Forbidden technologies of the gods. “eternal” magnetic induction lamps: who banned? Forbidden technologies

The article examines the main aspects of containing breakthrough and fuel-free technologies and secret control over the technological development of human civilization. Specific examples of proprietary technologies and those organizations that are responsible for this are given.

As an epigraph to this article, we present an eloquent fragment from Oleg Markeev’s unfinished book “Lethal Exodus”. The author, Oleg Georgievich Markeev, died tragically on June 30, 2009 in St. Petersburg in the prime of his life under unclear circumstances. The writer's laptop has disappeared. In the near future, electronic versions of his books will appear on the Kramol website.

About yours creative path Oleg Markeev says this: “Of course, this is not classic science fiction or fantasy. Rather, these are political novels, where fiction and fantasy are needed only in order to put forward an unexpected version of well-known political events and create an exciting plot based on it. Mysticism and esotericism are also present, but only to the extent necessary for the plot and no more than what exists in the real world. Without the factor of existence " subtle world", secret orders and esoteric knowledge, as well as the existence of special services and state secrets, any analysis will be incomplete, and the picture of the world will be inadequate. The reader, I am sure, seeks in books not only entertainment, but also knowledge. The art of a writer lies in precisely measuring the proportion of one and the other.”

A fragment of Oleg Markeev’s unfinished book “Lethal Exodus”:

The days of the gentleman scientists described by Herbert Wales have sunk into oblivion. Now science was driven not by individual geniuses, but by scientific teams, supplying entire industries with the fruits of their brain activity. In the age of Leonardo, some semi-literate baron financed science from his meager treasury. He didn’t understand a damn thing about alchemy, his only goal was to get some gold for the next war and support for the proliferating bastards, and if he was lucky, a little bit of the elixir of immortality for himself. Back in the era of the Industrial Revolution, business sensed the smell of money coming from the laboratories of scientific eccentrics. But soon science itself became a business. This means that the requirements for those who joined it have increased many times over. From now on, not a single discovery could be the fruit of unsatisfied pride or an insatiable thirst to know the truth. One careless experiment, one uncensored publication in a scientific journal - and the balance of power on which the world is based will fall into the abyss.

The experience with the nuclear bomb taught me a lot. And most importantly, in no case should you leave it without the control of pundits. In heads where atoms are split and galaxies collide, there is no longer any room for common sense. For the sake of a successful experiment, “just good physics”*, they are able to give a nuclear bomb to anyone, transfer the secrets to his enemy, and then loudly declare the beginning of a crusade for world peace. There is no demand from them, as from the blessed ones, but the consequences have to be dealt with for decades.

It’s worth noticing how a “cold” thermonuclear fusion installation will start working in some Paraguay, a synthetic blood substitute will be invented in Russia, or, as with Morty, they will begin to treat cancer with a conspiracy from a Navajo shaman. And where should all the energy or healthcare business go in this case? How to explain to millions of unemployed people that because of the invention of the “eternal light bulb”, and one newly minted Leonardo took it and made it in the garage, how to explain to those who are used to standing eight hours a day at the hated machine that their services are no longer needed. This means you won’t have a Big Mac or football on your color TV screen. Why live then? The mob never asks such a question. And it’s better to never think about it. Otherwise, October in Russia will seem like Mardi Gras*.

The realization that the race for the egos of scientists should be stopped, bridling progress with common sense, perpetuating the existing balance of power, putting under control the implementation of scientific discoveries in the countries of the Free World and reducing the transfer of technology to the countries of the Third World to the limit did not come immediately. It was necessary to get burned several times in order for my head to clear up and the pain to get rid of the remnants of illusions.

* - famous phrase of A. Einstein, in response to the reproach for creating the most deadly weapon in the history of mankind, he said: “For me this is just good physics.”

* – annual carnival in St. Louis

Everyone heard . Understand mosaic essence large-scale phenomenon or process and you can see not individual “elements”, but the whole picture only by moving away some distance. Otherwise the "wise men" will see fragments truth (or lies), and argue about ways to interpret disparate details and facts, thereby keeping the essence of events secret. At the same time, real processes will continue to “go according to plan” and control the destinies of peoples and continents, remaining beyond public perception. Apparently, the next “turning event” will be the Blue Beam project. That is why Blaise Pascal’s statement was used as an epigraph to this part.

Based on the topics covered in this review, it is not difficult to assume that the mentioned “someone” are global thimble-puppeteers playing cat and mouse with the peoples inhabiting the Earth. Local and world wars, high-profile terrorist attacks and disasters, geopolitics and crises - all these are steps and steps towards the next goal of the Global Predictor: creating conditions for the transition to the New World Order, in which his power could gain absolute stability. At this point it is strongly recommended to stop, count to ten, and decide for yourself whether you want to know this secret. This is a puzzle about choosing a red or blue pill in a famous movie. .

1) Store this information in the basements of your consciousness so that it does not receive further dissemination (and then you are a silent accomplice puppeteers, millions of them in the scientific and journalistic community);

2) Laugh at everything written here as “another delusional conspiracy nonsense” (and then you will be rewarded for resourcefulness your mind);

3) Make personal efforts to gain understanding and knowledge (remembering that “Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is the application of knowledge”). And create a small information vibration-wave in the surrounding space (everything in this world is a vibration). Commit act and become one step closer to the truth. And from the reactions of your interlocutors and opponents, understand what worldview and mindset your colleagues and friends around you have.

Let me explain about information waves. Since April 2010 (i.e. more than 3 years), the Russian media have practically not covered the topic in any way man-made disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and the problems that it was designed to solve. Despite the fact that small and large news and online publications and a number of television channels regularly received parts of this review. Not a single “prestigious” media outlet responded to this information or commented on it. The exception is the RussiaToday (RT) TV channel, which devotes short reports to the topic of the disaster several times a year. However, even RT does not go into details and “strange” facts. Although the facts indicate the consistent deployment of a global genocidal program, the goal of which is to gradually reduce the Earth's population to 500 million people.

The reader already knows that, due to the construction of “pyramids”, “inflating bubbles” and buying up the world for green paper, the “behind the scenes” have almost limitless administrative, power and financial resources. But, of course, only as long as the world default agrees to play by the rules prescribed by the Global Predictor. And this agreement stems not so much from the power of the US/NATO military machine, but from the fact that the world has been in governed by biblical concept.

"Exit" on the topic of this material took place in early 2011 during a conversation with an American researcher Michael Edward (). Trying to find some way to protect the population from " "on the Gulf Coast, it is actively , as well as with some extraordinary personalities. Edward's own research and experimentation focused on and aimed at from petrocorexite and synthetic microorganisms. He also carried out his own research in the field (for more details, see (6 parts) and previous issues of this review).

Thanks to his "military connections" and the study of resonances, he knew about the inventor (; r. 1942, Vancouver, Canada). Hutchison was " in the narrow circles of alternative physicists and certain military departments" as a successor to the work of N. Tesla (he began in the 1970s by repeating the experiments of the world famous Serb; see video with the results of the experiments of 1979-1989. ). , which he has been conducting since then, are capable of “blowing the mind” of any orthodox physicist: using a combination of acoustic and electromagnetic waves and static fields, this “self-taught without regalia” is playing with remote ; And (with receipt And ); (bending ) And substances; , , « "and many other things that just give you chills. 2 However, if you understand the axiom that everything that exists has its own vibrations and resonances, then the “Hutchison effects” look quite “natural”.

During the Reagan years, the SDI program (“ Star wars") with the task of establishing an anti-missile "shield" over America, rumors about Hutchison's experiments reached officials and military specialists at NASA, the Livermore and Los Alamos centers. First of all, they were intrigued by the fact that the insignificant power of the devices used by this self-taught Canadian, nevertheless, gave incredible results and generated . Video materials are usually , since filming is most often carried out , and he is not particularly successful in the role of cinematographer. Exception popular science films like , or .

Part And Hutchison V and on (including his affidavit). There are also interviews with Lockheed Martin (Boyd Bushman) the reliability of John Hutchison's experiments and hints at something more. From the above it follows that part of the results of his work and experiments “settled” in the safes of Canadian and American military structures.

One day in 1991, when Hutchison was not at home, Canadian intelligence services completely dismantled and removed his home laboratory (John was a Canadian citizen, but emigrated to the United States and has since lived in Minnesota). Subsequent correspondence and legal proceedings did not allow anything to be returned (military and government departments cited aspects of national security). However, by 2001, Hutchison had rebuilt his laboratory from scratch.

In 2006, they again tried to involve him in joint work with the military, but to no avail. Apparently, Hutchison was never interested in money or positions. He prefers to be the "captain" of his tiny boat, , but do what you love: studying Nature and scientific inventions of past centuries and millennia. In addition, he is well aware that dual-use physics will inevitably be used to develop the most terrifying systems of destruction.

For most readers not familiar with his works, all this is nothing more than an empty phrase. this eccentric is more of an inconvenience than a pleasant acquaintance, since during John’s experiments, doors begin to open on their own in their apartments and inexplicable phenomena occur. Understanding what Hutchison is dealing with requires familiarization with documents and an extensive video library (including non-fiction films about him) and an open mind about his appearance. 3 In addition, those who encountered his activities are required to revise the physical paradigm and return to the physics of the “pre-Einstein” era, about which few people know anything at all.

As it were, disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, Hutchison developed an installation that creates , which could “clean up” certain areas of the coast, and . (In one of the documentary programs, Hutchison demonstrates this installation, called " "). According to residents of the areas where he used his “generator,” the environmental situation in the surrounding area improved for some time.

This episode could have been passed over in silence if not for the complex of phenomena with which this self-taught person dealt. The term “ Hutchison effects" And here lies buried one of the “carefully hushed up” topics to this day: manifestation of the Hutchison effects during the “terrorist attacks” of September 11, 2001.

As it turned out, events of September 11, 2001 were accompanied by a whole complex of phenomena very reminiscent of the results of some experiments by Hutchison, Tesla and Keely. To this effect, in 2008, Hutchison gave an affidavit, providing them with copies of documents from his archive; maybe with them anyone who speaks English.

September 11, 2001 The Statue of Liberty looks on as the sacrifice takes place. Photo: Aris Economopoulos.

Those who are “in the know” know that this statue is the image of the Sumerian goddess Inanna, and Egyptian Isis. “Ishtar was considered the patroness of prostitutes, hetaeras and homosexuals.” 4 She is the one" " Goddess Ishtar is also considered a wife (co-ruler ). The symbols of the goddess Ishtar were Owls and Snakes.” And the theme of owls and reptiles is tightly woven into the symbolism of secret societies and heraldry. Symbolism is not even a random thing...

An inverted pentagram-pentagon is . As mentioned in , an inverted pentagram and an owl were originally “woven” into the architecture of Washington. The terrorist attacks that took place in the United States also fit into the huge pentagram. Yes, and myself " " V highest degree symbolic and truly imbued . “It just so happened” that precisely those employees of this , who “knew too much” about the “shortage” of 2.3 trillion. dollars (which will be discussed in the following parts of the review). From the point of view of numerology, this is “Black Tuesday” was . See also of this review.

The events of September 11, 2001 were a milestone that opened new era in geopolitics and international relations, in which the cruelty of actions against the ruling elite and the population of foreign states (Iraq, Libya, Syria) has reached completely forgotten or new “records”. To justify these actions, decoys and large-scale secret special operations are used en masse. In addition, “thanks to” the “terrorist threat,” total surveillance of citizens and leaders of their own and foreign states, hidden and overt aggression, interference in the internal affairs of entities at various levels, as well as the rapid development of regional and global environmental and biological wars have been legalized.

All these processes are controlled from a common center, and their ultimate goal is the establishment of a New World Order (“Matrix”, in which global fascism will be accompanied by total control and management of 500 million inhabitants - those whom the puppet masters want to keep alive).

One can get an idea of ​​the methods by which the Global Predictor and its periphery try to achieve their goals on the “physical plane” by studying the hidden aspects of man-made disasters (for example, in the Gulf of Mexico and at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant). The second source is special operations accompanied by the destruction of the civilian population of foreign and native countries (these are almost all the high-profile terrorist attacks and massacres of the last 20 years). Since we cannot expect words of truth from the Russian media and scientists (their “owners” are not local and pay them not for the truth, but for lying and concealing the truth), we will do this work for them.

Longer term genocidal (chemtrails, hydraulic fracturing, chemical and genetic “additives” that affect the consciousness, health and fertility of the population, and a number of others) are much larger and more effective than “quick murder”, however, it is the use of secret and monstrous in their consequences methods of exterminating people that show who exactly rules on earth. He has been ruling for many centuries - with the help of the biblical concept and adapted “to himself” by education, science and culture. In order to fight the enemy and defeat him, the enemy and his methods of war “need to be known by sight.”

Let us consider the physical essence of the epoch-making “terrorist attack” that turned the previous course of history and geopolitical games. Moreover, he had incomparably more witnesses and documents than the special operation." ", which involved the United States in II World War. As for the moral deterrents, for the people who started wars in which millions of people die, a small special operation designed to initiate fundamental geopolitical changes and form their “footholds” in Eurasia would be a very “priority” task.

New types of weapons and the Alliance of Nine

As a second “bridge” to the topic under consideration, let me remind you that in 2012 at the suggestion of V.V. Putin there were mentions in the media , being developed in a number of countries, including Russia. Their “non-lethal” variants certainly fit the definition of “pacifying tools” of the New World Order (with their help you can ). But more exotic species based " : beam, physical, wave, gene and psychophysical» deserve serious attention (see links , , ). After all, such statements, at a minimum, mean that the stages of theoretical basis and trial experiments are already behind us; next in line is entering the stage of prototypes and design development (after all, the stated deadline - until 2020 - no longer leaves time for “theory”).

In one of the articles " "(FAS) it is mentioned that commission under the leadership of the US Secretary of Defense began to “scare” the public with conversations on the growing threat to American space assets from “rogue countries” and hinted at attacks in the spirit (one more , dating from 1941). 5 And this commission recommended that the US President place weapons systems in space “to protect American property.” 6 The (2005) article also notes that Rumsfeld "implemented many of the commission's recommendations." The day before the "terrorist attacks" Rumsfeld mentioned (from mark 0:15). And early in the morning of September 11, at a meeting in the Pentagon, he predicted that in the near future the world would expect , and within an hour the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center tower.

By the way, in the same 2005 (in Washington; not to be confused with the same name ) published with retired US Air Force Colonel Dr. Douglas Beeson ( ) 7 and explanatory note " ».

This difficult “guest” of the Foundation repeatedly refused to go into details, but in simple words outlined the opportunities that various ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, including sub-terahertz (millimeter waves used in microwaves invented by the Nazis), provide for the creation of weapons. The Japanese also made attempts to shoot down planes using MKV cannons, but the power of their systems was still too low. Beeson notes that Billions of dollars are allocated for the development of ONPE systems.

Millimeter microwaves have become the basis for (its developments were carried out in the 1990s), because. radio waves in this range perceived nervous system (subcutaneous layer 1/3 mm thick) how warm. With such an impact, the quasi-thermal shock is so strong that Those caught in the beam feel like they are on fire. The same system makes it possible to suppress the will (“project voices” into the human brain), destroy the immune system, or destroy multiple launch rocket systems and conventional projectiles. In his interview, Beeson hides behind the pretext of “protecting troops on the battlefield,” but in reviews dedicated to , states that “these weapons can bring entire nations to their knees.”

IN 2011 (at the suggestion of the Nazi rocket scientist Wernher von Braun) listed the steps that will be taken (by the periphery of the Global Predictor) towards the establishment of the New World Order. After the “Russian” and “terrorist” threats, they will launch a horror story on the topic of “rogue countries” (“states of concern”). 8 And it will be followed by “ "(p. 406). (Remember hysteria 9 And public consciousness, after the famous “meteor” events in Chelyabinsk With " "that "Russia will deploy an asteroid hazard monitoring system in space").

This is said to mean that mass control of humanity continues. It’s just that this control is skillfully taken into the realm of myths and legends. But this is precisely the tactic that secret societies and orders have used in recent centuries. To get a historical perspective on this issue, the reader is advised to look at a rather unusual documentary « ”, which substantiates the existence for twenty centuries of a certain deeply secret group of “sages” who control the technological development of mankind and “shoot down” those who “meddle where they are not supposed to.” Among the likely victims of the ubiquitous killers are:

Rudolf Diesel, engine developer internal combustion(missing in action).

Richard Klem, creator of the fuelless engine (found dead).

Stefan Marinov, invented a generator that produces energy from air and experimentally (killed in the Austrian city of Graz).

Gennady Krokhalev, derived a universal formula for influencing the human brain (suicide staged).

Mustafa Ahmadi Roshan, invented new way uranium enrichment (died in a car bomb).

List mysterious deaths scientists working on revolutionary technologies is a very long one. At one time, eight of the ten leading scientists working at Los Alamos died one after another. According to the authors of the program and biophysicist Alexei Karnaukhov, in Russia the “hunt for scientists” began in 1998, and over the course of 10 years, about 50 specialists who worked at the forefront of science and were on the verge of greatest discoveries(from elevation ). 10 The program talks about “targeting” primarily at specialists in the field of nuclear and psychological warfare (not. ).

Everyone probably remembers the aphorism of the English philosopher “Knowledge is power”; but this phrase (“Knowledge (itself) is power”) can also be translated as “ Knowledge is power" It seems to me that this meaning is correct. Managing the flow of knowledge available to every member of society makes it possible to manage civilization, direct its development and worldview in a direction beneficial (for a narrow group of people).

In 1860, the writer and French consul in India , while studying ancient manuscripts, discovered a book describing “the sterilization of the population through radiation, psychological warfare and the release of energy” (with ). Soon he found a mention of the “Union of Nine Unknowns”. Over the course of 22 centuries, this Union has accumulated all the important scientific knowledge obtained in all the territories under its control. This is how it became known for the first time about a certain “invisible” group of “sages” who acquire all the important knowledge and control the development of mankind.

Writer Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890). Ancient Indian king Ashoka (273-232 BC)

Jacolliot came to the conclusion that “all the knowledge with which the greatest minds of the planet shone was taken from the same source,” and that , , , were members of an extremely secret organization that had been in possession of the “knowledge of the gods” for several millennia.

In the 3rd century. BC Indian ruler came to the conviction that humanity would eventually destroy itself. To counter this threat, King Ashoka allegedly formed “ ", whose task would be to counteract technological progress. Accordingly, Ashoka divided the collected knowledge into nine parts, and each of the sages of the Union kept one of the nine sacred books.

The treatises collected by the followers of Ashoka are dedicated to :

1. Psychology of the crowd and the impact on the human masses. This book is considered the most dangerous because it allows you to control the entire world;
2. The nervous system and methods of killing. It is described in detail how to control the flow of nerve currents in the body, how to kill and revive a person . Probably due to information leaks from the second book, ;
3. - And ;
4. And metals;
5. Terrestrial and extraterrestrial methods of communication;
6. ;
7. ;
8. and the laws of space development;
9. Sociology and the laws of evolution .

How to write in , "there is some unknown demon guard, which, as soon as a genius appears somewhere or a civilization blossoms, immediately delivers a precisely calculated blow, and humanity again finds itself thrown back centuries. The weapon of this demon is diverse: it can be a soldier’s sword for the mathematician Archimedes, a random bullet for the philosopher Wittgenstein, an invasion of barbarians for Rome, wars, epidemics, revolutions, an “accident”, and finally, direct intervention! The result is always the same: the death of a genius, the destruction of culture, the decline of civilization.”

But, in my opinion, the “Union of Nine” only denotes the phenomenon itself and does not delve into the modern reasons for strict control on new technologies. In addition, over the past centuries, network structures of secret lodges and orders, knowing about the existence of a storehouse of knowledge (potential power), could not help but try to penetrate this Union and “eviscerate” its storerooms. After all, after the death of each of the book keepers, a replacement had to be found in his place, and secret network structures had extensive experience in penetrating any closed society...

Probably, in no small part thanks to the seizure of control over the “Union of Nine”, from the beginning of the 19th century the notorious , accompanied by a scientific and technological revolution and an unbridled increase in consumption. It is possible that the “Union of Nine” was either originally identical to the concept of “ "(GP; very specific “healers-sorcerers”, preserved from the times of Atlantis), or underwent a radical transformation due to into the ranks of the Union of “zaslantsev” from the State Enterprise. After all, whatever one may say, since the formation Satanists in the 19th century about the first "No living creature should be killed."

Things are also bad with technological progress, worldview and energy. The average inhabitant of the Earth has virtually no coherent understanding of the world around us and the Universe as a whole. IN late XIX centuries, physicists have seen the path to free and unlimited energy, capable of giving humanity independence from any power structures, but the world continues to receive energy, mainly from the ineffective and environmentally harmful reaction of hydrocarbon oxidation, which means someone is behind this “containment”. Obviously, those interested in extending the “era of oil” are primarily the clans of the financial “elite”, which at the beginning of the 20th century seized control over the discovered and newly discovered hydrocarbon production territories.

It would be useful to expand , engaged .

() formulated "physicists ", created amazing (dynaspheres) and , destructive and zeroing the weight of bodies. He was supported as a sponsor by an American millionaire and inventor

Many researchers of the UFO phenomenon interpret their origins differently. Some believe that these are interstellar alien ships. Others say that these are secret aircraft of terrestrial origin, being developed by the governments of developed countries. Others believe that highly developed flying technology was already owned by the inhabitants of an ancient civilization. Which answer is correct? Most likely the truth lies somewhere in the middle

Only if this is so, then it is quite possible that UFOs are secret aircraft created on the basis of studying information (and not only) about ancient aircraft. This is precisely what can explain the rapid scientific and technological revolution that swept the world at the end XIX beginning XX century.
In 1985, the book “Vimanas in Ancient India” was published in India. Its author is professor and Sanskrit scholar from Calcutta D. K. Kanjilal. While still in college, he noticed that ancient Indian books often contain descriptions of flying machines and air travel on them. These machines were called differently: Radhas, aerial chariots, but most often - vimanas. He began to carefully study ancient texts, consulted with experts in the field of aviation and astronautics, studied works on meteorology, materials science, comparing modern scientific data with what ancient books reported. The oldest of these texts are the Vedas. They were compiled, according to most Indologist scholars, no later than 2500 BC; the scientist X. Jacobi dates them back to 4500 BC, and the Indian researcher V. G. Tilak - even by 6000 BC. Of course, the Vedic texts are the oldest known books in the world today. The Vedas are a kind of encyclopedia of the ancient Indians, which contains religious hymns and ritual charters, historical chronicles, and various information on astronomy, cosmogony, meteorology, metallurgy, and medicine. In 150 verses of the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda, flying machines are described. One of these “Aerial Chariots Flying Without a Horse” was built, according to the text, by the divine master Ribhu. The text says that this chariot was very comfortable and flew in the ways of birds in the sky. The ancient author gives technical specifications and design: the device had a triangular shape, two wings, was three-story, had three wheels that retracted during flight, and was made of several types of metal. In the ancient Indian epics "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", "Samaranga Sutradhara", "Rigveda", certain "heavenly chariots" on which gods and heroes flew across the sky are repeatedly mentioned. Faster than thought, the chariot moved like a bird in the sky, rising to the sun and moon and falling to the ground with a loud roar,” the text says. The chariot was controlled by three pilots and carried 7-8 passengers. It could land both on the ground and Vedic texts give descriptions of chariots on which the gods flew. Kanjilal notes about 20 mentions of flying machines, and he says that this is only a small part. his army was attacked by “Flying Fire Shields”, which frightened Alexander’s cavalry. It is also worth mentioning that “Heavenly Chariots” are present in the mythology of many other ancient peoples. Heavenly chariots of the gods are mentioned in the mythology of the ancient Greeks, Germans, Scandinavians, and the mythology of the Mesopotamian peoples. ancient egypt. Judging by the descriptions, these were real aircraft capable of moving not only in the atmosphere, but also under water and in outer space. In particular, it is mentioned that these aircraft could move within the solar system and make interstellar flights! In many classical Indian texts, vimana aircraft are described as two-decker round ships with openings and a dome. The vimanas flew with the speed of the wind, emitting a melodious sound. There were several types of vimanas in the Rama Empire: some were saucer-shaped, others were like long cylinders. The ancient Indian treatise "Samara Sutradhara", written in the 4th century BC based on older texts, talks about the design of vimanas, in various ways their takeoff and landing and even the possibility of bird strikes. Vimanas could take off vertically and hover in the air like a modern helicopter. That is, the vimanas had all the signs of a modern UFO. This is vertical takeoff and landing, the ability to hover in one place and quickly move at different angles. It is also said that the vimanas were built from very durable fireproof material, which also speaks of the real scientific basis underlying the Samara Sutradhara. Vimanas, like modern airplanes, were kept in special hangars.
So what was the operating principle of these aircraft? We can find the answer in the study of another ancient artifact - the varja. Varja is also mentioned in many legends as a formidable weapon of the gods, capable of creating artificial lightning and cutting stones. In fact, a vajra is a device that generates an alternating directed electromagnetic field and drives a rod into rotational mechanical motion for an unlimited amount of time, consisting, like an electric motor, of a rotor and a stator. Unlike an electric motor driven by torque, which is created as a result of burning fuel, the vajra uses permanent shaped magnets laid out in a certain order. As you know, any magnet with the same field tends to repel another magnet with the same magnetic field charge, or tends to be attracted to a magnet with a different field charge. The difference in magnetic induction vectors and the bending force of magnetic fields is the working fluid of such an engine. That is, the warja is driven by strong magnetic fields, which spin a rotor made up of oppositely polarized magnets, thereby generating an electric current. The rotor movement is self-sustaining and constant. In other words, a varja is an implosive electromagnetic generator that draws energy from the surrounding space. The only difference from a conventional generator driven by heated steam or a continuous flow of water, the varja generator is driven by magnetic fields, namely vortex flows of magnetic fields. And the stronger the magnetic field, the stronger the rotation of the rotor and the power of the generated energy will be. It is the operating principle of varja that underlies the engines of ancient vimanas and modern UFOs. According to numerous photos and video According to photographs and eyewitness accounts, UFO engines are luminous round objects located under the bottom of the device. An implosion motor consists of electromagnetic rotor blades connected to a stator. When the rotor blades rotate, a torque is created that produces energy. Side effect is a strong magnetic field, plasma glow and electrostatic discharge. In addition, the torque of the implosion engine creates an air flow, which is actually a controlled tornado, which also at the initial stage is the working fluid of the engine and lifting force aircraft. Another ancient treatise, the Vimanika Shastra, mentions a certain “leading vortex” that set the vimana in motion. This is probably a description of the implosion engine of an ancient aircraft. The following source also speaks of the powerful air current created by the vimana engine: “Houses and Trees Trembled, and Small Plants Were Uprooted by the Terrifying Wind, Caves in the Mountains Were Filled with Roar, and the Sky Seemed to Split into Pieces or Fall from the Enormous Speed ​​and Mighty Roar Air Crew."
An implosive engine, in contrast to an explosive engine, the lifting force of which is the hot gases escaping from the nozzle as a jet stream, uses the implosive thrust of an artificial tornado. This is what can explain the ability to quickly take off from the ground. Also in favor of this version are numerous crop circles, which cannot be explained except by the trace of an implosion engine. As a rule, on genuine circles, the ears of cereals are not crushed, but intertwined with each other. There are virtually no signs of breaks or damage. Moreover, the ears intertwined with each other not only do not die, but also continue to grow, merging with each other! Also, many researchers note the strong magnetization of the area, which also speaks in favor of an implosion engine. The disc shape is designed for atmospheric flight, as evidenced by the flattened aerodynamic shape. This shape allows you to develop greater speed and at the same time reduce the friction of the device with the air, which prevents the body from heating up. Also, this shape ideally allows you to instantly turn at an acute angle and fly into the opposite side. On all UFOs you can see lights located around the perimeter and under the bottom of the device. The lights ring around the central light source, which, as a rule, is always larger and brighter than the others. These lights, in addition to the usual side lights, are the plasma glow of the implosion engine. Exactly the same plasma torch can be seen in various images of warjs. From which we can conclude that in the center there is a propulsion engine, which is responsible for takeoff, landing, and also keeping the vehicle in the air. Along the perimeter there are maneuvering engines designed for horizontal flight. These engines, by alternating activation, spin the device around its axis, setting it in motion in any direction. It should be noted that the device has two housings: an external movable one and an internal semi-movable one. The inner body is the crew cabin, which rotates by inertia, dampening the resulting overloads. The outer body actually functions as a wing. To stop and turn, the device has rudders that extend from the device - ailerons, which are designed to stop the rotation and tilt of the device. In the upper rarefied layers of the atmosphere and airless outer space, the device operates due to a magnetic field that counteracts the earth's magnetic field. Still, it is a great success that ancient technologies have not sunk into the abyss of time. It is noteworthy to note that dome-shaped objects were found in the Gobi Desert, which were hemispheres ending in a cone with mercury inside. A description very similar to these objects is found in one of the ancient Indian poems. Perhaps it was precisely such Findings, together with ancient manuscripts, that formed the basis of modern technology, some of which have not yet been declassified. In any case, knowledge did not die, and it formed the basis of modern technotronic civilization. Even if this civilization is still based on explosive technologies for burning organic fuel, and has many shortcomings and problems. But knowledge tends to translate into real deeds, and sooner or later humanity will come to the point where it will be necessary to implement the ancient technologies of the gods. This edge will mark the onset of technological singularity, which can be safely called the onset of the golden age of superhumanity.

Prohibited engine technologies. Starlight

This is a material that can withstand ultra-high temperatures - more than 10,000 degrees...

The creator of this amazing composite is an amateur inventor from Yorkshire, Maurice Ward.

The unique invention was featured on the TV show “Tomorrows World” in March 1990. To illustrate the material's capabilities, the presenter covered one chicken egg layer of starlight, and left the second one unchanged. Both eggs were heated with an acetylene torch, and the shells without “thermal protection” instantly melted. Imagine the surprise of TV viewers when, after 5 minutes of heating, the composite-coated egg remained intact and unharmed! The presenter broke it - it turned out to be completely raw.

Thus, the heat-resistant composition, which in its characteristics “outperforms” even quartz airgel, consists of 21 ingredients. The technology was simply doomed to worldwide fame, it could be put into mass production, but... In 2011, the inventor took the secret of creating the Starlight with him to the grave.

WattUp Wireless Charging Technology - wireless charging technology, read with a translator:
In 1951 (1961) thousands of technologies were classified. Now they are returning to people. It is important to emphasize: these are NOT new inventions, even if some company is developing and implementing them. Recharging from a distance: a tech startup in San Jose, California has received approval from the Federal Communications Commission.
Recharge from a distance
This technology was widely used in the so-called 19th century, when spiers were installed on buildings, power poles were without wires, and trams ran “without horns.” Electricity was transmitted to them at a distance. If we declassify all technologies, our lives will be miraculously transformed.
On the left in the photo there is a pole without wires, and the tram rides without horses and without “horns” connected to wires?

These 2 photos are taken from here, there are interesting comments:
Poles without wires. Electricity was supplied to houses, churches, and industrial enterprises.


As you know, what is good for a Russian is death for a German. This saying reflects not only the sociocultural difference between these two countries, but also generally shows how multifaceted and diverse our world is. So, for example, in some countries cloning is a reason for pride, but in some countries genetic scientists are sent to prison for this. So, the top 5 interesting technologies that are banned for some reason in different countries.

iPhones may be banned in Iran. And this is not a matter of many years of confrontation with the dominant Western culture and not even in religious tenets. Most Iranian iPhones are contraband, and in order to combat it, the authorities insist on opening an official representative office of Apple in the country. This possibility is now being considered, but a year ago, due to sanctions, this was out of the question. I think that everything will work out, and the people of Iran will not lose the opportunity to take selfies.

While the possibility of teleportation is being seriously discussed in Russia, time travel is still banned in China. And this is due to the fact that such fantastic things (even in movies or books) can denigrate history and distort it, which will have a bad effect on the stronghold of communism. By the way, the technology of reincarnation is also prohibited by law, and this is not the madness of local deputies, but a completely competent political move, an attempt to take control and politically “kill” the Tibetan monks and the Dalai Lama himself.

Singapore has long been almost a leader in various prohibitions: from chewing gum to opening durian fruit in public places. But technology does not stand still, and Singapore becomes the first country to ban vaping, which is trendy around the world. In all countries, the attitude towards the new product is ambiguous: the British Ministry of Health issues an official decree that it is 95% safer than cigarettes, the tobacco lobby in the United States is trying to push through Congress a law banning vaping of electronic cigarettes, but Russian deputies are still thinking about it.

Video games are often the target of bans due to their gore or promotion of violence. Greece, 15 years ago, went the furthest and completely banned all video games, although the ban had to be lifted at the request of the European Union. And in South Korea, where gaming addiction has already reached the proportions of a national disaster, games are banned for children and teenagers from 12 at night to 6 in the morning. Judging by the growing number of videos online where Russian children play on the computer for days and go crazy, perhaps our legislators should think about using Asian experience.

Pokemon hysteria has taken over the world. There are already victims (hit by cars or maimed in a fight for a valuable Pokemon). In Saudi Arabia, the demonic game of Shaitan was quickly banned, although it is not surprising that intellectual chess is also banned there. The decision to ban PokemonGo is explained by the fact that the entertainment contains elements of godlessness, excitement and the recognized sinful theory of evolution. Meanwhile, in Russia, some political activists are planning to increase the turnout of young voters in the State Duma elections with the help of Pokemon. We'll see in September whether catching Pokemon will help attract young people to fulfill their civic duty.

Be that as it may, there will be excesses always and everywhere, and it’s not only here that lace panties are prohibited. The main thing in this matter is to know when to stop and pull the “crazy printer” out of the socket in time.

In 1901, the famous, brilliant scientist Nikolai Tesla designed the huge Wardenclyffe Tower in New York. JP Morgan took over the financial part of the project. Tesla wanted to implement free radio communications and provide humanity with free electricity. Morgan was simply expecting wireless international communications.

The idea of ​​free electricity horrified the industrial and financial Aces. There were no willing revolutions in the world economy; everyone was holding on to super-profits. Therefore, the project was canceled.

So what did Tesla build? How was he going to make free electricity? In the 21st century, the idea of ​​alternative energy, powered by other sources, is receiving increasing support. A kind of opponent to oil, coal, and gas here are the renewable resources of the Earth and other planets.

Where can you get free electricity from? Sunlight, wind energy, earth energy, use of tides, muscle energy human body can change the future of the planet. Pipelines and reactor sarcophagi will become a thing of the past. Many states will be able to free their economies from the need to purchase expensive sources of electricity.

Much attention is paid to the search for alternative energy sources that are easily renewable. In recent decades, humanity has been concerned about problems of environmental cleanliness and resource efficiency.

From year to year, the cost of electricity in our houses and apartments is increasing, which makes most people think about saving it. But there are also those who are trying in every possible way to extract at least a little free energy, for example, electricity from the ground. Since the number of these people is steadily growing, it makes sense to consider the issue in more detail, which will be done in this article.

Myths and reality

There are a large number of video videos where people light 150 W lamps from the ground, start electric motors, and so on. There are even more different text materials that tell in detail about earth batteries. It is not recommended to take such information too seriously, because you can write anything, but carry out the appropriate preparation before shooting a video.

After viewing or reading these materials, you can really believe in various fables. For example, that the electric or magnetic field of the Earth contains an ocean of free electricity, which is quite easy to obtain. The truth is that the reserve of energy is truly enormous, but extracting it is not at all easy. Otherwise, no one would use internal combustion engines, heat themselves with natural gas, and so on.

For reference. Our planet’s magnetic field really exists and protects all living things from the harmful effects of various particles coming from the Sun. The field lines of this field run parallel to the surface from west to east.

If, in accordance with the theory, we conduct a certain virtual experiment, we can see how difficult it is to obtain electricity from the earth’s magnetic field. Let's take 2 metal electrodes, for the purity of the experiment - in the form of square sheets with sides of 1 m. We will install one sheet on the surface of the earth perpendicular to the lines of force, and raise the second to a height of 500 m and orient it in space in the same way.

Theoretically, a potential difference of about 80 volts will arise between the electrodes. The same effect will be observed if the second sheet is placed underground, at the bottom of the deepest shaft. Now imagine such a power plant – a kilometer high, with a huge surface area of ​​the electrodes. In addition, the station must withstand lightning strikes, which will definitely strike it. Perhaps this is the reality of the distant future.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to obtain electricity from the ground, albeit in tiny quantities. It can be enough to light an LED flashlight, turn on a calculator, or charge your cell phone a little. Let's look at ways to do this.

Electricity from two rods

This method is based on a completely different theory and has nothing to do with the Earth’s magnetic or electric field. And this theory is about the interaction of galvanic pairs in a saline solution. If you take two rods of different metals and immerse them in such a solution (electrolyte), a potential difference will appear at the ends. Its value depends on many factors: composition, saturation and temperature of the electrolyte, size of the electrodes, immersion depth, and so on.

Such generation of electricity is also possible through the ground. We take 2 rods from different metals, forming a so-called galvanic pair: aluminum and copper. We immerse them in the ground to a depth of approximately half a meter, keeping the distance between the electrodes small, 20-30 cm is enough. We water the area of ​​land between them generously with saline solution and after 5-10 minutes we take measurements with an electronic voltmeter. The meter readings may vary, but at best you will get 3V.

Note. The voltmeter readings depend on the soil moisture, its natural salt content, the size of the rods and the depth of their immersion.

In fact, everything is simple, the resulting free electricity is the result of the interaction of a galvanic couple, in which moist earth served as an electrolyte, the principle is similar to the operation of a salt battery. A real experiment about the potential difference across electrodes driven into the ground can be seen in the video:

Electricity from ground and neutral wire

This phenomenon also does not arise from the Earth’s magnetic field, but due to the fact that part of the current “drains” through the grounding during hours of greatest electricity consumption. Most users know that home voltage is supplied through 2 conductors: phase and neutral. If there is a third conductor connected to a good grounding circuit, then a voltage of up to 15 V can “walk” between it and the zero contact. This fact can be recorded by connecting a load between the contacts in the form of a 12 V light bulb. And what is typical, passing from the ground to “zero” current is absolutely not recorded by metering devices.

It is difficult to take advantage of such free voltage in an apartment, since reliable grounding cannot be found there; pipelines cannot be considered as such. But in a private house, where a priori there must be a grounding loop, electricity can be obtained. For connection it is used simple circuit: neutral wire - load - ground. Some craftsmen have even adapted to smooth out current fluctuations with a transformer and attach a suitable load.

Attention! Do not follow the lead of “good” advisers who suggest using a phase conductor instead of a neutral conductor! The fact is that with such a connection, the phase and ground will give you 220 V, but touching the ground bus is deadly. This is especially true for “craftsmen” who do similar things in apartments, connecting the load to the phase and battery. They pose a risk of electric shock to all neighbors.


Extracting electricity from the planet’s magnetic field with your own hands is unrealistic. The methods described above are another matter, but their practical value is small. Maybe charge your phone while hiking, but then you’ll have to carry metal pipes with you. Regarding the second method, it should be noted that the voltage between ground and zero does not always appear, and if it does, it is very unstable. Other methods require a large amount of copper and aluminum with an unknown result, which the author of the installation shown in the figure honestly warns about:

As you know, what is good for a Russian is death for a German. This saying reflects not only the sociocultural difference between these two countries, but also generally shows how multifaceted and diverse our world is. So, for example, in some countries cloning is a reason for pride, but in some countries genetic scientists are sent to prison for this. So, the top 5 interesting technologies that are banned for some reason in different countries.

Number 5

iPhones may be banned in Iran. And this is not a matter of many years of confrontation with the dominant Western culture or even religious tenets. Most Iranian iPhones are contraband, and in order to combat it, the authorities insist on opening an official representative office of Apple in the country. This possibility is now being considered, but a year ago this was out of the question due to sanctions. I think that everything will work out, and the people of Iran will not lose the opportunity to take selfies.

Number 4

While the possibility of teleportation is being seriously discussed in Russia, time travel is still banned in China. And this is due to the fact that such fantastic things (even in movies or books) can denigrate history and distort it, which will have a bad effect on the stronghold of communism. By the way, the technology of reincarnation is also prohibited by law, and this is not the madness of local deputies, but a completely competent political move, an attempt to take control and politically “kill” the Tibetan monks and the Dalai Lama himself.

Number 3

Singapore has long been almost a leader in various prohibitions: from chewing gum to opening durian fruit in public places. But technology does not stand still, and Singapore becomes the first country to ban vaping, which is trendy around the world. In all countries, the attitude towards the new product is ambiguous: the British Ministry of Health issues an official decree that it is 95% safer than cigarettes, the tobacco lobby in the United States is trying to push through Congress a law banning vaping of electronic cigarettes, but Russian deputies are still thinking about it.

Number 2

Video games are often the target of bans due to their gore or promotion of violence. Greece, 15 years ago, went the furthest and completely banned all video games, although the ban had to be lifted at the request of the European Union. And in South Korea, where gaming addiction has already reached the proportions of a national disaster, games are banned for children and teenagers from 12 at night to 6 in the morning. Judging by the growing number of videos online where Russian children play on the computer for days and go crazy, perhaps our legislators should think about using Asian experience.

Number 1

Pokemon hysteria has taken over the world. There are already victims (hit by cars or maimed in a fight for a valuable Pokemon). In Saudi Arabia, the demonic game of Shaitan was quickly banned, although it is not surprising that intellectual chess is also banned there. The decision to ban PokemonGo is explained by the fact that the entertainment contains elements of godlessness, excitement and the recognized sinful theory of evolution. Meanwhile, in Russia, some political activists are planning to increase the turnout of young voters in the State Duma elections with the help of Pokemon. We'll see in September whether catching Pokemon will help attract young people to fulfill their civic duty.

Be that as it may, there will be excesses always and everywhere, and it’s not only here that lace panties are prohibited. The main thing in this matter is to know when to stop and pull the “crazy printer” out of the socket in time.


Eternal magnetic induction lamps: who banned?

FORBIDDEN TECHNOLOGIES. “Eternal” magnetic induction lamps: who banned?

“Everything new is well forgotten old.” Only the “new”, for some reason, is most often an ersatz copy of the more advanced “gadgets” of the past. Which, for “some” reasons, were hidden from our knowledge. Question: in whose interests? Ours? Or those who, thanks to our ignorance, rule this world?


MAGNETIC LAMP for 10 years of operation in the 19th century?!!

Why was it banned? Who?!! Alas, we are not supposed to know this...

How did a lamp burn in the 19th century without an electrical connection?

Very simply - thanks to the placement of a strong magnet and a magnetic field interrupter nearby - which was then classified...

And to turn it on, only a small mechanical impulse was required - cocking the spring lever. And then the process of self-maintenance of the oscillatory circuit of the magnetic field was launched. Is it really possible that no one can achieve such a process today?

Or thanks to this permanent magnet generator, only miniature:

In general, if you want to live in light and warmth, don’t be afraid to go out into the cold and demand your rights, and, most importantly, the TRUTH!…

ATTENTION: we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the topic of this article:

Lenin and... broadcast. Or who and why banned “free energy” in the USSR

FORBIDDEN SCIENCE. Bio-transmutation: a discovery that brings us a New Future

CAR ON THE AIR. Or how the story of one invention ended -

FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE. Inventions and technologies classified from society

FORBIDDEN PHYSICS. Free Energy Generators - manufacturing instructions and diagrams

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ENGINES ON WATER. Practical diagrams and instructions for creating at home

VORTEX ENERGY – the basis of Vortex Energy of the Future

SECRETS OF FREE ENERGY: History, present, future

SECRETS OF THE WORLD. 30 “scientific facts” that turned out to be false

Nau-Tech Invest-Pool: ADDRESS – BUSINESS PROPOSAL to inventors, investors and manufacturers

Today there is amazing picture: the authors of various breakthrough inventions, so necessary for society, are looking for those who have the means to implement their ideas and developments. And those who have them are looking for real developments. Against this background, we propose to create a Common Pool = Inventors + Investors + Manufacturers...

ATTENTION: with other materials on the topic of secrets real story, civilization, planet, archeology artifacts, etc. + secrets of today's world - you can read- (All the Mysteries, Secrets, Mysteries and Wonders of the World, the Planet, the Universe. Everything that was hidden from us!)

(Materials on the topic on the old site : SESAME - All the secrets of the World )

ALSO PLEASE NOTE: Who is interested in the latest achievements and SECRETS of science and technology hidden by official science, see.- (Science and Technology of the New World- All the most interesting things. A platform for contacts between authors of ideas and potential Investors/Manufacturers)

(Materials on this topic on the old site - Nau-Tech FORUM ) - Magazine of modern youth