Nobility is one of the best qualities of a person. Examples of nobility. Stories of good deeds and actions of people Noble deeds that saved a person’s life

Every day around the world simple people does good deeds by helping others. No one will know about some actions, but some become public and become an example for us. Here are a few good deeds that were memorable in 2016.

1. The world boxing champion spent his fee on housing for his fellow villagers

Manny Pacquiao is the only boxer in the world to become a world champion in eight different categories. The Filipino spent his first large fee on building houses for fellow villagers in his native village of Tongo. A thousand houses have already been built in Tongo with the boxer’s money. But before his stellar career, Manny Pacquiao was a poor Filipino boy.

2. A Danish woman sheltered and saved a boy from starvation

Danish native Anya Ringgren Loven met an emaciated African boy on the street almost a year ago. His parents kicked him out of the house, considering him a “sorcerer.” She took him to live in her orphanage, which she organized together with her husband. Before this, the couple had already sheltered 35 children under the age of 14.

When a photo of an emaciated boy went online, money began to be transferred from all over the world in support of Anya. In total, they raised $1 million, which the couple wants to spend on building a children's clinic and a large orphanage.

Within a year the boy recovered and now looks like a healthy child. According to his adoptive mother, “he enjoys life.”

Posted by Anja Ringgren Lovén (@anjaringgrenloven) Apr 30, 2017 at 5:55 PDT

3. Syrian man stayed in Aleppo to take care of animals

Ala Jalil defended other residents of Aleppo, risking his life. When the population left the city, he stayed to take care of their pets. Within a year, he had more than 100 cats at the shelter. Ala goes to neighboring villages to visit the animals and spends $4 a day on feeding them.

“He who shows mercy to man is merciful to all living things,” said Mohammed.

4. The girl who was left alone on her birthday was supported by thousands of people

None of the invited guests came to American Halle Sorenson’s 18th birthday. Her sister Rebecca asked to support the birthday girl on a social network. Surprisingly, thousands of people responded. They sent Halla 10 thousand cards and gifts. Parcels even came from soldiers from Afghanistan and NASA.

5. A resident of Altai saved a deer at the risk of his life

Barnaul resident Ivan Drachev, while fishing, saw a deer floundering in an ice hole. The animal was already exhausted. The deer fell under the water right in the middle of the channel. The fisherman called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but they refused to help. Then he decided to save the animal himself.

Ivan called his father and asked him to bring an anchor rope and an ax. They carefully approached the hole from both sides and threw a rope around the animal’s neck, then turned it over on its side. By chance, the animal's front hooves landed on the ice. The men dragged the deer to the shore for about 20 meters. Then the same number of people pulled him towards the center of the island.

Fishermen rubbed the frozen animal to warm it up. And the deer laid its head on Ivan’s knee. “He understands everything,” says the savior. After some time, the deer regained its strength and was able to get up and go into the forest.

Reading time: 2 min

Nobility is a personality quality that reflects a combination of a high level of development of such traits as morality, honesty and dedication. The meaning of the word nobility is often used synonymously with chivalry and holiness, emphasizing the uniqueness and value of personal manifestations not only for the person himself, but also for the surrounding society.

Initially, the word was used to characterize a whole set of qualities inherent in a person from a noble family or high origin, and this was due to the fact that people of these classes underwent special training that developed these traits. Such education was necessary for the worthy performance of their chosen service or compliance of actions with a high rank, where nobility was inseparable from the concept of honor. Now noble traits are not determined by gender, because knowledge and upbringing have become accessible, so they can be inherent in a person of any class, which depends on the personal aspirations of maturity, moral choices and internal values, but the connection with the concepts of honor and honesty, faith and devotion remains.

What is nobility

In many sources, the emergence and very fundamental positions of nobility are explained by Christian influence and the definition of God as the source of this quality, but even bypassing religious confessions, the concept of nobility is the same in its manifestation in various countries, for him there is no difference between national and social, and in the level of education.

Nobility has a certain list of its manifestations and rules, against which a person’s act is assessed as moral or violating the concepts of honor. It is also characteristic that there are examples from history or personal life that one can follow (such trends are most clearly reflected in knightly orders, which have their own set of rules, as well as outstanding characters about whom legends are already being formed).

Visible nobility is a personality quality that elevates a person spiritually, regardless of faith or atheism, since it implies sincere good deeds performed under the guidance of internal convictions, and not under the influence of created laws and necessities.

Nobility is a personality quality that reflects a deeply internal, not determined by external factors, a person’s desire to perform good deeds and a strong will to achieve his aspirations. It is impossible to persuade a noble person to act differently, because then his behavior will violate his own internal foundations. Such people separate good and evil without halftones or justifications, drawing a clear line between them; they will not consider betrayal as justifying behavior under certain circumstances; for them it will always remain a betrayal. Often faced with the choice of their own well-being and benefit, noble people perform for the sake of others, and we are talking not only about great feats of saving lives, but also about more mundane things, such as giving away the most delicious piece, covering another with a warm blanket, refusing a profitable deal, if it is known that it will harm someone. Such self-sacrifice is often justified by the concept itself and implies the giving of one’s time and mental strength, pushing aside own desires Charitable donations (from starting foundations to donating your clothes or cooking lunch for the homeless) come second.

This quality is not innate or genetically determined, it is acquired in the process of upbringing and its presence and degree of manifestation is due to the people around the child, their values, ideas, techniques and methods of education, moral and ethical qualities. Even the meaning of the word nobility has this information in it, noting that such a character was inherited from a noble family, which was previously possible in aristocratic families involved in the clergy or knighthood, government. Now this is an integral characteristic of a cultured person, regardless of his class, spiritual, age or educational background.

The concept of nobility is so broad that it is not possible to describe it with a couple of synonyms. Thus, in addition to actions that benefit others, it also includes the internal aspects of empathy and sympathy, understanding of other people and impartiality in one’s attitude, as manifestations of spiritual purity.

A noble person does not put himself above another and will not consider any external manifestation more significant; in general, judging people is not a noble act, but at the same time there is observance of the code of honor and rules that determine worthy behavior. Guided by such a set of rules or guidelines of his conscience, a noble person may well punish a criminal, go to war against an enemy, or refuse support to someone who is hypocritical. All good deeds are performed out of sincerity and spiritual purity, but this does not mean that these are good-natured people who can be forever used as patrons; on the contrary, the will of such people is strong, and they will not indulge in the corruption of others, sharply but with dignity discouraging people with selfish motives. thoughts and unworthy behavior.

Signs of nobility

Despite the breadth of the concept and the multifaceted nature of the manifestation of nobility, it is possible to identify the main signs or character traits that make it possible to define a person as noble. This includes following their words and supporting them with deeds (keeping oaths and promises, strictly following agreements, without making independent changes, but only after discussion), so they will not let you down, even if you have to sacrifice your own comfort or plans to keep your promise.

Noble people have a clear concept of justice, value this quality in others, and themselves strive to act according to fair laws. You will not see how they give a large share of the joint profit to those they love, they will divide everything in accordance with the efforts put in by each, and if they understand that they cannot objectively assess the situation, they will seek help and advice, but will not give in to feelings and other kinds of provocations.

Usually the noble ones are quite strong, and not so much physically as spiritually and intellectually, but they never use their strength and skills for the purpose of subjugating others or pointing out their shortcomings. On the contrary, knowledge and power are used to help those around them in their development and overcoming difficulties, and a high development of spiritual qualities helps to avoid being patronizing and condescending, instead remaining an equal with the person and showing the same level of respect to both kings and homeless people.

Nobility forces you to do good to others, without stinting on your own time or material wealth. In their manifestations, such people are not afraid to appear strange and stand out, but what they are afraid of is committing an unworthy act or one that entails troubles for others.

Strength of spirit allows you to see only the best in others and support these inclinations in a person; they will not constantly make comments and point out mistakes, they will pretend that they did not notice, pointing out what worthy traits a person can develop. This same inner strength protects them from complaining and whining, forcing them to fight difficulties rather than stop. Noble people easily forgive others and almost never forgive themselves; the severity of their assessments and demands on themselves are always maximum.

Nobility and loyalty

Loyalty has many similarities with nobility in its characteristics, but these are different qualities, although they always go hand in hand. A noble person who violates the laws of fidelity is impossible, just as fidelity is a reflection of the nobility of the spirit. The very concept of fidelity is also one of the moral and ethical components of personal manifestation and characterizes the immutability of a person in his choices and feelings, the fulfillment of imposed obligations and duties, despite the changes taking place. The word fidelity itself is derived from faith and speaks of the inviolability of human faith, confirmed by the immutability of commitment. This may be faith in God, and then fidelity is manifested by strict observance of the laws of Scripture, or faith in man, and then fidelity will be manifested in maintaining purity and constancy of relationships, or perhaps the manifestation of faith in an idea and fidelity to it through development and implementation. Just as nobility requires a person to strictly fulfill his words, so loyalty requires strict and constant adherence to the chosen path.

The concepts of loyalty and nobility are based on similar things: honesty, courage, confidence, immutability, fortitude, confidence in one’s own decisions, as well as following what is good (not exclusively for oneself, but in the understanding of humanity). One of the manifestations of knightly nobility (as the main example and image that comes when pronouncing the word) is loyalty to one’s king, one’s cause and one’s woman. If at least in one of the moments loyalty was violated, the entire moral character of the person was questioned, up to the deprivation of his title. Now chivalry has a slightly different look, but the nobility of a person who does not show loyalty is still unthinkable, and loyalty not only to external figures (boss, business, woman, idea), but also to himself and his internal principles.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has provided help and support not only to a loved one, but also to a stranger. Perhaps it was a grandmother whom we helped cross the road, a beggar on the subway, or a mother with a child unable to open the heavy iron door in the front door on her own.

Why do people do good deeds? It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give a definite answer to this question. But, probably, the realization that we have made someone’s life at least a little better also warms our hearts.

Despite the fact that kindness lives in the soul of each of us, we do not always show it because we are too carried away by our own problems. And then only examples of the positive actions of other people can make us think, look around and lend a helping hand to our neighbor.

This is probably why so many articles appear on the Internet every day, the main characters of which are people who have committed good deeds. The record holder for the number of such stories published in the media is the United States.

Stories of good deeds that have reached us from abroad

We regularly read in news reports about how US residents help the homeless, save the lives of their compatriots and animals in need, donate money to the poor and buy gifts for orphans. No one knows how reliable these stories are, but many would like to believe that this is really the case.

Here are just some of the most famous examples of good deeds performed by Americans:

  • The story of Josette Durand and her son Dylan. Josette Durand prepared two lunches for Dylan every day for school. As it turned out later, the boy gave one of the portions to his poor friend, who had nothing to pay for food in the canteen. After hearing about Dylan's generosity, members of the school's volleyball team raised a $400 donation for him. But the Duran family decided to pay for lunches for other poor schoolchildren with these funds, so that they would also have the opportunity to eat in the cafeteria on an equal basis with everyone else.
  • Good shoes from Lawrence de Prima. New York police officer Lawrence de Prim is another great example of a person who did a good deed. While at his post, the officer noticed a homeless man who, on a cold day, had not only no shoes, but no socks on his feet. After talking with the tramp, Lawrence found out his shoe size, after which he went to the nearest store and bought him socks and boots. The policeman then carefully put the shoes on the frozen man's feet.
  • Carol Suchman's Toy Store. Carol Suchman is not at all a famous person who did a good deed, but an ordinary wealthy American woman. One day, while walking around Manhattan, she accidentally wandered into a toy store that was on the verge of bankruptcy. Without thinking twice, Carol bought all the toys in stock and asked her to pack them. Afterwards, the woman sent a parcel with these gifts for children to the city department of the New York department that provides assistance to orphans.

These are the stories of people who have done good deeds in the United States, but in fact, there are also many good, noble and sympathetic citizens in other countries of the world. For example, many probably well remember the case of British student Dominique Garrison-Betson, to whom a local tramp named Robbie lent money to travel home.

Good deeds and actions of people in Russia

Residents of our country also perform thousands of good deeds every day, but these actions often go simply unnoticed. Mention of them can sometimes be found only on certain forums. In order to change this situation and tell about as many noble deeds of our compatriots as possible, as well as awaken a desire to help in the hearts of other people, our website exists.

It must be said that kindness and responsiveness in Russia are of a slightly different nature than abroad. Often these are not just good deeds performed by people in the world, in the usual sense of the word, but original, courageous and creative actions.

Such as for example:

  • Heartwarming drawings in the snow for schoolchildren, created by Izhevsk janitor Semyon Bukharin.
  • Good St. Petersburg trolleybus with sweets, gifts and New Year's performance from conductor Viktor Lukyanov.
  • The opening, perhaps not by Russians, but by Ukrainian young entrepreneur Vladislav Malashchenko, of the world’s first bakery where employees with mental disabilities work.

Snow creativity of Semyon Bukharin

The works of Semyon Bukharin, the janitor of the 25th Lyceum in the city of Izhevsk, can easily be called works of art. This man draws pictures with a broom and shovel in the snow.

Inspired by students' stories about the works they studied in literature lessons, Semyon creates his own artistic masterpieces. These are variations on the famous literary subjects, portraits of Gogol and Pushkin, and sometimes just tanks, painted in order to support high school students who had left for military training.

It is with the aim of raising the spirits of the students and teachers of the lyceum, as well as to provide moral support to those students who for some reason leave their lessons sad, that Semyon Bukharin draws his paintings. And this is a truly worthy example of what actions he does a kind person for others. “It’s more fun with children,” Semyon tells reporters. “I love them, they love me.”

The story of Viktor Petrovich Lukyanov, who works as a conductor on trolleybus route No. 8 in St. Petersburg, is fascinating story about a person who did a good deed, and not alone.

The man has a whole track record of noble deeds:

  • To please his passengers, he repeatedly decorated the workplace with balloons and other decorations for various holidays. And on New Year the man even once dressed up as Santa Claus.
  • From his personal funds, Viktor Petrovich paid for the travel of “honored residents of the city.” This is what the conductor calls disabled people, pensioners and pregnant women.
  • Viktor Lukyanov even gave sweets to the “hares,” which helped awaken the conscience in many of them and encouraged them to pay the fare.

The always polite and friendly conductor, who learned the word thank you in as many as 79 languages ​​of the world, became a real legend of St. Petersburg. That is why, when the man was about to quit his job due to a conflict with his superiors, local residents drew up a petition in order to retain Viktor Petrovich’s position.

And justice triumphed! The request of the grateful passengers was heard, and deputy Alexander Sidyakin stood up for the conductor. As a result, Viktor Lukyanov still works on the eighth trolleybus route, and its management now treats the legendary employee more favorably.

BakeryGood Bread From Good People

Vladislav Malashchenko is a young entrepreneur from Kyiv, who a year ago opened a unique bakery in this city called Good Bread From Good People. This establishment is notable for the fact that here fragrant bread and delicious muffins are prepared for visitors exclusively by people with mental disabilities. Who are they, the bakery workers?

These are girls and boys suffering:

  • Down syndrome;
  • autism;
  • delayed intellectual development.

Vladislav himself is mastering the profession of a correctional teacher. Therefore, he works a lot with special people who are able to see the world around them in a completely different way.

Having gained experience communicating with such students, the young man realized that each of them was talented in his own way, but simply did not have the opportunity to reveal these abilities. Modern society does not accept such people, and therefore they have to spend most of their time at home.

Vladislav set himself the goal of allowing people with mental disabilities to express themselves by officially employing them in a bakery. And grateful employees have proven that they are truly capable of much. During the operation of the establishment, there was not a single dissatisfied client, and the idea of ​​the young entrepreneur was picked up by other Ukrainian organizations.

Stories telling about the nobility, compassion and selflessness of people are truly inspiring. This article shows only a few of them, but these examples are already quite enough to understand why people should do good deeds.

Because things like this make the lives of those around you better. Because goodness tends to boomerang back to its sender. Because one truly noble deed can become the first link in a chain of other good deeds, the length of which can increase indefinitely!

“Not a single good deed, no matter how small, is wasted.”

1. A good deed that led to a woman risking her life to shelter a Jewish family

In 1941, Zofia Banya, a poor Polish farmwoman, discovered that she did not have enough money to buy the supplies her family needed at the general store. The store owner, Israel Rubinek, told her to take the things she needed and pay for them when she could. This act of kindness was literally unheard of in war-torn Poland, and Banya did not forget it.

Two years later, the Nazis were hunting down Jews in Poland and sending them to concentration camps. Fearing for the life of the good young man, who helped her, Banya, risking her life, hid Rubinek and his wife in her house for two and a half years. Seven times German soldiers came to the Bani farm in search of hiding Jews, and each time Sophia's family hid them in a tiny underground. One night, Nazi soldiers slept in the Bathhouse's living room, just a few centimeters from where Rubinek and his wife were hidden.

Decades passed, and Rubinek's family met the woman who hid them from the Nazis. Their granddaughter says: “One incredibly kind deed in an impossibly difficult situation changed everything. The depth of the human soul cannot be measured or explained. These poor Polish farmers feared for their lives, yet they decided to help two people they barely knew.”

2. Kind words from a boss kept a man from committing suicide.

Tim Sanders is a personal development coach and former head of marketing at Yahoo! Sanders recommends that all of his employees communicate with their colleagues and subordinates and praise them for their work. He often tells the story of how he did just that: he talked to his subordinates personally and praised them for the work they did, and let them know that he personally and the company as a whole appreciated their efforts. Sanders remembers once telling a person that he was glad that this person came into his life and that he appreciated him.

After Sanders visited the man's team, he was shocked when the man showed up a few days later and gave him an expensive gift - an Xbox game console. As it turned out, the employee purchased this game console in exchange for a revolver with which he wanted to kill himself. After he heard kind words from his boss, the man decided to move on with his life and recover from depression. Just a couple kind words kept him from committing suicide.

“Sometimes people just need to see a human touch,” Sanders says.

3. Teens saved a little girl from being kidnapped

In July 2013, five-year-old Jocelyn Rojas was playing in her yard in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, when she suddenly disappeared. Rojas' parents feared the worst, so they notified the police and began intensively searching the area.

Instead of waiting for the police to find the little girl, fifteen-year-old Temar Boggs and his friend decided to start searching for her themselves. They soon noticed Rojas in a car with a man, so they followed the car on bicycles. The teenagers chased the car for fifteen minutes while the man behind the wheel tried to escape from them. Finally, he apparently gave up, pulled over and threw the child out of the car.

“She ran up to me and said she wanted to see her mom,” Temar said.

4. A 21-year-old organ donor saved seven lives.

Organ donors are heroes who perform the most selfless acts imaginable. When Henry Mackaman, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, died of bacterial meningitis in May 2013, his family found some small solace in his decision to donate his organs.

McMann's simple decision to check the Organ Donor box on his driver's license proved to be an invaluable act that would later save the lives of seven people. His mother wrote the following on the CaringBridge website: “We are all proud of Henry's decision to be an organ donor. His generosity does not surprise anyone who knew him. Thanks to his decision, up to 54 people will have the chance to improve their lives thanks to a piece of the incredible life Henry lived.”

5. A man jumped onto the tracks to save a stranger

In January 2007, twenty-year-old Cameron Hollopeter was waiting for a train on the New York subway when he had a seizure and began convulsing. Trying to get up, he fell on the tracks at the exact moment when the train came around the corner and rushed towards him.

Fifty-year-old construction worker and Navy veteran Wesley Autrey was talking to his two daughters when he saw a man fall. In a split second, he made a decision and jumped onto the tracks to help Hollopiter. Autry covered Hollopeter with his body, pushed him and moved him so that they lay together between the rails. The driver honked his horn and tried to stop, but it was too late and the train passed over both men.

Five carriages passed over the pair of men, just inches from Autry's head. When the train finally stopped, he told the people screaming in horror that they were okay. Hailed as a hero, Autry later said, “I don’t feel like I did anything special, I just saw someone who needed help. I did what I had to do."

6. A ten-year-old boy stood up to bullies to save a cat.

Standing up to bullies isn't easy, but that's exactly what Wendell Overton did when he saw a group of kids tormenting a stray cat in the area. Overton had already noticed this cat in the area several times, but one day he saw a group of hooligan children, aged from five to thirteen, who ran over the poor animal with bicycles, threw it into the air, and splashed energy drinks in its face. Fearing they would kill the cat, Overton bravely intervened and took the cat home to his mother, who called the Outer Banks Humane Society.

When news of Overton's compassion and kindness became public, he received countless letters of praise and encouragement from all over the world.

7. Strangers lined up to save a drowning boy

On a sunny day on the beach in Napier, New Zealand, twelve-year-old Josh McQuoid was standing in knee-deep water playing with friends when a dangerous current knocked him off his feet and carried him far from shore. The boy tried to keep his head above the water, struggling with the raging waves.

Another beachgoer and two police officers spotted the boy struggling in the waves and rushed into the water to help him, but the waves were too strong. After Constable Bryan Farquharson realized he couldn't reach the boy without falling victim to the waves himself, he organized a chain of people to reach the child while remaining tied to the shore.

8. A stranger’s kiss saved a man who was trying to commit suicide

In the city of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, a sixteen-year-old boy stood on a bridge, threatening to jump off and commit suicide. Hundreds of onlookers watched in horror as he refused to cross back to the safe side of the railing. The police arrived at the scene and began to negotiate with him, but no one could reach him.

At that moment, Liu Wenxiu, a nineteen-year-old hotel waitress, was returning home from work when she noticed the guy and knew that she had to do something to help him. Wenxue herself once wanted to commit suicide, so she knew exactly how the guy felt. After telling police she was his girlfriend, Liu got close enough to talk to him. She shared with him her sad story of a difficult life and showed him the scar on her wrist left after she tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists.

“He said he was hopeless and that I shouldn't waste my time trying to save him. But I told him, “I'm not trying to save your life, I just want you to understand how stupid you are being. Look at me, I was in the same situation as you, but now everything has changed,” Wenxue said.

Finally, the girl was able to lean in and hug him, and then she suddenly kissed him. The police were then able to take the knife the guy was holding and move him to the safe side of the bridge railing.

9. A woman saved children from a rolling truck

Lezlie Bicknell had just parked in a store parking lot in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when she noticed a small child in the driver's seat of a truck parked next to her car. Suddenly, the truck began to roll backwards, straight towards a very busy street. Without a moment's hesitation, Bicknell jumped out of her car to stop the moving car. Because of this, her own car began to roll backwards, cutting off the truck's path and stopping it from entering the highway.

Below is an amazing video of the incident:

10. A woman donated a kidney to a complete stranger.

Retired police sergeant Michael Newman needed a kidney to survive, so his former officers made a desperate appeal through local media to find a donor. Michael, who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, didn't have much hope that anyone would be his donor. However, a local woman named Kellie Boff printed out the article and set it aside. Boff says she kept coming back to the article, drawn to it for no reason. Finally, she picked up the phone and called the Mayo Clinic.

It turned out that Boff was the ideal donor. So she agreed to donate one of her kidneys to Sergeant Newman, whom she had never even met.

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In order to do good, you do not need any special abilities or great capabilities. All this is the work of the most ordinary people. Which means everyone can do this.

website invites you to learn about the brightest deeds from around the world committed this year. Let's do good together!

World boxing champion built 1,000 houses for poor Filipinos

Once upon a time, Manny Pacquiao was an ordinary Filipino boy from a poor family, but now he is the only boxer in the world to win the world championship in 8 weight categories. With his first large fee, he built houses for the residents of his home village of Tango. Today, a thousand houses have already been built with his money.

Syrian man stayed in abandoned Aleppo to take care of cats

Alaa Jaleel from Aleppo risked his life every day to provide food and shelter to those in need. And when people left the city, he stayed to take care of their pets. He has more than a hundred cats, including a kitten that one little girl left him when she left. “I said I would take care of him until she came back,” Ala says.

The teacher organized a "Gentlemen's Club" for boys from single-parent families

Raymond Nelson is a teacher in a South Carolina school. He had trouble dealing with the bullies in his class. So he bought jackets and ties and created a “Gentlemen’s Club”, where boys learn once a week what fathers usually tell their sons: how to tie ties, how to address elders and how to be polite to your mother, grandmother or sister. Nelson's strict dress code serves a purpose, because a man wearing a tuxedo wouldn't fight. “I understand that they behave badly not because they are bad, but because they simply lack attention and love,” says the teacher.

Danish woman rescues two-year-old Nigerian boy abandoned by his parents

Almost a year has passed since Danish woman Anja Ringgren Loven found an emaciated two-year-old baby on the street. She named him Hope. His own parents kicked the boy out of the house, considering him a “sorcerer.” Then he was a little over a year old, and he survived only thanks to handouts from passers-by. Anya took him to her shelter, which she shares with her husband, David Emmanuel Umem. 35 rescued children from one to 14 years old live there.

When Anya posted a photo with Hope on Facebook, users from all over the world began to transfer money to her. In total, $1 million was raised. Anya and her husband have plans for a big Orphanage and a clinic for children. And Hope now does not at all resemble a “skeleton on legs.” This is a cheerful baby who, according to his adoptive mother, “enjoys life to the fullest.”

Runner sacrifices future medal to help injured rival

At the Olympics, in the 5,000-meter race, New Zealand runner Nikki Hambly faced American Abby D'Agostino. Nikki helped her opponent up, and then they ran together, supporting each other. Both athletes not only made it to the finals, but were also awarded the Pierre de Coubertin medal for their display of nobility and true spirit sports during the Olympic Games.

Thousands of people supported the girl whose birthday no one came to

None of the invitees came to 18-year-old Hallee Sorenson's birthday party. Then her cousin Rebecca asked netizens to support Halle with a card with a few kind words. And something amazing happened - a post office in Maine was flooded with letters and postcards. In total, the girl received 10 thousand cards and gifts.

Schoolchildren repeated graduation ceremony for their classmate who was in a car accident

Scott Dunn was in a serious car accident just before his graduation. After waking up from his coma, Scott was terribly upset that he had missed such an important day. But as soon as the young man began to recover, the school principal called his parents and said: “We want to do something special for your son.” It turned out that Scott's classmates had prepared a personal graduation for him. The celebration, congratulatory speeches, and graduation outfits were repeated, but this time only one diploma was awarded. Scott was shocked to the core: “I have no words. It’s incredible to realize how many people actually care about me.”

A homeless Thai man received housing and a job in gratitude for his honest deed

A 44-year-old homeless Thai man named Waralop found a wallet at a metro station. Despite the fact that he had no money at all, and in his wallet there were 20 thousand baht ($580) and credit cards, he did not spend them on his needs, but took the find to the police. The owner of the wallet turned out to be 30-year-old factory owner Niity Pongkriangyos, who was amazed by the homeless man's honesty. He admitted that if he himself had found himself in such a situation, he would hardly have returned the wallet. In gratitude, Niiti provided Varalop with a service apartment and gave him work in his factory. Now the former homeless man earns 11 thousand baht ($317) a month and no longer sleeps in the subway.

In Altai, a fisherman rescued a drowning moose from an ice hole.

Barnaul resident Ivan Drachev was returning from fishing and noticed a moose that had fallen through the ice. On the third attempt, Ivan threw a rope lasso over its hoof and pulled the animal out. The elk was very cold and shivering, so we had to rub him. “It was funny when I sat down next to him, he put his muzzle on my knee and snorted. It seems like a cow, but it understands everything,” Ivan wrote on his blog. - Magazine of modern youth