Does Zemfira have friends? Zemfira Ramazanova: Biography and personal life. Creative achievements of the past decade

Beloved and adored by many, Zemfira, whose biography will be described in this article, grew up on the music of such legendary performers as Viktor Tsoi, and the groups Queen, Aquarium, Nautilus Pompilius, Black Sabbath. Her older brother introduced her to rock. It can be said that thanks to him the world learned about who she is.

Biography of the artist: childhood

The future singer was born on August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa. The girl showed her ability to music with early years. At five I went to a music school for the first time, at seven I already wrote my first song. Zemfira was born in her father taught history, her mother worked as a doctor. The daughter pleased her parents - she was an excellent student at school and achieved considerable success in sports: in 1990 she became the captain of the Russian women's basketball team. Despite the fact that the monotony at the music school began to get on Zemfira's nerves, at the insistence of her mother, she nevertheless completed her studies, moreover, with

Zemfira: biography - education and early career

At first, the future singer planned to enter the Faculty of Philology, but accidentally saw an announcement about entrance examinations at a music school - she decided to try. She was immediately admitted to the second year, but after a year Zemfira becomes bored, she regrets her choice and hardly finishes the school that has become disgusting to her. In 1996, he worked as an operator at Radio Europe+ (branch in Ufa) during the day, and at night he recorded his first songs on the computer, which later became real hits: Weatherman, Snow, Why, etc.

In 1998, the singer creates her own group Zemfira. At that time, the singer's arsenal had already accumulated a lot of material, which she decides to transfer through her friend Leonid Burlakov (producer of the Mumiy Troll group). Leonid does not doubt for a minute that Zemfira is a real nugget and immediately invites her to the capital to record an album. On March 24 of the same year, at a press conference of the Utekay Sound Recording company, it was first presented to the public new singer Zemfira. The biography of an extraordinary artist, of course, contains information that not everyone accepted her work, and there was criticism. Vladimir Polupanov, in a review of the album, wrote that Zemfira's lyrics are illogical, "do not bring truth to the world" and have philological flaws. But this did not stop the singer from capturing the hearts of millions of fans.

Zemfira: biography - on the wave of fame

In 2000, the country heard the second album of the artist, which was sold in crazy circulation (more than one and a half million copies). The album became one of the most successful in history Russian show business. 2002 gave fans the third copy of which sold more than one hundred and eighty thousand on the first day. In 2003, Zemfira became the winner of the Triumph youth award. And in 2004, her biggest dream came true - she sang the song "We are the Champions" in a duet with the Queen group at the MTV Russia Awards.

Zemfira: biography - personal life

It is known that the singer is not married. Rumors of a romance with musician Petkun in the late 1990s turned out to be just a well-thought-out marketing ploy to promote her first album. The press contains unconfirmed information about Zemfira's unconventional orientation and her special attitude towards actress Renata Litvinova.

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova is a singer who opened a new direction in music called "female rock". The girl leads a secluded life, flatly refuses to communicate with journalists. There are incredible rumors about her life, which she does not confirm, but does not refute either.

Among the producers, she was known for her strict requirements, so she often acts in this role herself. With her creativity, she set the musical tone for beginners musical groups in the early 2000s.

Despite her sometimes shocking appearance, Zemfira was included in the lists of the magazine, in the nomination "One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia".

Height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira

Since Zemfira changed her images many times during her musical activity, fans are in a hurry to find out not only her biography, but also her parameters: height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira also remains an urgent question, because due to the fact that she weighs only fifty-seven kilograms, with a height of one hundred and seventy-three centimeters, it is difficult to correctly name her age.

Here for lovers Russian rock performed by Zemfira was lucky - the singer does not try to hide this data from the public. This year, in August, the singer will turn forty-two years old. She does not sit (like most singers) on strict diets, does not like to visit sports clubs. It's just that Zemfira is constantly on the move, and this is enough for her to be in excellent physical shape.

Biography of Zemfira

Zemfira's biography began in the city of Ufa. Even as a child, she began to show a craving for music. At the age of five, she was sent to a music school. There, the girl studied piano, then sang in the choir, was a vocalist. Two years later, little Zemfira wrote her first song. Choice musical genre influenced by the elder brother Ramil.

Music was not the only hobby of the child. Despite her average height, she was the captain of the women's basketball team.

In addition to school, she graduated from a music school in her hometown, a vocal department. She worked as a radio presenter.

In parallel with work, the girl creates her own group, called Zemfira. In 1998, she decided to move to the capital in order to be able to further develop her musical career.

The producer of the then-famous Mumiy Troll group, after listening, invited her to record an album. From this moment, the ascent of a new star in the world of show business begins.

The singer's debut album was released literally the following year. Many songs from the album began to play on popular radio stations. Zemfira shot a video for one of the songs in the city of Prague.

The girl instantly became popular. Her songs "Speed", "London Sky" and "Snow" won the love of millions of listeners in a short period of time. At the end of the same year, the singer went on a tour with concerts, which ended only in January of the next.

Zemfira presented her second album in the spring of 2000. It was called "Forgive Me My Love". This album became the most successful in the career of the singer and the best-selling. Thanks to the songs included in the album, the girl and her group were awarded several awards. She has planned another tour. However, this popularity also brought negative results. At her concert, which took place in the city of Yakutsk, more than ten people were injured due to a strong crowd. The authorities blamed the performer for this, but it was not her fault. It was not she who sold the tickets and the stadium was filled to capacity, also not a singer. This incident unsettled the artist a little, she apologized to the fans and did not appear on stage for almost a year.

The next album of the singer took first place in the nomination "Album of the Year", arranged by Muz-TV in 2003.

In 2005, the fourth album "Vendetta" was released, which was highly appreciated by critics and fans.

Zemfira released a live album, which included about ten hits from previous albums.

In subsequent years, several more albums were released. They included new songs and already beloved hits, but in a new arrangement.

As mentioned earlier, the performer does not like to give interviews, rarely appears in her videos. In 2012, Zemfira closed her official website due to the dirt and gossip addressed to the singer. Many criticize her lifestyle, image and demeanor. However, the multi-million fans of the creativity of an extraordinary artist sincerely wrote to her not to pay attention to the opinions of others and wished her creative success.

In 2016, her album "Little Man" was released. During the tour in support of her album, Zemfira announced her intention to end her touring activities. Nevertheless, she continues to delight fans with new songs. Last year, the directors began to negotiate with her about the singer recording and performing the soundtrack for the film "Sevastopol 1952". Whether Zemfira will agree to this proposal, time will tell.

Singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married photo 2015

Information about the unconventional orientation of the singer often appears in the press. People, when the behind-the-scenes life is carefully hidden from them, begin to fantasize in order to somehow satisfy their curiosity.

In 2007, the girl began to communicate closely with the Russian actress Renata Litvinova. Together they gave an interview for a fashionable glossy magazine, Renata acted as a producer of the singer, and she, in turn, recorded soundtracks for her films. After that, they were often seen together.

It even got to the point that a few years later they started talking about the fact that the singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married - a photo of 2015 was allegedly attached and it all happened secretly in Stockholm. Ramazanova and Litvinova did not react to this statement in any way. Listeners can only guess: is this true, or another "duck" of unscrupulous "hacks".

Zemfira's personal life

The singer herself is a secretive person. She is categorically against any interviews. Journalists have long come to the conclusion that Zemfira's personal life is generally a closed topic. Nevertheless, this part of the biography worries not only the press, but also her fans. There are a lot of rumors, gossip and speculation about what is happening with the musician on the love front. In part, Zemfira herself provoked such increased attention from fans when she announced an allegedly upcoming engagement. Things didn’t go further than conversations, and it became clear to everyone that it was just a PR move to rive people’s attention to their person.

The public was quite surprised when they found out about the acquaintance of Zemfira and Roman Abramovich. If you believe the information that circulated on the network, it turns out that they were connected not just by friendship, but by something more.

The private side of the singer's life raises many questions, both among the press and ordinary people. However, people are not one hundred percent sure that they will ever hear true information regarding Zemfira's personal life.

Husband of singer Zemfira

The husband of the singer Zemfira - does he really exist? Knowing the secretive nature of the producer, fans of her work write that they will not be surprised if it suddenly turns out that the girl has been married for a long time. Be that as it may, Zemfira is now alone and has not yet found a life partner.

Zemfira and Vlad Kolchin - the singer's youthful hobby

Zemfira is an interesting person both as a singer and as a person. Her musical works are often criticized negatively. However, she does not pay attention to the statements from the outside and continues to sing the way she likes. Fans hope that the singer will still find her soul mate and it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, the main thing is that their idol is truly happy.

Zemfira family

Zemfira's family consists of numerous relatives. She is a Tatar, and the people of this nation, as you know, are very friendly. Zemfira's father, Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov, worked all his life at school. Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova is a doctor by education.

The singer has an older brother and two paternal half-brothers. The fact is that for Talgat Talkhoevich it was the third marriage. As a young man, he was the first handsome man and was popular with women. In the first two marriages, he had a son, but he became happy only with a third family.

Zemfira is kind to her loved ones. Coming to her hometown with concerts, she always left seats in the forefront for her family. In an interview with her father, he said that her daughter achieved everything in life on her own, they could not help her financially. Ramazanov boasted that Zemfira, having received one of her first fees, did not purchase housing for herself in the capital. The daughter bought her parents an apartment in one of the central districts of the city of Ufa, made repairs there and furnished it with furniture. He also proudly recalled when, at the beginning of the year 2000, his daughter was awarded the youth award named after Sh. Babich. Then he first got to the Bashkir White House, where the Prime Minister handed over this award to him.

The spring of 2009 can be called tragic for Zemfira. Her beloved father died of a massive heart attack. Ramil Talgatovich's health has deteriorated greatly over the past four years. The fact is that two of his sons from previous marriages suddenly died. On top of that, while working in the country, he stumbled and fell, the result - a concussion. The body could not stand it and on May 10, Zemfira's father passed away.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, a series of losses in the singer's family was only gaining momentum. A year later, Zemfira's brother Ramil dies. He was an entrepreneur, worked as a director of a well-known trading network. My brother was fond of spearfishing. Something went wrong in one of these “outings” and Ramil tragically dies. For the singer, this was a real blow, because she and her brother were very close, they trusted each other with all the secrets.

Zemfira began to worry about her mother, for her health after the loss of her husband and son. She was going to transport Florida Khakievna to her place in Moscow, but did not have time. The woman could not stand the pain of loss and died in 2015. The parents were buried together, according to all the laws of Islam.

Zemfira was very upset by the death of loved ones, refused concerts and tours, no matter how tempting they were. But still she found the strength to go on.

Children of Zemfira

Zemfira's children are her nephews Arthur and Artem. Probably, only thanks to them, the girl did not withdraw into herself, she continues to perform on stage and delight the audience. After the tragic death of the father of the twins, Zemfira considers it her duty to take care of the children of her own brother.

Although the two brothers are similar, their characters are radically different: one was a closed, well-educated child at school, and the other was the soul of the company, who was not at all interested in knowledge or grades. They graduated from a prestigious gymnasium, their father wanted to send them to London, but did not have time. Zemfira fulfilled her brother's wish. The nephews went to study directing craft abroad. In 2013, the aunt performed with her nephews at a concert in Luzhniki. This was the only performance of the Ramazanov brothers. They returned to Ufa, they record songs in the studio, but so far they do not seek to advertise their activities. They plan to go to England again, this time to get knowledge in the field of pop vocals.

The singer loves her nephews, tries to accept Active participation in their life. They, in turn, wish their aunt to become a mother and please them with brothers or sisters.

Photo Zemfira before and after plastic surgery

Very often, the singer changes her appearance, style of clothing. Since she herself is a closed person and does not like to talk to journalists, often the latter, together with the fans, begin to think out, or invent something that does not really exist. When the girl began to lose weight dramatically, someone posted two pictures of different periods of her life on the network and signed "Zemfira's photo before and after plastic surgery." In fact, the singer believes that she plastic surgery to nothing. She is of the opinion that if someone is not satisfied with her appearance, let her not look, it is impossible to please everyone.

Zemfira only once starred in a photo shoot. She agreed to this only in order to promote her new album. She was not comfortable in long dresses, high platform shoes and a ton of makeup on her face. Be that as it may, for her it became a kind of test, which she withstood with honor. The artist herself does not favor printed publications, believing that this is a waste of time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zemfira

Knowing the pathological dislike of the musician for his person, it would be ridiculous to think that she has a page on Instagram and Zemfira's Wikipedia, in fact, is the only official page on the Internet where you can find reliable information about the singer.

Nevertheless, Zemfira has an Instagram page: it was made by the singer's fans. There, basically, they post photos from concerts and parties in which the singer takes part.

The official site is more like a "memo-business card". Here you can find all songs and albums of Zemfira.

Now there is probably no such person in the country who would not hall the singer, composer and poetess Zemfira. Many are interested in her personal life.

Bold, daring, more like a guy than a womanly girl, she became the creator and personification of a new trend in music called "female rock". Her songs are similar to herself: free, bold and daring. Her life will be discussed in the article.

Zemfira Ramazanova is one of those people who hides their personal lives. Her biography began in 1976 in Ufa. The girl was born in a Tatar-Bashkir family. Her parents are intellectuals. My father taught history at school, and my mother was a therapeutic gymnastics coach. Zemfira had an older brother, with whom they were very friendly.

The girl began to study music early. At the age of five, she already attended a music school and was a soloist in a children's choir. Once she even appeared on local television.

At the age of seven, the future celebrity composed her first song. During her school years, the girl was fond of the work of Viktor Tsoi and Thom Yorke. This markedly influenced her further development as a musician.

The future singer learned to play the guitar and performed the songs of the Kino group right on the street.

Zemfira was fond of basketball in parallel with music. She was the leader of the team, despite the fact that her height was shorter than the rest of the girls. This passion for sports was so strong that after graduation, the girl chose her future path between music and sports. Music won!

Zemfira entered the music school at the pop-jazz department. She was accepted immediately into the second course. During her studies, the girl began to earn money by singing songs in restaurants in Ufa. She was accompanied by a classmate on the saxophone.

The beginning of a creative career

After receiving a red diploma from the School of Arts, Zemfira went to work as a sound engineer at the Europa Plus radio station. At the same time, she sings in the Spectrum Ace group as the second vocalist.

At night, Zemfira composed her songs and recorded them on a computer. According to her personal words, she went to a friend in Moscow and captured her songs recorded on CDR. Here, for the first time in her life, she showed her songs.

In the capital, she got to the Fili recording studio. But she was refused, saying that they only accept cassettes. Zemfira left, but she left the notes to her friend. A few days later, her friend showed the recordings to the producer of the Mumiy Troll group. He liked Zemfira's songs so much that he called her in Ufa. I had to go back to Moscow.

The singer arrived in the capital with her new band. How she collected it is another story. They rehearsed in the building of a teenage club (Zemfira persuaded the director). The only thing missing from the band was a lead guitarist. They became Yuri Tsaler from Mumiy Troll.

Producer Leonid Burlakov gives the young talented singer to record her first disc, which was called Zemfira.

In her personal words: “There is so much music in my head that there is nowhere to go!” The release of the singer's first disc in the life took place in the 99th year. This album did not include only the song "Do not let go!". She will be on the second album.

It was a real success in creative biography singers! Video clips were filmed for many songs.

Rise of popularity

Shortly after this, a tour of the newly minted group took place. The concerts were full house! Zemfira was simply covered by a wave of sudden popularity.

On March 24, 1999, the singer gave a press conference in a Moscow club. Moreover, she answered questions only in Bashkir. The audience immediately fell in love with the unusual, strange star.

In May, the presentation of the group's album took place. Grass was scattered across the stage. The singer herself wove a chamomile into her hair and during the song "Daisies" she guessed on it. It was unexpected and amazing!

In December of the same year, the group began to prepare for the recording of the second disc. The singer admitted that song titles have always been difficult for her. It's like naming a child!

At the beginning of the new year, stunning news swept through the country. Zemfira and her group won in the OM magazine nominations: "Best Performer of the Year", "Brawler of the Year", "Breakthrough of the Year" and "Album of the Year".

In March, the premiere of the group's second album, entitled "Forgive me, my love", took place. He had even more success. The singer gave a big solo concert, which was also sold out. Her song "Looking for" sounded in the new film "Brother 2". But popularity tired the singer more than pleased. Therefore, she took a short vacation, taking part in only one project dedicated to Viktor Tsoi. There she sang his song "Cuckoo".

Glory was not without victims and sad incidents. During one of her concerts, a tragic incident occurred. People suffered as a result of a stampede at the stadium where the singer performed. The authorities and the police blamed Zemfira, but she did not understand what her fault was if more tickets were sold than the stadium could accommodate people.

This tragedy greatly upset the singer. She said that fame prevents her from working normally. She would like to abolish her popularity, that she should not be made into a guru or an idol. This prevents her from working.

Creativity of the singer

The creative style of the singer can be called rock or pop-rock. Some have dubbed it "female rock". In this style, recognizable different trends that existed in different time in music. This is Choi, and Susan Vega, and Alanis Morissette, and Bjork. Her singing is close to Aguzaros vocals. Sometimes you get the feeling when listening to her songs that they were recorded in the 80s.

The singer owns many musical instruments This makes it possible to diversify her performances.

As for the lyrics of her songs - this is a separate issue. It raises topical issues of the time. Therefore, they are relevant and find a wide response in the hearts of listeners. For example, sometimes the problems of teenagers are visible in the songs (lack of money, desire for love and self-realization, etc.). Then the singer raises the topic of the terrible scourge of time - AIDS. The conclusion suggests itself as follows - sometimes you have to pay for love with illness and death.

Unusualness, brightness, creativity, courage, audacity - these are, in a few words, a characteristic of the creative direction created by the singer. It cannot be said that no one sang like that before her. But something in it catches, leads to ecstasy, makes you think.

"Scandal Girl" Zemfira quickly burst into Russian show business in the late 90s and immediately won a place at the top of the star Olympus. Her songs, which favorably differed from those that sounded then on the domestic stage, took the top lines of the charts, and the very name of the singer became the personification of female rock. Time passes, but Zemfira does not lose its popularity. Biography, the personal life of the performer today is still of interest to her fans, as before. Let's take a closer look at the fate of this unique singer, which has become a real idol for several generations of youth.

Zemfira family

The rock star was born in the capital of Bashkortostan, the city of Ufa, on August 26, 1976. The girl was born into an intelligent family: her father, Talgat Talkhovich, taught history at a secondary school, and her mother, Florida Khakievna, worked as a doctor specializing in physical therapy. In addition to the daughter, the spouses had the eldest son Ramil. For Zemfira's father, marriage to her mother was already the third in a row. From previous wives he had 2 sons.


The childhood of the future star was spent in Chernikovka, a residential area located in the northern part of Ufa. The Ramazanov family lived here until the very end of the 1990s. Little Zema attended kindergarten No. 267 and even then showed interest in songs. At the age of five, her parents took her to a music school. There she studied piano and sang in the choir. Zemfira's passion for songwriting appeared very early. At the age of seven, she composed her first creation, which was listened to by her mother's work colleagues. Brother Ramil's passion for rock music was also transferred to the singer. Since childhood, her idols were Queen and Black Sabbath.

In her school years, Zemfira Ramazanova, whose biography is discussed in this article, was an excellent student. In the third grade, Zema, in addition to music, had another serious hobby - basketball. In this sport, the girl managed to achieve good success. She was best player in the team, and in 1990 she was appointed captain of the Russian junior women's basketball team. But in high school, to the great chagrin of the coaches, Zemfira decided to quit the sport and focus on the music school, which she graduated with honors.

Further education and first part-time jobs

After high school Ramazanova entered the Ufa Art School with a degree in pop vocal". After the music school, she was accepted immediately to the second year. The girl graduated from the educational institution in 1997 with a red diploma. As a student at the school, she simultaneously mastered playing the guitar and worked part-time, performing songs by Russian and foreign rock performers on the streets. In addition, Zemfira, together with her friend and classmate Vlad Kolchin, performed for some time in Ufa restaurants and nightclubs: the young singer sang and played the keys, and the guy accompanied her on the saxophone. Such part-time jobs lasted 4 years, and then the girl got tired of them, and she refused them.

History of success

In 1996, while still a student at the art school, Zemfira got a job as a sound engineer at the Europa Plus radio station in Ufa. From that time on, her biography began to change dramatically: having mastered several musical computer programs, the girl began to write songs, which later glorified her throughout the country. Then such hits as "Why", "Snow", "Forecaster" were created. At night, sitting at work, Zemfira composed songs, and in the morning she went home and listened to them. For 9 months, she accumulated about 40 works.

The singer's colleague Arkady Mukhtarov helped her to record the first demo disc. At the same time, the girl begins to create her Zemfira group and records songs no longer with the help of computer programs, but at a real recording studio. The future rock star rehearsed with her musicians in a room owned by the Orange teenage club.

In 1997, local newspapers began to write about a talented girl, and the very next year, the singer borrowed money from friends and went to conquer Moscow. By this time, her group was already fully formed. It included keyboardist Sergei Mirolyubov, bass guitarist Rinat Akhmadiev, solo guitarist Vadim Solovyov and drummer Sergei Sozinov. In the capital, the girl, through a familiar journalist, managed to transfer a cassette with her songs to the producer of Mummy Troll, Leonid Burlakov. After listening to the compositions, he offered the talented singer cooperation.

Debut album and the rise of popularity

Since 1998, Zemfira moved to Moscow. Her biography during this period is replenished major event- working on the recording of the first studio album. It began in autumn 1998 in Moscow and ended in January 1999 in London. The creators did not philosophize over the name of the album and gave it the name Zemfira. Ilya Lagutenko, the leader of Mummii Troll, became its sound producer.

The official release of the album took place in May 1998. By this time, the name of the singer was already well known throughout the post-Soviet space, and her songs "Arivederchi" and "AIDS" had become hits. The album sold out at lightning speed. It was a real triumph, marking the beginning of an impressive star trek. Already in the fall of this year, the singer Zemfira goes on her first tour. Her biography begins to interest all fans of rock music. But the girl is not very frank with journalists about her personal life and pours out her soul only in songs. Following the old hits, she has new ones. “Why” and “Daisies” are listened to even by those who have never been interested in rock music before.

Continuation of a stellar career

In the spring of 2000, the second studio album group "Zemfira", called "Forgive me, my love." It sold 1.5 million copies, breaking sales records in Russia and neighboring countries. The songs from this album “And the girl is ripe”, “Do you want?”, “PMML”, “Goodbye” topped the charts of the country, and the composition “I was looking for” became the soundtrack for the film “Brother-2” with Sergei Bodrov Jr. In the same period, Zemfira agrees to appear for the glossy cover of the OM fashion magazine. The biography, photos of this girl, placed in the publication, attracted millions of readers to him.

In April 2000, the singer gave a big solo concert in Moscow and soon after that went on a new tour. In December 2000, a stampede occurred at her performance in Yakutsk, as a result of which many people were injured. The incident was widely discussed in the media, Zemfira was called the culprit of the incident. The singer, in turn, blamed the organizers of the concert for the incident. A busy tour schedule and a scandal in Yakutsk so exhausted the artist that she canceled all performances scheduled for 2001 and disappeared from the field of view of her fans for many months.

Subsequent albums of the singer

In the spring of 2002, Zemfira again appeared in public, presenting her next album called "14 weeks of silence." He was enthusiastically received by music critics and fans of the singer. Only on the first day after the presentation, about 180 thousand copies of the album were sold, which was a record for Russian show business. In total, "14 Weeks of Silence" was sold among admirers of Zemfira's talent in excess of 1 million copies. After that, in the period from 2005 to 2013, the singer releases 4 more albums (“Vendetta”, “Thank you”, “Z-Sides” and “Live in your head”), met by critics and music lovers with the same positive feedback like her first work.

Cooperation with Litvinova

In 2008, the star, together with her friend, director Renata Litvinova, produced the musical film "Green Theater in Zemfira", the basis for which was the video footage filmed at the singer's concert in Moscow. The film received high marks from critics and was the winner of the Steppenwolf Award. In 2012, Zemfira and Litvinova became producers of the film "Rita's Last Tale". For the same film, the singer wrote the soundtrack. She is also the author of music that sounds in other film works by Renata Litvinova.

Rumors about personal life and orientation

Not only creativity attracts the attention of the public Zemfira. The biography, the orientation of the singer are sometimes of interest to them much more than her new songs. For recent years there are rumors in the media about the unconventional sexual preferences of the star, and Renat Litvinov is credited as her lover. Although Zemfira and her no less famous friend have repeatedly denied this information, journalists do not let up and continue to look for evidence of a love affair between women.

Zemfira does not like to be frank with journalists, so not so much is known about her personal life. In her youth, when the star performed in Ufa restaurants, she had an affair with her stage colleague Vlad Kolchin. Young people met for several years, but the guy's departure to St. Petersburg put an end to their relationship. After Ramazanova became a celebrity, she was credited with an affair with Vyacheslav Petkun (the leader of the Dancing Minus group), but subsequently this information was not confirmed.

Later there were rumors about romantic relationship between Zemfira and the oligarch Romanov Abramovich. People close to the billionaire claimed that he was a fan of the girl's talent and invested a lot of money in her promotion. The secret relationship between the singer and the governor of Chukotka continued until he met Dasha Zhukova. After that, Zema fell into a depression, lost a lot of weight and found solace in the person of her best friend Renata Litvinova. It was then that they began to accuse her of lesbian inclinations.

The fate of native stars

Zemfira owed her popularity in many respects to her parents. Biography, the singer's family once again attracted media attention after her beloved dad passed away in April 2009. 77-year-old Talgat Talkhovich died of a heart attack. The father always rejoiced at the success of his daughter and, as long as his health allowed him, attended all her concerts in Ufa. A year after the tragedy, fate took another loved one from Zemfira - brother Ramil. A 43-year-old man drowned on the Pavlovsk reservoir during spearfishing. In March 2015, Zemfira buried her mother, whose health was greatly crippled by the death of her husband and son. Florida Khakievna was ill for a long time, and the singer even wanted to take her to her place in Moscow, but did not have time.

In 2004, a school history textbook was published in Russia, in which the singer was mentioned as the founder of a new trend in Russian musical culture. In the same year, Ramazanova was enrolled as a student at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, but due to a busy work schedule, she had to quit her studies.

Not at all a Bashkir, as many people think, is the singer Zemfira. The biography, in which her nationality was not indicated for a long time, did not shed light on this issue. The answer was given by the star itself. In 2013, at a concert in Kazan, she declared that she was a Tatar.

In 2011, Zemfira took 26th place in the hundred most influential women in Russia. The rating was compiled jointly by the radio station "Echo of Moscow", news agency Interfax, Ogonyok magazine and RIA Novosti.

Throughout the existence of the Zemfira group, its composition has changed several times. In 2013, the singer took her nephews Artyom and Artur (sons of the deceased brother Ramil) to the band as musicians.

It's been 17 years since Zemfira appeared on the Russian stage. Biography, personal life of the singer all this time are under close attention of the media. Due to her complex nature, the star has found herself at the center of scandals many times, but this did not make her less popular. Zemfira continues to work fruitfully, and fans of her talent can be sure that in the near future the star will delight them with new hits.

She is the face of youth music of the late 90s and the standard of the new style. The singer who quickly burst into the world Russian music and became the idol of millions. It is with her name that the birth of "female rock" in Russia is associated. She still does not let the media and people who are eager to know anything about her orientation and connections into her personal life.

All this is about the singer, outstanding musician Zemfira, whose biography is filled with a rocker mood of protest, seriousness and not at all rocker-like subtle female feelings, resulting in songs that have not lost popularity for more than 17 years.

Zemfira still collects huge halls, she is interesting to her fans, who unconditionally accept their idol without a modern fashionable appearance and details of her personal life. She is what she is: alive, sincere and feeling.

The beginning of the way

The future rock star Zemfira Ramazanova was born in the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan - the city of Ufa at the end of August 1976 in a family that had nothing to do with music. Her father was a historian, and her mother was a physiotherapy specialist.

In addition to her, another child grew up in the family - the son Ramil, with whom Zemfira was very close. It was her brother who instilled in her a love of rock, they were heard together by the Queen and Black Sabbath groups. In addition, as a child, the girl loved to listen to the songs of Viktor Tsoi, whose work influenced the formation of Zemfira as a singer. The nationality of the singer is not a Bashkir, as many people think, but a Tatar.

At school, Zemfira studied "excellently". Studying was easy for her. That is why the girl had plenty of free time and hobbies. In addition to the general education school, she also studied at the music school in the piano department and sang in the choir.

The girl also had achievements in sports, since at school she loved to play basketball. Despite her short stature, she became the captain of the Russian junior national team. However, when it came time to choose what to connect their fate with after graduation, Zemfira decided to go headlong into music. And she entered the Ufa Musical College in the department of pop vocals.

Of course, like most students, the girl worked part-time during her studies. Her main source of income was performances in restaurants, where Zemfira did not sing, but played the piano, and her friend Vlad Kolchin accompanied on the saxophone. In addition, the girl worked for some time in her hometown at the Europa Plus radio, where she voiced commercials and was a sound engineer. During that period, her first songs were written.

A colleague at work helped her to record the first demo disc, who pushed the singer to create a group. So the Zemfira group appeared. Tracks recorded in the mid-90s "blew up" the youth of Bashkiria. Zemfira began not only to sing, but they began to write about her. Many local newspapers were willing to interview the young musician whose songs captured the youth. And a year later, Zemfira decides to leave to conquer Moscow.

Way to the top

Zemfira handed over her first works through familiar journalists personally to the soloist of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Lagutenko, who was delighted with the young, little-known musician. And soon, thanks to Ilya and the producer of his group, Zemfira's debut album of the same name was recorded. It happened in 1998.

And two months later, her songs were in rotation on many radio stations. Then the first clip was filmed. Thus, the country has a new idol with a female face.

And six months later, Zemfira went on her first tour of the CIS countries. True, the singer did not want to reveal her soul to journalists even then. She conveyed all her feelings exclusively through music and symbolic objects at concerts: a camomile, a guitar, a butterfly.

A year after the presentation of the first album, the second one comes out - "Forgive me, my love." The girl once admitted that it is especially difficult for her to give names to her songs, which is why it often turns out that the tracks have two names. The songs from this disc again topped the charts of the country, and some became movie soundtracks.

At the end of 2000, the singer Zemfira, after another concert in Yakutsk, was accused of riots that took place in the city square. So many people gathered to look at the idol that a stampede began, as a result of which many people were injured.

The singer was accused of this incident, but Zemfira said that the organizers should be blamed. After that, Zemfira disappeared from the stage for some time and did not get in touch with anyone, including the press. In the same year, the singer received her first award in her native Republic of Bashkiria for her significant contribution to the arts.

However, by 2002, the singer returned again with a "bomb". The third album, entitled "14 Weeks of Silence", was released, which was sold in a record circulation - more than a million copies.

In total, Zemfira has seven albums:

  • Zemfira.
  • "Forgive me, my love".
  • "14 weeks of silence".
  • "Vendetta".
  • "Thanks".
  • Z-sides.
  • "Live in your head."

Personal life

As already mentioned, Zemfira does not let strangers into her life. Therefore, little is known about her relationships with men. However, some facts still leaked to the media.

Her first love was a musician, with whom the girl performed in restaurants in her student years. However, their relationship cannot be called romantic - rather, there was passion between young people. Would Zemfira and Vlad bring their union to the wedding? This is not known to anyone. The reason for their separation was the departure of the guy to St. Petersburg.

It may seem strange, but the rock singer was also associated with Roman Abramovich. Rumor has it that the oligarch was a sponsor of the then beginning singer. Like it or not, it is not known for sure.

Renata Litvinova is of great importance in Zemfira's life. Although the girls claim they are just friends, their frequent appearances together give the media a reason to talk about more. There is a rumor that Renata and Zemfira secretly got engaged in Sweden. Despite the age of 41, Zemfira has no children.

2009 was a tragic year for the singer's family. The girl lost her father, who died of a heart attack. However, this was only the beginning, a year later her own and beloved brother Ramil drowned. And in 2015, not recovering from the loss of her husband and son, Zemfira's mother died. Since then, the singer herself has been trying to take care of her twin nephews, who remained after the death of her brother. Together with them, the singer created musical project"Uchpochmak".

Today, Zemfira does not like to appear on TV screens and practically does not tell the press about herself. She focuses on her lyrics and music. In her wardrobe, there are only black and white things and an invariable short haircut, symbolizing minimalism, seriousness and steadfastness. Author: Anastasia Kaikova - Journal of modern youth