Congratulations on World Prose Writer's Day. “Constellation of the best readers” - Central District Library of Topki Congratulations to the librarian in verse

[in prose]

Congratulations on Librarian's Day in prose

A librarian is a unique profession, even somewhat mysterious. He, like a good wizard, rules the whole world of dreams, fairy tales, travel, romance! I wish you patience, inspiration and prosperity on this significant holiday. Let the Temple of Knowledge be replenished with new readers. Let the book fund not become scarce. And may everything in your life be at its best! Happiness, smiles, joy! Happy Librarian's Day!

Dear, I congratulate you on Librarian’s Day! Your love for books arose in childhood, and since then you have dreamed of becoming the mistress of the book kingdom! You succeeded. It’s so nice to see a person who devoted himself to his favorite business! May your work give you joy. I wish you new additions to your library and intelligent readers who treat books with trepidation and love!

I congratulate you on Librarian’s Day - a professional holiday of true book lovers and everyone who is passionate about reading. On this wonderful date, the value of which, unfortunately, is not always clear to many these days, I want to sincerely thank you for your loyalty to your cause, dedication to your profession and constant willingness to accompany those who wish to the wonderful world of books. Happy holiday to you!

Surrounded by inexhaustible knowledge, you give people amazing acquaintance with the books of great writers. Your work is invaluable to each of us! Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday – Librarian’s Day! We bring you gratitude, experience and wisdom, thanks to which the world of literature and classical masterpieces has become accessible to both children and adults! Be healthy and happy!

Librarian is a good and necessary profession, because you bring people the most important thing - education. May your library always have many visitors, may your loved ones appreciate and love you simply for being you, may good health and inspiration go with you throughout life! Interesting books and educated readers!

Happy wonderful day, Happy Librarian’s Day, I congratulate you with all my heart! I want, first of all, to say a huge thank you for preserving such the greatest asset of humanity as books. A book is a fascinating world of knowledge, and therefore I wish you more readers in your library, so that they appreciate you for your work, to which you devote yourself completely!

The silence of the spacious halls will not be broken even today, as we congratulate you, dear librarians, on your professional holiday in the best traditions of mysterious, wise institutions of knowledge. There will be no loud screams, but there will be quiet gratitude for your important and useful work. You live in a world of priceless treasures: keep the works of classics, notes of travelers, and the achievements of talented scientists. On this day we wish you happiness and a room full of grateful and polite readers!

Shelves, hundreds of troublesome tasks and books, books, books... And above all this - you, the mistress and mistress of the library! Just one look at you is enough for all stereotypes about librarians to collapse! Beautiful, graceful, ultra-modern, you amaze with your talent for maintaining the library at the proper level! Happy Librarian's Day to you, smart girl and beauty!

Our dear book keeper! We congratulate you on Librarian's Day and wish you to be extremely happy. May all the bright stories about goodness and love described in the books you adore come true and make your life truly fabulous. Thank you for the noble cause to which you devote your life. May people always be grateful to you and may books never go out of style. Happy holiday!

The article was edited on December 31, 2017.

Good day, dear readers!

Today I want to send you my Wishes for the passing year.

The paradox of life is that as long as a person tries hard not to think about something, he thinks about exactly that!

A simple recipe for not thinking about what you don’t want to think about, think about something else….

A play on words, you probably thought? Not at all.

The same analogy applies to positive thinking.

In order not to think about the negative, you need to invest energy in the positive!

Finding something positive in the face of modern economic surprises is not an easy task at first, but it is quite solvable.

And so, “turn on your head” and start going through all the positive aspects.

What is this for? The answer is simple.

So that the circumstances around you always work out in the best way.

And for this to happen you need to try really hard and want it!

To want to do something that you have always dreamed of.

Think about what you did?

Think about what hasn't been done?

It doesn't matter that little has been done. It doesn't matter what didn't work out. None of this matters my dear friends!

What is important in this case?

What matters is that you are already thinking about it. And it is possible that today, and even perhaps now, you have already made a very important decision for yourself.

The most important thing is the Beginning. Then Desire. And, as a consequence of these targeted actions, your desire will come true.

You will see that there is no magic here.

Our thoughts are material. Remember this. And in order for everything to work, don’t forget to write it down on paper. And hang it before your eyes.

Nonsense, you say. But no. And I’m ready to argue with you on the pages of my blog.

Today is a somewhat abstract topic. You know, I wanted to reflect a little and take some stock, because another year is passing.

I worked all year, wrote articles on my blog. Filmed useful videos blogging lessons. She gave advice and answered questions. I made many friends and business partners.

This year was a turning point for me, both in life and in business. I realized what I want to do next in life.

What benefit do I want to bring to people? This is a lot and at the same time not enough... I will continue to work in the same direction.The main thing is to choose the right road.

And the “guiding star” will show us the way.

I wish you all, my dear readers, health and patience. These are some of the components and indicators for your luck. As well as promoting you as a person and as an individual.

I wish that your desires always coincide with your capabilities!But under no circumstances should you lower the bar. After all, at first glance, sometimes it seems that this is an unattainable idea...

He somehow quietly gives people
The world of current and future ideas.
He loves books to the point of oblivion,
But there are still more people.

“The library is a temple of the soul. and the librarian is its custodian"

Ved. The door to miracles is open here
For everyone, every person.
There's even a wizard here
His name is librarian.
Trust him with your dreams
Open up what's bothering you
And everything you want to know
He will help you find it.
To you and all your friends
He promises good luck in his search.
Trust him, it's not in vain
A wizard has been appointed here.

So our holiday will be a journey with loved ones fairy-tale characters. And the magical doors of our room will open for literary heroes, if you guess the riddle:

Do you like riddles? Yes? Try to guess mine:
There's a blizzard outside the window,
Draws a pattern on the window.
And we are warm with our beloved friend
We talked all evening.
He showed me pictures
Children's camp, forest, fire.
I took an ink eraser
And he erased all the stains from his friend.
Then with a blue bookmark
I have stored the sheets until tomorrow.
He took his friend carefully with his hand
And put it on the shelf in the closet.
-Who is this friend? You guessed it! Book!

Enter the Book Queen .

Queen-book : Hello guys!

I am the Book Queen.

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.

A book is a close comrade and friend.

The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,

if you let go of the book.

A book is an adviser, a book is a scout,

book - active wrestler and fighter.

The book is imperishable memory and eternity,

satellite of the planet The earth, finally -

the book is not just beautiful furniture,

not using oak cabinets,

book is a magician who can fable

turn into reality and into the basis of foundations.

Ved. Guys, do you know how difficult it is to create a book, how did it come about? Tell me, who helps the book get published? (editors, artists, printing workers). The Book Queen will tell us how the book appeared.

(On the screen “How the book appeared”)

(There's a knock on the door. Dunno runs in, followed by Little Red Riding Hood )

Dunno: For some reason about me
They know everything in the world
They know even on the moon
Adults and children.
I don’t want to brag in vain,
But I'll tell you honestly:
What others can't handle
I've known for a long time.
Hello! Guys, do you recognize me? What book am I from? Who wrote it?


Dunno . I really like to draw, write poetry and generally do many different things, but all my good beginnings For some reason they end in failure.
I brought my drawings to you for the holiday. Check if I drew everything correctly, guess what is mixed up in my drawings?

Game - riddle “Dunno's Drawings.” (presentation)

( Children name the objects that Dunno confused and the fairy tale from which they are .)



    The Queen is a book. You guys are so great. It is immediately obvious that the people are reading.

Dunno. How boring you are, do you really like to read all the time, listen to all sorts of uninteresting stories, cram, answer. It’s hard to sit in one place all the time. But what about the fun, riding a scooter, jumping from a slide, dousing and spitting?

Dunno takes out his big slingshot and shoots at the readers.

Ved. What a bully you are! This is not a good way to behave in society. Rules of conduct are written in books. It's immediately obvious that you don't read books.

Good book- your companion, your friend,
Leisure time with her is always interesting.

Queen-book. Today I did not come to you empty-handed, but I want to thank our best readers and present them with certificates.

(Congratulations to the best library readers of 2014)

Dunno. Yes, your leisure time is boring. You don't even know how to have fun.

Ved. Oh, no. You're wrong. We know how to spend our leisure time usefully and cheerfully.


The children answer.

The Queen is a book. Right. A library is a repository of knowledge.
This word itself comes from the Greek words “biblion” - book and “teka” - storehouse, storehouse.
The first libraries arose before such a name appeared. They were already in Ancient Egypt, the states of Mesopotamia and Syria. Huge ancient library clay tablets existed in the state of Ebla. The library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal is even more famous; it contained about 30,000 clay tablets covered in cuneiform. All these are “sheets” of ancient clay books, which he collected from various countries the most educated and greedy Assyrian king. According to his decrees, copies were made from clay books stored in the libraries and temples of Babylon and other cities of Mesopotamia.

Dunno. What is the name of your library? Who built it? Where did she come from? What's interesting about it?

The Queen is a book. Listen to what young readers say about our library

(Readers come out. Presentation)

    We live beautifully these days,

Although studying at school is not easy at times:

We go to the reading room in a whole crowd.

    We have computers, modems,

Lots of new flash drives and iPads,

But it can’t replace all this

The library is lovely, everyone is happy to be there.

    We love, cherish and appreciate books.

The librarian at school is my best friend.

We have no delays, everyone at school is clean.

We repair books right away if they suddenly break.

    Reading and books are in fashion these days.

There are no empty seats in the reading room.

So they are building libraries everywhere,

So that everyone can read all the books here.

(Concert number: “Song about Russia” by A. Zhukov and I. Ivanov)

Ved. What professions are there?
Artist, cook and poet,
Teacher, doctor and pharmacist,
But there is also a librarian.

The library is a temple of the soul, and its keeper is the librarian, as people say... Very often, people around us believe that the librarian’s profession is modest, inconspicuous and simple. But we, of course, know that it is very, very not easy to be a professional in one’s field. What does a librarian’s skill, his professional skill, consist of? Of course, this is an alloy of knowledge acquired at an institute or school, experience, individual characteristics and inclinations of a person, his culture. Success in library work is determined by how interesting the librarian is as a person, how much he has the skills of a teacher and psychologist. A librarian is, first of all, a scientist and erudite.

(Pechkin enters )

Dunno . What kind of Miracle is this - Yudo?
Pechkin (offended). I'm no miracle to you - Yudo. I'm postman Pechkin. Although I myself don’t understand how the wheel of history brought me here. I was carrying a letter to one address... So where did I end up?
Ved . Don't worry, Pechkin, let me read the address.
Pechkin. I will read it myself: Republic of Tatarstan, Baltasinsky district, Tsipya village, Lenin street, 55 school library, personally to the librarian
Ved . Everything is according to the rules: our address,
The number is correct.
I wonder from whom
Does it contain a letter for us?
Dear Pechkin, please hand the letter to the addressee. Here is the head of the library Nurmieva Mileusha Talgatovna
Pechkin. What about the document?!
Ved . Are we really going to deceive such a charming man?
Pechkin (flirtatious). I think you can be trusted.

Pechkin hands over the letter. Fanfare sounds.

(The presenter reads the congratulatory telegram.)

Ved. “Librarian is a necessary profession
The tablets of knowledge were placed in it
And a long procession of wise books
It always helps us become smarter.
We are sometimes addicted to the Internet,
But we don’t understand just one thing:
There are only truisms in the book
After all, the book is the basis of everything!

The librarian's eyes are streaming
Sublimity of thoughts and warmth,
And this should not be surprising,
After all, more than one book volume has been read.
In her beauty and intelligence united,
Like a ray of sunshine with dew in the morning
We wish you to continue to work
Bringing goodness and inspiration to us!”

Dear Mileusha Talgatovna, we congratulate you on your anniversary!Surrounded by inexhaustible knowledge, you give people amazing acquaintance with the books of great writers. Your work is priceless for each of us! We would like to thank you for your experience and wisdom, thanks to which the world of literature and classical masterpieces became accessible to both children and adults. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your loyalty to your work, dedication to your profession and constant readiness to accompany those who wish to the wonderful world of books. Happy holiday to you! Be healthy and happy! Congratulations to your faithful readers!!!

( Readers come out )

    Our school has a librarian,
    She gives books to children,
    There is no calmer, wiser man,
    She will understand everyone who comes.

    Happy anniversary today.
    I don’t know anyone more affectionate and courteous.
    Like a priestess in an educational temple,
    So much knowledge in a charming lady.
    3. Guardian of the pearls of knowledge,

    Spiritual values ​​of the country,
    Librarian, let's admit it -
    We are in love with you and books!

4. May your children love you very much,
A kind heart is always appreciated,
There will be peace in the soul and on the planet,
And there will never be grief!

    So that readers love books, reading,

The silence should only be broken by good laughter.

And in any business we wish you only luck,

So that you are valued, and you value everyone.

(Concert number: song “Let them run clumsily”, grade 4b)

The floor is given to the librarian

Ved. Well, is Dunno happy? Did you like our journey into the world of books and libraries?

Dunno. Yes! Now I know for sure that it’s not boring here. I learned a lot of new and interesting things.

For any person
Give me the library
Even though there is Internet now,
The library has no equal.

Thank you guys! Goodbye! It's time for us to go to our fairy tale!


Pechkin . So many books in the world
Beautiful, wise, necessary,
Which with passion
I would like to read
What's on your home shelves
There isn't enough room for them all
It's good to be at school
There is a library!
Queen-book. In spacious, bright rooms,
In reliable storages
Treasures are hidden for the heart and mind:
Textbooks, treatises, poetry and prose
For children and adults
In countless volumes.
Study mentors,
Work assistants
Faithful friends of leisure,
Business advisors.
Ved . Now in the library
Computer in every room
Easily any help
Will help you get
But sites on the Internet
And e-books
Favorite book volume
They can't replace.
The soul of a library is its librarian,
Monitor screen
It cannot be replaced.

(Concert number: Daminova Gulnaz)

Ved . So, our holiday has come to an end. Let your profession be a true calling, a joyful work for each of you! - Goodbye! See you again!

Kr.Sh . Hello guys, guests! Dunno, you left me again. We agreed that we would go to the guys together.

Kr.Sh. Well done. There would be no fairy tales, stories, poems if writers did not write them. Guys, who is your favorite writer or poet?


    Uncle Styopa's dad? (Sergey Mikhalkov)

    She almost became a ballerina, and was also friends with a whiny girl, Tanya, who dropped a ball into the river. (Agniya Barto)

    Who was raised by the famous grandmother-nanny Arina Rodionovna? (Aleskandra Pushkina)

The last fairy tale of this writer is “The Golden Cockerel” (A. Pushkin)

(Concert number: Russian dance)

Kr.Sh. Can you answer me, where are such wonderful books stored, where do you get them to read?

Kr.Sh. Thanks guys! But it’s really time for us to follow our fairy tales. Goodbye! (leave)

In the lobby of the library, children are greeted by literary and fairy-tale characters. They invite them to take part in fun games. On the playground, children will be able to play outdoor games with Pinocchio, and literary games with the very kind Baba Yaga.

The hall is decorated with balloons and cheerful music is playing.


Let's imagine, at least for a moment,
That suddenly we lost magazines and books,
That people don't know what a poet means,
That there is no Cheburashka, no Hottabych.
It's as if no one has ever been in this world,
And I had never heard of Moidodyr,
That there is no Dunno, a liar-Klutz,
That there is no Aibolit, and no Uncle Styopa.
It’s probably impossible to imagine something like this?
So hello, smart, kind word!
Let books come into your home as friends!
Read for the rest of your life - gain your mind!
Yu. Entin

Screening of a video clip for the library song “Read! Read!”


The rustle of book pages

Accompanies us everywhere in life,

From bustling capitals

To the village near a quiet dam,

From the hot lowlands

To the expanses of the Arctic Circle,

From curls to gray hairs,

Book - we have no better th friend

(Vera Inber)

Good afternoon, dear book lovers! This is exactly how I would like to address you, our young guests. Today in this hall there are the best readers of all the libraries in our region, who are united by a love of books. I am glad to also welcome the mothers and grandmothers of these children, our guests and my respected colleagues at the “How great it is to read” holiday! …..

Today you are expected fun games, quizzes, prizes, interesting meetings. We will stomp, clap, shout, play, dance, generally have fun........

And now I’ll check if you know what is allowed to do at the holiday and what is prohibited.

Game-chant “What is allowed and prohibited at the holiday.”

I congratulate you on the holiday,
I wish you happiness and joy.
At the holiday:
Dancing, playing, dancing is... (allowed)
Frowning faces and grumbling strictly... (prohibited)
Everyone laughing and joking is... (allowed)
But being shy and sad is strictly... (prohibited)
Singing songs in full voice is... (allowed)
Sit silently in a corner strictly... (prohibited)
We can't be bored
So, let's have fun?

Let's say it loudly and together... (yes).

Guys, each of you has your own favorite holiday. Someone loves New Year, someone – their birthday. Please tell me, do books have holidays?…. Yes, I have. What kind of holiday is this, you ask. It is not marked on any calendar. This holiday is very unusual!

The presenter’s text runs in parallel with the presentation “The History of Children’s Book Week”

At the end of March, during spring break, all the children in our country celebrate their name day. The heroes of this celebration are not Sasha and Masha, not Kolya and Tolya, not Katya and Marina, but our faithful friends - books.

The Children's Book Festival lasts all week. Millions of children across the country participate in it. And every day interesting meetings and exciting events await them.

The good holiday that has brought us all together today came to us from the distant war year of 1943. The country was going through a difficult time: three years of war, devastation, hunger, cold. Although adults tried to at least somehow protect the children and make their lives easier during these terrible years, everyone understood that children had the most difficult time.

“The war was both bitter and harsh, there was one misfortune for all people. They didn’t have a separate childhood, but childhood and war together...” In March 1943, the adults decided to please the children and hold a holiday for them. But which one? How can you distract children from fear, hunger, at least for one day, and let them have a little fun? Writer Lev Kassil thought that children love to read more than anything else. War children especially loved books. Many of them could not study: schools were destroyed, there were not enough teachers, there were few children's books... And Kassil suggested holding a children's book festival. And so on March 23, half-starved, poorly dressed children came to the Kremlin hall in Moscow. But curiosity shone in their eyes: “What will happen there, outside the walls of the country’s main palace?”

And there the children were waiting for the writers of their favorite books, who talked about themselves, about their books, and answered the children’s questions.

The participants of the holiday decided to celebrate the book's name day every year during spring break. And not just one day, but a whole week of holidays to go to children's libraries and read books. And not only in Moscow, but throughout the country. Cheerful inventor and good children's writer Lev Kassil called this holiday week “Book Name Day” - that’s what children and adults have called it ever since.

This is how Book Week appeared.

Guys! Well, now we will get to know each other. I will list who came to our holiday, and you shout “Yes” or “No.” Agreed?…..

Are the children good?








Well done, I’ve learned a little about you, but I still want to understand one more thing.

In many books, friendship helps heroes cope with difficulties. Are you friendly? We'll check this now. I suggest you play the game “Hedgehogs” (explain the essence of the game)

game: “Hedgehogs”

– Two stomps (stomping feet)
– two claps (clap hands)
- hedgehogs, hedgehogs! (holding hands with palms towards the audience, clench and unclench fingers).
- forged, forged (knock fist on fist 2 times)
– scissors, scissors (stretch arms forward and cross)
– ran – ran (running in place)
– bunnies, bunnies (raise your arms above your head, imitating bunny ears)
- come on, together, come on, together: “Girls!”, and now “Boys!”
Well done! You guys are very friendly.

Now let's laugh a little.

Shouting game “Smeshinki”.
If you have nothing to do
I suggest you laugh.
The girls will laugh like this: hee hee hee!
Boys: ha ha ha!
Adults: ho-ho-ho!
Who recognizes himself in the poem
He starts laughing.
The voice whose call we have
Well, of course the girls (hee hee hee)
Who's always skipping around
Energetic boys (ha ha ha)
There are serious and tall ones
Adults only (ho-ho-ho)
Who's wearing bright skirts here?
Our lovely girls (hee hee hee)
Who are the bullies, the naughty girls?
Well, of course, boys (ha ha ha)
We had a great laugh!

And now guys, I’ll ask you questions, and you answer loudly: “Oh, okay!”, agreed......

I wanted to see you soon!

Are you glad to see me, friends?

- OK!

Much more fun with you!

Are you having fun with me?

- OK!

When we are together, the day is brighter!

Is it wonderful to be together?

- OK?

Life is very boring without any complications!

Do you agree with me?

- OK!

It's wonderful when the world is kinder!

Isn't it true, friends?

- OK!

Answer me now in a friendly way:

Did you like the game?

- OK!

Well, since everything is okay with us, we continue our holiday. This is an unusual holiday for us - a benefit performance. A benefit performance in French means a performance in honor of one or more participants. We bring to your attention a holiday in honor of you, our dear readers...

Alone, alone

Book heroes are dozing

On the pages of their books

Awaken them to life!

Why should they suffer from boredom?

All heroes love work!

To you, friends, and books in your hands -

Let the heroes come to life!…..

So, on the sea-ocean, not on the island of Buyan, but in what is not an ordinary city, there lived and lived a boy named Vovka, whom you saw in the video on the screen. And Vovka is good to everyone, but the trouble is, he was lazy. All day long, all I did was lie on the sofa and dream. And one day he heard that some kind of Book Week was approaching, where the Queen of the Book rewards the best readers. Vovka also wanted to become the best reader of the Book State. As soon as he thought about it, the lid of the casket opened with a clang, and two fellows, identical in appearance, jumped out. And they ask him “Hey, master, why did you call me! We will do everything for you! We will fulfill any of your wishes!” Do you remember what Vovka answered them?…. Let’s ask him himself…..Vovka is our guest today….

Vovka enters


Hello! Yes, they offered me to fulfill all my desires. Ha, and you think they did it? I had to do everything myself, chopping wood and kneading dough. And they ate all the pastries, ice cream and cake themselves.


Vova, I can also fulfill any of your wishes.


Anything! Are you kidding? ( thinks, scratches his head) I want to get into the Book State!


Fine. Please close your eyes.

(Magical music sounds)

Vovka: (looks around)

Where did you take me?


This is Book State!


Book State! Great! And make me the best reader of this state!


I can't do this! You have to deal with this yourself! But I want to warn you in advance! What challenges await you ahead!


Well, again, everything on my own, everything on my own. Okay, I can handle it.

He looks around thoughtfully and sees a book exhibition, approaches and examines it.

What kind of miracle is this? What else do I need to read them all? Although no, I remembered, I know magic words, they will help me:

Open the wise book

Magic pages for me

I ask you to come with me

Takes the first book, opens the first page, reads syllable by syllable:

"Opening of Children's Book Week"


Tell me, please, who are we missing at the holiday?


Now I’ll think, I’ll think. ...Well, of course! Since it’s your book’s birthday, that means the books should have a Book Queen. Yes?


Well done! Of course we need a Queen.

Solemn music sounds. Vovka hides in fear.

The Queen issues a book with a decree.


Hello friends! I will open the Miracle Book with you today! What holiday is today? And what are the messengers trumpeting about? Maybe there are just so many guys in the hall in honor of the holidays? Who, guys, will answer whether it’s a holiday today or not!

Children: Holiday! Holiday!


Right! Today we celebrate the opening of Children's Book Week. And what is a holiday without guests! I am pleased to introduce you to the Deputy Director for Work with Children Lyudmila Vasilievna Chernysheva......


Guys, we thank Lyudmila Vasilyevna for her warm, kind congratulations and wishes.

Fanfare sounds

The Queen unfolds the decree and reads it out.

Royal decree:

1. I declare Children’s Book Week open.

3. Reward the best readers and give them the title “Best Reader of 2014.”

Hurry up, read and find out! "Queen Book".


(approaches the Queen's book) That's why I need you. I also want to be the best reader, to receive an award, so that everyone knows and respects me.

Queen Book:

It’s not that easy, the guys worked towards this for a whole year, read interesting books, learned new things, and took part in events.


Should I never become the Best Reader or wait a whole year?

(turns around and sadly wants to leave)

Queen Book:

We can’t make you a better reader, but we can take you on a journey through the pages of books. And your task will be the following: to find the Golden RAY.


Golden RAY! I’ve never heard of this, do you guys know what it is?……..

Queen Book:

You have a difficult task, you will have to learn a lot, overcome many difficulties, cope with tasks, and the books from this wonderful book exhibition will help you with this. Okay?..


Well, let me try.


Well, Volodya, then let's go.

(The Queen sits down in the hall)


(approaches the exhibition and takes a book and reads)"The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio." Golden RAY, golden key, maybe they are the same thing? Let's check it out!

The song Bu-ra-ti-no sounds.
Comes out to the music of Pinocchio and sings it while dancing


Who are you, why are you making noise?


I'm a doll puppet theater“Lightning” is the hero of Alexei Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, and I’m having fun because today is my book’s birthday


How great! I didn’t even know that books have birthdays too. What a pity that I didn't read it. Have you guys read this book?……..

. Pinocchio:

Do you like it main character this fairy tale…………….


When I return home, I will definitely read this book. Yes, I forgot to ask.

Pinocchio, do you know what the Golden RAY is and where it can be found?


Never heard of this.


It's a pity. How can I cope with the task if even you don’t know about RAY.


Vovka, maybe we will find him on the pages of this magical book exhibition. Can I come with you too, I love traveling so much.


(joyfully): Let's go, it'll be more fun together!

Suitable for book exhibition


Oh, look, Vovka, how many portraits are here


These are our Samara writers, friends. And their works are presented here.

Vovka: (He takes the book.) Damn, I haven't read this book either.

Leading: Yes, Vovka, you missed a lot... Please listen to an excerpt of a poem from the book you are holding in your hands.

Dawns burn in the morning in the Bor region,

They lie on pine trees, grass, on water....

Their beauty can only compete with the sea -

You won't see these anywhere!


Wait, wait, whose poems are these? Who wrote them?


Svetlana Nikolaevna Alexandrova


And who is this?


This is a Bor poet.
And today she is our guest. We greet Svetlana Nikolaevna with thunderous applause………

(Alexandrova's performance)


Svetlana Nikolaevna, thank you for the wonderful poems. And we hope that we will meet with you as often as possible.

(The poet leaves)


Well, they didn’t find Ray on this page either.


Don’t worry, Vovka, we still have a lot of books. Let's open the next one. What if we can’t find the GOLDEN RAY in it?


approaches a book exhibition leafs through takes a book reads slowly out loudLU the best CHI tatel TO nig.


Who is this about, I wonder if it’s about us.
Vovka, look, look, here he is LU-CHI-K - the first letters of these words!


Hooray! Found!

Queen Book:

Well done, Vovka, you completed the task, you understood the most important thing

Book one, book true,

The book is the best friend of the guys,

We can't live without a book,

All the guys will confirm.

RAY are our best book readers. And now the solemn moment of their awarding has come.

Vovka and Buratino sit down in the hall.

The presenter reads out the characteristics of the children,

The Queen presents certificates…………….


Guys! And now you will be presented with a fragment of a production about the life of Olga Aksakova performed by the children's creative studio “The Scarlet Flower” of the Bor Local History Museum……….

And now a pleasant moment has come; together with the Queen Book, we invite everyone to try the birthday cake.

The librarian comes in: “Irina Viktorovna, a telegram for you”

Leading: (reads)

She's kind of strange, unkind, and not signed. Listen:

May the holiday only bring you nasty things.

Get only “two”, very rarely “three”.

Break windows and shop windows, don't go to stores,

Have more fights

The old woman sends greetings to you... (Shapoklyak)

Old woman Shapoklyak appears and sings a song .


Hello my dear friends,

The guys are wonderful,

Cheerful and funny

Nice boys and girls!


What's the matter, who invited you to the party?


And I came myself . Hello, bug guys! Didn't wait for me, handsome guys . You, of course, found out: I am an old hat, and with me is my little rat named Lariska.

Minister of Education

Sent me on a mission

Trust here, sniff there

And everyone will give you two marks...

Well, why were you scared right away? In honor of today's holiday, I decided to become the kindest grandmother in the whole world and do only nasty things to everyone... oh, gifts.

Queen book:

I see


Oh, I won't do that again.

And I am a delicate nature: I love music, flowers,

And my face and figure are fit for a beauty contest.

I love dancing:

Tango, twist, lambada, waltz,

If you want, guys, even

I can sing for you.

Sings to the tune of the song “I’m Standing at a Stop”

I live in a fairy tale

I'm doing okay

And I invite all the guys into the book.

I'll take your watch

Which means it’s over for the holiday,

You will never have books (2 times)

How I like those guys who draw faces in books, fight and hit each other on the head with books. Come on, raise your hands, who does this, who tears off the pages of books and doesn’t take care of them? I will reward these guys right now.


No, Shapoklyak! We don't have such guys. Our readers are good and diligent. So you have nothing to do at our holiday, go to your book.


Okay, okay! They were really offended. I am very glad that the guys read the books and take them. For this I prepared for them literary game, which Crocodile Gena suggested to me. Who knows the answers, raise your hands.

Competition "Fairytale Poetry"

1. Strong, proud, noble,

Through the blizzard and frost

In cold Lapland

He carried Gerda on himself ( deer)

2. It’s not a bird sitting on the branches,

And a beautiful maiden sits.

Above the river in the thicket:

He will bewitch, he will call

And it will drag you to the bottom ( little mermaid)

3. He bravely endured troubles,

No one saw his tears ( tin soldier)

4. As a child, everyone laughed at him,

They tried to push him away:

After all, no one knew that he

Born of a white swan ( ugly duckling)

5. Almost became the mole’s wife

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds ( Thumbelina)

6. A winged bird is flying

Without eyes, without wings,

She whistles herself, she beats herself. ( Arrow)

What fairy tale is she from?(Russian folk tale"The Frog Princess")

7. What is the name of Baba Yaga’s sister, the mistress of the swamps? ( kikimora)

8. How many people pulled the turnip? (3)

9.What was the name of the first aircraft ( Mortar)

10. In what fairy tale are there two walking buckets? ( At the pike's command)

11. On which saucer does the pouring apple roll? (To Silver)

    Apples that give youth ( rejuvenating)

13. Weapons used by fabulous heroes (sword)

14. Deniska’s surname from Dragunsky’s story ( Korablev)

15. A fairy-tale creature, an inhabitant of the forest, the so-called spirit of the forest ( Goblin)

16. Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way ( Frog)

17. Call Sivka-Burka (Sivka-Burka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)

Well done. Do you want to play some more? Then stand in a circle. This game is called “Prize from the Chest”. The chest is passed around in a circle while the music is playing, then the music can stop at any moment, and the one who has the chest in his hands pulls these ribbons. And there will be a surprise tied there or the ribbon will be empty. Who's lucky? Shall we play? Let's start!

Well, guys, are you warmed up? Then let's play a game called "Flowers". We all stay in a circle. When I say, “Touch yellow, one, two, three,” you must grab the item of that color of the other participants as quickly as possible. Whoever is last is out of the game. It's clear………….

(Then Shapoklyak repeats the command again, but in a new color)


Well, Shapoklyak, we can continue the celebration


Carry on, Your Royal Majesty!


Please bring the cake into our hall. Guys, I invite you to a tea party……….


On this, friends,

Our benefit is ending.

Time flies, it cannot be returned,

And in the end we will tell everyone:

We don't say goodbye

Goodbye! See you!

Have a nice journey!

“Song about the Library” sounds.

Congratulations to the librarian in verse

Lots of different shelves
There is a special smell of books here!
There is always silence
Only pages sometimes
The voices will rustle,
It's not loud here!
It's comfortable and convenient here,
It's calm and easy here,
It feels so good!
The librarian meets here,
Amazingly sweet
Good for visitors!
And he will help everyone with advice,
And well-read, smart!
Congratulations, librarian,
After all, you are the only one!
We wish you a lot of light,
Happiness, joy, warmth!

Comic congratulations to the librarian

Your ideal is literature,
And the house looks like a museum,
Do you prefer nature?
The impulse and syllable of the soul are stronger.
Maybe it was just necessary
Go to the dentist
Or study to become a lawyer,
To find recognition.
But God knows - you are where you need to be,
And let your friends be jealous
After all, hundreds of books are a reward for you.
So be happy always!

Short congratulations to the librarian

We sincerely congratulate you on this amazing event! Please accept our sincere wishes for goodness and immense happiness, mutual understanding and success in all your endeavors! Let words fill your soul with grace, and let your work bring true pleasure!

Official congratulations to the librarian in prose

Familiar to many from childhood amazing world, into which library visitors are immersed. People of the older generation know this especially well, because once upon a time, in order to read a treasured book or take home a collection of fairy tales, you had to stand in line. I wanted to make friends with the librarian; it seemed that then he would give out the treasured book faster. And then, you will open the long-awaited pages and immerse yourself in the world created by the author.
Many came to the quiet reading rooms, filled with the unique smell of paper, printing ink, and something else elusive, to write notes, study, or just read in silence. And here the librarian came to the rescue, who always quickly and accurately found the necessary literature.
Today, despite the age of the Internet, libraries still remain attractive to thousands of readers who come here with pleasure to learn something new, communicate, and exchange information.
We congratulate our librarian on a wonderful holiday!
Let the world that you create for us give you many interesting sensations! We wish you prosperity and prosperity, good health, good luck and many new works that you will be happy to offer to us, your readers!

Congratulations to the librarian

The age of technology has arrived
And many are accustomed to the Internet!
And I’m still in a hurry with pleasure,
To your favorite, dear library!
It’s like I’ve known her employees for a long time,
I love and respect librarians!
They will be able to find an article for me,
They give me advice on how to choose a book!
And if I want to know more about the news,
Please, here are the newspapers for you!
They will support the conversation, giving you a smile,
Everything will be written down in the subscription!
And, really, I’m happy today, friends
Put in a good word for the librarian!
I wish you great love,
More readers in the halls!
And always be happy
Comfort and home warmth!

A friendly toast to a librarian on his birthday

Before I toast you personally, I would like to note that the cultural sphere and the people working in it rarely enjoy public attention. Even less often do they become the object of study, but it is the level of cultural development that speaks most clearly about the level of development of the country.
The well-known stereotype that a librarian is a “gray mouse,” quiet, inconspicuous, is completely false: a huge number interesting people work in libraries. A striking example is you. A very important person is the librarian: an example of culture, and to some extent a teacher too. She should have such an expression on her face that you would want to approach her. Patience, goodwill, tact, the ability to smooth out situations, sociability, and sociability are necessary for a librarian in his work. Being able to connect with the reader is the most important thing. And, as for the children's library, the librarian must have a very strong tolerance for different children, be able to talk with them, and hold the audience
You, our dear birthday girl, have no problems communicating with readers, when they often themselves do not know what exactly they need, and expect the librarian to guess what they need. Often people come to the library not only to just borrow a book, but also to communicate, and you need to find an approach to them. Because you are very friendly... very erudite... very tolerant, tolerant.
You also have difficulties: lack of time when you need to find a book for a person, and it happens that you can’t find it right away, because you can’t re-read everything. We wish you that people will more often admire the fact that you are a librarian! Today, mostly all are economists, accountants, entrepreneurs and lawyers. And you are a librarian! Is it possible to meet a librarian every day? We wish you love, admiration and reader gratitude, our glorious librarian!

Congratulations to the librarian with a quote in prose

“The greatest treasure is the library,” wrote V. Belinsky. “The whole life of mankind was consistently deposited in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the books remained.” Since May 27, 1995, Library Day has rightfully been a professional holiday for librarians - Librarian's Day. Invaluable contribution Russian libraries in the development of domestic education, science and culture and their high role in the life of society. The role of books in the socio-political, historical and cultural life of every nation is invaluable. We sincerely congratulate all library workers on their professional holiday. We wish that the flow of inquisitive readers does not dry up in the halls of libraries, that your work helps communication and mutual understanding between peoples of all nationalities.

Congratulations in prose to the librarian

On this amazing day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We want to wish only the most sincere, warmest and kindest events in life! Let the book of your earthly journey be voluminous and excitingly interesting, and let there be no place for negative characters in it!

Congratulations in prose to the librarian

On this amazing day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We want to wish only the most sincere, warmest and kindest events in life! Let the book of your earthly journey be voluminous and excitingly interesting, and let there be no place for negative characters in it!

Congratulations in verse to a librarian

Select a book, poem, article
Sometimes I, well, just can’t.
And then I go with a question
Only to him, only to him, only to him...
Choose an author or poet,
To find answers to questions,
He will help, he knows them all,
Best of all, best of all, best of all...
When I meet him I will wish him:
There is a lot of happiness, it heals the soul,
He is worthy of success and love:
Live like this, live like this, live like this! - Magazine of modern youth