Mitrofan the Wonderworker of Voronezh. Saint and wonderworker Mitrofan of Voronezh. Prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh for help in various situations. Canons and Akathists

Mitrofan of Voronezh is a great saint and wonderworker of the Russian land, who accomplished many good deeds both for Voronezh and for the whole country.

Advice! You can turn to the saint with any request - he stands before the Throne of the Lord and prays for everyone who calls for his intercession.

Prayer for work

O Saint Father Mitrofan, we are sinners, through the incorruption of your honorable relics and the many good deeds miraculously done and performed by you, having become confident, we confess that we have received great grace from the Lord our God, and, humbly falling to your mercy, we pray to you: pray for us, Christ our God, may He bestow His rich mercy on all who honor your holy memory and who diligently resort to you; may she establish in her holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, the spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, that all her children, being pure from worldly temptations and carnal lusts and the evil actions of evil spirits, may worship in spirit and truth Let them be diligent in keeping His commandments for the salvation of their souls.

May the Lord give her shepherd holy zeal for the salvation of people, to enlighten the unbelievers, to instruct the ignorant, to bring those who doubt to reason, to return those who have fallen away from the Orthodox Church to her, to keep the faithful in the faith, to move sinners to repentance, to comfort the repentant and to strengthen them in the correction of their lives, and so that all people can be brought to His prepared eternal Kingdom of saints. Pray to the Lord, O servant of Christ: may His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow cry out to Him day and night, hear the painful cry and may our belly be delivered from destruction. May our good God grant to all people in the kingdom peace, silence, serenity and an abundance of earthly fruits, and especially to the fulfillment of His commandments, unslothful diligence; and may he deliver the reigning cities, this city and all other cities and towns from famine, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, deadly plagues and from all evil.

To her, the saint of God, may your prayers arrange all that is good for our souls and bodies; Yes, and we will glorify in our souls and bodies our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the life of children

O Saint Father Mitrofan! Accept this small prayer from us, sinful servants of God (names), who come running to you, and with your warm intercession beg our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, that having looked upon us mercifully, He will grant us forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins and deliver us from troubles, sorrows, sorrows and illnesses of soul and body that beset us; may everything contribute to the benefit of our present life; May He grant us to end this temporary life in repentance and may He grant us, sinners and unworthy, His Heavenly Kingdom, to glorify His endless mercy with all the saints, with His Beginningless Father and His Holy and Life-giving Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

A short prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh

O Bishop of God, Saint Mitrofan of Christ, hear me, a sinner (name), at this hour, in which I offer you a prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God, may he forgive my sins and grant (the content of the petition) through your holy prayers .

Brief life and prayer help

Baby Mikhail was born in the village of Antipovka, Moscow district, where he grew up and studied science. He later married, and the couple had a son, John. But at the age of 40, his beloved wife departed to the Lord. Mikhail became a widower and decided to take monastic vows. In 1663 he was tonsured a monk and given the name Mitrofan.

Mitrofan Voronezhsky

The monk was strict with himself and with those around him; these qualities played an important role for the abbot of the Yakhroma monastery, who appointed the monk abbot of the monastery.

The saint enjoyed the respect of the brethren, he was especially valued and respected at the royal court of Theodore Alekseevich. The greatest abbot supported many of the undertakings of Peter 1, and was his mentor and teacher.

In 1682, Mitrofan was elevated to the rank of Bishop of Voronezh. At this time, Voronezh residents did not trust the Church of Christ, there was no parish life, people blasphemed God, their level of education was too low. But Saint Mitrofan actively promoted Orthodoxy, erected churches and monasteries within the diocese.

In 1703, the saint fell ill and felt his death approaching and soon died. Emperor Peter 1 was present at his burial and personally carried the coffin with the body of the deceased.

Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, in the world Michael, was born on November 8, 1623. There is reason to believe that he was born into a family of priests. The saint was raised by his parents in the Orthodox faith and piety. Until the age of forty, the saint lived in the world: he was married, had a son, John, and served as a parish priest.

Left without a wife, he renounced the vanity of this world and entered the Zolotnikovsky hostel monastery, located near the city of Suzdal.

Having made a choice in favor of monasticism and entered the monastery, Mitrofan humbly and zealously fulfilled the obediences assigned to him, prayed a lot, and God was to help him. Over time, the fame of Mitrofan's exploits and virtues spread beyond the monastery and spread throughout the area.

The brethren of the neighboring monastery, Yakhromskaya, understanding him as a zealous, spiritually experienced ascetic and not having an abbot at that time, began to ask the church authorities to install him as abbot over them. The management, finding a rational grain in this, went to meet them halfway. Saint Mitrofan ruled this monastery for 10 years, proving himself to be a zealous abbot. Through his care, a temple was erected here in honor of the Miraculous Image of the All-Merciful Savior.

Patriarch Joachim, having learned about the high piety of Saint Mitrofan, elevated him in 1675 to the rank of archimandrite of the then famous Macarius-Unzhensky Monastery. There, under the care of the saint, a temple was built in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos with a refectory and a bell tower. But the main thing: his activities contributed to the spiritual transformation of the brethren.

At the Moscow Council of 1681 - 1682, among the measures to combat the Old Believer schism and in order to improve Christian education among the Orthodox population, it was decided to increase the number of dioceses and open new departments: Voronezh, Tambov, Kholmogory and Veliky Ustyug. Saint Mitrophan was summoned to the capital and on April 2, 1682, he was consecrated bishop of Voronezh by Patriarch Joachim and sixteen archpastors.

The beginning of the episcopal service of Saint Mitrofan coincided with a difficult time of unrest and church schism for Rus'. Upon his arrival in Voronezh, the saint first of all sent out a District Letter to the pastors of his diocese, in which he called on his flock to moral correction. He encouraged the priests to be, according to the word of the Lord, the light of this world, to shepherd the flock in three different ways: teaching, prayer with the aid of the Holy Mysteries, and an example of life.

Saint Mitrofan began his archpastoral activity with the construction of a new cathedral in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, replacing the dilapidated wooden church. In 1692, the cathedral with chapels in the name of Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas was consecrated. During the 20-year priesthood of Saint Mitrofan, the number of churches in the diocese increased from 182 to 239, 2 monasteries were founded: Ascension Korotoyaksky and Trinity Bityugsky. In the existing monasteries, he took care of the eradication of disorder and disorder and the establishment of strict life according to the monastic rule.

The first Voronezh saint zealously cared for the needs of his flock. He consoled the poor and the rich, was the patron of widows and orphans, and the protector of the offended. His house served as a hotel for wanderers and a hospital for the sick. The saint prayed not only for the living, but also for the departed Christians, and especially for the soldiers who died for the Fatherland.

It is known about the great friendship of Saint Mitrophan with Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov. They not only maintained correspondence, but also met for spiritual conversations. The history of the foundation of the Tregulyaevsky St. John the Baptist Monastery near Tambov is connected with the friendship of the saints. On September 15, 1688, Saint Mitrophan visited Saint Pitirim. The three of them (priest Vasily was with them) took a walk to the places of solitary prayer of the Tambov archpastor and chose a place for the future monastery.

Saint Mitrofan, as a man of high patriotism, with his moral authority, mercy and prayers contributed to the reforms of Peter I, the necessity and purpose of which he well understood. During the construction of a fleet in Voronezh for the campaign against Azov, Saint Mitrofan convinced the people to help Peter I in every possible way. This was especially important, because many considered the construction of a fleet to be useless. The saint did not limit himself only to advice to the tsar, but also provided material support to the state treasury, which needed money for the construction of the fleet, and donated all his funds, realizing that they were going to the good of the Motherland.

The saint's patriotic feelings were combined in his soul with unshakable faith and the severity of Orthodox convictions, for the sake of which he was not afraid to incur royal wrath.

One day the saint received an order from the king to appear at his palace. Peter decorated his palace in Voronezh, following the example of Western European sovereigns, with statues of ancient deities: Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, Venus and others. Mitrofan immediately went, but, entering the courtyard and seeing these statues, including the naked Venus, he turned back and went home. The king, having learned about what had happened, was indignant and again sent for the bishop. Having returned, the messenger told the sovereign that the saint was ready to come to him, the king, on a visit only on the condition that the idols were removed away. The temperamental Peter, having heard such words, was inflamed with even greater indignation and again sent a messenger, ordering him to convey that if the saint did not immediately appear to him, he would be executed as a disobedient criminal. The saint again ignored the invitation, answering through the royal messenger that although the king could kill his body, but not his soul, which was in the hands of God.

Understanding the reason for the saint’s “insolence,” the autocrat managed to extinguish the flame of anger within himself. Meanwhile, the saint himself, not knowing exactly how this situation would end and realizing that the formidable royal word could be fulfilled, devoted himself to prayer. Soon the king heard the bell ringing the good news. When he, not understanding what this meant, sent to find out, the one who returned reported that the saint was preparing for death and wanted to pray collectively for eternal salvation. The king, truly amazed at the pastoral firmness and piety, ordered the idols to be demolished, the words of the royal mercy conveyed to the saint and asked not to disturb the people with the strange ringing.

After these events, the tsar gained even greater respect for Bishop Mitrofan. The saint lived to be deeply gray.

Saint Mitrofan died in 1703 at a very old age, having accepted the schema with the name Macarius before his death. The burial took place on December 4. Tsar Peter I himself carried the saint’s coffin from the cathedral to the tomb. Saying goodbye, he said: “I no longer have such a holy elder left. May he be eternally remembered.” One of the remarkable monuments to the life and work of Saint Mitrofan is his Spiritual Testament. In it, addressing the shepherds and flock, the saint says: “The simpleton who has sinned for his own soul alone will give an answer to God, and the priests will be tortured for many, as those who neglected the sheep from which they collected milk and wool (wool) ... For every person. This is the rule of wise men: use labor, keep moderation, and you will be rich; drink abstinently, eat little, and you will be healthy; do good, avoid evil, and you will be saved.” The memory of Saint Mitrofan was established in 1832.

Based on materials from sites:

Saint Mitrofan, the first bishop of Voronezh, was born on November 6, 1623 in the Vladimir land, presumably into the family of a priest. The worldly name of the future saint was Michael. The saint lived half of his life in the world, was married and had children. Information has been preserved about the care of Saint Mitrofan in raising his son Ivan. The future bishop was for some time a priest in the village of Sidorovskoye, Suzdal diocese. At the age of 40, he became a widower and decided to devote his life to God. He chose the Zolotnikovsky Assumption Monastery not far from Suzdal as his place of residence, where he was tonsured a monk with the name Mitrofan.

Here the saint of God began his monastic asceticism, distinguished by deep humility. His strict monastic life became known among the monastic community. Three years after entering the Zolotnikovsky monastery, the brethren of the neighboring Yakhroma Kosmin monastery, which did not have an abbot at that time, began to ask the local spiritual authorities to bring Mitrofan to them as abbot. The request was fulfilled. At first, the ascetic was ordained to the priesthood, then, despite his reluctance, he was elevated to abbot of the Yakhroma monastery.

When Patriarch Joachim of Moscow and All Rus' learned about the ascetic’s zeal, he entrusted him with the larger Unzhensky monastery, founded in the 15th century. Venerable Macarius of Zheltovodsk in Kostroma land. Here the future saint abboted for about seven years, during which the monastery achieved prosperity. A temple was built in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and many wonderful icons were painted.

The monastery of Abbot Mitrofan attracted the attention of not only the Patriarch, but also Tsar Theodore Alekseevich, who visited the monastery and often talked with the abbot. At court the saint was treated with special respect. When in 1682, by decision of the Moscow Church Council of 1681, the new Voronezh diocese was formed, Tsar Theodore proposed to appoint Abbot Mitrofan as its first bishop. The episcopal consecration on April 2, 1682 was led by Patriarch Joachim.

Saint Mitrofan had to witness the riot of schismatics in July of the same year and attend the “debate about faith” between the Old Believers and the Orthodox in the Faceted Chamber. This event made a strong impression on him and subsequently affected his episcopal affairs. Saint Mitrophan gained fame as an exposer of the schism and a supporter of the patriotic endeavors of the reformer tsar. Saint Mitrophan considered the clergy as a force capable of influencing the population in the most beneficial way. At the very beginning of his activity, the saint began to build a new stone church in Voronezh in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. Saint Mitrofan loved church splendor and invested enormous amounts of money in the construction of the cathedral. The life of the saint was more than modest.

A special page in the biography of Saint Mitrofan is his relationship with Peter I. The saint deeply and sympathetically entered into the fate of the young Tsar, and tried to promote the transformations that arose that were beneficial for the Fatherland. He approved of the construction of the fleet undertaken by Peter I in Voronezh and supported it financially. When in 1696 Russian troops won a victory over the Turks near Azov, Peter I ordered Saint Mitrofan, as if as a reward for his participation in this victory, to be called Bishop of Voronezh and “Azov”. At the same time, Saint Mitrofan could not approve of the tsar’s too close communication with foreign infidels and thoughtless acceptance of their customs. The saint refused to visit the Tsar's Voronezh palace because of the pagan statues that were in it. When the angry Peter began to threaten him with death, the saint began to prepare for it, preferring to die rather than approve pagan rituals unacceptable for an Orthodox person.

The bishop's confession put Peter to shame; as a sign of agreement with him, he removed the statues, and peace was restored. The saint of God remained at the Voronezh pulpit for 20 years, until his death.

The saint’s favorite reflection was the remembrance of death, the afterlife, and ordeals; favorite prayer is the prayer for the dead.

Not being familiar with the widespread in the 17th century. Latin scholasticism, Saint Mitrophan knew the Holy Scriptures and patristic works very well. In his “Spiritual Testament,” Saint Mitrofan edified: “For every person, this is the rule of wise men: use labor, maintain moderation, and you will be rich; drink abstinently, eat little - you will be healthy; do good, flee evil - you will be saved.” Saint Mitrofan reposed before God in 1703 at a ripe old age. Shortly before his death, the saint accepted the schema with the name Macarius. He was buried in the Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh with great honors: the tsar with his own hands helped to carry the coffin of the saint, whom he revered as a “holy elder.”

Since 1820, the number of admirers of the prayerful memory of St. Mitrofan has especially increased, and records of miracles at his tomb began to appear at the cathedral. In 1831, there was an official report about this to the Synod, according to which, on August 7, 1832, the solemn opening of the coffin took place, and then the canonization of the saint followed. From his holy relics, by the grace of God, numerous healings took place for those suffering from physical and mental ailments, the possessed, and the paralytic. In 1836, the Annunciation Mitrofan Monastery was established at the Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh.

Among the Orthodox, one of the most revered saints of the Voronezh lands was Mitrofan of Voronezh. He was awarded the rank of bishop for his immeasurable love for God, people, and the Orthodox faith.

The relics and icons of the miracle worker heal people from illnesses, relieve them of bad thoughts, and help them cope with everyday difficulties. What is significant about the life of this saint, and what prayers do Orthodox believers turn to him with?

In 1623, on November 8, the future Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh was born, named Michael at birth. His parents and closest relatives belonged to the Orthodox clergy, as evidenced by the synodikon: the list of names begins with persons of the priestly rank.

From an early age the boy studied science; pious parents raised him in faith in God and love for people.

Mikhail was married until the age of forty, raised his son John, served as a parish priest, but after the death of his pious wife he decided to completely devote his life to serving God. Saint Mitrophan, then still Michael, took monastic vows - this is how his ascent to the goal of his entire earthly existence began.

Having spent three years as a hieromonk in the monastery, the future Orthodox saint proved himself to be a zealous defender of the dogmas of the Orthodox faith and a zealous prayer book. He cared about the welfare of the temple, so after three years he was appointed abbot of the Yakhroma Cosmin Monastery. The Monk ruled the monastery for ten years, it was then that the majestic Church of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands was erected, and all church utensils were acquired.

The rank of archimandrite was awarded to the abbot at the age of 53 by Patriarch Joachim for his enormous merits and beneficent life.

Upon arrival in the diocese, he addressed the clergy with a heartfelt message about the greatness of our faith and the importance of pastoral ministry. The loving, merciful Voronezh Mitrofan faced difficulties with which he had to fight throughout his life.

Voronezh at that time was a territory located on the outskirts of the Ryazan diocese, where all kinds of people flocked. The once rich, prosperous region was devastated by the Tatar-Mongol invasion over several centuries; life in Voronezh was very difficult. The troubled situation attracted bandits, robbers, schismatics, and other people who wanted debauchery and a free life.

City residents were captured by Polish and Lithuanian bandits for the purpose of sale. Lack of spiritual values, unbelief, and cruelty reigned then. The small number of Orthodox churches, monasteries, and the low level of education of the clergy aggravated the situation. Monasticism was subordinated to the secular inhabitants more than to the spiritual authorities, and schismatics rebelled everywhere. Fear, anxiety, and despondency settled in the hearts of people. The entire subsequent life of the saint was aimed at combating these vices.

During the twenty years of Saint Mitrofan's stay at the Voronezh See, he gained respect and became known as an ardent opponent of Western values, an associate of the sovereign's patriotic endeavors.

The entire life of Orthodox Mitrofan of Voronezh was inextricably linked with representatives of the Romanov dynasty, who helped in the establishment of church monasteries. Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh himself provided financial support to Peter the Great for the construction of ships and a fleet.

The Voronezh righteous man was known as a strict but fair mentor; he encouraged monastics to study the sacred scriptures and to raise their spiritual and moral level. His sermons were loved in many villages, where he opened schools for studying literacy. He condemned the Old Believers and was involved in charity work. His home was always open to mourners. He took care of setting up a hospital for sick people, as well as a hotel for wanderers.

Interesting! Over the entire period of service of Mitrofan of Voronezh in the Voronezh Diocese, the number of Orthodox monasteries increased from 182 to 239.

The Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos was one of the bishop's favorites. This monastery was built with the blessing of the patriarch and donations from the sovereign and other persons. This is a truly stunning architectural structure in its appearance; you can see it in the photo.

The end of life's journey

November 23, 1703 was the last day of the saint’s life; due to illness, he departed to God. In his will, Mitrofan of Voronezh wrote that he had neither silver nor gold left.

He gave all his savings to the construction of temples, but did not even build a house for himself, he lived in an inn. Having learned about the death of the bishop, Peter the Great himself came to the funeral and personally carried his coffin.

The faith of Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh was so strong that he was not even afraid to disrupt friendly relations with the tsar. One day, having arrived at the chambers by order of the sovereign, he saw pagan statues at the entrance. Turning around, he left and did not want to return, realizing that he was facing severe punishment, including execution. After some time, Peter the Great ordered the statues to be removed, and from that moment he began to respect the Reverend even more.

Interesting!: time to view the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The monk was glorified as a saint in 1831. He is revered on November 23 (December 6) - the day of presentation and memory. July 19 (August 1), August 7 (20) – discovery of his relics. A miracle occurred during the restoration of the Orthodox Cathedral. When dismantling the platform, restorers discovered the coffin where the saint's body rested; it turned out to be incorrupt. The emperor was informed about this, and subsequently members of the Holy Synod appointed a commission that confirmed this fact. On September 4 (17), the Orthodox celebrate the second discovery and the day of transfer of the relics.

What are they praying for?

How does prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh help? This question interests every Orthodox Christian. On the life path of any of us, unforeseen events arise, hardships of life, obstacles that, at first glance, seem insurmountable.

Orthodox Christians in their prayers ask Mitrofan of Voronezh for consolation and guidance in choosing the right direction. What else does this saint help with?

He will come to the rescue if the following needs arise:

  1. Healing from mental and physical illnesses. This is what many people ask Mitrofan for. Sincere prayers offered to the saint relieve infirmities and terrible diseases.
  2. Job search. Orthodox Christians ask Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh to help them find a job with decent pay, so that work brings not only material well-being, but is also done with love.
  3. Children's well-being. What the icon of Mitrofan of Voronezh helps with is in creating a strong family, so parents pray in front of it for their children who decide to get married and also have offspring.
  4. The birth of healthy children. Married couples who, for various reasons, cannot give birth to children must definitely offer prayers to the glorious Mitrofan of Voronezh for the gift of a long-awaited child, and there is no need to doubt that they will be heard by the saint.
  5. Gaining compassion, mercy, and attentiveness to one's neighbor. The saint was a modest, humble, kind-hearted man, so people turn to him so that he would endow us with the same qualities.
  6. Forgiveness, healing. They turn to the saint to ask the Lord to have mercy and forgive us sinners. Believers who offer prayers receive consolation and divine grace.

Interesting! The monk himself dug up a life-giving spring, to which many people still come today. It is located in Voronezh and, according to witnesses, heals many diseases.

What does the icon look like?

We have understood how Saint Mitrofan and his icon help, but what does it look like?

The saint, everyone's favorite miracle worker, is depicted in a dark robe. The right hand blesses each person praying, and the left hand holds the bishop’s staff, which is a symbol of spiritual power over believing Orthodox Christians.

After leaving sincere prayers, people always receive help from the saint and find a way out of their situation.

The correct prayer request to a saint is sincere, it helps even when, it would seem, the situation is completely hopeless. In order for a saint to hear the prayers of the Orthodox, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Before praying, drive away all extraneous thoughts and focus on the text.
  2. Read the prayer sincerely, with understanding of every word.
  3. You need to turn to the saint not under compulsion, but with desire, with all your heart.
  4. A prayer request is made in a calm voice, in a whisper or without saying it out loud, “in the heart.”
  5. You should not ask a saint for immeasurable material benefits, fame, honor. This will not bring comfort to the soul!
  6. Before praying, it is better to visit church, confess, take communion, and receive a blessing from the priest for prayer work. Well, after fulfilling your cherished desire, it is advisable to thank the saint and light a candle in front of the icon.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh is a glorious miracle worker who, during his earthly life, did many good deeds - any Orthodox website contains similar information. He called on people to pray unceasingly, to live decently, to repent of their sins, and to be able to forgive.

This holy man taught people to be patient, condescending to other people’s mental and physical infirmities, and advised parishioners to receive communion and anoint themselves with holy oil as often as possible. The miracle worker devoted all his strength to eradicating unrest in churches and monasteries; he stood up for widows, the offended, and orphans.

They resort to the help of the righteous even after his death: thanks to prayers offered to the saint from a pure heart, miracles happen, the weak are healed, the afflicted receive consolation, those who seek their way find their way.

December 6 - memory of St. Mitrofan, in the schema of Macarius, bishop. Voronezh (1703)

August 20 - discovery of the relics of St. Mitrofan, bishop Voronezhsky (1832)

September 17 - second discovery (1964) and transfer of relics (1989) of St. Mitrophan, Bishop of Voronezh

The first Voronezh bishop, Saint Mitrofan, in Holy Baptism Michael, was born in November 1623 in the village of Antilokhovo, Vladimir province (now Ivanovo region). There is no information about who his parents were or what position they occupied. It is only known that they belonged to the clergy.

The saint of God spent half of his life in the world: he was married, had a son, John, and served as a parish priest in the village of Sidorovskoye, not far from the town of Shuya.

In the fortieth year of his life, priest Mikhail lost his wife and then decided to renounce the world. He settled in the Zolotnikovskaya hermitage of the Dormition of the Mother of God, near the city of Suzdal. Here in 1663 he was tonsured a monk with the name Mitrofan. Despite the ascetic’s efforts to hide from human glory, his strict monastic life became known to the surrounding population: after three years of desert living, Priest Mitrofan gained such immense respect among the monastic brethren that, at their request, he was appointed rector of the Kosmo-Yakhroma monastery.

A few years later, the vast Makaryevsky monastery on Unzha was entrusted to his care, as a “reverent and virtuous husband.” Under him, it quickly turned from a third-rate one into a prosperous one. In 1669, through the care of Mitrofan, a Cathedral Church was built at the local monastery in the name of St. Trinity, under whose treasures lie the relics of St. Macarius.

The Unzhensky Zheltovodsk Monastery enjoyed the special patronage of the House of Romanov and, by the will of Mikhail Fedorovich, was established “on a par with the Solovetsky Monastery,” and its abbots received personal access to the Tsar, which was important for the monastery.

The appointment of Saint Mitrofan as abbot of such a monastery shows that Patriarch Joachim highly valued him for his piety and wise stewardship. He was loved and revered not only by the brethren, but also by all the surrounding residents for his humility, selflessness, hard work and vigilant concern for the arrangement and construction of a new church in it (in just three years, a church was built in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Seeing how he wisely ruled his monastery, the patriarch entrusted him with important tasks. In 1677, by order of the patriarch, the Abbot of Unzhensky “supervised the holy churches in the Vetluga villages.” Soon Saint Mitrofan received a new, now permanent appointment. He was appointed ten-tenant. The king himself treated the ascetic with deep respect. But at the same time, Mitrofan was extremely simple when communicating. He did not like idleness and in the summer he worked in the fields, otherwise he would pick up an ax. It is known that he wore a hair shirt. The monasteries under him were famous for their strict adherence to the monastic rules.

Reliquary with the holy relics of the saint. The holy relics are

Vin CathedralIntercession Cathedral of Voronezh

At the Moscow Council of 1681–1682, among the measures to combat the schism of the Old Believers and in order to promote greater dissemination of Christian education, it was necessary to increase the number of dioceses and open a new see - Voronezh. St. was elected to this see. Mitrofan, as “a truly righteous and holy man,” and was ordained a bishop.

In the same year after the death of the king Saint Theodore was present in Moscow at the accession of ten-year-old Peter 1 to the throne. He witnessed the Streltsy riot. Before the eyes of Abbot Mitrofan, the bloody rampages of the archers took place, keeping both the government and the people in constant alarm throughout the entire summer of 1682. And therefore, the saint was present at the Council in the Faceted Chamber, arranged for debate with schismatics, witnessing manifestations of the unbridled fanaticism of the ignorant defenders of “antiquity.”

All these events greatly disturbed the soul of the future saint. Therefore, until the end of his days, he zealously cared for the improvement of not only the Church, but also the state.

At the end of August 1682, Saint Mitrofan arrived in young Voronezh. The region required great work, care and perseverance for its church structure. And the residents of this region were offended: the first settlers did not come here of their own free will: they were driven here by the government from different villages and cities of Russia to protect the border from attacks by the Crimean Tatars. They were subsequently joined by fugitive peasants who left their native places due to difficult living conditions. There were many disabled people who left the army; there are many widows and orphans left without breadwinners. The schismatics built hermitages here and with particular convenience instilled in the Orthodox, if not schism, then dislike for the Church and its shepherds. And Saint Mitrophan understood this well. The great merit of the saint was that he was accessible to everyone, helped the poor, visited the sick and those imprisoned, consoled the suffering, and addressed a circular message to the priests who depended on him, admonishing them and calling on them to serve as an example for the flock not only through preaching and prayer , but also with your own life.

It is known that St. Mitrofan personally takes care of the sick. While still alive, his very body became blessed, his very clothes (mantle) miraculous. His favorite prayer was the prayer for the dead. My favorite image is the image of human life under the image of a mown wildflower. He constantly took care of improving the family life of their parishioners. And the bishop’s house under him always served as a refuge for the disadvantaged and humiliated.

During his administration, church construction began in the Voronezh diocese, the number of churches increased to 239, and two monasteries were founded.

At this time, Emperor Peter I often visited Voronezh, where the Russian fleet was being built to conquer Azov. He got to know the Bishop of Voronezh closely and became his friend. The hardships associated with building the fleet irritated the people, who expressed their dissatisfaction by arson and escape. Saint Mitrofan, fully sympathetic to this great cause, helped the emperor as much as he could, explained to the people the good intentions of the king, collected money for the construction of the fleet and donated his own meager funds for the necessary shipbuilding work. When there was not enough money for the flotilla, Saint Mitrofan sent four thousand rubles from himself for the construction of ships, which was suspended due to lack of money, and the next year - three thousand for the salaries of the soldiers.

Miraculous Icon-Martyr

But this devotion of the bishop to the young king did not prevent him from telling Peter the truth in his face and denouncing those actions of the sovereign that were contrary to the rules of piety. Thus, Mitrofan of Voronezh refused to go to Peter the Great’s palace, which was decorated, in the strange fashion of that time, with sculptures depicting pagan gods. The king sent for him three more times, but the answer remained the same. The angry king ordered the bishop to be told that if he did not immediately appear at the palace, then he, as a disobedient to the royal will, would be executed. “My life is in the power of the king,” the bishop answered, “but for me it is better to die than to violate the duty of the priesthood... It is indecent for an Orthodox sovereign to install pagan fools and thereby seduce the simple hearts of the people.” There was no answer to these words, and Saint Mitrofan, not knowing the final decision of the formidable autocrat, began to prepare for death and ordered all the bells to be rung, calling the people to the all-night vigil. “What kind of holiday is tomorrow?” - asked Peter. “There is none,” they answered him. He sent to ask the bishop about this. “I, as a criminal, have been destined for death by the royal word, and therefore I want to make a conciliar prayer for the forgiveness of my sins, so that the Lord will show His mercy over me.” Peter immediately sent to calm the saint down and ordered the pagan statues to be cut down from the façade of the palace.

In May 1696, the Voronezh navy, built in an unprecedentedly short time (in one year!), ensured the capture of the Turkish fortress of Azov, which blocked Russia’s access to the Azov and Black Seas.

For his diligent and impeccable labors for the glory of his fatherland, Saint Mitrofan was awarded two sovereign charters, and after the capture of Azov, the tsar ordered to call the saint Voronezh and Azov. Saint Mitrofan blessed the Tsar's military campaigns and blessed the naval guns and ships of the young Russian fleet. To be fair, it is worth noting that after the victory at Azov, Tsar Peter not only poured church bells into cannons, but, under the influence of his Voronezh confessor, on the contrary, in honor of victories he poured cannons into church bells.

The prophetic words of Saint Mitrophan are amazing, which became a blessing to Tsar Peter for significant victories in the future, as well as for the founding of St. Petersburg and the construction of the Kazan Cathedral in the Northern capital. Blessing the Tsar with the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the saint said: “Take the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and it will help you defeat the evil and strong enemy. Then you will transfer this icon to the new capital, the great city in honor of St. Peter. As long as this holy image of the Most Pure Virgin remains on the banks of the Neva, the grace of God and the Protection of the Mother of God will not leave the capital city.”

Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh and Tsar Peter the Great

To this day it is still difficult for us to appreciate the spiritual significance of the influence of the godly Saint Mitrophan on the young and ardent Tsar Peter. But the fact remains: Peter’s foreign, youthfully short-sighted policy changed dramatically, and he concentrated all his further efforts not on the war with Turkey, which brought Russia so many losses and misfortunes, but on the struggle for access to the Baltic Sea, for establishing Russia’s authority in Europe. It wasn’t just that Peter “cut a window” to Europe. He placed, whether he knew it or not, a strong “door” between Orthodox Russia and Catholic-Protestant Europe. With the blessing of Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh, Tsar Peter blocked the march of the Western heresy, the most dangerous for the Russian heart, into Rus'.

But the saint had an even stronger influence on the homeless poor, involuntarily gathered in Voronezh, with his truly fatherly care for them, imbued with merciful love. The poor and unfortunate were near and dear to his heart. The saint always had a rule of life: not to leave anything for himself, but to give all acquisitions to God, who gave everything, and to his neighbors, who have nothing.

All the saint's travels throughout the diocese were a true holiday for those in need. Intending to travel around the diocese, the saint takes “100 rubles of government money into the bishop’s cell to distribute in alms to those who were burned, and in prisons, and in almshouses, and on orders, and the beggars, and the poor, and those in exile, and to people of all ranks, and for distribution during the procession of bishops of male and female monasteries to monks and nuns, where the bishop of his diocese visits the cities.”

Residents of Voronezh received even more blessings and mercies from Saint Mitrofan. His bishop's house was a house of refuge for all those who mourn, a hotel for strangers, a hospital for the sick, a resting place for the poor. The saint generously gave clothes, linen, and cash benefits to wanderers and the poor from his bishop's treasury; He arranged tables for the poor. He benefited not only Russians, but also foreigners; visited prisons and convict huts, warming the embittered hearts of free and involuntary prisoners with words of sympathy and distributing alms to them.

When the saint grew old and did not have the strength to visit prisons himself, he sent alms through close people to be distributed from hand to hand, as well as money for the ransom of the “vlaznoe”, that is, a cash contribution upon entry into prison for maintenance in it. The unknown workers who died in a foreign land, if there was no one and nothing to bury them, were buried by the saint at his own expense: in some months, probably during widespread illnesses, the saint had expenses for dozens of coffins; Shrouds were bought, and sometimes money was directly given for the burial of the poor. The saint’s love did not leave them even beyond the grave: he himself prayed, and ordered that the names of those who, under the primacy of the Right Reverend Mitrofan, die “without repentance and without communion” be included in the cathedral synodik for constant commemoration.

Undoubtedly, the entire long and difficult life of the Voronezh High Hierarch was one unparalleled good deed.

Having reached the age of eighty, Saint Mitrophan accepted the schema. Feeling that the disease was fatal, he began to prepare for death. Before his death, the poor-loving and merciful shepherd intensified his concerns for the needy: he sent generous alms for distribution to prisons, according to orders, where prisoners were also kept, to almshouses; helps exiles and foreigners, forgives dues.

Even in his spiritual will, the saint made detailed orders about his burial and commemoration. Then they began to prepare a coffin for the saint. Having thus prepared for his death in a truly Christian manner, the saint rested peacefully on November 23, 1703.

The saint was buried in the Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh. Tsar Peter I himself was present at the burial, and showed the deceased unprecedented honors that hardly any Russian sovereign had ever given to a bishop. Turning to his retinue, the king said: “We will be ashamed if we do not testify our gratitude to this beneficent shepherd by giving him the last honor. So, let’s carry his body out ourselves.” With these words, the sovereign was the first to take hold of the coffin and carry it to the tomb, which was located under the platform of the cathedral side church. After the funeral service, the king, together with the nobles and officers, again raised the coffin and lowered it into the ground. At the same time, turning to his entourage “and foreigners,” the sovereign said loudly: “I don’t have such a holy elder left.”

These just words of love and gratitude in the mouth of the toiling king were the best speech over the tomb of the toiling saint. The Tsar and the Bishop were bound by love for the Fatherland, and both of them, although on different paths, worked for the good of their dear Motherland. But even beyond the grave, the saint of God does not interrupt communication with the king: praying for his soul before the throne of the Lord, Saint Mitrophan wants those who honor his memory to pray for Tsar Peter, for the repose of his soul in the righteous villages. One day Saint Mitrofan appeared to one of his admirers and said: “If you want to be pleasing to me, pray for the repose of the soul of Emperor Peter the Great.”

part of the relics of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh - Magazine of modern youth