Slavic writing and culture in the younger group. Day of Slavic writing and culture in kindergarten with presentation. Senior group. The song “Little Frog” by Protasova – performed by soloists

In Russia, the holiday Day is celebrated annually in May. Slavic writing. In , within patriotic education To expand the historical knowledge of children, a week of Slavic writing is held, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and the recommendations of the program “From birth to school.” This week the teacher talks about the emergence of writing, Cyril and Methodius, and introduces children to Slavic literature and games. The result of the week is the entertainment “Day of Slavic Writing”, where children consolidate their acquired knowledge. You will find a description of conversations with children and fairy tales of Slavic peoples in the appendix to the plan “ Thematic week"Week of Slavic Literature."

Social and communicative development

Children prepare a report on genealogy, find out what the colors on the Russian flag mean, discuss the story “How the chick learned to write,” which contributes to social and communicative development.

Cognitive development

In the area cognitive development The planned presentation “How people learned to write”, experiments “Natural Magnifying Lens” and “Two is More Fun”, making a model “Spring in the Forest”, observing potatoes in the garden.

Speech development

Older preschoolers learn to answer questions correctly and solve the problem situation “What would happen if people never learned to write.” An adult offers games and exercises to familiarize children with sentences, sound words, etc., solving problems of speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, singing of acquaintances is planned folk songs, modeling and design according to plan, drawing “Artists are wizards” to develop the ability to mix colors.

Physical development

In the field of physical development, the teacher considers getting to know the games of the Slavic peoples, repeat the rhymes. To form a habit of healthy image life, a field of miracles “Products for Health” is planned, conversations about the daily routine.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Homemade preparations “My ancestry”. Goal: expand ideas about family ties.Viewing the multimedia presentation “How people learned to write.” Goal: to introduce children to the emergence of writing, to introduce them to socio-cultural values.Problem situation “What would happen if people never learned to write.” Goal: teach to think outside the box.Consideration of the album “Folk Crafts”. Goal: consolidate knowledge about different types paintings.Introducing the Slavic game “Slow down.” Goal: clarify the rules of the game.
Conversation “What do the colors of our flag mean.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about state symbols.Exercise “Find a toy.” Goal: to develop spatial perception while moving.Conversation “How to answer a question correctly.” Goal: to form a culture of speech.Asphalt drawing competition “My Favorite Fairy Tale”. Goal: to consolidate ideas about fairy tales and their heroes.P.i. at the School of Ball. Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to perform different actions with the ball, develop coordination of movements, eye, and dexterity. P.i. "Color Ant" Goal: to please children.
2 p.d.A teacher's story about the holiday "Day of Slavic Literature." Purpose: to provide information about Cyril and Methodius, to expand children’s historical knowledge.Cognitive and research activity “Natural Magnifying Glass”. Goal: Show children a way to look at small objects without a magnifying glass.Conversation “What are myths and legends.” Goal: to introduce new literary genres.Developmental design “Various buildings”. Goal: to teach children to vary images of objects in their imagination.Independent games with physical education equipment. Goal: to cultivate discipline and respect for other players.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Didactic game “Who needs this?” Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about objects and their use in work processes.Introduction to Slavic folk games. Goal: to introduce children to Russian culture.Game " Telephone conversation" Goal: develop the ability to correctly express your thoughts.Repetition of Russian folk dances. Goal: to please children.Conversation “Muscles and their significance.” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of their body.
Washing toys on the veranda. Goal: to develop accuracy and conscientiousness.Observations of potatoes in the garden. Purpose: to draw conclusions that sprouted potatoes produce early shoots.Game “Who can name the most?” Goal: enrich the vocabulary.Di. "Artists are magicians." Goal: to show skills in working with watercolors on wet paper, pouring one paint into another and obtaining new colors and their shades.P.i. "The Bear and the Bees." Goal: to develop the ability to jump onto a hill. P.i. "Obstacle course" Goal: continue to teach children to jump on two legs while moving forward; improve skills of climbing under arches; improve coordination of movements.

Ekaterina Malygina



Entertainment« Day of Slavic Literature and Culture»

For older children preschool age .

Prepared and carried out:

Malygina E. A.

Target: Introduce preschoolers with Slavic culture.


1. Continue to develop interest and respect for your native culture.

2. Develop cognitive interest, broaden horizons.

3. Introduce Old Church Slavonic alphabet;

4. Pay attention children on the significance of each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet

5. To cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, pride for the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.

Progress of the event:

A teacher in a folk costume enters the hall


Across our wide Rus', mother,

The bells ring out.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

For your efforts are glorified.

They remember Cyril and Methodius,

Brothers glorious Equal-to-the-Apostles,

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The wise brothers are praised in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,

What is called since ancient times Slavic,

They glorify feat of the first teachers,

Christian enlighteners.

The festive bell rings. Children snake their way into the hall and stop facing the guests.

Brown-haired, gray-eyed,

Everyone is bright in face and heart glorious.

Drevlyans, Russians, Slavs

Tell me, who are we?

Children (in unison) We - Slavs!

Your article is all nice,

All different and all similar,

We are now called Russians,

Since ancient times, who are we?

Children (in unison) We - Slavs!

We honor white birch trees,

We love our free songs.

We are called Olya, Masha, Tanya

Tell me, who are we?

Children (in unison) We - Slavs!

The bell rings. The children take their seats.

The teacher comes out with a scroll in his hands.


Hello, our nice guests, kind, sweet kids. I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times unknown to you.

Once upon a time there were good fellows, beautiful red maidens. And they had good mothers, bearded wise priests. They knew how to plow and mow, cut down mansions, they knew how to weave canvases and embroider them with patterns. Our ancestors didn’t know how to read and write, they didn’t know how to read books write letters.

(Slide 2) And two enlighteners appeared in Rus', the wise brothers Cyril and Methodius. They were originally from the Macedonian city of Thessaloniki. Kirill studied theology and taught philosophy. He was called a philosopher, or in Russian a sage. Since childhood, he dreamed of writing books that would be understandable Slavs. I started helping him older brother Methodius. They listened to the Russian speech for a long time, and then they began to write it down. And they came up with initial letters, and from them they made up the alphabet. (Slide 3)

He opens the scroll and shows the alphabet. Slide 4

The choir sounds « Hail» from the opera by M. I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin".

Educator What is the name of this alphabet?

Children (in unison) Cyrillic!

Educator Why is it called that?

Children In honor of Kirill, its creator.

Educator Look more closely at these letters.

Do they remind you of letters you already know?

Educator Every letter in the ancient Slavic the alphabet was special. She had her own name.

Listen to how it sounds ancient alphabet: az, beeches, lead, verb...

The names of the letters reminded people of their life:

"good", "People", "Earth", "peace" etc.

Today we will revive these vintage letters and learn about their meaning.

A choir excerpt sounds « Hail» M. I. Glinka.

Children take letters and take turns going out

A child comes out with a letter.

Reb. A (Lisa) Hello children! My name is AZ. Name words that begin with this letter.

Children list.

A child comes out with a letter.

Reb. B (Pasha) My name is BUKI. Remember how much good words starts with this letter.

Children list.

Educator You, dear letters, have the great honor of standing at the beginning of our alphabet. That's what people say They say: "At first "az", "beeches", and then all the sciences." The path of each of you into the world of knowledge begins with learning the basics! And another letter is rushing towards us.

A child runs out.

Please introduce yourself!

Reb. In My name is "Lead"! I know everything, I know about everything.

Guess my riddle:

She is the richest in the world

Children are running and rushing along it.

And in spring it’s all in color,

And so beautiful at dawn.

And feeds all the people in the world.

What is this? Tell me, children. (Earth) Slide 5

Round dance "Chernozem Earthling"


And we will continue to get acquainted with Slavic alphabet.

A fragment of a choir sounds « Hail» M. I. Glinka.

A child runs out.

Reb. G Hello, children! I am a letter "Verb". To verb means

speak. But before you speak, you need to think carefully.

People said: “If you say it, you won’t turn it back, and I would give dearly for

a word, but you can’t redeem it.”


In Rus', those who were taught to read and write were always respected - they knew how to read and write. And many proverbs have been written about this. And now we will check how you know proverbs:

He who reads a lot knows a lot

With a book you'll gain some wisdom.

More literate people, fewer fools.

Written with a pen, you can’t cut it out with an ax

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

Educator: Look, another letter is rushing towards us.

A child runs out.

Reb. D Good day! My name is "Good".

What a good name you have! Good.

Reb. D Slide No. 7

Kindness - best feature character of a person.

It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to be very kind,

So that in times of trouble we don’t forget each other.

And the peoples will live more friendly,

If we are kinder to you.

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness over the years getting old,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

Educator: From "ABCs" a new guest is coming to us!

A child runs out.

Reb. L Hello, children! I am a letter "People"!

People, do you live in harmony?

Are you bringing affection and love?

We cannot divide the radiant sun into parts,

And the eternal land cannot be divided,

But a spark of happiness

You can, you must

You can give it to your friends.

Dance "Friendship"

Educator: Meet us, a new letter is coming to us.

A child runs out.

Reb. M Hello, my name is "Think".

My wisdom has been known for a long time.

Try to guess mine riddles:

1. Although not a hat, but with a brim,

Not a flower, but with a root,

Talking to us

Patient tongue. (Book)

2. The first book for kids.

Teaches - torments, but teaches - makes you happy. (ABC)

3. Black, crooked,

From birthdays are all dumb.

They will stand in a row -

Now they'll talk. (Letters)

Educator There are hissing letters,

There are whistling letters

And only one of them

The letter is growling.

A child runs out.

Reb. p Slide 8

Hello children! I am a letter "Rtsy"!

No wonder I'm proud of myself,

After all, I am the beginning of the word "Rus".

You are in everyone's heart,

Motherland - Russia!

White birches,

The ear is poured.

There is no one more free than you,

There is no one more beautiful than you

There is no other in the world

Such a homeland!

Reb. Rus' is rich in talents,

Rus' is strong in talents.

If the boys sing,

So she will live.

Song "Grove" (Children disperse all over the carpet, after the song they go to their chairs)

Thank you, letters, you teach us beauty, kindness, wisdom.

Thanks to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius for giving us Slavic alphabet. 43 sister letters look at us and invite us to further acquaintance. But that will happen next time. Now meet the modern Russian alphabet.

Music is playing. Slide 10

The Russian alphabet comes out.

Russian language.

I love my native language!

It is clear to everyone

He is melodious

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

As our power, mighty.

He is the language of the moon and planets,

Our satellites and rockets,

At the round table meeting

Speak in it m:

Unambiguous and direct

He is like the truth itself.


We serve our Fatherland faithfully,

You are one of the sons.

Grow so that you are needed

Dear to your Motherland!

A reward awaits you for your work -

A beautiful goal in the distance

But you have to look around

On the path that we have passed.

There is nothing better, more beautiful

Dear thy Motherland!

Look back at our ancestors,

To the heroes of days gone by!

Remember them with a kind word -

Glory to them, stern fighters,

Glory to our side!

Glory to Russian antiquity!

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture at the Preschool Educational Institution

Target: to cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.
Continue to develop interest and respect for the native culture, show its relationship with Slavic culture.
Introduce children to the history of the creation of the Slavic alphabet and its founders - the brothers Cyril and Methodius.
Draw children's attention to the significance of the names of each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.
To form in children ideas about the similarities and differences between the modern alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet.
To a cheerful Russian folk melody, children enter the hall, change formation, and stand in a semicircle. (Slide 1)
Educator: Guys, today we are going on a journey, but not across cities and countries, but on a journey through time. We will look into the distant past of our country.
You and I live in a country that has amazing beautiful name- Russia!
-What is the name of our country, where you and I live? (children's answers)
Many years ago, Russia was called differently - Rus', and it was inhabited by the Slavs, our distant ancestors. These are people who lived many, many years ago, these are the grandparents of our grandparents. Our ancestors called themselves Slavs, and Rus' originated from them.
And this means that the Slavs are a glorious people.
Dear guys! Every year, all Slavic countries, according to the old tradition, celebrate a holiday on May 24 dedicated to the brothers who created Slavic writing - Cyril and Methodius. Brothers Methodius and Cyril were Orthodox monks. Living in a Greek monastery, they created a new alphabet for the Slavic peoples: “Cyrillic” and “Glagolitic”. In 1991, a holiday of Slavic culture and writing appeared in our country. (Slide 2)

Across broad Rus' - our mother -
The bells ring out.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
They are glorified for their efforts.
Remember Cyril and Methodius -
Glorious brothers, equal to the apostles
In Belarus, Macedonia,
In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The wise brothers are praised in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.
All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,
What have been called Slavic since ancient times,
They glorify the feat of the first teachers,
Christian enlighteners.
Fair-haired and gray-eyed,
Everyone is bright in face and glorious in heart,
Drevlyans, Rusichi, glades,
Tell me, who are you?
Your article is all nice,
All different and all similar,
Now you are called Russians,
Since ancient times, who are you?
Let's take you on a short journey on a steam locomotive into the past to find out how writing developed.
The children board the “train” and ride to the station to the song. (Slide 3)
1 station. "Primitive". Rock symbols - letters, hieroglyphs. Charcoal drawing.
Slide 4.So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various objects. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message objects was a troublesome task, they began to draw these objects.
Slide 5.Such images were found on the walls of caves where ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of man towards the creation of writing. Gradually, people began to replace drawings with symbols.

Slide 6. Inscriptions were made on stones, rocks, and on boards. Of course, it was difficult to transport such “letters” over distances and these signs could be understood in different ways.
Slide 7- Time passed. Gradually, people moved from drawings to signs, which they began to call letters. This is how writing was born.
(Practical activities pupils. Drawing) on ​​2 easels 2 teams, send the team a message in the form of rock inscriptions, for example, we are going hunting, or we killed a mammoth.
The children get on the train and move on. (Slide 8)
Slide 9. 2nd station. "Historical". Cyril and Methodius. Glagolitic and Cyrillic
Presenter: Goy, you are our nice guests, kind, dear children!
I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times unknown to you. Once upon a time there lived good fellows, beautiful, beautiful maidens. They knew how to plow and mow, cut down mansions, they knew how to weave canvases and embroider them with patterns. But our ancestors did not know how to read, did not know how to read books or write letters. And the wise brothers Cyril and Methodius appeared in Rus'. (Slide 10) younger brother Kirill dreamed of writing books that were understandable to the Slavs, and for this he needed to come up with letters. Years have passed. The brothers grew up and learned. But the dream of creating a Slavic alphabet did not leave his younger brother. He worked hard. And now the alphabet was ready. His elder brother Methodius began to help him. Cyril and Methodius accomplished a great work! This event happened a very long time ago.
The teacher shows the Cyrillic alphabet - the Slavic alphabet, emphasizing that the names of the letters were supposed to remind people of words that should not be forgotten: “earth”, “life”, “good”, etc. (Slide 11)
Each letter in the ancient Slavic alphabet was special. She had a name.
Do you think there were many books at that time? Why? (Children's answers).
At that time, books were written by hand by arctic foxes; one book took several years to write. Many people wanted to read books, but there were very few of them, so people began to think about how to simplify this process. (Slide 12)
Now listen to the story. In a Russian village there lived a boy, Vanya Fedorov. His father copied books, was a scribe, and Vanya saw how difficult it was. He wanted to make a printing machine so that he could print many books, so that people would learn a lot of wisdom from books. To print a book, you first had to cut out the letters. The capital letters were beautifully decorated. (Slide 13)
Invite children to cut out capital carved letters.
Let's go to the next station. (Slide 14)

3 station. "Musical - gaming." Folk games. (Slide 15)
Educator: Yes, what beauties the Russian land is rich in: long braids, bright sundresses, colorful, colorful scarves. Shouldn't we play with them now? interesting game? Take out your handkerchiefs, people, and go out for a walk in a circle.
Conducted music game“Pass the handkerchief” optional
Whoever has a handkerchief left stands in a circle and dances, the rest repeat.
Song "At my Russia"
The Slavs worked hard, but they also loved to have fun, they loved to sing songs and dance in circles.
And we are going to the next station. (Slide 16)
4 Station “Skazochno-zagadkino”(Slide 17)
1) 33 sisters sat on the pages.
They sat down next to each other, they were not silent, they told us riddles.
If you know their secret, you will find the answer to everything. (Letters)
2) She speaks silently, but clearly and not boringly.
If you talk to her more often, you will become four times smarter. (Book)
3) The first book where you study letters,
What do you call her? (Primer)
Letter to letter - there will be a word,
Word by word - the speech is ready.
And melodious and harmonious,
It sounds like music.
So let's praise these letters!
Let them come to the children
And let him be famous
Our Slavic alphabet.
A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
A bird is not red with its feathers, it is red with its mind.
good book It's not a burden to read.
From time immemorial it has been raising a person.
Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge from books.
It’s not good to read books if you can only grasp the tops of them.
The spoken word has existed and no, but the written word lives forever.
It is wasted effort to fish without a hook and to study without a book.
A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.
The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
Bread nourishes warmth, and a book nourishes the mind.
We read a lot of books: stories, poems. But from the very early childhood we all love fairy tales.
- What fairy tales do you know? Let's check it out? (Slide 18)
1) A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,
I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.
Mom made a beautiful hat
And I didn’t forget to bring some pies with me.
What a sweet girl.
What's her name? ... (Little Red Riding Hood)
2) I'm a wooden boy,
Here is the golden key!
Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -
They are all friends with me.
I stick my long nose everywhere,
My name is... (Pinocchio)
3) Three of them live in a hut,
It has three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)
4) In a dark forest at the edge,
Everyone lived together in the hut.
The children were waiting for their mother,
The wolf was not allowed into the house.
This fairy tale is for the guys... (Wolf and seven kids)
5) Fulfilled three wishes,
But the old man's punishment
Three mistakes for the old woman
Took everything back (Goldfish)...
6) Grandma is old, grandma is ancient,
Black cat, bone leg,
In Russian fairy tales, the villain is the first.
Children, this is (Baba Yaga)...
We traveled from the past to the present and learned how difficult it was to create the book, a lot of people worked on its creation, it is our faithful friend, and teaches us a lot, so let’s take care of the book.
Here you go guys, ours is over fabulous trip, I suggest taking your seats and heading back to kindergarten. (Slide 19)
Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
We want to say thank you
For the letters that we really need
To teach us to read. (Slide 20)

Anna Petrishenko
Lesson for senior preschool children “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture”

Target: To cultivate love for the Motherland and respect for folk traditions.


To provide knowledge about Cyril and Methodius as the founders of Slavic writing.

Introduce the Old Church Slavonic alphabet;

To form in children ideas about the similarities and differences between modern and Slavic alphabets;

To form a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us.

Methods and techniques:

Activation of various analyzers:

verbal ( artistic word, conversation, question-answer, problematic questions)

gaming (moving, surprise moment)

practical (entertaining exercises, reading proverbs, poems, dynamic pause, reflection)

Equipment: Demonstration: ABC, computer presentation; stone; wax crayons, sheets of paper; book exhibitions.

Musical arrangement: musical accompaniment

Preliminary work.

Cognitive development: excursion to the library, looking at books

Speech development: learning poems and proverbs on the topic of the lesson

GCD move:


(Shows the children the ABC.)

What is this? (book, ABC, textbook)

What is it for? (children learn letters from it, learn to read)

What are all the letters together called (alphabet)

The alphabet is our best friend, everyone in the world knows it!

There are many letters around, all children learn them.

Why do we need letters? (we can communicate with each other at a distance - write a letter, learn new things from books and magazines)

How did the letters appear? Now I will talk about how writing appeared.

For a long time, ancient people transmitted information to each other by drawing animals and hunting scenes on rocks and stones. These were man's first steps towards the creation of writing. (Slide)

Later, people began to replace drawings with symbols. To keep the information longer, primitive people they carved out silhouettes of animals and symbols on the rocks with a sharp stone. (Slide)

Here we have a stone from the past. Let's try to leave some kind of message like ancient people. (There is a large stone in the hall. Children are trying to carve a sign on it)

Is it easy to write a message and deliver it to its destination? (no, it’s heavy, it’s difficult and time-consuming to emboss the design)

That's right, that's why people began to write on the material that was easier to find or make. People began to write with pointed sticks - they were called writing. Instead of paper, they used wax tablets and birch bark - birch bark. (Slide)

Time passed. They were replaced goose feathers and paper (Slide)

Listen to the history of the alphabet.

A long time ago, our ancestors cultivated the land, farmed, built houses, wove canvas, embroidered, but did not know how to read books or write letters. At that time there lived two preacher brothers. Cyril and Methodius. The younger brother Kirill decided to write books that were understandable to the Slavs, but for this it was necessary to come up with Slavic letters. This is what the brothers did. Their alphabet had 44 letters. (slide)

In honor of the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, a holiday was established - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Every year, on May 24, Saints Cyril and Methodius are solemnly glorified in all Slavic countries. (slide)

The first Slavic alphabets were Glagolitic and Cyrillic. The name of the alphabet “Glagolitic” comes from the word VERB, which means “speech”. And “Cyrillic” is named after its creator, Kirill. Later, this alphabet became the basis for the Russian alphabet (slides).

Books in Rus' were made from parchment: specially treated sheep skin. One book sometimes took up to 30 animal skins - a whole herd! That is why books were expensive and only very rich people bought them. (slide)

Ordinary letters were written on the cheaper material birch bark. The marks were made with a bone rod. Novgorod birch bark documents confirmed the assumption that already in Ancient Rus' there were many who knew how to write and read. (slide)


Come on, guys, and we will write a message to the past.

(we hand out paper and wax crayons)

With the advent of the Old Russian alphabet, books began to be written. These were mainly church books, teachings and scientific works. (slide)

Each letter in the Old Russian alphabet has its own name: az, beeches, vedi, earth.

The names of the letters reminded people of words such as: “good”, “live”, “earth”, “people”, “peace”


Guys, do you have names? Let's play?

Whose name begins with the letter "A" - let's stomp, whoever's name starts with "B" - clap, everyone else - let's jump...

The first beech of the ancient alphabet was called “Az”, the second - “Buki”. Try folding them and see what happens. (children add up the syllables written on paper)

The result is the word "ALC."

This is what people say: “First “az” and “buki”, then science.” It is with the basics that the path of each of us into the world of knowledge begins.

Guys, do you know proverbs about the benefits of learning?

(Children read proverbs at the discretion of the teacher)

They do not write with a pen, but with their mind.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

More literate people, fewer fools.

He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.

Going into science means suffering.

The light stands by God's will, people live by science.

Without flour there is no science.

To think nothing means to become sour.

It took a long time before man invented the printing press. Ivan Fedorov was the first to publish printed books in Russia. This was over 400 years ago. (slide)

The first primer was written and printed in 1574. It had no pictures and was not at all like the primer we use to teach the alphabet now. Slavic letters much more complex and difficult than Russian ones; memorizing them required more time and effort than memorizing Russian ones. “They teach the alphabet - they shout to the whole hut.” Listen to how they taught literacy in the old days.

“How a church literate taught children in the old days” (children read a poem)

In the old days, children studied -

They were taught by the church clerk, -

They came at dawn

And the letters repeated like this:

A and B - like Az and Buki,

V – as Vedi, G – Verb.

And a teacher for science

On Saturdays I flogged them.

That's how wonderful it is at first

Our diploma was there!

This is the pen they used to write with -

From a goose wing!

As time passed, difficult letters were eliminated from the alphabet and others were replaced. And our alphabet now looks like this (slide)

And now we learn letters using this ABC book (slide)

(Children read poetry)

Everyone needs letters

Letters are important to everyone

We form a word from them,

And from the word there will be speech!

People wouldn't be able to

If there were no letters,

There would be no communication.

Two brothers Cyril and Methodius,

We want to say thank you

For the letters that we really need,

We are eternally grateful to Saints Cyril and Methodius for creating the Slavic alphabet. Now we cannot even imagine how we would manage without books. We learn a lot of new and interesting things from books; books teach us a lot. Before a book comes into our home, many people put their work into creating this book, we have already talked about this in other classes, and now we invite you to consider books.

(children are invited to the book exhibition)

Marina Dergunova
Abstract open class with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Day of Slavic Literature”

Goals, objectives:

Introduce children to the holiday Slavic writing and culture;

Give an initial idea of ​​the origin Slavic writing, about its creation by Cyril and Methodius, about the cultural unity of Russia;

To form the cognitive activity of children, the emotional responsiveness of children;

To cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for cultural traditions, careful attitude to the book;

Enrich active dictionary preschoolers.

Vocabulary work:

Cyrillic, az, beeches, vedi, verb, library, Cyril, Methodius, Slavs, Slavic language, Psalter, Bible,

Preliminary work:

Conversation about the upcoming holiday, reading fairy tales, reading proverbs, games.


1. Reproductions depicting Cyril and Methodius.

2. Slavic alphabet.

3. Cyrillic letters "A", "B", "IN", "G", "D", "L", "WITH".

4. Tree with leaves, on the leaves there are letters for composing words: "Mother", "dad", "good", "Friend", "Motherland".

5. Reproduction Bible or children's Bible.

6. Books for the exhibition.

7. Chest.

8. Plate. Apple.

9. A barrel of honey.

10. Sweets with wishes.

Children under Russian folk music They enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Vosp. - Hello, dear guys. Today at our holiday we will find out who created writing for the Slavs so we can read fairy tales, interesting stories, poetry; Let's visit the amazing land of books.

In the distant country of Byzantium there lived two brothers, kind, obedient, who loved to study and their names were Cyril and Methodius.

The teacher draws attention to the reproduction depicting the brothers.

When they grew up they tried many professions, but in the end they became teachers. And they taught people not simple sciences, but how to live in this world and do good. They were Christians, they knew a lot different languages, walked around the world and told people in their languages ​​about the word of God, introduced them to the Bible and the Psalter. People, seeing their zeal, asked Cyril and Methodius to come up with a way to write words using letters for Slavs who didn't have a single book.

“The letters must be beautiful and simple, so that the hand can write easily, without delay, as if singing,” the brothers immediately decided.

Cyril and Methodius worked hard and finally came up with Slavic alphabet. And since then, all people in Rus' could read books. Still all Slavic the people are grateful to the saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius - teachers Slavic for their work.

For a long time everything Slavs: Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians honor Cyril and Methodius on May 24. And today we are with you on the eve of a wonderful holiday Slavic writing we remember Cyril and Methodius.

This is how the light of reason shone over the Russian state.

Guys, what does this alphabet look like? Let's see.

Showing the alphabet.

That's how beautiful she is. ABC Slavic is called Cyrillic, named after the saint who created the alphabet - Cyrillic - Kirill.

Are you familiar with these letters? IN Slavic In the alphabet, each letter has a name that has its own meaning.

Showing Cyrillic letters.

Look what this letter is. Yes, we know her as "A". And in Cyrillic it sounds "Az".

What letter is this? ( "B"). It sounds like this "Buki".

This? ( "IN"). This is a letter "Lead".

"A", "B", "IN".

AzBukiVedi. What did I say? What word did you get? ABC. By the first two letters Slavic alphabet you can make a word "ABC".

Word "Az" By- Slavic means"I". "I" stands at the beginning of the alphabet Slavic, now it is the last in the alphabet, but before it was the first.

"Buki" means letter. "Lead" from the verb "to know" what does it mean "know".

Repeating the names of the first letters Slavic alphabet, the person is like spoke: "I know the letters".

What letter is this? ( "G"). This letter is called "verb", from the word "verb" what does it mean to speak.

What letter is this? ( "D"). This letter sounds like this "good".

What does this letter sound like in our alphabet? ( "L"). And in Slavic in alphabetical order it sounds like this "People".

What letter is this? ( "WITH"). She sounds like "word".

You see that in one letter Slavic in the alphabet you can say a whole word, and the whole Cyrillic alphabet is good letters, good words, because they were created by Cyril and Methodius with goodness, light, faith.

Listen to what he said about Slavic language Victor Afanasyev.

He is the most prayerful in the world,

He came into being by the will of God,

The language of our wondrous psalter

And patristic books.

He is a royal ornament

Church service,

Living blessed spring,

The Lord's comfort to us -

Church Slavonic language.

Nowadays people do not speak this language, but you can hear it in churches during services.

What a beautiful tree we have here, what is it called? Yes, our beautiful birch. My friends, she has letters on the piece of paper. Let us make good words from these letters. “Birch tree, birch tree, bend down, bend down. Reach for the bright, the good, reach out.” We remove the leaves from this branch. (Letters "m", "m", "A", "A".) What word can we make up from these letters? Certainly, "Mother".

Then the children make up words "dad", "good", "Friend", "Motherland".

These are some wonderful kind words you have composed. Now let's sing a song about Russia.

What do you think is the very first book on earth? The very first book is the Bible. The Bible tells about the history of people who lived on earth and about the rules of their life.

If the word book is translated into Latin, you get the word Biblio. What similar words do you know? (Library). The library that's in translation: Biblio is a book, Teka is flowing, books are flowing, many books are flowing. Soon you will go to school, be sure to visit the library there and see how many books there are in it.

The Bible is the first book that Cyril and Methodius translated into Slavic language, to Slavs could read constantly.

What do books teach us?

Kindness, patience, mutual assistance, obedience. We often hear the words kindness, good deed, a kind person, and what kind of person do we call kind? A kind person is a person who helps others: to comrades, relatives, younger ones, he shares toys, sweets, helps out those who are in trouble.

Let's remember the proverbs about kind affairs:

A good deed lives for two centuries,

Goodness does not wander quietly,

Good is good everywhere,

It’s good to make yourself happy,

Goodness teaches the one who listens,

A good start is half the battle,

Good is always rewarded with good.

What are we going to talk about now? guess:

Wonderland we will open

And we'll meet the heroes,

In lines on pieces of paper,

Where are the stations at the points? (book)

Draw children's attention to the books at the exhibition

Of course, these are my favorite books. Look how many different and interesting there are. Thanks to Cyril and Methodius, you and I can read books. Thanks to books we learn a lot. Knowledge makes people intelligent and wise. Thanks to knowledge, you can learn to read, count, and write. Listen to what one said poet:

I appeal to you, comrades children,

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!

Let books come into homes as friends.

Read all your life, gain your mind.

We read a lot of books: stories, poems. But from early childhood we all love fairy tales.

Vanya, read us a poem that you know.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

But to live in the world

We can't live without them.

What fairy tales do you know? Yes, indeed a lot. Now we'll play a game "Vice versa" and let's see if you know fairy tales as well as you say. Listen carefully and guess what I say wrong in the fairy tale?

1. “Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. So the fox is teasing hare:

My hut is light, and yours is dark!”

Right (Yes).

2. “A fox runs past and asks:

Whose house is the mansion, who lives in the mansion?

I, the Grief Fly.

I, Komor the Squeaker.

I, Gnawing Mouse.

I, the frog-croak."

Pear, pear, where did the geese and swans fly?

4. “I, Kolobok, Kolobok,

I'm scratching the box

Swept along the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, it is spun in oil,

It's cold at the window.

I left my granddaughter

And he got away from the bug.”

5. “Once upon a time in a hut there lived a cat, a rooster, and Kolobok. The cat and the rooster went hunting, and Kolobok was a housekeeper. I cooked dinner and set the table.”

Well done, you know fairy tales well.

There is a knock and a growl.

Who lives in the house?

A bear comes out of the house.

Misha. I hear noise and children's laughter,

I'll catch them all in a moment.

Guys, this is a bear. Misha, don’t make noise, but rather tell us from what fairy tale you came to us.

Misha. And you guess the fairy tale yourself.

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind Mishka's back,

He himself, without knowing it,

He carries her home. (Masha and the Bear").

Misha. You guessed it, well done. What other fairy tales do you know where a bear is found?

Misha, we also know a poem about you. Guys, let's all get together we'll tell you:

The clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,

He collects cones and sings songs.

A cone fell right on the bear’s forehead,

The bear got angry and stomped his foot.

Misha. Yes, it hurt me then. But let's not remember the sad story. Let's all play the game together "By the Bear in the Forest".

It's time for Misha to return to the forest. But we can’t let you go without a gift. Here's Misha, a barrel of delicious and fresh honey. Eat to your health and remember kind words with the guys.

Misha. Thank you very much, goodbye.

Pay attention to the chest.

What is this big, beautiful thing we have here? Of course, the chest. Let's see what's there.

Chest, chest, open up your barrel.

The teacher takes out a plate and an apple.

Look, a magic apple on a plate.

Roll, roll, apple.

Roll on a plate.

Show us a good fairy tale.

What did I see here! A fairy tale. Guess the riddle, what kind of fairy tale I saw on the plate.

1. The little goats opened the door

And they all disappeared somewhere. (Wolf and seven kids).

Well done, you solved the riddle.

Roll, roll apple,

Roll on a plate.

Show us a good fairy tale.

2. Oh, Petya the Cockerel

I messed up a little.

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (Cat, rooster and fox).

Roll, roll, apple.

Roll on a plate.

Show us a good fairy tale.

3. There is neither a river nor a pond

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

You know a lot of fairy tales, well done, and you guessed this one.

Roll, roll, apple.

Roll on a plate.

Show us a good fairy tale.

4. Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who is the hero of this fairy tale? (Three Bears).

Roll, roll, apple.

Roll on a plate.

Show us a good fairy tale.

5. The beautiful maiden is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun -

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden).

What a great fellow you are, you guessed all the fairy tales. Fairy tales teach people to help in trouble, to take care of little ones and old ones, speak kindly to each other, say kind words.

Now, guys, let's play Iga "Stream", but when we choose a mate we will say kind word or call him affectionately by name, you say what your heart tells you at that moment.

Game "Stream". Then the children sit down in their places.

My friends, for this holiday we have prepared a treat in our chest for you and our guests, but it is not a simple treat, but with good wishes.

The teacher treats the children, and the children treat the guests.

Guys, our holiday dedicated to the day is coming to an end Slavic writing, which was created by Cyril and Methodius. Many years later, it still exists day, because it was created with kindness and faith, thanks to which we read fairy tales, stories, poems.

Children go to the group. - Magazine of modern youth