How to draw a hamster in a phased pencil. How to draw a hamster pencil. Preparation for work

Hamsters are wonderful animals. They are perfectly suitable for catching the skill of novice artists. The structure of the body of a hamster seems simple, but at the same time he has certain features. Having received the basic skills of how to draw a hamster, you will subsequently improve your drawing and make it more realistic.

Today we will try to draw a cartoon hamster. You will make sure it is very easy! Step by step instructions Very available and suitable for both adults and children. Let's start?

Preparation for work

We will draw simple pencil, and color the resulting drawing is anything: paints, markers, you can leave a black and white hamster. So it will be needed to be a simple pencil of medium softness, paper (better drawing or landscape, but good quality). For the mustache hamster, you can take a special thin mechanical pencil - it will be more realistic, but you can do and ordinary.

How to draw a hamster phased

Step one. Draw a circle. It will be a hamster head. Try to hardly press the pencil - draw thin, light dash lines so that it is easier to remove them if necessary. To the bottom of the circle, attach a large extended "U". It will be a body hamster. Then you need to take an eraser and erase the inner lower part of the circle that concerns the body.

Step second. In the top of the head, connected now with the body, drew two small circles for the eyes. One must be a little less than the other. If before drawing a hamster, you decided that it would be a girl, then make her long cilia. Then dial the eye with the pencil across the area, with the exception of the middle - this glare will be pupil.

Step Three. Under the eyes, but not in the middle, but a little closer to a smaller, draw a small inverted triangle. Then a thin eraser gently erase his upper side - it turned out his nose. Under the nap we draw two smooth semicircles. They look like the letter "e", which "fell" to the left. It will be the top rush hamster.

Step fourth. In the middle of the bottom of the letter "E", drawn in the previous step, make a slightly pointed "u". As you already guessed, it's mouth. And now draw the hamster mustache - three smooth dashes coming out of the cheeks.

Pitch fifth. In the top of the head, draw two large circles to get ears. They will have another inner circuit for additional volume and realism.

Step six. Two two more in the form of "u" will be the front paws folded on the trouser. If you look at the drawing, it becomes clear how to do them. And below the narrow ovals draw the rear paws.

Step seventh. We add to our hamster drawing: a little wool on the trouser, the claws on the legs are stronger to carry out the contours. You can draw a thing that he will hold in his hands.

Step eighth. We take paint, color pencils, markers and paint the animal. Do not be afraid to experiment, use a few shades: for example, dark and light brown, sand, golden, reddish. It will take pictures only for the benefit.

Now you know how to draw a hamster with a pencil. Look, what kind of cutie turned out, is it?

Hamster ... a cute and funny animal, the favorite of the children and adults, a stuffing wedding owner and just a fluffy little pet.

If you have a desire to draw a hamster, then you are at all do not Turn into a great artist. All that you need to learn only to you - this is really to see. After all, watch is does not mean. You can look at a hamster for hours, however, it is not to see the brilliance of his goose-beads, tiny and such human feet, the direction of his wool, funny rounded ears.

But all this is required to see to then embody on a sheet of paper.

So how to draw a hamster?

Consider a hamster in all details

You can view photos and rollers with hamsters laid out on the Internet, or to go to any pet store and live to admire the hamster. What to draw first of all Attention?

First of all, watch the movements of the hamster, because what happens to his body at various movements, behind its behavior and haggards. Remember how its paws are moving, how to increase with each second cheek. Understand him, imbued with his desires and thoughts.

Feel hamster

As we have said, you can possess all the required technical skills, however, the hamster will not all be alive. And if you try to invest in the drawing at least a particle of your soul, express your feelings in it, then the hamster will turn out not only correctly drawn, but also real, alive.

Remember, drawing someone very important to feel the mood of someone you draw, understand all his thoughts, experience the feeling, feel it warm and breathing. Imagine, as if you keep this hamster in my palms, look into his eyes and feel the bit of a little heart.

Pay attention to detail

Before you begin drawing, pay attention to those details that you need to do especially thoroughly draw. Pointed on them attention and carefully Draw them on paper. After all, it is the details of the drawing an incredible liveliness. Carefully consider the hamster and remember every detail - shiny eyes, the direction of the wool, white spot on the breast, the direction of wool, tiny claws on small fingers, funny cheeks and much more.

Then simple select a photo Similar hamster on the Internet and draw it, not forgetting about the details of the stored image.

Today we learn. This is a typical hamster: with large cheeks and round abdomen, sharp teeth and small legs. Brown himself, and his abdomen he has plenty. So, let's begin.

How to draw a hamster pencil

Step one. Draw your head. On the face will spend a vertical auxiliary line. And three more horizontal. They are next. These are levels of eyes, nose and mouth. Below, we will position the oval vertically - this is a torso. He is quite large, because it is the abdomen of our hamster Reno. Now the torso and the head with the bend - the neck. Step second. Note the eye on the already painted level. Below will show your mouth. The mouth should be uneven, and with bend. As if smirked a little rino. Connect head and torso with two lines. Draw two curved lines - the contours of the hands, which stretch to the mouth. Step Three. Inside the outlined eyes show the circle. Then we draw a teeth and tiny beasts of the animal. We will add ears on your head. Between the handles - a small horizontal fold. On the one hand, we show the cheek on the head. At the bottom of oval, we will show two convexities - future hamster legs. Step fourth. Draw small pupils, as shown in the figure. We will carry out the contour of the abdomen, which will be in Rino lighter than the body. The contour needed a line with the jar to simultaneously show the fur. At the site of the bulbs below, we will show the tiny rear paws with curls, on which the animal stands. Pitch fifth. In this part of the lesson, we need to erase all the auxiliary lines and outline the contour. Well, ready! You can paint. I hope you will know now? Even recommend to watch lessons about how to draw:

How to draw a hamster in stages. We will look at this lesson.

Almost every of us is at home there are any animals - cats, dogs, fish .. and those lucky, who have a hamster at home, can watch the little pets - how they are funny to nibble food, keep it in their paws and fill the grinding bags . Externally, hamsters look peace-loving and even good animals. So, how to draw a hamster. We will now show you - it is quite simple.

How to draw a hamster: pattern pattern

  1. Draw two intersecting circumference, the top is smaller, it will be a head. Lower circle - hamster taurus. Our hamster will stand on the hind legs.

  1. On the upper circle, we draw three lines - it will be a fruit and ears. On the lower (hamster torso) - the hamster legs visible to us.

  1. Single line of circles intersecting with launched arcs and engage in a sweetheart hamster. Draw a plump cheek and cheerful black eyes over it. Add your mouth and sticking in different sides of the mustache. Dorisuy the hamster's ear ear.

Add details Figure

  1. Now we will deal with wombata legs. Let's start with the rear and draw them in accordance with the example. The front leg also pay more accurately - the hamster will keep it any item, such as carrot. I hang the back of my hamster - so that it is not too thick, and you can draw a hamster of any kind of j

  1. AND the final stage - Draw the hamster any item in the paws - I will have a little carrot hamster.

Hamsters are cute and fluffy animals, loved by adults and children. They are funny to pinch the cheeks when they eat, joyfully run through the wheel in the cells and can become entertaining and do not require special care of homemade pets. They are attractive not only the simplicity of content, but also a variety of rocks that determine the appearance. The wool in these rodents can be almost any shade, from snow-white to black, with stains or without. The length of fur is also absolutely different. The question of how to draw a hamster, many are given, and especially these are interested in parents of young children. Step-by-step guide on this topic is given in this article. So how to draw a hamster in stages for beginners?

Instead of administration

Drawing a hamster is not at all difficult, but many cause difficulties. The main thing is to make it look like yourself, and not on the mouse, rat or, say, the guinea pig. That is, before drawing a hamster, it is worth familiar with his external species and anatomy. At least a little.

How to draw a hamster in stages - the beginning of work

First of all, we take a pencil and a light push, a certain half one would depict. No need to chase ideal parameters, it is only an outline. And the main thing here is to enjoy the process. Nearby, smashing a bit first, also easily draw another oval, like an egg. This is the head of the future animal. We spend two semicircular intersecting lines here, they will help to further decide where the eyes and mouth will be.

Head details

Draw the ears of the animal, depicting two lines similar to the arch. It is worth incorporating abstract thinking to correctly determine the location, as they will draw a hamster with a pencil. Guides drawn earlier will help this. Under the big oval, which will be to become a torso of rodent, we put two low-uplocks. These are future paws. Sketch of the animal, with which we learn how to draw a hamster in stages, ready. From that moment on, pressing the pencil is stronger.

We continue to work

Draw an animal's eyes in the upper left side of the head. Hamster's shape - pointed on one side oval, which is a bit at an angle. Inside, we take a circle for the future pupil. It must be shaded by pressing a pencil. But be careful, you must leave a pair of glare. We use guide lines made at the beginning of the lesson to give the shape of the ears. Unemless features draw folds and recesses inside the shell. The visible part of another ear also worked.

On a small oval, like an egg, start painting the face of the animal. The nose is similar to the unfinished letter V, and right under it the mouth line. To make a mustache, around blacks are fast strokes. How to draw a hamster with a fluffy face? On the entire perimeter, the smaller oval will pass a series of short strokes, depicting a fur.

Torchish animal

We use dashes under a big oval to draw your paws. Around them with lines black silhouette and end with his fingers. We do the same with another paw. Draw sharp claws. Around this large oval with short strokes draw animal wool, portraying the oblong torso. We attach it to the head.

Single long strokes draw fur. Determine on your own, what wool will be at your hamster. Maybe he will be Angora, with a long wavy fur, and maybe Dzhungarian, with very short. In the lower right side of the torso, the linen is drawing a tail. For the purity of the picture we ereate the initial guides. We apply hatching onto the whole body of a hamster, giving the scope of the figure. Determine the direction of light and work in this direction. Upon completion, a little rising pattern. Hamster ready!

How to draw a hamster from a cartoon?

It is even easier, the baby will cope with such a picture, since the volume and hatching are not needed here. You can do without guides. Let's start again with the oval of the egg-shaped form. This is a head. Behind it, we draw another oval, as if a little hidden for the first. This is a torso. Draw ears.

Fuck the imaginary horizontal line in the middle of the head of the hamster. Right over it draw two circles, one slightly less than the other, it's eyes. Schematically depict the paws, the drawing is two squares and oval under them.

We gradually connect the ears with a smooth feature. We also do the same with the body and paws. We attach a pointed shape of ears and muzzle and, on the contrary, smoothing the limbs. At the bottom schematically refer to the fur and draw the tail.

Eraser erase the initial line sketches. Add details. Inside the eye draw small pupils. Watch carefully, their location will give one or another animal expression. Draw ear shell. The semicircle inside the body is a cheer of a hamster. On the paws with short lines we divide the fingers.

Cartoon hamster ready. Color him at your request. - Magazine of modern youth