Fb2 Esther and Jerry Hicks. The amazing power of conscious intention (the teachings of Abraham). The Amazing Power of Conscious Intention

Esther and Jerry Hicks - about the author

By asking Abraham a variety of questions related to finances, health, relationships with people, etc., and putting their answers into practice, Jerry and Esther significantly changed their lives. Realizing how amazing the results were, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to make this teaching available to everyone who wants to live a better life.

Jerry and Esther made their main base at a conference center in San Antonio (Texas) and since 1989 began traveling to about fifty cities a year, conducting interactive Seminars on the Art of Acceptance. They invited everyone who decided to join this progressive stream of thought. And although many philosophers and gurus paid attention to the philosophy of the Good and introduced many of Abraham’s concepts into their books, articles and lectures, at first these materials were transmitted mainly by word of mouth. Every day, more and more people realized the enormous and positive impact Abraham's teachings could have on their lives.

Abraham - a group of Non-Physical Entities - convey their views through Esther Hicks. Their teaching, translated into a language accessible to people, contributes to our self-improvement and leads us to reunite with our loving Inner Essence.

To date, the Hicks have released more than six hundred Abraham-Hicks books, cassettes, CDs, and videotapes.

Esther and Jerry Hicks - books for free:

Remember the best moments of your life, and you will see that each of them was remembered by you thanks to the feelings that filled your heart then. Inspiration, passion, excitement, surprise and even fear, irritation, anger - all this is a sincere response...

Thoughts and feelings are a natural part of our life, determining the fullness and taste of its content. And if you think that controlling them is difficult and almost impossible, then this book is especially for you...

“Towards your dream in 365 days” - simple and...

Talking about how the Law of Attraction works, the authors emphasize that people often feel like victims of circumstances because they do not notice and are not aware of the influence of their thoughts on the surrounding reality. But it's up to you to choose...:

The authors of the world-famous bestselling books Esther and Jerry Hicks created the Abraham-Hicks teaching, which can make the life of any person prosperous. For twenty-five years, their Law of Attraction seminars have been held in hundreds of...

The world moves - constantly and unpredictably, just as thoughts constantly and unpredictably flash in our heads. Dreams, hopes, fears, concerns - all this seems to be an invisible illusion that exists only in the imagination. But in reality...

Volume 1 of “The Teachings of Abraham” includes “The Law of Attraction” and “The Teaching of Making Desires Come True” - books by Esther and Jerry Hicks, which have gained wide popularity in our country and abroad...

This book brings true peace to people. With its help you can solve any problems. It doesn’t matter what exactly a person is afraid of or what problem seems dead-end to him: Abraham always has an answer to any question. On the pages of this book you will find...

“The Teachings of Abraham” is an opportunity to understand how life works and how to manage it. Everything turns out to be quite simple if you know what to do and in what cases. In this book you are invited to learn the laws by which in life...

Reviews of the book “Ask and it will be given to you”

“This is the most powerful book I have ever read, no more, no less. It can change your whole life. And with what love it was written! A real treasure."

“I have been a big fan of this teaching for ten years now. It has helped me and my family tremendously.”

“The most valuable thing in the book “Ask and it will be given to you” is the description of twenty-two effective processes designed to achieve your goals. No matter where we are, there is a process for every situation that can be used to make life better. I love this book and I love Esther and Jerry Hicks!”

“This is an amazing book! My wife and I have been using this wise and eminently practical teaching with success for several years. We believe that it will bring you considerable benefit too. We recommend her to all our friends!”

“...this is a milestone in literature...you have a happy opportunity to partake of the wisdom of those who are constantly connected to the Source Energy. Moreover, these voices of the spirit speak in words that everyone can understand, which can be instantly translated into action. This is nothing more than a plan for understanding your destiny and realizing what you want.”

“With the help of the Abraham-Hicks teachings, I rose to a new level of understanding, confidence, purpose and feeling. I study these ideas all the time and recommend them to everyone I know. I have never seen anything more effective and comprehensive. Implement these ideas into life, and life will turn towards you in a new and happy way.”

“With this incredibly wise, yet simple and practical teaching, you will regain trust in your inner voice and set yourself on the path to the most amazing adventures imaginable. The book “Ask and it will be given to you” is a map of the road to a joyful life and spiritual uplift.”

“This is one of the best wish fulfillment books I have come across in a long time. I am delighted with how clearly the absolute truths are described in it! The overall tone of the book is exciting, supportive, warming and instills a positive attitude. I am distributing this book to all my friends. I love it and highly recommend reading it.”

Other books by Esther and Jerry Hicks

(Teachings of Abraham)

Books, calendar and postcard set

The Amazing Power of Conscious Intention

Postcards “Abraham's Teachings about the Good”

The Science of Conscious Creation: Daily Planning Calendar/Workbook

A New Beginning I: A Guide to Living a Joyful Life

A New Beginning II: A Personal Primer for Realizing Your Right to Life, Liberty and Happiness

Sarah, book 1: Eternity for feathered friends

Sarah Book 2: Sarah and Seth: Solomon's Good Featherless Friends

Sarah Book 3: A Talking Bird is Worth a Thousand Words

Audio cassettes and CDs

Introduction to the Teachings of Abraham

Starter Kit on the Teachings of Abraham

Abraham's Greatest Hits

Selected Topics, Volumes I and II

New Adventure (music)


The Art of Acceptance

The Science of Conscious Creation

Relationships and co-creation

Health and Wellness

Money and the realization of desires

Death and life

Paranormal concepts

Wayne Dyer


The book you are holding in your hands describes one of the most effective teachings known on our planet today. I have been deeply influenced by Abraham's messages in this book and in the recordings distributed by Esther and Jerry Hicks over the past twenty years. I am deeply touched by the honor that Abraham did me by asking me to write a short preface to his teaching. This is a unique book because it provides you with a happy opportunity to drink from the stream of thoughts of those who are continuously connected to the Source Energy. At the same time, it will not be difficult for you to understand the language of the Spirit spoken by these voices and instantly translate it into the language of action. We present to your attention nothing more nor less than a project for understanding and realizing your own destiny.

First of all, I will take the liberty of strongly recommending that you at least keep this book next to you for a few weeks, if you are not yet ready to read it and apply the great wisdom contained herein in your life. Let the incredible energy of this book sweep away all the barriers that your brain and body put up, let it harmoniously fill the entire inner space, formless and limitless, often called soul, which Abraham would denote as vibrational connection with Source.

This universe is a universe of vibrations. Einstein once remarked: “Nothing happens until there is movement,” that is, all things vibrate at a certain frequency that is quite measurable. Break this whole seemingly unshakable world into small components, and you will see: what seems solid and solid is, in fact, just a dance, a dance of particles and emptiness. Look at the smallest of these quantum particles and you will realize that it came from a source vibrating at such a speed that it does not care about our busy world. This fastest energy is called Source Energy. You, like everyone and everything, originated from this vibration, and then appeared in the material world - the world of things, bodies, thoughts and “ego”. We are able to accept the challenge of this whole world of problems, illnesses, needs and fears precisely thanks to the remnants of the Source Energy in our bodies and souls.

In essence, Abraham's teachings are aimed at helping you return to this Source from which everything came and to which everything will return. I touched on some aspects of Source Energy in my book “The Power of Intention.” Unlike me, Abraham offers his amazing wisdom with a 100% connection to the Source and without questioning that connection, which is evident from every word in this book. That's why I call it a milestone in literature.

Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham).

The amazing power of deliberate intent: Living the Art of Allowing

Translation from English T. V. Sokolova

In The Amazing Power of Mindful Intention Abraham emphasizes the importance of harnessing the power of our thoughts, which may not produce immediate results, but can have an impact on subsequent events.

This is an amazing, fascinating book, and I wholeheartedly recommend reading it to anyone who is ready to explore the limitless power of the human mind.

“The Amazing Power of Conscious Intention” is the second book by the Hicks couple, authors of the best-selling book according to reader ratings on the site www.amazon.com - “The Teaching of Making Desires Come True. Ask and it will be given to you.”

The married couple Esther and Jerry Hicks have been communicating with wise entities Abraham for many years (many have probably read Lee Carroll's books about his experience of communicating with the spirit Kryon). Abraham represents the Collective Consciousness and treats humanity with infinite love and care. And his teaching helps to discover unprecedented abilities to create and create your own destiny, you just need to learn to use the power of thoughts and emotions. The book explains in a simple and accessible way, with practical examples, how to do this.

The Hicks are confident that every person is able to overcome all their fears and get out of any dead-end situation, using emotions as an indicator of their internal state.

Our book is dedicated to those teachers and mentors who enthusiastically welcomed the publication of the book “Ask and it will be given to you” and disseminated the knowledge contained in it to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

We are deeply grateful to the great number of famous people who have so kindly received our book... Their high authority has helped to make the teachings of Abraham accessible to all who are eager to touch this great knowledge.


When the students are ready, the teacher appears

Life is an amazing, unsolved mystery. Throughout it, we constantly ask questions and look for answers to them. Each of us has always wanted to become the master of our own destiny, but no one knew for sure how this could be done. We would like to get rid of all our fears, both minor, deeply personal, and the most powerful. We may worry that our figure will deteriorate, relationships with loved ones will go wrong, we may be afraid of death, political instability, world cataclysms and even alien invasion.

This book brings true peace to people. With its help you can solve any problems. It doesn’t matter what exactly a person is afraid of or what problem seems dead-end to him: Abraham always has an answer to any question. On the pages of this book you will find a description of simple processes that will not only make it possible to get rid of all sorrows and troubles, but will also allow you to move to a qualitatively new level of life.

I am convinced that Abraham is the best mentor that exists on our planet today. His teaching radically changed my worldview. I am forever grateful to Jerry and Esther Hicks for dedicating their lives to spreading the teachings of Abraham among us. The time has come to expand your horizons, and now is the best time for this. If you are holding this book in your hands, You- lucky, because in this case your luck and prosperity are just around the corner.

I have known Abraham and Jerry and Esther Hicks for several years. I felt a deep spiritual connection with Abraham from the very first minute - as soon as I heard what he taught. I think that this is a true Teacher in the deepest sense of the word. And the more I immerse myself in Abraham's teachings, the more I admire him.

Yes, I met Jerry and Esther in time. What impressed me the most was how successfully they applied Abraham's teachings to their lives. In front of me were two happy, cheerful people, who are accompanied by good luck in all matters. They love each other and life itself more than anyone I have ever known. It gave me great pleasure to see how they interacted with each other. It just makes your heart happy when there are people next to you who know how to enjoy life every minute.

Our publishing house, Hay House, is very proud to have been the first to introduce books about the teachings of Abraham to readers and continues to distribute

them all over the world. The book that opened this series is “Ask and it will be given to you” - Wayne. W. Dyer, the author of many bestsellers, called it “a milestone in literature,” giving it a more detailed definition: “This is nothing more than a plan for understanding your destiny and realizing what you want.”

The book “The Amazing Power of Conscious Intention” is the second in the series. With its help, you will continue your journey into the unknown depths of your own self. Thanks to this book, your self-confidence will increase - after all, you will have a rich arsenal of a wide variety of ways with which you can get out of any situation with honor. Having gained self-confidence, you will be able to complete any, even the most daring undertaking. And for this you will not have to spend a lot of time and effort - after all, you will learn The Art of Acceptance. You will be simply amazed when you discover how easy it is to live the life you have always dreamed of.

I think that you will do the same as me: you will keep both of these books at the head of your bed and be sure to read them both in the morning and before going to bed. And this will make your sleep much stronger, and the beginning of each new day will bring only joy... And your mood will be simply excellent!



Jerry Hicks

Have you ever tried to consider your own development in the light of events that brought you a feeling of complete inner satisfaction?

Are the “album” of your memory, which stores pleasant memories, captured in your mind pictures of those moments when something seemed to push you to fulfill your most cherished desires?

Have you ever, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude, recalled people, books or circumstances that, like a bright flash, illuminated your path and gave you a new vision of life?

Name these moments turning points, or intersections, or. pointers on the path of life. You might even say that they were litmus tests accurate perception of the Good, perhaps... but don't you feel how positively they have impacted your life?

I began writing this foreword while parking my car on “our” country road between the French Broad River and the Biltmore duck pond. Here in Asheville, North Carolina, we (my wife Esther and I) have been hosting workshops for fifteen years. This place on the river is one of our favorites. In the spring, we watch with affection the little goslings here. And then we follow the autumn migration of Canada geese, when, obeying a powerful instinct, they make their way to distant lands. That’s how my wife and I are: we travel from end to end of the country, but we always come back here. It’s a very joyful period in my life right now, I’m sitting and doing something that gives me great pleasure - I’m writing this preface. I want to talk about why you should turn to Abraham's teachings and put them into practice (and thereby consciously experience your true nature).

So, I finally finished with this universe (I even leafed through the manga a little), I watched it all for a long time, although not as much as Madhouse tried to tell this story, and I won’t beat around the bush - I liked the series the most.

The plot was interesting, in which the idea of ​​the inevitability of the line of fate and attempts to resist it at all costs clearly stood out. For the most part, the motivations of the parties did not let us down, giving the series shades of gray. Sometimes banal but vital truths were revealed about what makes our lives valuable and why we need to take care of what is dear to us. Let everyone do it in their own way and not always right in the eyes of others. Well, or I already turned it down...
Overall, the script isn't exactly brilliant, but the characters really lift things up. Everything is as I like - in addition to the mentioned motivations, there is also a disclosure with backstories and interactions, which sometimes gives rise to strong plot twists and powerful drama. It seems like you look at a template on a template, but somehow they are presented and revealed here in such a way that they catch you and that’s it. Or is it just that in modern anime everything is bad with the characters...
The music also contributes to the atmosphere of what is happening; the list of compositions, although not rich, they all sound simply great and are inserted, as they say, “into the theme.” The graphics in the series are very advanced, in another 5 years many series will look approximately the same, although the number of animation frames and large-scale scenes using it is not even amazing. But I can attribute a lot to CLAMP’s corporate style, which I met in Code Geass.
Now about the cons. I won’t point my finger at the numerous blunders and holes, at the number of “random” coincidences, at the sometimes illogical behavior of the characters, my quibble lies elsewhere. Unfortunately, the epic battle didn’t work out. The battles are spread thinly throughout the entire duration, it seems like this is how it should be, but in the end it wouldn’t hurt to give in to a dynamic confrontation, which is constantly brought up to and broken off in the end. Yes, there is a revelation of the characters and so on, this is good, but I repeat, the dynamics suffer greatly from this. And the ending still manages to be monstrously crumpled, and they don’t even bother to tell the fate of some of the characters in a more complete way. I don’t know, maybe it was all intended that way, the narrative itself sometimes looks more like a theatrical production, but even so, the last episode, unfortunately, was undercooked.
In this regard, the weak movie wins over the series - everything is ok with the dynamics, and the animation will be richer, but there are already major problems with disclosures, well, that’s why it’s a film, watch at your own risk. For some, scenes with hints of shonen-ai will be a controversial point. Of course, there is nothing serious here in this regard, but for some, even hints are already deadly. Although in modern anime this is sometimes much worse. By the way, if you are still planning to watch this series, it would be a good idea to first watch Tokyo Babylon and X OVA, for a more complete understanding of the context, the film is mentioned above, you can skip the clips.

Well... Conclusion?
Despite the fact that the series has a whole bunch of problems and objectively, it hardly deserves the 8 out of 10 I gave, and I may even reconsider the rating someday, although, God forbid. Nevertheless, it was interesting to watch from beginning to end, and I believe that an emotional response is sometimes much more important than any objectivity and dry analysis, and this series touched me to the depths of my soul (yes, that’s how naive and simple I am) , and more than once.

I will be outrageously biased. Because it was with “X” that I consciously entered the world of Japanese animation.

The very first anime I watched as if by decision

fate. Well, how can I think otherwise? When you live in the early 2000s, far from urban civilization. And you see in a poor rural CD store a cover with a delightful picture of “CLAMP”, gasping with the joy of recognition. When you've been sighing for a year already at unidentified anime clips shown by your city comrades, and thinking longingly - what kind of anime is this? Where can I get it? And then the disk... It's still in the stack, right there, next to me as I type. To stumble upon a not very popular anime, and in a place where this is almost impossible - why not fate?)

Just like in the theme of the idea, a thread stretched in the series. What is “fate” and “destiny”? Why do people do exactly these things and not others? Why, after all, is the world so cruel? Anime will not give answers to these questions unambiguously, it will simply tell a story.
The story is probably what got me hooked. It is pretentious and Clumpian, just as dramatic and delightfully beautiful, with a cover from the art that captivated me once and for all. More precisely, not history, but stories. As they correctly noted before me, there are many characters here, and we will be told about them as the series progresses. Two opposing factions, where it is often difficult to separate the good and the bad. Everyone has their own, albeit sophisticated, motivation. And if it doesn’t exist, the authors will create it, oh, it’s not at all difficult.
Almost all the heroes had a difficult life anyway, and how it came to the main plot narrative... In general, get your scarves ready, everything there is very harsh in the Japanese way.

Kamui At first he doesn’t seem like the most pleasant character, to be honest. Capricious, pretentious, carrying his tragedies like a sack. But as I watched, looking around at the madhouse going on around me, I involuntarily became imbued with the hero, I just felt stupidly sorry for him.

I waited a long time for it, and in the end I never expected to see Kamui in the role of a vampire along with the quiet Subaru. However, their “special” relationship, which began in “X,” became even more obvious in “Chronicle.” Oh, these mangaka-(not) shippers)

Fuma, a typical “big brother,” was undergoing a completely opposite metamorphosis in my mind. What didn’t stop me from loving and sympathizing with the brat in spite of everything was that, by the decision of the authors, he got the role.
Sorata. The most favorite hero of the series after Kamui.

I, like the last sensitive girl, at one time almost burst into tears when I saw him in the Chronicle, alive, cheerful and happy. Sorata was the first character from X to be introduced during the Chronicle's narrative.

Arashi. A proud daughter of the land of Nihon, thin-boned, white-skinned and determined.

For some reason, the relationship between Arashi and Sorata was deeply touched; it was so childishly stupid and naive, how Sorata approached Arashi, and she did not want to accept him. And how cruelly their love story ended, stupid, cruel and somehow beautiful.

And many other heroes. Many years have passed, but I still remember their names.

To be honest, I very much doubt that “X” will appeal to modern audiences. This is not a classic that even a newfag can love; let’s be honest, this is a specific product. Pathetic and dramatic, with a rustic and sometimes logical plot. More, perhaps, aimed at a female audience, with clear hints of shonen-ai, beloved by the original manga artists, with beautiful subtle bishounens. Slow, with a lot of empty dialogues. “X” needs to be loved as an interesting person, but with shortcomings.
The advantage is that the drawing quality is still a reference for me. She is magical, lively, very stylish and recognizable. Graphically, “X” still pleases my eyes, although many people prefer the film, it is closer to the mangaka’s drawings. If you're interested, take a look at the art books, they're wonderful.
Music. Yes, it's outdated. But holy shit, from the very first seconds I feel like an electric shock, the opening “eX Dream” gives me goosebumps. And again, the group “X-Japan” has already been mentioned here, they sang for the official video for X (or vice versa... In general, they are also cool). The instrumental music in the anime itself is also not bad, but perhaps the track that caught my attention the most was “Sadame” - the quintessence of drama.
I'm afraid to blurt out something about the plot so as not to spoil it. Let me just say that it will not be of interest to everyone. It is spiritually close to many TV series of that time - an abundance of tragedy, words about an unchanging predetermination, fights, heroes with a difficult fate. There is maltsa and humor, and slice, and even time to relax and relax the buns (but don’t overdo it!).

My biased 9 out of 10. Simply because this is my first love, and although I see the shortcomings of the anime, I still love it.

A close friend of mine at the time praised this anime to me. An unusual twisted plot, bright characters, beautiful graphics...
Unfortunately, all this refers to some other title, which she confused with this one, which has become for me a kind of standard of bad anime. Why the standard? Because I didn’t like everything here. That's right, totally. The only thing that amused me was

But this was not enough to get at least a two grade.
The plot... Yes, the twist of an incredible level: we were born and raised for a great mission, we don’t want to play out an apocalyptic multi-step game, we will overcome, we will turn fate upside down, no, we will not be able to turn it over, we will never overcome, and, with a liquid fart, one by one Let's go limp to the sobs of the thirteen-year-old spectators (to be honest, at that time I myself was not much more than thirteen, but still, such a crude forced drama could no longer evoke any emotions). This was a retelling of all 24 episodes, I mean it. Of course, even on such a simple foundation you can build a fascinating, memorable story. But alas, something went wrong.
Vivid characters. This is not about a wizard who wants to offer MFM to his friend and his sister, but believes that they will not understand him (and in vain, this would add at least some zest to the anime), and others like them, and others like them - sorry, but this cannot be taken seriously.
Beautiful graphics. Many people liked it, but those character simfaces! They can be distinguished from each other only by their hairstyle and clothes; their faces are drawn as if they were carbon copies. This would not be critical if not for the two points above. Together with them, the shortcomings of the graphic aggravate the depressing impression. Mmm, and these feathers, feathers, it’s a pity there’s no fly in the ointment.
Music. In some places it is very inappropriate for what is happening on the screen.
However, there are positive aspects to everything. If I suddenly get poisoned by something, I can use this anime as an emetic.

— Abraham
— Book “Law of Attraction”
— Best Law of Attraction Quotes

Jerry and Esther Hicks translated from the language of the Non-Physical Entities calling themselves Abraham, whose teaching, clarity and practicality they admired. In 1986, they shared their amazing experience with several close friends and business partners.

By asking Abraham a variety of questions regarding finances, health, relationships, etc., and putting their answers into practice, Jerry and Esther made significant changes in their lives. Realizing how amazing the results were, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to make this teaching available to everyone who wants to live a better life.

Jerry and Esther made their main base at a conference center in San Antonio (Texas) and since 1989 began traveling to about fifty cities a year, conducting interactive Seminars on the Art of Acceptance. They invited everyone who decided to join this progressive stream of thought. And although many philosophers and gurus paid attention to the philosophy of the Good and introduced many of Abraham’s concepts into their books, articles and lectures, at first these materials were transmitted mainly by word of mouth. Every day, more and more people realized the enormous and positive impact Abraham's teachings could have on their lives.

Abraham - a group of Non-Physical Entities - convey their views through Esther Hicks. Their teaching, translated into a language accessible to people, contributes to our self-improvement and leads us to reunite with our loving Inner Essence. To date, the Hicks have released more than six hundred Abraham-Hicks books, cassettes, CDs, and videotapes.

The life of Esther and Jerry Hicks is dedicated to the happy opportunity to share with people the wise Teachings of Abraham, the meaning of which is to learn to feel the joy of Being.

How are the “joy of Being” and the Law of Attraction related? According to Esther and Jerry Hicks, the answer is simple - you can feel the joy of Existence only after understanding the Law of Attraction!

— Book “Law of Attraction”

The life of Esther and Jerry Hicks is dedicated to the happy opportunity to share with people the wise Teachings of Abraham, the meaning of which is to learn to feel the joy of Being. How are the “joy of Being” and the Law of Attraction related? According to Esther and Jerry Hicks, the answer is simple - you can feel the joy of Being only after understanding the Law of Attraction!

After reading this book, you can learn to create the life you want! You can get rid of everything unnecessary, achieve what you dream of, overcome your fears and, finally, understand what you really strive for...

This book is about how to be mindful, and if you read carefully how to be mindful, then all your intentions will manifest in your reality. And soon you.

Everything you think about, fear, and spend energy on is attracted to you because the Law of Attraction responds to your thoughts. You can remember episodes from the past, observe something in the present or think about the future, the thought always activates a vibration in you, to which the Law of Attraction immediately responds. Nothing appears in life just like that. You attract it all. No exceptions. Learn more about the Law of Attraction and you will experience a feeling of incomparable freedom because you will learn to control every event in your life.

The pages of this book offer practical philosophical tools for attracting money, health and luck into your life. You will learn about the powerful Law of Attraction and its impact on all living things.

If you've ever wanted a manual to come with your life, here it is! The book "The Law of Attraction" will introduce you to the most powerful law of the universe, which is the basis of our lives. Once you understand how the Law of Attraction works, you will begin to notice an exact correspondence between what you think about and what actually happens to you. You will learn to control events, get rid of fears and achieve what you want. You will finally understand that nothing in life appears for nothing. Learn to “attract” only what you need and get from life everything you want so badly!

Start living the way you like!

— Best Law of Attraction Quotes

If for the next 30 days you start your day every morning with the words: “I intend to see,” “I want to see,” “no matter who I work with, who I talk to, where I am, what I do... I intend to see something.” what I want,” you will change the direction of your life. Everything that you don’t like now will disappear from it and be replaced by what you like. This is an absolute rule. This is the Law.

Instead of trying to control the lives of others (you won't be able to do that no matter what you do), try to control your own participation in these situations. By creating a clear picture of the life you want to lead, you will set yourself up for a smooth and enjoyable journey.

I want a great relationship. I like nice, smart, funny, energetic, inspiring people. I am pleased to know that there are many of them on this planet. I meet a lot of interesting people and I enjoy discovering attractive qualities in the people I interact with. It seems like the more I like people, the more people I like come into my life. I love this exciting co-creation.

Imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts to you the essence of what you think and feel. So, if you feel full, you will not be able to attract thinness. If you feel poor, you will not be able to attract wealth,

When you put yourself in a competitive situation, the winner is always the one who concentrates most clearly on winning and expects it the most. This is the Law. If there is any benefit to competition, it is this: it stimulates desire.

When you really, truly don't want something, it can come to you even faster.

When you really, truly want something, it comes to you very quickly.

If you want to bring the greatest benefit to your child, think only about what you want, and the child will receive only the thoughts he wants from you.

allow desire to come true.

What you pay attention to, especially emotional attention, you attract into your life.

We are invulnerable to the actions of others

By taking the time to become aware of your intention, you receive tremendous energy from the Universe, which will all be directed to the moment in which you are now.

But since there is such a wide range of thought stimulation available in your society, few of you keep your attention on any one object long enough to develop it greatly. Most people are so distracted that you don't have the opportunity to significantly reinforce any one thought.

Every time you set a conscious intention about what you want, your Inner Being takes it all into account. Therefore, the more conscious you are in your proposals, which have the form of intention: “I want, I am going, I expect,” the more capable the Inner Essence is of processing this and the more accurate, specific and understandable Guidance it offers you.

So when you decide that you want to see only what pleases you, you will begin to see only that, and all situations will create positive emotions in you, because according to the Law of Attraction, you will attract only what is in harmony with your desires.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

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