Images of ascended masters. Spiritual Guides from your family. Conversations with the Universe

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., Ph.D., is a metaphysician and clairvoyant. She is the author of books on gods, ascended masters, angels, spirit beings, and saints. According to the author, ascended masters and spirit guides are great teachers, healers and prophets who once lived on Earth, but now reside in the spiritual world and from there strive to help us. Among them are such legendary figures as Jesus, Moses, Buddha, as well as other gods, goddesses, bodhisattvas and divas. From this book you will learn which Divine entities are your spiritual guides and how to get in touch with them.

When the people of early Disneyland spirituality find their way to themselves in God, what will they find? A whole Hollywood series is preparing a reprogramming interaction between the subconscious and the low frequencies of the astral plane. There are thousands of books on this topic, thousands of healers, among them the modernization of conscience trainers with miraculous healing systems, energy devices and methods of quantum physics.

Anyone who wants to undermine their subjective truth to others has already disqualified themselves. Inside we find our hidden habitat, which influences the reality here. I used to wonder how many frequencies there are in the whole healing assessment, whether two levels of frequency bands such as electromagnetic waves in the infrared or biophotons are sufficient as carriers of sacred vital information.

Thanks to the prayers given by Doreen Virtue, you will be able to call on an archangel or ascended master for any situation: when you are sick, going through life difficulties or a breakup with a loved one, when you need help or advice.

Listen to the messages transmitted by Divine entities, and you will feel how your life changes, filled with spiritual meaning, beauty and joy.

And yet, deeply tied to the picture that Jesus presents, the truth is painstakingly contained: a man who came for himself, who shares, forgives, heals his past, teaches and passes on the love he receives to himself and others. Polytheism, together with angels and the worship of people, is almost cultic for energy experiments in various states of consciousness. In my opinion, this does not contribute to the exit from the occult psychomatrix, which is the reason for the scenario of the end of the elite spiritual apparatus of collective numbness, poisoning the material, energetic and spiritual level.

This amazing book will inspire you to new discoveries!

Doreen Virtue
Archangels and Ascended Masters. A Guide to Working and Healing with Deities and Divine Entities

Earthly restrictions have no power only over those who, being close to God, are aware of their individuality. They can be called Teachers of Teachers. Remaining invisible, they always manifest themselves at the right time and in the right place - exactly when we need it most. They are always aware of all our problems, needs, all our mistakes, which they forgive us. They gift all Teachers from God - everyone who seeks their help and needs it. But: they cannot be called just like that.

But even if the multi-headed head turns out to be utopian, we need to leave him free to think whatever he wants to think. From the center of tranquility of the inner garden, the path leads to the timeless self, which can be transformed into being, between being and ego, soul and ego, yin and yang, which we need to operate in a low-friction mode. To what extent are group wars subject to a psycho-religious ego-mask in the external, if the truth can only be subjective in any case? What remains open from the black, brown and white fragments of the New Age is the danger of spiritual self-forgetfulness.

Dedicated to God, the archangels and the ascended masters...

With eternal gratitude and appreciation for their Divine love, lessons and support.


How many wonderful creatures living on Earth and in Heaven helped me write this book!

First of all, I want to thank Stephen Farmer, my beloved husband. I express my deepest gratitude to all the angels of Hay House Publishing. Hundreds of blessings to Bill Christie - for his assistance in the study of subjects spiritual world! Thank you to my dear family for your love, understanding and support.

And what remains open in the Old Testament is the still ongoing reconciliation of Hagar with Sarah, the spiritual primordial mothers of the enemies, without whom worldly peace is impossible. What remains revealed in the New Testament is the testimony of the deprived Gospels.

Frida: Although people who were looking for spiritual attachment tend to gravitate towards world religions that have not yet managed to achieve a common essence, such as love, or at least love as a common essence, today distance themselves rather, many people from traditional religions and seek salvation in groups or promise salvation from any masters. What is your definition of spirituality?

I thank everyone who has shared with me their stories of communicating with ascended masters. I thank my divine friends who guided my thoughts while working on this book - without your participation I would never have been able to write it!


From the older generation to the new

An ascended master is a great teacher, healer or prophet who was once a mere mortal, but now resides in the spiritual world from where he helps us. Ascended masters are present in all cultures, religions and civilizations - both ancient and modern. Among them are such legendary figures as Jesus, Moses, Buddha, as well as saints, deities, goddesses and gods, bodhisattvas and divas.

Ariyan K.: Everything has experienced a spiritual spring leap. Even lighting candles is considered spiritual; Therefore, spirituality, which can be negative and positive, is rather a misleading concept of tension. Thus, the Spanish artist Salvador Dali was spiritual in a positive sense, since there were so many "deputies of God." Almost all artists are very spiritual, but not all of them came to the consciousness that was awakened by the opium noise. Spirituality is a way of life that ideally leads to meaningful, successful knowledge of oneself.

Over the years, I have purposefully worked with several archangels (these are particularly powerful angels who help us and watch over guardian angels) and ascended masters, such as Archangel Michael, Jesus and the Virgin Mary. I have written about ascended masters in many of my books and talk about them in my seminars.

Manipulative “spirituality” is often a cover for big business with prosperity and well-being, a kind of business idea, a means of exercising power and without a guarantee of pure consciousness, illusory worlds. Frida: The longer something is left, the more certain people think they know how it happened. Alone, regarding the story of Jesus' life, the spirits were split. Some say that Jesus spent many years of his life in India. He was not crucified, certainly not for “our sins,” but he conceived several children with Mary Magdalene, while others fiercely adhered to the delivered version of the Bible.

During my training, I help people realize which Divine entities are their spiritual guides. Sometimes I see an incredible number of ascended masters surrounding them. In my classes, I always ask people the same questions and regularly receive similar answers.

– Do you know that there are so many ascended masters near you?

They refer to Jesus Christ in their work. What is your “truth” about the historical figure of Jesus? Ariyan K: The proponents of these theories also sell all about hypnosis and repatriation and when a time traveler or reincarnated person encountered Jesus at that time and reportedly everyone just believes what they want. All projections onto the image of Christ merged into nothing. When we come to us, we slowly begin to awaken and take the next step into the perfection of our world, which has recognized itself as a creative part of the great whole, because Christ lives in it.

- Yes. (Or: I hoped it was so.)

– Did you call them to visit you?

- Yes. I asked God to send me someone to help me.

Despite the fact that I had heard a lot about these great entities and even met some in person, I wanted to collect more information about both the ancient deities of the East and the ascended masters of the New Age. I wanted to get to know them firsthand, to establish personal relationships with them, to learn the story of each of them. As a result, this book was born - about who is who in the spiritual world. Now you won't get confused. I will help you understand who is friendly and who is not so friendly; you will learn to distinguish between saints and archangels; You will learn a lot about the ascended masters of the New Age, about the gods and goddesses of ancient civilizations and Eastern religions.

Frieda: Even without a grounded knowledge of the Bible, Layen seems a bit odd that the narcissistic and vindictive “God” of the Old Testament can be reconciled with the messages of mercy and forgiveness in the New Testament. Aryan K.: Theories are mental formations about something that cannot be understood, seen, or demanded with the help of the five senses. The deep psychological, astrological and simply frightening message of the Old Testament says: “Change, do not give birth, look further, deprogram yourself, otherwise you will remain a feeling-controlled slave of consciousness, which is God in itself, intellectually implicit obedience” power structure! A free or liberated mind is not desirable.

Personal choice

I have never advised anyone with whom from the spiritual world they should communicate. I turn to Jesus often, but I don't feel like I have to recommend him to others. My role is to help people tune into exactly the wavelength on which they will be most pleased. I teach how to open channels for direct communication with the divine so that you can more clearly see, hear, feel and recognize the messages of Heaven.

And there are 70 ways to view written poetry. If, in search of God, the channel horizon is deeply hung, people, ghost or ghostly gods who claim to be God or God's chosen messengers will definitely find themselves. They feed on our thoughts and feelings, which are still scattered.

If Christ is the sun of God - the emanation of life, the word that gives life - how can we find him, experience him, invite him to be healthy and happy, without falling into hierarchical systems and mental institutions? Always in the present, because meetings are taking place. The Old Testament polarizes the entire range of separation of negative intelligent worlds, New Testament is focused in Christ on the fate of deceived humanity and untimely processes the evil energies that humanity still needs to go through.

I advise everyone to gain their own experience of communicating with divine beings. This will help you feel happier, healthier and more harmonious. Therefore, try to work with every representative of the Divine world and record your achievements.

However, know that calling on a great master for help is not at all the same as worshiping him! This is more than "calling a friend" on a famous game show. In life, as in this show, maybe some people who can help you. And the more there are, the better! In other words, you can look to Jesus as your ultimate guide while continuing to develop loving relationships with other wonderful beings. You do not need to join any religious movement or practice impeccable behavior to attract the patronage of great masters. All you have to do is call on them with an open and sincere heart.

The Bible explains, is a literal bridge to higher wisdom and intuition, pointing out light and shadow, and even offers solutions to deal with the spectrum of spiritual and demonic forms of energy so that they have no influence. Mixing theology with the natural need for faith and trust will result in running into the mud long withered ideas that lead to concepts that have divided, demonized and divided this world. On the other hand, the Bible speaks in its incredible range of all the details of human life and feelings and even documents the influence of "foreign gods" who maintain their shadow existence through the force field and resources of people in development.

In ancient times, many of the deities presented in this book were worshiped in the same way as the Creator is now worshiped. Today we we don't worship deities, but we highly value them. Deities show us their very different faces, aspects, characters and unique features, and since God is omnipotent and omniscient, it means that he is present in each of these deities. And in each of us. In other words, all these deities, like you and me, - united with God.

This points to a "demonic energy problem" that each person must collectively master themselves and humanity and introduces only the spiritual, not the literary, path of liberation in Jesus Christ. It sounds dusty, but it has actually saved a lot of people from outside disturbances and outside influences. It's always about subtle differences.

Frida: Kurt Meyer is a former Catholic priest. What do you know about these rituals, and do you agree with Kurt Meyer? Pure doctrines were falsified by the Roman era and became unrecognizable as a result of fission. Does the individual help harmonize upcoming events through prayer and medicinal meditation through our psychic networks? It's about very personal experience with mother earth for the purpose of relationship with God, with and without a filter. Even celibacy is unnatural and counterproductive, but for the homosexual world it was often an outlet in monastic times to experience heaven on earth.

To avoid any misunderstanding, I want to emphasize: this book does not promote polytheism, suggesting belief and worship of many gods. All deities are different manifestations (or creations) of God. I do not encourage you to worship these beings, but I encourage you to appreciate them as a gift from God to help us love and heal as we discover our spiritual path. By accepting help from them, we thereby thank you God.

Works controlled by denominational centralists do not allow the direct influence of God on individual activity or the exercise of spiritual gifts, charisms. What rituals or prayers are performed for new saints who, when they appear, are thrown out of churches because they want to purge the salvation of Jesus from their followers? What brings ashes to the forehead until the end of Lent?

With God there is no time, no Saturday, no Sunday, because it is not Chronos or Saturn, but everything that is unconditional love. Frida: How did you understand this? Big bang? As described in the Nag Hammadi scrolls, or did God form "Eve from Adam's rib"? I don't care how it began, because there is no beginning. Where there is no time factor, there is no beginning, but perhaps only a simple jump that can be puzzled. Where there is no space, there are no restrictions. All concepts are born from ideas.

The three main world religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam - are monotheistic; their followers believe in one God. Christianity identifies three aspects in the Creator: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - as three hypostases of the Creator. Likewise, angels, archangels and great ascended masters are one with God and fit into the system of monotheism.

An idea can never be true, but always remains only a projection, a picture. If you take photographs, they become "truth". All theories are interesting, as are the messages of the scriptures, which contain a lot of wisdom and knowledge. Just as we rummage through our genetic code like crazy, there were creatures in the past who experimented with our genes. The theory of evolution clearly applies to the animal kingdom, but this does not apply to humans. It can be assumed that primitive man was created in the light dimension, and then the body materialized.

What beliefs does monotheism oppose?

Agnosticism. Characteristics– insufficiently developed ideas about God and deities, spirituality or religion. Followers of agnosticism are unsure or doubt the existence of God.

Atheism. Completely denies the existence of God or spirituality.

Deism. Faith and adherence to natural religion; attaches special importance to morality.

For this purpose, the feminine principle has the means to create matter, give birth to life and therefore more genetic information. Thus the feminine principle is manifested and the creation of both is generally more effective. Adam was tested, brought to Eve.

As long as it is simply not practical to simply address the topic of other dimensions and other civilizations, religion can exist as a control program and serve the global lack of love and awareness to close our eyes to the fact that there may be a variety of consciousness beyond our imagination that interacts with humanity.

Ontotheism. Worship of one God, while at the same time recognizing the existence of other gods (or at least allowing for such a possibility).

Pantheism. The belief that everything is God and that God is in everything and everyone.

Polytheism. Belief in and worship of multiple gods, as opposed to a single Creator.

Priceless treasures of history

In conducting research prior to writing this book, I studied many encyclopedic publications on saints, gods, goddesses, divine beings and archangels. I re-read many publications on the topic, passing all the information through the prism of the perception of a psychic psychotherapist (this was my specialty in the past), in order to find useful information about the great masters.

Frida: In the Catholic Church, exorcism was and is practiced again and again. There are involuntary thoughts about some tragic cases where people, mostly women, died badly because Catholic priests and, in some cases, the women's families, were of the opinion that "demons should be cast out." In Bavaria, the Annelis Michel case arose many years ago because she was probably killed as a result of such a ritual. Their fate was even filmed in documentary film"The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel."

Do you think you might be demonically possessed, or are these people more likely to have mental disorders that require a different treatment from that based on rituals practiced by the Catholic Church for example? Ariyan K.: Humanity is not aware of the fact that it has opponents from all kinds of dimensions who want to prevent us from taking the next step in an acceptable overall situation on Earth through their projected “information energy”, various shapes existence and destructive psycho-programming.

Some materials of the New Age seemed reliable to me, but were so stuffed with esoteric concepts and terms that they became absolutely unsuitable for comprehension.

I wanted to create a book that would clearly explain who is who among the great masters. I wanted to tell you which deity should be invoked in this or that case - for example, for healing, to resolve issues of well-being, family and personal nature. The task seemed simple, but frightening - after all, there are thousands of deities!

Act or wait? Questions and Answers Carroll Lee

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters

Question: Dear Kryon, I have the deepest love for you. The best thing that happened in my life was my acquaintance with the truth with which you opened the way to spiritual reality. This event completely changed my life. My first question concerns the Ascension. What do you think I should know right now to get closer to understanding this phenomenon? More than anything, I would like to ascend, but not to leave, but to remain in this world so that I can then help my brothers and sisters.

Secondly, I would really like to come into contact with some of the ascended masters in order to learn from them the art of transmitting the truth of the Divine Plan to Earth. Intuitively, I meditated on the Ascended Master Koot Hoomi. And I'd like to know what you think about this.

Answer: Any of the ascended masters can be a source of wisdom for you, but you will only get the most accurate answers from the one who has your face. Over time, you will understand that no teacher who has ever lived on Earth can give you more information than the source within you. All ascended masters have encountered this truth at one time or another, and now you too must learn it through the process of what you call ascension. This is all very personal and requires only you and your Higher Self.

Question: Dear Kryon, are you an Ascended Master along with Saint Germain, Koot Hoomi, Hilarion, Matreya, Gabriel and many others we know here on Earth? Are you also an Ascended Master, dear Kryon?

Answer: No. I am a servant of Humanity in its quest to create peace on Earth and raise the vibration of the planet. I honor the Ascended Masters, for their specialty is also to help you. I work with them all, especially Saint Germain. My multidimensional companion is Metatron. We often work together on the physics of the planet. Everyone else has returned to Earth in some form of energy work at this time in your history. They are all back and working with you every day.

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