Funny stories. Short stories, funny and interesting from the real lives of people. A story about an interesting incident from life.

Almost every person loves it. People are especially amused by short stories, funny and amusing, that happened in real life. Such cases will be great entertainment for any company. Short stories, funny, original, cheerful - this is exactly what you need for a pleasant pastime. They are a kind of joke. However, the difference is that taken from real life, they sound much more interesting. You can laugh at these comical, twisted plots for a very long time without stopping.

Short stories. Funny incidents from life

So, if you are planning to relax with friends, rest assured that everyone will enjoy this kind of entertainment. Short stories and funny incidents can instantly cheer up the people around you. And if you are endowed with a good memory, you probably have a lot of them. Short stories - funny, kind, comical - about your acquaintances and friends will give you smiles and a lot of positive emotions. Let's consider where various situations most often occur.

Military service

You can often hear, for example, interesting stories from people's lives - funny, short - about the military. For example, this one. A man talks about his time in the army. While he was on duty at a checkpoint, an elderly couple approached him. The woman began to wonder where the tank unit was located nearby. The son allegedly served there, according to her. The duty officer tried to explain to the spouses that there was no tank unit nearby. In response to this, the couple tried desperately to prove that their son would not deceive them. The woman’s last argument was the photograph shown to the duty officer. It showed a young “tanker” with a proud posture, leaning out from the waist up with a lid in his hands in front of him. You can imagine how the soldier on duty laughed. Such interesting stories from people's lives (funny, short) are heard very often among the military.

Cases with documents

Where else can you find funny funny moments? Surprisingly, you can often hear stories from life, funny, short, related to working with documents. Here is one of them. The man needed to obtain a certificate for the notary's office at the State Bureau of Investigation. The office worker asked how urgently he needed the document (the cost of registration in three days was sixty-eight rubles, in two - one hundred and five). The man settled on the second option, since time, as they say, was running out. Having paid money at the cash register, I received the answer: “Come on Monday.” And it was Thursday. The girl explained that they are closed on Saturday and Sunday. “What if I paid for three days?” - asked the man. The girl explained that he would still have to come for a certificate on Monday. “Why did I pay forty rubles more?” - the man asked. “How is this? Time is running out. To get a certificate a day earlier,” the girl explained. Of course, such stories from life, funny and short, can only infuriate you at first. However, over time, you will remember such incidents with a smile on your face.

On vacation

Next option. Short funny stories from real life related to vacations are no less popular than the above. A lot of curiosities can be seen on the beach. How fun it was, for example, for vacationers watching the following picture. A married couple with an eight-year-old son was relaxing on the seashore. The family forgot to take the Panama hats with them. The wife went to the room to get some hats, leaving the child with the father. When she returned, she did not see her husband, but her son... He was buried in the sand. One head stuck out. To the question “Where is dad?” the boy replied: “He’s swimming!” “Why are you here?” - asked the mother. The child cheerfully declared: “Dad buried it so that I wouldn’t get lost!” Of course, it’s hard to call such an act serious, but everyone had fun!


Short funny stories from real life sometimes continue, developing into longer, drawn-out ones. The guide tells one of them. A group of Russian tourists (hockey players) went on a boat excursion along a mountain river. Often, guides provoke water fights between vacationers. This time the Germans became rivals for the Russians. Moreover, the excursion was held on May 9...

One could imagine how excited the hockey players were when they found out who they were fighting against. With shouts of “For the Motherland!” and “For victory!” They furiously splashed their oars through the water. However, they quickly got tired of this too. Turning over the objecting guide along the way, they rushed at the enemy directly on the boats, quickly turning them over into the water.

It would seem that the fun is over. But in the evening the following fact emerged: both groups settled in the same hotel. The hockey players loudly celebrated their “victory” right by the pool, singing patriotic songs. The Germans didn’t even leave their rooms.

At work

Very often there are also funny stories from people's lives (short) in the workplace. For example, this case. One man bought himself a book on Bringing it to work, he decided to try it on his colleagues. His employee wanted to “check” her daughter. The man agreed. The next day, a colleague brought an envelope with a note. Having opened it, the man immediately said: “Your daughter is 14 years old. She is an excellent student. Loves horse riding and dancing." The woman was simply shocked and immediately ran to tell her friends about everything. The man didn’t even have time to tell her about the contents of the note: “I’m an excellent student, I’m 14 years old, I love horses and dancing. And mom thinks you’re a liar.”

Cases with animals

Funny stories from short and not only, quite often they are also connected with our smaller brothers. For example, such an interesting incident happened to a middle-aged man. A tired old dog once came into the courtyard of his private house. However, the animal was fattened and had a collar on its neck. That is, it was completely obvious that the dog was well taken care of and had a home. The dog approached the man, allowed himself to be petted, and followed him into the hallway. Walking slowly through it, he lay down in the corner of the living room and fell asleep. About an hour later the dog came to the door. The man released the animal.

The next day, at about the same time, the dog came to him again, “greeted”, lay down in the same corner and slept again for about an hour. His “visits” lasted for several weeks. Finally, the man decided to be curious about what was going on, and pinned a note to his collar with the following content: “Sorry, but I want to know who is the owner of this cute, wonderful animal and whether he knows that the dog sleeps at my house every day.” The next day the dog came with the “answer” attached. The note read: “The dog lives in a house with six kids. Two of them have not yet turned three years. He wants to get some sleep. Will you allow me to come with him tomorrow?”


It happens that funny stories bring others to tears. Short stories from the lives of young people are especially common among students, applicants, and high school students. However, this case is not like that. No one was offended or disappointed. Two young guys were leisurely walking along the streets of the city. Having stopped near a kiosk with a press, where various stationery and other small items are also sold, they decided to buy a small ball with an elastic band that flies merrily if you pull it - just for fun, as they say. The problem was one thing: the guys didn’t know the name of this toy. One of the boys, pointing to the ball, turned to the saleswoman: “Give me that fennie over there!” “What should I give?” - the woman asked. “Fenka!” - repeated the young man. The guys left with their purchase. The next day they passed this kiosk again. A price tag with the inscription “Fenka” appeared on the display window near the ball.

Cases with children

Funny short stories will definitely make people smile if we are talking about kids. Here is an incident that happened to a three-year-old boy. A large friendly family gathered together at one table. The child sat and calmly watched his grandmother and mother fry pancakes. All this time he just quietly said: “This is all mine. I'll eat first. Anyone who eats without me will be punished!” The women finally finished cooking and stacked the pancakes on a plate. The family took out the jam and began to sit down at the table. The boy was the last to wash his hands. Before that, he warned everyone: “I will leave. But I’ll count all the pancakes so you don’t eat without me.” Next to the plate came the following sound: “One, two, five, twenty, thirty... That’s it!” Don't touch! When the child returned, one pancake had been eaten. The boy began to shout: “I told you, you can’t eat without me!” The relatives asked: “Did you really count?” To this the kid replied: “Are you not thinking straight? I can't count! I flipped the top pancake!”

It really turned out funny. After all, none of the adults could guess to turn the top pancake over with the fried side down.

Hospital stories

Very often, comical incidents occur within the walls of medical institutions. As a rule, interesting stories (funny, short) from maternity hospitals about young fathers are the most common among them. For example, this one. One man's wife gave birth. The couple were expecting twins. However, they did not know the gender of their future children. The woman gave birth to a girl and a boy. An excited man was waiting for the doctor at the door of the room. Finally, the midwife appeared. Her father ran up to her with the question: “Twins?” "Yes!" - the woman answered. Husband, smiling: “Boys?” She: “No!” Dad, smiling even wider: “Girls?” Midwife: “No!” The husband, dumbfounded: “Who?” There are many such cases happening every day.

On the road

Real funny stories, short and long, are often associated with traffic police officers. At one of the motor depots in Novosibirsk, for example, such a case is known. There was one short driver who worked there. When he was driving the KrAZ, he was not even visible from the outside. One day a driver went on a flight without securing the rear license plate on the car. He just put it in the glove compartment. As usually happens in such cases, a traffic police officer was standing at the intersection. Seeing the car without a driver, he was very surprised and whistled. The driver found a way out of the situation. He positioned the car so that he could slip out of the second door unnoticed and secure the number. It's risky, but it's the only way to avoid a fine. So the car stopped. The patrolman slowly approached, stood and, without waiting for anyone, looked inside. Of course, he was very puzzled, looking at the empty cabin. Meanwhile, the driver secured the number, and everyone returned to their seats. The traffic police officer was even more surprised when, obeying the command of his baton, the empty car started up and drove on.

Just funny

And one more thing. A lot also depends simply on a person’s mood. Funny short stories may not have a so-called special plot. It happens that a person is simply cheerful and joyful in his soul. As they say, I got a laugh in my mouth. This is most likely explained by the fact that people face various stresses every day, minor and not so much. All this, of course, is deposited inside each of us, adversely affecting the nervous system. A person, of course, does not always remember this. But all these unpleasant moments remain in my memory. Accordingly, the body has to perform nervous discharge from time to time. After all, laughter heals. Thus, the healing process manifests itself in the form of a cheerful mood.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this happens from time to time. You can walk down the street with absolutely absurd thoughts in your head, look at those around you, and you will feel funny. Their clothes, their gait, and their facial expressions can amuse you. By trying to hold back your laughter and smile, you thereby provoke a response from those you meet. Well, if suddenly some other incident happens... For example, a gust of wind throws a piece of paper, or a bag, or something like that in your face, this story will seem especially funny to you. And this, it’s worth reminding once again, is not gloating at all! It's just a fight against stress in our body! Laughter prolongs our life!

Interesting short funny stories from people’s lives are exactly what will always be in demand among readers. Any person loves to laugh at what happened in the life of another. Funny stories can cheer you up at any time of the day. It is known that what was taken from life will be fun for many years to come. And laughter, as you know, prolongs life!

Holidays with friends already involve stories of all sorts funny stories. Many of these gatherings end up on the Internet. If you want to read a collection of very funny life stories, welcome to our website!

Most popular topics:

Comic situations occur at every step, and there is nothing terrible if someone else finds out about them. The funny stories of our site will not leave indifferent any person who stops his attention on the page with interesting stories. You can find any story to suit your taste, because we only have the best and funniest cases that happened in real life!

Join the number of our readers! Laughter therapy is guaranteed! Tell your friends and colleagues funny stories and laugh at them together. Collective laughter is definitely a viral and very contagious thing! =)

Funny incidents often happen, especially among schoolchildren. The most important thing is to be able to beautifully talk about an event by writing an essay on the topic “A funny incident.” In order for a son or daughter to be able to describe the plot beautifully and competently, they will need the help of mom and dad.

How to make an essay plan

To make it easier for your child to write the assignment, you should prepare a plan. This will help you write an essay on the topic “A funny incident from life” in the correct sequence. You can take the following plan as an example:

  • At what time of year, in what area did the funny incident happen?
  • Who was present at the moment when an interesting plot happened.
  • What was the reaction of others to the situation?
  • What exactly do you remember about this funny incident?

Such a detailed plan will help the child complete the task in detail and in detail. The teacher will certainly like such an essay on the topic “A funny incident.” Thoughts presented in the correct order will certainly be appreciated.

Short essay on the topic “Funny incident”

Stories that make you laugh heartily may not always be long. Short essay on the topic “Funny incident” may well take place. The following ideas can be taken as an example.

“One summer, I was at home with my friend. We got a little bored and decided to come up with something to do. Edik and I found gouache and balloons in the nightstand. We didn’t have any malicious intent, we just wanted to decorate the bushes that grew under his balcony. To do this, we filled the balls with some water, then poured paint into them and began throwing our products through the balcony window. Edik lives on the eighth floor, so it was difficult to calculate the trajectory.

When we heard that someone was opening front door, we immediately left the balcony. When we went out into the corridor, we almost fell from surprise. Edik’s mother stood on the threshold, covered in red paint. Oh, and we felt ashamed. But thank God his mother had a sense of humor. When she saw balls filled with a strange liquid in the room, she immediately understood where the legs were coming from.

She did not scold us, but told us that we should play such games on the street, and not on the balcony. Then we all laughed heartily, every time we remember this day."

Your teacher will definitely like this essay on the topic “Funny Incident.” After all, the most fun situations that happen to a person will be described colorfully, vividly and with emotions.

An extended essay on the topic “A funny incident from life”

There are also situations when you need to take a long time to get to the funniest moment. In this case, you can describe the plot in more detail. You can take this idea as an example.

"In August we moved to a new apartment. Of course, we took our favorite pets with us: the rat Lariska and the parrot Gosha. Gosha lived in a cage on the balcony because he constantly chirped. And Lariska lived in the bottom nightstand of my closet. Our rat She was very well-fed, so there was simply no point in keeping her in a cage, she was cramped there.

One day a neighbor came to visit us to get acquainted. Her name was like our rat - Larisa. The long acquaintance and tea party lasted until the evening. Everything was calm, and during our communication, none of the animals made a sound.

And then sounds began to be heard from the balcony. “Lariska, come to me. Lariska, why did you go into the closet? Lariska, don’t touch my food.” In general, it lasted quite a long time. The neighbor was shocked and could not understand why and who was contacting her. But when a rat appeared near her table, there was so much screaming that probably all the neighbors of our multi-story building heard it.

When we explained to our neighbor who was speaking on the balcony and that Lariska was our rat, silence began to reign for a minute. And then we burst into laughter so much that we couldn’t calm down for a very long time. Until now, when we meet a neighbor, we involuntarily start laughing.

This is how our pets brought Larisa Petrovna and I even closer together. I will remember this situation forever, it’s not so fun every time.”

Such an essay will amuse your classmates and give a charge of good emotions to the teacher. So it's worth taking this story into account.

The most important thing in writing is sincerity. That's why real stories will always be cheerful and deserve high praise.

Last summer I was visiting my grandmother at the dacha and a very interesting incident happened there. This is a wonderful place, far from the bustle of the city. Everything here is mesmerizing - lush greenery, thickets of juicy and ripe raspberries, and lush fruit trees, the branches of which are very fun to climb to pick a juicy ripe apple or a fragrant pear.

However, in the evenings we began to notice a very strange noise coming from a nearby abandoned area, densely overgrown with bushes. It seemed as if a huge and terrible beast lived there. One day the adults went away for a while, leaving me and me at the dacha. younger sister. My grandmother asked me to look after my sister and not go outside the area. But we were terribly scared when we again heard noise behind the chain-link fence of the abandoned site. It was accompanied by the crunch of branches and the rustling of last year's leaves. I decided to show courage and, rushing into the barn, grabbed the first thing that came to hand - a large shovel. My little sister also decided to take part in a “bloody struggle” with an unknown creature. She rushed for her toy sand scoop.

With such terrifying “weapons” we froze at the gate, waiting for the appearance of a terrible monster. Our surprise knew no bounds when a cute tiny hedgehog with a funny black nose and beady eyes crawled out from under the net and right towards us. He puffed and stomped busily, creating that same rustling and crunching noise that had frightened us so much for several days in a row. At the same moment, adults appeared, catching us with all our “armor.”

This funny incident greatly amused all the adults, and my sister and I were a little ashamed of our ridiculous fear. Since then, we have known that adult hedgehogs and even small hedgehogs can make a lot of noise.

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “An interesting incident from my life”:


There have been many different interesting incidents in my life, but I want to tell you about how one day a small black and white kitten made me and my uncle laugh a lot. We often remember that incident and laugh, although Uncle Marquis’s cat has long become a serious and intelligent adult cat.

One day my uncle took me on a long trip to show me his new country house. We were traveling by car, so we arrived quite quickly. Along the way, next to the road, we noticed a small black and white lump. It turned out to be a small kitten, pressed against a lamppost and shaking violently, either from fear or from the cold. Uncle decided to take it for himself. On the way, we bought food for the baby and gave him something to drink. When we drove up to the house, he was already playing with the pendant that hung in the car.

The kitten happily ran around the house and got in the way. And when we entered the room where a huge mirror had already been installed, we noticed that the kitten had disappeared somewhere. Literally a minute later we found him - he himself came out of the box with building material in the hope of “defeating” the beast he saw in the mirror. His fur stood on end and he was seriously scared. He threw himself at the mirror like wild beast, but it looked incredibly funny and amusing. Then the kitten looked behind the mirror and began to realize that he was not in danger. This is how my acquaintance with my uncle’s country house and the kitten’s acquaintance with the mirror went.

We will never forget this incident. From that moment on, I fell madly in love with cats and begged my mother to get a kitten. Within a week, we also had a small kitten at home, which we adopted from a homeless animal shelter.

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “An interesting incident from my life”: - Magazine of modern youth