Animals are helpers in war. We read to children about the war, “The White Guard” deciphered. Secrets of Bulgakov Boris Vadimovich Sokolov

The adventure story “Friends and Enemies of Anatoly Rusakov” tells about the difficult fate of the courageous young man Anatoly and his irreconcilable struggle not only with the leader of the gang, Plague the Authoritative, but also with other criminals. The story shows the paths of “difficult boys”, “cool life students”, “adult schoolchildren” and many others. Anatoly is not alone in the fight against criminals. He is actively helped by good and brave people who are not afraid of risky situations and acute situations, often life-threatening.

Teddy bear Seiichi Morimura

Seiichi Morimura, the author of the novel “Teddy Bear” (1975), included in this collection, is a relatively young writer, but over the past few years he has become the author of the most widely read detective stories in Japan. Seiichi Morimura was born in 1933 in Saitama Prefecture. After graduating from university, he was involved in the hotel business for about ten years. Morimura gained literary fame in 1969, when his novel Dead Space on Height was awarded the Edogawa Rampo Prize. Since then, over the course of ten years, he has published more than two dozen...

Fighters of the Terracotta Guard, or the Fatal Decade... Eduard Gevorkyan

The work is included in the magazine “If 1996 No. 7–8”. Awards and prizes: “Bronze Snail” - 1997 // Journalism. “The Wanderer” - 1997 // Criticism (Publicism). The essay “Fighters of the Terracotta Guard” begins with memories of the seventies, when the current masters were young and just learning to write stories. The memoir would not have been a fantastic memoir if Eduard Vachaganovich had not spun it around an interesting idea: each state, they say, has its own Soul, which determines the character and habits of the people, but sometimes, due to interference different forces, countries with souls...

Anatole France Mikhail Kuzmin

The critical prose of M. Kuzmin still needs careful consideration and commentary, including correlation with the context of Kuzmin’s entire work and the context literary life 1910 – 1920s The articles, even more clearly than the poetry, reflected Kuzmin’s decisive intention to stand aloof from literary disputes, without paying any tribute to group biases. “Emotionalism,” which he presents as a kind of movement, is in itself a challenge both to the “grand style” of the Symbolists and to the “formal approach.” At…

Life Guards Major Dmitry Dashko

Where the hell have you gone, sir?! And in the dark times of “Bironovism”, no further and no closer! Our compatriot Igor Gusarov, whose consciousness took possession of the body of the Courland nobleman Dietrich von Hofen, is now trying his luck in the Life Guards of Tsarina Anna Ioannovna. Times, admittedly, are turbulent: counterfeiters from Poland threaten to undermine the economy of the empire, the Swedes are thirsty for revenge for defeat in the Northern War, the powerful Versailles is plotting and sending spies, hordes of steppe dwellers are robbing, killing and driving thousands of civilians into slavery,...

Guard Sergei Musanif

The Guard is the most secret and most high-tech intelligence service of the studied sector of space, the last line of defense of humanity. Galactic terrorists, all-powerful mafia clans, dangerous artifacts left by the forerunners - this is the smallest list of problems that she deals with. It comes into play when all options have been exhausted and there is no other way out. She is able to act where others helplessly give up. She helped the League of Civilized Planets resolve more than one crisis. And now the crisis has arisen within herself...

My service in the Old Guard. 1905–1917 Yuri Makarov

Yuri Vladimirovich Makarov served in the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment, one of the oldest military formations of the Russian army that gained glory on the battlefields. In his memoirs, he outlined the most important milestones in the history of the Semenovsky regiment in last period its existence was from 1905 to 1917. This is an objective, impartial, but deeply personal story about the life and everyday life of the Russian officers, especially its elite - the guards, their traditions and customs, strong military friendship and camaraderie, loyalty to the oath, the moral code of officer honor...

The White Guard of Mikhail Bulgakov Yaroslav Tinchenko

The polemical investigation of the Kiev historian Yaroslav Tinchenko “The White Guard of Mikhail Bulgakov” is dedicated to the events in Ukraine at the end of 1918 - the hour of the fall of Hetman Skoropadsky, Kiev before the huge war, the benefits of the relatives in this friendship with Bulgakov, who became the prototype for the novel “The White Guard”, a prominent writer - Kiyaninov to Mikhail Afanasyovich Bulgakov and the same share. and in literary…

Stalin's guard. Heirs of the Leader Arseny Zamostyanov

“Personnel decides everything!” - the correctness of these Stalinist words has been proven throughout Soviet history. Stalin himself raised a worthy successor - it was the managers of the Stalin school, his students and heirs (then called “advanced ones”) who led the “generation of winners”, which won the Great Patriotic War, overcame post-war devastation, achieved nuclear parity with the West, ensured a breakthrough into space and turned the USSR into a world leader. Until now, we live on interest from the wealth created by the “Stalinist guard”. They were the best managers...

Deciphered "White Guard". Secrets of Bulgakov Boris Vadimovich Sokolov

“The year after the Nativity of Christ 1918 was a great and terrible year, from the beginning of the second revolution” - the first lines of “The White Guard” fascinate no less than the famous “In a white cloak with a bloody lining”, and the text of Bulgakov’s debut novel is also full of secrets and mysteries, like "The Master and Margarita". This book deciphers secret writing, mystical implications and secret codes"White Guard", restoring the true history and hidden meanings Bulgakov's masterpiece.

Days of the Denikins, or the Old Guard (story... Ivan Denikin

The year 2005 was terrible, but the year 2006 was even worse. In winter, snow fell, white and fluffy, like a guard; In summer the earth was heated by the sun. Like black crows, signs in the terrible Little Russian dialect - “Mauve” - darkened on the streets. But the Denikin family did not seem to notice this. Devoted to their grief, the Denikins remained silent. And there was something to twist.

All about Paddington Bear Michael Bond

The stories of the English writer Michael Bond about a bear named Paddington have long become classics of English children's literature. When it comes to the most famous literary bears, the British always name Winnie the Pooh and Paddington. This story began in London, at Paddington Station. The little bear cub, who came from Deep Peru, stood aside and patiently waited for someone to pay attention to him. Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Brown decided to take care of the brave traveler and even came up with an idea for him...

The book talks about how to learn to read quickly, understand what you read more deeply and more fully, the reasons for slow reading and techniques for mastering the technique of fast and effective reading. The authors present 10 conversations with exercises and test tasks that allow you to master the speed reading method independently or with the help of teachers.

Teddy bear Seiichi Morimura

Seiichi Morimura, the author of the novel “Teddy Bear” (1975), included in this collection, is a relatively young writer, but over the past few years he has become the author of the most widely read detective stories in Japan. Seiichi Morimura was born in 1933 in Saitama Prefecture. After graduating from university, he was involved in the hotel business for about ten years. Morimura gained literary fame in 1969, when his novel Dead Space on Height was awarded the Edogawa Rampo Prize. Since then, over the course of ten years, he has published more than two dozen...

Not for adults. Time to read! Marietta Chudakova

The famous literary historian of the 20th century, a world-famous expert on Bulgakov’s work and the author of his “Biography”, as well as the author of the most fascinating detective story for teenagers “The Cases and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina” talks about books that, at any cost, should be read before the age of 16 - under no circumstances later! Because the books on this Golden Shelf, collected for you by Marietta Chudakova, are so cunningly written that if you are late and start reading them as adults, you will never get the pleasure that is contained in them just for you -...

How to read books by S. Povarnin

How do we usually read books? So, “as it reads.” So, as our mood, our mental properties, established skills, external circumstances suggest. It seems to us that we read well. Meanwhile, this is, for the most part, a mistake.

Gentlemen don't read other people's letters Oleg Goryainov

Don't gentlemen read other people's letters? It’s also how they read it if these gentlemen work in intelligence. They also climb into other people’s beds, feed other people’s terrorists, and lure carriers of other people’s secrets into “honey traps.” There is a Game going on in which there is no place for morality and compassion. The interests of the Motherland are above all, and the interests of a corporation called the GRU - the Main Intelligence Directorate - are even higher. And life in this world, turned into a battlefield between opposing intelligence services, would be completely unbearable if not for the intervention of the ineradicable “human...

Fighters of the Terracotta Guard, or the Fatal Decade... Eduard Gevorkyan

The work is included in the magazine “If 1996 No. 7–8”. Awards and prizes: “Bronze Snail” - 1997 // Journalism. “The Wanderer” - 1997 // Criticism (Publicism). The essay “Fighters of the Terracotta Guard” begins with memories of the seventies, when the current masters were young and just learning to write stories. The memoir would not have been a fantastic memoir if Eduard Vachaganovich had not spun it around a curious idea: each state, they say, has its own Soul, which determines the character and habits of the people, but sometimes, due to the intervention of various forces, countries have souls...

Sign language. How to read thoughts without words? 49 simple… Oksana Sergeeva

Is it possible to tell a person's mood by his appearance? Is it possible to determine what decision he made if not a word was said? Is it possible to deceive without anyone noticing, or to catch a person in deception without a lie detector? Yes, if you can read the secret sign language! Here is a set of unique rules that will help you become an expert in communicating without words. You will learn not only to read thoughts and feelings that they want to hide from you, but also gain confidence in communicating with any interlocutors.

The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey

The book helps the modern reader see the relevance of the Old Testament. In a conversation about the book of Job, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and prophetic books, the author shows that they reveal to us the essence of human nature and tell us about the value of the human personality. The Old Testament is the biography of God, the story of His passionate romance with people. The Old Testament is an introduction to the story of the life of Jesus Christ, because it was Christ who gave the answer to the questions that troubled the prophets of antiquity. And the author reminds us: the Old Testament is not an ancient incomprehensible...

Life Guards Major Dmitry Dashko

Where the hell have you gone, sir?! And in the dark times of “Bironovism”, no further and no closer! Our compatriot Igor Gusarov, whose consciousness took possession of the body of the Courland nobleman Dietrich von Hofen, is now trying his luck in the Life Guards of Tsarina Anna Ioannovna. Times, admittedly, are turbulent: counterfeiters from Poland threaten to undermine the economy of the empire, the Swedes are thirsty for revenge for defeat in the Northern War, the powerful Versailles is plotting and sending spies, hordes of steppe dwellers are robbing, killing and driving thousands of civilians into slavery,...

Guard Sergei Musanif

The Guard is the most secret and most high-tech intelligence service of the studied sector of space, the last line of defense of humanity. Galactic terrorists, all-powerful mafia clans, dangerous artifacts left by the forerunners - this is the smallest list of problems that she deals with. It comes into play when all options have been exhausted and there is no other way out. She is able to act where others helplessly give up. She helped the League of Civilized Planets resolve more than one crisis. And now the crisis has arisen within herself...

My service in the Old Guard. 1905–1917 Yuri Makarov

Yuri Vladimirovich Makarov served in the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment, one of the oldest military formations of the Russian army that gained glory on the battlefields. In his memoirs, he outlined the most important milestones in the history of the Semenovsky regiment in the last period of its existence - from 1905 to 1917. This is an objective, impartial, but deeply personal story about the life and everyday life of the Russian officers, especially its elite - the guards, their traditions and customs, strong military friendship and camaraderie, loyalty to the oath, the moral code of officer honor...

The White Guard of Mikhail Bulgakov Yaroslav Tinchenko

The polemical investigation of the Kiev historian Yaroslav Tinchenko “The White Guard of Mikhail Bulgakov” is dedicated to the events in Ukraine at the end of 1918 - the hour of the fall of Hetman Skoropadsky, Kiev before the huge war, the benefits of the relatives in this friendship with Bulgakov, who became the prototype for the novel “The White Guard”, a prominent writer - Kiyaninov to Mikhail Afanasyovich Bulgakov and the same share. and in literary…

Stalin's guard. Heirs of the Leader Arseny Zamostyanov

“Personnel decides everything!” – the correctness of these Stalinist words has been proven throughout Soviet history. Stalin himself raised a worthy successor - it was the managers of the Stalin school, his students and heirs (then called “advanced ones”) who led the “generation of winners”, which won the Great Patriotic War, overcame post-war devastation, achieved nuclear parity with the West, ensured a breakthrough into space and turned the USSR into a world leader. Until now, we live on interest from the wealth created by the “Stalinist guard”. They were the best managers...

Deciphered "White Guard". Secrets of Bulgakov Boris Vadimovich Sokolov

“The year after the Nativity of Christ 1918 was a great and terrible year, from the beginning of the second revolution” - the first lines of “The White Guard” fascinate no less than the famous “In a white cloak with a bloody lining”, and the text of Bulgakov’s debut novel is also full of secrets and mysteries, like "The Master and Margarita". This book deciphers the secret writing, mystical overtones and secret codes of the White Guard, restoring the true history and hidden meanings of Bulgakov's masterpiece.

Lilia Volokhova

On May 4, 2016 at 11.00, an hour of simultaneous reading of works about the Great Patriotic War took place simultaneously in various parts of Russia and beyond its borders. war. In libraries, schools, kindergartens, shelters, hospitals and other institutions read to children out loud the best samples fiction, dedicated to the events of 1941-1945. and a great human feat. MBDOU branch Kindergarten"Childhood" - d/s No. 522 of Ekaterinburg accepted for the second time participation inInternational action"Reading to children about the war" .

Participation in the action again and again awakens in us patriotic feelings, a sense of pride for our Motherland, belonging to a great people, a feeling of grief for the dead. With a minute of silence we honored the memory of all those who did not return from that wars.

This year, pupils and guests got acquainted with the story of Anatoly Mityaev "Guard Bear", demonstrating a wonderful example of friendship between man and animal, an example of support and mutual assistance in war.

After reading, the children willingly answered questions and shared their impressions.

Guests of honor stock became the great-grandmothers of our pupils - children wars, also a labor veteran - an honorary teacher of our kindergarten and a representative of the authorities.

We are grateful to our guests and organizers stock for another opportunity to touch our young hearts to the great feat of the people!

May there always be peace! May there always be sunshine!

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “Reading to Children” How to read to children correctly Children aged five love family traditions and are happy to support them. Just at this age.

“Feed the Birds” campaign - support the birds in difficult times! Participants of the action: children of specialized (visually impaired) middle group, parents,.

Having learned about the international peacekeeping campaign “Garland of Friendship”, I decided to join it. I told the children of my group “Droplets” about.

“Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves” - V. A. Sukhomlinsky Authors: Karacharova Nadezhda Pavlinovna, Ivanova.

The interregional Campaign “Reading Russian Classics” took place during one thematic day with children of senior preschool age. Two.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! With all my heart I wish you huge creative success in everything, happiness and prosperity. I want to introduce.

Project “Children about the war” for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War I want the children to know about that Great War, When their great-grandfathers and grandfathers Defended their country. If it weren't for that generation that didn't fight itself.

One day, guests came to visit the pilots in the fighter regiment - collective farmers from the North. They brought gifts and began to bestow blessings on their defenders. Some got a towel with lace, some got a barrel of lingonberries, some got a painted clay deer. And Pyotr Alekseev got a teddy bear. The beast was tame. He immediately climbed onto the pilot’s lap, sniffed the belt buckle, medals, and shoulder straps in turn, and reached for the cap with the red star.

Alekseev stroked the bear cub and set it down on the ground. The pilot was a little confused: the bear cub needs care and supervision, but when to do this if you have to fly from morning to evening? Maybe return it delicately to the collective farmers?

The little bear seemed to feel that his fate was being decided. He behaved exemplary. During the conversations between the pilots and the collective farmers, he did not interfere and did not interfere with anyone. In the end, he fell asleep, clinging to Alekseev’s high boots: the high boots were fur, warm.

“Let him stay,” thought Alekseev. The guests have left. Then Alekseev decided to introduce Mishka to the area. The pilot pulled the strap tied to the collar and said: “Come on, Misha!” - and the bear cub obediently stomped next to the fur boots. First, Mishka visited the barracks and saw where his new friend lived. Then, together with the pilot, he descended into an earthen crevice dug in case of bombing. They sat there for about three minutes, looking at the blue calm sky. Mishka was indifferent to the plane, as if he had already seen it a hundred times. The plane probably seemed to him like a special brand of car. The little bear knew the car well; he drove it to the pilots. But when the fighter engine started and the propeller was driven by a hurricane wind, Mishka was terribly scared. In an instant, he climbed onto the pilot’s neck; climbed over it like a pine tree, running deep sharp claws. The little bear's eyes were full of fear, his tail, like a flap, trembled with small tremors.

Already far from the plane, near an elderberry bush, Alekseev tried to lower Mishka onto the grass. Not so! The bear cub seemed to be glued to the pilot. I had to tear off all four paws from the gymnast one by one. Once on the ground, Mishka suddenly plucked up courage and, standing up on his hind legs, looked back at the plane. The plane stood still. Didn't chase the bear cub. The bear calmed down. And this bush became a boundary for Mishka, beyond which he subsequently never went. The space behind the bush belonged to airplanes - there they thundered, roared, and from there they jumped into the air, and the ground in front of the bush was Mishkina. So, apparently, the bear cub reasoned.

While Alekseev and Mishka were walking around the airfield, other pilots were busy organizing the bear's affairs. They got a cotton blanket from the clothing warehouse and laid it in the barracks not far from Alekseev’s bed. We got a large soldier's bowler hat. The main thing is that they persuaded the regiment commander to enroll Mishka in food allowance. Although Mishka was small, he was a bear: he needed good food.

- How to add it to the grocery list? - the clerk asked when the pilots came to him with the teddy bear. - What title should I write? What surname?

“We have a Guards regiment,” said the most resourceful pilot, “and your rank, Comrade Clerk, is Guards Sergeant Major, mine is Guards Captain.” And Mishkino will be a guard bear. That’s how it should be written. As for the last name and first name, it’s quite simple. They are the same for all bears - Mikhail Toptygin.

The bear cub Mikhail Toptygin began serving in the fighter regiment of the guard. He soon became acquainted with all the pilots, technicians, and airfield security. And, as it turned out, everyone really needed it, simply needed it. It can be hard for a person in war. Comrades die, sad thoughts come to mind. And then a bear cub comes running, clumsy, round-eared, with a curious snout nose - and everyone is having fun.

Someone taught Mishka to greet the pilots after the battle. Everyone remaining on the ground is waiting for the planes to return. When the time comes for the fighter to return to the airfield, everyone looks into the sky and rejoices when they notice a black dot.

Mishka met the planes near his bush. He stood on his hind legs, standing upright. He held his right front paw near his ear and saluted. The pilots, heading to headquarters to report to the commander, passed right next to Mishka and for such diligence rewarded him with sweets: some with sugar, some with cookies, some with a piece of chocolate. On the days when fighters often entered into battle, Mishka was so full of sweets that he didn’t even look at the pot of millet porridge.

Mishka only met other pilots; he also accompanied Alekseev on the flight. Together they reached the bearish border. Alekseev scratched the bear cub behind the ears and flew away, while Mishka remained waiting. Like a man, he looked at the sky, sighed and, not knowing how to pass the time, circled in one place, sniffed the grass, dug roots in the dry earth.

Mishka saw and heard better than people. Seeing and hearing the fighter, Mishka sat down on the ground out of impatience and excitement and every minute slapped his knees with his front paws. His shiny black nose was pointed directly at the approaching plane - Mishka seemed to be sniffing out a fighter in the distance. There was no limit to the bear's joy when Pyotr Alekseev approached Mishka, gave him a gift and shook him up, and rolled him on the grass...

Life was good for the bear cub and the pilot!

Only in war things don’t last long. Some kind of trouble, or even disaster, is bound to happen. Once, before flying out on a mission, Alekseev said goodbye to the bear cub. He caressed the little animal and said:

- Don’t be bored without me, if anything...

And he flew away.

Pyotr Alekseev received a special task: to pour metal spikes onto the runway of a German airfield. WITH high altitude the thorns cannot be dropped; they will scatter far to the sides. It is necessary to reset, lowering the plane almost to the ground.

Without hiding from German observers, our pilot flew the plane directly to the enemy airfield. On the approach to the anti-aircraft batteries guarding the airfield, Pyotr Alekseev slowed down, descended and released the wheels. The anti-aircraft gunners were surprised that the Russian fighter - intact, not shot down - was landing, and did not shoot.

A plane with red stars was flying quietly over an enemy airfield. But suddenly the engine roared and the plane rushed upward. The Nazis fired after the fighter with cannons and machine guns. They realized that our pilot had deceived them, that he had no intention of landing at all. The Nazis could not understand why the Russian fighter needed such a strange, risky flight.

Soon, however, they solved the riddle. Our bombers flew out to bomb. There were many of them, about five dozen. German fighters rolled down the runway to fly into the sky and attack the heavy vehicles full of bombs. But their rubber wheels ran over iron spikes and burst. The fighters fell on their sides, broke their wings, tumbled, and burst into flames. Our bombers bombed enemy trains at the railway station without interference and returned home safely.

But the return of Pyotr Alekseev was not successful. A German anti-aircraft shell exploded near his plane. The pilot was seriously wounded by shrapnel. Alekseev himself reported this on the radio. He said that the plane was in good working order and he hoped to get it to its destination.

At the airfield, only the bear cub did not know about the trouble. He watched with curiosity as people with stretchers ran onto the airfield. And then he saw a fighter jet among the white clouds. Mishka sat down on the ground and began slapping his knees.

The fighter stumbled awkwardly away from the landing sign, hopped across the field as if it were riddled with ditches, and stopped. The little bear stood up on its hind legs, put its front paw to its ear, and began to wait. He was waiting for his friend to come up to him and treat him to something.

Pyotr Alekseev was lying on a stretcher. He didn’t see Mishka, he didn’t see the friends who were carrying him. Consciousness left the pilot at that very moment when the fighter froze in the middle of the field.

The stretcher passed the bear cub. It was unusual for Mishka to see the pilot lying down, and he went to get the stretcher. It was difficult to walk on my hind legs. But Mishka stubbornly hobbled after the people. And he held his paw near his ear. He was entitled to a piece of sugar. He honestly fulfilled the condition by which he always received a treat. So he walked and walked, falling further and further behind the stretcher, and his eyes filled with tears of resentment and despair. Well, one of the pilots thought of saying a kind word to Mishka, stroked him, felt sorry for him...

Summer was ending when Pyotr Alekseev arrived from the hospital to the regiment. The first thing he did was report to the regiment commander about his return to duty, and the second thing he asked about the bear cub.

“Your pet is alive and well,” answered the commander. - At first I was sad, then I calmed down. Now maybe he won't find out. He is now at his post. On duty. Sugar earns.

Alekseev went to the bear cub.

- Bear! - he called from a distance.

The little bear looked back. He looked and remembered this pilot. I tried to understand why it was nice to hear his voice and see his face. The plane prevented Mishka from remembering and understanding. The plane was landing at that time, and the bear cub had to be on alert to get a treat.

- Bear! You are a villain, not a person! - the pilot called again.

The bear was at a crossroads. One eye, one ear, one half of the bear cub was aimed at the plane, the other eye, the other ear and the other half - towards the pilot. If this had been possible, Mishka would have been torn in half and managed to get everywhere. But you cannot break apart of your own free will. It was necessary to choose one thing. And the little bear rushed as fast as he could towards Pyotr Alekseev. He rolled like a black ball across the dried grass and danced on his hind legs in front of the pilot.

- Well, well done! Well, smart guy! - Pyotr Alekseev rejoiced and stroked the bear cub and ruffled its stiff scruff. “And I decided that you are capable of trading a friend for a lump of sugar.” No, you're not like that. You are a real guards bear. What about sugar? Just think... I've got this for you...

Then the pilot took a jar out of his jacket pocket. As soon as the lid was removed, the bear cub grabbed the jar with all four paws and began to eat the treat. The bear purred with pleasure. Of course! For the first time in his bear life he ate honey.

There are such books and such authors that you read - and your soul suffers, cannot calm down, asks for some kind of continuation. This happened to me, for example, with Yuri Tretyakov, and with Anatoly Mityaev too. It all started with "Dugout". There were only three stories, but they turned out to be so warm, sincere, they so simply and artlessly described the difficult everyday life at the front - without savoring the bloody details, special cruelty and at the same time without unnecessary pathos, ideology and political slogans, that I wanted to read something... something else. Actually, I’m not saying it correctly: without ideology, there is ideology there, but it is very simple, it is completely in the spirit of Tolstoy’s Platon Karavaev: in war the main thing is to survive and not lose yourself, not to allow the moral core that is in the soul of every person to be broken . Then there was "The Soldier's Feat". And this was already a doubly pleasure, because this book was illustrated by one of my favorite artists - Vladimir Leonidovich Galdyaev, firstly, and published by one of my favorite publishing houses - "Rech" :) What is interesting is that the books do not overlap at all in terms of content. And then, quite by accident, I came across a collection of Mityaev’s stories, for which there was only one, but sensible review. I was convinced that in terms of content it has no equal, it includes a lot: the entirety of “Dugout” and “The Feat of a Soldier,” and in addition all the stories from the collection published by “White City” - “Letter from the Front.”


Night blindness

Ivan and the Krauts


Long gun

Warm "tongue"

A bag of oatmeal

Missile shells

Triangular letter

Earrings for a donkey

Infantrymen and tankman

Timofey Besfestalny

Four hours leave

Nosov and Naze

Guard Teddy Bear

Dangerous soup

Capless cap

Who took Berlin

I was also pleased with the publication itself. The book is small in format, fine, like a soldier in a spick and span uniform, with a strong spine and captal. Excellent print quality, the font is quite large, on medium-weight white offset, comfortable line spacing - in short, it’s a pleasure to read. The illustrations are generally not bad, although, of course, they are not Galdyaev at all :) Not every spread is illustrated, but approximately every second or third.

Sixth - incomplete

Illustrator: V.V. Yudin

Publisher: Children's Literature, 2015

Series: Bow to the winners

 - Magazine of modern youth