Layisan Urtyasheva and Pavel Will are not going to divorce. Jealous Pavel Volya arranged a loud scandal of Laysan Utyasheva right on the shooting of the show of the life of the Will's spouses and drizzle

In newspapers and magazines, as well as in electronic publications, rumors about star life often spread, attributing celebrities not real novels and breaks of relations. Therefore, journalists tried to figure out what is actually happening in the family Paul Will and Layisan Utyasheva.

Rumors that the star couple is not in order with relationships, it is already long ago. After all, Paul is known for its quick temper, and Laisyan has a rather independent and stubborn character.

The reasons that caused rumors about the divorce of dripping and will

Where could this rumors be born, I would like to know. Perhaps the fact is that the will is famous for his prolite jokes and plausiblely created an image of a bastard on stage Comedy Club.And the public is hard to imagine such a person in the role of a well-order family man. But it often happens that the actor on the stage and in real life These are two different personalities.

But with confidence you can say about Pavel Will, that he is gifted and tried himself in life in various roles. He began his career with the fact that he became the captain of the KVN team from Penza. Then starred in the cinema, in 10 movie cars, became a leading show called "Improvisation" and recorded 4 music albums.

The merits of the Spouse Will also look impressive, repeatedly became the champion of peace and Europe in rhythmic gymnastics, and also brilliantly coped with the role of the TV presenter.

Rumors that the star couple broke up occurred already and more than once, however, when young people stated their intention to tie themselves with marriage bings in 2012, rumors lunned.

Of course, the spouses sometimes emerge disagreements and they even arrange to each other scenes of jealousy, it still does not mean that they are willing to break the relationship. Presumably the cause of the hearing that arose about the divorce served as the case that occurred with the fuck on the casting show "Dancing 3", during which one of the participants kissed her. It naturally did not like the husband of gymnasts. But it is not worth viewers relate to this seriously, since the camera removed per frequently is tamed.

Realities of the life of the Will's spouses and drizzle

As for the realities of the life of Will's spouses and dripping, they love each other and are not going to divorce. Although it often happens that the couple finds out the relationship. This is due to the fact that Paul is very jealous.

Another evidence that the star pair is all right, their joint pictures laid out in Instagram, as well as the post of Paul, in which he with all love appeals to his second half.

Layisan Utyasheva is a famous artistic gymnast on the whole world, she left the sport in 2006. After that, I implemented yourself as a presenter, actress, writer, as well as the director of the dance show.

It appeared on the net girl in 1985 in Bashkiria, it is in Russia. June 28, celebrities turned 33 years old. Father Lyisan was a historian, and his mother worked in the library. In adolescence, the girl changes religion, at first she confessed Islam, and then became an Orthodox Christian.

After some time, after the appearance of a future athlete, her family moved to live in the city of Ufa, and then to Volgograd.

At first, the plans of the parents were to give a girl to a ballet school, but fate ordered otherwise, Layisan fell to the eye to the eyes of the rhythmic gymnastics, which was called Nadezhda Kasyanov. The latter noticed that the child possesses flexibility and took her under his guide.

When a future celebrity studied in grade 3, she earned her first money to which the mother bought a mother.

Childhood and Career Layisan Utyasheva

In school, the gymnast studied well, as I gave the mother to the promise that sports exercises will not appear on its academic performance. In ornaments, the parents of athletes are bred, which was a big tragedy for her mother. The reason for this was the permanent drunks of the Father, and then it turned out that he was leaving for another woman.

In 1997, the gymnast moved to live in Moscow. In 2001, the girl becomes the absolute world champion in rhythmic gymnastics in the capital of Germany. In 2002, an athlete changes the coach, she begins to work with Irina Wiener. Then Layisan manages to win in an international tournament, held in Slovenia, informal French championship.

Once the girl comprehended the misfortune, she broke her leg and damaged the other, doctors could not even guarantee that Utyasheva could walk. But the athlete was lucky, she was caught a talented surgeon, which put it on his feet. And already in 2004, the gymnast again takes part in the competition, which brings her new victories. In 2006, Layisan leaves sports.

In honor of a talented and hardworking girl in a rhythmic gymnastics 4 very difficult to execute the element called it with the name.

After the completion of the sports career, Layisan was not engaged somewhere for 6 months, but simply lay on the couch and watched films, while she began to eat a lot of sweets, which he used to afford. And from this recovered. First, the celebrity to lose weight was trying with the help of running. But then found in his diary records of the diet athlete. From this point on, the girl begins to feed well and lead a healthy lifestyle, so that it becomes slim again.

In 2018, rumors appeared that Pavel Volya and Layisan Utyashev are bred, but in fact this information was not confirmed. Wherever the couple does not appear, they always shine from joy and love to each other. Family relations are not ideal, therefore, there is a quarrel between Pavl and Layisan. According to the gymnasts, her husband is very jealous.

Divorce in the family is another rumors running by the media. Anyone who watched the last interview with the "man's fate" program learned about her thoughts, past, present and future. It was here that she told about the "real love", in her life, together with Pavel Will.

Divorce Lee Urty and Will

Family relations of Pavel Will and Layisan Utyasheva are a striking example for many newlyweds. This is a strong family that all its actions shows how important it is to support each other in difficult situations. But everything turned out not so good, as in any family they happen scandals. Most often, this is due to the special jealousy of Paul.

Conflicts, arising not only behind closed doors, but also in public are often flashed between the spouses. They are not shy to express their opinion about each other.

Pavel Will very often on various sets of joint projects demonstrates its jealousy, which looks not very pleasant. In 2018, articles appeared that Pavel Volya and Layisan Urtyaev are divorced, but the information provided remained at the rumor level.

In one of the last interviews, the famous gymnast admitted that she had to spend a lot of time for raising children. There is practically no time to career, participation in various projects and personal life. Thus, it causes some discontent from her side. On the basis of this, regular scandals also arise. Despite the current circumstances, they understand that their relationship is very strong.

Family life of course not only strains, but also contributes to some of his joyful moments. At present, Layisan and Pasha are two children who need to constantly watch. Of course, Utiashev is very much overwhelms the day. Thus, very often, springs appear in the address of each other. Layisan really wants to work and engage in its television career, but it does not always work out.

Despite all the family difficulties with which there are a couple, they continue to delight each other every day and that Pavel Volya and Layisan Utyashev bred, there can be no speech, despite latest news 2018, rumored. In fact, they are very happy parents and on their example show how important it is to appreciate the person close to you. Family life presses very much like Paul and Layisan. They are trying to be merry and cheerful, but constant scandals and experiences can stand behind their shoulders, because what is happening for the camera is known only to them.

Unpleasant incident on the set

On the set of TV project "Dances" to Layisan approached one of the fans and asked her to kiss him. To which it was long and agreed only on friendly embrace. At that time, Pavel Volya was also on the set, which was dissatisfied with this incident. He also commented out aloud, but translated everything at once, in his manner characteristic of him, joking. The field of this information leaked to the media and began to actively discussed. In fact, it was the usual case, which is probably in all families.

It was this situation that led to the emergence of rumors that in 2018 Liaisan Urtyashev and Pavel Will are bred. But the information was never confirmed to say, but caused a storm of emotions and indignation among fans and fans of their creativity. Relationships in Star Pare are now stable and, unlikely, something will be able to destroy them.

Personal life and relationship between dying and will

Layisan and Paul met for a very long time. There were friendly relations between them, they very much supported each other in difficult situations. But after everything turned into love. According to the gymnasts, Paul did a lot for her, and the most important thing helped to survive the death of mom. It was an incredible grief and a strongest kick for her.

Soon, rumors appeared that the couple was already officially found and a wedding will be organized. This is how a new family has appeared! On the this moment Star couple is very happy and always support each other in all difficult situations.

In May 2013, a joyful event occurred in their family - Robert was born. Already exactly two years later, a daughter appeared on the light, which Sofia called. There were many news and rumors about the third pregnancy Layisan, but all this turned out to be only rumors. Yellow press very often writes articles about relationships in the star family, and most often everything is in definite.

The jealousy of Pavel Will was disturbed by Layisan for the distance of family life. She told in his interview as Paul refers to any signs of attention from other men. But later everything is forgotten, because between them true love. Children in the family of Paul and Layisan are of particular importance. Of course, most of the time with them holds mom, since she loves to do. But joint photos Will, fucking and their children are also a lot on the net.

Joint project "Will Power"

The divorce Laysan Umatasheva could not be true with Will, as they are engaged in a huge number of joint projects, very often share common photos in social networks. Their life is almost always in sight of the fans.

It is worth noting them separately a joint project "Will strength" dedicated to popularization healthy image Life. At the moment, the recreation show has already accommodates more than 100 interesting issues, followed by millions of spectators.

According to Layisan Utiavoy, a whole fan clubs of the presented movement "Power of Will" have already formed. At the moment there are followers of their health technology practically in 30 countries around the world. This is an incredible contribution that has become a reason for the release of new series of their project.

Rumors that Lysen Urty and Pavel Will bred appear very often. Many media are trying to catch up on this, but nothing happens. Layisan and Paul love a friend's drkg and happiness in marriage.

You should not believe everything they write in the network or in magazines, since most often the information provided is a lie. Relations between Pavel Will and Layisan Utyasheva remain an example for imitating for the past five years.

Pavel Volya and Layisan Urtyasheva are bred in 2017. As it turned out that the relationship that watched the whole country with the fading heart is approached by an end. All fans of Laysan and Pasha with delight watched on a beautiful pair. It is enough to recall their joint clip in which the eyes are filled with love and tenderness to each other. What could happen in this exemplary revealing family. Is it true that Layisan Urtyashev and Paul Will are bred?

Pavel Will - Biography

Pavel Volya is a real name of Showman Denis Dobronravov, born in 1979 in the city of Penza. In childhood, he was fond of humanitarian sciences, very much loved literature. After graduating from school, Paul entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian and Literature.

At the institute, he began to act in KVN. After graduating from the institute, almost the entire team of KVNschikov moved to Moscow. Pasha has not exceeded. From this point on, Paul's career went uphill. He worked as a DJ on HTI FM, wrote scenarios for the transfer of Igor Ugolnikov.

Pavel Will in youth

Celebrity and success came to a young man from the moment he became a resident of the Comedy Cland show. All his performances were built on the insult of the guests of the show, which were presented in the form of jokes. It became a chip of will.

For a long time, Paul collaborated with Vladimir Turchinsky. Together they led the Comeda Battle program. In memory of a colleague, Paul continues to lead this program.

Pavel Will Participant Show "Comedy Club"

Paul can be seen not only in humorous programs. He was successfully filmed in the cinema. The very first film, where Paul got a role, was the series "Club" in 2006. Later he took part in the filming of the painting "The Best Film". In 2008, in the film "Platon" Pasha played a major role.

Pavel Volya since 2004 built serious musical career. Every year he released on a new album.

P. Will Papered Man

An impatal young man has always been the focus of the girls. His personal life worried many. Long time Pasha was single. But in 2013, the media exploded the news about his wedding and the birth of a child. What was the surprise of fans that the gymnast Layisan Utyasheva became the whale of Pasha. Calm, cute girl - the opposite of the explosive young man.

P. Will now

Layisan Utyasheva - how it all started

Layisan was born in 1985 in the Bashkir ASSR in the village of Raevskoye. When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd. Since childhood, Layisan dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She was a fragile and flexible girl. Parents from art were very far, but the daughter's desire decided to support. Mom recorded it in a ballet school.

Lyisan Urtya in childhood with parents

But by chance, Layisan instead of ballet fell into a sports class. The girl immediately noted and invited to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. Already in the first year, Laysan training began to seek good success.

When the girl was 12 years old, parents brought her to Moscow. Here the most famous coaches continued with her. At the age of 14, Layisan successfully rents standards for a master of sports. In 2001, Layisan acts on the World Cup and becomes the winner in six nominations.

Layisan famous gymnast in the past

Coach Irina Wiener was engaged in preparing a gymnast to the Olympics, but in 2002 the fatal fall happened. Layisan damages his leg. The first examination does not identify serious damage, and the girl continues intensive workouts. The old injury is constant gave itself to know. The girl could not work for a long time, the foot began to hurt much. Irina Wiener insisted on a thorough examination, which showed that there are cracks in the damaged leg. In addition, regular loads led to damage and second legs.

Gymnast had to take a break, a difficult operation was performed on the leg. After a long rehabilitation, the girl returned to the sport. Her dream was - participation in the Olympics. But this was not destined to come true. Pain in the leg returned.

Layisan Urtyasheva in the role of the lead

Doctors argued that the continuation of sports in sports would lead to the fact that the girl will be in a wheelchair. In 2006, Layisan decides to leave the sport.

The girl hardly moved a career breakdown. But after a small psychological crisis, I found myself as a leading television program about health and sports. Now she has its own dance show.

The first novel of Layisan was with a businessman Valery Lyadza. But after two years, the relationship ended with a judicial scandal due to joint property.

Layisan Utyasheva now

In 2012, a tragedy happened in Layisan's life. Her mother died at the age of 47. The girl closed in herself. Her condition almost became the cause of the career breakdown. But at that time, Pavel Will appears next to Laysan, who became salvation for her. The relationship of young people reached the wedding, which fans learned in 2012. And now in the press there are rumors that Urtyasheva Layisan draws up a divorce with the will. Is it true?

History of relationship

Such different, but so happy! Pavel Volya and Layisan Urtyaev always attracted enthusiastic views. Loving, happy couple enchanting fans. They harmoniously complement each other. The impulsivity of Paul was smoothed by the calmness of the spouse.

They hid their relationship for a very long time. Fans learned about the novel only after birth in a couple of the Son. Young people met the secular event. They were leading this event, and after communication continued. There were moments when they could see at work, but their novel did not occur immediately.

Layisan Urtyasheva and Pavel Will

The impetus for the beginning of a serious relationship was the mountain in the family Laysan. Her mom died. The girl begins a terrible depression, from which Pasha helps her. He showed himself as a reliable man, followed by the girl, as behind a stone wall. It was at that moment that began stormy Roman between young people. The wedding was played in the same year.

Wedding passed very quietly and modestly. Paul and Layisan signed in the registry office without ceremonies. The press could not even think that two were so different people Will be together.

Rumors began to spread out at the moment when the girl's pregnancy was no longer possible to hide. Around the pair rose a real hype. To protect the young spouse from journalists, Paul took her to Spain and then in the United States. Their first son Robert was born there.

Spouses often travel together

With the advent of the son before fans, Absolutely another Pavel Will appeared. It was already impossible to be called " glamorous tiller" It turned out to be a very caring, gentle and attentive father and husband. And in May 2015, a daughter appeared in the family.

Problems in relations

Showman Pasha Will and Charming Gymnast Layisan Utyashev have always been considered the strongest pair in show business. But each family has its own problems. So, here, Layisan often admitted that Paul was very hot-tempered, and often suits the scenes of jealousy at all.

The first time spoke about the divorce of Layisan in the transfer of Julia, the Little "alone with all" in December 2016. Already at this time, there was a lot of rumors that the couple on the partition grain. But the gymnast has denied this fact in an interview with Yulia. The conversation was very frank. Layisan told how she lived without his father. Parents of the girl divorced because of constant booties.

There are rumors that Pavel Will and Layisan Utyashev are bred

Mom was very worried, regularly tried to return it, send to treatment, but no attempts were ended with success. As it turned out, the Father had another family in secret from the daughters and Mother Layisan. In this transfer, Layisan reassured fans, saying that everything is fine in her family. She is very happy with Pasha.

But as it turned out, the pair in the family is not so cloudless. First of all, the main problem is that Layisan dedicates all the time to raise children. This very negatively affects the relationship between the spouses, since she does not remain at the Paul.

True or another rumors? One of the most beautiful couples in the business show partitioned. Pavel Volya and Layisan Urtyasheva are bred in 2017. As it turned out that the relationship that watched the whole country with the fading heart is approached by an end. All fans of Laysan and Pasha with delight watched on a beautiful pair. It is enough to recall their joint clip in which the eyes are filled with love and tenderness to each other. What could happen in this exemplary revealing family. Is it true that Layisan Urtyashev and Paul Will are bred?

Pavel Volya is a real name of Showman Denis Dobronravov, born in 1979 in the city of Penza. In childhood, he was fond of humanitarian sciences, very much loved literature. After graduating from school, Paul entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian and Literature.

At the institute, he began to act in KVN. After graduating from the institute, almost the entire team of KVNschikov moved to Moscow. Pasha has not exceeded. From this point on, Paul's career went uphill. He worked as a DJ on HTI FM, wrote scenarios for the transfer of Igor Ugolnikov.

Celebrity and success came to a young man from the moment he became a resident of the Comedy Cland show. All his performances were built on the insult of the guests of the show, which were presented in the form of jokes. It became a chip of will.

For a long time, Paul collaborated with Vladimir Turchinsky. Together they led the Comeda Battle program. In memory of a colleague, Paul continues to lead this program.

Pavel Will Participant Show "Comedy Club"

Paul can be seen not only in humorous programs. He was successfully filmed in the cinema. The very first film, where Paul got a role, was the series "Club" in 2006. Later he took part in the filming of the painting "The Best Film". In 2008, in the film "Platon" Pasha played a major role.

Pavel Volya since 2004 built a serious musical career. Every year he released on a new album.

An impatal young man has always been the focus of the girls. His personal life worried many. Long time Pasha was single. But in 2013, the media exploded the news about his wedding and the birth of a child. What was the surprise of fans that the gymnast Layisan Utyasheva became the whale of Pasha. Calm, cute girl - the opposite of the explosive young man.

Layisan Utyasheva - how it all started

Layisan was born in 1985 in the Bashkir ASSR in the village of Raevskoye. When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd. Since childhood, Layisan dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She was a fragile and flexible girl. Parents from art were very far, but the daughter's desire decided to support. Mom recorded it in a ballet school.

But by chance, Layisan instead of ballet fell into a sports class. The girl immediately noted and invited to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. Already in the first year, Laysan training began to seek good success.

When the girl was 12 years old, parents brought her to Moscow. Here the most famous coaches continued with her. At the age of 14, Layisan successfully rents standards for a master of sports. In 2001, Layisan acts on the World Cup and becomes the winner in six nominations.

Coach Irina Wiener was engaged in preparing a gymnast to the Olympics, but in 2002 the fatal fall happened. Layisan damages his leg. The first examination does not identify serious damage, and the girl continues intensive workouts. The old injury is constant gave itself to know. The girl could not work for a long time, the foot began to hurt much. Irina Wiener insisted on a thorough examination, which showed that there are cracks in the damaged leg. In addition, regular loads led to damage and second legs.

Gymnast had to take a break, a difficult operation was performed on the leg. After a long rehabilitation, the girl returned to the sport. Her dream was - participation in the Olympics. But this was not destined to come true. Pain in the leg returned.

Doctors argued that the continuation of sports in sports would lead to the fact that the girl will be in a wheelchair. In 2006, Layisan decides to leave the sport.

The girl hardly moved a career breakdown. But after a small psychological crisis, I found myself as a leading television program about health and sports. Now she has its own dance show.

The first novel of Layisan was with a businessman Valery Lyadza. But after two years, the relationship ended with a judicial scandal due to joint property.

In 2012, a tragedy happened in Layisan's life. Her mother died at the age of 47. The girl closed in herself. Her condition almost became the cause of the career breakdown. But at that time, Pavel Will appears next to Laysan, who became salvation for her. The relationship of young people reached the wedding, which fans learned in 2012. And now in the press there are rumors that Urtyasheva Layisan draws up a divorce with the will. Is it true?

History of relationship

Such different, but so happy! Pavel Volya and Layisan Urtyaev always attracted enthusiastic views. Loving, happy couple enchanting fans. They harmoniously complement each other. The impulsivity of Paul was smoothed by the calmness of the spouse.

They hid their relationship for a very long time. Fans learned about the novel only after birth in a couple of the Son. Young people met the secular event. They were leading this event, and after communication continued. There were moments when they could see at work, but their novel did not occur immediately.

The impetus for the beginning of a serious relationship was the mountain in the family Laysan. Her mom died. The girl begins a terrible depression, from which Pasha helps her. He showed himself as a reliable man, followed by the girl, as behind a stone wall. It was at that moment a stormy novel between young people began. The wedding was played in the same year.

Wedding passed very quietly and modestly. Paul and Layisan signed in the registry office without ceremonies. The press could not even think that two so different people would be together.

Rumors began to spread out at the moment when the girl's pregnancy was no longer possible to hide. Around the pair rose a real hype. To protect the young spouse from journalists, Paul took her to Spain and then in the United States. Their first son Robert was born there.

With the advent of the son before fans, Absolutely another Pavel Will appeared. It was already impossible to name "glamorous tiller". It turned out to be a very caring, gentle and attentive father and husband. And in May 2015, a daughter appeared in the family.

Problems in relations

Showman Pasha Will and Charming Gymnast Layisan Utyashev have always been considered the strongest pair in show business. But each family has its own problems. So, here, Layisan often admitted that Paul was very hot-tempered, and often suits the scenes of jealousy at all.

The first time spoke about the divorce of Layisan in the transfer of Julia, the Little "alone with all" in December 2016. Already at this time, there was a lot of rumors that the couple on the partition grain. But the gymnast has denied this fact in an interview with Yulia. The conversation was very frank. Layisan told how she lived without his father. Parents of the girl divorced because of constant booties.

Mom was very worried, regularly tried to return it, send to treatment, but no attempts were ended with success. As it turned out, the Father had another family in secret from the daughters and Mother Layisan. In this transfer, Layisan reassured fans, saying that everything is fine in her family. She is very happy with Pasha.

But as it turned out, the pair in the family is not so cloudless. First of all, the main problem is that Layisan dedicates all the time to raise children. This very negatively affects the relationship between the spouses, since she does not remain at the Paul.

The fact that the couple would not be together, the still famous psychic Natalia Votorov was propheted. Natalia predicted that immediately after the birth of the child, the family campaigns the fault of Paul. He is very freedom-loving, and family relationships Will be him. To both spouses a woman tended two marriages. How truthful the prophecy will show time. But while it does not come true in accuracy. Paul and Layisan already have two children, and Natalia predicted a divorce after the appearance of the firstborn.

Despite disagreement in a pair official information The fact that Pavel Volya and Layisan Utyashev are bred in 2017, no. Most likely, it is just a gossip yellow press.

Showman Paul Volia and the famous gymnast Layisan Utyashev consider one of the strongest couples in show business. But, as well as all the spouses, conflicts arise between lovers. The other day, Layisan Urtya confessed that the famous TV presenter often publicly demonstrates his jealousy.


Regularly and Layisan Utyashev, who in the world of show business, demonstrate family idyll in their social networks. But sometimes in fact not everything is so rosy and careless, as it may seem like the fans of the stars at first glance.

In particular, as Layisan Umatashev "Den.Ru" admitted, the upbringing of children occupies her hardly all the time, and this nuance cannot negatively affect relations with his spouse, which, of course, also requires her attention.

When you have two children and the difference between them two years, then you have to constantly monitor the 4-year-old Robert to cut a new chart, and 2-year-old Sophia did not start drawing a marker on the wallpaper, but the main thing is that they do not crude each other. I constantly live in this, I think that they cook, because there are different tastes in food. And at this cycle sometimes leaving home, you forget who you are.

But, perhaps, the most interesting point in the frank recognition of Lyisan Utyasheva became a story about an unpleasant incident, which happened on the set of a well-known show, where Layisan Urtya was one of the guest guests.

During the casting of the third season of the show "Dances" on the TNT channel there was a Casus. One of the participants hugged me and asked him to kiss him. I had to take advantage, they say, it is uncomfortable to me, I can only hug a motherly, but no more. Pasha, more joking, of course, came across me to this guy and made a remark: "Let's only hug girls there, and then these participants are pretending to be small, and they have already been 25 years old.

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