Cemetery at night with ghosts. Mystical visions in the cemetery. Scary photo of a ghost on the railway

In this publication we have collected 50 photos of ghosts and spirits, which we managed to photograph in different time, different people Worldwide. Are these photos real or are they just a product of photo editing and a good knowledge of Photoshop? There is no consensus on this question, but the pictures are really interesting.

1). The girl on the right was crying, assuring those around her that she was afraid of another child, whom no one but her saw:

2). The so-called Pink Lady in one site from the Greencastle estates in Indiana, USA:

3). During her lifetime, the strictly dressed lady was the mother of the owner of the house and the mother-in-law of the mistress. She was accidentally photographed while removing new blinds:

4). The tulip-style staircase was captured by a priest in National Museum in England. This is what appeared on it later:

5). Perhaps the most famous photograph of a ghost is the so-called Brown Lady standing on the stairs of the Rainhamhall estate in England:

6). Relatives of the deceased say goodbye to him, standing at the coffin. But who looms in the foreground?

7). A shot of the office corridor. In all likelihood, someone ghostly continues his work, despite the late hour:

8) . The mother took a photo of her daughter's gravestone with another child sitting next to it. As it turned out later, buried nearby:


9). An elderly woman can be seen in this photograph from the cemetery:

10) . In a photo from a military party, the ghost of a soldier appears in the background, already killed by the time of the holiday:

11) . A widower captured on film during a séance for his dead wife:

12). The owner of the camera is filming her daughter, and behind her is the phantom of a woman in a black cloak without legs:

13). Ghost of a Soldier in the Alexandria Museum:

14). A raging poltergeist during a seance in London (1940):

15). An elegant Queen Anne style bureau photographed at the request of a furniture dealer for a catalogue. Someone's thin brush touches the surface of the bureau:

16). The camera captures literally the last seconds of a dying person's life. A white substance separates from his face along with his exhalation:

17). The young man had trouble falling asleep, chest heaviness and anxiety. On the website of the photograph that has been developed, the reason is clearly visible - a ghost sitting right on it:

18). A tourist who captured a stream of water in the forest was surprised to find in the photo something similar to a red ghost. The weather was cloudy, with absolutely no rays of sun:

19) . A ghost next to a woman photographed at home and standing near the TV:

20). The favorite chair of Lord Combermere, crushed by his crew, turns out to be occupied even after his death. By himself:

21). Mom and son, posing, had no idea that someone else was living in their house. You can see a face on the left and something on the right that resembles a dog:

22). The husband took a photo of his wife praying in English Church Worsted Church. The film showed a lady in a cap and an old outfit:

23). What is it: a guardian angel or the soul of a car passenger involved in a terrible accident?

24). It would seem like an ordinary photograph of a work website of a place in an apartment. Against the background of the switched off monitor, you can see a man's head. The woman who photographed the workplace claims that it is the head of her deceased husband. But he looks much younger than at the time of his death:

25) . The old guide led tours in a place famous for its geysers and boiling mud. The guide can be seen after his death in this photo:

26). New owner hired two workers at home to work on the roof. The entire time they were working, they were completely alone in the building. The previous owner of the house, an elderly woman, died 3 months earlier:

27). In this photo, a ghost boy (near a chair) is playing hide and seek with a living child:

28). Phantom in an English pub:

29). The young man posed with a dog, but after development he discovered the presence of an unfamiliar woman in the frame:

30). The most famous photo of a ghost in a car, taken by the wife of the man sitting behind the wheel. They both recognized the ghost in the back seat as her previously deceased mother:

31). Ghost captured by the road:

32). Lights over Washington one night (1952):

33). A very real, but no less terrible fire tornado in Hungary:

34) . Ghosts, invisible in the studio during the recording of the program, but displayed on the TV:

35). This photo was taken from a nurse's monitor. A black figure appeared standing on top of a patient lying on a hospital bed. He died shortly after the figure appeared:

36). In the center, outside the window, a white face can be seen looking into the room. There is no balcony in the room, and even if there was one, the face is larger than the face of a real person:

37). During the restoration of the Canadian hotel, workers took photos to document the changes. Obviously, not all the guests left the site at that time:

38). An abandoned sanatorium in Kentucky is famous for its ghosts - former patients:

39). One of the most scandalous photographs of ghosts, taken in 1963 in an English church. The photo caused a storm of controversy because... many suspected personnel overlap during its creation. Some experts who have studied the photograph claim that this is exactly one single, authentic photograph:

40). This photo was taken at the old crypt. Interestingly, this is not a reflection in the window, because... There is no glass in it for a long time:

41). The real deer stares straight at the ghostly child. We would only see a deer, the camera captures both:

42). Two girls pose with a smile, checking how the phone camera takes pictures. As it turned out, they posed not together, but three:

43). The young man clearly does not see who is walking ahead, otherwise he might get scared:

44). A dog on an evening walk clearly sees who has approached it, and is probably surprised at its owner’s blindness:

45). Is this figure real, walking intently across the bridge in the heart of the Old Town?

46). The clot of ectoplasm has the outline of a figure, most likely a resident of the medieval city where the photo was taken:

47). The ghost is clearly a woman stopping in front of the altar - the ghost can be seen wearing shoes:

48). People are talking to each other behind a white car. But who is the dark one standing in front of her?

49). Happy newlyweds are photographed with their retinue against the backdrop of the church. Someone's ghostly face is visible in the mug under the numbers 666:

50). A very interesting and controversial shot of an indoor swimming pool. The white figure resembles someone crawling out of it, and orbs are visible above it:

Do you think the site of ghosts and spirits can really be photographed? Please write your opinion in the comments below.

There is a joke about how two men meet in a cemetery. One runs headlong, his hair stands on end, his veins are shaking, and the other asks him: “Why are you running?” He replies that he is afraid of the dead. “When I was alive, I was also afraid,” the stranger admits. An anecdote is an anecdote, but there are a lot of fascinating and frightening stories about the appearance of ghosts in cemeteries...

Phantom cons

For example, in the Scottish capital Edinburgh there is an ancient Greyfriars Church, and nearby there is an equally ancient cemetery, where many historical films were filmed - a place quite popular among tourists. It is they who say that during excursions around the cemetery they sometimes hear dissatisfied voices and see ghostly figures. And some even claim that some unknown force pushes them and strikes them...

The fact is that in the 17th century there was a prison on the territory of the cemetery. In 1679, under King Charles II, here
placed political criminals, many of whom were sentenced to death and then buried in the same cemetery. Lord Mackenzie, who handed down death sentences to prisoners, was also buried here.

At Weserfield Cemetery in the American state of Connecticut, the ghosts of people buried there have been seen wandering among the graves more than once at night. Sometimes they were observed during the day. One photographer specifically hunted for ghosts in a cemetery, and in the end he managed to photograph a phantom near the grave where a man who had died from a snake bite was buried. True, the photographs were later suspected of being fake...

Dry River

There are also ghosts near the old cemetery in the village of Sukhaya Reka near Kazan. Here is the story of Nina Savelyeva: “The second shift at the plant ends late. I asked a colleague to take me to the Sukhaya River, since my husband and daughter were waiting at the dacha. I got out of the car at the bus stop, and suddenly I saw: a woman in a long white robe was standing about five meters ahead. I thought that I would quickly pass by and quickened my pace, but the distance between me and the woman did not decrease. Everything was somehow unreal. The ghost followed me until the turn, and after it I literally ran into my husband, who came out to meet me. For a long time I could not utter a word, I just pointed with my hand in the direction of the “white woman,” but the vision had already disappeared.”

The “white woman” was also seen by other summer residents living near the cemetery. They said that usually the ghost first knocks on the window, then slowly floats past the house to the gate and gradually disappears. And one of the summer residents was once hit with a stick by an unfamiliar old man in rags, who then seemed to disappear into thin air.

Another old Kazan cemetery is located within the city limits, in the area of ​​Saban Street. Residents of nearby houses often see some unusual animals and luminous balls there, not to mention ghosts... Near the village of Neyalovo, which is located in the Pestrechinsky district of Tatarstan, there is an abandoned cemetery. One of the local residents, Alexey, a driver by profession, claims that he once met his late sister there. Another time, when Alexey was transporting sacks of wheat, his car suddenly skidded near the cemetery, and he had to spend the night there. Suddenly - either in a dream or in reality - the man heard his sister’s voice: “Lesh, give me some wheat!” “Take it!” – the driver answered. And sure enough, the next morning I was indeed missing one bag. And why does a ghost need wheat?

Clouds over graves

There are three graveyards in Tyumen where ghosts are observed. In photographs taken at the Tekutyevsky cemetery near the graves, some strange white ovals sometimes appear. One day, a photograph of a goth girl showed a black translucent cloud hanging above her head. Local Goth kids are convinced that these are the souls of the dead. The same Goths say that at the Chervishevsky cemetery at dusk you can see a white translucent haze, shaped like human figures. As soon as you get close to the ghosts, they disappear. Some, however, were photographed.

The Academy of Culture and Arts is located on Republic Street, 4. At night you can hear someone's footsteps and even the sounds of music. Nearby are the so-called Lovers' Bridge and an ancient cemetery of the 17th-18th centuries. Academy students claim to have seen ghosts near the bridge several times. Most likely, it's all about the cemetery. During road work, graves were dug up more than once, and part of the graveyard was completely destroyed when a residential area was built. The deceased are dissatisfied and are now toiling...

Mystery balls

On May 9, 1978, psychic Vyacheslav P., while on a business trip in Volgograd, visited Mamayev Kurgan, where the mass graves of soldiers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad are located. Many people gathered on the mound that day. Funeral music sounded, wreaths were laid... Suddenly, Vyacheslav saw orange balls flying out of one of the graves. Rising upward, they hovered above the crowd, lining up in a garland. Looking around, P. discovered that exactly the same balls were hovering over other graves. Apart from the psychic, apparently no one noticed them.

But what happened to photographer from Nizhny Novgorod Konstantin Pokrovsky. It all started many years ago. Once Konstantin was invited to photograph at someone’s wedding. There were no digital cameras at that time; they filmed with ordinary film cameras. When Kostya began to develop the films, he discovered that they were damaged - some round white spots were floating throughout the space of the frames. Just in case, he still printed the photographs and began to examine the “marriage” with a magnifying glass. It turned out that the mysterious spots, when magnified, look like balls floating in the air. I had to find the customers to apologize to them for the damaged pictures and return the money. Kostya learned that the newlyweds were spending their honeymoon in a remote village in the north of the region. He headed there in his Niva. He was met at the gate by a young woman in a black mourning dress with tear-stained eyes. The photographer had difficulty recognizing her as her ex-fiancee. The woman recognized Konstantin.

– We don’t need any photographs now! - she said.

It turned out that her young husband was killed by some unknown people. Kostya remembered that the groom’s father was a crime boss. Perhaps the son became a victim of some kind of mafia showdown. Most likely, it was not by chance that the young people drove off into the wilderness - they were hiding from someone.
The next time the ball visited Kostya was in July 2007 at the dacha. The photographer and his wife were drinking tea on the veranda. The ball appeared
first on the roof, then dropped onto the table and began to rotate smoothly, while emitting a quiet rustling sound. Kostya suddenly lost his sense of time. He didn't know how much had passed: an hour or just a few minutes. I asked my wife if she saw anything on the table. The woman replied that there was nothing there except cups. For her, the “visitor” remained invisible. Finally, the ball flew up. He made such movements as if he was calling for him.

Kostya, as if under hypnosis, left the house, started the car and drove after the “alien”. It took three hours to get the ball. Finally, a cemetery appeared near the village of Pochinki. Konstantin got out of the car and went to get the ball. He stopped near one of the graves. She looked abandoned wooden cross glanced sideways. With difficulty Kostya managed to read the half-erased inscription on it: “Pokrovsky G.Ya. 1874-1918". When he woke up, the ball had disappeared somewhere.

For several months the photographer rummaged through the archives and got to the bottom of the truth: his great-great-grandfather was buried in the grave! Grigory Yakovlevich Pokrovsky, a village priest, was shot by security officers during the revolution. The surviving family members left for the city and tried to cover their tracks, fearing accusations of connections with a “counter-revolutionary element.” Konstantin corrected the grave, erected a good monument, and made an inscription stating that his great-great-grandfather was tortured in the dungeons of the Cheka. It turns out that it was the ball that brought him to the grave of his ancestor!
Why do ghosts still appear near graves? Parapsychologists believe that the soul - the energy-informational essence of a person - due to some circumstances, for example, violent death or improper burial conditions, can be tied to the place where he is buried. And she can live there for a very long time...


This is not my story, they told it to me!!!
so there you go!!!
One day, the boys and I went to the cemetery to get scared! At the age of 12 we were very interested in this! It was eleven o'clock in the evening. We approached the cemetery fence. Behind the fence there were crosses and monuments surrounded by fences.
We stood at the fence and were already excited.
One of the friends stared into the depths of the cemetery and did not move. I asked him what you see. He didn't answer. We thought he was joking. A second later he ran sharply away from the cemetery, like a scared cat.
We were a little tensed by his quick departure, but we did not abandon our goal.
Having jumped over the fence, we gradually moved past the fences deeper into the cemetery.
Suddenly I noticed some movement ahead and stopped. Did you see whatever, I asked my friend. He was walking behind me, but when I turned around, no one was there. I was alone.
I was very scared that I was left alone. The boys were just playing a joke on me and wanted to scare me, I thought.
But still, I was very scared and turned back.
I walked back and hoped to see the end of the cemetery, the fence, but it did not appear.
There were some sounds behind me, but I was afraid to turn around and no longer walked, but ran.
I was terribly scared. I clearly heard that there was someone behind me. But suddenly I thought that these could be friends who only wanted this, so that I would be scared. I stopped and turned around.
In front of me, half a meter away from me, stood a ghost. He was wearing a jacket and his face was white. His eyes were closed and his eyelids were sewn on with thread.
I fell to the ground from the unexpected sight. I couldn't get enough air. Out of fear, I felt that my legs were not obeying me. The ghost approached me. I was shaking with horror. At some point I felt strength in my legs and was able to jump and run.
I ran without looking back, hoping to see the end of the cemetery as soon as possible.
The cemetery did not end. I ran for a long time and my strength began to leave me.
Feeling very tired and short of breath, I continued to run and didn’t look back.
The fear was stronger than the fatigue. Tears flowed from my eyes.
I ran and saw ghosts. There were ghosts everywhere. They surrounded me. No matter which direction I ran, they were everywhere.
I screamed in horror and realized that I wouldn’t be able to run for long.
I tripped over something and fell to the ground.
Covering my head with my hands, I listened. There was no strength to run, and there was no strength to scream either.
I heard the ghosts getting closer.
Sounds of footsteps, voices, rustling. It all drove me crazy.
I lay face down on the ground with my eyes closed and my hands covering my head.
What should I do - I repeated to myself. Suddenly I felt someone touching my feet.
It looked like it was handy. I turned abruptly onto my back.
There were ghosts around me. They were different. Some are scary and don’t look like people, others look like people
One of the ghosts grabbed me by the legs and dragged me along the ground.
I tried to jerk my legs, but my legs did not obey me.
I screamed - please let me go. But the ghosts did not react to my words.
After a while, the ghost pulling my legs stopped and disappeared. All the ghosts surrounding me disappeared.
I looked around and saw how the sun was starting to rise and gradually there was more and more light.
Tears flowed from the feeling of happiness and joy that everything was over. I felt so light that it was the most pleasant feeling.
I walked away from where the sun was coming out and a minute later I was already at the fence.
The first thing I did was visit my friends.
They told me that we did not enter the cemetery. When we hit the fence, we decided not to go there. When we were returning back, you suddenly disappeared somewhere.
There is a lot left unanswered for me. But the only thing I know for sure is that what I saw was real. Not delirium, not a dream, not a glitch. I have seen ghosts and remember their touch.

Cemeteries, which already evoke thoughts of various mystical events, have enjoyed a bad reputation since ancient times. Chilling legends and traditions are associated with them. It is not for nothing that every nation has its own burial canons, which have been strictly observed for several centuries. All this is done so that the souls of dead people find peace and do not disturb the living. It is no coincidence that ghosts appear in the cemetery much more often than in other places, and many are sure that this is due to special energy.

Versions of the appearance of ghosts

Researchers investigating the causes of phantoms believe that this is associated with death, which is accompanied by physical and emotional pain. A dying person wants only one thing - the end of torment, and his soul leaves the body before death itself and remains in the world of the living.

Many believe that the restless souls that wander and frighten the living are a consequence of burying people not according to established canons. Ethereal visions can even point to the place of their death, and then the found remains are interred throughout church rules, and grateful souls go to another world and no longer bother people.

There is another version according to which entities appear due to the fact that the dead have unfinished business.

Ghosts and Ghosts: What's the Difference?

By the way, many people often confuse the terms “ghost” and “ghost”. Experts say that ghosts are phantoms of the dead, strongly attached to a specific place. And ghosts, which are human souls that have appeared in the world of the living, can appear in different parts, so not every ghost can be called a ghost, but any ghost is a ghost. In our article we are talking about entities that are found in a certain place (cemetery), so the meaning of the concepts in this case is the same. However, this does not mean that the phantoms of the dead necessarily look like people.

All researchers are convinced that souls remain in our world if something strongly holds them here. It could be love, resentment, hatred, revenge or duty.

Phantom of Vysotsky?

In 2015, all newspapers were full of shocking headlines that fans of V. Vysotsky, who came to honor the memory of their favorite artist, saw his ghost at the grave. A certain cloud separated from the tombstone, which later hovered over the brought flowers. The incredible phenomenon was captured on phone cameras, and upon closer examination one can see the figure of a man, but experts are not sure that it was Vysotsky who appeared before admirers of his talent.

Apparitions at a Chicago cemetery

Of course, every eternal resting place has its own horror stories, which are passed on from generation to generation. Let's look at several famous mystical places where real ghosts have appeared.

Resurrection Cemetery (Chicago) gained worldwide fame after a girl, who had quarreled with her boyfriend and ran away from a party in a light outfit and ballroom shoes, was hit by a truck at night. At the end of the 20s of the last century, the beauty was buried in the Resurrection Cemetery, and since then winter evenings a disembodied image of blond Mary appears, voting on the road next to the necropolis. Drivers say that a lady in a light dress suddenly appears under the wheels of cars and even walks through a pile of metal.

Ghosts at Garden of Hope Cemetery

In the small town of Gautier (Mississippi), there is a tiny necropolis called Gardens of Hope, where a family of seven is buried. The brutal murder of his wife and five children was committed by the head of the family, who suddenly lost his job. A man who screamed that he was forced to commit a terrible crime was hit by a car, and he rests in the same grave with those from whom he took the lives. Since then, children's voices have been heard at the Garden of Hope Cemetery, and in the evenings those who come to visit their relatives see ghosts dressed in old clothes appearing. The phantom of a gravedigger, who was hit by a car many years ago, also lives in the cemetery. As eyewitnesses say, he greets all visitors with a smile.

Mysterious churchyard

In the American city of Decatur, at Greenwood Cemetery, things happen that defy reasonable explanation. Experts assure that the whole point is in the land on which an ancient burial ground was located many centuries ago. The Indians who lived here knew that burials should be arranged in places associated with the other world, since this helps the souls of the dead to get to another world.

And when the first colonists appeared, they disturbed the ancient churchyard, where they so often meet real ghosts. In a cemetery recognized as a zone, voices and mysterious whispers are heard, funeral processions unexpectedly appear and disappear, the dead crawl out of their graves at night, and then those who are late are in trouble.

The most mystical cemetery

Perhaps the most mystical necropolis in the world is Bachelors Grove Cemetery in Chicago, where various entities live. The abandoned cemetery is loved by paranormal investigators, who record everything that happens here on camera. So, in 1991 it appeared unique photo, which shows a translucent figure of a woman sitting on a tombstone. Many people watch mysterious ghosts wandering among the graves, disappearing into the air. Not only people appear at the cemetery at night, but also cars rushing at great speed, dissolving before the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Ghosts in Toowoomba

IN Lately The small Australian town of Toowoomba is haunted by ghost hunters trying to capture the paranormal activity on film. They come to a local churchyard, where unexplained supernatural phenomena have been observed over the past few years. Photos of ghosts in a cemetery literally blew up the Internet in 2015. Mysterious entities walk among the graves not only at night, but also during the day, getting into the frame. For example, a female figure in a red outfit, surrounded by a clot of air, amazed visitors by quickly moving around the territory.

Another frightening photo of a phantom with a white face and flowing hair was taken during daylight hours. As the author said, the woman gliding through the air did not pay any attention to him until he photographed her. When the figure turned sharply towards the sound, the tourist was seized with real horror, but the sunlight helped him overcome his fear. As especially impressionable people admit, they even feel the touch of strange entities.

There are hundreds of similar stories when ghosts suddenly appear in a cemetery, but official science does not comment on such facts. She does not explain the phenomenon of mystical forces, but she cannot dismiss it either.

Reading time: 1 minute

More than 30 years have passed since that story. And I periodically wonder if it was a dream? Did I really see ghosts in the cemetery?... But, looking at the scars and the gray strand of hair, the answer comes by itself - everything happened in reality.

My native place has long been considered “bad”. Still would! Count Dracula himself lived on these lands. True, not next door to me, but a little further. But I think the main vampire of humanity would like our village. Since childhood, I have become accustomed to inexplicable rustles, sounds, and visions. All the villagers shared incredible stories almost every day: some saw a ghost in the window, some had their chickens killed by some creature. Locals explained this by the proximity to the cemetery. It was a fifteen-minute walk from our house to the churchyard. And we boys really loved to walk there, despite the prohibitions of adults.

Ancient cemetery

It was divided into two parts by a large road. The first is “new”; burials from our village and the neighboring village were still ongoing there. We also called it a city - there were fairs, a church and even a small factory. The cemetery was a kind of border between our settlements, and that road just connected us. And the second half of the churchyard is ancient. Many of the graves there were masterpieces of architecture: sculptures of angels, intricate crosses, crypts and monuments that fascinated us little ones. We really enjoyed playing hide and seek in the old part of the cemetery. Yes, we had strange hobbies. But where else can children play in a small, godforsaken village?

But let's return to the inexplicable. As I already said, the locals were constantly discussing some kind of mysticism. But, strangely enough, no one was afraid. Everyone was so used to living next to the undead that they no longer paid attention to it. Unless the newcomers disrupted the usual way of life. One day the boys and I were sitting near Aunt Rodika’s house. And her nephew came to stay with her - a huge man. Suddenly this kid flies out of the bathhouse naked, crossing himself and swearing. We just burst out laughing! The man could not explain what happened there in the bathhouse. He then got very drunk and left that same evening. Aunt Rodika was indignant for a long time: “I’ve been waiting for my nephew to visit for ten years, we didn’t even have time to talk! Damn the devil!”...

After school I decided to stay in my native village. There was nothing to do. One day my mother sent me to a fair in the village - the one at the other end of the cemetery. The closer I got to the village, the less I recognized everything. Halfway along the way, a watchman's booth appeared in front of me. And the fence was erected, however, only to the middle of the churchyard. I decided to ask the security guard what these innovations were. I knocked on the gatehouse. A grandfather with a gray beard and a persistent smell of fumes appeared from the window. Introduced himself as Vaganich. From him I learned that our cemetery is now considered almost a World Heritage Site. That tourists will soon be brought here. But this is not the only thing the place is famous for. Satanists have taken root here. So the local administration decided to fence off the entire cemetery.

So the watchman and I chatted until he suggested: “Listen, maybe you’ll be my partner? I’m old already, and let’s be honest, I like to drink. And you are young, and the work is not dusty. A?" I agreed without hesitation. At least I'll get busy. Yes, I know this cemetery like the back of my hand. I’m not a timid guy, and I grew up among all kinds of evil spirits. That’s what Vaganych and I decided on. He said to come back in a couple of days for the first shift...

The year flew by unnoticed. My duties included making rounds every three hours. Our weapons included shot loaded with salt and a flashlight. I chased homeless people, and even scared Satanists several times with shots. He scolded girls and old women. But I didn’t meet any ghosts or dead people, unlike Vaganych. He will tell me a story about ghosts in the cemetery. I just laughed: Is it possible for a guy to get drunk?

That night turned out to be unusually moonlit and bright. Suddenly I heard either singing or wailing. Well, I think the damned atheists are performing their rituals again! I went outside. No one. He took the gun off the wall and went around. Empty. But you can hear lamentation from somewhere! Suddenly I saw four figures standing near the old crypt. Tall, skinny, I didn’t immediately understand whether they were women or men. They were holding hands, dressed in black, with hoods on their heads. And they look somewhere up. And they wail on one note. Damn Satanists! Now I’ll give you some salt! And he called out to them. And then the figures turn around. I saw that these were not even people. They didn't have a face, but some kind of semblance. Empty eye sockets, instead of a mouth there is a black hole. The howling became louder. One of the figures began to slowly approach. My legs lifted me off the ground, I rushed, not distinguishing the road, through bushes, monuments, fences. The howl was getting closer.

I ran home and knocked on all the windows, screaming. My mother opened the door for me. I flew into the hut, grabbed the icon from the table, hugged it and prayed until morning came. The frightened mother was circling around me all this time with rags and cotton wool. She couldn't get a word out of me. In the end I confessed and began to come to my senses. I came covered in blood, my eyebrow was torn, my hands were skinned. After washing myself, I discovered a strand of gray hair. What a shame! The villagers will laugh! But my mother and I came up with a legend. Allegedly, looters came to the cemetery and beat me up. It's not as shameful as being scared of ghosts. The main thing is that no one hears me screaming at night. It seems to have passed.

The worst thing for me was going back to the lodge. But I had to give up my shift. Vaganich was about to swear at me, but he saw me and was stunned. I started to mumble something, but Vaganich interrupted me: “I know how much you charged. Have you seen those four? They say a lot about this evil spirit. Like, these ghosts gather in the cemetery only in moonlit nights at the grave of Count Terescu. But he was a magician. What these people want is unknown. But if anyone sees them alive, he will either go crazy or die. Apparently, God has had mercy on you.” I walked home and thought about the old man’s words for a long time. What it was and why exactly I saw it will remain a mystery. I no longer worked at the cemetery, and soon I left my native place altogether. But the memory of those events is still alive in me...

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