The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (School Works). “People's Defender” Grisha Dobrosklonov In what chapter is the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov

The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” already in its title contains a question, the answer to which worried any enlightened person in Nekrasov’s time. And although the heroes of the work do not find someone who lives well, the author still makes it clear to the reader who he considers happy. The answer to this question is hidden in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, a hero who appears in the last part of the poem, but is far from the last in ideological terms.

For the first time, readers meet Grisha in the chapter “Good times - good songs”, during a feast, thanks to which the image of Grisha in “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is initially associated with the concept of national happiness. His father, the parish clerk, is loved by the people - it is not for nothing that he is invited to the peasant holiday. In turn, the clerk and sons are characterized as “simple guys, kind”; along with the peasants, they mow and “drink vodka on holidays.” So from the very beginning of creating the image, Nekrasov makes it clear that Grisha shares his entire life with the people.

Then the life of Grisha Dobrosklonov is described in more detail. Despite his origins from the clergy, Grisha was familiar with poverty from childhood. His father, Tryphon, lived “poorer than the last shabby peasant.”

Even the cat and dog chose to run away from the family, unable to bear the hunger. All this is due to the fact that the sexton has an “easy disposition”: he is always hungry and always looking for somewhere to drink. At the beginning of the chapter, his sons lead him, drunk, home. He boasts about his children, but he forgot to think about whether they were full.

Things are no easier for Grisha in the seminary, where the already meager food is taken away by the “economy grabber.” That is why Grisha has an “emaciated” face - sometimes from hunger he cannot sleep until the morning, he is still waiting for breakfast. Nekrasov several times focuses the reader’s attention on precisely this feature of Grisha’s appearance - he is thin and pale, although in another life he could be a fine fellow: he has a wide bone and red hair. This appearance of the hero partly symbolizes all of Rus', which has the prerequisites for a free and happy life, but for now lives in a completely different way.

Since childhood, Grisha has been familiar first-hand with the main problems of the peasantry: overwork, hunger and drunkenness. But all this does not embitter, but rather strengthens the hero. From the age of fifteen, a firm conviction matures in him: he must live solely for the good of his people, no matter how poor and wretched they may be. In this decision, he is strengthened by the memory of his mother, the caring and hardworking Domnushka, who lived a short life because of her labors...

The image of Grisha’s mother is the image of a Russian peasant woman dearly loved by Nekrasov, resigned, unrequited, and at the same time carrying within herself a huge gift of love. Grisha, her “beloved son,” did not forget his mother after her death; moreover, her image merged for him with the image of the entire Vakhlachina. The last maternal gift is the song “Salty”, testifying to the depth mother's love- will accompany Grisha all his life. He hums it in the seminary, where it is “gloomy, strict, hungry.”

And longing for his mother leads him to a selfless decision to devote his life to others who are equally deprived.

Note that songs are very important for characterizing Grisha in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by Nekrasov. They briefly and accurately reveal the essence of the hero’s ideas and aspirations, and his main life priorities are clearly visible.

The first of the songs sounding from Grisha’s lips conveys his attitude towards Rus'. It is clear that he perfectly understands all the problems that were tearing the country apart: slavery, ignorance and shame of the peasants - Grisha sees all this without embellishment. He easily selects words that can terrify even the most insensitive listener, and this shows his pain for his native country. And at the same time, the song sounds hope for future happiness, the belief that the desired will is already approaching: “But you will not die, I know!”...

Grisha's next song - about a barge hauler - enhances the impression of the first, depicting in detail the fate of an honest worker who spends "honestly acquired pennies" in a tavern. From private destinies the hero moves on to the depiction of “mysterious all of Rus'” - this is how the song “Rus” is born. This is the anthem of his country, full of sincere love, in which one can hear faith in the future: “The army is rising - innumerable.” However, someone is needed to become the head of this army, and this fate is destined for Dobrosklonov.

There are two paths, Grisha believes, one of them is wide, rough, but along it is a crowd greedy for temptations. There is an eternal struggle for “mortal blessings”. It is along it, unfortunately, that the wanderers, the main characters of the poem, are initially directed. They see happiness in purely practical things: wealth, honor and power. Therefore, it is not surprising that they fail to meet Grisha, who has chosen a different path for himself, “tight but honest.” Only strong and loving souls follow this path, wanting to intercede for the offended. Among them is the future people’s intercessor Grisha Dobrosklonov, for whom fate is preparing “a glorious path, ... consumption and Siberia.” This road is not easy and does not bring personal happiness, and yet, according to Nekrasov, this is the only way - in unity with all the people - and one can become truly happy. The “great truth” expressed in Grisha Dobrosklonov’s song gives him such joy that he runs home, “jumping” with happiness and feeling “immense strength” within himself. At home, his delight is confirmed and shared by his brother, who speaks of Grisha’s song as “divine” - i.e. finally admitting that the truth is on his side.

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Grisha Dobrosklonov is fundamentally different from others characters poems. If the life of the peasant woman Matryona Timofeevna, Yakim Nagogo, Savely, Ermil Girin and many others is shown in submission to fate and prevailing circumstances, then Grisha has a completely different attitude to life. The poem shows Grisha's childhood and tells about his father and mother. His life was more than hard, his father was lazy and poor:

Poorer than seedy
The last peasant
Tryphon lived.
Two closets:
One with a smoking stove,
Another fathom is summer,
And all this is short-lived;
No cow, no horse,
There was a dog Itchy,
There was a cat - and they left.

This was Grisha’s father; he cared least of all about what his wife and children ate.

The sexton boasted about his children,
And what do they eat -
And I forgot to think.
He himself was always hungry
Everything was spent on searching,
Where to drink, where to eat.

Grisha's mother died early, she was destroyed by constant sorrows and worries about her daily bread. The poem contains a song that tells about the fate of this poor woman. The song cannot leave any reader indifferent, because it is evidence of enormous, inescapable human grief. The lyrics of the song are very simple, they tell how a child suffering from hunger asks his mother for a piece of bread and salt. But salt is too expensive for poor people to buy it. And the mother, in order to feed her son, waters a piece of bread with her tears. Grisha remembered this song from childhood. She made him remember his unfortunate mother, grieve over her fate.

And soon in the boy's heart
With love to the poor mother
Love for all the wahlacina
Merged - and about fifteen years
Grigory knew for sure
What will live for happiness
A wretched and dark Good Corner.

Gregory does not agree to submit to fate and lead the same sad and wretched life that is typical of most people around him. Grisha chooses a different path for himself and becomes a people's intercessor. He is not afraid that his life will not be easy.

Fate had in store for him
The path is glorious, the name is loud
People's Defender,
Consumption and Siberia.

Since childhood, Grisha lived among wretched, unhappy, despised and helpless people. He absorbed all the people's troubles with his mother's milk, so he does not want and cannot live for the sake of his selfish interests. He is very smart and has a strong character. And it leads him onto a new path, does not allow him to remain indifferent to the people’s disasters. Gregory's reflections on the fate of the people testify to the liveliest compassion that makes Grisha choose such a difficult path for himself. In the soul of Grisha Dobrosklonov, confidence is gradually maturing that his homeland will not perish, despite all the suffering and sorrows that befell it:

In moments of despondency, O Motherland!
My thoughts fly forward.
You are still destined to suffer a lot,
But you won't die, I know.

Gregory’s reflections, which “poured out in song,” reveal him to be very literate and educated person. He is well aware of the political problems of Russia, and the fate of the common people is inseparable from these problems and difficulties. Historically, Russia “was a deeply unhappy country, depressed, slavishly lawless.” The shameful seal of serfdom turned the common people into powerless creatures, and all the problems caused by this cannot be discounted. Consequences Tatar-Mongol yoke also had a significant impact on the formation national character. The Russian man combines slavish submission to fate, and this is the main cause of all his troubles.
The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov is closely connected with revolutionary democratic ideas that began to appear in society in the middle of the 19th century. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N.A. Dobrolyubov. Grigory Dobrosklonov is a type of commoner revolutionary. He was born into the family of a poor sexton, and from childhood he felt all the disasters characteristic of the life of the common people. Grigory received an education, and besides, being an intelligent and enthusiastic person, he cannot remain indifferent to the current situation in the country. Grigory understands perfectly well that for Russia there is now only one way out - radical changes in the social system. The common people can no longer be the same dumb community of slaves that meekly tolerates all the antics of their masters:

Enough! Finished with past settlement,
The settlement with the master has been completed!
The Russian people are gathering strength
And learns to be a citizen.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” inspires hope in the moral and political revival of Rus', in changes in the consciousness of the ordinary Russian people.
The ending of the poem shows that people's happiness is possible. And even if it is still far from the moment when an ordinary person can call himself happy. But time will pass and everything will change. And far from it last role Grigory Dobrosklonov and his ideas will play a role in this.

The image of the “people's defender”. He is seminarian Grisha Dobrosklonov - the son of a “unrequited farm laborer” and a rural sexton who lived “poorer than the last seedy peasant.” Hungry childhood and harsh youth brought him closer to the people, accelerated his spiritual maturation and determined life path Grisha: the age of fifteen, Gregory already knew for sure.
What will live for happiness
A wretched and dark native corner.

In many of his character traits, Grisha resembles Dobrolyubov. Like Dobrolyubov, Grisha Dobrosklonov is a fighter for people's happiness; he wants to be the first where “it’s hard to breathe, where grief is heard.”

In the image of Grigory Nekrasov, he gave an answer to the question: what should a fighter for the people’s interests do?

Go to the downtrodden
Go to the offended
They need you there.

Gregory joins the ranks of those. who is ready “to fight, to work for the bypassed, for the oppressed.” Grisha's thoughts are constantly turned “to all mysterious Rus', to the people.” In his soul, “with love for his poor mother, love for all the trash merged.” Gregory is a faithful son of the people. In the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, Nekrasov sees a representative of the working masses, vitally connected with it: “No matter how dark the Vakhlachina is,” no matter how clogged it is with corvée labor and slavery, “with blessing, she placed such a messenger in Grigory Dobrosklonov.” Concerns about personal well-being are alien to him; for him, “the share of the people, their happiness, light and freedom come first.”

The Nekrasovsky revolutionary is ready to give his life so that “every peasant can live happily and freely throughout Holy Rus'.”

Grisha is not alone. Hundreds of people like him have already taken the “honest path” and fought for an “honest cause.” He, like other fighters,

Fate was preparing
The path is glorious
the loud name of the People's Defender,
Consumption and Siberia.

But Grisha is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he believes in the triumph of the cause to which he devoted his life. He knows that his homeland is “destined to suffer a lot more,” but he believes that it will not perish, and therefore he feels “immense strength in his chest.” He sees that a people of many millions is awakening to fight:

The army is rising
The strength in her will affect
This thought fills his soul with joy and confidence in victory.

To answer the main question of the poem - who lives well in Rus'? - Nekrasov responds with the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the people's intercessor. That's why the poet says:

If only our wanderers could be under their own roof.
If only they could know what was happening to Grisha.

The path that Grisha Dobrosklonov follows is difficult, but beautiful. “Only strong, loving souls” take this path. True happiness awaits a person on it, for only one can be happy, says Nekrasov, who devotes himself to the struggle for the good and happiness of the people.

    • Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” occupies a special place in Russian history classical literature, and in the creative heritage of the poet. It represents a synthesis of Nekrasov’s poetic activity, the completion of many years creative work revolutionary poet. Everything that Nekrasov developed in separate works over thirty years is collected here in a single concept, grandiose in content, scope and courage. It merged all the main lines of his poetic quest, most […]
    • The hero of the poem is not one person, but the whole people. At first glance, people's life seems sad. The very listing of villages speaks for itself: Zaplatovo, Dyryavino... and how much human suffering is in the poem! All of post-reform Rus' cries and groans on the pages of the poem, but there are also many jokes and jokes: “Rural Fair”, “Drunken Night”. It couldn't be any other way. In life itself, grief and joy go hand in hand. There are many folk images in the poem: Savely, Yakim Nagoy, Ermila Girin, Matryona Korchagina. All of them […]
    • The result of twenty years of work was the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” for Nekrasov. In it, the author voiced the most important issues of the era and described the people's life in post-reform Russia. Critics call this poem an epic folk life. In it, Nekrasov created a multifaceted plot and introduced a large number of characters. As in works of folklore, the narrative is built in the form of a path, a journey, but the main question is one: to find out the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe happiness of a Russian person. Happiness is a complex concept. This includes social […]
    • The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” became one of the central ones in the work of N. A. Nekrasov. The time when he worked on the poem was a time of great change. The passions of representatives of revolutionary democratic movements were in full swing in society. The best part of the intelligentsia supported the interests of the “populists”. The poet was always concerned about the fate of the people. People's Defender- one who not only pities and sympathizes with the peasants, but serves the people, expresses their interests, confirming this with actions and deeds. The image of such a person is not [...]
    • Nekrasov worked on the creation of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” until the end of his life. The central hero of this poem is the people. Nekrasov truthfully portrayed dark sides life of the Russian peasantry. Even the names of the villages speak of poverty, the wretchedness of Russian reality: We are sedate men, From temporarily obliged, A fit province, An empty volost, From adjacent villages: Nesytova, Neyolova, Zaplatova, Dyryavina, Gorelok, Golodukhino, Neurozhaika […]
    • Continuing the traditions of A. S. Pushkin, N. A. Nekrasov dedicated his work to the people. He himself wrote about himself: “I dedicated the lyre to my people.” But unlike Pushkin and other poets of this period, Nekrasov has his own, special Muse. She is not like the sophisticated society ladies who inspired the poets of that time. She appears before us in the image of a simple peasant girl, a woman. In 1848, at the very beginning of its creative path Nekrasov wrote a wonderful poem “Yesterday, at six o’clock...”, […]
    • N. A. Nekrasov can rightfully be considered a national poet, because it is no coincidence that such diverse, complex in their artistic structure the motives of his lyrics are united by the theme of the people. The poems tell about the life of peasants and the urban poor, about the difficult female share, about nature and love, about high citizenship and the purpose of the poet. Nekrasov's skill lay primarily in realism, in true portrayal reality and in the poet’s own involvement in people’s life, affection and love for Russian […]
    • The theme of love is resolved in Nekrasov’s lyrics in a very unique way. It was here that his artistic innovation was fully demonstrated. Unlike his predecessors, who preferred to depict the feeling of love “in beautiful moments,” Nekrasov did not ignore that “prose” that is “inevitable in love” (“You and I are stupid people...”). However, in the words of the famous Nekrasov scholar N. Skatov, he “not only proseized the poetry of love, but also poeticized its prose.” Of the three dozen best love […]
    • The theme of the poet and poetry is eternal in literature. In works about the role and significance of the poet and poetry, the author expresses his views, beliefs, and creative goals. In the middle of the 19th century in Russian poetry original image The poet was created by N. Nekrasov. Already in his early lyrics he speaks of himself as a poet of a new type. According to him, he was never a “darling of freedom” and “a friend of laziness.” In his poems he embodied the simmering “heartache.” Nekrasov was strict with himself and his Muse. He says about his poems: But I am not flattered that […]
    • The literary talent of N. A. Nekrasov glorified him not only as a writer and poet, but also as an editor, journalist and critic. IN different times he wrote poems, stories, feuilletons, vaudevilles, satirical couplets - sharp and angry. Nekrasov also owns the unfinished novel “The Life and Adventures of Tikhon Trostnikov.” But the basis of his creative heritage is, of course, poetry. Nekrasov belonged to the “natural school”. He believed that literature should reflect real life, describe slums, plagues and famine […]
    • Nekrasov’s creativity coincided with the flourishing of Russian folklore studies. The poet often visited Russian huts, in practice he studied the common language, the speech of soldiers and peasants. It became his speech. Folk images in his works are not reduced to simple borrowing; Nekrasov used folklore freely, reinterpreted it, creatively subordinating it to his own artistic goals, his own style. The poem “Frost, Red Nose” was written by a professional writer, and it contains a layer of literary and traditional poetic […]
    • Each writer develops a unique style based on his artistic goals. Depending on the theme and idea of ​​the work, means of expression are selected. In the poem “Frost, Red Nose,” the folk poetic layer plays a very important role. The poem is dedicated to describing the life of peasants, their way of life, and recreating the national spirit. Therefore, folklore images organically appear in it, artistic media, characteristic of folklore. Natural metaphors play a big role. Daria's deceased husband is like a falcon in [...]
    • The theme of N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Frost, Red Nose” is quite definite; for the poet it is one of the main ones in his work - this is the sphere of life, everyday life and being of the common people, peasants, their happiness and misfortunes, hardships and joys, hard work and rare moments of rest. But, perhaps, what interested the author most of all was the female character. This poem is entirely dedicated to the Russian woman - as the poet saw her. And here I immediately remember Nekrasov’s poem “Yesterday, at six o’clock...”, in which he calls [...]
    • N. A. Nekrasov created an entire era in poetry. More than one generation of the best people in Russia was brought up on the works of the poet. From childhood, Nekrasov’s images and the unique sounds of his poetic speech enter our consciousness. In the person of Nekrasov, who sensitively grasped the demands of the time, poetry sought to push its limits. The poet confesses to society and considers himself responsible to it. From the highest moral positions he judges his imperfections, punishing himself for the slightest hesitation and weakness. His political […]
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    Many works have not lost their relevance in our time. This, perhaps, happens because most of the problems and difficulties in a person’s life can be taken beyond the boundaries of time and the development of humanity as a whole. It has always been difficult for people to find their place in society, some did not have enough money to get a proper education, others did not have enough money to look the right way (society did not accept a person in a shabby suit either in ancient times or now). The problem of arranging life and providing food has always occupied the minds of people, especially those of low income. How to get out of the vicious circle of such problems and is it possible to do this in an honest way? N.A. is trying to answer this question. Nekrasov in his unfinished poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

    Many images could serve a clear example to reveal this topic, but still the main body of information on this issue comes from the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

    Name meaning and prototypes

    In literature, the names of heroes are often symbolic. Their first and last names in most cases are brief description literary personality. If the issue of assigning names to characters, in view of the detailing of their personal qualities, is controversial, then the issue of the meaning of surnames is almost always resolved in favor of symbolism. Authors past centuries They took as a basis names that were widespread in society, in particular, the described class was taken into account. The hero's name should have been close and familiar to readers. The names of the characters were invented by the authors themselves. It was from associations with the surname that the further development of the image was based. It was based either on a game of contrasts, or on enhancing the effect of a person’s personal qualities.

    The prototype of Grisha Dobrosklonov was the poet and publicist Nikolai Alekseevich Dobrolyubov. In society, he was known as a man of unique hard work and talent - at the age of 13 he was already translating Horace and successfully writing literary critical articles. Dobrosklonov and Dobrolyubov are united by a childhood tragedy - the death of their mother, which left an indelible impression on both the former and the latter. Similar qualities also arise in their social position - the desire to make the world kinder and better.

    As we see, Nekrasov took the surname of the literary figure as a basis, modifying it, but at the same time one cannot deny the fact of its symbolism. The character's last name also reflects it personal qualities. It is based on the noun “good”, which corresponds to general characteristics Grisha. He really kind person by nature, full of good aspirations and dreams. The second part of his surname is formed from the verb “to incline.” That is,

    Age, appearance and occupation of Grigory Dobrosklonov

    The reader becomes acquainted with the image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in last parts poem - partly in “A Feast for the Whole World” and, in more detail, in the epilogue of the poem.

    We do not know the exact age of the hero; the fact that at the time of the story he is studying at a seminary gives us the right to assume that his age is about 15 years old, the same guess is confirmed by the author, saying that the boy is “about fifteen years old.”

    Gregory's mother's name was Domna, she died early:

    She was much more caring
    But also durability
    God didn't give it to her.

    His father’s name is Tryphon, he was a clerk, in other words, he was at the bottom rung of the clergy career ladder. The family's income was never high - the mother tried her best to change this situation and give a proper education to her children - Grisha and Savva. The woman was often helped by fellow villagers to feed her children, so she

    Unresponsive farmhand
    For everyone who has anything
    Helped her on a rainy day.

    Naturally, hard physical labor and poor living conditions had an extremely adverse effect on the woman’s health and she soon died. Grigory is grieving the loss of his mother - she was kind, good and caring, so at night the boy “sorried for his mother” and quietly sang her song about salt.

    Life after mother's death

    After Domna’s death, the family’s life deteriorated significantly - “Poorer than the seedy / Last peasant / Lived Tryphon.” There was never enough food in their house:

    No cow, no horse,
    There was a dog Itchy,
    There was a cat - and they left.

    Grigory and Savva are often fed by their fellow villagers. The brothers are very grateful to the men for this and try not to remain in debt - to somehow help them:

    The guys paid them.
    To the best of my ability, by work,
    Trouble in their affairs
    We celebrated in the city.

    Nekrasov gives a meager description of Grisha. He has “wide bones,” but he himself does not look like a hero - “his face is too emaciated.” This is because he is always half hungry. While at the seminary, he woke up in the middle of the night from hunger and waited for breakfast. Their father is also not a ruler - he is just as eternally hungry as his sons.

    Gregory, like his brother, is “marked by God’s seal” - his abilities in science and the ability to lead crowds, so “the sexton boasted about his children.”

    Studying at the seminary is not joyful for Gregory, it is “dark, cold and hungry,” but the young man is not going to retreat; his plans also include studying at the university.

    Over time, the image of the mother and the small homeland merged together; they soon became determined by the desire to serve the common people, to make the lives of ordinary men better:

    Gregory already knew for sure
    What will live for happiness
    Wretched and dark
    Native corner.

    Gregory does not dream of personal wealth or benefits. He wants all people to live in goodness and prosperity:

    I don't need any silver
    Not gold, but God willing,
    So that my fellow countrymen
    And every peasant
    Life was free and fun
    All over Holy Rus'.

    And the young man is ready to do everything possible to get closer to fulfilling his dream.

    Dobrosklonov is optimistic, this is especially noticeable in the lyrics of his songs, where he tries to glorify the love of life and outline a wonderful, cheerful future.

    Gregory's fate is typical - a joyless, hungry childhood, sad memories of studying at the seminary. What's next? This is quite predictable, the fate of such people is always the same:

    Fate had in store for him
    The path is glorious, the name is loud
    People's Defender,
    Consumption and Siberia.

    Let's summarize. The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov is optimistic. The young man is full of wonderful aspirations - he is a future revolutionary, ready to sacrifice himself for the good of other people. Gregory is driven by a good intention to improve his life ordinary people, people like himself, to provide them with a decent and not a miserable life.

    This hero appears in the chapter “A Feast for the Whole World,” and the entire epilogue of the poem is dedicated to him.

    “Gregory has a thin, pale face and thin, curly hair with a tinge of redness.”

    The hero is a seminarian. His family lives in the village of Bolshie Vakhlaki in great poverty. Only thanks to the help of other peasants did she manage to get D. and his brother back on their feet. Their mother, “an unrequited farmhand for everyone who helped her in any way on a rainy day,” died early. In D.’s mind, her image is inseparable from the image of her homeland: “In the boy’s heart, With love for his poor mother, Love for the entire Vakhlatchin has merged.” Since the age of 15, D. has dreamed of devoting his life to the people, fighting for their better life: “God grant that my fellow countrymen And every peasant may live freely and cheerfully throughout all holy Rus'!” For this, D. is going to go to Moscow to study. In the meantime, he and his brother are helping the peasants here: writing letters for them, explaining their possibilities after the abolition of serfdom, etc. D. puts his observations on life and his thoughts into songs that the peasants know and love. The author notes that D. is marked with “the seal of the gift of God.” He should, according to Nekrasov, be an example for all progressive intelligentsia. The author puts his beliefs and thoughts into his mouth.

    The type of democratic intellectual, a native of the people, is embodied in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the son of a farm laborer and a semi-impoverished sexton. If not for the kindness and generosity of the peasants, Grisha and his brother Savva could have died of hunger. And the young men respond to the peasants with love. This love with early years filled Grisha's heart and determined his path:

    About fifteen years old

    Gregory already knew for sure

    What will live for happiness

    Wretched and dark

    Native corner

    It is important for Nekrasov to convey to the reader the idea that Dobrosklonov is not alone, that he is from a cohort of brave in spirit and pure in heart, those who fight for the happiness of the people:

    Rus' has already sent a lot

    His sons, marked

    The seal of God's gift,

    On honest paths

    I cried for a lot of them...

    If in the era of the Decembrists they stood up to defend the people best people from the nobles, now the people themselves send their best sons from among themselves to battle, and this is especially important because it testifies to the awakening of national self-awareness:

    No matter how dark the vahlachina is,

    No matter how crammed with corvée

    And slavery - and she,

    Having been blessed, I placed

    In Grigory Dobrosklonov

    Such a messenger.

    Grisha’s path is a typical path of a commoner democrat: a hungry childhood, a seminary, “where it was dark, cold, gloomy, strict, hungry,” but where he read a lot and thought a lot...

    Fate had in store for him

    The path is glorious, the name is loud

    People's Defender,

    Consumption and Siberia.

    And yet the poet paints the image of Dobrosklonov in joyful, bright colors. Grisha has found true happiness, and the country whose people bless “such a messenger” for battle should become happy.

    The image of Grisha contains not only the features of the leaders of revolutionary democracy, whom Nekrasov loved and revered so much, but also the features of the author of the poem himself. After all, Grigory Dobrosklonov is a poet, and a poet of the Nekrasov movement, a poet-citizen.

    The chapter “A Feast for the Whole World” includes songs created by Grisha. These are joyful songs, full of hope, the peasants sing them as if they were their own. Revolutionary optimism is heard in the song “Rus”:

    The army rises - innumerable,

    The strength in her will be indestructible! - Magazine of modern youth