hyperboreans, incl. sphinxes and pyramids are now hidden in the thickness of the fells and hills, waiting for the hour of their discovery, just as the ancient pyramids were discovered in Mexico.

The Indians, after the gradual migration of their great-ancestors from North to South, preserved the memory of the Polar Mountain Meru in almost all sacred books and majestic epic poems (later, ancient cosmological views were included in the Buddhist canon and images on sacred mandalas). However, even earlier the great-ancestors of modern peoples, who were part of an undifferentiated ethno-linguistic community, worshiped the World Mountain. This Universal Mountain became the prototype of the numerous pyramids of the Old and New Worlds. By the way, in the ancient Egyptian language, the pyramid was called mr, which is completely consonant with the name of the sacred mountain Meru (taking into account that there are no vowels in Egyptian hieroglyphics). The Greek chronicles describe Hyperborea in the period from the 10th to the 4th centuries. BC, but the sources of India and Persia cover a more ancient period. Important historical information about the Hyperboreans is found in ancient legends: Indian - Mahabharata, Rig Veda, Purana, Persian - Avesta, etc.

In Indian legends, the country is mentioned mysterious people who lived in the polar region "under the North Star". The reference point for determining the location of this country is Mount Meru.

Mount Meru existed at the time of the creation of the World, and its roots go far into the depths of the Earth. From them grow other mountains. There are numerous sources of rivers and waterfalls on Meru. To the north of the slope of Meru to the very coast of the Milky Sea was the land of bliss. (Mount Meru with the peak of Mandara is the current Putorano plateau with the main peak 1701 m high, located behind the Yenisei, east of Norilsk. - Approx. Aut.)

Meru once had the abode of the Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu. The paradise of the great god Indra with his majestic palaces and a fabulous city was located on its main peak - Mandara and inside it. Here lived gods, asuras, kinnaras, gandharvas, snakes, various divine beings, celestial nymphs, excellent healers - Ashvins.
The great hero and sage, the eldest of the Kauravas - Bhishma tells about the land of bliss, where there are vast pastures with many animals. There are numerous vegetation that gives abundant fruits, countless flocks of birds, as well as sacred swans that fly to temples and take part in ritual holidays and choral singing.

The legends say that in the north of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bMilk there is a large island called Svetadvipa (Light, White Island). It is located 32,000 yojanas north of Meru. There live "fragrant white men, removed from all evil, indifferent to honor-discount, marvelous in appearance, full of all evil, strong as diamonds, their bones." God, who spread the universe, they lovingly serve. Zeus exiled his father, the god Kron, to this White Island, where his tomb is still located. The country of bliss was located from the Urals to Taimyr. In these lands it was neither cold nor hot. People lived here up to 1000 years, marked with all good signs, shining like a moon, they penetrated into the Knowledge of the thousand-rayed eternal God. Ancient authors (Aristaeus, Herodotus, Pliny, etc.) call this people Hyperboreans. Its inhabitants did not know wars and strife, need and sorrows. They ate the fruits of plants, they knew mineral food, but they could maintain vitality without taking food at all.

The Mahabharata narrates about the tragic battle of related families of the Pandava and Kaurava rulers on the field of Kurikshetra (XVIII-XV centuries BC). In this battle, the following were used: flying objects (chariots, etc.), laser, plasmoid, atomic weapons, robots. The manufacturing technology and other characteristics of this technique are unknown to modern civilization. Many peoples of Asia were involved in this battle, including modern Central Asia and Western Siberia, up to the Arctic Ocean and even Africa.

The best of the Pandavas commander Arjuna (Yarjuna) sent his troops to the north. Having crossed the Himalayas, he conquered one after another the northern kingdoms with all their fabulous and fantastic tribes. But when he approached the country of the happy northern people, "guards with huge bodies" came out to him, endowed with great valor and strength. They told Arjuna to go back because he would not see anything with his own eyes. Here in this country there should be no fighting. Anyone who enters this land without an invitation will perish. Despite the presence of a huge army, Arjuna heeded what was said and, like the troops of Atlantis, turned back.

But the god Indra, in the war with the Asuras, nevertheless destroyed the palaces and cities on Mount Meru, leaving only underground dwellings built in the thickness of the mountain.
The results of recent research have made it possible to establish that more than 12 thousand years ago, the Hyperboreans lived on Novaya Zemlya and adjacent islands. Novaya Zemlya was then a peninsula. After the death of Atlantis, climate change began and the Hyberborea began to gradually move eastward (Pechora, Yamal, Ob, Taimyr rivers). Later, due to a stronger climate change, about 3500 years ago and the onset of a cold snap, the Hyperboreans in separate groups began to leave in different ways to warmer regions of the Earth.

Other peoples (for the same reason) also left their inhabited lands and cities, the graves of their ancestors. Nobody talked about the integrity of state borders. The integrity of the country was seen, first of all, in the unity and integrity of the people, and not the territory.

One of the large groups of Hyperboreans headed south through Altai, northwest China, and India. At the beginning of a new era, they reached the Ganges River. The descendants of this group still live in the northeast of Burma (southern Tibet), being referred to as the people of Shana. Their total number is about 2.5 million people. The language of the Sino-Tibetan group. Of course, along the way, part of this group settled among other peoples. These include modern Khakasses.
The second group, which left in an easterly direction, along the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River towards Vilyui, dispersed among other peoples and left no visible traces (see map-scheme).

Approximately in the XIII century. BC. the gradual migration of the Hyperboreans to Europe and Asia Minor began. At Lake Ladoga, in the central mountain range of France (the sources of the Dordogne and Allier rivers), temples were erected to the goddess Lada. Traditions report that the true tomb of Apollo is located at the source of the Dordogne and Allier rivers, and the descendants of the Hyperboreans also live. At the same time, in Greece they show the burial place of Apollo at Delphi (possibly symbolic). A tributary of the Seine River is the Ob River (consonant with the Siberian Ob).

The legends of the peoples of the north of Siberia testify that the Hyperboreans settled from the mouth of the Irtysh to the mouth of the Kama, and then settled most of Eurasia. There is evidence that the most important places of worship are located on the rivers Kama, Ob, Yenisei, Taimyr, northern Yamal, at the source of the rivers Pur and Tolka. Unfortunately, the entrances to these underground structures are littered, and yet these underground palaces are similar to those that are well known in Egypt, Afghanistan, India, and China.
The legendary Hyperboreans were a real people. Their descendants mainly live in Russia, Asia, and Europe. They included several nationalities of a related language group. They also included the distant ancestors of the Khanty, Shans.

Material traces of the Hyperboreans are also found on the surface of the earth in the form of stone remains of statues (remnants), destroyed religious and sports facilities. Somewhere near Lake Taimyr there is a library of Hyperboreans, including a description of the history of Atlantis, the works of Asclepius, Chiron. But these places are still inaccessible and extremely poorly explored (the Putorano Plateau is generally a solid "white spot"). It is very likely that plants that Chiron and Asclepius used to heal and even, as with the heroes of the Ramayana, resurrect people still grow here.

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The earliest mention of a mysterious country called Hyperborea dates back to ancient times. Back in the 7th century BC, the ancient Greek thinker and poet Hesiod, who was the founder of didactic poetry, spoke about it in his poem "Theogony", which translates as "Genealogy of the gods". The historian Herodotus was also interested in the heritage of Hyperborea; sang odes to her and Homer. In Rome, figures also often turned to the topic of this unknown civilization, in particular, the poet Ovid wrote about it.

In the vision of all these respected figures, the heritage of Hyperborea, like the country itself, is presented as something mystical, but quite real. It is believed that Hyperborea, whose forgotten history was the main topic of scientific discussions in ancient Greece, was a northern country inhabited by a hardworking and skilled people. Today, the research of Hyperborea attracts no less attention, but, unfortunately, the matter never came to truly major discoveries, however, first things first.

Hyperborea is a mysterious ancient country.
In the vision of historical figures, the Hyperboreans were talented people, with a very well-developed art and artistic taste in general. This Hyperborea, in the main, attracted a powerful celestial. Almost every year, Apollo left his native Delphi and appeared in the lands of the Hyperboreans to take a break from worries and labors in the circle of poets, artists, people who understand him and share his aspirations and interests.

Based on ancient texts, it can be assumed that in that era, in the northern latitudes where Hyperborea was supposedly located, a subtropical climate reigned, so it is not surprising that people of art inhabited this fertile, in every sense, land. Here was born Abaris - a soothsayer and priest of Apollo. Gaia and Uranus conceived on these lands Aristaeus, the hero of ancient Greece.

The warm breath of the ocean, which Hyperborea could boast of, contributed to the birth of not only highly artistic natures, but also people with an enviable technical mindset. Proof of this are the multiple masterpieces of architecture. Ancient Greece. A striking example of this is the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Hyperborea and its inhabitants had a hand in its construction, at least the legends say so. The temple was built in honor of the victory of the son of Zeus over the monster Python.

The Greeks and Romans loved the northern people so much that even the sea washing Hyperborea was called Kronidsky - in honor of the father of Zeus, the god Kron. This location is expensive and requires a lot. The Hyperboreans honorably justified the trust not only of the Greeks, but also of the people, neither in word nor in deed giving cause for discontent or ridicule. The country of Hyperborea was filled with noble minds. The life of local residents was an example of the highest spirituality, creative and physical purity.

Hyperborea and odes in her honor, quite naturally, call out skepticism from modern man. After all, poetic natures, praising the amazing land, are almost completely devoid of objectivity and a realistic view of things. The secrets of Hyperborea cannot be classified as mysticism. But from the opinion of Pliny the Elder, who was the greatest ancient Roman scientist, you simply cannot brush aside and close your eyes to him. Hyperborea also fell into his focus. In his works, he talks about her as a country located beyond the Riphean mountains, not far from Aquilon. In other words, these are the lands "beyond Boreas", i.e. northern lands. On the Riphean mountains, according to Greek myths, the north wind Boreas lived.

Pliny the Elder argued that in those places, in the lands of Hyperborea, there are loops of the world, and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. Daylight hours last six months, and human life is very long and happy. Death in Hyperborea is a rare guest and comes only to those who are tired of happiness and all the blessings of life.

However, the great and mystical Hyperborea was known not only to the ubiquitous Romans and Greeks. The amazing northern land is mentioned in the Indian Rigveda, and even in the Iranian Avesta. Some Chinese historical chronicles speak of her, she is also described in German epics. Mentions of Hyperborea are found in the mythology of countless peoples and civilizations.

A detailed description of the northern lights by peoples living much further south finally destroys all skepticism about the fact that, as a result of a natural cataclysm that led to a sharp cooling in the lands of Hyperborea, the ethnic group living there was forced to leave the once fertile continent and migrate to others, to the southern and at the same time more habitable areas. The fact that Hyperborea existed is also evidenced by the Atlas published in 1595 by the Flemish cartographer Gerard Mercator (1512-1594). He was published by the son of a leader after the death of his father, however, this does not change the essence. "Atlas" is a set of maps and descriptions of European states. There is also Hyperborea among them. This atlas in our days is of great interest to a narrow circle of specialists. The general public, which is little occupied by cartographic projections, is attracted only by one map, which depicts Hyperborea, a mysterious land, a state that, in some mystical way, has been hiding from the eyes of the curious for thousands of years.

Hyperborea is the forgotten history of the mystical land.
Gerard's map depicts a certain mainland, surrounded around the entire perimeter by a mountain range. In the center is a huge lake, with four full-flowing rivers flowing from it. Rivers divide the earth into four roughly identical parts. In the very center of the lake is an island. According to ancient legends, the mainland is Hyperborea, the forgotten history of which excites the minds of thousands of researchers.

The mysterious mainland on the map is washed by the sea, and land is depicted behind it. All the curves of its coastlines are painfully familiar to everyone modern man. These are the borders of the northern territories of the American continent and Eurasia. Greenland and Iceland lie in the palm of your hand, and on the side you can see Hyperborea, the forgotten history of the state, beckoning the research community. It is also interesting that on the map of these lands there is no hint of eternal winter and, in general, of any snow or ice.

Gerard lived a long life, traveled a lot. It is quite possible that Hyperborea, the forgotten history of the mystical state, really opened up to his eyes. And the loving son published his father's works, involuntarily making him involved in the northern land, sung in ancient poems.

Searches and researches of Hyperborea.
Everything romantic and incomprehensible has always aroused and aroused an unbiased interest in the community. For the last three hundred years, the mysterious halo of the greatest mystery of history has passed either to the Maya Indians, or to the unknown Atlanteans, and now it has gone to the Hyperboreans. This question, the study of Hyperborea, could not be ignored by any sane and educated person, at least partially familiar with Hyperborea. Naturally, in the first place, everyone was worried about where the mysterious land was located.

Interest in the scientific and not only community, which inspired the research of Hyperborea, was caused by the ruins of powerful ancient structures and inexplicable finds: fortress walls, towers, castles found in Northern Scotland, on the Orkney and Shetland Islands. It is noteworthy that their age is much older than the Roman and Norman fortifications, which is similar to the cities of Hyperborea. There can be no doubt that a powerful and highly developed civilization once existed here, but was it a Hyperborean country? Or did research on Hyperborea go in the wrong direction?

Indeed, why shouldn't she end up in Greenland, on the Kola Peninsula, on Taimyr, or drown in the waters of the Arctic Ocean? For example, the underwater ridges of Lomonosov and Mendeleev could well have been fertile lands in the distant past. Hyperborea research would confirm this fact and everyone would be happy. But not everything is so simple.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, among Russian researchers, the opinion was strengthened that the mysterious country was located on the Kola Peninsula. This was facilitated by the study of Hyperborea by enthusiasts who met with the Lapps, with the people inhabiting the icy lands of Greenland.

Almost immediately after this assumption was put forward, there was talk of sacred volumetric images carved on granite rocks. Investigations of Hyperborea by enthusiasts did not confirm, but did not refute such assumptions either. These images could be approached only through secret clearings buried in difficult and snowy forests. The search for Hyperborea was required, since they began to say that those who mastered the secret of the ancient Hyperboreans become on a par with the gods in power and might.

The research of Hyperborea was not given due attention. The investigation required a serious scientific expedition to the Kola Peninsula. This was interrupted by the World War. Then the granule revolution, and the issue of research into Hyperborea was abandoned for a very, very long time.

Only in the early twenties they returned to this topic. Moreover, the initiator was one of the leaders of the Bolshevik government, the head of the Cheka, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, known for his research streak. Where and when he learned about the research of Hyperborea is unknown, however, the fact remains that the attention of the scientific community was drawn to this trembling topic.

Heritage of Hyperborea, an expedition in search of ancient secrets.
The person who was ready to carry out an expedition deep into Greenland turned out to be Alexander Barchenko. In the early twenties he worked at the Institute of Professor Vladimir Bekhterev. There he became interested in the heritage of Hyperborea, and indeed the ancient country itself.

In 1920, Barchenko, as part of a small but professional expedition, went to the Kola Peninsula, to the region of Lake Lovozero, in search of the heritage of Hyperborea. The atmosphere and the weather were, to put it mildly, unfriendly: tundra, impenetrable taiga, hills. Frosty and dark polar night, replacing the sultry and almost devoid of Sun day.

Here Barchenko got acquainted with the Lapps, learns a lot about the heritage of Hyperborea and imbued with the mysticism of the local lands. As a result of this expedition, the researchers discovered two massive rectangular granite stones, oriented by their faces to the cardinal points, a stone pyramid. The legacy of Hyperborea was found.

In addition, on the land of Rogovsky Island, located in the very middle of Seydozero, several man-made holes in the ground were found, obviously made by human hands and littered with stones. Ancient Hyperborea is filled with secrets. So, when approaching, not to mention descending, to these manholes, the members of the expedition began to experience a terrible headache, fell into depression and were subjected to panic attacks. All this indicated that these were the finds, this was the legacy of Hyperborea, but was it really so ?!

The further course of events of the expedition causes alert bewilderment. Barchenko meets with Dzerzhinsky, talks with him for a very long time. The content of their conversation is hidden. But already in 1923, another larger expedition, this time set off in search of the heritage of Hyperborea, was equipped in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bSeidozero and Lovozero.

Arnold Kolbanovsky led the second expedition. His team included observers from the local administration and the expedition guide Barchenko. The civilization of Hyperborea attracted researchers, no wonder that they retraced the entire path that had previously been covered by the Barchenko expedition.

Kolbanovsky's report almost completely refuted the sensational report made by Barchenko. According to Kolbansky, all the finds discovered by Barchenko are of natural origin, and the pyramids are nothing more than simple rocks. The legacy of Hyperborea turned out to be not a legacy at all, but the whims of a dreamy researcher.

After these events, the Polar Star newspaper wrote a devastating article about Barchenko's expedition and how the author invented the legacy of Hyperborea and deliberately misled the scientific community. However, this did not knock Barchenko down, he continued to work, and his subsequent works enjoyed well-deserved respect among colleagues.

So did the mysterious Hyperborean land exist? Revived traces of Hyperborea - fact or fiction? This mystery has not yet been solved. But people at all times sought to satisfy their curiosity. And one can hope that the legacy of Hyperborea will be revealed sooner or later. There will be not a single expedition, there will be new discoveries, facts and great explorers.

This word is strange HYPERBOREA... The history of Hyperborea itself is even more interesting. The history of Hyperborea is mysterious, legendary and causes a lot of controversy. Did this country exist? There are a number of scientists who will answer this question in the affirmative.

In Petrozavdsk, the capital of Karelia, there are two festivals under this name - winter and summer.

In winter, sculptors from different countries gather and sculpt beautiful figures from ice.

And in the summer, youth organizations gather in summer camp by this mysterious name. This is a tribute to the legend of Hyperborea!

Why Hyperborea? Translated from ancient Greek, it means beyond the north. Borea - north. But the Hyperboreans themselves called their homeland - BY WHOM, which means heavenly land.

Quite a lot is being written and said about this polar country and this mysterious civilization. In the ancient writings of India, Greece, Persia, there is a description of a wonderful country that is located in the north and about its people, who were attributed to the gods.

They were described in the legends as a happy people who had a blissful life, accompanied by songs, dances and incense prayers. And they lived on the territory of ancient Rus'? So where did Rus' come from?

In different sources, the location of Hyperborea is in different places, but most are inclined to believe that Hyperborea was located near the North Pole, not far from the Kola Peninsula. An interesting fact, already proven by scientists, is that several millennia BC our planet turned over, or rather changed its magnetic poles. And where the north and south poles are now, there used to be the equator. So in these places there was the most favorable climate.

Russian oceanographers and paleontologists found that in the period from 30 to 15 millennium BC. e. The climate of the Arctic was quite mild. American and Canadian scientists came to the same conclusions.

The mystery of why birds fly north finds its solution also in the fact that their genetic memory of birds invitingly pulls them home - to warm Hyperborea, which for some reason went under water.

There is a map of Hyperborea created???? navigator Gerard Mercator in 1595, which miraculously coincides in outline with the relief of a huge plateau at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

hyperborea on Gerard Mercator's 1595 map.

In Hyperborea there was Mount Meru - the universal mountain, the center of gravity of the heavenly and heavenly worlds. And such a mountain really exists in the Russian waters of the Arctic Ocean, practically reaching its top to the ice shell.

Where such an ancient map appeared from the Flemish navigator is unknown. There are also mysterious ancient maps of Antarctica made before its discovery. There is a theory that these cards first came to the ancient Greeks from the Hyperboreans themselves, who left their homeland apparently due to some kind of catastrophe ..

In the calendars of the Mayans, Assyrians and Egyptians, the catastrophe of Hyperborea dates back to 11542 BC.

Huge stone monuments, stone labyrinths and spirals on the Kola Peninsula, the Solovetsky Islands and Karelia speak of ancient traces of life in these northern latitudes.

The name of the river on the Kola Peninsula - Kola, comes from the name of the Solntsebog Kolo - Kolyada. Kolo is the sun.

Most researchers believe that the ancient mysterious civilization of the Hyperboreans is at least 15-20 thousand years old.

According to esoteric teachings, Hyperborea is the most secret place on the planet, and the Hyperboreans possessed such powerful knowledge that modern man does not possess.

In his Centuries, Nostradamus called the Russians the Hyperborean people.

The most amazing thing is that the ancient Indian Vedas speak of a northern country of abundance and happiness, which is located next to Mount Meru, where the abode of the first creator Brahma and other Indian gods was.

In this case, there is no doubt that Hyperborea is directly related to ancient Rus' and to the most ancient and mysterious civilization that gave rise to many peoples?

So the Russians are the Hyperborean people?

At present, since the end of the 90s, thanks to the expeditions of Russian ascetic scientists, Hyperborea has literally resurrected from historical non-existence, which means that from now on the world prehistory receives a completely new sound, and its chronology moves back into the depths of millennia.
Now the phrase “Rus Hyperborean” has entered science on a full basis.
Here is what the famous researcher of Hyperborea V.N. Demin:
“Once upon a time in the North of our planet there was the ancestral home of a single humanity, a single language, the foremother of Culture. Fleeing from the global cataclysm, its surviving inhabitants settled in different places on the Earth, forming various peoples and languages. IN early editions myths of all peoples about this country was spoken of as a country of the Golden Age of mankind, as a Paradise Earth. The Hellenes called this country Hyperborea, that is, “located behind the north wind Boreas….
But, if we take the consequences of the last cataclysm, an Indian and Iranian group arose. A block arose linking the modern Germanic, Turkic and Slavic peoples. Block associated with the future Hellenes. Each of them had their own destiny. They began to migrate from north to south. Moreover, migration took many years, when cultural degradation could occur.
….. Gradually. There were transfer points. One of them, I believe, was Arkaim, a transit point for the migration of Indo-Europeans from north to south. There they entrenched for a thousand years…”

Remember magic circles Arkaim? There are similar ones on the Kola Peninsula.

“... The Egyptians appeared 3.5 thousand years before the new era. And they came there with a polar calendar. With the same polar calendar came 2500 thousand years BC. e. the Etruscans to the Mediterranean... Then the Hellenes appeared there - 2000 BC. - also with a polar calendar of 350 solar days ...
Therefore, we can consider the “Hyperborean” III millennium BC as the beginning of history in its conscious understanding. And this story is directly connected with the North.” »
He believes that the Chinese and Indians also come from Hyperborea, but left it earlier, before the cataclysm that destroyed this country. But in their language and culture, there is much in common with the rest of the descendants of the Hyperboreans.
From this perspective, it is interesting to look at the settlement of peoples with the Uralic group of languages.
Let's start with the fact that the language of the current Lapps inhabiting the Kola Peninsula belongs to the Finno-Ugric group of languages, which is a branch of the Uralic group. What kind of group is this?
Where is the Urals and where is the Kola Peninsula? It doesn't seem to be that close... And the languages ​​are similar.
But more to come…
This group of languages ​​is common in Hungary, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia and other countries. In Russia, these are the languages ​​​​of Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Udmurt, Komi, Mari, Mordovian (Moksha, Erzya), Nangnasan, some Volga, Finnish, Karelian, Veps, Ingrian, Votic, Liv, Tesra-Sami, Kildin, South Estonian - You are Russian.
If you look at the map of the settlement of peoples who speak this language, it begins to seem that they all came from the North Pole, spreading in rays to the south.

And the farther from the north the peoples went, the less they remembered the ancient language. We already know how quickly the language is changing, using the example of the last decades. And what can we say about centuries and millennia. But a lot remains. For example, the Russians have the Vedas, and the Hindus have the Vedas. And the runes that look like hieroglyphs?
Scientists, summarizing the results of scientific expeditions to the North of Russia and taking into account the idea expressed by Jean Sylvain Bailly about the northern origin of the ancient Egyptian myth about the dying and resurrecting god Osiris, made the observation that large sanctuary complexes in the Hyperborean places in the North of modern Russia in ancient times were located by their builders in strict accordance with the position of the stars in the constellation Orion. Additional expeditions conducted to test the scientific hypothesis about the commonality of the Hyperborean (Old Russian) and Ancient Egyptian cultures fully confirmed the validity of this assumption.
Researcher L.I. Efimova proved that the more ancient northern Kola and White Sea pyramids became the prototype of the Egyptian pyramids.

Here is what she writes in her article “Did the Northerners Found Ancient Egypt?”
“In the ancient “Texts of the Builders”, inscribed on the temple of Horus in Egyptian Edfu, the builders of the pyramids are spoken of as enlightened, who arrived from the islands of the northern country, which suffered a flood. It was these sages who once began to build Egypt, and they initially carried out their construction according to the plans of their northern country, also called Duat-n-Ba (perhaps they called their country that way, because the name Hyperborea was given to it by the ancient Greeks).
The ancient Egyptian priests considered the Duat to be the place where "the sun of the world hidden from us meets the sun of our world." According to the conclusion of Egyptologists, the Duat meant the reddish glow of the dawn before dawn. It is this picture that can be observed at 65 degrees north latitude in the Russian North. It is interesting that the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt themselves called it Kem. In Karelia, on the coast of the White Sea, there is just a city with a similar name, Kem.
In the late 2000s, on one of the islands in the White Sea near Kemi, a white egg-shaped megalith was found with a Phoenix-like bird (Egyptian bird from Heliopolis), which dies and is reborn again.
In the immediate vicinity of the megalith egg, they discovered a gigantic, even larger than a stone egg, black monolith, which in shape simultaneously resembled a pentagram, a dog's head and an exaggeratedly large eye. Upon careful examination of this megalith, it was found that on this stone eye-pentagram-dog, an image of a throne with a footstool was clearly artificially voluminously formed, and under it - a seated kneeling man in a headdress reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian crown of Upper Egypt. ”(Arguments and Facts, northwest, 2011)

On one of the islands of the White Sea - the island of Kuzova, not far from the Solovetsky Islands - were found the remains of a very ancient city, presumably an antediluvian and an unusually huge throne.

In 2007, on one of the island megaliths in the Kemsky skerries of the White Sea, the expedition discovered and read an inscription made in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. It was the name USIR (Osiris). And on the islands of the White Sea, the oldest megalithic complexes contain ancient egypt symbols, hieroglyphic words and complete phrases related to cults ancient egyptian gods Osiris and Thoth. These texts have a fundamental physical content about the structure of the world.
Translated into modern language, these texts can be expressed as follows:
Live by Nature, according to her, and not by any other regulation. The Primordial Natural Law is God, Truth and the basis of Supreme Justice. There is no Truth above its Order.

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