The first composition of the ensemble. Group "Earthlings": group composition, photo Rating decline, performances with Uriah Heep

« Earthlings» - Soviet and Russian music group, one of the most notable groups of the VIA period in Soviet music.


The first composition of the ensemble

The group "Earthlings" was created by students of the Leningrad Radio Polytechnic in 1969.

1980s - 1990

In September 1978, within the walls of the rehearsal point of the Palace of Culture named after. Dzerzhinsky (abandoned by “Earthlings” for creative reasons), the operator-administrator of “Earthlyans”, who remained with the management of the House of Culture, Andrei Bolshev, takes Vladimir Kiselev (drummer and organizer of the group “April”) as his companions with the idea of ​​gathering other musicians under the promoted name “Earthlyans”, which also helps out the management of the cultural center, which at that time lost its key team. At first, no one takes the new ensemble seriously; they are considered “little Earthlings” and new version"April". Kiselev and Bolshev randomly change the styles of the new “Earthlings” - from Soviet pop to party rock; from the kaleidoscope of musicians of that time, Igor Romanov and Boris Aksenov can be noted.

Vladimir Kiselev leaves the role of a drummer and moves on to administrative activities. In 1979, Romanov and Kiselyov brought musician Sergei Skachkov as a keyboard player and one of the vocalists of VIA (ex-Kakadu, and before that he played in the group “April” he created, Kiselyov’s group of the same name, although they did not know each other before), he was dubbed Igor Dembovsky and Viktor Kudryavtsev. From that moment on, the peculiar timbre of Skachkov’s voice forever determines the now familiar “Zemlyanov” vocal sound of the group.

Kiselyov introduces the group to the composer Vladimir Migulya, which gives birth to a number of commercial super-hits that were successful in all respects, breaking all conceivable and inconceivable popularity records of that time. The team records such songs as “Red Horse”, “Birds”, “Ocean”, some of which subsequently become all-Union hits. In 1981, these were the songs of Vyacheslav Dobrynin and Leonid Derbenev “Forgive, Earth”, as well as the cycle of songs “Stuntmen”. However, the song “Grass near the House” became the “calling card” of the group. The total circulation of the group's records, released only by Melodiya, was about 15 million copies.

The ensemble collaborated with composers Mark Fradkin, Vladimir Miguley, Yuri Antonov, Vadim Gamaliya, Vyacheslav Dobrynin. The theme of the texts of "Earthlings" concerned adventure romance, "male" professions - pilots, stuntmen, astronauts. Compared to many of their contemporaries, “Earthlings” were distinguished by heavier music, energetic presentation of material, and more expressive behavior on stage. In fact, the Earthlings performed rock without calling themselves a rock band.

The legendary “Earthlings” are one of the most famous Russian and Soviet vocal and instrumental ensembles. The rock band, which gave music lovers the “golden” hits “Grass near the House”, “Stuntmen”, “Sorry, Earth”, shone like a bright star on the Soviet stage in the 80s.

Legendary group "Earthlings"

They looked up to the “Earthlings”, imitated them, adored them and called them idols. The legend of the Soviet stage is still the best cure for nostalgia for the middle generation, for those who were born and grew up in the USSR.

History of creation and composition

Over the long history of the rock band, the faces of the musicians and the names and surnames of the performers have repeatedly changed. But for fans of “Zemlyan”, their favorite vocal and instrumental ensemble is firmly associated with the participants included in the “golden line-up” - primarily with guitarist Igor Romanov and frontman Sergei Skachkov.

Sergey Skachkov and the group “Zemlyane”

Long-time and devoted fans of the group “Zemlyane” know that Sergei Skachkov was not in the first lineup of participants. The mustachioed vocalist appeared later, but it was his voice timbre that determined the “signature” sound of VIA and turned “Earthlings” into favorites. Therefore, loyal fans of the rock band were hostile to the appearance of double groups, although the “new” or “updated” “Earthlings” delight with good songs, they also have fans.

The most famous double group turned out to be the band of the same name, where the soloist is Ruslan Shchukin. “Earthlings” by Shchukin perform “classic” hits of the “golden composition”, but added new compositions “Mama” and “Candle” to them. The reason for the confusion lies in the conflict between the founders and the imperfection of Russian legislation.

Ruslan Shchukin and the group "Zemlyane"

The group "Zemlyane" appeared in 1969 in Leningrad. Students from the local college of radio electronics put together a musical group. At first they performed cover versions of Western bands, and then introduced their own compositions into the repertoire.

In 1978, the first “Earthlings” left the center where rehearsals took place, but the group’s administrator, Andrei Bolshev, remained. He was joined by the organizer of another St. Petersburg group, Vladimir Kiselev, with the goal of creating a new ensemble on the basis of “Earthlings”.

Soloist of the group “Zemlyane” Igor Romanov

Bolshev and Kiselev invited St. Petersburg rock performers Igor Romanov, Boris Aksenov, Yuri Ilchenko, Viktor Kudryavtsev and others. They formed the backbone of the first composition of the Zemlyane group. The organizers of the group changed the style of the group, diluting pop melodies with rock and metal.

In the fall of 1980, a new vocalist, Sergei Skachkov, appeared in the Zemlyane group. The charismatic soloist defined the characteristic sound of the band's songs for decades. After Vladimir Kiselev left in 1988, Boris Zosimov took over the duties of administrator.

New vocalist of the group “Zemlyane” Sergei Skachkov

The dismissal of Vladimir Kiselev itself did not go smoothly. A team meeting was convened, at which colleagues voted to deprive artistic director his position. After leaving, Kiselev worked for some time in Stas Namin’s group, and then organized the White Nights production center in St. Petersburg. Later he moved to Moscow.

If the soloist of the ensemble “Zemlyane” remained the frontman for decades, then there were changes in the instrumental composition. The group became the launching pad for many bright and charismatic instrumentalists in its time. Igor Romanov is a guitarist who worked in the “golden line-up” for seven years, and has been a member of the rock band “Alice” since 2003. Bass guitarist Pavel Borisov, after leaving Zemlyan, collaborated with the groups Secret and DDT. Another bassist, Alexander Titov, after his debut in the popular VIA, became a member of Boris Grebenshchikov’s musical group “Aquarium”.

Group "Earthlings" - "The Way Home"

In the early 2000s, the group's lineup remained stable for several years. In addition to the soloist, the ensemble included bassist Yuri Levachev, guitarist Valery Gorshenichev, and drummer Anatoly Shenderovich. In the mid-2000s, Oleg Khovrin, a musician who immigrated to the United States together with the Galaktika band, sat down at the drum kit.

Little is known about the biography and personal life of the members of the musical group; performers do not often give interviews. Soloist and leader Sergei Skachkov was married three times. He has three children. The eldest Yana was born in the artist’s first marriage. The other two - son Sergei and daughter Maria - appeared in the third family, which the musician built with a girl named Albina.

The long-legged blonde, being married to an Italian, met Sergei Skachkov during short visits to Russia. After a while, the girl divorced for a new marriage, which turned out to be happy for her and Sergei.

Vladimir Kiselev has been in his second marriage since the late 90s, in which two sons appeared. Now the entire producer’s family is a creative tandem. Kiselev’s wife, Elena Yuryevna Severgina, known to the public as Elena Sever, made her debut on stage with the hit “Dreams” ( piece of music from the repertoire of Valery Leontyev). Sons Yuri and Vladimir perform under the creative pseudonyms YurKiss and VladiMir.


Fans called the musical group a rock band, but “Earthlings” did not play pure rock. “Fatal” were rather the surroundings and special effects used at the concerts. “Earthlings” was essentially built like a VIA, complying with all the laws of the pop genre.

"Earthlings" - "Stuntmen"

The group's performances amazed the audience with special effects, pyrotechnics and forced sound, which were not used very often in the early 1980s. The Earthlings' concerts were structured like Western rock shows, which added to their popularity.

The turning point came after the musicians began collaborating with composer Vladimir Migulya. The guys’ repertoire included the songs “Red Horse”, “Karate” and “Stuntmen”, which became commercial hits. Compositions by Vyacheslav Dobrynin and Leonid Derbenev added to their popularity, but Miguli’s hit “Grass at the House” (“Earth in the Porthole”) instantly turned the group “Zemlyane” into an all-Union legend.

Igor Romanov and “Earthlings” - “Grass near the house” (Earth in the porthole)

The rock band's records were sold in the millions. The Melodiya record company alone produced 15 million copies, which music lovers instantly swept off the shelves of music stores.

Successful composers willingly collaborated with the “promoted” team: songs for “Earthlings” were written by Mark Fradkin, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Yuri Antonov. “Heroic” themes were widely exploited: the main characters of the hits were stuntmen, pilots, astronauts and athletes. The expression of the artists, the spectacular performances, and the heavy, hard rock sound distinguished the “earthlings” from pop groups with a sugary repertoire.

"Earthlings" - "Hang Glider"

A successful fusion of heavy metal and pop genres, collaboration with star composers and songwriters in the mid-1980s raised the Zemlyane group to an unattainable pedestal. But in the late autumn of 1985, the team suffered a tangible loss: the favorite of the female audience, Igor Romanov, broke away from the group. The frontman lured drummer Valery Brusilovsky and together with him “went into pure metal.”

Former vocalist of the group “Zemlyane” Igor Romanov

In the second half of the 80s, Kiselev made changes to the style and program of the group: compositions appeared in the style of a weighted boogie-woogie.

In the fall of 1987, the star team was awarded a prize and a cash award for international festival in Germany. And in December, the group “Zemlyane” was the first Soviet group to perform on the stage of the Olimpiysky sports complex together with British rockers Uriah Heep.

In the summer of 1988, “Earthlings” pleased music lovers with their appearance at a festival in Sopot, and in the fall Kiselev left the team, founding a production center in the city on the Neva. The team came under the management of Boris Zosimov.

Group "Earthlings" in Sopot - "Joy and Sorrow"

At the end of the 1980s, “Earthlings” with light hand Pierre Cardin was called the “Orient Express”. This is what the Parisian couturier called the Russian rockers for their pressure and expressiveness. The group gave several concerts at the Cardin Theater, arriving in the fashion capital at the invitation of the trendsetter of the global fashion industry.

The musicians liked the new name so much that the guys performed under it at the rock festival in Cherepovets. Soon the image of the group and the soloist changed: Skachkov was replaced by Yuri Zhuchkov. In 1992, the group, which experienced the peak of popularity in the 80s, left the pop Olympus and broke up.

After 2 years, Sergei Skachkov returns the group “Zemlyane” to loyal fans. In the mid-1990s, the updated lineup went on tour with a program that received the telling title “The Second Orbit around the Earth.”

In the winter of 2006, the Zemlyane group celebrated its anniversary - 30 years since its founding - in the Kremlin and Ice Palaces and at the Luzhniki Sports Complex. At the end of 2007, disagreements arose between Skachkov and Kiselev, who returned to work with Zemlyany in 2004. Vladimir claimed the rights to the brand and gathered new musicians and vocalists. This is how doubles arose.

In November 2009, Russian pop stars performed at a concert organized by Skachkov and dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the hit “Grass at Home.” At the concert, the “golden” hit “Earthlings” was given the status of the anthem of Russian cosmonautics by the Roscosmos corporation.

Concert of the group "Earthlings"

In the spring of 2010, for the professional holiday of pilots and cosmonauts, a documentary about this event was released.

The first decade of the 2000s, the group “Zemlyane”, where Skachkov was still the lead singer, pleased fans with three albums. The “zeros” were marked by legal battles between Skachkov and Kiselyov for the rights to own the brand. In 2008, Kiselev won, but the following year the court annulled the decision of Rospatent, awarding the rights to Skachkov.

The group “Earthlings” became a participant in the “Disco 80s” project. This action was invented by Sergey Skachkov together with Valery Yashkin from Pesnyary. The venue for the festival was the broadcast of the Avtoradio radio station.

In 2013, the group “Zemlyane” took part in a tour of rock bands supporting Russia and the president’s policies. In February, the musicians visited Crimea, giving charity concerts to residents of three large cities. The referendum on the peninsula was held to the sound of hits by Russian rockers.

"Earthlings" - "Loneliness"

In the summer of 2014, the musicians presented fans with the album “Half the Way,” and in September the group “Zemlyane” sang for free in places where refugees and migrants from the Ukrainian southeast lived.

The musicians have repeatedly collected humanitarian aid for Donbass and performed in the cities of the unrecognized republics. In addition to musical gifts, “Earthlings” helped collect humanitarian supplies for the residents of Donbass.

At the beginning of autumn 2014, the group “Zemlyane” visited the cities of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics with charity performances, giving residents unforgettable moments.

In the spring of 2016, the rockers performed in Sevastopol, congratulating the city residents on the 2nd anniversary of the reunification of the peninsula with Russia. On Victory Day, the musicians took part in the “Immortal Regiment” action and gave a concert to the Russian military in Syria.

Anastasia Spiridonova and VIA “Earthlings” - “Olympics-80”

In September, the group “Zemlyane”, together with the finalist of the “Voice” project Anastasia Spiridonova, sang the sports hit “Olympics-80”. In 2017, the legendary band performed at Gazprom’s anniversary. On December 1, 2017, “Earthlings” gave a concert in Tatarstan, in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

The group's discography consists of more than 40 albums and collections, the latest of which were the discs “Symbols of Love”, “The Best and New”, “Half the Way”.

"Earthlings" now

Fans will learn about news in the life of the group, the history of the group, projects and tour schedule on the official website of “Earthlings”.

The new composition of the group “Earthlings” and Dmitry Medvedev

Now the new line-up of “Zemlyans” includes guitarists Sergei Kolchin and Andrei Smirnov, keyboardist Andrei Ismagilov, bassist Viktor Levchenko, drummer Sergei Serebrennikov. Their photos are also presented on the rock band's website.


  • 1979 - “Red Horse”
  • 1980 - Vladimir Migulya & group “Zemlyane”
  • 1981 - “Earthlings 81”
  • 1982 - “Karate”
  • 1983 - “Stuntmen”
  • 1984 - “The Way Home”
  • 1984 - “Earthlings”: “Grass near the house”
  • 1987 - “Joy and Sorrow”
  • 1987 - “Earth’s Birthday”
  • 2000 - “SOS”
  • 2002 - “Grand Collection” best
  • 2008 - “Cold of the Soul”
  • 2010 - “Symbols of Love”
  • 2013 - “The Best and New”
  • 2014 - “Half the Way”


  • 1981 – “Stuntmen”
  • 1983 – “Runway”
  • 2013 – “Grass near the house”
  • 2014 – “Candle”
  • 2015 – “Hey, Country”

The group “Earthlings” went down in history as the first professional group in our country to add the sonorous epithet “rock band” to its name and, as such, successfully introduced rock to the consciousness of broad layers of Soviet youth. Compared to their contemporaries, "Earthlings" were distinguished by heavier music, energetic presentation of material and expressive behavior on stage.

The starting point for the group was 1978 - two musicians Andrei Bolshov and Vladimir Kiselev decided to assemble a new ensemble. Later, Vladimir Kiselev leaves the role of a drummer and moves on to the administrative activities of the group.

The group’s collaboration with composer Vladimir Migulya gave birth to a number of the most successful commercial super-hits in all respects, breaking all conceivable and inconceivable popularity records of that time. The team records songs such as “Red Horse”, “Birds”, “Ocean”, some of which subsequently become all-Union hits.

In 1981, these were the songs of Vyacheslav Dobrynin and Leonid Derbenev “Forgive me, Earth”, as well as the cycle of songs “Stuntmen”. However, the “calling card” of the group was the song “Grass at the House”. The total circulation of the group's records, released only by Melodiya, was about 15 million copies.

At concerts, “Earthlings” always had some of the best light and sound equipment in the country. The musicians achieved the impossible from Soviet censorship: they created such arrangements of their hits that they were not inferior in quality to the music played by Western bands of those years: Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Aerosmith and even the Rolling Stones.

"Earthlings" winners of three international competitions: in Sopot, Dresden and Yalta. In 1987, “Earthlings” were the first Russian bands to perform together with the foreign rock band Uriah Heep. In 1989, the super-successful Russian group“Earthlings” was invited by the great couturier Pierre Cardin for a series of performances at his theater in Paris. Performances at the Pierre Cardin Theater, according to the great master’s plan, were organized jointly with the participation of Russian ballet stars.

In subsequent years, the group performs a concert program not only of time-tested hits, but also of new songs.

In 2006, the Earthlings celebrated their 30th anniversary. At the anniversary concert, famous foreign rock musicians from Uriah Heep, Deep Purple, Nazareth, Black Sabbath, Animals, Kingdom Come and others appeared on the same stage with the legendary ensemble.

Boundless perfectionism forced musicians to perform music that was increasingly complex, both melodically and rhythmically. Changes in musicians have always been caused by increased demands on themselves and their group. It is natural that today’s “Earthlings” have already completely changed the original composition, and only the group leader, Vladimir Kiselev, remains permanent. Thanks to this, a group with an eventful history was able to carry the true spirit of rock and roll through all times and eras, despite any fads of fleeting fashion.

In 2012, “Earthlings” presented new album. The presentation concert took place at the Hard Rock Cafe, bringing together rock lovers, fans of the band’s work and simply connoisseurs of good music under its roof. The new “young” format of the group makes it possible to hear good old songs in a modern sound, as well as completely new compositions.

Musicians of past lineups

Igor Romanov - guitar (1977-1985)
Boris Dolgikh - keys (2004-2009)
Sergey Vasiliev - guitar (1982-2007)
Yuri Babenko - bass guitar (1985-1992)
Yuri Zhuchkov - vocals (1987-1989)
Pavel Borisov - bass (after leaving, in 1998-2011 he played in the group "DDT")
Yuri Starchenko - keyboards
Nikolay Kudryavtsev - vocals
Boris Aksenov - bass, keyboards (1978-1979); bass, guitar, keyboards (1983-1987)
Vladimir Kiselev - drums (1977-1988)
Sergey Skachkov - keys, backing vocals (1983-2006)
Andrey Khramov - vocals, guitar (2006-2007)

25 rebounds, 1 of them this month


The most famous music producer in the future, Vladimir Vladimirovich Kiselev, came to Leningrad from Western Ukraine in the early 70s. Having tried his hand as a drummer in various amateur and restaurant ensembles, by the spring of 1975 he formed his own group “APREL” as a generator of ideas. Later, V. Kiselev got a job as a drummer in the philharmonic VIA “SINGING GUITARS”, after which he again returned to the idea of ​​“APRIL”, which, moreover, in 1976 was replenished with some serious musicians from the then disbanded composition of “RUSSIANS”: Oleg Gusev, Igor Romanov, Boris Aksenov and others. In search of a base in September 1978, the group received an offer to settle at the Palace of Culture named after. Dzerzhinsky, going through the documentation instead of the group “ZEMLYANE”, which had disbanded by that time, with keyboard player Evgeniy Myasnikov. At that time, the newly formed “ZEMLYAN” included: Vladimir Kiselev drums; Igor Romanov guitar; Viktor Kudryavtsev guitar vocals; Pavel Borisov bass, Yuri Starchenko keyboards; Nikolay Kudryavtsev vocals; Veronica Stepanova vocals.

The famous Soviet composer Mark Fradkin drew attention to the group, offering to compile a group program from his songs and giving them the opportunity to record them on an EP. Despite this, relations with the official structures of Leningrad do not work out. Like most rock bands in the country, ZEMLYANE find refuge on the soil of Kuzbass. They signed a contract with the Kemerovo Philharmonic in August 1979, i.e. provide themselves with the opportunity to earn legal income from concerts and performances. And they set off on a large tour of the cities of Siberia and the Urals. By that time, the group included multi-instrumentalist Boris Aksenov, keyboardist Yuri Dmitrienko and singer Igor Dembovsky. V. Stepanova, N. Kudryavtsev and P. Borisov left. A little later, a conflict situation led to the departure of I. Dembovsky and I. Romanov, who were replaced by: Yuri Ilchenko - guitar, vocals and Alexander Titov - bass. However, soon V. Kiselev manages to return Romanov to the group again, who brings with him in early 1979 keyboardist and vocalist Sergei Skachkov, with whom they worked together in the popular group “KAKADU” ​​at that time, whose unique timbre of voice from that moment forever defines the characteristic specifics of the truly masculine principle of the inimitable “Zemlyanovsky” vocal sound of the group.

Before creating the group "KAKADU", Sergei Skachkov, since 1974, worked in the group "APREL" created by him and his friends. Thus, at that time, two APREL groups were working simultaneously in Leningrad, but their paths never crossed and they did not know each other personally. V. Kiselev, who replaced the drum set with administrative work, introduces the group to the composer Vladimir Migulya, which gives birth to a number of the most successful commercial super-hits in all respects “Karate” “Stuntmen” “Grass at the House” - which broke all imaginable and inconceivable popularity records of that time. The number of concerts and tours is growing inexorably. Such collaboration with pop poets and composers, of course, evokes the most negative attitude towards “EARTHLINGERS” from apologists of the independent rock underground press. However, the group has to experience no less shelling and pressure from official cultural structures: for too free and cheeky behavior on stage, for the “cosmodrome-loud” concert sound, which so offends the provincial man in the street. For the technical Westernization of the image and the special effects used, and the entertainment of the show performances. Despite all this, such a forced policy of combining complex instrumental ballads and hard-n-heavy compositions with the canons of mass pop songs really attracted the widest and most diverse audience to “EARTHLINGS” at that time. The legalization of “metal” and the emancipation of teams like “ARIA” or “CRUISE” forces the musicians of “EARTHLINGS” to take a critical look at the future prospects of their development. As a result, being a supporter of a heavier sound, in October 1985 the favorite of women’s hearts, frontman Igor Romanov, left the group, having enticed with him Valery Brusilovsky, who had replaced A. Kruglov on drums a little earlier. In 1986, V. Kiselev tries to radically change the image of the new line-up: the musicians are changing, preparing new program, stylistically close to weighted boogie-woogie. By the end of 1986, the group stabilized with: V. Kiselev S. Skachkov B. Aksenov Sergey Vasiliev guitar Yuri Babenko guitar Anatoly Lobachev guitar, Georgy Tonkilidi drums, Yuri Zhuchkov vocals, Ivan Kovalev bass, in the spring of 1987 And . Kovalev is replaced, bassist Alexander Krivtsov and the group begin a new assault on the musical Olympus. But the comprehensive legalization of rock music in the country splashes onto the music market a mass of the most diverse teams that were previously underground and, despite the ongoing sold-out concerts and success at the international festival “Shlager.87” (Dresden), the “EARTHLYAN” rating among youth audience is gradually falling. The joint concerts of the Soviet group, which took place for the first time in December 1987, with the luminaries of Western rock who visited the USSR for the first time, the group “URAYA HIP,” also received negative coverage in the press. By this time, A. Lobachev and B. Aksenov left the group. Internal contradictions in views on music politics within the group continue to grow. In 1987, "Earthlings took part in traditional festival hits in Dresden, where they received two prizes at once: “For high professionalism” and “For the best performance of a German song.” The musicians donated the entire prize - 2,400 marks - to the Soviet Peace Fund. However, the performance in August at music festival“Sopot - 88” caused surprise and delight among the public and festival participants, since it was the only group from the USSR performing live and playing rock.

Upon arrival at home, the media, accustomed to recent years to the constant victories of Soviet artists at the Sopot Festival, the performance of “EARTHLIANS” was passed over in silence. “ZEMLYANE” part with V. Kiselev, completely entrusting the further management of the band to Boris Zosimov, finally leaning toward the canons of heavy metal glam. Meanwhile, on trips abroad, the musicians begin to work under the new name “ORIENT EXPRESS” and for the first time performed with it in our country at the “Monsters of Rock of the USSR” festival in Cherepovets in September 1989. Trying to revive the concept of courageous romanticism, as opposed to “ORIENT EXPRESS” ”, which included: Y. Zhuchkov, S. Vasiliev, Y. Babenko, G. Tonkilidi; to which were added keyboardist Vladimir Pariel and bassist Vyacheslav Makhrensky, to replace A. Krivtsov. Recruiting new musicians, he invites to take part in the project of Igor Romanov, who continues to tour the province under the brand name “ZEMLYAN”. Despite a number of joint performances, rehearsals, and the preparation of a new program in the studio, I. Romanov, based on the general crisis situation in the country and in rock music in particular, refuses the further idea of ​​​​reviving "EARTHLINGS", and in the late autumn of 1990 he disbanded and own group “SOYUZ”, two musicians of which joined S. Skachkov. From this time on, S. Skachkov’s group continued to perform in a stable lineup (Yuri Levachev bass Vyacheslav Makhrensky guitar Valery Gorshenichev vocals Vladimir Ushakov drums) until the fall of 1992. Having returned from the “overseas tour”, “ORIENT EXPRESS” for some reason declares again itself in its homeland as “EARTHLANDS”, performs as such at the Formula 9 festival in Rostov-on-Don in October 1991. And in 1992, in the light of general upheavals in the country, it ceases to exist…

As time passed, the situation in the country and in show business improved somewhat, and in 1994 Skachkov tried to revive the project by attracting former ZEMLYAN musicians to the group for various one-time performances. In order to remind the viewer of itself, at the end of 1994 a double CD “Best Hits” was released. The seriousness of the intentions is also reinforced by the search for a permanent lineup, which is ready by the fall of 1995: S. Skachkov - guitar, Yuri Levachev bass, Gennady Martov guitar, Leonid Khaikin drums, a little later keyboard player Mikhail Ivanov joins and “ZEMLYANE” again begin touring life . In January 1996, a new program, “The Second Orbit around the Earth,” with mostly new compositions, began to be tested in Moscow clubs. In October 1996, “EARTHLANDS” confirmed the ongoing interest of the public with solo concerts at the Moscow Variety Theater, and exactly a year later, in October 1997, at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. By this time, M. Ivanov and L. Khaikin had left, and Vladimir Rozdin appeared on the drums. By August 1998, “metal” keyboard player Alexander Dronov joined the group, and by the fall of 1999, a new drummer, Anatoly Shenderov, appeared. From this moment on, the composition of “EARTHLANDS” remains unchanged, although since the fall of 2001 A. Dronov and A. Shenderov have been working in parallel in “VALKYRIE” by Kirill Nemolyaev…

Like other groups of the old formation, unlike the newly-minted “superstars”, although largely due to the former glory of old proven hits, they continue to tour extensively throughout the country, former Soviet republics and abroad. Old hits “Grass near the house” “Stuntmen” “Forgive the Earth” “Runway” “The Way Home” “Believe in a Dream” “Boat” - continue to be frequently heard in rotation of all Russian-language radio stations, occasionally they appear on television, but remain in aside from the games of modern show business with its top pop-rock festivals and ignore the narcissism of all kinds of club hodgepodges and parties. Since March 2004, S. Skachkov and V. Kiselyov have been joining forces for a new takeoff of the ZEMLYANE group.

The history of the group "Zemlyane" goes back to 1968. True, in those distant years the team had a different name - “April”. The group became “Earthlings” in 1977 and initially performed English-language repertoire. In November 1978, the then amateur group consisting of Felix Kudashev (vocals), Boris Aksenov (keyboards), Igor Romanov (lead guitar), Vladimir Kiselev (drums) gave its first concert.

In 1979, composer Mark Grigorievich Fradkin accidentally walked into a concert of a group that played at the Leningrad Palace of Culture named after Ordzhonikidze. He liked the group for its professionalism, and he invited the guys to record two of his new songs: “Red Horse” and “Time of Tulips.” The first of them was included in the film "Wind of Wanderings", the second - in the film "Man Changes Skin".

After a successful start, the group was noticed, and already in August 1979, “Earthlings” became the official band of Lenconcert. However, they worked there for a very short time, and at the end of the same year they moved to the Kemerovo Philharmonic.

At the same time, the guys met famous composer and singer Vladimir Miguley. "Earthlings" recorded a giant disc with him and worked with him for some time as an accompanying band.

The successful collaboration of young musicians with famous Soviet composers brought “Earthlings” enormous popularity. They became frequent guests in various television programs: “Morning Mail”, “Come on, girls!”, “Addresses of the Young”. They starred in the Soviet-French film "Russian Winter". Performed at New Year's Blue light. The song "Stuntmen" was recognized as one of best songs 1981. By this time, there were already five “Zemlyans”: vocalist and keyboard player Sergei Skachkov joined the group.

Soon, "Earthlings" began to work closely with composer Yuri Antonov. The group recorded a disc of his songs on Melodia. The composer himself performed with the ensemble more than once. Creative contact with Yuri Antonov brought a lot of new things into the life of “Earthlings”. Their joint concerts in various cities of the country were held with constant success.

In 1982, the repertoire of “Earthlings” included a song written by Moscow authors V. Dobrynin and L. Derbenev “Forgive me, Earth!”, which became a milestone, as well as the song cycle “Stuntmen”. Previously, musicians were a little scattered in their choice of topics - sports, love, etc. Now they invaded the civil theme, marking the beginning of a whole series of songs about the Earth, which were then performed by almost all the leading soloists and groups.

In 1983, the song “Grass at the House” (V. Migulya - A. Poperechny) appeared, which became the calling card of the group. For a long time she occupied leading places in the “popularity parades” held by youth newspapers, was among the song winners of the All-Union spectator television competition “Song-83”, gave the name documentary film. Many Russian cosmonauts took the cassette with this song into orbit. The total circulation of the group's records, released only by Melodiya, was about 15 million copies. And the name “Earthlings” itself became by the mid-80s the name of many student construction and Komsomol shock troops Soviet youth.

"Earthlings" stood out among other Soviet performers. Their concerts always featured a lot of lighting and pyrotechnic effects, forced sound, hard and art rock arrangements, and the image of the musicians was reminiscent of foreign rockers of the 70s. Plus, “Earthlings” always had some of the best lighting and sound equipment in the country. They achieved the impossible from Soviet censorship: they created such arrangements of their hits that they were not inferior in quality to the music played by Western bands of those years: Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Aerosmith and even the Rolling Stones. The peak of the group's popularity was in the 80s, when they had 30 sold-out shows a month.

The theme of the texts of "Earthlings" concerned adventure romance, "male" professions - pilots, stuntmen, astronauts. Compared to many of their contemporaries, “Earthlings” were distinguished by heavier music, energetic presentation of material, and more expressive behavior on stage. In fact, the Earthlings performed rock without calling themselves a rock band.

In 1984, “Earthlings” went to work at the Kaluga Philharmonic, and the composition of the group underwent some changes. There were four musicians again: Vladimir Kiselev (drums), Igor Romanov (lead guitar), Sergey Skachkov (organ, strings), Yuri Dmitrienko (mellotron, fender piano, moog synthesizer, honner clavinet, bass guitar).

In the summer of 1985, "Earthlings" successfully performed in concerts as part of the cultural program of the XII World Festival youth and students in Moscow, and in December of the same year they gave a solo concert at the Sports Palace in Luzhniki. Observers of the capital's newspapers noted that it was a high-class concert, a concert of “stars”.

However, Vladimir Kiselev suddenly decided that it was time to look for a replacement for this composition of musicians, which had not changed radically throughout the years of the group’s existence. Returning to Leningrad, Kiselev came to the conclusion that he needed to “free himself” from Igor Romanov. Kiselyov was not against Romanov remaining in “Zemlyany” and helping young musicians make arrangements. Romanov was eager to become a leader in the team. Their paths diverged. Igor Romanov (the most photogenic, according to youth press, a member of the ensemble) left and created his own group “Soyuz”, which caused a split in the ranks of fans of “Earthlings”.

From the previous lineup, only singer and keyboard player Sergei Skachkov remained in Zemlyany. Previously, he had not come to the fore, but it was Sergei who sang all the songs that brought “Earthlings” popularity. Gradually, a new cast began to assemble, and the search for a repertoire began. Many musicians came to the group - famous and not, but most of them quickly left the group. Only by the end of 1986 the new composition took shape and began to work in full force. Now the following players played in "Zemlyany": keyboardist Sergei Skachkov, guitarists Sergei Vasiliev and Yuri Babenko, vocalist Yuri Zhuchkov, bass guitarist Ivan Kovalev and drummer Georgiy Tankilidi.

At the beginning of 1987, the Melodiya company released the giant group "Earth's Birthday". In the same year, “Earthlings took part in the traditional hit festival in Dresden, where they received two prizes at once: “For high professionalism” and “For the best performance of a German song.” The musicians donated the entire prize - 2,400 marks - to the Soviet Peace Fund. This success , of course, aroused interest in the new “Earthlings.” Invitations poured in to Czechoslovakia and France, and two-week concerts took place in Moscow at the prestigious Izmailovo Hall.

- We actively experiment in different styles,- Vladimir Kiselev said in an interview with the Leningrad newspaper “Smena” (April 1987). - But note that most of the songs belong to hard rock. Hard rhythm, dynamism combined with melody. You know, “Earthlings” started with hard rock. Back in the late 70s, when we performed on the amateur stage. And now we have returned to this music, which, as time has shown, has not aged at all and has not lost the love of the public. We play hard rock, but also melodic rock.

In 1987, “Earthlings” were the first of the domestic groups to perform at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex together with the group Uriah Heep. In 1988, VIA successfully performed at the festival in Sopot. However, with the legalization of Russian rock and the emergence of heavier groups (Aria, Alisa), “Earthlings” look outdated in the eyes of young people and the press. The group begins to fall apart. One of the founders, Vladimir Kiselev, leaves the group, Boris Zosimov (the future founder of Muz-TV) becomes the manager. Since 1989, “Earthlings” have been performing under the name “Orient Express”. Some of the breakaway musicians are trying to revive a group called "Earthlings", without much success. In 1992, after multiple changes in composition, the Earthlings ceased to exist.

In one particularly successful year, the group became a laureate of three international competitions: in Sopot, Dresden and Yalta. At that time, Earthlings were perhaps even more popular than: Time Machine, DDT and "Alice". Andrei Makarevich performed as an opening act for "Zemlyany".

In 1994, Sergei Skachkov restored the group with the participation of several musicians from later lineups. In January 1996, a new program, “The Second Orbit around the Earth,” with mostly new compositions, began to be tested in Moscow clubs. In October 1996, “EARTHLYANS” confirmed the ongoing interest of the public with solo concerts at the Moscow Variety Theater, and exactly a year later - in October 1997 at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia”. By this time, M. Ivanov and L. Khaikin had left, and Vladimir Rozdin (ex-MONOMAKH) appeared on the drums. By August 1998, the “metal” keyboard player Alexander Dronov (ex- “LABYRINTH” “END ZONE”) joined the group, and by the fall of 1999 a new drummer Anatoly Shenderov (ex- “ZOOOM” “MASTER”) appeared. From this moment on, the composition of “ZEMLYAN” remains unchanged, although since the fall of 2001 A Dronov and. And the Shenders work in parallel in Kirill Nemolyaev’s VALKYRIE...

Like many VIAs of the 70s and 80s, the group “Earthlings” has double lineups that also claim this name. In the 2000s, two more groups appeared, performing the songs of “Earthlings” and using their name, but consisting of young musicians. In 2009, Skachkov managed to win a lawsuit against Rospatent, which refused to protect the rights to the name “Zemlyane”.

Of the former members of "Earthlings", Igor Romanov currently plays in another famous group, "Alice". Vladimir Kiselyov, as a producer, created a group of young musicians performing the songs of “Earthlings” and claiming this name. Unlike Skachkov’s official “Earthlings,” this group does not have a single member of the previous lineups. The vocalist of this group is the famous metal musician Andrei Khramov (formerly Chimera, Artery, The Arrow).

Currently, "Earthlings" have made a MEGA MIX of three of their famous songs. This is a kind of farewell to my old repertoire. A shock wave of new, as always “killer” songs is being prepared. They got another vocalist, a young and handsome guy Yuri Belov, a famous Moscow DJ.

In the 21st century, “Earthlings” are no longer satisfied with the scale of performances at the level of several concerts per month. Quite successful, established business members of the group return because, firstly, they want to shake up the old days and show the class of real musicians. And where else can this be done better than on stage in front of an audience of thousands? Secondly, during their absence, the musicians noted that the TV channels were filled with pop music under the veneer, which rang through the ears of people who grew up listening to the good quality music of the Soviet VIA and live performances of rock bands. They want to change this trend, so they intend to sing only live themselves and support groups that ignore the soundtrack. The group does not return for a year or two to give a couple of hit concerts and disappear again. “Earthlings” come seriously and for a long time. They will also sing with foreign stars who became classics during their lifetime. Their music will now sound not only in the vastness of Russia or abroad, but even possibly in low-Earth orbit. Now the group is seriously preparing for a flight into space...

Vadim VESELOVSKY - Magazine of modern youth