Diet therapy in old age. Diet of centenarians: rules of healthy eating for older people. The connection between nutrition and basic life processes

According to the age classification approved by the Congress of Gerontologists and Geriatricians, the population over 60 years of age is divided into three age categories: elderly people - from 61 to 74 years of age; faces old age- 75 years and older, long-livers - 90 years and older.

Aging is a slow process of accumulation of age-related changes that manifest themselves at all levels of the whole organism. The changes and causes that shape aging include changes in the cells of the central nervous system, atrophy of the gonads, intestinal autointoxication, colloid degeneration, etc.

One of the most important factors causing aging is a decrease in the intensity of self-renewal of cell protoplasm. During the aging process, protoplasm loses nucleoproteins, nucleic acids and other components characterized by high self-renewal.

Aging is characterized by a weakening of the functional capacity of all body systems. Significant changes occur in the digestive system.

When compiling rational nutrition For older people, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the reduced capabilities of the digestive system. In this regard, the first requirement for the nutrition of older people is moderation, that is, some restriction of nutrition in quantitative terms. Taking into account the decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes during aging, the second requirement should be considered to ensure high biological nutritional value by including sufficient quantities of vitamins, biomicroelements, phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids etc. The third requirement for the nutrition of the elderly is the enrichment of diets with natural anti-sclerotic substances contained in significant quantities in food products.

To ensure the process of cell regeneration, an elderly person requires a fairly high amount of proteins. Along with this, there are recommendations regarding protein restriction in old age due to the fact that its excess can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Limiting protein in the diet of elderly and senile people, as well as limiting sugar, leads to a persistent decrease in blood cholesterol levels. It is generally accepted that the optimal protein requirement for older people is 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. The protein intake recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences for the elderly is given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Recommended daily intake of proteins, fats,

carbohydrates and energy for the elderly

Age Proteins, g Fats, Carbohydrates, g Energy
total including animals kJ kcal
60-74 years 69 38 77 333 9623 2300
75 years and older 60 33 67 290 8368 2000
60-74 years 63 35 70 305 8786 2100
75 years and older 57 31 63 275 7950 1900

Animal proteins should make up approximately 55% of the total protein in the diet.

When creating a menu for the elderly, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat, mainly due to fats of animal origin (lamb and beef fats). Of animal fats, milk fats are preferable. It is also recommended to include vegetable oils in the diet daily in an amount of 20-25 g. The carbohydrate content in the diet of older people should be limited (Table 6) due to the hypercholesterolemic effect of excess low molecular weight carbohydrates. Against the background of a general decrease in the amount of carbohydrates in food, a slightly greater limitation of easily digestible carbohydrates - sugar and sweet foods - is required. Whole grain products (rye and wheat bread made from wallpaper flour, etc.), as well as potatoes and other vegetables, are desirable as sources of carbohydrates in old age. You should also use products that contain a lot of fiber and pectin. Fiber helps remove cholesterol from the body.

Providing older people with vitamins improves oxidative processes, normalizes metabolism and thereby slows down the aging of the body. An important role in this case belongs to vitamin C. Under the influence of ascorbic acid, the physiological balance between the biosynthesis of cholesterol and its utilization in tissues is stabilized. Ascorbic acid increases the body's reactivity and strengthens defense mechanisms. Providing the body with vitamin C should be done through natural sources. Excessive intake of vitamin C has an adverse effect on the pancreas.

Due to the fact that vitamins C and P are synergists, in old age it is rational to include them in the diet P-active substances which have the ability to lower blood pressure. Vitamins with lipotropic properties that inhibit the development of atherosclerosis may include choline, inositol, vitamin B12 and folic acid, as well as, according to some data, vitamin B15. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and pantothenic acid, as well as vitamin F (polyunsaturated fatty acids) have pronounced lipotropic properties.

Daily requirement of vitamins for elderly people

age is given in table. 7.

There are preventative agents that to some extent inhibit the development of premature aging. These products also include various vitamin complexes, which include a number of vitamins taken in certain proportions.

In old age, there are phenomena of both oversaturation and insufficiency of certain minerals. In an aging body, the mineralization of some tissues is often increased against the background of a decrease in the content of mineral substances and the intensity of their metabolism in others.

Calcium is of particular importance in the mineral metabolism of older people. Currently, the generally accepted calcium norm for older people is the norm adopted for adults, i.e. 800 mg per day. Another important mineral element in old age is magnesium. It has an antispastic and vasodilating effect, stimulates intestinal motility and promotes the secretion of bile. The effect of magnesium on reducing cholesterol levels in the blood has been established. With a lack of magnesium, the amount of calcium in the walls of blood vessels increases. The main sources of magnesium in human nutrition are cereals and legumes. The daily requirement for magnesium is 400 mg.

Potassium plays a major role in old age and old age. The main importance of potassium is its ability to increase the excretion of water and sodium chloride from the body. In addition, potassium increases heart contractions. All dietary products are involved in the daily supply of potassium to the diet. However, in old age, the most beneficial source of potassium is potatoes, figs, and dried apricots.

For older people, it is desirable to strengthen the alkaline orientation of nutrition through increased consumption of milk and dairy products, potatoes, vegetables and fruits.

When establishing a diet, it is necessary to take into account the reduced functionality of the altered and weakened digestive system, for which a large load becomes unbearable.

The basic principles of the diet for older people are eating strictly at the same time, limiting the intake of large quantities of food and eliminating long intervals between meals. Four meals a day are recommended. A diet regimen of eating 5 times a day can be established. With four meals a day, the food ration is distributed as follows: for the first breakfast - 25%, for the second - 15%, for lunch - 35% and for dinner - 25% of the energy value of the daily diet.

The aging process is accompanied by multiple physiological and psychological changes occurring in the human body. However, this process does not have any clear age boundaries.

Some at 70 years old look 30 years younger, while others at 50 years old have the appearance of an elderly pensioner. First of all, it depends on the quality of life, which is based on proper nutrition. This key point affects metabolism, adaptation and compensatory capabilities, prevention of diseases and much more.

Why does an elderly person need proper nutrition?

It would seem that every person has an idea of ​​​​a balanced diet and surprise him new information almost impossible. However, due to the restructuring of the body, as well as other factors, there are more and more requirements for the quality of nutrition.

This is primarily due to the following characteristics of old age:

  • digestion and absorption of food significantly deteriorates;
  • the need for vitamins and minerals increases;
  • intestinal peristalsis weakens, constipation appears;
  • less secretory cells are produced (gastric juice, enzymes, hydrochloric acid);
  • the muscle tone of the stomach weakens, etc.

Involutive processes are accelerated due to alcohol abuse, low quality products nutrition, long-term chronic inflammatory processes, hazardous labor. That is why it is worth paying attention to your lifestyle while still at a young age.

The aging process is very sensitive to excess calories, which lead not only to obesity, but also to such supposed pathologies as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

On average, the daily norm of energy value in old age is:

  • women – 2100 kcal;
  • men – 2300 kcal.

In old age this amount is equal to:

  • women – 1900 kcal;
  • men – 2000 kcal.

If a retiree continues to work or is exposed to high levels of physical activity, energy requirements increase. This moment is controlled by the stability of body weight. The daily calorie content must strictly correspond to the actual energy expenditure per day.

Basic principles proper diet in old age:

  1. Avoid food products rich in bad cholesterol, which causes the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. But, at the same time, there is no need to exclude foods rich in both them and anti-atherosclerotic elements, for example, liver and eggs.
  2. In order for the diet to be optimally balanced, it is necessary to diversify the food basket.
  3. You need to eat fractionally and evenly distribute food into separate meals.
  4. When preparing a dish, it is best to use foods that are easy to digest and stimulate the motor and secretory functions of the digestive organs.
  5. Limit salt intake. This is especially true for hypertension. With this pathology, the diet should contain no more than 10 g.
  6. It should be noted that during old age very often there are iron deficiency anemia. In addition, the aging process reduces the efficiency of iron absorption in erythrocytes and also reduces bone marrow iron reserves, so the need for this microelement is 10 and 15 mg for both sexes. You can find it in fish, berries and fruits, meat, and grain products.
  7. Vitamin deficiencies are often observed. This is due to a violation of their absorption or poor nutrition, so you should always focus on fortified foods and sources of their supply.
  8. It must be remembered that large food loads are undesirable, since the functional characteristics of the digestive organs are moderately reduced.
  9. Each person has his own characteristics, which means it is simply necessary to individualize nutrition, taking into account the state of individual systems and organs, as well as metabolic processes, habits, etc.

In old age and senility, the rate of intake of BZHU also changes:

Substances Norm in gr. Peculiarities
Old age Senile age
Squirrels Women – 65

Men - 75

Women – 57

Men – 69

Proteins of animal origin should make up at least 50-55% of the total amount of proteins. It is imperative to control the norm. In old age, the process of protein metabolism is reduced, and insufficient intake leads to deficiency. Excess, however, provokes extra stress on the liver and contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
Fats Women – 70

Men – 75

Women – 65

Men – 70

Animal fats should be limited, especially fatty sausage and meat. Easily digestible milk fats, which contain fat-soluble vitamins and lecithin, can account for almost a third of the total dietary fat. Normal butter in old age, it is best to replace it with dietary supplements. Vegetable oils are also very important and their daily amount is 20-25 g per day. Olive oil works best for this purpose.
Carbohydrates Women – 310

Men - 340

Women – 275

Men – 290

Preferred sources are foods rich in dietary fiber and starch, whole grain cereals, fruits, berries, vegetables, and wholemeal bread. Easily digestible carbohydrates must be limited. This part includes sweets, confectionery, soft pasta, muffins, and carbonated drinks. Their content should not exceed 15% of the total.

In old age, the following foods are most useful:

  1. Fermented milk products with low fat content (cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir). They improve intestinal motility and prevent constipation, as well as strengthen bones and help stabilize and then control body weight.
  2. Sea fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, cod). Helps reduce high cholesterol levels, improve the condition of blood vessels and circulation, and protect joint tissues from negative effects.
  3. Baked, steamed or fresh vegetables and fruits. They also help intestinal motility and normalize gastrointestinal activity.
  4. Nuts. These are products enriched with polyunsaturated acids and protein, which are so beneficial for the vascular bed of the brain.
  5. Vegetable oil (olive oil is best). Reduce the likelihood of the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques and, as a consequence, the occurrence of the disease.
  6. Bee products. It is completely absorbed by the body, contains many vitamins and minerals, and prevents the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Recommended as a substitute for granulated sugar.
  7. Soy food. This category does not include genetically modified soybeans, which are found on many shelves, but natural ones. It is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies, the appearance of cancer, kidney disorders, gout and diabetes.
  8. Poultry meat (white). Reduces the amount of calories and fat in dishes, ensures a normal level of protein in the body.
  9. Whole grain cereals. Reduce the likelihood of chronic diseases, for example, heart disease and diabetes.
  10. Dried fruits. Particularly useful for the digestive organs and cardiovascular function.

In gerontological practice there is no concept of forbidden food, there is only an opinion about the preference of choice.

Thus, the advice of experts predicted the restriction in the diet of such products:

  • fatty meats and similar offal;
  • dairy fatty products;
  • waterfowl meat;
  • canned fish;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • large quantities of baked goods, sweets and confectionery;
  • margarine;
  • strong coffee and tea, carbonated drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks in large doses;
  • spicy, fried and salty dishes.

You should not change your usual diet in favor of vegetarianism, eating only boiled or steamed food, or paronoid calculating energy value. This approach is very physiologically unjustified.

If old man healthy, you don’t need to exclude your favorite dishes from your diet, you just need to reconsider it and not get carried away with junk food often, because such a one-sided diet has a bad effect on the body as a whole.

Correct selection of products depending on the disease

According to the Union of Nutritionists, any course of a chronic disease can be alleviated by proper nutrition:

  1. Arthritis and arthrosis are treated by predominant fish, dairy and vegetable foods in the diet. This is due to the fact that polyunsaturated omega-3 acids and arachidonic acid prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes, and thereby prolong the stages of remission.
  2. For osteoporosis, you simply need a sufficient supply of calcium (greens and dairy products), as well as a sufficient amount of vitamin D and protein, which help the mineral to be better absorbed.
  3. In the case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is very harmful to consume easily digestible carbohydrates. But it will be very useful to include broccoli, asparagus, turnips, radishes, horseradish, and cauliflower in the diet.
  4. If you have a history of hypertension, you should pay attention to foods enriched with potassium, which helps normalize elevated readings on the tonometer. These are citrus fruits, milk, potatoes, dried fruits, grapes, kiwi, bananas, broccoli.
  5. Chronic problems with the gastrointestinal tract are best eliminated with boiled vegetables, boiled fish and meat.
  6. Diabetes mellitus involves the exclusion of fatty, sweet, starchy foods and any other foods that contribute to high blood sugar levels.

Your doctor will tell you more about dietary restrictions and other recommendations.

Diet and its variety

The basic principle of nutrition is its variety, and a varied diet is recommended, taking into account all the recommendations of the nutrition pyramid:

  • consume dairy products at least twice a day and eat protein foods (low-fat meat, fish, poultry, nuts, legumes);
  • Eat fruits and vegetables, greens and whole grains or bread four times a day.

One of the important aspects of proper nutrition is maintaining intervals between meals. This is necessary to control the quantity and time, distribution by chemical composition, energy value, set of products and their total mass.

The physiological processes of aging imply a moderate decrease in the functional characteristics of the digestive organs. For example, eating food 2 times a day in large volumes creates a large food load, as a result of which the body cannot digest and absorb it fully. If you exclude long breaks and carry out frequent split meals with small portions, this will prevent the occurrence of increased load on all organs that are involved in the digestive processes.

Food intake 5 times (as a % of the total diet) Food intake 6 times during illness (in % of the total diet)
Breakfast 1 15 Breakfast 1 15
Breakfast 2 10 Breakfast 2 10
Dinner 40 Dinner 40
Podnik 10 Podnik 10
Dinner 25 Dinner 15
Dinner 2 10

Before going to bed, you can eat any light food (kefir, yogurt, apple).

Attention: it is possible to include fasting days on cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, kefir, but complete fasting is strictly prohibited.

What does the food pyramid look like?

We have already said that the daily diet should contain about 2000-2300 kcal.

Considering this point in more detail, you can create an optimal nutrition plan for a pensioner:

  1. The basic group of our triangle includes a large component of all products - this is 35%. This includes various cereals, pasta, bread, potatoes, etc. At the same time, it is very important to monitor the quality of food, but we will talk about this below.
  2. Next we have fruits and vegetables, which account for 30% of the entire pyramid. The only thing is that you don’t need to include them in pickled form. Frozen, boiled, dried, etc. are relatively suitable.
  3. The third group includes protein foods and makes up 15% of the total volume. Meat, chicken, fish, eggs or other alternative food. This is quite enough for the normal life support of the body. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the percentage should be low.
  4. This group includes dairy products (15%). This is cheese, fermented milk food, milk. The fat content is also preferably low.
  5. The last fifth includes everything else. Here you can treat yourself to sweets and pastries, but do not forget that the percentage of the total amount in the diet is no more than 5%.

Such a pyramid allows you to correctly distribute and calculate your daily ration.

Sample weekly menu for a pensioner

It is difficult to create a menu that satisfies the needs and tastes of every elderly person. However, for those who do not know how to eat properly, we suggest visually looking at possible options for eating behavior.

For breakfast, it is best to cook porridge and drink herbal teas. For second breakfast, you can bake a fruit or vegetable or make a light salad. Lunch must necessarily consist of the first and second, supplemented with fruit juice, compote, fruit juice, etc. An afternoon snack is a light snack.

Dinner should be made simpler, but still nutritious. You should not overload your stomach at night, so before going to bed you can drink a glass of milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, etc.

  • meat and fish preferably boiled, steamed, stewed or baked;
  • the daily sugar intake should not exceed more than 30 g;
  • Soups with meat broth should be prepared no more than 2-3 times a week, as substances that contribute to the development of gout accumulate; on other days it is better to prepare vegetable first courses;
  • cook porridge or a variety of cereals every day;
  • reduce salt intake to a minimum;
  • drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day, if there are no contraindications (severe swelling, for example);
  • consume seafood as often as possible, which contains a lot of benefits;
  • The last meal should be at least 2 or 3 hours before going to bed.

A properly balanced diet is the key to maintaining health in old age. If this factor is combined with other healthy lifestyle methods in the form of prolonged sleep, mental and physical activity, compliance with all sanitary standards, prevention of stressful stimuli and long and regular sexual life, the effectiveness of recovery only increases.

According to the age classification, the population over 60 years of age is divided into two age groups: the first is 60-74 years old, the second is over 74 years old.

The aging process is a slow accumulation of age-related changes that manifest themselves at all levels of the body. The changes and causes that shape aging include: a decrease in daily energy expenditure, a decrease in redox processes, the prevalence of dissimilation processes over assimilation processes, the presence of degenerative atrophic processes in the body, as well as a weakening of the functions of the digestive system - a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, disorders pancreas and liver.

Changes in the gastrointestinal tract affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients. A decrease in the acidity of gastric juice can cause the development of vitamin B12 deficiency - anemia. In older people, there is a deterioration in the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, which leads to thinning and decreased bone density - the disease osteoiorosis.

In old age, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels decreases, which leads to the development of hypertension.

When organizing nutrition for older people, it is necessary to take into account all the changes occurring in the body.

Since there is a need to somewhat limit the amount of food, especially at one time, problems arise with providing the diet with biologically active nutrients.

The diet of older people must include nutrients with anti-sclerotic and lipotropic properties.

It is necessary to include foods rich in fiber in your diet in order to remove excess cholesterol and stimulate intestinal motility.

Of great importance in the nutrition of people in this category is the enrichment of the diet with fermented milk products, the most important part of which is lactic acid, which has biological activity. Lactic acid also inhibits the development of putrefactive and some pathogenic bacteria. By using fermented milk products it is possible to limit the formation of putrefactive microbes in the intestines harmful substances involved in the development of atherosclerosis.

Nutrient requirements

. For elderly people, in accordance with the physiological norms of food requirements (1991), the amount of protein for men under 75 years old is 68 g, over 75 years old - 61 g per day. For women - 61 and 55 g, respectively. In terms of 1 kg of body weight, the protein requirement is 1-1.3 g. It is unacceptable to include an excess amount of protein, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis and strain on the liver and kidneys.

. Low-fat dairy and fish products, as well as seafood, are recommended in the diet of older people.

The fat requirements of older people correspond to 77 and 65 g for men and 66 and 57 g for women. The proportion of vegetable fats should be at least 30% to provide the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids. The inclusion of oleic and linolenic fatty acids (olive oil, seafood, flaxseed and hemp oils) in the diet reduces blood viscosity, prevents blood clots, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Foods high in fat should be excluded from the diet.

. Carbohydrates, as the main source of energy, should make up 50-55% of the total calorie intake. The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 335 and 280 g for men and 284 and 242 g for women. The share of simple sugars in elderly people should not exceed 10-15% of the total amount of carbohydrates, since their excess leads to increased cholesterol synthesis in the liver, increased blood sugar and the risk of cancer. For people in this category, it is recommended to include a sufficient amount of fiber and other complex carbohydrates in their diet. A sufficient amount of dietary fiber in the diet helps stimulate intestinal motility, the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora, and the prevention of cancer.

. In the nutrition of older people, vitamins are given special importance, especially those that have antisclerotic, hypotensive (lower blood pressure), lipotropic and antioxidant effects.

Among these vitamins one can highlight vitamins B6, PP, folic acid, vitamin E, β-carotene. In old age, it is necessary to constantly maintain the physiological level of vitamin C in the body, as it increases redox processes, normalizes metabolism, slowing down the aging process, has a lipotropic effect, and helps the absorption of iron.

In old age, cases of polyhypovitaminosis (deficiency of several vitamins) are often observed.

To compensate for vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to provide the body with a balanced diet; in some cases, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes.

Minerals. With age, a large amount of minerals, especially Ca salts, accumulate in the human body. They are deposited in the walls of blood vessels and joints, disrupting their motor ability. Along with this, the concentration of minerals in some tissues decreases. Often in older people there is a slight release of calcium from the bones.

If there is insufficient intake of calcium from food, if its absorption is impaired, a decrease in the density and mass of bone tissue occurs, which leads to osteoporosis. The calcium requirement for elderly people is 1000 mg per day.

In old age, especially in women, iron deficiency is noted. In old age, dehydration is possible due to lack of fluid or sodium intake.

Diet. Due to the decrease in the functions of the digestive tract, it is necessary to adhere to 4-5 meals a day at a strictly defined time, and avoid long breaks between meals.

Physiological norms of needs for basic nutrients and energy for elderly and senile people are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1. Norms of physiological needs for nutrients and energy for elderly and senile people

Based on age classification information, people over 50 years of age are divided into three groups:

  • people of mature age - 50 - 60 years old.
  • elderly people - 61 - 74 years old.
  • elderly people - 75 years or more.

Aging is a natural process, biologically logical. It is based on a slowdown in a number of physiological and biochemical reactions, a decrease in resistance to external influences, etc.

There is a weakening of all body systems, including the digestive system.

  1. The motor and excretory functions of the stomach are reduced. Such changes are typical for 80% of people over 50 years of age.
  2. The acidity of gastric juice and its digestive ability decreases, which causes the development of putrefactive microflora in the intestines and negatively affects the digestion process.
  3. The rate in the small intestine decreases by two to three times. Possible deterioration in absorption and.
  4. Observed age-related changes in the pancreas, in the salivary glands, in the liver.

But first of all, the functioning of the cardiovascular system deteriorates in older people. Atherosclerosis arises and develops: a disease in which there is a thickening of the walls of blood vessels, loss of their elasticity and the appearance of fragility.

However, the aging process can be accelerated or slowed down through nutrition. Principles of rational nutrition in old age:

  1. Limit your diet to avoid overeating.
  2. Ensure high biological value of the diet.
  3. Introduce anti-sclerotic orientation.

After 50 years, the diet corresponds to 2500 - 2600 kcal per day, the consumption of fats and sugar is limited.

Age and gender

kJ (kcal)

carbohydrates (grams)

fat (grams)

proteins (grams)

60 - 74 years

75 and older

60 - 74 years

75 and older

for older people especially important. Since at this time the adaptability of the body decreases, which can cause uncoordinated work that ensures the relative constancy of nutrients in the blood.

for older people prevents progression caused by the aging process of the enzymatic and excretory functions of the digestive glands. It is recommended to eat four meals a day, eating at the same time, which promotes high digestibility.

Increasing the frequency or number of meals reduces the excitability of the food center and reduces appetite. If you have a tendency toward obesity and increased appetite, it is advisable to eat five times a day. The same diet is justified for older people.

  1. 25 - 30% - for the 1st breakfast, 15 - 20% - for the 2nd breakfast, 40 - 45% - for lunch, 10 - 15% - for dinner.
  2. 25% (600 - 700 kcal) - for the 1st breakfast, 15% (300 - 400 kcal) - for the 2nd breakfast, 35% (900 - 1000 kcal) - for lunch, 25% (600 - 700 kcal) - for dinner.

If there is a tendency to obesity and an increase in the frequency of meals, a relatively even distribution of the energy value of the diet throughout the day is recommended, or additional intakes are provided - compote, kefir or fruit between meals (lunch and dinner) and before going to bed.

Rational organization nutrition for older people provides beneficial influence on metabolism (metabolism), maintains performance and health.

Aging is a natural process that awaits any person.

And which is influenced not only by the biological clock, but also by internal and external factors, as well as genetics.

Studies have shown that many retirees began to use a diet for the elderly, due to which their diseases associated with the brain and cardiovascular system decreased. Therefore, as you can see, the diet for older people works and brings positive results.

Causes of excess weight in old age

In order to understand how to lose weight for an elderly person, you need to understand the causes of excess weight.

As for the consequences, they may be as follows:

  1. , and of a certain, second type;
  2. Systematic high blood pressure;
  3. Cardiovascular diseases vascular system(SSS);
  4. and so on.

In addition to the factors already listed above, extra pounds can also affect those ailments that a person already has.

Conversely, slim older people who have lost extra pounds may slightly reduce the dose of medications they take.

However, in most cases, elderly people are not recommended to use fasting-dietary therapy on their own. It is better if the entire process is supervised by a doctor.

So, what could be the main reasons that a pensioner begins to gain weight?

  • Too sedentary lifestyle;
  • Various diseases (diabetes) and so on.

Diet for excess weight for the elderly

So, let's move on to the most important question - how to lose weight in old age?

Of course, aim for ! So, a diet for older women and men should consist of the following basics:

  1. The basic rule is based on what follows in mandatory follow the regime. So, you need to eat little by little, but often. In addition, a small snack is possible between main courses;
  2. You should also think about the caloric content of food. So, recipes for dishes for the elderly should contain no more than 2100 calories. However, you should not reduce calories too much or even switch to mono-diets - this can weaken the strength of a pensioner;
  3. You should also take care to, if not eliminate, then at least reduce indigestible fats - such as butter, sausages, lard, and so on. However, it makes no sense to completely exclude them from the diet. One of ideal options– replace animal fats with vegetable fats by a quarter. Yes, 25 g vegetable oils as part of various salads it will be what you need;
  4. For every kilogram of weight, an elderly person should consume 1 g of protein. This is the amount that gives you a feeling of fullness and prevents sagging muscles and skin. It is advisable that the diet contains a sufficient amount of nuts, seafood, cottage cheese and fish. But it is advisable to eat meat no more than twice a week;
  5. Limit your carbohydrate intake - you should eat no more than 20 g per day. This is especially true for the easily digestible type, which is found in potatoes, semolina, rice, pasta, flour products, sugar, and so on. But the amount of fruits and berries can be left at the same level, especially when it comes to a diet for constipation in older people;
  6. Despite the fact that the feeling of thirst dulls with age, weight loss therapy involves drinking at least 1-2 liters of liquid per day, and this can be not only water, but also, for example, tea, soups, juices, and so on. However, you should not abuse liquids;
  7. It is advisable that foods that affect appetite be reduced to a minimum - these are salty foods, smoked foods, as well as mushrooms, various sauces, and so on. And of course, it is advisable to completely eliminate alcohol from the diet;
  8. In order for weight loss to be very effective, you can introduce a fasting day at least once a week. It is advisable that at first such days should be more filling, and only then you can move on to vegetable and fruit ones. This diet menu is especially effective for constipation in older people.

Reasons for losing weight in an elderly person

There can be many reasons for losing weight in old age.

Moreover, these can be both diseases of the nervous system and problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Why does an elderly person lose weight? Here are just some of the reasons:

  • Sometimes certain medications affect weight loss;
  • Problems related to the nervous system;
  • Uremia;
  • Too little zinc in the body;
  • Operations undergone by the patient;
  • in acute and chronic form;
  • Intolerance to certain foods that manifests itself in old age;
  • Addison's disease;
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • Problems related to the endocrine system;
  • Colitis, occurring with or without the formation of ulcers;
  • Crohn's disease and so on - there can be many reasons why older people lose weight.

If the patient has diarrhea, it may occur along with the following accompanying symptoms:

  1. Lack of appetite;
  2. Urine color changing to darker;
  3. Increased fatigue;
  4. Dry mouth and desire to drink as much as possible;
  5. Nausea;
  6. Loose stools;
  7. Pain localized in the abdominal area;
  8. Gurgling and increased bloating.

Diet for fast weight loss

Thus, products for older people should be mostly varied, easily digestible and perceived, and biologically more valuable.

But energy-wise, food should be less valuable. In addition, the food must contain a sufficient amount of salts, minerals, and protein for the aging body.

The following products are permitted:

  • Vegetable oils;
  • Meat, but preferably lean varieties;
  • Fermented milk products, cheeses and cottage cheese, but also mostly low-fat;
  • Soups made from lean fish or meat;
  • Seafood and fish will also be useful;
  • Fiber-rich foods - such as fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • Porridge, preferably made from whole grains;
  • Vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • Meat by-products;
  • Bread made from bran or wholemeal flour;
  • Juices, compotes, decoctions;
  • We can accept weak coffee and tea.

It is advisable to forget about fatty, salty and smoked foods, as well as for a while about everything that can cause fermentation in the intestines.

Diet for an elderly person with frequent constipation

While following the diet, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Almost half of a person’s diet should be vegetables and fruits, and the menu should also include whole grain cereals, bread, preferably rye, dried fruit compotes and dried fruits simply as a snack, fish and meat of exclusively low-fat varieties, fermented milk products;
  2. But it is advisable to exclude such foods as products with coarse fiber, fatty foods, smoked foods, overly spicy foods, various marinades and pickles, pastries, cakes and pastries, fish and fatty meats, various jelly, tea and coffee prepared in a strong state , as well as too sweet carbonated drinks.
  • As mentioned above, you need to eat often, but little by little;
  • Food should be prepared in portions and without chopping;
  • When eating, food should be chewed thoroughly;
  • Food should not be too cold or too hot.

Diet for older people with diarrhea

In the case of loose stools, on the contrary, a person needs a diet for diarrhea in older people.

The basic principles of such a diet for older people should be as follows:

  1. Thus, a minimum load should be placed on the digestive organs, which is done by selecting special foods, steamed and pureed;
  2. To ensure that the body does not suffer too much during diarrhea, it is necessary to provide it with all the necessary nutrients;
  3. Additionally, you should not forget about the fluid, which should be fully replenished so as not to disturb the water-salt balance. So, any soups, fruit drinks, compotes and just water will be relevant here. - Magazine of modern youth