Ruslan white where he lives. Ruslan Bely: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Comedy Club and television

Participant's name: Ruslan Viktorovich Bely

Age (birthday): 28.12.1979

City: Bobrov, Voronezh region

Education: Military Aviation Engineering University, Voronezh Agrarian University

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Ruslan Bely was born in Prague into a Russian family - the comedian’s father was a military man, so on duty he was often sent to different cities and countries. When Ruslan was 5 years old, the family was forced to move to Legnica, a Polish town.

A few years later they returned to Russia, to the city of Bobrov. Due to frequent changes of residence, Ruslan changed schools, which had a very bad effect on his education. Despite this, the guy still managed to receive a certificate with a silver medal, after which, at the request of his father, Ruslan entered the Military University.

The father wanted his son to have the same profession, and for him to grow up to be a worthy man, able to easily overcome life's challenges.

While in training, Ruslan became interested in humor and playing KVN. He took part in the game, was a member of the “Seventh Heaven” team, which won the “Voting Kivin”.

Having received military education, Bely signed a contract and served for 2 years with the rank of lieutenant, during which time he received a medal for excellent service. However, he did not abandon humor, continuing to joke and improve his abilities.

In 2003, Ruslan graduated from Voronezh Agrarian University, after which he began performing in stand-up projects in his city. At this time, many already knew about the comedian, so he received an invitation from Moscow to participate in the TNT channel project “Laughter without Rules.”

Any other aspiring comedian would have run to the capital, hoping to gain fame, but Ruslan refused. It was only the third time that he was persuaded to come to the show. Moreover, Ruslan won and bought an apartment in Voronezh with the money he won.

In 2013, Ruslan Bely organized his own show “Stand Up”, officially becoming the country's main comedian in this genre and at the same time the host of the project. He managed to assemble a team of unique comedians, but he doesn’t stop there. Every year Ruslan organizes stand-up festivals, where absolutely anyone, professional or beginner, can come and perform.

Ruslan’s determination, apparently, is the result of the work of his parents, and even though he did not follow in his father’s footsteps, Bely is doing his chosen business with dignity. In the personal life of a comedian, everything is too veiled - There have been rumors for many years that he is in a relationship with Yulia Akhmedova.

In fact, the young people have known each other since the days of KVN; they treat each other with respect, but they do not admit who they are. We played together in the KVN team “25th”.

In some shows they position themselves as lovers, in others as brother and sister. Moreover, both do not have children and have never been married.

Today, Ruslan actively speaks and promotes his business, not forgetting that it’s time to get married. Bely often tours with a solo program and with the Stand Up show team.

Interesting things about Ruslan Bely:

  • He played small roles in the sitcoms “Happy Together” and “Univer”;
  • Took part in the filming of a video for the group ZNT;
  • Ruslan Bely in life and on stage are completely different people;
  • The comedian is a resident " Comedy Club", the most popular numbers: about the video of Aziz - Mrazish, the origin of women and men;
  • Sometimes sits on the jury of the show « Comedy battle »;
  • There were conflicts with Guf and Yegor Creed because of Bely’s monologues about them.

In 2017, Ruslan Bely became a mentor for the Open Microphone show on TNT.

Photo by Ruslan

Ruslan runs Instagram, where he posts personal photos, announcements of performances and footage from shows.

The modern humorous sphere has acquired one of the young and smart representatives - Ruslan Bely. His charisma amazes both men and women, his performances are grandiose, interesting and not repeated. Ruslan Bely’s wife is not yet interested in him; there is little talk about his personal life, since meetings happen often. Information about his personal life is valuable and his biography is still silent about it.

Bely's childhood and youth

The humorist and comedian is from the Czech Republic; his father was a military man, so he often had to move to garrisons. For a long time, the family of Ruslan Bely lived in Prague, and then moved to the small Polish town of Leginc. He graduated from school in Bobrov, Voronezh region. Frequent moves caused a lot of problems with studies, grades left much to be desired, but Ruslan Bely graduated from school with a silver medal. Acting skills were evident long before his appearance on the TNT show. Ruslan clearly differs from his colleagues from the comedy club in his more subtle sense of humor. Laughter and comic situations are in his blood; at school concerts the guy was always in the center of amateur performances.

Career path

My father really wanted Ruslan to follow his path and continue the military path. The gorgeous prospects inspired confidence, and the young man entered a military university. Ruslan Bely replenished the ranks of the army and went to contract service. The desire to be an artist could not leave his head, so he participated in KVN, and he liked it. Later, Ruslan couldn’t even imagine himself without humor. Captain of the university team - he deserved this title. In Jurmala, the team won the “Voting KiViN”, the recognition of the TV viewer could not but rejoice. In the army, Ruslan Bely soon received the rank of lieutenant and rose to the rank of captain, even receiving a medal “For Distinction” in the service.

Second higher education was civilian, Ruslan entered the Agrarian University. The comedian did not leave KVN, he appeared in Voronezh Comedy. As shown latest news, Ruslan Bely has a girlfriend, but the comedian does not have a wife yet, since that person has not yet been found. The acquaintance with Yulia Akhmedova took place here and soon Ruslan Bely and the girl became such friends that she became best friend. Performances were often held jointly.

Invitation to the TV channel

Ruslan Bely was invited to famous show“Laughter without rules,” however, he accepted the invitation only for the third time, he really didn’t want to be amazed, it was the fear of doing serious business, working out jokes and performing. As a result, he won and received a decent amount of money, which he spent on purchasing housing in Voronezh. Life was completely rethought, Ruslan left the army and changed radically. Yours favorite activity I started right away, because it is in this profession that Bely sees himself. Successful participation in a television show allowed him to become famous, Ruslan was invited to TNT. His acting career began with the TV series “Happy Together,” followed by “Univer. New dorm." Most of all, he sees himself not in the Comedy Club, but in stand-up.

Ruslan Bely's wife photo

Ruslan Bely has not yet met his wife, he has not known what a wedding, children and a happy family life, but he thinks that by the end of 2018 he will find the one with whom he will be ready to tie the knot for life. Ruslan says that his day is completely planned out, there is no time for serious relationship absolutely not. Working on the channel takes up all your free time, it takes a lot of effort, and you want to spend the minutes you have on relaxation or meeting with friends. Very often, Ruslan Bely is credited with having an affair with Yulia Akhmedova, but he denies this information.

Photo: Kirill Zaitsev

A couple of months ago, TV viewers knew Ruslan Bely as a resident of the Comedy Club on TNT. Today his name is more associated with another comedy show - Stand Up, which was launched by the same channel in September. It’s hard to believe that a man whose jokes the whole country laughs at, got into show business relatively recently - about five years ago, and besides, straight from the army.

Western comedians have been performing stand-up for many years, that is, they read humorous monologues in front of the public. In Russia, this format appeared relatively recently. The Sunday show Stand Up on TNT was perhaps the first major project of this kind on our television. And Ruslan Bely acted as its ideological inspirer, producer and presenter. During the photo shoot OK! Ruslan behaved a little impatiently. By his own admission, he doesn’t really like to act or pose. You may ask, but how then does he perform in front of the audience, and especially in front of the camera? “There is no need to pretend to be anything,” he will answer.

Ruslan is extremely passionate about his work. After the shooting, he sits down at the table, takes the phone and says: “Look!” On the screen is a performance by one of the Western comedians, in English, without Russian translation. “I really like this rigid text format,” says Ruslan. - It does not imply miniatures, numbers or anything like that. There’s a microphone and there’s a person who’s saying something funny.”

Tell me, how did you come up with the idea to separate from the Comedy Club and create your own project? Comedy is also supposed to do stand-ups, but we still decided to create a separate genre platform so that other guys also have the opportunity to do this. Although I am sure that Stand Up is not the first and not the last project where young comedians will be realized. In any case, generations change, and whether we like it or not, someone will step on our heels.

Comedians perform on stage alone. Does everyone also write jokes themselves, or is it a product of collective creativity? If you write the text yourself, it takes much more time. No matter how developed a person is, his horizons are still limited. Therefore, when you think alone, sooner or later a blockage occurs. In stand-up there is even such a concept - comedy body. There is no analogue to it in Russian. This “body” can be any person you talk to in the process of creating jokes. He can immediately tell whether he finds it funny or not, and help determine the right direction. We hold three to five technical parties where we test out our jokes. People come to the bar, understanding that our monologues are still raw, that we are only testing them, so they don’t criticize us much. And then, at the main party, which takes place every two weeks at Moscow Hall, we show the final version of what we came up with.

Is there some degree of improvisation in your performances? Listen, I once read reviews of our program on the Internet, people wrote in shock: “So this is not improvisation?!” Nobody said that Stand Up is an improvisational show, so the share of impromptu is minimal. In general, if people think that the person on stage suddenly made an impromptu joke, I am sure that in 95 percent of cases this is not the case. He just masterfully presented his preparation. Ideally, of course, any material should be presented as if you were making it up on the fly. It's a lot of work. At “technical” parties we improvise a lot and play around on stage. But we can’t afford that on a recording anymore.

There are many stereotypes about comedians. It is believed, for example, that in life they are just as funny as on stage. But in fact, it happens quite the opposite... This is exactly what happens. Because speaking in public is very energy-intensive. You stood on stage for only eight minutes, and you come out in such a state as if you had been loading bags of coal for hours. The audience is not always on your wavelength, and not everything is always good for everyone. It happens that you come across a difficult audience that does not understand at all what you want to say. And then you ask yourself why you are even doing this.

Is it just these seditious thoughts that arise? When disastrous performances happen, I sometimes think: “This is probably not for me, I need to go to top managers.” But overall I like everything so far. Stand-up is a genre that has not yet gained momentum; we ourselves do not know much and are literally learning in battle. It’s clear that this is not yet the stand-up comedy that everyone sees on the Internet performed by Western comedians. They've been doing this for twenty years! We are sometimes compared to world stars who already have an Emmy for stand-up. Yes, if these stars knew about such a comparison, they would be offended: “Who are you comparing me with?! I’m a powerful dude, and here’s a 48-minute broadcast!”

How self-critical. This is objective. We are just at the beginning of the journey. For example, a KVN team that has just assembled will take ten years to reach the Major League. Fortunately, in modern conditions we can immediately get on television, and not perform in taverns and eat shortbread. Although I sometimes eat short bread at work... If we stay too late and all the cafes are already closed. ( Smiles.)

Ruslan, on stage you probably need to be at least a little bit of an actor. Have you ever wanted to try yourself in serious film roles? One hundred percent no. I filmed episodes a couple of times, and I sat on set and thought: “God, why am I doing this?” I believe that everyone should mind their own business. A comedian must humor, a singer must sing, an actor must act. When people start switching to related professions, it infuriates me a little.

It’s strange, most often I hear that a person in show business, on the contrary, must be able to sing, dance, and walk with his ears... The fact is that in our show business the role of the producer is very important. There are very few people who are truly talented in something and come up with something themselves - write songs, generate ideas for programs. The producer comes up with everything. So he had an idea, he thought over a possible plot, then figured out which actor, singer or comedian to invite there... And this man just came, starred and left, but he is a star! I believe that you have to do everything yourself - from start to finish. Since you sing, that means you must write songs and music yourself, then you can call yourself a musician. It’s not like you came, they gave you someone else’s music, a piece of paper with written lyrics, you sang something in the studio, your voice was processed, they shot a video for you - and now you’re already selling out stadiums. Or, let’s say, the singer indulged in humor. He came to the studio, they installed the spotlights, the scenery, everything else, he read someone else’s text and said: “Ha-ha, I’m a comedian!” A comedian must come up with his own jokes. Just sit there and write on a piece of paper, then teach, speak in front of the public, and only after the audience laughs can you say: “Oh, that’s a good joke!”

So you say that there are few talented people. But it is believed that talent is 99 percent of the work. This is precisely why you need to hit in one place. It’s impossible to work here and there for these 99 percent and at the same time give interviews, shoot for magazines... It’s a big mystery to me how people have so much time that they’re just everywhere. This means that someone is helping them, and this is no longer fair.

Do you remember the moment when you discovered your talent and realized that you could make people laugh? I didn’t have such a thing that at the age of five I realized how humorous I was. I think I learned to joke over time; I didn’t have this at first. I played KVN when I served in the army, but then, after graduating from college and becoming an officer, I thought more about my future military career and the epaulets of a colonel. At the same time, the Comedy Club was already at the peak of its popularity; regional branches, well, I started performing in Voronezh. True, on pain of death.

Why? I thought they would shoot me. ( Laughs.) Still a comedy project and the rank of officer Russian army were at odds with each other, it was necessary to choose one of the two.

And then you were offered participation in “Laughter Without Rules”... Yes, they called me three times. And I didn’t understand what to do. I thought: ah, what should I do? How? Where? Here everything seems to be working out, but there’s still a pitchfork in the water...

How did you decide? I thought that they would definitely not call me a fourth time. This was probably the first crazy decision in my life like “oh, burn everything with a blue flame!” In the end it worked out well.

How did Moscow greet you? You mean when I went to see "Laughter"? And I didn’t see her then. We sat in the hotel, came up with jokes, performed on the set, and that's it. And they also died because they slept for three hours.

Tell me, did your father, who served himself, prepare you for a military career, or was it your personal choice? It’s not like I was specifically geared up for the army. My father raised me to be a man. In addition, the time had come to go to college, and it was in 1997, at a difficult time, and dad said that he had no connections anywhere except the army.

Was it possible to get in only with connections? At that time - yes.

Are you such a bad student? No, I studied just well... In principle, I think my father knew that both me and my brother - he is five years younger than me - would study at a military school. I think any officer who has served for a long time is unlikely to send his son to ballet. But I don’t regret anything, I liked everything. I believe that every man should serve in the army. Write it in capital letters for everyone. Even those who have not served, and they are already forty years old, let them go. At least for a week. I really care about the army, I spent a lot of time there, and I don’t really like the stereotypes around it.

What kind, for example? About military humor? Yes, especially about the fact that in the army there is “footcloth” humor and all that. Everything is great there with humor! It’s just that no one gives him the opportunity to develop. There the task is to march and follow orders, and not joke. So some kind of incredible creativity and flight of thought are not particularly needed in the army. But the characters are also funnier than those of professional comedians. True, let's say, with specific vocabulary. Well, these are men, who speaks in literary terms? It’s hard, you know, to dig trenches and read Pushkin’s poems.

Ruslan, you managed to live in the Czech Republic, and in Poland, and in Russia... But where is your home? Yes, we traveled a lot, due to the fact that my father was in the military, but in 1997 I entered the Voronezh School and stayed there, in Voronezh, until 2008. So, one might say, this city became my last place of residence. It is quite dear to me, my youth was spent there... “Youth” - what a word, my God!

What are you talking about? Thirty-four is a young age for a man! What are you saying, thirty-three! No, I don’t have a complex about my age, although there are some disadvantages to it. But it gives me additional topics for humor.

By the way, why are you not married at thirty-three? I don’t know, somehow my relationships with women are very difficult. No, at first it turns out easy, but then, when you need to add them further, difficulties begin. I'm a freedom-loving guy. I can't be with the same woman for a long time. This is the wrong position, you can’t say that, but it is so. Maybe I'm not married because I'm a loner. There are people who say that they absolutely need communication, but I calmly remain alone with myself and do not suffer. Anyway, let's get away with the cliché that maybe I just haven't met the one yet. Although for some reason I have a feeling that I will get married more than once...

Ruslan Bely was born on December 28, 1982 in Prague, where his father served in the military. When he was 11 years old, the family left the Czech Republic and settled in the Polish town of Legnica. After 4 years, Ruslan moved to Russia with his parents. The family settled in provincial town Bobrov. After studying for two years at a local school, Ruslan graduated with a silver medal.

WITH early years everyone around him noted Bely’s artistry and sense of humor. He had excellent stage presence, so he often participated in various events. He was involved in all children's amateur competitions and school concerts.

Having received a certificate, Ruslan decided to connect his life not with creativity, but to continue his father’s work and become a professional military man. To do this, he entered the Military Aviation Engineering University.


While studying at the university, the guy became a member of the KVN team “Seventh Heaven”, and soon led it. At the festival in Jurmala, the team won a prestigious award. It was probably this success that pushed the guy not to stop.

After receiving his diploma, Ruslan served in the army under a contract for 5 years, but did not part with the stage. His performances continued within the framework of the Voronezh Comedy Club. Bely also performed as part of the KVN team “25th” together with Yulia Akhmedova.

Working on television

Ruslan's performances in KVN and the Voronezh Comedy Club were so successful that he soon began to be invited to larger projects. The producers of the TNT channel invited the young showman to take part in the capital’s television project “Laughter without Rules.” It was tempting, but Ruslan refused twice and only agreed the third time. As a result, he became the winner of the third season of the show “Laughter without Rules” and received 800,000 rubles as a prize. Returning to Voronezh, the first thing Ruslan did was buy an apartment.

Having won such a serious project, Bely began to think about changes in his life. After weighing all the pros and cons, he completely abandoned the further development of his military career and devoted all his energy to creativity.

Success in the capital’s show “Laughter Without Rules” allowed Ruslan to continue his performances in the following humorous television projects:

  • "Slaughter League";
  • "Killer Night";
  • "Comedy battle";
  • Comedy Club.

Launching your own Stand Up show

Ruslan Bely always wanted to create his own project and 2013 became a landmark year for him. New stuff came out on TNT comedy show"Stand Up" The artist not only acted as a creative director, but also became an active participant in the show program. This project became unique on TNT and quickly won the love of TV viewers.

Having released several seasons of “Stand Up,” Bely decided to organize a festival of the same name, which became a free platform for artists of the humorous genre. The event was a great success in the Moscow HALL building, where the best comedians in the world gathered at the invitation of Bely. Also, talented newcomers came from all over the country and neighboring countries, about whom few people know yet.

Film auditions

In addition to humorous performances, Ruslan repeatedly appeared in TV series and even a video. In 2006, he starred in a cameo role in the comedy series “Happy Together,” and five years later appeared in one of the episodes of the sitcom “Univer.” The showman also took part in the video for the 3NT group “Nuances” together with Alexey Smirnov, Anton Ivanov and Ilya Sobolev.

Participation in the show Studio SOYUZ

In the fall of 2017, a unique musical and comedy show “SOYUZ Studio” was released on the screens. Its essence lies in the fact that artists and comedians, including Ruslan Bely, as well as Katya Varnava, Garik Kharlamov, Olga Buzova, Timur Batrutdinov, Alexander Gudkov and others, compete in various competitions that reflect the absurdity of the lyrics of Russian pop songs. The show's producers note that the preparation for filming was quite difficult, but the result exceeded all expectations. It is important that this project has no analogues in the West.

Personal life

The showman prefers not to talk about his personal life. All that is known for certain is that Ruslan is not married and has no children. There was a period when there were rumors in the press about his affair with Yulia Akhmedova, but these speculations were refuted. Ruslan said that he has been friends with Yulia since the days of performances in KVN and the girl even calls him her older brother.

In an interview, Ruslan admits that finding a wife is a difficult issue for him. The showman easily starts affairs, but over time difficulties begin: he values ​​his freedom and is not ready to sacrifice it for the sake of a long-term relationship.

  1. In his youth, Ruslan was " ugly duckling" At school and university he was not popular with girls.
  2. The showman has never had a muse, nor does he have the image of an ideal woman with whom he would like to spend his whole life.
  3. There were conflicts with Yegor Creed, Dzhigan and rapper Guf because of Bely’s sarcastic monologues about them.
  4. Fans of Yegor Creed became active and launched several accounts on social networks, where they disseminated negative information about Ruslan Bely.

What do you think about Ruslan Bely? Leave your answers below.

Prague. Today he is a prominent figure on Russian television. He takes pride of place in comedy programs on the TNT channel, and achieved the opening of his show “Stand-Up Comedy”.

The childhood and youth of Ruslan Bely

His father served in the Czech Soviet Socialist Republic in 1979, which is why Prague became Ruslan’s homeland. Until the fifth grade, Ruslan lived with his family in the Czech Republic, but after family circumstances they were brought to the city of Legnica, Poland. And only four years later the whole family moved to Russia, to the provincial town of Bobrov. Ruslan Bely, whose biography is now of interest to many, is already in school years showed talent as an artist and comedian. Even then, he was a regular participant in amateur performances, participated in all concerts, was the soul of the class and the soul of the company of friends, which changed quite often due to moves. Frequent moves, naturally, left their mark on Ruslan’s school performance and his relationships with peers, but this only strengthened Ruslan’s character, and he graduated from school with

TV presenter family

His father, a professional military man, dreamed of his son continuing his business, and so it happened. Ruslan Bely, whose biography continued with admission to the Military Aviation Engineering University in the city of Voronezh, after graduating from the educational institution, signed a contract and began to serve in the army. This job turned out to be just for him. He endured all the hardships and hardships of military service with dignity and confidence, as befits a military son.


It was during military training that the well-known comedian began to emerge. As a cadet, he began to actively take part in the KVN game. He was a regular member of the “Seventh Heaven” team, and began to win his first victories in this team. In Jurmala they won the annual festival of musical orientation of KVN teams "Voting KiViN". These were his first real, confident steps in the humorous field, from which he began to open the way to television channels, where he became famous as a successful comedian.

Ruslan Bely: "Comedy Club". Biography with an interesting continuation

The next five years military service culminated in receiving the rank of senior lieutenant, and subsequently captain. Ruslan Viktorovich was also awarded. Then he graduated from another university in Voronezh, this time a civil one - a state agrarian university named after Emperor Peter the Great. Many people wonder how Ruslan Bely got into the Comedy Club? Now he began to participate in the new increasingly popular show Comedy Club. He was noticed and invited to Moscow, to a new show on TNT, Laughter without Rules. But By the will of fate or, perhaps, personal self-doubt at that time, Ruslan accepted this tempting invitation only the third time.

When he came to participate, he immediately captivated everyone. He simply trampled other contestants and left with the main prize of eight hundred thousand rubles. He took spending this money seriously and made a purchase in his Voronezh - he bought an apartment. As Ruslan Bely himself later said, whose biography could have turned out differently, he decided to take part in “Laughter without Rules,” even though it was difficult and stressful, because it caused losses and failures. Victory in this show radically changed the life of the future comedian; he decided to quit his military career and do something he loved - making people laugh, doing what he does best and what he sees as his purpose. Today, Ruslan Bely is one of the most prominent comedians on Russian television, often visits the Comedy Club, and is also the creator and host of a new very popular comedy show on TNT “StandUP show”.

Film auditions

Many viewers and fans like how sincerely Ruslan performs at the Comedy Club, but we hope that there will be not just one more show, but many memorable performances. Moreover, it is always pleasant to listen to his jokes. They are not only truthful, but also help you look at yourself from the outside. Also, Ruslan Bely, whose biography is connected with the army, has repeatedly appeared in TV series and even a video. Back in 2006, he was an actor in one of the episodes of the comedy series “Happy Together,” and in 2012 he did similar work in one episode of the new series “Univer. New dorm." He also starred in the video for the group 3NT “Nuances” together with Alexey Smirnov, Ilya Sobolev, Ruslan Cherny,

We hope that Ruslan will also play in interesting films, as other famous comedians do. Ruslan Bely, whose photo can be seen even in magazines, is today a bright figure on the TNT channel, a resident of the most popular comedy show "Comedy Clab" and the host of the show "StandUp", which, according to many, is the main achievement on at the moment in his humorous career. All that remains is to wish good luck to Ruslan in his further development as a comedian on Russian television. - Magazine of modern youth