“Love in the story of I. A. Bunin “Sunstroke”: an easy hobby or a tragedy of a lifetime? "Sunstroke", an analysis of Bunin's story Sunstroke love in Bunin's understanding

Many of I. Bunin's works are hymns of true love, which has everything: tenderness, passion, and a feeling of that special connection between the souls of two lovers. This feeling is also described in the story " Sunstroke", which the writer considered one of his best works. Pupils get acquainted with him in the 11th grade. We offer to facilitate the preparation for the lesson by using the analysis of the work presented below. The analysis will also help you quickly and efficiently prepare for the lesson and the exam.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1925

History of creation- I. Bunin was inspired to write the work by the nature of the Maritime Alps. The story was created at a time when the writer was working on a cycle of works related to love.

Topic- main topic works - true love that a person feels both in soul and body. In the final part of the work, the motive of separation from a loved one appears.

Composition- The formal organization of the story is simple, but there are certain features. The elements of the plot are placed in a logical sequence, but the work begins with a plot. Another feature is the framing: the story begins and ends with a picture of the sea.

Genre- Story.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

"Sunstroke" was written by I. Bunin in 1925. It is worth noting that the year of writing coincided with the period when the writer worked on stories dedicated to the theme of love. This is one of the factors that explains the psychological depth of the work.

I. Bunin told G. Kuznetsova about the history of creation. After the conversation, the woman wrote the following in her diary: “We talked yesterday about writing and about how stories are born. I.A. (Ivan Alekseevich) it begins with nature, some picture that flashed through the brain, often a fragment. So the sunstroke came from the idea of ​​going out on deck after dinner, from the light into the darkness of a summer night on the Volga. And the end came later


In "Sunstroke", the analysis of the work should begin with a description of the main problems. The story showed motive, very common both in world and domestic literature. Nevertheless, the author managed to reveal it in an original way, delving into the psychology of the characters.

In the center of the piece topic sincere, passionate love, in the context of which Problems relationships between people, separation of lovers, internal contradiction caused by incompatibility of feelings and circumstances. Issues works based on psychology. The system of images is unbranched, so the reader's attention is constantly focused on two characters - the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger.

The story begins with a description of lunch on the deck of the ship. It was in such conditions that young people met. A spark immediately flew between them. The man offered the girl to run away from strangers. They got off the ship and went to the hotel. When the young people were left alone, the flames of passion immediately engulfed their bodies and minds.

The time at the hotel flew by. In the morning, the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger were forced to part, but it turned out to be very difficult to do this. Young people wonder what happened to them. They assume it was sunstroke. In these arguments lies the meaning of the title of the work. Sunstroke in this context is a symbol of a sudden mental shock, love that overshadows the mind.

Beloved persuades the lieutenant to escort her to the deck. Here the man seems to be struck by sunstroke again, because he allows himself to kiss a stranger in front of everyone. The hero cannot recover for a long time after separation. He is tormented by thoughts that his beloved most likely has a family, so they are not destined to be together. A man tries to write to his beloved, but then he realizes that he does not know her address. In such a rebellious state, the hero spends another night, recent events are gradually moving away from him. However, they do not pass without a trace: it seems to the lieutenant that he has aged ten years.


The composition of the work is simple, but some features are worth paying attention to. Plot elements are placed in a logical sequence. Nevertheless, the story begins not with an exposition, but with a plot. This technique enhances the sound of the idea. The characters get to know each other, and then we learn more about them. The development of events - a night in a hotel and a morning conversation. The climax is the parting scene between the lieutenant and the stranger. The denouement - the outbreak of love is gradually forgotten, but leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the hero. Such a conclusion provides the reader with the opportunity to draw certain conclusions.

The framing can also be considered a feature of the composition of the work: the story begins and ends with a scene on the deck.


The genre of the work of I. Bunin "Sunstroke" is a story, as evidenced by such signs: a small volume, leading role plays story line lovers, there are only two main characters. The direction of the story is realism.

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Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 107.

Love ... Perhaps there is no person who would not think about it at least once. What's this? What makes a person alive? Or a trifle that makes you vulnerable? Deep and strong feeling or fleeting affection? Love at first sight? Happy? Undivided? These questions make my head spin. And the answers to them ... no. People have been looking for these answers for centuries, but if they find them, then for everyone they are different. Therefore, they say that love is something eternal, enduring. She excited, excites and will excite the hearts and souls of people.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the treasury of Russian literature was supplemented by the works of two writers: Ivan Bunin and Alexander Kuprin, who found their answers to "eternal" questions. And they told the world about it. It would seem that these two writers are not at all similar to each other. Even outwardly, their difference is so great that it seems as if they cannot have anything in common. Pushkin called Kuchelbecker "a brother in muse, in destinies." One can hardly say the same about Bunin and Kuprin, because their fates differed markedly. But the muse, it seems, was the same ...

Love is like a sunstroke and love is like death - the thoughts of the two great writers are very similar. What is a sunstroke but a tiny death? The gentle sun warms, hugs your shoulders ... It seems that you can no longer live without it. And then what for so long brought you only joy, "hit on the head", clouds the heart and mind, and after itself leaves a lot and a lot of pain and unpleasant heaviness in the head and weakness in the body.

Bunin's "sunstroke" throws the nameless lieutenant and his equally nameless companion into the abyss of passions. Having known each other for only three hours, drunk either from the sun, or from hops, or from each other, they get off the steamer in some small town, and spend several unforgettable hours together. And here “unforgettable” is not a high-flown or vulgar word, no. It is sincere: “... as soon as they entered and the footman closed the door, the lieutenant rushed to her so impulsively and both suffocated so frenziedly in a kiss that they remembered that moment for many years later: neither one nor the other had ever experienced anything like this in their entire lives.

The feeling that overwhelmed the two people with their heads did not last very long: only a night and a little morning. But left an indelible mark in the souls of both.

They parted easily, only "in front of everyone" kissed on the pier. But after this parting, that same torment began, which always happens when you come to your senses after a sunstroke.

The lieutenant was tormented. Even a single day without Her seemed unbearable, infinitely long and empty. The room, in which everything breathed for Her, was empty. Together with him, the lieutenant's heart, which lost happiness, also emptied.

He only got better the next morning. But the world has changed for this man, and the gentle sun that brought him together with perhaps the greatest love of his life has become "purposeless." The lieutenant's soul hardly died, but, having fallen in love, he nevertheless died.

Having fallen in love, the hero of A. Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet" Zheltkov also died. For many years he passionately and secretly loved a single woman, an unattainable woman, not paying attention to others. He loved selflessly, with a love "of which women dream and which men are no longer capable of."

But Vera, the beloved of "G.S.Zh.", failed to see that same love in this feeling. She walked past Anosova, barely touching her.

Zheltkov accomplished a feat in the name of this love. Having taken his own life, he saved Vera Nikolaevna from suffering, who was weighed down by the feeling of a secret admirer.

How much do you have to love someone to do something like this?

A love that is "strong as death." Yes, this is not Bunin's "sunstroke". But both confirm the idea that true love is always tragic, sacrificial, selfless. And, of course, it doesn't come to everyone. It can appear and disappear like a sunstroke, like lightning in a stormy sky, and leave behind a trace that nothing will ever erase. When you fall in love, you give something to another. And first of all - the soul. This kind of love doesn't just disappear. Probably only with a human. You can sprinkle it with some passions, other feelings, but it will live as long as you are alive.

Great love - great works. Two different writers, even outwardly dissimilar so much that it seems as if they cannot have anything in common. But they share the same muse.

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The reader, experienced in literary masterpieces, is accustomed to Bunin's refined, elegant style. This writer, who wrote the beautiful text "Sunstroke", certainly knows how to write about love. In the works of this author, you can feel a lot of tenderness, passion, as well as sincere, warm love - the very one that connects two souls with family ties.

Ivan Bunin sat down to work on this text in the 1820s, and by 1825 the work was published. Oddly enough, while working on the story, the writer was inspired by nature: it was the Maritime Alps that reflected on the future atmosphere of Sunstroke. In addition, during this period, the author was occupied with the theme of love in literature, and the new text just fell into the stream of this topic. At the same time, Bunin wrote some other works - also about love. Bunin tells not just about love, but about a mutual, warm, sincere feeling. However, every love, every relationship, for some reason, is accompanied by bitterness. So, in this work, for example, the pain of separation is felt.

Sensuality, bodily tangibility of Bunin's masterpiece, perhaps, is associated with the realistic direction of the work. AT compositional structure text has some specifics. For example, the beginning of a work is not an exposition familiar to the reader, but a plot. More details will be discussed in the more in-depth analysis of Sunstroke, which is presented below.

Excerpts from the history of the writing of the text

So, as we noted above, the date of birth of this masterpiece is 1825. The fact that the author was already busy working on other texts devoted to love explains the depth of the psychologism of Sunstroke. As the story progressed, the author occasionally shared details and news with friends. So, G. Kuznetsova, after talking with the writer, noted that Bunin was inspired, first of all, by nature. Ivan Alekseevich can see some kind of picture, which will then be constantly remembered by him, spinning in his imagination. Moreover, for the most part, these were not even complete pictures, but only fragments. From what picture, from what image was "Sunstroke" born? Everything is simple to the point of banality: Bunin suddenly remembered how pleasant it is to take a walk on the deck in the afternoon, when the eyes still painfully feel the bright sun after the gloom of the ship's night. This is a journey along the Volga. In the yard - summer, heat. But how the "Sunstroke" will end, the writer came up with much later.

About the thematic nuances of the work

Turning to the analysis of this work, it is worth, first of all, to reflect on the key problems. When characterizing these problems, motives are especially clearly traced, which - both in Russian and European literature - have gained immense popularity. This, of course, is love, pain, separation. The author approaches the disclosure of these motives from the position of a subtle and masterful psychologist. Therefore - because of his approach - in a sense, Bunin is still an original, because the author managed to envelop his creation with an atmosphere that even embodied in feature films based on "Sunstroke".

Bunin is interested in sincerity, open, passionate love, as well as the problems that, in the end, gives rise to love. Relationships, especially when it comes to feelings between a man and a woman, are always parallel to certain problems and conflicts. I recall French philosophy, in particular Jacques Lacan, who believed that the other person (“The Other”) will always be dark for us. That is, it is impossible to know another person. Therefore, relationships are filled with internal contradictions, because feelings and life circumstances are often incompatible. Ivan Alekseevich demonstrates that love arises for internal reasons, but continues to live and develop precisely for external reasons.

Artistic and plot features of the work

As we noted above, the author focuses on psychologism. Ivan Alekseevich builds a labyrinth of images, but no matter how confusing the picture is, a couple of people still remain at the center of the story. We are talking about the main characters of Bunin's masterpiece: this is a lieutenant and a stranger whom this man meets on the ship.

The story opens with events that unfolded on deck in the afternoon. People went for a walk after the heat and darkness of the ship's night. So, while walking, two young people meet here. It is easy to see that sympathy instantly arose between the lieutenant and the unfamiliar beauty. The passion turned out to be so strong that the man invites the stranger to get off the ship at the nearest station and spend the night in a hotel. Note that these relationships were built not only on platonic attraction. There was also physical interaction. The night, full of passion, flew by quite unnoticed. In the morning it was time to part. Oddly enough, despite the fact that the young people met only yesterday and hardly knew each other, separation was not an easy task.

What is sunstroke?

The man and woman are shocked by what happened. In their opinion, a sunstroke is a much more likely explanation for the events of this sudden and all-consuming passion than feelings.

It is here that Bunin hides a commentary on the title chosen for the text. Probably, the author implies a metaphor in this context: there is a certain likening of a sunstroke to a sudden mental shock, a passion that has descended without warning, which overshadows any rational arguments.

This passion simply refuses to take external circumstances into account:

"What the hell! he thought, getting up, again beginning to pace the room and trying not to look at the bed behind the screen. - What is it with me? And what is special about it and what actually happened? In fact, just some kind of sunstroke! And most importantly, how can I now, without her, spend the whole day in this outback? ...

“No, no, dear,” she said in response to his request to go on together, “no, you must stay until the next boat. If we go together, everything will be ruined. It will be very unpleasant for me. I give you my word of honor that I am not at all what you might think of me. There has never been anything even similar to what happened to me, and there will never be again. It’s like an eclipse hit me… Or rather, we both got something like a sunstroke…

The stranger asks the man to accompany her to the pier. And again, it seems, sunstroke hits the lieutenant, because the man, forgetting about the rules of decency, publicly kisses his beloved. The separation hit the hero hard. A man wanders around the city, trying to recover, recover from a sunstroke. Gradually, the hero returns to the hotel, longingly examines the bed, which has not yet been removed. The feeling of emptiness is unbearable for the lieutenant. The hero thinks about who that stranger was. Probably, the girl went to her family, to her husband. Maybe for children. And this love is doomed, because initially they could not be together.

The hero spends time throwing. A man has a desire to write a letter to a stranger. However, suddenly the lieutenant realizes that he does not know the girl's address or name. Gradually, forgetting himself in walks through the streets of the outback, the man comes to his senses. But looking in the mirror reveals: now he looks ten years older. So, Bunin shows that love, indeed, sometimes spits on external circumstances. This feeling of suddenness and unpredictability is by nature. But is a moment of happiness worth ten years of suffering?

The lieutenant sat under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older...

Compositional features of "Sunstroke"

For his work, Bunin chooses a simple composition. Yet even in this simplicity lie some surprises. The structure of the text is linear, the events are located diachronically, that is, all elements logically follow one after the other. But the exposition, the introduction familiar to readers, cannot be found here: the matter immediately begins with a plot. Probably, Ivan Alekseevich used this technique to further emphasize the central idea of ​​the text.

The first significant event of the work is the acquaintance of young people on the deck of the ferry. Gradually, the author reveals more and more details about the heroes of the text. The writer brings the second event to the stage when a man and a woman stop for the night in a provincial hotel. Finally, the third event, which is also the climax, is the episode of the separation of the newly made lovers. As a denouement, Bunin offers the lieutenant's awareness of his feelings for an unfamiliar beauty, love, which, like a wound, gradually heals, heals, and is forgotten. But this wound, nevertheless, left a deep scar. But if wounds leave marks on the skin, then love hurts the very soul. Thus, introducing a similar ending to his story, the author invites readers to draw their own conclusions.

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Finally, there is one more compositional feature is the author's use of framing. We are talking about the fact that events are tied on the deck of the ship and end there, when the lieutenant leaves his beloved on the pier, and she boards the ship.

"Sunstroke" as an outcast of Russian literature

Of course, Bunin's work rightfully occupies an honorable place in the pantheon of Russian literature. However, something here is still knocked out of her traditions. For example, Russian literature has always been famous for such a trait as chastity. Because for writers, love was, first of all, a sublime, platonic feeling. It was a spiritual, not a physical phenomenon. However, Bunin, apparently, thinks somewhat differently. Ivan Alekseevich already focuses not only on mutual understanding, attraction of souls, spiritual community, similarity of interests, etc., but on the attraction of bodies, on physical attraction. As we remember (in the same "Anna Karenina" by Tolstoy, for example), earlier in Russian literature, bodily attraction, and even more so on the side, was strictly condemned. And the heroes got what they deserved. However, Lieutenant Bunin also gets - in a sense - what he deserves, but this man is punished rather for not seeing the sincere and strong feeling. And not at all for a relationship with a woman on the side:

And the lieutenant somehow easily agreed with her. In a light and happy spirit, he drove her to the pier - just in time for the departure of the pink "Airplane", - kissed her on deck in front of everyone and barely managed to jump onto the gangway, which had already moved back. Just as easily, carefree, he returned to the hotel. However, something has changed. The room without her seemed somehow completely different than it was with her. He was still full of her - and empty. It was weird!..

Bunin's heroine does not seem frivolous or desperate. The writer even emphasizes that the woman seemed only slightly embarrassed, but she looked good, smiled, rejoiced:

They slept little, but in the morning, coming out from behind the screen near the bed, having washed and dressed in five minutes, she was as fresh as at seventeen. Was she embarrassed? No, very little. She was still simple, cheerful and - already reasonable ...

This connection initially brought the characters a sense of ease, but then began to remind (at least one of the lovers) that affection does not come easy. Unlike Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and, perhaps, Dobrolyubov, Bunin does not see anything reprehensible in such a plot. On the contrary, such an act gives the heroine mystery and intelligence.

Understanding Eros

Perhaps Bunin was fond of new philosophical trends, or he was addicted to European art ... Whatever it was, but the Russian writer in this story raises the problem of Eros. Ivan Alekseevich rethinks the attitude to love. Eros is a kind of powerful, elemental force, close to passion. In fact, if we turn to ancient Greek culture, we will see that the Greeks did not have one word for love. There are at least five such words. Storge, for example, was understood as an elevated, kinship relationship, as the love of parents for children. Mania is something of the lowest, like attachment, close to dependence. Agape is the highest type of love because that is how people love God. Philia - reliable, calm family love, as well as feelings between friends. Finally, Eros is what creates order (cosmos) out of chaos. Perhaps for this reason - because of the complexity of Eros - it was this type of love that most occupied the minds of writers, philosophers, artists ...

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Eros by its power raises young people, Bunin's heroes, above external circumstances. Paradoxically, the reader knows almost nothing about these heroes. The author does not describe in detail the appearance, does not give age, even the names remain hidden in the darkness. Bunin gives only the necessary minimum: touches, hints, sketches.

The reader is told that the man is a lieutenant. Something is said about the appearance of the hero - the bare minimum. The girl is indeed married, moreover, the stranger has a three-year-old daughter. The heroine returns from Anapa, where she was on vacation. Bunin, however, becomes more detailed in describing the character: the woman is cheerful, simple, the heroine is characterized by natural behavior and gestures.

But reality, momentary events, is a smaller part of the story. Most of it is the memories that torment the hero when he wanders around the provincial town. In the memory of a man, images of gestures, habits, smiles, words, details of the appearance of a stranger endlessly arise. Important detail- the burning motive of this meeting and connection. Ivan Alekseevich depicts this metaphorically - through the image of a hot cheek and a palm that is applied to it. This image is repeated twice in the text:

She closed her eyes, put her hand to her cheek with her palm outward, laughed with a simple, charming laugh ...
She again put the back of her hand to her hot cheek...

Repetition only increases the burning sensation of abrasions from memories.

The labyrinth, which we talked about at the beginning of this article, is associated with a man wandering around the city in the hope of forgetting himself. Indeed, at the end of the story, the events cease to seem so crazy, turning into a simple - albeit memorable, bright as a flash - adventure. Sitting in a cab and going to the pier in order to also leave the city, in which everything is saturated with memories of a stranger, the lieutenant, step by step, returns to everyday life. What happened yesterday? Just sunstroke.

Illustration for the story by I.A. Bunin "Sunstroke"

In the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, love is always tragic, and sometimes it does not save, but leads to death. Heroes of it famous works they do not know family and quiet happiness, so as not to break the love boat about life.

Story "Sunstroke" amazing and different in its own way. The writer analyzes in it a serious problem of a personal nature: a choice that carries consequences. The heroes make their choice, and find themselves far from each other, with no hope of reunion.

This work tells about the unexpected love that broke out between the main characters - a lieutenant and a beautiful stranger. Ivan Bunin does not give them names in order to show that they are - ordinary people and their history is by no means unique. The couple is not ready for a big and bright feeling, and they have absolutely no time to figure it out, since they have only one night that they spend enjoying each other. When the time comes to say goodbye, the lieutenant does not think about what mortal anguish will attack him after his beloved leaves the ship forever. As if before his eyes, his whole life passes, which is measured, now evaluated from the height of the tender feeling that has enclosed him in chains.

The meeting of the lieutenant and the stranger was a "sunstroke" for both of them: blinded with passion, and then devastated their souls. I.A. Bunin shows us that every person has a need to love and be loved, but in his story this love is devoid of illusions. Not every person can take on such a big responsibility - be in love. For the heroes of this story, love turned out to be an immense happiness that they could not afford.

"A beautiful stranger…"

Obviously, with this work, the author wanted to show the dramatic outcome of love. Bunin never wrote about happy love. In his opinion, the reunion and kinship of souls is a completely different feeling, which has nothing to do with passion, which rises to heaven. True love, as already mentioned, comes and goes suddenly, like a sunstroke.

Meanwhile, each of us is free to choose how to act in a given situation. The meeting of the heroes was an attempt to drown out the disturbing voice of a longing heart.

Love, which the lieutenant realized too late, almost destroys him, deprives him of the joy of life; he feels "ten years older". As if looking for salvation from the surging tenderness, he rushes into the city, wanders around the market, passes people and feels terribly lonely. This bittersweet feeling prevents him from thinking and looking at the world soberly. He knows for sure that he will never meet his stranger again.

The love that Bunin describes in his works has no future. His heroes can never find happiness, they are doomed to suffer. "Sunstroke" once again reveals Bunin's concept of love: "When we love, we die..." .

Dorofeeva Alexandra

The works of the 19th century were mainly devoted to the theme of love, but light romantic love was not interesting for writers, it was necessary for the main characters to test their feelings by going through a series of tests. The writers in the stories tried to answer the main question of what love is, how it affects a person’s life, whether it destroys him or whether it is salvation, how long this feeling can last.

Ivan Bunin shows in his stories all the tragedy of love: it is beautiful, but destructive for a person. Usually, the love of Bunin's heroes does not go into the family channel, where everyday life and everyday life can underestimate or completely destroy these feelings. This is the kind of love the writer shows in the work " Sunstroke", where the main characters experience strong feelings, they are in love.

The characters in the story have no names, only he, she and their experiences. Such a commonality allows everyone who reads this story to experience some of their feelings and perceive the plot in their own way. Although main character woman, the author still looks at everything that happens through the eyes of a male hero. The traditional beginning in the story: the main characters are traveling on a ship, and their chance meeting turns out to be a flash of a new feeling.

Their attraction is so strong that they decide to enter into a more real connection. Not knowing the names, they retire to one of the rooms. But already a new day does not bring them anything good: after an instantaneous outbreak of love, disappointment appears. Both of them try not to remember what happened to them. They part ways without ever getting to know each other. Heroes do not worry about parting, pretending to be indifferent.

And only a few months later the lieutenant realizes that he loves and suffers, but he does not know anything about her, not even her name. After going through moral suffering, the hero again finds himself on the ship. But now there is no trace of his fun, his soul has grown old, and he himself says that he feels much older than he really is.

The title that the writer gave to his story is interesting. Sunstroke is associated with lightning, a flash that strikes, knocks a person down, but when it disappears, the person suffers and suffers. Nature becomes another actor in Bunin's story. She is always present in the story, creating a certain emotional mood. The dark night on the eve of intimacy is so good that they, the heroes, cannot but be together. Dawn is a mirror reflection of the feeling that the heroes suddenly experienced: the dawn went out, continuing to glow in some places.

Bunin uses the world to show the happiness that awaits the heroes ahead. But the lights floating away are a symbol of the monotony and routine of life, where a vivid feeling cannot exist. The details recreated by the author help to show more accurately how this subtle feeling arises, how the mutual attraction of young bodies arises. The hands of the girl are pretty and strong, and the body is strong and swarthy.

The love shown by Bunin is not described by the author spiritually, it is only physical. And then the writer inserts many verbs into the text to show the reality of the picture and how thoughtless the act of the main characters is. The heroine herself called their romance a sunstroke. The young woman behaves sensibly, showing her lover that it was a light romance in which no continuation is needed.

The main character behaves differently. He also does not think about continuing the novel until he begins to realize that he is in love. After this novel, the lieutenant can no longer say that it has become amusing. The memories of what happened are already torment and suffering for the protagonist. Not understanding how to continue to live, he does not see a goal in his life, it seems to him meaningless. His heart was struck by a terrible sunstroke.

At the end of the story, the author shows the reader the appearance of the hero in order to compare him inner world and the main features of his appearance. The hero's face is gray from sunburn, Blue eyes and burnt mustache. Ivan Bunin again shows the reader the details that make it possible to understand the feelings of the hero. But the author stubbornly shows and proves that this love has no future, it cannot develop. Happiness and love cannot last forever, the author argues, they are fleeting, but full of suffering.

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