Literary kaleidoscope elementary school. Literary kaleidoscope - classes on speech development in the senior group. Competition game “Literary Kaleidoscope”

Lesson on speech development in the senior group

Topic: “Literary kaleidoscope”


Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales by repeating individual fragments.

Develop dialogical speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, logical thinking, tactile sensations.

Develop the ability to listen to your friend.

Consolidate knowledge of the letters “A” and “U”.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales. Learning the nursery rhyme “Shadow, shadow-shadow...”


Toy of the theater bi-ba-bo bunny, goat, chest with hats of the heroes of the nursery rhyme “Shadow, shadow-sweetness”, theater of tactile sensations.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Name which ones fairy-tale heroes You know?

Today I invite you to take a journey through fairy tales. But first, let's remember how fairy-tale heroes can travel?

Children. On foot, wherever you look, on geese-swans, on a broom, on a magic carpet, on a horse, on Carlson, etc.

Educator makes a riddle about a kolobok.

Let him show us the way to fairy tales.

Wherever it goes, that's where we'll go.

Educator (invites the child to put on a bunny doll)

Look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he's crying about.

(Children ask)

Bunny. How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the foxes had an ice hut. She asked to live with me, but she kicked me out.

Educator . Children, who guessed what fairy tale we ended up in?

Children. "Hare Hut"

Educator. Look at the pictures for the fairy tale. Place the heroes in order. Who was the first to come to the bunny's aid? Who's second? Who's missing?

Children . Cockerel.

Educator. In what fairy tales is the cockerel found?

Children. "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", etc.

Educator . Our bun rolled on. Where will he lead us? Someone's house is on the way.

Guess whose:

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children?

Children. Little goats.

Educator . Right. See if everything in this fairy tale is true? Who is the odd one out in a fairy tale?

The door to the house is closed. Do we need to remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to come in?

(offer the child a goat doll and sing a song)

Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come -

She brought milk;

Milk runs down the recess, from the recess down to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese earth .

Educator. The passage has opened, we can move on. What fairy tale will the bun lead us to this time?

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

Children. This is the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Educator . Why did Masha go into the forest?

Children. For mushrooms.

Educator . What happened to her in the forest?

Children. She got lost.

Educator . What do they shout in the forest when they get lost?

Children . AU.

Educator . What song did you sing just now?

Children. "A", "U".

Educator . Let's sing the song of the letters "A" and the song of the letter "U" again.

Educator. What does the song “UA” sound like?

Children. To cry.

Educator . Maybe the Bear is crying because he is left without Masha?

There is a bear's hat in the magic chest. Now I’ll turn someone into a bear, and we’ll play with him so that he doesn’t cry anymore.

Counting book

Behind glass doors

There is a bear with pies.

_ Misha-target, my friend,

How much does a pie cost?

- A pie costs three

And you will be the one to drive.

Game "Bear in the Forest"

Educator . Different animals live in the fairy forest, and each one has a fairy-tale nickname. Do you know them? I'll start now and you can continue:

Little mouse;


Bunny -...runaway;


Wolf...clicks his teeth.

And now it's the other way around. I'll give you a nickname and you can guess who I'm talking about:



Fast legs, short tail -...a hare.

Each animal is good in its own way. Our magic chest contains animal hats. Dress up, transform, go out, show off.

Shadow, shadow-shadow,

There is a fence above the city,

The animals sat under the fence,

We boasted all day.

The fox boasted:

“I am beautiful to the whole world!”

The bunny boasted:

“Go catch up!”

Hedgehogs boasted:

“Our fur coats are good!”

The bear boasted:

Educator . What's happened? I put the caps in the chest, and they turned into cards (Theater of Tactile Sensations).

Try to determine with your eyes closed where the fox, bear, etc. are.

Educator . Our bun is calling us on our way. But before we go, let's remember once again what fairy tales we met? What did you like and remember most about our trip?

Now all we have to do is follow the kolobok and go back.

Hello guys!

I am glad to see you all in our hall. One work week has already ended. You are tired and we suggest you rest. Today we are playing the game “Literary Kaleidoscope”. In reading lessons we studied a lot of stories famous writers, solved riddles, listened to fairy tales, learned to quickly speak tongue twisters.

Theme of the game: “Oral folk art.”

Tell me, what sections does oral folk art include?

I think you came to the game in a good mood. A good mood present where there is joy, inspiration, delight, love and admiration.

To start the game I need your help. I name the beginning of the sentence, and you help me finish the thought.

In reading lessons we do a lot of……….

They listened and dramatized... (songs).

We learned to speak quickly... (tongue twisters).

Solved... (riddles).

We learned to understand the wise meaning of... (proverbs).

I think you guessed what the theme of the game is?

There are mysteries in our region

So sophisticated before

Who will guess the riddle?

Will be considered a scientist!

  1. Competition "Riddles Competition".

1 point for the correct answer will be given to the team that raises the signal card first.The game begins!


1) It’s very round,

There are holes in the bottom.

Sifts the flour

Calls for pies.

1. Hoop

2. Bandage

3. Sieve

2) From which ladle they don’t drink, don’t eat, but only look at it.
1. Excavator

2. Colander

3. Ursa Major

3) They often ask me, they wait for me, but as soon as I show myself, they will start hiding.
1. Guest

2. Rain

3. Sun


Circle the correct answer!

1) There is a house on a straw, a hundred children in it.

1. Sunflower

2. Cucumber

3. Spikelet

2) It’s the size of a fist, a red flank, if you touch it it’s smooth, but if you bite it it’s sweet.
1. Tomato

2. Apple

3. Pepper

3) There is a sieve hanging in a corner on the ceiling, not twisted by hand.
1. Web

2. Nest

3. Lace


Circle the correct answer!

1) Mischievous Invisible Man:

He always plays with the grass,

Leaves are swirling in the air

And everyone is in a hurry somewhere.

1. Fire

2. Wind

3. Jump rope

2) No legs, but I walk, no mouth, but I’ll tell you when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work.
1. Valenki

2. Toy

3. Clock

3) Not a tree, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but a story.
1. Flower

2. Book

3. Bow


Circle the correct answer!

1) I saw such a flower -

Golden rim.

He sat in the grass for a long time,

He turned gray and flew away.

1. Ball

2. Grasshopper

3. Dandelion

2) It’s not the bird that jumps along the branches. Red, not a fox.
1. Cat

2. Squirrel

3. Sparrow

3) In the drops everything around shines,

The meadow is covered with diamonds.


2. Ice

3. Gold

A fairy tale goes through the forest,

A fairy tale leads by the hand

The fairy tale is clever and lovely with us next to us.

So that, so that again the good will defeat the evil!

To convince the good and the evil to become good.

A fairy tale is a miracle. It gives us something to think about, enriches and teaches us life experience, brings a lot of joy. A fairy tale accompanies a person throughout his life, and no matter how old we are, we listen with pleasure, tell fairy tales and believe in them.

  1. Competition "Fairy Tales"

Exercise. Do the crossword puzzle.

Do the crossword puzzle.

  1. This item is used for washing clothes in the fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish.
  2. What is the name of the house in one fairy tale where forest animals lived?
  3. At birthday parties, children often sing a song about him, showing his size and size.
  4. These shoes were worn by Ivan the Peasant Son, the hero of a folk tale.
  5. The master who shackled the thin voice of the evil wolf.

That's it, the holiday is over

And it's time to say goodbye

We wish you all good luck

Friendship, joy and goodness!

"Literary Kaleidoscope"

Objectives: To consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop dialogical speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop the ability to perform various game tasks.


Educator: Guys, look how many guests there are! Say hello. Do you love fairy tales?
I invite you all to the land of fairy tales.

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world.

We can't live without them.

In a fairy tale, anything can happen.

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking on our doors.

Let's tell the guest: "Come in."

(A magpie flies in with a chest) - music.

Magpie: Hello guys! I flew high, I see a lot of interesting things around. Today I was flying and saw a chest. I wanted to open it, but it wouldn’t open. Oh. what is so beautiful about you?

Educator: This is my brooch!

Magpie: And I want one, give it to me.

Educator: Okay, take the forty brooch. Guys, let's open the chest. Yes, it doesn’t open, there’s a lock here.

Now, I'll check it now. Look, there's something in the castle. Now let's see. I guessed it. We need to guess riddles about fairy-tale characters, about fairy-tale objects, and the castle will open. Be careful.

1.Ah, striper! Ah, mistress!

You, my friend, get to know her!

All you have to do is spread it out
He will be able to feed everyone.

There will be a lot of different dishes

What's the cook's name? (tablecloth - self-assembled)

2. Many miles ahead

How can I get through them faster?

You try to put them on shoes -

You will overcome the path in an instant. (boots - walkers)

  1. To fly above the ground

She needs a mortar and a broom. (Baba Yaga)

  1. Wasn't left without a tail

Our good donkey.. (Eeyore)

Educator: So our chest opened. Look there is a letter. Let's
Let's read.

(The teacher reads the letter)

Dear guys!

Kolobok is addressing you. I got lost in a fairy forest. To get home, you have to pass tests, and guys, I can’t pass them alone. Help me please. The chest contains a magic ball that will show you the way.

Educator: We hit the road.

(Children stand near the chest, the teacher throws a magic ball and says magic words)

You roll, roll ball
Yes, to a green forest.

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

Educator: And here is the forest. Look, there is a magic bag here. Let's see what's in it.

(The teacher opens the bag slowly)

Educator: Yes, these are fairy tales! Sit down on the stumps, this is the task here.

You must listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale and name it. Are you ready to listen?

Children: Yes! -

(The teacher reads the passage, the children name the fairy tale)

The hare is a braggart

(I don’t have a mustache, but a whisker, not paws, but a paw, not teeth, but teeth. I’m not afraid of anyone).

Princess - frog

(She waved her left sleeve - there was a lake, she waved her right sleeve - white swans swam across the lake).

Fox and jug

(In which fairy tale did the pitcher kill the fox?)

Ugly duckling

(It wasn't a duckling at all. It was a beautiful white swan.)

Sivka - burka

(The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are burning from the nostrils).

Fedoreno - grief Chukovsky

(The sieve gallops through the fields, and the trough through the meadows).

Educator: Well done! Your friendly answers showed that you love and know fairy tales.

We will continue our journey.

You roll

roll the ball
Yes, to the green forest

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

(Meadow with flowers)

Educator: Guys, what a beautiful meadow with flowers. How many flowers grow here?
Look what a wonderful flower it is, it has many colorful petals, it is not simple, it has tasks. Let's look at the petals and read.

1.What fairy tales does Baba Yaga live in? (let's think about it).

(Geese are swans. Baba Yaga and Ivan Tsarevich).

2.What fairy tale objects are there in Russian fairy tales? (I think quickly

(Carpet - airplane, tablecloth - self-assembled, axe, ball of thread, baton,
pipe, invisible hat).

3.What do the heroes of fairy tales travel on? (difficult question, but you can do it).
(The carpet is an airplane, the boots are walkers, the Russian stove, gray wolf).

Educator: Well done guys. Everyone guessed right. What a wonderful clearing, I just want to play. Let's play, listen carefully to my commands:

We raise our hands up,

And then we let them go

And then we'll separate them
And we will hold them close to us.

And then run, run
And let's spin around.

Educator: We continue our journey.

You roll, roll ball
Yes, to a green forest.

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

(There is a jug, and there are illustrations in it)

Educator: And here is the magic jug. Let's see what's in it. Yes, these are fabulous illustrations. Let's guess which fairy tale they are from.

1.Geese - swans

  1. At the behest of the pike
  2. Princess - frog
  3. Fox and wolf
  4. Wolf and kids

Educator: Well done, you completed all the tasks. Let's continue the journey.
(The teacher throws the ball where the basket is)

You roll, roll ball
Yes, to a green forest.

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

Educator: Someone lost a basket.

Fox: My little basket. What are you doing here in my forest?

Educator: We are looking for a kolobok.

Fox: But I have it, so I won’t give it to you.

Educator: He wants to return to his grandparents.

Fox: OK. So be it. But only if you complete my task.

(Lisa plays the game “Guess the Fairy Tale”, “Say the Word”)

  1. “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather” (Kolobok).
  2. “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (Wolf and seven kids).
  3. “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go down the back streets” (Zayushkina’s hut).
  4. “The fox is carrying me, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...Cat! Thrush!

Save me! (The cockerel is a golden comb).

Fox: I also have a task for you.

"Say the word"

Geese (swans)

Chanterelle (sister)

Frog (wah)

Vasilisa (Beautiful)

Brother (Ivanushka)

Zhar (bird)

Sivka (Burka)

Koschey (Immortal)

Serpent (Gorynych)

Fox: So be it, take your bun.

Educator: Guys, let's say “Thank you” to the little fox. It's time for us to go back. Return the bun

Valentina Chudenko
Literary kaleidoscope - classes on speech development in the senior group

MBDOU No. 18 "Spikelet"

"Literary kaleidoscope"


Speech development classes for the senior group

Prepared and conducted by teacher Chudenko Valentina Sergeevna


Children enter the hall, there are shelves with books everywhere.

Give the children a riddle:

“Not a tree, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Without language, but he talks!” (children's answers)

That's right, it's a book.

Guys! Our hall today is unusual. Today he looks very much like... What does he look like? What is the name of the amazing house where your book friends live? What is the name of this house? That's right, the library. Who can say what a library is? (children's answers)

(On one of the shelves the teacher discovers a toy - kaleidoscope. He examines it, looks into it and is surprised at what beautiful patterns and how they replace each other. Asks children: What is this? Who knows? Children: kaleidoscope. Why did I end up here? kaleidoscope - we'll find out later).

There are many interesting books in the library. Silent, they stand quietly on bookshelves and wait for their readers. The reader will approach the shelf, take the book in his hands, open the first page, and the book will begin to tell...

They say a book is our friend. Why?

That's right, because from childhood books accompany us throughout our lives. Books are fun entertain us, teach and help to understand a variety of issues.

There are many books in the library and they are all different. Now we we'll try to find out what kind of books are there? Take a look at these books. (Shows books to children). What's in these books?

Children: fairy tales. Why do we love to read and listen to fairy tales? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about what is extremely important in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, and to resist evil. He teaches without boring instructions, he simply shows what can happen if a person acts badly.

Who can tell what kind of fairy tales there are? That's right, there are folk tales, tales about animals and author's tales.

Why are fairy tales called folk tales?

That's right, because they were invented by the people. One person came up with a fairy tale, told it to another, that person added something of his own, retold it to a third, and so on. Each time the fairy tale became better and more interesting. It turns out that the fairy tale was invented not by one person, but by many different people, people, that’s why they started calling her "folk".

Which folk tales You know? (children's answers.)

Different fairy tales live around us here and there.

There are riddles in the clearing.

Guess without a hint.

Call these fabulous friends dare!

I ask riddles and the children guess them.

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin

Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?

(The frog princess.)

Alyonushka has sisters

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high

They look far away.

(Geese - swans).

In a deep forest in his hut

Lives all alone old lady.

She doesn't sweep the floor with a broom,

Broom – old lady's plane.

(Baba Yaga.)

These are the heroes of folk tales.

I show children books about animals.

Who is on the covers? (Animals: cat, fox, hare, rooster).

Do you think these are fairy-tale animals or real ones? ( Fabulous: they are dressed in Russian folk costumes, talking to each other.)

In fairy tales about animals, animals are endowed with names, they talk, they are endowed with some kind of human features: cunning or simplicity, good nature or malice, envy. It’s not without reason that they say (I name the beginning of the phraseological unit, pause, and the children call the ending in chorus):

Cunning as... (fox).

Hungry as (wolf).

Cowardly as... (hare).

Chatty as... (magpie).

I take a book from the shelf and start read: “Once upon a time there lived in a village a little girl, so pretty…. For her granddaughter’s birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood....” Have you guys guessed which book we opened? Do you know who wrote it? (Charles Perrault.)

This is no longer a folk tale. Why? Yes, because it has an author. Fairy tales that were written by one person, and we know his name, are called author's or literary. Literary fairy tales were written by many Russian and foreign writers. You probably have favorite books and favorite writers. Name them. Children's answers.

Many writers and poets write fairy tales in verse. What is a poem? Who knows? Poem - short story which is written in rhyme.

Have you already heard the tale of the good doctor? Aibolite, but not everyone probably knows that it was written by a very good children's writer K. I. Chukovsky.

Fly, fly, clatter

Gilded Belly

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money...

What fairy tale is this from? Who wrote it?

The stars shine in the blue sky,

In the blue sea the waves are lashing;

A cloud is moving across the sea,

A barrel floats on the sea.

(A.S. PUSHKIN “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).

Never washed the dishes

Didn't sweep the floor at all

And all the dishes ran away -

Plates, spoons, cups, table.

(K.I. CHUKOVSKY “Fedorino grief”).

He sat down on his bed in the morning

I started putting on my shirt,

He put his hands into the sleeves -

It turned out that these were trousers...

Instead of a hat on the go

He put on the frying pan.

Who is this? That's right - this is Absent-Minded from Basseynaya Street. And this work was written by S. Ya. Marshak. Many children are very fond of Marshak’s poems. He wrote a lot of fairy tales, songs, riddles. What other works of Marshak do you know? (“Twelve months”, "Cat's House", “He’s so absent-minded”).

I take a book from the shelf by A. L. Barto "Toys" (reading the riddle).

I'll drop the ball into the river,

I will comb the horse's fur;

I'll walk on the board swinging,

And I... I'll get lost in the garden.

We live in our favorite book,

But we won’t name it!

Answer us, friends, girlfriends,

What is the name of this book?


Who wrote this book? Yes, that's right, children's poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto. Her short poems about toys became your first poems, which you read by heart, sometimes without even being able to pronounce sounds. Let's remember them. Who wants to read these poems?

Children, if desired, read poems by A. L. Barto.

Foreign poets also have interesting and funny poems.

Guys, who knows any work by foreign poets, please read it.

A child reads a poem by James Reeves "Noisy Bah-Bah"

What republic do we live in? That's right, we live in Adygea.

Adyghe poets wrote a lot of poems for children.

A child reads Jafar Chuyako’s poem “Swallow”.

Now let's play the wonderful folk game “Birds and Birdcatcher.

But before we start the game we need to choose a driver. How to do this? That's right, we need to say a counting rhyme, that is, count. The counting table is one of the genres of oral creativity of the people. The counting table helps to distribute roles in games.

Invite one of the children to choose a driver.

Well, we've played with you, and now let's continue our journey through other literary genres .

Our library has several collections of proverbs and sayings. And believe me, reading these books is very interesting. Proverbs and sayings carry the experience accumulated by generations, and also decorate our speech and make it more expressive. Let's remember the proverbs!

Children tell proverbs and sayings that are familiar to them.

And there is another one literary genre - riddles. Mystery - brief description subject proposed for solving. All kids love riddles. Listen and try to guess the riddles. I ask riddles and the children guess them.

Today we have a whole literary kaleidoscope. So that's why it appeared on our shelf today kaleidoscope. How patterns change in kaleidoscope, So literary genres changed one after another on our class. Which literary genres we remembered today? (children's answers)

And now, guys, our journey through literary genres are over. It was a pleasure to travel with you. I want you remember: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson." To remember our journey, I want to give you books of fairy tales. Once you open them, you will again find yourself in the land of goodness and wisdom.

Let's imagine, at least for a moment,

That suddenly we lost magazines and books,

That people don't know what a poet means.

That there is no Cheburashka, no Hottabych.

It's like no one has ever been in this world

I have never heard of Moidodyr,

That there is no Dunno, a liar - klutzes,

That there is no Aibolit, and there is no Uncle Styopa.

It’s probably impossible to imagine something like this?

So hello, smart, kind word!

Let books come into your home as friends!

Read for the rest of your life - gain your mind!

Gileva R.Sh.

Lesson on speech development in the senior group

Topic: “Literary kaleidoscope”


Strengthen your knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop dialogical speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop the ability to perform various game tasks.

Develop the ability to listen to your friend.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales.


Theater toy bi-ba-bo bunny, goat.

Progress of the lesson:


There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May Good forever

Evil wins.

V. Shainsky

Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy-tale characters do you know?

Today I invite you to take a journey through fairy tales.

Educator. Makes a riddle about a kolobok.

It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

Rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sang a song.

Who is this?

Children. Kolobok

Educator. Fidgety Kolobok would freeze on the window,

But he decided: “I’ll run away and warm up a little.”

Let him show us the way to fairy tales.

Wherever it goes, that's where we'll go.

Educator (invites the child to put on a bunny doll)

Look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he's crying about.

(Children ask)

Bunny. How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the foxes had an ice hut. She asked to live with me, but she kicked me out.

Educator . Children, who guessed what fairy tale we ended up in?

Children. "Hare Hut"

Educator. Look at the pictures for the fairy tale. Place the heroes in order. Who was the first to come to the bunny's aid? Who's second? Who's missing?

Educator . Our bun rolled on. Where will he lead us? Someone's house is on the way.

Guess whose:

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children?

Children. Little goats.

Educator . Right. See if everything in this fairy tale is true? Who is the odd one out in a fairy tale?

The door to the house is closed. Do we need to remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to come in?

(offer the child a goat doll and sing a song)

Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come -

She brought milk;

Milk runs down the shelf,

from the notch to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese earth .

Educator. The passage has opened, we can move on. What fairy tale will the bun lead us to this time?

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

Children. This is the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Educator. What is a bear called in fairy tales? (Mikhail, Misha Kosolapy, Mikhailo Potapych, Grandfather Misha, Toptygin, etc.)

Educator. The bear was upset that Masha did not stay with him.

Let's play with him, make him happy.

Game "Bear in the Forest"

Educator . Different animals live in the fairy forest, and each one has a fairy-tale nickname. Do you know them? I'll start now and you can continue:

Little mouse;


Bunny -...runaway;


Wolf...clicks his teeth.

And now it's the other way around. I'll give you a nickname and you can guess who I'm talking about:



Fast legs, short tail -...a hare.

Educator : Our bun rolled on. Where will he lead us?

The cockerel and the cat were friends

They lived together and did not bother.

And the cunning fox

I suddenly decided to ruin everything.

Hiding under the window,

The cockerel was lured into a trap.

Educator . What fairy tale did the bun lead us to?

Children. "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Educator . Remember what musical instrument The cat took it with him when he went to rescue the cockerel.

Children. Gusli.

Educator : Well, our journey ends. Our bun is probably very tired, let him rest a little and play with us.

We were like in a fairy tale,

Everything about her has changed dramatically. (walk in place)

We stomped our feet (stomp)

We clapped our hands. (clap)

They will remember us in a fairy tale.

We leaned over "once" (bent over)

We went up to “two”, (straightened up)

Everyone smiled. (smiled)

And they drowned again. (stomp)

And they clapped their hands. ( clap)

Well done guys

What daredevils! (hands on belt)

Educator. Our bun has rested and can show us the way back.

Educator. Well, we're back.

Educator. You guys are great, you guys are brave, and for this I have prepared a surprise for you (the teacher takes gifts from the chest and hands them out)

Now, let's remember once again what kind of fairy tales we met today?

Which fairy tale did you like the most? (children's answers) This concludes our lesson. Thank you! - Magazine of modern youth