Kist al Hindi application reviews. Kist al-Hindi (ground root) is a universal remedy for combating ailments. Diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs

It grows in the Himalayas either as a bush or as a tree up to 2 meters high. And its components are valued by doctors from oriental medicine. This is kostus, which is otherwise called kist-al-hindi. The name is unusual and even unfamiliar to us. But it's worth getting to know him. Let's tell you a secret, you can grow it at home. True, not two meters, but one meter. And when it blooms, you will understand why they say about it “it is beautiful.”

Tree or shrub

Herbalists know this bush-tree as Saussurea Lappa. Hindus call it prakasini for the plant's ability to give radiance to the skin or surabhi for the pleasant smell emitted by the flowers and roots. The Greeks called him Costus, which translated from the native means “arrived from the East.” The ending “Hindi” (kust-al-hindi, kist-al-hindi, kist-hindi or uud hindi) clearly indicates the place of origin of the plant - India.

Kist-al-Hindi has a trunk, which means it is a tree. But this trunk is not thick and is densely entwined with green shoots, twisting in a spiral around it. This means it is a bush, but tall. Let's not go deeper into the botanical debate. Let's talk about its beauty. During flowering, large flowers of incredible beauty bloom on spiral-shaped shoots with large, oblong, two-colored leaves on a bright red, orange or greenish-yellow cone (bract). If the flowers are white, the plant grew in India or the Arabian Peninsula, if black, in Syria.

Looking into the roots

Not beautiful flowers Kist-al-Hindi is used in medicine, and its roots and bark. Depending on where the costus grew, the rhizome and bark may be brown, black, reddish (Kist-Hindi) or white (Kist-Bakhri). Both are equally useful. The roots also taste different. Bitter is murr, sweet is khulv (straight halva, isn’t it?). And “bahri” only means that it was transported by sea to be grown in another country.

In Kist-al-Hindi, it is the roots and bark that are valued. Thanks to its aroma - oriental, sensual, slightly pungent, but pleasant - the plant is used in the manufacture of perfumes and eau de parfum. Because of this, costus is often compared to ginger. This is quite expected - the plant contains a lot of essential oils.

Cooks also found a use for the aroma and began to use the roots as a spice, adding them when preparing dishes. The only negative is the bitterness, which is difficult to overcome (and more often there is kist-al-hindi with a murr aftertaste). But if you like the combination of chocolate or strawberries with pepper, then you will also like kyst instead of the usual seasoning

You can collect a lot of raw materials from one plant, because its rhizome is powerful, large and thick. After collecting the roots and bark, they are dried and ground into powder. Those who visit India or Greece can collect the roots themselves. Others use store-bought kist-al-hindi in capsules, powder form, and sometimes dry pieces of bark or root.

Aphrodisiac that cures diseases

Substances were found in the roots that act as an antiseptic and prevent harmful bacteria from developing. Even in fairy-tale times, not being able to decompose plants into atoms, healers used the roots for inflamed tonsils, pleurisy, fever, pharyngitis, lichen, pneumonia, and inflammation of the uvula. When bleeding, they wiped the blade used to make the incision with a cut of the root, and then the incision itself, so that the wound did not become inflamed and healed quickly and without scars.

Modern research has confirmed the data on the centuries-old use of Kist-Hindi, its properties have been studied in more detail. Yes, indeed, powder from the roots acts as a disinfectant, as a tonic, antipyretic, wound healing and expectorant. And they identified some diseases that can be cured or alleviated by taking the powder:

Due to the lack of information about Kist Hindi, reviews on its use are also very scarce. In the Muslim world it is customary to combine it with bloodletting. Residents of the European part are just beginning to recognize the plant.

I had a severe sore throat. I bought kist-al-hindi powder at an eco-store. I mixed it with honey and added water. I didn’t like the taste - brr, bitter kyst and sweet honey. So I decided to drink it like hellebore - a pinch of powder in my mouth and washed it down with a gallon of water. I drank for 5 days. My throat stopped hurting, my fever went away, my cough disappeared faster than before when I drank coltsfoot.

If the taste of the powder causes unpleasant symptoms, including nausea, you can drink Kist Hindi in capsules.

There is also a review about the compress.

During the flowering season, allergic spots bloom on the body, and it becomes difficult to breathe. I brewed the cyst, cooled it and began to make compresses where the spots were. Not only the spots disappeared, but also the dermatitis that appeared on my hand from nowhere. And the bronchi felt better.

The oil obtained from the roots of kist-al-hindi is also effective. Reviews of lovers of oriental incense say that it acts as an aphrodisiac, increasing attractiveness to the opposite sex, relieving stress and calming nerves, lowering temperature and healing wounds.

Kist was delivered from India by sea, so the plant received the popular nickname “bahri”, which means “sea”. In addition, Kist Al-Hindi is sometimes called “khulw” and “murr”, which denotes its taste qualities - sweetness and bitterness, respectively.

Hindi kist is distinguished by its red or cinnamon color, bahri is a medicine made from the white bark of the plant.

Kist Al-Hindi is of enormous importance for the Arab world and all Muslims in general; the remedy is mentioned in the hadiths of the Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, the most authoritative imams spoke about it.Thus, Imam Ibn Al-Qayim said that both types of Qist - bahri and hindi - are extremely beneficial for the human body. Consumption of Kist Al-Hindi strengthens the immune system, relieves cough, phlegm and runny nose. In addition, the remedy perfectly helps with diseases of the liver, gastric system, feverish conditions and pleurisy. Kist Al-Hindi alleviates the condition of poisoning. If you regularly lubricate your face with a mixture of Kyst and honey, a person will get rid of age spots on the skin.

The famous al-Bukhari posted hadiths about Kist Al-Hindi in his famous “Book of Medicine”. A separate chapter of the book is devoted to inhalation of the product. Al-Bukhari cites the hadith bint Mihsan, which quotes the words of the great Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, who stated that everyone needs to use kyst al-Hindi to heal seven ailments. The smoke from the plant should be inhaled by people suffering from pleurisy and those who have throat problems.

Al-Bukhari notes that when the tonsils are inflamed in children, you should never press on the inflamed organ with your fingers - this only causes suffering to the patient. You need to use Kist Al-Hindi - and the disease will soon recede.

Ways to use Qista al-Hindi

Al-Bukhari’s work speaks of “seven cures.” The Imam is referring to the ways in which the “Indian plant” can be used. These are the “seven cures”:

  1. Application to the skin (cosmetology).
  2. Use as a drink.
  3. Use for compresses.
  4. Poultices.
  5. Fumigation.
  6. Dilution in water and instillation into the nasal cavity for a runny nose.
  7. Chewing.

Let us examine each of the “seven cures” separately.


Creams and lotions are made from Kist Al-Hindi. Olive oil or honey is used as an auxiliary agent. The proportions of Kyst to oil are 1 to 10. A mixture of white Kyst and honey is an ideal remedy for skin pigmentation and freckles. The product copes especially well with pigmentation associated with human hormonal imbalances: by rubbing the mixture on your face, you can completely cleanse your skin in a week.

Oral use (drinking)

Drinking from Kist Al-Hindi is an excellent healing remedy. The powder can be mixed with water, juice, honey solution. The proportion is always the same 1/10. You should not overdo it with the amount of cyst. The best option is honey drink with “Indian powder”.

For one glass of water - 1 teaspoon of kyst and a tablespoon of honey. After stirring the ingredients, drink the product. Kist Al-Hindi has a thrombus-dissolving, anthelmintic effect. For women, Kist Al-Hindi helps get rid of menstrual irregularities, for men - from diseases of the digestive system and reproductive system. Drinking increases potency, calms, improves appetite, and has a good effect on digestion.

The product can be used up to five times a day. After completing a month's course, you should take a week's break.

Cyst for inhalation

We grind the bark, clean it of impurities, and dry it in the sun. Inhale the resulting powder through your nose. The method is effective for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Kist Al-Hindi will relieve pharyngitis, runny nose, and alleviate asthma and tuberculosis.


We set fire to the fire over the coal and inhale the smoke. An excellent remedy for runny nose and treatment of inflammatory processes in women.


We take a small amount of Kist Al-Hindi, put it in a container with water, and heat the mixture. Dip a napkin into the solution and place it on the burn or sore spot on the body.


By rinsing your nose with a cyst solution, you can get rid of a runny nose and inflammation.


The oldest and most effective method of use healing properties Kist Al-Hindi. Add the powder to a special container with a hole, pour warm water. Drop by drop the solution falls on the diseased organ. This method is great for migraines and joint pain.

Kist Al-Hindi for external use

Ointment made from cyst and olive oil is an excellent remedy for freckles. By taking baths with a cyst, you can achieve a dramatic improvement in the condition of your skin. The plant has a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial effect.

Kist Al Hindi

Unlike many other products, Kist Al-Hindi is absolutely safe and has no contraindications.

Kist Al Hindi is a universal strengthening, health-improving remedy that can significantly improve your health.

Kist al hindi Family: Costus (Costaceae).
Costus is a perennial tropical herbaceous plant reaching a height of two meters. It has a straight and thick rhizome and numerous flowers.

Kist al Hindi is effective in the treatment of many female diseases, including those that cause infertility. These are diseases such as inflammation of the genital organs, fibroids, erosion, hormonal imbalance, problems with menstruation, irregular cycles, delays, lack of ovulation and others. It is used in preparation for childbirth, to facilitate childbirth and avoid ruptures, and in the postpartum period, to restore strength, and during breastfeeding, and in the fight against childhood diseases - in a word, against all ailments.

improves stomach function;
eliminates colic, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence;
relieves bloating;
helps with stomach ulcers;
suppresses intestinal peristaltic movements;
helps with hepatitis and other liver dysfunctions;
is a diuretic;
relieves gallbladder pain;
has a general strengthening effect;
relieves respiratory diseases;
treats asthma, cough, colds, bronchitis;
is an antipyretic;
is an excellent antiseptic;
eliminates worms, bacteria, microbes;
used to treat skin diseases;
heals wounds - ulcers, cuts, abscesses, boils;
has disinfecting properties especially against streptococci and staphylococci;
treats infectious diseases;
helps with vision problems;
relieves pain;
regenerates muscle tissue;
treats gonorrhea;
increases sexual desire;
stabilizes the menstrual cycle;
calms, relieves stress, depression;
tones and invigorates;
improves mood.

Drinking occurs by grinding it, mixing it with water or honey. Then you need to drink the received liquid as much as you can, and this is for all patients.

- dissolution of blood clots,
- increased fertility,
- it helps with problems with menstruation and urine,
- for kidney diseases,
- liver and other organs of the digestive system,
- for mouth cancer,
- with cholera,
- with fever,
- to calm the nerves,
- against sciatica,
- for the brain,
- as a means of increasing potency,
- as a strengthening agent for the body as a whole,
- to get rid of worms in the intestines,
- protection from poison and against sihr.

Imam Ibn al-Qayim said: “Kust comes in two types: white, which is called bahri, and black, also known as Hindi, which is hotter, and white is softer, and it contains a lot of benefits. Both of these types are warming, dry the throat, stop a runny nose if you drink them, help with weakness of the liver and stomach and their colds, with fever and intermittent fever, stop pleurisy, help with poisoning, and if you smear it on your face along with a cream of water and honey, it will remove freckles and spots” (“at-Tibb al-Nabawi”, 354).

Al-Qust was mentioned in the prophetic hadiths, and Imam al-Bukhari included hadiths about him in "Book of Medicine", in the chapter of inhaling al-qusta Hindi and Bahri. He then cited a hadith from Umm Qais bint Mihsan who said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

عليكم بهذا العود الهندي ، فإنَّ فيه سبعة أشفية : ُيستعط به من العُذرة ، ويلدُّ به من ذات الجنب

“You should use this Hindi oud (Indian tree), for it cures seven ailments, and its smoking should be inhaled by those who have a sore throat, and put in the mouth by those who suffer from pleurisy” (al-Bukhari, 5692).
It is also mentioned in the chapter about . It was narrated from Anas رضي الله عنه that he said: The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

إنَّ أمثل ما تداويتم به الحجامة ، والقُسط البحري

“Truly, the best thing with which you are treated is al-quust al-Hindi”. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم also said:

لا تعذبوا صبيانكم بالغمز من العُذرة ، وعليكم بالقسط

“Do not torment your children whose tonsils are inflamed by pressing on them (with your fingers), but use al-qust,” al-Bukhari, 5696, “Kitab at-tybb.”

Al-Uzra العذرة - inflammation of the throat and tonsils, they also said that it is an abscess that comes out between the ear and throat.
Al-gamz is finger pressure, and the women of Medina and our women still resort to treating uzra with their fingers, pressing them on the throat. They can also insert a wick from an ulcer in the patient’s nose and touch the nasal pharynx with it, and blood will come out.
As-Suut السعوط – taking medicine through the nose by instillation. Pleurisy (zatul-janb ذات الجنب) - Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani said about it: “This is an acute tumor that occurs in the inner lining of the ribs.” Al-Lyadud اللدود .
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani said: “Al-Ladud is a medicine that is poured into one side of the patient’s mouth.”

Doctors said that the al-Qust plant:

1. Contains the element helinin and benzoic acid, and both of these elements are antiseptic, hence the benefits of al-qusta in the treatment of tonsils, inflammation of the uvula, and pharyngitis, and these diseases are meant by the word al-uzra العذرة in the hadith.

2. Since al-qust contains elements that kill bacteria, the benefits of al-qust in the treatment of bacterial pleurisy and pneumonia become clear.

5. The prohibition against pressing fingers on sore tonsils and throat contains a clear indication of prophetic guidance in correcting common errors in folk medicine, because pressing your fingers on the inflamed tonsils and throat not only does not help in treatment, but also harms and causes severe pain the patient, bleeding, contributes to the spread of inflammation to neighboring areas of the body.
6. The words of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم و يُلدُّ به ذات الجنب “It is placed in the mouth of someone who suffers from pleurisy.” We have already mentioned that al-lyadud is what is poured into one side of the mouth. This hadith contains an indication of the way to give medicine to a patient when he can no longer take it with his hand or refuses to take it, as is mainly the case with children. If the child refuses to take the medicine, you need to give it to him anyway, opening his mouth and pouring the medicine into one of the corners of his mouth. If you put the medicine in the middle of his mouth, it may cause him to choke on it.

As for the description of the treatment with al-qust, al-Hafiz said: “It is possible that 7 healings are a description of the treatments with it, i.e. these are creams, drinking, applying compresses, smudging, nose drops, applying poultices or pouring into the mouth.”

It is also useful for fever, it warms the stomach, improves immunity, is useful during nifas (postpartum bleeding), for treating constipation and diarrhea, and improves appetite.

Al-Qust is ground, the ground part is mixed with a small amount of water or honey, a paste is made and applied to burns, wounds, pimples, boils, etc.

Washing the body with water. If this water is diluted with al-qust al-bahri, it will be useful for destroying germs, bacteria and fungi on the human body, especially in the armpits, between the thighs, for the hair of the head and the rest of the body, and it is used as a sterilizer in general.

Seven methods of treatment: ointments, mixtures, compress, poultice, fumigation, inhalation, rinsing. Ointments include various medicinal compositions to which olive oil is added and then rubbed. The same thing with the compress. The mixtures are added to honey or water. Same thing with poultice. For inhalation, the cane is ground into powder with the addition of olive oil and then inhaled through the nostrils.”

1. Drinking

Mix 1 teaspoon of ground kyst with a glass of water (you can add honey), and drink the resulting mixture. You can drink the mixture up to 5 times a day (that is, 1 teaspoon with 1 glass of water). It is recommended to take a break of 1 week after a monthly dose and then repeat the course. Usually 3 such courses.

2. Inhalation

This is inhalation through the nose, and it occurs as follows: Inhalation of ground kyst through the nose. This method of using kyst al hind is used to treat respiratory diseases, such as pharyngitis, colds and coughs, asthma, tuberculosis, inflammation of the tonsils.

3. Fumigation of kist al hindi

You need to set it on fire in an aroma lamp.

4. Application of compresses

A certain amount of kust is taken, placed in water, boiled over a fire, left until it becomes warm, then a napkin is dipped into it and applied to the affected area of ​​the body.

Cosmetical tools.
This includes making creams diluted with vegetable oil, and we will get what is called al-Qousta oil, and it is better when it is diluted with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 10, i.e. 1 part – kust to 10 parts butter. The best medicine against spots and freckles is a mixture of a very gentle bush, diluted with water and honey. Rub your face with this mixture, and within a matter of days it will be completely cleared, if the spots were the result of hormonal problems.

You can take baths by adding a small amount of ground kyst. This is an excellent antibacterial agent that destroys fungi and bacteria on the human body. In addition, kist al hind improves the quality of the skin.

Colds during pregnancy:

Apply 1 teaspoon of ground Hindi kysta 2 times a day with water, or dilute with water. Start taking 1/2 tsp. and after a week increase the dose to 1 tsp. In the first trimester, take 1/4 tsp. 2 times a day. Do inhalations with it, set it on fire and inhale for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day.
Nasal drops: (1:10) mix the cyst with olive oil and drop 2 drops into each nostril 2-3 times a day.

Kist al Hindi: Children's diseases

As a rule (in serious cases, an individual dosage is selected), infants under 6 months of age when treating colds, coughs, etc. are not given herbs, but only breast milk. This means that the mother increases the number of attachments (the child himself will make this clear with his signals). It is also permissible to light smoke and inhale the baby with kyst, rub the chest and back with a mixture of olive, cumin oils and kyst, and perform pastural drainage (that is, create vibration with the pads of the fingers on the back and chest of the child). Mom is recommended to actively drink kyst 2-5 times a day (1 teaspoon each), with a glass of water, start with 1/2 tsp. gradually increasing the dose, oil or cumin seeds 1-2 times a day, at least 1 liter of medicinal herbs (such as oregano, hilba, thyme), excluding all sweets for the duration of treatment (including natural ones, yeast, flour, milk). You can sweeten the herbal infusion with stevia or agave syrup.

Dosage: for children from 6 months to one year, daily dosage is 1 teaspoon (¼ per dose), mixed in a quarter glass of water and strained).
From one to 5 years: 2 teaspoons per day, also divided into several doses.

Ear, throat, nose: olive oil infused with cyst (1:10) is very effective in the treatment of otitis and other ENT diseases in newborns and older children. Kysta oil can be used as ear drops (slightly warm the required amount of oil) and nasal drops (they also coat the throat).

Rash, allergies, diathesis. Often their cause is poor nutrition and treatment of the mother during pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding. Sometimes, they are caused only by the natural cleansing of the newborn’s body (the so-called newborn acne). If you suspect that the rash is of an allergic nature, then the main treatment is diet and cleansing of the mother’s body. As an addition for more successful treatment of biznillah, you can use bathing the child in herbal decoctions (hilba, kist, string, etc.), as well as in baths with sea salt and alunite. The newborn itself, if the rash is small, should not be anointed with oil, but you can add a few tablespoons of olive oil infused with kist al-Hindi to the water. If the manifestations on the skin begin to become wet, then they must be sprinkled with a mixture of 2 parts starch to 1 part cyst. And you should ventilate your skin as often as possible and reconsider your diet and cleansing

Kist al Hindi for Abdominal skin restoration from stretch marks:

Al-Qust in the form of a cream is applied against spots, freckles and against skin diseases, stretch marks, etc.
Al-Qust al-bahri can be turned into cream in the following way: two roots of al-qust al-bahri are finely chopped (if there is no root, then you can use ground in the amount of 2 tablespoons). After this, the kyst is placed in good olive oil for 15 days, then taken out and squeezed to remove the oil. The extract of its components will remain, and the oil itself will also have the benefits of al-qusta.

Method of use: steam well in the shower or bath, make a scrub of the problem area (natural remedies that can be used to make a scrub: coffee, salt, etc.), lubricate with al-qusta cream, for a better effect wrap yourself in cling film and insulate (but you can just lubricate it).

Kist Al Hindi for men

Taking Kist Al-Hindi increases sperm activity and improves potency. To improve the functioning of the reproductive system, men are recommended to drink this drink: 1 teaspoon of powder per glass of water daily - at least once a day. It is also used for the prevention of urological diseases. Usually the course is 1 month, you can drink up to 5 glasses a day. When the reception is completed, take a week's break, and then repeat the course if desired. In addition, Kist Al-Hindi improves well-being during strong mental and physical stress, which is also important for men.

Kist Al-Hindi for women Treatment of gynecological diseases

Costus is used to relieve inflammation, eliminate erosions and treat diseases such as vaginitis, cervicitis, candidiasis, herpes, etc. Regular use of Kist Al-Hindi powder has a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle.

Kist al hindi During pregnancy

In gynecology, there is no clear opinion whether costus can be used during pregnancy. On the one hand, the plant has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system and is also a means of combating colds. On the other hand, it is not recommended to use many medicinal plants. To protect yourself and your unborn baby, consult a gynecologist. In traditional oriental medicine, it is customary to fumigate the Kist Al-Hindi room to facilitate childbirth - it is believed that this helps dilate the cervix. Asian and Arab healers recommend sitz baths with Kist Al-Hindi powder to expectant mothers from the 35th week of pregnancy. It is also used to eliminate postpartum bleeding.

Kist al hindi For infertility

Kist Al Hindi helps to get pregnant, and the plant has a beneficial effect on both women reproductive function, and for men's. It is believed that 3-6 months of course use of Kist Al-Hindi is enough for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur. Herbal medicine is not always enough - to guarantee conception, it is better to adhere to a comprehensive treatment plan drawn up by a doctor.

In this article we tried to collect for you most full list all ways to use Kysta al Hindi and Kysta al Bahri. It's nothing more than step by step instructions and recipes on how to properly Kist al Hindi for specific health problems.

Let us briefly introduce this plant to those who accidentally came across our article and do not have the slightest idea about it.

Kist al Hindi (also known as bush al hindi or costus) is an Indian variety of a flowering plant of the costus family (Latin Costaceae or Costus), which has been used since time immemorial as a remedy for the treatment of a huge number of diseases by eastern peoples. It became especially widespread in the Middle East, since the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said about it: The best remedies for you are hijama and Kist... . Other sayings of the Prophet are also reliably known.
(ﷺ) about its beneficial properties.

All the following methods of consumption apply equally to both the Hindi and Bahri varieties.

Application of Kysta Al Hindi for respiratory diseases

Firstly, it is first of all worth noting that in order to avoid the occurrence of respiratory diseases, as a preventive measure at home it is worth fumigating the root of the cyst, since smoking it has an antiseptic effect.

How to use Kysta al Hindi (Bahri) for colds and flu?

  1. Add the powder to a glass of boiling water and stir
  2. Then let it brew until the water temperature cools down enough to drink (not warm, but not scalding)
  3. Drink in several sips at once. Repeat 4-5 times a day, separately from meals (interval - at least half an hour)
  4. Children under three years old: 2-3 times a day

How to drink Kist al Hindi for a runny nose and nasal congestion?

Place 2 drops of costus oil into each nostril twice a day. But more effective method will drip a mixture of ground kysta and black cumin (1:1), diluted in olive oil (1:5), one drop twice a day. Children: 1 time per day.

Instructions for use of Kysta al Hindi for sinusitis, rhinitis and similar diseases

The above method is also suitable for the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis,

How to drink Kist al Bahri for cough and sore throat

In addition to the general method given at the beginning of this section, it is also worth taking inhalations and compresses.

Inhalations based on kyst are nothing more than inhaling its smoke.

Recipe for making a compress: Heat half a liter of olive oil to a hot, but not scalding temperature, add two tablespoons of Qista al Bahri powder (Hindi) and two tablespoons of honey. Then apply this medicine to the chest in the area of ​​the lungs and bronchial tubes, as well as the throat, and similarly on the back. Wrap it all in film. Wrap up for two hours. Then rinse off the compress under a warm shower. Can be repeated every day until recovery.

Application of Kysta al Hindi for problems of the reproductive system

Application of Kysta al Hindi for women

Kist al Hindi will be useful for women in eliminating various inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, such as erosion, vaginitis, cervicitis, colpitis. It also counteracts cystitis, thrush and helps eliminate herpes.

  1. Mix ground Indian costus root with honey in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Apply this mixture to the tampon
  3. Insert the tampon into the vagina and leave it for two hours
  4. Course: 7-10 days

Also in such cases, it is very convenient to use Kysta al Hindi oil, special vaginal suppositories made from it.

Additionally, you can take steam baths. Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of ground kyst and black cumin. Then sit over this decoction so that the steam reaches the genitals. You can also wash your pelvic organs with this decoction. Course: 7-10 days in parallel with the use of tampons.

Application of Kysta al Hindi for men

Kist al Hindi very fruitfully fights such urological diseases as prostatitis. In acute chronic forms it suppresses its symptoms.

For prostatitis, you should use rectal suppositories containing Kyst al Hindi and drink a teaspoon of ground Kyst with a glass of warm water once a day.

Drinking kysta hindi enhances erection and activates sperm motility.

Method of using Kysta al Hindi for infertility and increasing sexual desire

The method of use for infertility in women and men is the same: a teaspoon of Hindi kyst in a glass of warm water twice a day. Course: 2-3 months.

In addition, this method increases sexual desire in both sexes.

Use of Kysta al Hindi for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight

One teaspoon of young KAH mixed with a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. Take 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening an hour before dinner.

KAC helps normalize digestion and metabolism, thereby preventing the deposition of excess fats in the body, and also promotes their burning and absorption. Therefore, if you want to enhance your weight loss diet, take Kyst powder according to the previous method or:

One teaspoon in the morning and evening with warm water separately from meals. For faster results, you can also massage with cyst oil two to three times a week.

Are there instructions for use for weight gain?

If your goal is to recruit excess weight above the norm, then Kist al Hindi is not your help in this matter. However, if you suffer from chronic underweight due to an extremely fast metabolism or low appetite, then certainly include it in your daily diet, taking it first in the above mentioned way.

Mask with Kist al Hindi for face, body and hair

The following two recipes for face and body masks with Indian costus help get rid of:

  • wrinkles
  • age spots and freckles
  • blackheads and pimples (acne)
  • mosquito bites
  • eczema
  • and even scars and burns
  1. Dilute a teaspoon of honey in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Then mix this with a teaspoon of ground kyst. An option is also possible without water, or with the addition of cold-pressed olive oil.
  2. Add one teaspoon of kysta powder to a glass coconut oil. Then heat this mixture on low heat for 5 minutes, then let it cool. Then shake thoroughly and apply to non-problem areas of the skin. This method can also be used against dandruff and hair loss by applying a mask to the head.

Both methods are effective for psoriasis.

If you infuse 2 tablespoons of kysta hindi powder with 4 tablespoons of olive oil for two weeks, then this can be used as a remedy against stretch marks after pregnancy. Simply apply this mask to steamed skin every time after using a bath or shower.

You can also add costus powder to any wrinkle cream to achieve faster results.

The use of Kysta al Hindi to strengthen the immune system, for liver diseases, diabetes, etc.

According to Phytotherapy Research Journal (2010), in a test on mice, it was found that Kist al Bahri can serve as a medicine against hepatitis liver diseases. In addition, Kist al Bahri stimulates the absorption of glucose in the blood and is a strong immunostimulant.

A teaspoon of ground kyst + a teaspoon of black cumin 1-2 times a day, separately from meals. You can drink it with warm water or eat it with honey.

If the bitter taste of these two ingredients is unbearable for you, then you can use the same dosage in capsules.

Recipe for allergies

Smoking CACs reduces the symptoms of respiratory tract allergies.
Instructions for igniting a kist - fumigation:

  1. You can simply take the dry root of the kyst and set it on fire. The smoke that will emanate during smoldering must be slowly and smoothly inhaled. As a rule, a positive effect occurs the first time.
  2. Make a rolled-up cigarette from a few pinches of ground costus and paper. Light it and slowly inhale the emanating smoke.
  3. You can use a special device - a fringe maker. This is a metal dish where hot coals are placed and useful plants, whose smoke is useful, can smolder on them.
  4. Can you also try this folk method?

Attention! Costus smoke has a rather bitter smell, so warn your household in advance.

Where to buy quality Kist al Hindi and Kist al Bahri?

In our online store you can purchase Kist al Hindi and Kist al Bahri of proven quality. You can safely use this costus in any of the above methods.

It is reported that Umm Qais bint Mihsan, may Allah be pleased with her, said:
“(Once) I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “You should use this Indian incense (kyst al-Hindi), for it cures seven ailments, and its smoke should be inhaled by those who have pain throat, and put in the mouth of those who suffer from pleurisy."
See Sahih al-Bukhari 5692.

Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“The best means of treatment for you are bloodletting and sea incense (kyst al-bahri). And do not torment your children (whose tonsils are inflamed) by pressing on them (with your fingers).”
See Sahih al-Bukhari 5696.

There are dozens of types of costus around the world, but in medicine the main popularity is 2 types, namely kist al-hindi(dark color) and kist al-bahri(light color). In terms of their medical properties, they are practically no different from each other, except that kyst al-Hindi tastes more tart and is slightly stronger than kyst al-bahri. Therefore, those who cannot tolerate the taste of kyst al-Hindi accept kyst al-Bahri.

Costus (kist) is a perennial tropical herbaceous plant reaching a height of two meters. It has a straight and thick rhizome and numerous flowers. The trunk of the plant is spiral-shaped. Costus grows in northern India, on both sides of the Himalayan mountains, in Latin and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, cultivated in India and China.

In medical practice, it is the roots of costus that are used, which will be discussed below.

Natural tonic, aphrodisiac, causes the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory diseases, asthma, cough, eliminates gases, spasms, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anthelmintic properties, improves complexion, gives the skin smoothness and radiance, whitens and exfoliates, used in aromatherapy and perfumery, as an incense in everyday life and in religious rituals.

Currently, costus is used for medicinal purposes - in Arabic medicine, Ayurveda, and also in Chinese medicine, where it is one of the 50 essential herbs. The roots of the plant are used, crushed into powder, and made into tinctures and decoctions.

Therapeutic actions, which costus has:
- anti-inflammatory;
- hypotensive;
- expectorant;
- tonic;
- antiseptic;
- antispasmodic;
- bactericidal;
- carminative;
- choleretic;
- healing;
- improves the functioning of the stomach.

Medicinal properties Costus are used in the following cases:
- as a general tonic that improves the condition of the body, gives vigor and good mood;
- to improve digestion, for gastrointestinal disorders, colic, constipation, as a carminative;
- for gastric ulcers;
- for the treatment of skin diseases, including leprosy, and healing of wounds - ulcers, cuts, abscesses, boils;
- for respiratory diseases, asthma, bronchitis, fever;
- at infectious diseases such as typhus, cholera;
- for flatulence and colic, as a carminative in nature;
— in case of delays in menstruation, normalizes the menstrual cycle;
- as an anthelmintic;
- for hepatitis and other liver dysfunctions;
- aphrodisiac, increases libido.
Costus has been used in cosmetology since ancient times. It is mentioned in treatises as an ingredient in mascara, which makes eyelashes longer and more attractive. Included in creams, masks, gels, peelings, scrubs, powders for washing face and body.

Used in cosmetology thanks to:
- Antiseptic properties.
Gives antiseptic protection to the skin and prevents skin diseases. Perfectly cleanses the skin and pores, eliminating excess oil and dirt. Becomes the reason for the treatment of skin diseases, including leprosy.

- Wound healing properties.
Promotes healing and tightening of wounds, ulcers, cuts.

- Whitening and exfoliating properties.
Gently exfoliates, whitens the skin, and is included in scrubs. As a result, the complexion improves, the skin becomes soft, smooth, radiant, glowing from within.

Costus is used in Food Industry, especially in confectionery, as a spice to add aroma and taste.

Costus oil is used in aromatherapy and perfumery, and can also serve as perfume. Pairs well with patchouli and ylang-ylang scents.

Directions for use:
— Prevention
Ground root and take half a teaspoon in a glass of warm water 1-2 times a day.

- Treatment
Take the ground root 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day in a glass of warm water for 2 months; if the disease does not go away, then you should take a break for 1 month and continue taking it.

- Airways
It is also very important to inhale with costus, setting it on fire and inhaling the smoke for 10-15 minutes several times a day.

— Skin problems
Mix the costus with olive oil in such a proportion that the costus is immersed in a vessel by 1 cm. After which this mixture is infused for 5-7 days (ideally about 40 days), stirring daily. After that, the mixture is filtered through gauze, and the squeezed mixture must be smeared on the affected areas of the body. This oil should also be dripped into the nose when various types sinusitis.

I sincerely worry about you brothers and sisters, make reasons to be healthy and recover from diseases with our Muslim remedies

Al-kust is a common name, it is also called Kust, Kist, Kust, Uud Hindi. The scientific name is costus. The part used is the roots.
Scope of use – external and internal.
Method of use: infusion, mixture with honey, poultice.
Its cultivation and habitat
This perennial plant grows in the steppes of the Himalayas, where the highest mountain in the world, Everest, is located. Al-Qust is considered one of the most important foundations on which traditional Tibetan medicine stands. Most of the plant is found in India, as can be seen from the fact that it is called ud hindi ("Indian tree"), and there is also another species called African bush (al-qust al-ifriqi).

Its description

This tree, which is brought from India, has two varieties: Hindi aswad (“Indian black”) and bahri (“sea”), white in color, which is usually used in medicines and bukhur. The effective components of Kust contain chylinin and benzoic acid, and these elements fight bacteria in the body. In the medicine of the prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم is referred to as kust قسط and bush كست with the same meaning.
In two "Sahihs" the hadith of Anas is given from the prophet حري “The best way to treat you is hijama and kust bakhri.”
Al-Musnad contains the hadith of Umm Qais from the prophet “Heal yourself with this Indian tree, verily, there are 7 healings in it, among them is pleurisy.”

There are two types of bush:

One of them is white, which is called bahri, and the other is Hindi, which is hotter, while white is softer and very useful. Both of these types are warming, dry the throat, stop a runny nose if you drink them, help with weakness of the liver and stomach and their colds, with fever and intermittent fever, stop pleurisy, help with poisoning, and if you lubricate your face with a cream from water and honey, remove freckles and spots.

It was previously said what the medicine of doctors is in relation to the medicine of the prophets - that it is even worse than the medicine of old women in relation to the medicine of doctors; and there is a great difference between what is received by revelation and what is learned by experience and analogy. Even if these ignorant people find the medicine that some Jews, Christians and ignorant doctors talk about, they accept it, agree and do not try to test it. Yes, we do not deny that custom has an influence on the benefit or non-use of a medicine, and for one who is accustomed to a certain medicine and food, it will be more useful than for one who is not accustomed, and for whom it may even will not help.

A group of hadiths that talk about al-qust al-Hindi, and what is meant by the seven cures:

1. خيرُ ما تداوَيْتُم به : الحِجامَةُ والقُسط البحريُّ “The best treatment with which you are treated is hijama and al-qust al- bahri."

2. In the future ا : ذاتُ الجَنْبِ “Heal yourself with this Indian tree, because, truly, it has 7 cures, of which pleurisy.”

3. “Do not torment your children whose tonsils are inflamed by pressing on them (with your fingers), but use incense.”

4. ثم تسعطه إياه “Any woman whose child suffers from inflammation of the tonsils or pain in the head, let him take the bush, mix it with water, and then give him this to drink” (hadith narrated by Ahmad and the compilers of the Sunan).

5. And the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ‎‎ “Use this Indian tree, because it heals seven gov, among them there is pleurisy.”

What is meant by "seven cures"? This cosmetical tools, drinking, applying a compress, applying a poultice or fumigation, putting it in the nose, putting it in the mouth.

1. Cosmetics

This includes making creams diluted with vegetable oil, and we will get what is called al-Qousta oil, and it is better when it is diluted with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 10, i.e. 1 part – kust to 10 parts butter. From my experience in this area, it has been found that the best medicine against spots and freckles is a mixture of very delicate kust, diluted with water and honey. Rub your face with this mixture, and within a matter of days it will be completely cleared, if the spots were the result of hormonal problems.

2. Drinking

The kust is mixed with water, honey or juice, usually in a ratio of 1 to 10, so as not to overdo it, because every thing that has crossed its boundaries turns into its opposite. I personally prefer to take it with honey and get the synthesized benefits of kust and honey that contains healing for people.

3. Inhalation

This is inhalation through the nose, and it occurs as follows: the bush is finely ground, infused for a sufficient amount of time under the sun, then cleansed and inhaled into the nose.

4. Fumigation

It is necessary to set it on fire over coals for bukhur and fumigate it, this is especially necessary for runny noses and inflammatory problems in women.

5. Application of compresses

A certain amount of kust is taken, placed in water, boiled over a fire, left until it becomes warm, then a napkin is dipped into it and applied to the affected area of ​​the body.

6. Ludud

This is the process of distillation of the nose in the infected part.

7. Applying poultices

This is an ancient method of treatment in which the herb or plant is boiled, then it is placed in a ceramic poultice vessel, which has a hole at the bottom from which water drips, and the affected organ is placed directly under this vessel, and this is a good way to treat migraines, headaches and rheumatism, especially of the joints.


improves stomach function;
eliminates colic, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence;
relieves bloating;
helps with stomach ulcers;
suppresses intestinal peristaltic movements;
helps with hepatitis and other liver dysfunctions;
is a diuretic;
relieves gallbladder pain;
has a general strengthening effect;
relieves respiratory diseases;
treats asthma, cough, colds, bronchitis;
is an antipyretic;
is an excellent antiseptic;
eliminates worms, bacteria, microbes;
used to treat skin diseases;
heals wounds - ulcers, cuts, abscesses, boils;
has disinfecting properties especially against streptococci and staphylococci;
treats infectious diseases;
helps with vision problems;
relieves pain;
regenerates muscle tissue;
treats gonorrhea;
increases sexual desire;
stabilizes the menstrual cycle;
calms, relieves stress, depression;
tones and invigorates;
improves mood.

Of course, this is not the entire list of benefits from Kyst (between you and me, I drank a lot of it insha Allah myself, it’s very bitter, but it’s very useful, be patient)

There are also methods for combining Kist al Hindi with Hijama, which is very useful, by the way, there should be moderation in everything!!! don't overdose!!! if you have any questions, call 87075552161, I can help you or whatsapp,Insha Allah. if there is a desire to carry outHijama in Astana,according to the sunnah and specifically according to functional points in accordance with the disease and the goal, then of course I will be happy to respond to you. I wanted to tell Bardakosha and Helba and Aloe, but insha Allah later - Magazine of modern youth