Beautiful types of needlework. Unusual handicraft

A dream catcher is a Native American talisman that wards off evil spirits while a person is sleeping. Expert Astro7 explains how such talismans work and how you can make them yourself.

The Legend of the Origin of the Dream Catcher

There is an ancient beautiful legend about the origin of the dream catcher. The elder of one of the tribes of the Lakota people climbed the sacred mountain. There, an ancient teacher, the Father of all things, descended from heaven to him. He appeared in the form of a spider. The spider bent one of the flexible willow branches towards itself and made a kind of circle out of it. A circle is a symbol of the cycle of life: a person is born, grows, ages and begins to take care of the new generation. And so on ad infinitum.

The double eyelid needle is my defeat so far. Perhaps for sewing with two threads of decorative stitching machines. Can you experience such a needle? A thin thread is stretched across the film. Using standard 120 gauge threads, it loses any binding. So it appears that the groove in the needle is unable to accommodate two threads if they are too thick. Faster sewing also slows down and threads can begin to tangle. When sewing slowly everything is fine.

Needle with a spring - designed for sewing without a foot when attached, with bottom feed. Always lower the lever from the boot so that the top thread tension is correct, otherwise the terry will be terry 😉. Double needle - most often used for underwear sleeves or pockets of knitted clothing. Although it is mainly related to this, it has many more uses that.

The spider wove a thin web inside this circle, leaving a small gap inside the web. If a person lives correctly, all the good, all his good thoughts will pass through the hole in the center and reach the owner’s soul, bestowing him with the grace of the Gods, while evil thoughts will become entangled in a web and disappear with dawn.

The same thing happens with energies. Good, positive energy will easily squeeze into the center of the web and reach the end point. Negativity will forever be stuck in the web of this talisman. By the way, the feathers on the Dream Catcher also serve as a certain symbol; they repel negativity.

Typically, the thicker the material, the weaker its structure, the larger the needle. The numbering of needles is quite homogeneous, and we use needles with a thickness of 60 to 100 at home, the lower the number, the smaller the needle and vice versa. Metric Nm is nothing more than the diameter of the needle multiplied by. For example, a 90 gauge needle has a diameter of 0.9 mm.

For home machines, rather than using needles thicker than 110, this seems to be a true binding and is not necessarily recommended for a thin home machine design, as thicker needles come with thicker needles. Such thick needles would be more likely on an older type of machine with a metal drum. Sometimes it's better to let go and the equipment will keep us embarrassed for a longer time. When buying needles, pay attention to their quality, depth of recess, smoothness.

The dream catcher looks very stylish, now you can buy it in a souvenir shop or make it yourself. It doesn’t matter whether the cobweb is purchased or made by you manually - if you charge it correctly, it will definitely get rid of energy debris and protect your dreams from bad influences.

It is noteworthy that in order for the talisman to work in full force, it must be properly charged and hung above the head of the bed.

Good needles good quality for household machines, usually nickel plated, polished and shiny. Don't trust needles that are dull with visible unevenness. I had cheap Chinese "no name" needles that called for mercy in their appearance and, unfortunately, it was difficult to get a nice, smooth seam. It was easy bad quality needle that caused the stitch. What happened was that the longer groove was curved on the back of the needle, which is a complete abstraction since there is no way to accomplish its task.

A dream catcher can only belong to one person. However, there have been cases when a married couple, after purchasing a web, had identical dreams.

I will tell you how you can make a beautiful decoration for your home and then charge it to make the sleep trap work.

How to make a dream catcher?

To make a dream catcher with your own hands, you will need fresh willow branches (the tree must be very flexible), a leather cord of any color (it is better that it matches the color of the feathers), small beads of a uniform color (it is desirable that the color be neutral, natural), dense threads to create a spider web effect and, of course, feathers.

A set of high quality needles is not relatively expensive to sew things together. One needle, if used correctly, can handle more than one or even several stitches, making the calculator cost-effective. In addition, what causes stress is that this needle is at fault for the quality of the stitch.

How to check if a needle is dull

Use the appropriate needle for the material, being careful with the type of stitch and stitch and stitch used. For example, if you choose a zigzag stitch, make sure that the border or stitching is not intended to be a straight stitch. Otherwise you will definitely break the needle and it will actually be economical. 😉 Do not pull the material while sewing, keep it gentle and gentle. You will avoid situations where the needle leans over the beads, slowing down your sewing, and if the seam is really thick, turn the wheel rather than sewing at full speed. This can also protect the needle from being broken or bent. A few turns are slow, but when you turn the needle at full speed, it will take a long time to change it. Control your channel more than you control it. . You should absolutely get rid of dull, bent needles or those that have burrs on the surface.

Bend willow branches. It is desirable that they resemble an even circle as much as possible. We have to wrap it with leather thread. Using a rope, you begin to weave a web inside the circle, tying knots, as follows: without pulling the rope, throw it over the top of our workpiece, then lower it down, and pull the thread into the resulting loop. The knots need to be tightened tightly, but it is important to ensure that our web does not become distorted! The distance between the nodules should be about 3-5 cm.

Even such micro-burrs and micro-blunts. A dull needle can destroy the fabric we sew, bend even to damage the machine, and the knuckles can effectively rub and tear the thread. Without realizing anything, most often you adjust the tension of the thread towards the head, which is why this treatment does not help completely. How can you check the condition of the needle at home?

You can do this in several ways. The finger pad is very sensitive and can sense the slightest unevenness or tightness. Don't forget to rotate the needle, checking around its axis. The needle can be checked by placing it on a flat surface and ensuring that the needle shaft runs parallel to the flat surface when the needle is placed on different sides. After assembly on the machine, turn the wheel in the sewing direction to ensure symmetry in the stitch plate hole and nothing will catch the hooker.

  • If this is the case, then most likely everything from the eyes is beautiful.
  • Check the tip of the needle with your fingertip.
  • The beveled needle connects to the fingerprints.
  • You will definitely feel this gentle scraping with your finger.
Now that you know how a needle is built and the role it plays, you know how important it is to choose the right one.

Then beads are added to the web, decorated with threads with feathers and other small decorations that appeal to you.

How to properly charge the Dream Catcher?

If you managed to make a dream catcher, and you are happy with the result, or if you went to the store and bought it there, let's start charging it correctly.

Before any exercise - be it a talisman, a stone or a dream catcher, you must avoid the abuse of tobacco products or alcohol. You must be absolutely sober, feel good and not rush anywhere. You need to hold the dream trap in your hands for a while, examine it carefully, and then mentally give it a setting, starting with the words “I want.” For example: “I want you to become a faithful friend and helper for me. Protect me from bad dreams and drive away melancholy. Remove fears and doubts, I want to fall asleep and wake up in good mood" The installation form is completely free. This stage should take from five to fifteen minutes. Then we carefully place our dream catcher in our favorite book - either between the pages or on top. You can’t touch her for a day. The next evening, place the trap under the pillow - only then can you hang it above the bed.
If the dream trap stops working, it will need to be recharged. Just repeat the whole procedure again.

Do you know more and would like to add something? Such comments, despite appearances, are the most valuable. We are all happy when the sun is shining outside the window. Then we will face the field, we will swim or burn. Well, but in Lithuania it is inevitable and rainy. Although in rainy days you can find many activities at home. One of the most popular is reading, and most of us are exceptional things that belong to you. It's impossible to believe how many actions there are per word.

And they are very difficult to study. It seems that knitting must be the oldest craft because mothers and grandmothers and grandmothers and so on can knit. But in fact, knitting is truly new compared to the entire history of mankind. Of course, weaving and spinning are the most common. They are mentioned even in mythological times. And the word “knit” was included in the dictionary only in the fifteenth century. Although the oldest knitwear found was knitted with a single knife, it was knitted in the fourth century.

It seems to me that such a wonderful thing should be in every home! Moreover, the Dream Catcher can be a wonderful gift for your family and friends! - Magazine of modern youth