The main characters of the story are wolves Shukshin. An essay on the topic Moral issues in Vasily Shukshin’s story “Wolves. II. Teacher's opening speech

Shukshin is a person who has a large and broad soul and extraordinary inner vision. All his life he saw everything that happened to him through a special glass and always noticed even the smallest details.

If you look closely at the portrait of Shukshin, you can understand that he is not only a kind, but also an open person.

The work "Wolves" was published in 1967. This is not just a story, this is a real story that his mother told him about.

The main character was Ivan. This is a man who is not afraid of anything or anyone, but in order to force him to do something you need to try hard. More than anything else, he likes to relax, and he does this with the help of vodka. And here's the second one main character named Nahum is his father-in-law. He didn't like Ivan right away. And when he came to him, he saw that Ivan was lying and sleeping off from yesterday's sleepless night. Naum decides to go into the forest for firewood and takes Ivan with him. Of course the man is trying in different ways to isolate himself from the trip, but nothing works out and he has no choice but to go into the forest.

They could not even imagine that suddenly wolves would appear on their way, who had not eaten anything for several days. Naum was very frightened and therefore pushed Ivan off the cart and threw an ax to him, while he turned his horse around and rode home. Ivan managed to fight off the wolves, but the horse could not be saved, because the wolves attacked it and gnawed it. The man thought that he would be the next victim, but after eating, the wolves went into the forest. If there were two men, they would have been able to fight off the wolves and save the life of the horse. When he returned home, he saw that his father-in-law was not very happy about it.

And then he developed a resentment towards him and he wanted to do everything to take revenge on his father-in-law for this. He doesn't tell anyone about his incident. To begin with, he decides to talk about everything that happened in the forest with his father-in-law, but he tries in every possible way to avoid this conversation. And in order to isolate themselves from Ivan, Naum decides to invite a policeman to their house. When Ivan finally begins to bring up the conversation about the forest, Naum insults him in response, and the man could not stand it and attacked him. But the policeman prevented all this in time. And he takes him to the department. And since the policeman is there alone, he invites Ivan to play chess with him and he agrees.

Shukshin is on Ivan’s side and he also thinks that no matter what the situation is, first of all you need to remain human. And since he abandoned Ivan, he made the right decision by punishing him. Previously, he had not even thought that there were still people who could leave another person in a difficult situation and calmly go home. And then how can this person be called a human being?

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Oct 31 2010

Moral issues The 60-70s of the 20th century are interpreted in the works of writers writing about the village: V. Shukshin, F. Abramov, V. Belov. These authors consider the spirituality of Russian people. V. Shukshin is wonderful, able to convey stories in his own way. His stories are characterized by their simplicity. Despite the external simplicity and brevity of the plot, they are deeply moral and instructive; one feels that the author has a rich man behind him. life experience. The writer, with good irony and without excessive edification, shows us what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not. There is a moral to be learned from his stories. For example, as in the story “Wolves”. Here we see what happens when people turn into animals.

There are two main characters in the story, two simple Russian men. Naum is not old yet, efficient, cunning and charming (probably there is some irony of the author here). Ivan is strong, but a little lazy. He immediately makes it clear that there is trouble between them (at the beginning of the story it is said that there was family enmity between Ivan and Naum).

They go to the forest to get firewood and are attacked by wolves. Nahum was the first to chicken out. He even lost his head from fear and shouted: “They’re robbing me!”

It is clear that this one is a coward, he has an eternal fear for his own life, any situation causes him anxiety. At first, Ivan remained calm and cool-headed; he was even surprised at his father-in-law’s reaction. But when the wolves were nearby, Ivan also felt creepy. Every person can be overcome by fear when danger is close.

The situation was such that Ivan needed Naum’s help. Naum had only to hold the horses, and then he and Ivan would have fought off. from wolves. But he chickened out, and Ivan found himself in great danger. Nahum betrayed him.

The wolves attacked the sleigh and tore the horse to pieces. Only Ivan’s courage and self-control saved him and he survived. Here you have a simple man, here you have a “goal like a falcon!”, as Naum said. Survived in such a situation, did not chicken out. A brave man. And Naum turned out to be a coward and a traitor.

But here comes the next plot point. Ivan decided to settle scores with the scoundrel. And another race began. Then the wolves were catching up with the man, and now the man was catching up with the man. How are these two better than wolves? The thirst for revenge and anger turn people into animals. This is the meaning of the title of the story.

The conflict continues at Naum’s house, when Ivan finally came to deal with the traitor. It’s good that the policeman intervened, otherwise there would have been a murder.
Thanks to this story, I finally understood for myself that cowardice is perhaps the worst vice; it often gives rise to meanness, betrayal in a person, brings to life everything bad in him, without which our existence, unfortunately, cannot do to this day.

Almost all authors who consider the problem of morality in one way or another in their works do not undertake to solve this problem in any one way, although they have fairly clear ideas about moral categories. However, showing the imperfection of a person who constantly violates the laws of morality, they nevertheless approach this topic with a certain degree of caution, trying to avoid straightforwardness, stilted images, and annoying edification.

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The moral problems of the 60-70s of the XX century are comprehended in the works of writers writing about the village: V. Shukshin, F. Abramov, V. Belov. These authors consider the topic of Russian spirituality.

V. Shukshin is a wonderful writer who knows how to convey stories in his own way. His stories are characterized by their simplicity. Despite the external simplicity and brevity of the plot, they are deeply moral and instructive; one can feel that the author has a wealth of life experience behind him. The writer, with good irony and without excessive edification, shows us what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not. There is a moral to be learned from his stories. For example, as in the story “Wolves”. Here we see what happens when people turn into animals.

The story has two main characters, two simple Russian men. Naum is not old yet, efficient, cunning and charming (probably there is some irony of the author here). Ivan is strong, but a little lazy. The author immediately makes it clear that there is trouble between them (at the beginning of the story it is said that there was family enmity between Ivan and Naum).

They go to the forest to get firewood and are attacked by wolves. Nahum was the first to chicken out. He even lost his head from fear and shouted: “They’re robbing us!” It is clear that this man is a coward, he has an eternal fear for his own life, any situation causes him anxiety. At first, Ivan remained calm and cool, he was even surprised at his father-in-law’s reaction.” But when the wolves were nearby, Ivan also felt terrified. Any person can be overcome by fear when danger is close. The situation was such that Ivan needed Naum’s help. Naum had only to hold the horses, and then he and Ivan would have fought off the wolves. But he chickened out, and Ivan found himself in great danger. Nahum betrayed him.

The wolves attacked the sleigh and tore the horse to pieces. Only Ivan’s courage and self-control saved him and he survived. Here you have a simple man, here you have a “goal like a falcon!”, as Naum said. Survived in such a situation, did not chicken out. A brave man. And Naum turned out to be a coward and a traitor.

But here comes the next plot point. Ivan decided to settle scores with the scoundrel. And another race began. Then the wolves were catching up with the man, and now the man was catching up with the man. How are these two better than wolves? The thirst for revenge and anger turn people into animals. This is the meaning of the title of the story.

The conflict continues at Naum’s house, when Ivan finally came to deal with the traitor. It’s good that the policeman intervened, otherwise there would have been a murder.

Thanks to this story, I finally understood for myself that cowardice is perhaps the worst vice; it often gives rise to meanness, betrayal in a person, brings to life everything bad in him, without which our existence, unfortunately, cannot do to this day.

Almost all authors who consider the problem of morality in one way or another in their works do not undertake to solve this problem in any one way, although they have fairly clear ideas about moral categories. However, showing the imperfection of a person who constantly violates the laws of morality, they nevertheless approach this topic with a certain degree of caution, trying to avoid straightforwardness, stilted images, and annoying edification.

Story-character. The characters of the father-in-law and son-in-law are revealed not only through their collision with each other, but also through their collision with the elements - wolves.


Moral issues the story is connected with what a person should be. Neither Ivan nor Naum passes the test of humanity, although for different reasons. Naum is ready for any meanness, and Ivan is ready to use brute force, just to achieve his goal and defeat (in words or deeds) the “enemy” - man.

Heroes of the story

Naum Krechetov- a cunning and charming man, efficient, not yet old. Naum tolerated Ivan, “feeling sorry for his daughter,” and agreed on firewood. He notices everything, for example, that Ivan is hungover. Finding himself in an extreme situation, Naum loses all rationality.

When the men met the wolves, Naum was so frightened that he began shouting “they are robbing” and running away on his sleigh. Four times Ivan asked Naum to hold his horse, but Naum cared, first of all, about his life. He saw that Ivan was in mortal danger, but not only did not stop to help, but even turned away. Around the bend, in safe place, he waited for his son-in-law, because “it was still not easy on his conscience.”

Naum is glad that Ivan is alive, but is afraid that Ivan will beat him, so he whips the horse again, and Ivan cannot catch up with him on foot. Cunning Naum figures out how not to be beaten. While Ivan gets to his father-in-law’s house, he calls his daughter and the policeman.

It is not for nothing that Ivan considers his father-in-law inhuman. Realizing that his act was base, Naum, instead of justifying himself, begins to blame Ivan for all his sins. And in the fact that Ivan came to the house to get everything ready, and in the fact that he would like to live in the city, and even in the fact that Ivan came to the village to incite the people against Soviet power. This was a serious accusation, which, if Naum had said it under Stalin, could have led to arrest. But the story was written in 1967, so the policeman, taking Ivan’s side and feeling sorry for him, quickly takes him out of the hut, consoles him, and promises to play chess with him at the police station.

Ivan Degtyarev

This is a typical Shukshinsky hero, guided not by common sense, but by heartfelt motives. Ivan is lazy and likes to drink. He dreams of an easy life in the city, where he can work and then relax.

At the moment of the wolf attack, Ivan sees the situation as if from the outside, his fear is mixed with burning curiosity. For some time, Ivan mocks his father-in-law, who behaves like a madman, shouting “they’re robbing him” in a frantic manner. Feeling fear for his life, Ivan asks Naum to throw him an ax. He addresses Nahum more and more emotionally as the wolves approach: father - such a bastard - father, bitch.


Five wolves are full-fledged heroes of the story. Unlike people, they act harmoniously. The pack drives the prey in the usual way, moving across the horse. Ivan understands that only death will stop the leader.

The man and the wolf in the story strive to win in order to survive. Unlike people, wolves have a strict hierarchy. The leader evens out the formation, using his fangs. Each of the wolves knows what its role in the hunt is. Not so with people. Father-in-law and son-in-law constantly insult and offend each other, as if trying to figure out which of them is more important. Nahum is saving his own life and is not going to act in the interests of another.

Ivan takes the place of the very wolf from whom he was running away earlier: “Another race began: a man was catching up with a man.” But Naum also behaves like a hunter ambushing a wolf. Shukshin compares the behavior of wolves, who kill in order to eat and survive, and people who destroy each other for self-affirmation.

Plot and composition

The story is based on a chase adventure. First, the wolves chase people, then Ivan chases Naum, and in the end Ivan ends up caught. Through the chase, Shukshin defends his idea: a person is no better than a wolf if he is immoral.

Stylistic features

Extra-plot elements are important in a story. Shukshin does not give a portrait of human heroes, but he describes in detail the appearance of the wolf: large, busty, with a singed muzzle, with round yellow eyes, whose gaze is direct and simple.

Three short sentences depict a landscape.

The peace and slumber of a sleigh ride through a quiet winter forest is interrupted by the appearance of wolves. Shukshin uses short, incomplete sentences without subjects. Only in the last incomplete sentence do troublemakers appear: “They came out of the forest, stood, waiting. Wolves."

The speech of the characters is their main characteristic. Naum’s cry of “being robbed” conveys his animal fear, the rude words of the men are a manifestation of their emotions. Nahum's worldly wisdom is supported by proverbs.

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