Learn to dance hip-hop at home. Let's learn to dance hip-hop. Learn to dance hip-hop dances: from beginners to world-class pros

What young person, full of ambitions, does not want to catch the admiring glances of others? But how can you show your peers your bright personality and gain authority? This can be done, for example, through dancing. Read our recommendations on how to learn to dance hip-hop and other popular dances among young people. And remember that in any business the main thing is determination, patience and diligence. Go for it!

How to learn to dance hip-hop

Few people today have not heard of such an incendiary and charismatic dance as hip-hop, which has African roots. One can say more - hip-hop has gained wild popularity on a global scale. And indeed, when you see how boys and girls perform practically to rhythmic music, it is simply impossible to take your eyes off this spectacle. How to learn to dance hip-hop?

Today on the Internet you can download a lot of tutorials on hip-hop movements and, of course, the music to which you should learn them. However, no matter how strong the desire to learn this dance, rarely does anyone manage to do it at home. These at-home lessons can serve skilled dancers looking to learn new moves well. But if you want to know how to learn to dance hip-hop from scratch, it’s best for you to turn to more experienced comrades or go to the studio modern dance.

True, even at home you can make an invaluable contribution to making your dream of dancing come true. Anyone who wants to know how to breakdance or hip-hop should be critical of their body. Neither hip-hop nor breaking forgives poor physical fitness and weakness. Therefore, so that performing even the most basic tricks does not become an impossible task for you, devote at least a couple of months to developing endurance and flexibility.

You can perform a set of strength exercises using video training at home or in the gym. Particular attention should be paid to training the muscles of the arms, legs, and shoulder girdle. It would also be a good idea to do some general physical training, for example, regularly jogging in the fresh air. This will help you learn to breathe correctly during exercise.

When your muscles are already strong enough, you can begin to learn how to do a handstand and headstand (first with support - against the wall, then without support). At the same time, train your flexibility by doing stretching exercises (various bends, bends, in particular, “bridges”).

How to learn to dance at a disco

Do you not go to discos or are you used to sitting in some quiet corner, watching with admiration and envy how passionately the boys and girls dance? Oh, you just don't know how to dance! We hasten to reassure you, it is not too late to learn this at any age, if only you have the desire and patience. You already know how to learn to dance hip-hop. I would like to note that disco movements and dancing are much easier for many.

First of all, you should not only learn to listen to music, but also hear its beat and rhythm. Learn to dance to simple musical rhythms. At this stage, the beauty of music is not in the first place, so styles such as trance or house are quite suitable for acquiring dance skills. Turn on some track and start counting the rhythm. You will soon discover that disco music consists of "squares" or "eights". Each such “square” is 8 accounts. When you manage to bring your movements into line with these counts, consider that you have already learned to dance.

Today, video dance lessons have become especially popular. Look online or purchase one or more instructional CDs with lessons for beginning dancers. Learn the simplest combination of movements for eight counts, and then turn on the selected music and, without watching the video, repeat it.

When you can perfectly reproduce the learned combination of movements, move on to other combinations that can be successfully combined with each other, thereby honing your dancing skills. Well, to see how you look dancing from the outside, you can turn on the webcam in video recording mode, turn on the music and start dancing. If you are satisfied with what you see, then you can safely go out on the dance floor.

Hip-hop is one of them. This youth subculture appeared in the 70s of the last century in America. Its founders were Latin Americans and African Americans. Although, of course, it would be more correct to talk about it not as a dance, but as a separate style in music. But let's still figure out what hip-hop is.


Hip-hop dance has its own characteristic music, consisting of rhythmic recitative - rap - and the rhythm set by the DJ, but there are compositions without vocals. Often, when creating a good rhyme, the meaning of the words is lost. Dancers also have their own style of clothing. Usually these are bright baseball caps with huge visors, lowered shorts or wide pants, large sneakers, and sweatshirts. Short hairstyles predominate, and the entire outfit as a whole is complemented by massive jewelry.

How to dance hip hop

It is known that in order to learn how to do something, it is enough just to have a desire. The dance of this style has no clear restrictions and rules. Therefore, the question that often arises among beginners about how to learn to dance hip-hop at home should not cause virtually any difficulties. Even when performing this dance to gangsta rap, it remains quite positive. The important role here is played by the acting skills, and not the movements themselves. The main goal pursued by any dancer is to attract the attention of the audience and win their sympathy.

Basic movements

Combination 1

In order to understand how to dance hip-hop, you need to learn how to perform the simplest elements, such as swing and steps. The combination described below is the most common. In order to perform it, put your right leg to the side, turning your toes, and at the same time stretch up with your right hand. Afterwards, you need to bend your leg and move the entire body weight onto it, but your hand will need to be placed at shoulder level. In this case, you should stand firmly in place. Next, turn your body to the left and bend your left leg. Get down on your right knee and try to touch your hands to the floor, rounding your back. After this, straighten up. Remember that when you learn and perfect a few combinations, you yourself will be able to answer the question of how to dance hip-hop.

Combination 2

You can also perform the following combination of movements. First, you need to turn your toes to the left, while bending your knees slightly. Place your hands with fingers spread out on your chest and press it in. At the same time, push out your pelvis with sharp movements and round your back. The body needs to be turned left or right, while straightening your back and smoothly sliding your hands down your body to your waist. To complete the exercise, tighten your buttocks, slightly raise your pelvis and round your back again. We hope that now you yourself can answer the question of how to dance hip-hop.

The main thing is desire

You must remember that the most important thing is not what movements you perform, but how you do it, with what emotions and experiences. Today you can find a lot of tips on the topic “Learning to dance hip-hop.” If you wish, you can do this yourself at home, but to do this you need not only to watch training videos, but also to carry out as many practical exercises as possible.

Hip-hop is a street dance style that has become especially popular in lately. It is filled with various elements of breakdance, jazz, as well as African rhythms.

Features of the dance

In this direction, not only the level of performance is very important, but also the individuality and charisma of the dancer. The very essence of this dance is to attract the attention of others. That is why, in order to perform hip-hop, you need to be able to feel the music well and demonstrate your own style. In addition, you must have perfect clarity in every movement.

If you like to dance and be the center of attention, try yourself in this style. You can go to a dance school or learn the basic elements on your own. Learn how to learn hip-hop dancing at home.

First, you need to learn the basic movements, and then apply them in different orders, dancing to the music. By following our tips and devoting just a couple of hours a week, you can easily perform dance moves in this modern style. To better master hip-hop techniques, watch various videos on the Internet.

How to learn to dance hip-hop at home - a set of movements

1. First, you need to take a wide step with your left foot, turn your feet and your entire body to the left. Next, slowly tilt your body down to touch the floor on opposite sides of your legs. You should feel the muscles of your legs and back stretch slightly. Now you should bend your left leg and touch the floor with both elbows. Repeat all the same movements in relation to the right leg.

2. The next movement is to place your feet shoulder-width apart, reach the top of your head towards the top, and then lean forward slowly and as low as possible to touch your hands to the floor.

3. Straighten up, then raise your right arm to your shoulder, holding it outstretched, and place your left hand on its elbow. Now you need to smoothly pull your elbow towards your shoulder. Repeat the same, but only changing hands.

4. Turn completely to the left, then lower yourself down until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Clench your hands into fists and bend towards the floor, while your back should be slightly rounded. Bend and stand up completely. Keeping your feet on the floor, turn them to the left, bend your knees slightly. Now you need to pull your hands to your shoulders, placing your fingers on your chest, pressing it slightly, while at the same time pushing your pelvis forward and rounding your back. After this, you should straighten your back and turn to the right. The brushes should go down, sliding along the body, then stop at the waist.

5. Move your leg forward and tilt your body back. Now straighten your left leg and lift the opposite knee up. Your arms should be bent at the elbows and held in front of your chest. Do a sharp twist, round your back, and straighten your right leg. Then lean back, extend your arms - the left one straight in front of you, and the right one up.

6. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your right foot slightly behind you. Tilt your head to the right, bend your knees, and do a slight squat. Then turn your knees straight and place your right hand towards your head. The opposite arm should be bent at the elbow so that the fist is at chest level.

7. Left hand straighten and use the other to bring your head closer to your shoulder. Next you need to turn the knee of the opposite leg to the right. Take a jump while raising your straight leg. To do this, you need to transfer your body weight to your left leg, and bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to your chest. The right leg should be raised to the middle, then bend over and, pushing off with the opposite leg, jump. Straighten your shoulders, bringing your shoulder blades together. Do this entire complex, but pushing off from the other leg.

8. Rise up onto your tiptoes, keeping your back straight and your head up. At the same time, keep your hands in front of you, your legs remain straight. Then extend your leg one step and bend your elbows with a sharp movement. Now you need to bend your fingers upward on the opposite hand, touching the elbow of your other hand, which at this time should turn your fingers down. Next, bend your legs and stand on your toes.

Benefits of dancing

Now you know how to learn to dance hip-hop.

For girls, practicing this dance is not only a way to express themselves, but also an opportunity to keep their body in perfect shape. Of course, in addition to the basic movements, you will also need to do warm-up and stretching exercises. Such physical activity will help you improve your coordination and improve your figure.

Hip-hop is suitable for any age and body type. The main thing is that this dance brings you joy and pleasure. Try it, you will definitely like it.

Video: how to learn to dance hip-hop

Lessons to learn to dance hip-hop

According to statistics, hip-hop is the most popular type of dance in the world, at least for today. Hip-hop is a very free dance in which the dancer expresses himself however he wants. The main thing here is to be free and have a good feel for the dance floor, music, spectators and surprise people with your movements. In fact, it is quite possible to learn how to dance hip-hop at home; now there are many videos where dance masters show how to move. Also, don't worry if you've never danced before in your life. Anyone can learn hip-hop, but there are, of course, several conditions.

Varieties of dance and learn to dance hip-hop

How to learn to dance hip-hop at home?

To learn how to dance hip-hop at home, you need to work hard and with great desire. Because there is no difficulty here. You need to download and watch video lessons and try to repeat the movements in front of a mirror. Don't expect to get it right in just a few tries, try again and again until it's perfect, at least in your opinion. Perseverance, training and more perseverance. Remember that you cannot give up!

Learn to dance hip-hop at home

In addition, it is very important to develop your musical ear, you must understand and decipher the language of music for yourself, only then can you fully understand hip-hop.

Hip-hop is a fairly free and free dance, but everyone needs to know the basics. There is no way without this. Even if you think that you are a brilliant dancer, you can’t get anywhere without basic technique. Therefore, watch the video lessons and repeat, start with the basics and everything will be fine.

Learning to dance hip-hop at home is actually not difficult, compared to classical partner dances, there is no way without a partner and, in addition, there are certain limits, there is no such thing in hip-hop. There is a base of movements that you can supplement with your own individual tricks. After all, it is through this dance that you can in the best possible way express your own “I”, show your inner world, feelings through dance, open up to the whole world.

Hip-hop is unique - it can be broken. After all, everyone knows that the rules traffic cannot be violated. In hip-hop it’s the other way around: you learned the essence of the dance, learned the basics, mastered the technique, now you can add something interesting of your own. It is important to note that in order to learn to dance hip-hop, you need to lose weight overweight, it will be very difficult with him. Yes, and the movements here are not boring at all, but energetic and fast, you need to be mobile and active, and the more, the better.

Learn to dance in a hip-hop group

I’ll tell you a secret (for beginners) in hip-hop there are only two main movements: swing and step. You should start your training with them - this is your base. Naturally, you should not think that if you have mastered these two movements, then you are already a professional - no, unfortunately or fortunately, there is a lot, a lot of work. There will definitely be no time to be lazy.

Hip-hop is also suitable for children

In addition, not only adults, or rather teenagers, because this is the main category of fans who want to learn this dance, but also children want to be able to dance hip-hop. If parents have a question: “How to teach children to dance hip-hop? The best option is to send your child to a dance studio or school. Your child will definitely learn hip-hop there. The main thing is that you have some free funds, but also, of course, the desire of the child himself.

Learn from a trainer how to dance hip-hop for children

Because if he doesn’t want to do hip-hop, then it’s better not to force him. Remember that hip-hop is a dance of freedom. But still, the question remains open for the coach: “How to teach children to dance hip-hop correctly.” Naturally, the surest and most correct way is to interest the young dancer; he should be extremely interested and comfortable in the group. You cannot allow other children to make fun of someone who is not doing well; you need to help him and show him how to do it. After all, a child has a very vulnerable nature and with one wrong word, all desire can disappear. And this is simply unacceptable.

Everyone can do hip-hop

Not only boys, but also girls do hip-hop. This type of dance is open to everyone, so teaching girls to dance hip-hop is not prohibited, but vice versa. So, dear girls, if you always dreamed of hip-hop, but thought it was a dance for guys, then you were mistaken, come to any school and you will see that half of them are girls.

Anyone can learn to dance hip-hop

Naturally, it is more difficult for girls to learn to dance hip-hop due to physiological reasons, but this is not an obstacle. If you have the desire, then go ahead to your dream and do it as soon as possible. If you are a shy person, you can practice at home before going to dance class.

Learn hip-hop online

Watch a video or, for example, hip-hop dance lessons in photographs. There are a lot of materials on the Internet today, both textual and visual, so it is quite possible to study hip-hop on your own. But it will take a little longer than in a group class. But you don’t need to spend money, especially if you simply don’t have it and you can’t afford to pay for lessons. In this case, you have the Internet and good people who post educational materials absolutely free and disinterested.

Online lessons to learn how to dance hip-hop

Hip-hop dance video lessons are available on many web resources and are not difficult to get. But it’s still better to use them as additional materials, and go to study with a group twice a week. Firstly, it will speed up the learning process and, secondly, it will help overcome the fear of public speaking. And another plus is new friends and acquaintances. Therefore, if there is a desire, then hip-hop will gladly accept you.

Remember that anyone can learn this type of dance, even without any special dancing skills or talents. Good luck, young hip-hoppers! The main thing is not to be lazy and repeat the movements more often, and everything will be just fine. After all, you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty, and dancing generally requires a lot of perseverance. But if you want it, everything will work out and everything will work out!


If you dream of learning to dance, but for various reasons you cannot get to the gym for training, start learning at home. After all, dancing brings even more benefits to the body than playing sports. Muscles are toned, extra pounds are burned, the skin becomes more elastic, shortness of breath disappears, and most importantly, you get a boost of energy.

Therefore, if you have an incredible desire to become a disco dancer, you can and should dance modern at home. Yes, without competent instructions from a coach, you are unlikely to become a professional (although there are pleasant exceptions), but the fact that you will gain amazing physical shape is indisputable.

The basics of home dance classes

Before you start learning to dance street and classical dances at home, you need to understand the main thing: any workout begins with a warm-up and ends with stretching. Break your activity into three parts:

  • warming up all muscle groups;
  • main dance block
  • deep stretch

If you neglect to warm up at the beginning of class, you can get a sprain or more serious injury. And if you forget about stretching at the end, then you can’t even dream of beautiful muscle relief.

If you decide to learn how to street dance at home, buy clothes in the appropriate style. Hip-hop or breakdancing is not just performing movements to music, it is a whole philosophy, a subculture. Therefore, at home in front of a mirror in stretched out sweatpants, you can hardly learn to dance hip-hop or tectonics beautifully.

To learn how to dance hip-hop at home, the first thing you need to understand is that while performing all movements, your legs and body must work. First you need to learn to relax.

When starting to learn how to dance hip-hop, stand in front of a mirror, bend your knees and do a spring. Feel your body relax. Remember these sensations - it is in this state that all movements are performed.

In simple hip-hop, all movements are smooth - no jerking or hand wringing. You need to feel your body. In more complex routines, strength elements are also performed, but they require excellent physical fitness and the help of a mentor.

Therefore, if you want to learn hip-hop at home, just master the technique of movements - and for more complex elements it is better to go to professionals in the gym.

How to learn breakdancing at home

You can also learn breakdancing at home, but again, if we are talking about simple elements. Break dancing is one of the areas of hip-hop, only more dynamic and requiring good athletic training from the dancers.

Therefore, having decided to learn how to breakdance at home, you first need to master hip-hop: move on relaxed legs bent at the knees, and make smooth movements with your hands.

There are two types of breaks: lower and upper. In the first case, the dancer performs the main elements with his feet, and in the second, with his hands. Many dancers perform such a masterful top break that it simply mesmerizes the audience.

You can start learning breakdancing at home by mastering the technique of moving your arms and legs. Download a training video that slowly breaks down the basic elements and make them automatic.

Break dancing has a lot of complex, almost circus elements. Dancers spin on their heads, jump and walk on their hands, and freeze in complex poses for several seconds. Without this, a break is impossible. But beginners definitely shouldn’t do any of these tricks in their first lesson. Learn to dance on your own at home complex elements their hip hop is simply life-threatening.

Learn to dance tectonics on your own

This type of street dancing is not fundamentally different from the previous two. It is more complex, as it incorporates many elements from other modern dances. It contains break, hip-hop and techno.

All movements are performed on relaxed legs. Therefore, if you want to learn how to dance tectonics, turn on a hip-hop video lesson and learn to move on bent legs.

In tectonics, the main elements are performed by hand. In some ways they are similar to the upper brek, only clearer and faster. But you need to learn how to dance tectonics in the same way as breaking: first repeat the movements in slow motion, gradually increasing the tempo.

Many hand movements in tectonics are performed synchronously with the knees and feet. Therefore, when a certain set of movements has been worked out, it needs to be combined with leg movements. The hips also need to be involved - they will add amplitude. It is difficult to achieve synchronous execution right away, but nothing is impossible. And with regular classes, in a few months the dream of learning to dance tectonics may well come true.

Disadvantages of learning to dance at home

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​learning to dance at home has its drawbacks. It is possible to misunderstand the basic dance movements and make mistakes. Once they become automatic, it will be difficult to relearn them.

The absence of a professional trainer nearby is one of the serious disadvantages of such classes. After all, a teacher can not only position your arms and legs correctly in the dance, teach you the basic elements right away, but also make sure that you don’t get injured. During classes, mentors make sure that their students do not try to do complex elements right away.

Anyone can learn home or club dancing, and this is not a crazy idea at all, but a completely doable task. You can take a few hours of lessons from a trainer at school, and then dance tectonics or hip-hop at home in front of the mirror at home. Or you can start learning the basic movements from these dances on your own, and then go to improve your skills at a dance school.

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