Criticism of the work of Eugene Onegin. Critics' statements about the novel “Eugene Onegin. Several interesting essays

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"Eugene Onegin" in Russian criticism

Head: Petkun Lyudmila Prokhorovna


1. “Eugene Onegin” in the life of A.S. Pushkin

2. “Eugene Onega in Russian criticism”

2.1 N.Ya. Nightingale "Eugene Onegin"

2.2 A. Slonimsky “Pushkin’s Mastery”

2.3 V.G. Belinsky "Eugene Onegin"

3. Comments on the novel “Eugene Onegin”

3.1 Yu.M. Lotman "Eugene Onegin"

3.2 N.L. Brodsky "Eugene Onegin"

4. A.S. Pushkin about “Eugene Onegin” in letters to friends


List of used literature


The novel “Eugene Onegin” occupies a central place in the poet’s work. This is his largest, most popular work, which had a strong influence on the fate of Russian literature. While working on a novel, the poet writes to Vyazemsky: “Now I’m not writing a novel, but a novel in verse - a devilish difference.” Indeed, working on a novel is a colossal effort. Pushkin worked on this novel for 8 years. His characters, plot, and writing style developed and grew with him. Work on the novel took place during the transition from romanticism to realism in creative life A.S. Pushkin. No wonder V.G. Belinsky called the novel “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” This work reflects the life and lifestyle of society early XIX century, represented by the main characters - typical representatives of that time. “In the person of Onegin, Lensky and Tatyana, Pushkin portrayed Russian society in one of the phases of his education, his development and with what truth, with what fidelity, how fully and artistically he depicted it,” Belinsky said.

In general, what is literary criticism? Literary criticism is a field of literary creativity on the verge of art ( fiction) and the science of literature (literary criticism). Engaged in the interpretation and evaluation of works of literature from the point of view of modernity (including pressing problems of social and spiritual life) and the personal views of the critic; identifies and approves creative principles literary trends; has an active influence on the literary process, as well as directly on the formation of public consciousness; relies on the theory and history of literature, philosophy, aesthetics. It is often journalistic, political and topical in nature, intertwined with journalism.

Abstract objectives:

1. Get acquainted with criticism of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

2. Find out the attitude of critics towards the novel, their opinions.

3. Analyze critical articles.

4. Draw a conclusion.

1 . “Eugene Onegin” in the life of A.S.Pushkin

literary criticism Onegin Pushkin

Pushkin began writing “Eugene Onegin” in May 1823 in Chisinau, and finished it on September 25, 1830 in Boldino. In 1831, Pushkin again turned to the novel. According to the plan, the novel was supposed to have nine chapters, but subsequently the author removed the eighth chapter and put the ninth in its place. The tenth chapter was also written, but the poet burned it. In 1833, the novel was published and contained eight chapters.

Since Pushkin wrote the novel for about 8 years, it is difficult to give a detailed history of writing. However, in the book by Yu.M. I found some references to Lotman:

Period in Mikhailovsky (1824-1826):

“On September 26, 1824, Pushkin wrote the poem “Conversation of a Bookseller with a Poet,” which he published as a preface to a separate edition of the first chapter of “Eugene Onegin.” This was a declaration of the poet's right to truthfully prosaic attitude to life." “In February 1825, the first chapter of the novel was published...” During his stay at Mikhailovsky, Pushkin finishes the third chapter of the novel and works on the fourth, fifth and sixth. “Creative thinking follows complex paths: at the beginning of January 1826, Pushkin finally ends the fourth chapter of Eugene Onegin with humorous verses about the preference that he has been giving for some time to Bordeaux wine compared to Ai champagne. Then, with feverish haste, the fifth and then the sixth chapter of the novel are written, stanzas dedicated to Odessa, which were later included in Onegin’s Travels.

“The duality of his attitude towards the world was deeply unusual for Pushkin and filled him with inner restlessness and dissatisfaction with himself. An interesting paradox emerges in the relationship between life and creativity: while in “Poltava” truth is equated with a calm historical view in the perspective of a century-long distance (“A hundred years have passed...”), while the rebellious Onegin is condemned and contrasted with Tatiana’s wise humility...”

Later, Pushkin realized that the movement begun in Mikhailovsky needed to be stopped. 1830 was a year of completion: “Eugene Onegin” was completed, the small tragedies conceived at Mikhailovsky were written, the first completed prose works were “Belkin’s Tales”.

2 . "Eugene Onegin" in Russianth criticism

In criticism and literary criticism, the assessment of “Eugene Onegin” as the central work of Pushkin has long been strengthened. Therefore, the novel received considerable attention even from those critics who, due to their conservative ideological and aesthetic positions, denied it serious social and literary significance. "Eugene Onegin" - the first realistic novel in the history of literature - became a work around which debates were held about the tasks and directions of art, about artistic method, about genres, and style. The severity of the controversy surrounding “Eugene Onegin”, the clash of different points of view in illuminating its concept and images, the special attention to it in the history of Russian social thought - all this is explained by its exceptional social, artistic, and general cultural significance. Reproducing the Russian life of the era, reflecting the most pressing issues of our time, Pushkin at the same time put forward in his novel problems that go far beyond the time of its creation and have a broad nationwide, national and universal resonance - problems of the meaning of life, the relationship between man and the social environment , civic and moral duty, nationality and humanism. As we will see later, it was precisely these problems that arose in one form or another in Russian criticism and literary criticism when covering and interpreting the novel.

The literature about “Eugene Onegin” is truly immense. There are almost no studies about Pushkin’s work that would not, to one degree or another, concern the novel, its content or images. In this chapter we will touch only on the main directions in understanding the novel and works that most clearly reflect the history of its assessment and study, as well as express various trends in the development of problems related to it.

2.1 N.Ya Solovey “Eugene Onegin”

Nikolai Yakovlevich Solovey is a Russian playwright.

In his critical article N.Ya. Nightingale paid great attention to the birth of the concept of “Eugene Onegin”: “The novel in verse was conceived at a time when the poet became disillusioned with romanticism, but did not immediately come to an understanding of the new, realistic tasks of fiction.” Speaking about the romantic crisis in the work of A.S. Pushkin, Nikolai Yakovlevich draws a parallel between romantic works, for example, “Demon”, “Sower”, paid much attention to the poem “Gypsies”.

"Eugene Onegin - central character novel in verse. Pushkin worked on understanding this image and its artistic embodiment for over ten years. The difficulty of implementing the plan was that for the first time in the history of Russian literature centrally work of art a contemporary became a big genre form” - in these words N.Ya. The Nightingale begins the chapter about Onegin. The critic identified 5 stages of Pushkin’s work on this image:

Stage I:

This stage refers to the creation of the first to fourth chapters (1823-1825). “Already in the first chapter, Pushkin describes in detail the actions young man, who lived eight years of distracted social life in St. Petersburg.” In general, this stage is devoted to creating the image of the main character; in these chapters, the concept of Onegin’s character is further developed. Nightingale notes that society played a big role in Onegin’s disappointment in life: “The influence of the social environment on the formation of such properties of the hero as disappointment in life, selfishness, individualism is shown in the first four chapters of the novel.”

Stage II:

The second stage of work on the image began in 1826. It is worth noting that at this time in public life Russia are happening important events: the Decembrist uprising was suppressed (December 14, 1825), the investigation and trial of its participants took place, the leaders of the uprising were executed.

N.Ya. Nightingale says that in this chapter the poet “for the first time depicts in sufficient detail provincial nobility as part of the social environment where Onegin’s life takes place.” Onegin barely acts at the beginning of the fifth chapter, he only “appears in Tatyana’s ominous dream as a fatal figure in relation to Lensky.” However, in the second part, Onegin already appears “in a real-life, not a fantasy situation” at Tatiana’s name day. In the actions of the hero, the egoistic peculiarity of his character is again felt.

In the sixth chapter, where the duel is described, Pushkin shows “the dependence of the behavior of a contemporary person on public opinion, on the morals of the environment.”

Stage III:

The third stage is associated with the work on the seventh chapter (1827-1828). In this chapter, Onegin does not appear on the pages of the novel; he is characterized through the perception of Tatyana, who is trying to unravel him. She reads books belonging to Onegin, who:

“Although we know that Eugene has long ceased to love reading, However, He excluded several creations from disgrace: The Singer Giaur and Juan, and two or three more novels with him, In which the century is reflected modern man Depicted quite correctly With his immoral soul, Selfish and dry, Dreams devoted immensely, With his embittered mind, Seething in empty action.”

This chapter traces the similarities between Onegin and Byron's heroes. So isn't Onegin a parody? “For Pushkin, Onega is not a parody. The poet takes under the protection of his hero with his “inimitable strangeness.”

Stages IV and V:

These stages relate to the period 1829-1830. These are the final chapters of the novel, eighth, ninth and tenth.

The eighth chapter was entitled "The Journey", which was not included in the canonical text. The author took a new step in the development of the hero’s relationship with society: “Already in the first stanzas of the chapter “Wandering,” the theme of Onegin as an “extra” person in noble society was outlined and developed.” The same theme is repeated in chapter nine.

The last, tenth chapter is the final (eighth chapter) in the final version of the novel. In this chapter inner world Onegin is characterized by his letter to Tatyana. “Only the changed Onegin could fall in love with Tatyana, and his letter is the most vivid evidence of the changes that have taken place in him.

Lensky's death made life in the village painful for him:

“From everything that is dear to the heart, Then I tore my heart away; Strange to everyone, not bound by anything, I thought: freedom and peace are a substitute for happiness. My God! How wrong I was, how I was punished!”

Indifference to everything, living only for himself did not give him satisfaction. Onegin sees his happiness and salvation in love:

“No, to see you every minute, to follow you everywhere, a smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes.

To catch you with loving eyes, to listen to you for a long time, to understand with your soul all your perfection, to freeze before you in agony, to turn pale and fade away... that’s bliss!” Thus, having examined the stages of work on creating the image of Onegin, N.Ya. Nightingale traced the evolution of the development of the main character, and consideration of the concept of the work helped him to better understand the character of Onegin.

2 .2 A.Slonimsky "Pushkin's Mastery"

The work of A. Slonimsky is called “The Mastery of Pushkin.” This book presents detailed descriptions many of the poet's works, including "Eugene Onegin".

Slonimsky immediately begins by analyzing the image of the author: “The author in the first chapter acts as a “good friend” of Onegin. At times he even displaces his hero, attributing to him his own thoughts and moods:

“I was embittered, he was sullen; We both knew the game of passions: Life tormented both of us; The heat died down in both hearts; Both were awaited by the malice of Blind Fortune and people in the very morning of our days.”

This is a biography of Pushkin himself, and, strictly speaking, has nothing to do with Onegin, because, as can be seen from the foregoing, he was not haunted in his youth by any “malice of blind Fortune and people.” On the contrary, in the world he was greeted warmly from the first steps:

“...The world decided that he was smart and very nice.”

The next stage in the analysis of “Eugene Onegin” is the image of Tatiana. Slonimsky writes: “Tatyana is a “county young lady”, one of those about whom Pushkin wrote later (in “The Young Lady - Peasant”).” “Tatiana’s beauty is not in her “marble”, plastic beauty, but in that inner “life”, the absence of which Onegin notices in her sister: “Olga has no life in her features.”

Slonimsky pays great attention to the love story of Tatiana and Onegin: “ Love story Tatiana and Onegin do without major events. It all takes place in a peaceful environment and is made up of small psychological moves.”

According to A. Slonimsky, “Onegin occupies a passive position in the action of the novel: Tatyana declares his love to him, Lensky challenges him to a duel, but there is almost no sign of his own initiative.”

As for Lensky, Slonimsky mentions him in passing and does not focus much attention on him. However, he dwelled in detail on his poems, refuting the opinion that they are parodies: “Lensky’s poems receive parody against the background of Pushkin’s speech, they are preceded by the following lines:

“Takes a pen; his poems, Full of love nonsense, resound and flow. He reads them aloud, in lyrical fervor, like Delvig drunk at a feast.”

A. Slonimsky concludes his article with the speech of the characters: “Each character (in addition to his direct speech) brings into the author’s story his own speech structure (which, of course, entails a certain structure of concepts and ideas): Onegin - ironic, Tatyana - village, estate , Lensky - romantic, all the others (Larins, Zaretsky, etc.) - everyday, characteristic of one or another environment - landowner, army, etc., such as, for example, the “dashing” transition to Zaretsky:

“Forward, forward, my story! A new face is calling us.”

Thus, it can be noted that the peculiarity of A. Slonimsky’s article is that he did not specifically describe each character, but followed the chronology of the novel. He traced the relationship between the characters, revealed the peculiarities of their speech and manner of conversation.

2 .3 V.G. Belinsky "Eugene Onegin"

"Encyclopedia of Russian life and highest degree V. G. Belinsky called Pushkin’s novel a folk work, revealing in two articles entitled “Pushkin’s Works” the enormous merits of the novel, making it a great work of Russian literature.

Belinsky calls the novel historical, folk, national: “Eugene Onegin” is a historical poem.” “Pushkin was national at heart; he found national elements in a life half accustomed to forms alien to it.” "Eugene Onegin" is the first national work of art."

Belinsky compares the works of Pushkin and Byron, and concludes that “the form of Eugene Onegin was invented by Byron, but when comparing we do not find anything in common except this form and manner of writing. Byron wrote about Europe - for Europe, Pushkin about Russia - for Russia.”

Speaking about the images of the main characters, Belinsky noted that “in the person of Onegin, Lensky and Tatyana, Pushkin depicted Russian society in one of the phases of its education, its development...”

Characterizing Onegin, Belinsky notes that most of the public completely denied the soul and heart in Onegin, saw in him a cold, dry and selfish person by nature. However, in his opinion, this is not entirely true: “Onegin is neither cold, nor dry, nor callous, there is poetry in his soul...”, “Secular life did not kill Onegin’s feelings, but only cooled them.” “The inactivity and vulgarity of life choke him, he doesn’t even know what he needs, what he wants, but he knows that he doesn’t need, what he doesn’t want,” writes Belinsky. Dissatisfaction with oneself and the environment is characteristic of Pushkin's hero. This dissatisfaction is evidence of how much higher Onegin is secular society. Belinsky calls his egoism suffering from egoism, egoism involuntarily, due to historical circumstances.

In the image of Tatyana, Belinsky sees “a somewhat complex, but deep nature.” A simple village girl, then a society lady, Tatyana retains her inner essence in all life situations, she is “an exceptional being; deep, loving, passionate nature.” The dramatic fate of the noble youth of the Decembrist era is expressed not only in the image of Onegin, but also in the image of Lensky. Tatyana is opposed to Onegin and Lensky in the novel, she is close to her native people, Russian nature, her image helps to reveal the main idea of ​​the novel: only communication with the people can save the intelligentsia, make their life meaningful, their work useful. In his article, Belinsky realistically presented his opinion and the opinion of the society of his time. Having analyzed and analyzed the novel from a historical point of view, he came to the conclusion that “Eugene Onegin” is “an encyclopedia of Russian life.”

3 . Comments to poman "Eugene Onegin"

The main task of the commentary is to provide an opportunity to expand

evaluate the value of the text, clarify unclear points or express disagreement with the author. However, in some cases, comments can be more valuable than the text itself. Typically, comments are your own thoughts, partially expressing the opinion of the commentator. Less often - quotes from any sources or images. Comments are often speculative or personal judgments and are not necessarily accurate.

Literary commentaries most often explain some lines or passages from the text. This helps the reader understand what the author wanted to say and understand the idea contained in this passage.

3 .1 Y.M. Lotman “Eugene Onegin”.Comment

In this article, Lotman explains lines from the novel “Eugene Onegin”. However, there are some elements of criticism at the beginning.

The first place Lotman's commentary begins is with the internal chronology of Eugene Onegin. In this part, the critic talks about the time of the events that occurred in the novel: “1811-1812 - the end of Onegin’s “study” and his release into the world.” Counting the time from the winter of 1819 - spring of 1820 (the time of action of Chapter I), Pushkin writes:

“This is how he killed eight years old,

Having lost the best light of life.”

Y. Lotman talks in detail about the life of the nobility, about their interests and activities, about housing, entertainment and balls: “Dancing takes up a significant place in the novel; The author’s digressions are devoted to them; they play a large role in the plot.”

A very interesting article by Y. Lotman about the title of the work: “Eugene Onegin - the choice of the title and name of the main character was not accidental. This choice determined the genre nature of the text and the nature of the reader's expectations. The inclusion in the title of not only the first name, but also the surname of the hero, moreover, not conventionally literary, but actually everyday, was possible only in a relatively small circle of genres focused on modern content and creating the illusion of the truth of incidents.”

The main part of Y. Lotman's commentary is occupied by the analysis of each chapter. In these analyses, Y. Lotman explains lines from the novel.

In general, this article cannot be called completely criticism, but its elements are present. Y. Lotman's comments help us understand the novel, study it to the smallest detail, and form our opinion on this matter.

3 .2 N.L. Brodsky "Eugene Onegin"

Unlike Yu.M. Lotman's commentary by Brodsky is more complete. In his commentary, Brodsky explains each fragment of the text, and not some individual words.

The bulk of his work is devoted to epigraphs, he begins with a definition: “An epigraph is a single word or saying, in prose or verse, taken from any famous writer, or their own, which the authors place at the beginning of their work and thereby express the general idea of ​​the work or their attitude to the depicted reality.” Next comes the analysis of the epigraphs: “And he is in a hurry to live and in a hurry to feel” - this epigraph is taken from a poem by P.A. Vyazemsky “First Snow” (1819). In the 1825 edition of the first chapter, the epigraph was missing. Pushkin borrowed it from a couplet in which Vyazemsky gave a generalized description of youth and its thirst for life:

This is how young ardor glides through life:

And he’s in a hurry to live and he’s in a hurry to feel!

So, in the light of these verses, it becomes obvious that the epigraph does not refer to an individual portrait of Onegin, but characterizes the mood typical of young people of that time.”

Thus, analysis of epigraphs helps us understand main idea a certain chapter, because it is precisely in the epigraph that it is contained, and the main text is its disclosure.

4 . A.S. Pushkin about “Eugene Heegin" in letters to his friends

A.S. Pushkin mentioned his novel in letters to his friends. From these letters one can trace the stages of work on the novel and Pushkin’s feelings about censorship. I will give a couple of excerpts from the letters.

In letters of 1823, Pushkin speaks about the beginning of work:

Letter to P.A. Vyazemsky November 4, 1823: “As for my studies, I am now writing not a novel, but a novel in verse - a devilish difference! Like Don Juan. There’s nothing to think about printing: I write carelessly.”

Letter to A.A. Delvig November 16, 1823:“I am writing now new poem, in which I’m rambling on and on... God knows when we’ll read it together...”

Letter to A.I. Turgenev December 1, 1823:“In my spare time I’m writing a new poem, Eugene Onegin, in which I’m choking on bile. Two songs are already ready.”

In his letters, Pushkin does not speak specifically about the characters or actions, does not describe the novel itself, but talks about the stages of work. However, in a letter to P.A. On May 27, 1826, the poet wrote to Vyazemsky: “...My deaf Mikhailovskoye makes me sad and furious. In the 4th song of Onegin I depicted my life...” This makes us understand that there are still elements of autobiography in the image of Onegin.

Also, from a letter to A. Bestuzhev on March 24, 1825, you can still feel Pushkin’s attitude towards his work: “Your letter is very smart, but still you are wrong; you are looking at Onegin from the wrong point; after all, he best work my…".


"Eugene Onegin" is a great work of Russian and world literature. We see that this creation worried many people, not only critics, but also writers and poets, because this is only a small part of critical articles.

Each critic analyzed this work in his own way: someone analyzed every chapter, every word (this is called a commentary), and someone simply expressed their opinion about the work (this is criticism). Also, the manner and structure of the articles were different: some paid much attention to the characters, while others focused on vocabulary and syntax. Different attitudes towards heroes and events.

In general, criticism helps us form our opinion, find out the opinions and attitudes of other people, think and compare and come to a final opinion.

As for me, I really enjoyed working with criticism, because I learned a lot about the novel: the stages of writing, formed my opinion about the characters and events, supplemented it with new information, and it was also interesting to read excerpts from Pushkin’s letters in which he talks about novel.

List of used literature

1. N.Ya. Nightingale “Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

2. A. Slonimsky “The Mastery of Pushkin.”

3. Yu.M. Lotman “Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

4. N.L. Brodsky "Eugene Onegin". Roman A.S. Pushkin."

5. V.G. Belinsky "Eugene Onegin".

6. A.S. Pushkin in the memoirs of his contemporaries (a series of literary memoirs).

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Review by Pushkin's contemporary Belinsky

Speaking about the novel as a whole, Belinsky notes its historicism in the reproduced picture of Russian society. “Eugene Onegin,” the critic believes, is a historical poem, although there is not a single historical person among its heroes.

Next, Belinsky names the novel’s nationality. There are more nationalities in the novel “Eugene Onegin” than in any other Russian folk work. If not everyone recognizes it as national, it is because the strange opinion has long been rooted in us that a Russian in a tailcoat or a Russian in a corset are no longer Russians and that the Russian spirit makes itself felt only where there is a zipun, bast shoes, fusel and sour cabbage. “The secret of the nationality of every people lies not in its clothing and cuisine, but in its, so to speak, manner of understanding things.”

According to Belinsky, the deviations made by the poet from the story, his appeal to himself, are filled with sincerity, feeling, intelligence, and acuity; the personality of the poet in them is loving and humane. “Onegin can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and an eminently folk work,” says the critic. The critic points out the realism of Eugene Onegin.

In the person of Onegin, Lensky and Tatyana, according to the critic, Pushkin depicted Russian society in one of the phases of its formation, its development.

The critic speaks of the enormous significance of the novel for the subsequent literary process. Together with Griboyedov’s contemporary brilliant creation, “Woe from Wit,” Pushkin’s poetic novel laid a solid foundation for new Russian poetry, new Russian literature.

Belinsky characterized the images of the novel. Characterizing Onegin this way, he notes: “ Most The public completely denied the soul and heart in Onegin, seeing in him a cold, dry and selfish person by nature. It is impossible to understand a person more erroneously and crookedly!.. Social life did not kill Onegin’s feelings, but only cooled him to fruitless passions and petty entertainments... Onegin did not like to get lost in dreams, he felt more than he spoke, and did not open up to everyone. An embittered mind is also a sign of a higher nature, therefore only by people, but also by itself.”

In Lensky, according to Belinsky, Pushkin portrayed a character completely opposite to the character of Onegin, a completely abstract character, completely alien to reality. This was, according to the critic, a completely new phenomenon.

Lensky was a romantic both by nature and by the spirit of the times. But at the same time, “he was an ignoramus at heart,” always talking about life, but never knew it. “Reality had no influence on him: his sorrows were the creation of his imagination,” writes Belinsky.

“Great was Pushkin’s feat that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, male, side; but perhaps the greater feat of our poet is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.”

Tatyana, according to Belinsky, is an exceptional being, a deep, loving, passionate nature. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss or the greatest disaster of life, without any conciliatory middle.

Belinsky began analyzing the novel “Eugene Onegin” at the peak of his literary talent. Directing and being the ideological inspirer of the department of literary criticism of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in the period 1839-1846, Belinsky published his best works in it. Articles about Pushkin’s work “Eugene Onegin” were successively published in issues 8 and 9 of the magazine in 1944 and 1945.

Writing critical article Belinsky was preceded by his ardent passion for the ideas of Hegel, in particular, the idea of ​​​​the primacy of the historicity of any action, both in literature and in life. The personality of the hero, his actions, and actions were considered by the critic exclusively from the point of view of the influence of the environment and circumstances of the time on the hero.

Roman - "encyclopedia of Russian life"

By the time he was working on the study of Pushkin’s novel, the critic had outgrown his youthful fascination with the ideas of the philosopher and was considering the work and its characters based on their actual position. Belinsky, assessing the personalities of the heroes, the motives of their actions, the concept of the work, strives to be guided by universal human values ​​and the author’s intention, without limiting reality within the framework of past worldviews. At the same time, the idea of ​​historicity in the evaluation of a work continues to play an important role.

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is characterized by Belinsky, firstly, as a historical work, “an encyclopedia of Russian life”, and secondly, as the most “sincere” work of the poet, which reflected his personality most fully, “lightly and clearly”.

Pushkin, according to Belinsky, described in the heroes of the novel that part of Russian society (which he loved and to which he belonged) in a certain phase of its development. The heroes of the novel are people with whom the poet constantly encountered, communicated, became friends and hated.

Characteristics of the personalities of Tatiana and Onegin

The main character of the novel, Onegin, Pushkin’s “good friend,” in the eyes of Belinsky, is not at all the empty person, the cold egoist that he seemed to the reading public. Belinsky calls him a “suffering egoist.” In Onegin, according to the critic, social life did not kill feelings, but only “cooled them to fruitless passions” and “petty entertainments.” Onegin is captive of the framework in which he is placed by his origin and position in society. The hero is weak, but he is also strong enough, “a remarkable person, as the critic writes, to understand the emptiness of his life and try to change it. Belinsky associated the open ending of the novel with the fact that Onegin, being a product of his environment, would not be able to realize the potential of his personality.

Tatiana is contrasted with Onegin in the part that is responsible for the free manifestation by the individual of his needs for spirituality. Describing the heroine, Belinsky calls her more than once an example of a “Russian woman” of a certain class, understanding by this both her weaknesses and strength. Tatyana, a village girl, is “mute” without books, from which she draws knowledge about life. Tatyana, a society lady, is subject to false concepts about the value of a woman's personality, and cares most of all about her virtue. But at the same time, she is not limited by the “code” of a secular person, in this the heroine is more free than Onegin

Belinsky concludes his literary study with a hymn to the contribution of Pushkin, who wrote a work after which “standing” became impossible in literature. The novel, according to the critic, became a “great step forward” for Russian society.

“Lessons on Pushkin Eugene Onegin” - A.S. Pushkin. Lesson-prologue to the study of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” Lesson plan. The heroic world of the novel. Anna Akhmatova. Novel "Eugene Onegin". Opening remarks teachers. Composition of the novel. Summing up the lesson.

“Eugene Onegin novel” - Belinsky about Eugene Onegin. Following Onegin, Lermontov's Pechorin, Turgenev's Rudin, and Goncharov's Oblomov appeared. Evgeny Onegin is not “extra” at all, but just a person. Results of work Table. Why is Evgeny Onegin considered an “extra” person? Evgeny Onegin is the image of an “extra” person in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”.

“The History of the Creation of Eugene Onegin” - Completed work on “Eugene Onegin” on September 26, 1830. The tenth chapter is not included in the canonical text of the novel. Genre of the novel. The history of the creation of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” Artistic method. Writing the novel took Pushkin more than seven years (1823 - 1830). Onegin at the ball. Tatyana Larina.

“Eugene Onegin letter” - I foresee everything: you will be offended by the explanation of the sad secret. (From Onegin’s letter to Tatyana). What bitter contempt your proud look will portray! Stranger to everyone, not bound by anything, I thought: happiness and peace A replacement for happiness. 6. Benchmarking letters from Evgeny Onegin and Tatiana. Pale is Tatyana’s constant epithet: “pale color”, “pale beauty”.

“Pushkin Evgeniy Onegin” - A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” Novel in verse. In which work by A.S. Have we already met Pushkin’s symmetrical plot structure? A. S. Pushkin. Pushkin published the novel in chapters as he wrote it. And the distance of a free romance I still vaguely discerned through the magic crystal. Essays. O you, honorable spouses!

“The Roman Onegin” - Onegin is a “suffering egoist” who is stifled by “the inactivity and vulgarity of life.” Publication: What time of year did Tatyana love most? Work on the novel took 7 years, 4 months, 17 days. Literary controversy surrounding the novel. Where, according to Pushkin, was Onegin born? The history of the Russian realistic novel begins with Eugene Onegin.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

Description of the presentation of the novel “Eugene Onegin” in Russian criticism based on slides

The novel “Eugene Onegin” in Russian criticism of the 11th century Criticism is the determination of the attitude towards the subject (sympathetic or negative), the constant correlation of the work with life, the expansion and deepening of our understanding of the work by the power of the critic’s talent

First reviews of the novel The editor of the Moscow Telegraph magazine N. Polevoy welcomed the genre of Pushkin’s work and noted with delight that it was written not according to the rules of “ancient literature, but according to the free demands of the creative imagination.” The fact that the poet describes modern mores was also positively assessed: “We see our own, hear our native sayings, look at our quirks. »

First reviews of the novel “You have not talent, but genius... I read Onegin... incomparably!” V. A. Zhukovsky

Decembrists about the novel “I don’t know what “Onegin” will be next, but now it is lower than “The Bakhchisarai Fountain” and “ Caucasian prisoner..." K. F. Ryleev

Decembrists about the novel Why do you spend the delights of the sacred hours for songs of love and fun? Throw off the shameful burden of sensual bliss! Let others fight in the magic nets of Jealous beauties - let them seek other Rewards with poison in their cunning eyes! Save direct delight for the heroes! A. A. Bestuzhev - Marlinsky

Conflicting judgments about the novel As new chapters are published, the motive for rejection of the novel, an ironic and even sarcastic attitude towards it, begins to sound more and more clearly in the evaluations. "Onegin" turns out to be the target of parodies and epigrams. F. Bulgarin: Pushkin “captivated and delighted his contemporaries, taught them to write smooth, pure poetry... but did not carry his age along with him, did not establish the laws of taste, did not form his own school. “In the parody “Ivan Alekseevich, or the New Onegin,” both the composition and the content of the novel are ridiculed: Everything is there: about legends, And about cherished antiquity, And about others, and about me! Don’t call it a vinaigrette, Read on, - and I’m Warning you, friends, That I follow fashionable poets.

Conflicting judgments about the novel “I really love the extensive plan of your Onegin, but most people do not understand it. they are looking for a romantic connection, looking for the unusual and, of course, they don’t find it. The lofty poetic simplicity of your creation seems to them the poverty of fiction; they do not notice that the old and new Russia“life in all its changes passes before their eyes” E. A. Baratynsky

V. G. Belinsky about the novel “Eugene Onegin” “Onegin” is Pushkin’s most sincere work, the most beloved child of his imagination, and one can point to too few works in which the poet’s personality would be reflected with such completeness, lightly and clearly, as Pushkin’s personality was reflected in Onegin. Here is all his life, all his soul, all his love, here are his feelings, concepts, ideals.” According to the critic, * the novel was an “act of consciousness” for Russian society, a “great step forward” * the poet’s great merit lies in the fact that he “brought out of fashion the monsters of vice and the heroes of virtue, drawing instead of them just people” and reflected the “true reality picture of Russian society in a certain era" (encyclopedia of Russian life") ("Works of Alexander Pushkin" 1845) V. G. Belinsky

D. Pisarev in the novel “Eugene Onegin” Pisarev, analyzing the novel from the point of view of immediate practical benefit, argues that Pushkin is a “frivolous singer of beauty” and his place is “not on the desk of a modern worker, but in the dusty office of an antique dealer” “Elevating in the eyes of the reading masses those types and those character traits that in themselves are low, vulgar and insignificant, Pushkin with all the forces of his talent lulls to sleep that social self-awareness that a true poet must awaken and educate with his works" Article "Pushkin and Belinsky" (1865) D . I. Pisarev

F. M. Dostoevsky about the novel “Eugene Onegin” F. M. Dostoevsky calls the novel “Eugene Onegin” an “immortal, unattainable poem” in which Pushkin “appeared to be a great national writer, like no one ever before him. He immediately, in the most accurate, most insightful way, noted the very depths of our essence...” The critic is convinced that in “Eugene Onegin” “real Russian life is embodied with such creative power and such completeness as never happened before Pushkin.” Speech at the opening of the monument to Pushkin (1880) F. M. D Dostoevsky

Critics about Onegin V. G. Belinsky: “Onegin is a kind fellow, but at the same time a remarkable person. He is not fit to be a genius, he does not want to be a great person, but the inactivity and vulgarity of life are strangling him”; “suffering egoist”, “reluctant egoist”; “The powers of this rich nature were left without application, life without meaning...” D. I. Pisarev: “Onegin is nothing more than Mitrofanushka Prostakov, dressed and combed in the metropolitan fashion of the twenties”; “an extremely empty and completely insignificant person,” “pathetic colorlessness.” F. M. Dostoevsky: Onegin is an “abstract man”, “a restless dreamer throughout his life”; “an unhappy wanderer in his native land”, “sincerely suffering”, “not reconciled, not believing in his native soil and in its native forces, ultimately denying Russia and himself”

Critics about Tatyana V. G. Belinsky: “Tatiana is an exceptional being, a deep, loving, passionate nature”; “Eternal fidelity to such relationships that constitute a profanation of the feelings and purity of femininity, because some relationships that are not sanctified by love are extremely immoral” D.I. Pisarev: “The head of the unfortunate girl... is clogged with all sorts of rubbish”; “she loves nothing, respects nothing, despises nothing, thinks about nothing, but simply lives from day to day, obeying the routine”; “She put herself under a glass bell and obliged herself to stand under this bell throughout her life” F. M. Dostoevsky: “Tatyana is the type of a completely Russian woman who has protected herself from false lies”; her happiness “in the highest harmony of spirit”

Conclusions Interest in Pushkin’s work was not always the same. There were moments when it seemed to many that the poet had exhausted his relevance. More than once they tried to assign him a “modest place... in the history of our mental life” or even suggested “throwing him off the ship of modernity.” The novel “Eugene Onegin”, initially enthusiastically received by his contemporaries, was sharply criticized in the 30s of the 11th century . Yu. L. Otman: “Pushkin went so far ahead of his time that his contemporaries began to feel that he was behind them.” In the era of revolutionary upheavals (for example, the 60s of the 11th century), when the socio-political struggle reached the highest point of tension, the humane Pushkin suddenly turned out to be uninteresting and unnecessary. And then interest in him flared up with new strength. F. A Brahmov: “It was necessary to go through trials, through rivers and seas of blood, it was necessary to understand how fragile life is in order to understand the most amazing, spiritual, harmonious, versatile person that Pushkin was. When a person faces the problem of moral improvement, questions of honor, conscience, justice, turning to Pushkin is natural and inevitable - Magazine of modern youth