History or origin of the name Anna. What does the name Anna mean, its origin and influence on character and destiny. The time of year in which the girl was born is of great importance

Anna, name of the spouses of the great princes and kings: 1) A. Vasilievna (1451 1504), daughter of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Vasilyevich the Dark, wife of the Grand Duke of Ryazan Vasily Ivanovich. After the death of her father, she was brought up at the court of the brother of the Grand Duke... ... Biographical Dictionary

1) A. Irina, monastic Anna, Ingeerda Olfovna, daughter of the Swedish king St. Olaf, wife of Yaroslav I., died 1051, February 10; Since 1439, her relics have rested openly in the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral; her memory is honored on October 4. Wed. East. words saints...

1) A. Irina, in monasticism Anna, Ingeerda Olfovna, daughter of the Swedish king St. Olaf, wife of Yaroslav I., † 1051, February 10; Since 1439, her relics have rested openly in the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral; her memory is honored on October 4. Wed. East. words saints... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Y, female. Derivatives: Annochka (Annechka); Annushka; Annusha; Annusya (Annyusya); Annunya; Nurse; Anya (Ana); Anyura; Nyura; Nyurasya; Nyurakha; Nyurasha; Anusha (Anusha); Nyusha; Anyuta; Nyuta; Anusya (Anusya); Nusya (Nyusa); Annetta; Neta; Asya.Origin: (Old Hebrew name... ... Dictionary of personal names

Birth: second half of the 11th century Death: November 3, 1112 or 1113 Kyiv, Principality of Kiev ... Wikipedia

Biographical Dictionary

See the article Anna (the name of the spouses of great princes and kings) ... Biographical Dictionary

See the article Anna (the name of the spouses of great princes and kings) ... Biographical Dictionary

Wikipedia has articles about other people named Anna (name). Anna ... Wikipedia

Anastasia Manahan (Chaikovskay) Anna Anderson, 19 ... Wikipedia


  • Anna Zegers. Collected works in 6 volumes (set of 6 books), Anna Zegers. The name of the talented GDR writer Anna Segers is widely known to Soviet readers. Her novels and stories enjoy constant success in our country. The collected works are published here...
  • Anna Zegers. Novels and stories, Anna Zegers. Lifetime edition. Moscow, 1957. State Publishing House fiction. Publisher's binding. The condition is good. This publication is a collection…

Anna, translated from Hebrew, means “mercy of God”, “grace”, “pretty”, “pretty”. The name itself consists of only two syllables, which mirror each other. This may indicate that a girl with this name is sacrificial, open and patient. Likes to delve into himself.

Origin of the name Anna:

Anna is a Slavic version of the ancient Sumerian - Hannah (Hannah). This name first appears in ancient Sumerian mythology. Inanna or Hana is one of the central goddesses in this religion.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Anna:

Little Anya will take great pleasure in taking care of puppies, kittens, rabbits, and observing the life of birds. I am ready to become a good assistant to my mother in caring for her younger brothers or sisters. The best toy for Anya will be dolls and care products for them - children's doctor's and hairdresser's kits, strollers, bathtubs. As she gets older, Anya will always help her family solve any problems. She will never refuse help from her old neighbor around the house, or from her school friends in preparing homework. Such altruism often becomes the subject of abuse, and, at times, exploitation of Anya’s kindness by others.

At school, Anna mostly gets “good” and “excellent” grades; usually, due to her hard work and diligence, she gets along with her teachers - she is often assigned social work, which she does very well. Anna carries out any work, meticulously delving into every detail. Her favorite hobby- handicrafts. She knows how to sew and knit wonderfully, and loves to dress beautifully. Cleanliness, for Anna, is above all - she is very intolerant of chaos and sloppiness, and she always looks exceptionally neat. Usually, a girl named Anna is attractive in appearance, but may have problems with excess weight.

Most often, she chooses to work in social spheres– medicine, pedagogy, veterinary medicine, psychology. Anna is very artistic, so she is capable of achieving great success working as a journalist, singer, actress, and director. The management, first of all, appreciates Anya’s diligence and hard work. She is a very good boss - she is fair and responsive, and treats any work with respect.

Marriage may be unsuccessful, because due to natural kindness and feelings of pity, Anna may marry an unlucky, drinking or sick person. But at the same time she will believe that she loves this man and will try to help him overcome his illness or bad habit. Tries to avoid conflicts and does not accept divorce. She cannot stand betrayal; she herself will become a devoted and faithful wife. After the birth of a child, Anna begins to intensely care for him, as a result of which, usually, her children grow up very spoiled and narcissistic.

Being not ready to protect herself from rudeness and rudeness, she simply becomes more withdrawn and tense. In her heart, she is deeply worried about the fact that she could not stand up for herself.

Anna usually has many friends and acquaintances. To feel normal, she needs constant communication. She really doesn’t like loneliness, she definitely needs to look after someone, take care of someone. Therefore, when her children become adults, as a rule, she gets herself a pet.

This was the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary, whose birth was a great miracle. The fact is that Anna was childless for many years of marriage, and, at a fairly mature age, she became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, who was destined to become the mother of the god-man.

The owner of the name Anna can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it. In ancient times, people were convinced that every word carries a certain charge of energy, and naming a person has truly magical power. This is due to the fact that each of us hears our name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, its meaning has a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

The name Anna in origin goes back to the Hebrew word “hanna” with the meaning “mercy, grace.” It entered the church calendar very early. The Church honors the memory of Anna the Righteous, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, on August 7 (July 25), September 22 (9), as well as December 22 (9) - the day of the conception of St. Maria. On this day, from her elderly parents, the righteous Joachim and Anna, through their fervent prayers, she was conceived Holy Mother of God….

This name is one of the most popular female names in the world along with Maria, Elena and Catherine. It is found in all the monarchical courts of Europe; its owners have represented all social strata for many centuries.

The name Anna came to Rus' with other Christian names in X-XI centuries. Since the first Christians in Rus' were princes and people close to them, the first bearers of church names were representatives of the noble classes.

The most common female names The Rurikovichs had Maria, Anna, Anastasia and Elena. Thus, the daughter of Prince Vsevolod, the sister of Vladimir Monomakh, was named Anna (XII century). In the 15th century, the daughter of Vasily the Dark, Anna, lived. Two wives of Ivan the Terrible were Annas. Anna was also the name of the wife of the Tver prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, who died in the Horde. After the death of her husband, she took monastic vows at the Kashinsky Monastery, led a righteous, pious life, and was canonized for her services to God. Memorial Day of Anna Kashinskaya June 25 (12).

In total, thirty saints named Annas are noted in the church calendar.

For many centuries, the name Anna has been one of the most popular female names. In the 18th century, among the peasants it was second only to the name Evdokia, but among the nobility it was the most widespread. Among its glorious bearers is Pushkin’s muse, Anna Petrovna Kern; famous ballerina Anna Pavlovna Pavlova; the brilliant poetess Anna Akhmatova and many more Russian women baptized with the noble name Anna.

In the 20th century, when significant changes took place in women's names, the name Anna began to fall out of use, since it was perceived in the 20-30s of the 20th century as too “simple”. The turning point occurred 50 years later, and today the euphonious name Anna is one of the five most popular female names in Russia.

Psychological traits of the name: in Anna with early childhood Her main quality is manifested - kindness. She is able to provide serious assistance to her loved ones who find themselves in a difficult situation. Anna is never the last, teachers and bosses find reliable support in her, while the envy of her friends does not threaten her, because Anna and justice are almost synonymous.

Sources: Petrovski N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Orthodox month book. Khigir B.Yu. The secret of the name. Superanskaya A.V. The name – through centuries and countries. Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

The name Anna was first mentioned in the Old Testament; it has ancient roots. The origin of this name from the Hebrew name Hannah allows it to be translated as “grace.”

Brief description of the name

The name Anna is under the protection of the virgin; all ladies with this name have a soft and flexible character. The name Anna was the name of the mother of Mary - the Most Pure Virgin, who is known as the Most Holy Theotokos. The name Anna gained popularity with the beginning of Christianity, this was the name of the wife of Vladimir, the Kyiv prince who baptized Rus'.

For owners of this name, an important talisman gift will be a piece of jewelry with a ruby, opal or saddle stone, and among flowers she prefers bright red asters and rowan branches. Anna loves bright colors, rich orange, red or brown.

Wednesday brings the greatest luck to women with this name; on this day you can solve important matters and problems, and everything will work out. The time of year for Annushka is summer. Anna can use a figurine of a hare as a talisman; you can often see such a decoration in their home. Your favorite pet is a dog; it becomes a full-fledged member of the family.

By church calendar Anna celebrates her name day on June 22, the guardian is Anna Kashinskaya, the Grand Duchess, and September 22 is favored by righteous Anna. Anna is full name, in childhood the baby is affectionately called Anechka, Anyuta, Annushka, Nyurya, Nyusya, Anyusha, Anusya, Annette.

Meaning of the name

Little Anya is simply charming, she doesn’t cause any trouble. But she is too compassionate, and the house is often filled with found puppies and kittens. The secret of the name depends on the time of year when the child was born. Winter Anna is reasonable and smart, has pronounced leadership qualities, but is often tough.

Spring Anyutka is romantic and amorous; this time of year is conducive to rebirth, which affects the girl’s character. At the same time, she loves herself very much and appreciates the attention addressed to her. Summer Anya has such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, modesty and some reticence. Autumn gives the girl a calm, balanced character, which allows her to easily communicate with both peers and adults.


The main characteristic of the name Anna is a calm and open character. They are diligent, obedient, reasonable. At the same time, Anyuta early learns to be independent and gets used to relying only on themselves. Her kindness and sensitivity towards other people allows her to be considered a very pleasant person.

She is used to taking care of everyone, which in certain cases plays against her. Some people like to abuse other people's selflessness and kindness, and Anya, by virtue of her character, will be forced to put the interests of others above her own. Commits good deeds she does it out of the goodness of her heart, and never waits for an answer.

Behind the outward complaisance and lack of conflict lie great forces that help a woman with this name cope with any difficulties in life. They decide everything on their own and rarely listen to other people’s opinions. But at the same time, Anechka is quite vulnerable; they endure rudeness, rudeness, and betrayal very hard, experiencing everything within themselves and looking for the reason in their own behavior.

The advantages of Anya's character are an excellent memory, well-developed intuition and an analytical mind. She has a strong will and loves to always be on top. Therefore, it is difficult to catch her in an old robe and slippers, even at home. She simply cannot stand uncleanliness and sloppiness in appearance.

Anna's character corresponds to an introvert; she is demanding of herself and others, and loves power. Many people note such negative expressions of the bright Anechka as conflict, scandalousness, the desire to prove that she is right; she often succeeds thanks to her cuteness and charm.

Anna has an excellent command of the language, and is able to attract the attention of her interlocutor, lead her, she has a unique ability to explain complex things in simple language. She doesn’t let people she doesn’t like approach her, but she only has real friends. She is very picky in communication and can simply turn unexpected guests out the door.

There is some indiscipline, which means the following: Anya often does not finish her work, leaving everything halfway and leaving the opportunity for other people to complete what they started. He likes to start everything from scratch, but will continue to do business as long as there is interest in it. She simply needs difficulties, and she creates them for herself.

In adolescence, there is some self-criticism, which means a girl’s self-cynical attitude towards herself. Negativity tends to accumulate, which can lead to a breakdown. Therefore, during this period, it is important to monitor your thoughts and attitude towards yourself, bringing a little humor to it.


The meaning of the name for determining fate depends on Annushka’s age. Often transition to adult life For girls with this name, it is accompanied by difficulties. Yesterday's child shows disobedience and does not listen to the opinions of adults. During this period, only a very close person with whom the girl develops a trusting relationship can become an authority for Anya.

Often a woman named Anna chooses difficult paths that require attention and great strength; she loves to overcome difficulties.

As soon as the matter gets better and its implementation becomes available, she immediately loses interest in it. Even when receiving gifts from fate, Anya cannot enjoy them to the fullest.

Having a fine mental organization, Annushka lives by reason and sensitively reacts to any injustice. But at the same time, growing up, she learns to be more secretive and not show off her feelings. The accumulation of grievances within herself makes her life somewhat difficult. She is prone to depression and nervous breakdowns; her natural optimism helps her not to linger in this state.

Fate is difficult in cases where Anechka has a serious man next to her, although most often it is the right men who pay attention to charming girls with this name. They find happiness with cheerful partners who have a good sense of humor. It is worth paying attention to your own attitude towards life; by learning to laugh kindly at yourself, Anna will make her life much easier.


Anya does not have strict moral principles and lives easily. She attracts the attention of men even in her youth, and as she grows up, a woman can have relationships with several men at once. She adapts flexibly to any circumstances, and considers this absolutely natural. For this person, the connection with her loved one is very important; she can feel absolutely liberated and relaxed with him. As a rule, the first experience family life

doesn't end very well. The breakdown of the family is a natural outcome for her, since in certain cases she marries not out of love, but out of pity for the person.

Often Ann's husbands are weak-willed men with bad habits. They are attracted by their unadaptability to life and dependence on their wife, but Anna steadfastly carries the load on her fragile shoulders, pretending to the last that everything is fine in her family. She never washes dirty laundry in public.

What does this name mean in relation to motherhood? Anna will be an excellent mother, she will be able to create relationships with her children that will allow them to be good friends. As a mother, she will love and support her children all her life. Anya is even capable of giving up her career and personal happiness in order to devote all her time to her children.

The husband's parents will be no less pleased with the new daughter-in-law; she will never leave the elderly without help, and in the future she will become an excellent mother-in-law or mother-in-law, accepting the child's choice unquestioningly. The best marriage partners for Anechka are men with the names Stepan, Rodion, Alexey, Evgeniy, Konstantin, Zakhar. And an alliance with Sergei, Alexander, Georgiy, Stanislav or Vadim may not be very successful.


Regardless of the choice of profession, its main quality in work is conscientiousness. Anna is very disciplined. Thanks to her analytical mindset and natural curiosity, the desire to systematize information and the ability to make the right decisions, she can easily move up the professional ladder.

Anna can easily find arguments in favor of her opinion, the ability to defend one’s interests earns respect from management and colleagues. When choosing a profession, you should definitely take into account the main calling of a woman - to give good. It is by connecting her life with work that will allow her to enjoy that she will begin to feel in her place.

Annushkas become excellent doctors and teachers, social workers and educators. They easily win people over, especially quickly find a common language with children, and their love is mutual. Anya can make an excellent actress, fashion model or correspondent. But it’s better for her to refuse work that requires accuracy and calculations. It will seem boring and monotonous to a woman with this name and will not bring joy.

Anne, Anneli, Anne, Anko, Nanna, Hana, Annina, Anya, Nyuta, Nyura, Nyusya, Nancy, Anika, Anetta, Nannette, Nanon.

Origin of the name Anna

From Hebrew “grace”, “merciful”.

General description of the name Anna

Growing up as an artistic child, he loves everything beautiful. She takes pleasure in caring for puppies and kittens, and bringing home chicks that have fallen from the nest. Annushka’s kindness seems to know no bounds. If someone is crying nearby, there is no better comforter. Anna is flexible and has practically no enemies. A needlewoman, she sews dresses for her dolls, and later, as an adult, she sews for herself, and does not refuse to do it for her friends.

Anna is one of those people who will never forget to visit a sick friend or relative in the hospital, or go to the store for bread for an old neighbor. He lives not only with his own concerns, but also with other people’s concerns. Those around her often abuse this, but Anna is not offended by them, although she sees all this.

Anna never forgets about her appearance - with her characteristic taste, she knows how to dress beautifully and visit the hairdresser on time. She organically cannot stand sloppiness; you will never see her in worn-out shoes or a dirty robe.

According to her personality, Anna could easily work as a nurse, a doctor, or be a comforter and sacrificial helper. But wherever she works, she devotes herself completely to her work; material compensation and remuneration are secondary for her.

This is a meek person with highly developed intuition. There is enough suffering in the life of the resigned Anna, but sometimes it seems that she is not trying to avoid it. So, Anna may well fall in love with a person who is sick or a drinker, an obvious loser or a psychopath and carry her cross throughout her life, not at all regretting such a lot. Devoted wives, loving mothers and good mothers-in-law - these are all Annas. They are trusting, selfless and friendly. A family that values ​​such qualities will be happy.

Annas are not capable of actively defending their “I”. When faced with rudeness, rudeness, and nagging, they withdraw into themselves and patiently wait for better times.

Annas are faithful in love, patient in marriage, but cannot tolerate betrayal. The infidelity of a spouse is the most severe trauma for them. They can forgive it, but never forget it. However, the trial of divorce and the expected hardships of a single life for Anna are not always preferable to trampled dignity.

Sexuality of the name Anna

It is useless to seduce or pursue Anna with love - she will make the choice herself. With other men she will be cold and unapproachable. This woman is capricious and demanding; not every man will be able to adapt to her mood changes. Anna can have a husband and a lover at the same time, believing that she is faithful to both. She is able to give her lover all the wealth of voluptuousness, provided that he does not restrain her impulses and gives her complete freedom of action.

She views her body as a valuable instrument that only a virtuoso can appreciate. She likes to have sex for a long time, enjoying its individual phases and complete liberation: after a stormy night, Anna remains excited for several days. Primitive sex “in a hurry” does not interest her. All this is true to a greater extent for “winter” women. “Summer” Anna is calmer, her sexual behavior is characterized by restraint. This does not mean that she is frigid, not excitable enough, it’s just that the ideas instilled in her from childhood about the extent of permissibility in intimate relationships do not allow her to relax and realize her sexual potential. For “autumn” Anna, everything depends on her mood: she can be active, enthusiastically indulge in love games, or indifferent, fulfilling her marital duties as necessary. For “spring” Anna, sex is a way to always stay in shape, maintain your health, and feel the fullness of life. If necessary, she can, like a professional actress, act out fiery passion. She is endowed with subtle humor and healthy emotions. He does not like to change partners, because he does not reach climax with everyone. Having met someone who is able to bring her to a state of ecstasy, she becomes attached for a long time. Anna's first marriage is often unsuccessful, and this unsettles her for a long time.

The mystery of the name Anna according to the theory of Father Pavel (P.A. Florensky)

Anna's mind is sharp. But whatever it may be in itself, it is significantly superior in development to deeper forces rooted in the subconscious. The mind cannot keep up with them, and therefore it treats the intuitive depth of the personality passively, allowing it to carry itself along with it. Therefore, he does not receive systematic growth at all and does not acquire the habit of conscious and independent work.

Anna does not like intellectual work and willingly runs away from it, citing her inability. Art and art in general are also alien to her. Consequently, the moral area is what primarily occupies Anna’s consciousness, that is, precisely what is not in her perceptions from the depths.

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