“War and Peace”, the theme of honor and dishonor. Works about honor and dishonor Essay on a work on the topic: The theme of honor and human dignity in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

Arguments for the final essay.

1. A. Pushkin « Captain's daughter"(As you know, A.S. Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet a “slave of honor.” The quarrel, the cause of which was the insulted honor of A. Pushkin, led to the death of the greatest writer. However, Alexander Sergeevich retained his honor and good name in the memory of people.

In his story "The Captain's Daughter" Pushkin portrays Petrusha Grinev with high moral qualities. Peter did not sully his honor even in those cases when he could have paid for it with his head. He was a highly moral person worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave Shvabrin’s slander against Masha unpunished, so he challenged him to a duel. Grinev retained his honor even under pain of death).

2. M. Sholokhov"The Fate of Man" (B a short story Sholokhov touched on the topic of honor. Andrei Sokolov - a simple Russian man, had a family, loving wife, children, your home. Everything collapsed in an instant, and the war was to blame. But nothing could break the true Russian spirit. Sokolov managed to endure all the hardships of the war with his head held high. One of the main episodes that reveals the strength and persistent character of a person is the scene of the interrogation of Andrei by Muller. A weak, hungry soldier surpassed the fascist in fortitude. The refusal of the offer to drink German weapons for the victory came as a surprise to the Germans: “Why should I, a Russian soldier, drink German weapons for the victory?” The Nazis appreciated the courage of the Russian soldier, saying: “You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and I respect worthy opponents.” Sokolov’s strength of character aroused the respect of the Germans and they decided that this man deserved to live. Andrey Sokolov personifies honor and dignity. He is ready to give even his life for them.))

3. M. Lermonotov. The novel “A Hero of Our Time” (Pechorin knew about Grushnitsky’s intentions, but nevertheless did not wish him harm. An act worthy of respect. Grushnitsky, on the contrary, committed a dishonorable act by offering Pechorin an unloaded weapon in a duel).

4. M. Lermonotov“Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...”. (Lermontov talks about the permissiveness of people in power. This is Kiribeevich, who encroached on married wife. For him, no laws are written, he is not afraid of anything, even Tsar Ivan the Terrible supports him, so he agrees to fight with the merchant Kalashnikov. Merchant Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is a man of truth, a faithful husband and a loving father. And even despite the risk of losing to Kiribeevich, for the honor of his wife Alena, he challenged him to a fist fight. By killing the guardsman, Merchant Kalashnikov aroused the wrath of the Tsar, who ordered him to be hanged. Of course, Stepan Paramonovich could have yielded to the tsar and avoided his death, but for him the honor of his family turned out to be more important. Using the example of this hero, Lermontov showed the true Russian character common man honor - strong in spirit, unshakable, honest and noble.)

5. N. Gogol"Taras Bulba". (Ostap accepted his death with dignity).

6. V. Rasputin"French Lessons". (The boy Vova passes all tests with honor in order to get an education and become a man)

6. A. Pushkin"The Captain's Daughter" (Shvabrin is a striking example of a person who has lost his dignity. He is the complete opposite of Grinev. This is a person for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, overstepping himself in favor of his momentary desires. Popular rumor says: “Take care dress again, but honor from a young age." Once your honor has been tarnished, you are unlikely to ever be able to restore your good name.)

7. F.M. Dostoevsky“Crime and Punishment” (Raskolnikov is a murderer, but the dishonorable act was based on pure thoughts. What is it: honor or dishonor?)

8. F.M. Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment". (Sonya Marmeladova sold herself, but did it for the sake of her family. What is this: honor or dishonor?)

9. F.M. Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment". (Dunya was slandered. But her honor was restored. Honor is easy to lose.)

10. L.N. Tolstoy“War and Peace” (Having become the owner of a large inheritance, Bezukhov, with his honesty and faith in the kindness of people, falls into the net set by Prince Kuragin. His attempts to take possession of the inheritance failed, then he decided to get the money in another way. He married the young man to his daughter Helen , who had no feelings for her husband. In the good-natured and peace-loving Pierre, who learned about Helen’s betrayal with Dolokhov, anger began to boil and he challenged Fedor to battle. The duel showed Pierre’s courage. Thus, using the example of Pierre Bezukhov, Tolstoy showed the qualities that cause. respect. And the pathetic intrigues of Prince Kuragin, Helen and Dolokhov brought them only suffering. Lies, hypocrisy and sycophancy never bring real success, but they can tarnish a person’s honor and lose his dignity).

The theme of honor and dishonor. In "War and Peace" there are about six hundred characters. “It is terribly difficult to think over and change your mind about everything that could happen to all the future people of the upcoming essay, a very large one, and to think over millions of possible combinations in order to choose one millionth of them,” Tolstoy complained. The writer experienced such difficulties while working on each of his major works. But they were especially great when the writer created War and Peace. Let us remember that the action of this novel lasts more than fifteen years and covers a huge number of events. The writer really had to think about “millions of possible combinations” and choose from them only the most necessary, the most vivid and truthful.

Over the course of a year, Tolstoy wrote fifteen versions of the beginning of War and Peace. As can be seen from the surviving manuscripts, he tried to begin the novel with the author’s introduction, which gave an assessment historical events 1812, then a scene that takes place now in Moscow, now in St. Petersburg, now on the estate of the old Prince Bolkonsky, now abroad. What did the writer achieve by changing the beginning of the novel so many times? This can be seen by reading the scene that opens War and Peace. Tolstoy shows the high-society salon of the maid of honor Anna Pavlovna Sherer, where eminent guests meet and have a lively conversation about what was most worrying at that time Russian society, - about the upcoming war with Napoleon. Reading this scene, we get acquainted with many characters and among them the two main characters of the novel - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Vezukhov.

Tolstoy found such a beginning of the work that immediately introduces us to the atmosphere of the pre-war era, introduces us to the main characters, shows how their views and opinions collided when assessing the most pressing issues of the time. And from this first scene until the end of the novel, we follow with unflagging interest and excitement how events unfold and how an increasing number of people become participants in them.

It should still be noted that there are scenes in “War and Peace” where the image of Kutuzov is shown contradictorily. Tolstoy believed that the development of all events taking place in the world does not depend on the will of people, but is predetermined from above. It seemed to the writer that Kutuzov thought the same and did not consider it necessary to interfere in the development of events. But this decisively contradicts the image of Kutuzov, which was created by Tolstoy himself. The writer emphasizes that the great commander knew how to understand the spirit of the army and sought to control it, that all Kutuzov’s thoughts and all his actions were aimed at one goal - to defeat the enemy.

The image of the soldier Platon Karataev, whom Pierre Bezukhov met and became friends with in captivity, is also depicted contradictorily in the novel. Karataev is characterized by such traits as kindness, humility, willingness to forgive and forget any offense. Pierre listens with surprise and then with delight to Karataev’s stories, which always end with evangelical calls to love everyone and forgive everyone. But the same Pierre had to see the terrible end of Platon Karataev. When the French were driving a party of prisoners along a muddy autumn road, Karataev fell from weakness and could not get up. And the guards mercilessly shot him. One cannot forget this terrible scene: Karataev lies dead by a dirty forest road, and next to him sits and howls a hungry, lonely, freezing little dog, which he so recently saved from death...

Fortunately, the “Karataev” traits were unusual for the Russian people who defended their land. Reading “War and Peace”, we see that it was not the Platon Karataevs who defeated Napoleon’s army. This was done by the fearless artillerymen of the modest captain Tushin, the brave soldiers of captain Timokhin, the cavalrymen of Uvarov, and the partisans of captain Denisov. The Russian army and the Russian people defeated the enemy. And this is with enormous power shown in the novel. It is no coincidence that during the Second World War, Tolstoy’s book was a reference book for people different countries who fought against the invasion of Hitler's fascist hordes. And it will always serve as a source of patriotic inspiration for all freedom-loving people.

From the epilogue that ends the novel, we learn about how its heroes lived after the end of the Patriotic War of 1812. Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova united their destinies and found their happiness. Pierre is still concerned about the future of his homeland. He became a member of a secret organization from which the Decembrists would later emerge. Young Nikolenka Bolkonsky, the son of Prince Andrei, who died from a wound received on the Borodino field, listens carefully to his hot speeches.

You can guess about the future of these people by listening to their conversation. Nikolenka asked Pierre:

“Uncle Pierre... If dad were alive... would he agree with you? »

And Pierre replied:

“I think so...”

At the end of the novel, Tolstoy depicts Nikolenka Bolkonsky's dream. “He and Uncle Pierre walked ahead of a huge army,” Nikolenka dreamed. They were going to a difficult and glorious feat. Nikolenka’s father was with him, encouraging both him and Uncle Pierre. Waking up, Nikolenka makes a firm decision: to live in such a way as to be worthy of the memory of his father. "Father! Father! - Nikolenka thinks. - Yes, I will do something that would make even him happy *.

With this oath Nikolenka Tolstoy concludes storyline the novel, as if lifting the curtain into the future, stretching threads from one era of Russian life to another, when the heroes of 1825 - the Decembrists - entered the historical arena.

Thus ends the work to which Tolstoy, by his own admission, devoted five years of “incessant and exceptional labor.”

The theme of honor and dishonor in the novel "War and Peace"

At the beginning of the 20th century L.N. Tolstoy was called “a teacher in life and in art” and these lines still express the attitude of people of the 21st century towards him; the legacy of the brilliant writer continues to amaze with both life and creative discoveries. A reader of any age will find answers to his questions here; he reveals the secrets of the human soul, consciousness from the very beginning of humanity, childhood. The works of L.N. Tolstoy are read, remembered and loved by people all over the world. They are close and understandable to everyone, because they contain eternal life problems, which concern all people and which they themselves have experienced more than once.
This is primarily a problem of the moral purity of people, their souls.
Why do the heroes of L.N.’s works attract us so much? How thick? They attract us with their uniqueness, their bright individual character, originality, and richness of soul.
His heroes, like living people, make us think, dream, worry, feel the same way as they do. Thanks to the skill of the writer, it inevitably seems that the characters in the works exist, continuing their journey somewhere nearby, you can actually see them, and turn to them with pressing questions. Sometimes it even seems that you have found yourself in another dimension, in the life that the heroes live, in the social environment that L.N. describes. Tolstoy. The images created by Tolstoy are different from all others literary heroes. They can be recognized from thousands of others, because they are so alive, real characters Not a single author has yet. the heroes of L.N. Tostoy’s novels always live in the soul of each of us.
The novel by L.N. is very dear to me. Tolstoy "War and Peace". How many wonderful evenings I spent reading this work! The novel left an indelible impression on my soul. I admire the author for his ability to show readers all the secrets of the human soul. Yes, in his novel “the human soul is depicted with a reality unprecedented in our literature.” N.N. Strakhov noted this very accurately. I think L.N. Tolstoy truthfully and without embellishment showed all the emotional experiences of the heroes, inner world each of them. And this speaks of the author’s great understanding of the human soul. The novel "War and Peace" - simply greatest work! It accurately depicts the world of the human soul, its wealth and shortcomings. There are many characters in the novel, but it seems to me that they can be divided into two large groups. The first group contains people. those who have lost their spirituality. deaf to the dictates of conscience, the call of the heart, they hide their spiritual emptiness behind euphonious, hypocritical speeches. These include the Kuragin family. Drubetskikh. A.P. Scherer and her “important” guests. L.N. Tolstoy is irreconcilable with them: he accompanies almost every word and movement with his own ironic comments. Another group are members of old noble families who have preserved certain traditions and have a rich spiritual heritage. The writer feels open sympathy for them, although he does not keep silent about the class prejudices that prevail here. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov are Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. They express his thoughts and experiences.
The author forces his heroes to be extremely sincere, kind, and noble.
A. Bolkonsky and N. Rostova are my favorite characters; it was their experiences and thoughts, spiritual quests that the writer showed with all his inherent literary power.
Andrei Bolkonsky is a rich, integral, strong-willed nature. He is a man of duty, honor, ready to give everything for a noble goal. Andrei Bolkonsky's thoughts are noble. although he spends all his talent and inquisitive mind in St. Petersburg salons, among false masks. It seems to me that Leo Tolstoy’s skill in depicting the soul lies in the fact that he showed a person in different situations, because a person’s mental state is constantly changing, it seeks the highest, is in search of the truth of human existence. When A.P. Sherer saw him for the first time in the salon, “everyone who was in the living room was not only familiar, but he was so tired of him that he was very bored looking at them and listening to them,” it seems to us that he is a boring phlegmatic of society, but the appearance Pierre is forced to forget about this: Leo Tolstoy more than once uses the word “kind”, look. smile, these small details. show us the soul of the hero to the greatest extent. Andrei strives for his Toulon, he goes to war, this shows his love for his Motherland. How they read me!
Elya, I was struck by the way L.N. Tolstoy depicted the scene of farewell between father and son, he showed what the truly Bolkon spirit, the relationship between father and son, is. sometimes seem strange, but
But this shows the family traditions of the proud and valiant Bolkonsky family.
The Field of Austerlitz, “it has begun. Here it is,” these are the thoughts that are wafting from everywhere, in this line you can hear the voice of the people, Russian fearlessness and endless love for the homeland. The Field of Austerlitz, the battle is over, the wounded Prince Andrei. This scene, in my opinion, is the apogee of Leo Tolstoy’s writing gift. Show the feelings and thoughts of a seriously wounded person the way Tolstoy did. in my opinion. No one in literature has yet succeeded. Prince Andrei opened his eyes, he saw the sky, only one sky. And he was struck by something he had never noticed: how calm it was. “Yes! Everything is empty, everything is deception, except this endless sky,” thought Andrei. This is how life opened up for Prince Andrei in a new way. He realized that besides war and glory, there is simple human life with its joys and hardships. He wanted to love and be loved, probably like all mortal people. This scene made me look at many things differently; it seemed to open the curtain for me on the soul of a man who found himself in a difficult situation. After Austerlitz, the hero’s life changed very much: the death of his wife. birth of a son. He became completely different. the change in the soul of the hero, the author showed the dialogue x with Pierre, his impressions “... he was struck by the change that had taken place in Prince Andrei. The words were affectionate, a smile was on the lips and face of Prince Andrei, but the look was extinct, dead.” Tolstoy often uses the phrase “dead look “, this will express the state of the hero’s soul, he seems to have frozen, does not strive for the best, high spiritual aspirations - that’s it. that the basis of life, the writer showed that the hero has lost this, this is Tolstoy’s talent, what he showed spiritual collapse, crisis and at the same time how a person overcomes this with the help of a great feeling of love. The writer showed this revival in meetings with an oak tree in May and June. An oak tree in May: “an old one with branches that have been broken off for a long time, and with broken bark overgrown with old sores. With its huge, clumsy, asymmetrically splayed, gnarled hands and fingers.” oak condition eh!
that is the state of the hero’s soul, his attitude towards the world around him. An indelible mark on the soul of Andrei Bolkonskonsky was left by his meeting with young Rostova, and such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes suddenly arose in his soul,” L.N. Tolstoy reveals this spiritual and moral revival through “that same oak tree.” The old oak tree has been completely transformed... Not a single gnarled finger. no pain. neither the old grief nor mistrust was visible." The oak came back to life again and our hero was again alive morally, full of strength, energy, that apathetic attitude towards the world was gone. "No, life is not over at 31,” he suddenly finally, permanently decided Prince Andrey. “Not only do I know everything that is in me, I need everyone to know it too.” With the help of a description of nature, Tolstoy showed not only worldview and spiritual renewal, but also how nature influences the human soul. This connection of inner life man with the life of nature is especially noticeable, because Tolstoy speaks of nature, spiritualizing it humanly!
with my features; Looking at the oak tree, Prince Andry sees not branches, not bark, not growths on it, but “fingers,” “hands,” “old sores.” “I must live in such a way that everyone knows me, so that my life does not go on for me alone, so that it is reflected on everyone and so that they all live with me!” - this is the conclusion the hero comes to after the unfamiliar feelings he has experienced.
In continuation of the entire story about the fate of Andrei L.N. Tolstoy very realistically depicts the soul of the hero, his desire for a new life. This once again proves that in the novels of L.N. Tolstoy “the human soul is depicted with a reality that is still unprecedented in our literature.” Tolstoy revealed the soul of his heroes, he showed the mental state of people very deeply and truthfully. We see the enrichment of the human soul and its revival. And in conclusion I want to say: “Tolstoy is a wonderful Russian writer!” Roman L.N. Tolstoy, I think, will always be attracted by his truth and uniqueness. Tolstoy, like no one else, was able to depict with enormous artistic power all the movements of the human soul.

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The theme of honor and dishonor in the novel "War and Peace"

At the beginning of the 20th century L.N. Tolstoy was called “a teacher in life and in art” and these lines still express the attitude of people of the 21st century towards him; the legacy of the brilliant writer continues to amaze with both life and creative discoveries. A reader of any age will find answers to his questions here; he reveals the secrets of the human soul, consciousness from the very beginning of humanity, childhood. The works of L.N. Tolstoy are read, remembered and loved by people all over the world. They are close and understandable to everyone, because they pose the eternal problems of life that concern all people and which they themselves have experienced more than once.
This is primarily a problem of the moral purity of people, their souls.
Why do the heroes of L.N.’s works attract us so much? How thick? They attract us with their uniqueness, their bright individual character, originality, and richness of soul.
His heroes, like living people, make us think, dream, worry, feel the same way as they do. Thanks to the writer’s skill, it inevitably seems that the characters in the works exist, continuing their journey somewhere nearby, you can actually see them, and turn to them with pressing questions. Sometimes it even seems that you have found yourself in another dimension, in the life that the heroes live, in the social environment that L.N. describes. Tolstoy. The images created by Tolstoy are different from all other literary heroes. They can be recognized from thousands of others, because no other author has ever had such living, real characters; the heroes of L.N. Tostoy’s novels always live in the soul of each of us.
The novel by L.N. is very dear to me. Tolstoy "War and Peace". How many wonderful evenings I spent reading this work! The novel left an indelible impression on my soul. I admire the author for his ability to show readers all the secrets of the human soul. Yes, in his novel “the human soul is depicted with a reality unprecedented in our literature.” N.N. Strakhov noted this very accurately. I think L.N. Tolstoy truthfully and without embellishment showed all the emotional experiences of the heroes, the inner world of each of them. And this speaks of the author’s great understanding of the human soul. The novel "War and Peace" is simply the greatest work! It accurately depicts the world of the human soul, its wealth and shortcomings. There are many characters in the novel, but it seems to me that they can be divided into two large groups. In the first group there are people who have lost their spiritual beginning, deaf to the dictates of conscience, the call of the heart, they hide their spiritual emptiness behind euphonious, hypocritical speeches. These include the Kuragin, Drubetsky, A.P. Sherer families and her “important” guests. L.N. Tolstoy is irreconcilable with them: he accompanies almost every word and movement with his own ironic comments. Another group are members of old noble families who have preserved certain traditions and have a rich spiritual heritage. The writer feels open sympathy for them, although he does not keep silent about the class prejudices that prevail here. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov are Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. They express his thoughts and experiences.
The author forces his heroes to be extremely sincere, kind, and noble.
A. Bolkonsky and N. Rostova are my favorite characters; it was their experiences and thoughts, spiritual quests that the writer showed with all his inherent literary power.
Andrei Bolkonsky is a rich, integral, strong-willed nature. He is a man of duty, honor, ready to give everything for a noble goal. Andrei Bolkonsky's thoughts are noble, although he spends all his talent and inquisitive mind in St. Petersburg salons, among false masks. It seems to me that Leo Tolstoy’s skill in depicting the soul lies in the fact that he showed a person in different situations, because a person’s mental state is constantly changing, it seeks the highest, is in search of the truth of human existence. When A.P. Sherer saw him for the first time in the salon, “everyone who was in the living room was not only familiar, but he was so tired of him that he was very bored looking at them and listening to them,” it seems to us that he is a boring phlegmatic of society, but the appearance Pierre is forced to forget about this: Leo Tolstoy uses the word “kind” more than once; a look, a smile, these small details show us the soul of the hero to the greatest extent. Andrei strives for his Toulon, he goes to war, this shows his love for his homeland. How they read me!
Elya was struck by how L.N. Tolstoy depicted the scene of farewell between father and son, he showed what the true Bolkonsky spirit is, the relationship between father and son sometimes seems strange, but this is precisely what shows the family traditions of the proud and valiant Bolkonsky family.
The Field of Austerlitz, “it has begun, here it is,” these are the thoughts that are wafting from everywhere, in this line you can hear the voice of the people, Russian fearlessness and endless love for the homeland. The Field of Austerlitz, the battle is over, the wounded Prince Andrei. This scene, in my opinion, is the apogee of Leo Tolstoy’s writing gift. In my opinion, no one in literature has ever been able to show the feelings and thoughts of a seriously wounded person the way Tolstoy did. Prince Andrei opened his eyes, he saw the sky, only one sky. And he was struck by something he had never noticed: how calm it was. “Yes! Everything is empty, everything is deception, except this endless sky,” thought Andrei. This is how life opened up for Prince Andrei in a new way. He realized that besides war and glory, there is simple human life with its joys and hardships. He wanted to love and be loved, probably like all mortal people. This scene made me look at many things differently; it seemed to open the curtain for me on the soul of a person who found himself in a difficult situation. After Austerlitz, the hero’s life changed very much: the death of his wife, the birth of a son. He became completely different, the author showed a change in the soul of the hero in the dialogue with Pierre, his impressions “... he was struck by the change that had taken place in Prince Andrei. The words were affectionate, a smile was on the lips and face of Prince Andrei, but his gaze was extinguished, dead” Tolstoy often uses the phrase “dead look”, this expresses the state of the hero’s soul, he seems frozen, does not strive for the best, high spiritual aspirations are the basis of life, the writer showed that the hero has lost this, this is Tolstoy’s talent, what he showed spiritual collapse, crisis and at the same time how a person overcomes this with the help of a great feeling of love. The writer showed this revival in meetings with an oak tree in May and June. An oak tree in May: “an old one with branches that have been broken off for a long time, and with broken bark overgrown with old sores. With its huge, clumsy, asymmetrically splayed, gnarled hands and fingers,” oak condition eh!
that is the state of the hero’s soul, his attitude towards the world around him. The meeting with young Rostova left an indelible mark on the soul of Andrei Bolkonskonsky, and such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes suddenly arose in his soul,” L.N. Tolstoy reveals this spiritual and moral revival through “that very oak tree.” The old oak tree was completely transformed... No gnarled fingers, no sores, no old grief and mistrust, nothing was visible." The oak tree returned to life again and our hero is morally alive again, full of strength, energy, that apathetic attitude towards the world has disappeared "No, life “It’s not over at the age of 31,” Prince Andrei suddenly decided finally and without change. “Not only do I know everything that is in me, I need everyone to know it too.” With the help of a description of nature, Tolstoy showed not only worldview and spiritual renewal, but also how nature influences the human soul. This connection of inner life man with the life of nature is especially noticeable, because Tolstoy speaks of nature, spiritualizing it, endowing it with humanity!
with my features; Looking at the oak tree, Prince Andry sees not branches, not bark, not growths on it, but “fingers,” “hands,” “old sores.” “I must live in such a way that everyone knows me, so that my life does not go on for me alone... so that it is reflected on everyone and so that they all live with me!” - this is the conclusion the hero comes to after the unfamiliar feelings he has experienced.
In continuation of the entire story about the fate of Andrei L.N. Tolstoy very realistically depicts the soul of the hero, his desire for a new life. This once again proves that in the novels of L.N. Tolstoy “the human soul is depicted with a reality that is still unprecedented in our literature.” Tolstoy revealed the soul of his heroes, he showed the mental state of people very deeply and truthfully. We see the enrichment of the human soul and its revival. And in conclusion I want to say: “Tolstoy is a wonderful Russian writer!” Roman L.N. Tolstoy, I think, will always be attracted by his truth and uniqueness. Tolstoy, like no one else, was able to depict with enormous artistic power all the movements of the human soul.

  • A person who betrayed his loved one can be called dishonest
  • True personality traits are revealed in difficult life situations
  • Sometimes actions that seem dishonest at first glance turn out to be necessary
  • A man of honor will not betray his moral principles even in the face of death
  • War brings out dishonest people
  • Actions done out of anger and envy are always dishonorable
  • Honor must be defended
  • A dishonest person sooner or later receives retribution for his actions
  • A person who betrays his moral principles is dishonest


A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". In the work we see two completely opposite heroes: Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin. For Petr Grinev, the concept of honor is key when making important decisions. He does not betray his principles even when he is threatened with execution: the hero refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev. He decides to rescue Masha Mironova from Belogorsk fortress captured by the enemy, although it is very dangerous. When Pyotr Grinev is arrested, he tells the whole truth, but does not mention Marya Ivanovna, so as not to spoil her already miserable life. Alexey Shvabrin is a cowardly person, capable of doing vile things, looking for more favorable conditions for himself. He takes revenge on Masha Mironova for refusing to marry him, at the first opportunity he goes over to Pugachev’s side, and in a duel with Pyotr Grinev he shoots in the back. All this suggests that he is a dishonest person.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Evgeny Onegin does not perceive Tatyana Larina’s letter telling about her feelings as something serious. After the duel with Lensky, the hero leaves the village. Tatyana’s feelings do not subside; she thinks about Evgeniy all the time. Time passes. On one of social evenings Evgeny Onegin appears, to whom society is still alien. There he sees Tatiana. The hero explains himself to her, Tatyana also confesses her love for Onegin, but she cannot betray her husband. In this situation, Tatyana maintains her honor and dignity, respecting own desires, but high moral principles.

A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri". The great composer Mozart was given a gift from above. Salieri is a hard worker who has achieved success through many years of work. Out of envy, Salieri decides to commit not only a dishonest, but also an inhumane act - he throws poison into Mozart's glass. Left alone, Salieri comprehends Mozart’s words about the incompatibility of villainy and genius. He cries, but does not repent. Salieri is glad that he fulfilled his “duty.”

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Speaking of dishonor, it is impossible not to turn to the Kuragin family. All members of this family are immoral, devoted only to money, and only outwardly seem to be patriots. Trying to get at least part of Pierre Bezukhov's inheritance, Prince Vasily decides to marry him to his daughter Helen. She cheats on the honest, devoted, good-natured Pierre, without feeling any remorse. Anatol Kuragin commits an equally disgusting act: being married, he attracts the attention of Natasha Rostova and prepares an escape attempt, which ends in failure. Reading the work, we understand that such dishonest people cannot be truly happy. Their successes are temporary. True happiness comes from heroes like Pierre Bezukhov: moral, true to their word, truly loving their Motherland.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Andriy, the son of Taras Bulba, betrays his father and homeland: unable to resist the power of love for a Polish woman, he goes over to the side of the enemy and fights against those whom he only recently considered comrades. Old Taras kills his son because he cannot forgive him for this dishonorable act. Ostap, the eldest son of Taras Bulba, shows himself completely differently. He fights the enemy to the last, dies in terrible agony, but remains true to his moral principles.

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Katerina, who grew up in an atmosphere of love and care, cannot live well with a weak-willed husband and a wayward Kabanikha. The girl falls in love with Boris, this brings her both happiness and sorrow. Katerina's betrayal is a betrayal that she cannot survive as a moral person. The heroine decides to commit suicide, knowing that she has committed a grave sin that an already terrible society will not forgive. It is unlikely that Katerina can be called a dishonest person, despite the act she committed.

M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man.” Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work, is not without reason called a man of honor. His best moral qualities were revealed during the war, in captivity of the Germans. The hero told the truth about the work that the prisoners do. Someone reported on Andrei Sokolov, which is why Mueller called him. The German wanted to shoot the hero, but before his death he offered to drink “to the victory of German weapons.” Andrei Sokolov is a person incapable of such a dishonorable act, so he refused. He drank to his death, but did not eat, showing the strength of spirit of the Russian people. He refused to eat even after the second glass. Muller called Sokolov a worthy soldier and sent him back with bread and a piece of lard. For Andrei Sokolov, it was a matter of honor to share the food among everyone, despite the fact that he himself was very hungry.

N. Karamzin “Poor Liza.” Erast, a man of noble origin, falls in love with Lisa, an ordinary peasant woman. At first, the young man dreams of leaving his society for the sake of their future happiness. Lisa cannot help but believe him, she is so overcome by love that she without a doubt gives herself to Erast. But the flighty young man loses a large sum of money at cards and loses all his fortune. He decides to marry a rich widow, and Liza says that he is going to war. Isn't this a dishonorable act? When Lisa finds out about the deception, Erast tries to pay her off. The poor girl doesn’t need money, she doesn’t see the point in living and eventually dies.

V. Rasputin “French Lessons”. Young teacher Lidiya Mikhailovna teaches French and is class teacher the main character of the work. When the boy comes to school beaten, the traitor Tishkin reveals that he is playing for money. The teacher is in no hurry to scold the hero. Little by little, Lidia Mikhailovna learns how difficult life is for the child: his home is far away, there is little food, and there is not enough money. The teacher tries to help by inviting the boy to play for money with her. On the one hand, her action is unacceptable. On the other hand, it cannot be called bad, because it was committed for a good purpose. The director finds out that Lidiya Mikhailovna is playing with a student for money and fires her. But it is clear that there is nothing to condemn the teacher for: the apparent dishonorable act actually brings goodness.

A.P. Chekhov "The Jumper". Olga Ivanovna is married to doctor Osip Ivanovich Dymov. Her husband loves her very much. He works hard to pay for his wife's hobbies. Olga Ivanovna meets the artist Ryabovsky and cheats on her husband. Dymov guesses about the betrayal, but does not show it, but tries to work even harder and harder. The relationship between Olga Ivanovna and Ryabovsky reaches a dead end. At this time, Dymov becomes infected with diphtheria while fulfilling his medical duty. When he dies, Olga Ivanovna understands how dishonest and immoral her behavior was. She admits that she has lost a truly worthy person.

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