Shuffle dance. Encyclopedia of dance: Melbourne shuffle (shuffle). What is a shuffle and how to learn to dance it at home

Shuffle (shuffle) is a dance style that was formed in the eighties of the last century in Austria, namely in the underground scene located in the city of Melbourne.

Basic movements performed in shuffle dance

At this stage of time, there are five main movements of this dance style, including the following:

  1. Man while running- is basic and consists in the fact that a person moves while remaining in his original position. The first foot moves forward from the “waiting” position, and at the same time the second foot performs a sliding movement back. These actions are performed to musical accompaniment.
  2. Teshka. The dancer moves the left foot to the right and then to the left. In turn, the right foot moves up and then down. The movement resembles the letter “T” and is the most popular among dancers of this style.
  3. Slips. Ordinary sliding movements.
  4. Scrolls. There are two types: ordinary and inverted. In the first case, the dancer spins clockwise, in the second case, in the other direction.
  5. Kicks using legs. The movement includes kicks that touch the floor and the air. When performing this movement, one foot of the musician is in front, and the second hits the floor area or air where the foot that is now in front was previously located.

Varieties of shuffle dance style

There are two main dance styles shuffle:

  1. Australia Style. A dance style that is the ancestor of the modern shuffle. Includes several types:
  • Hard style (the most popular type shuffle, when performing it, the dancer’s body tilts slightly);
  • Soft (the body is in upright position, sliding movements predominate);
  • New School (the body is in a straight position, there are a lot of sliding movements, hand movements are performed);
  • Old School(use of hands and body is kept to a minimum);
  • Pure (the most requested element is the “t” movement).
  1. Malaysia Style. It developed in Malaysia and in a fairly short time won the hearts of dancers. Includes several varieties: SOFT (many hand movements, the body does not work at all), HARD (hands and body movements are constantly performed), STOMP (an inclined body is present), PURE, OLDSCHOOL.

Dance schools and dance studios for studying shuffle

Since 2002 on the territory of our country, shuffle began to gain great popularity, many studios were opened that were dedicated to the study of this dance style.

Today the number of these institutions has decreased slightly, but those who want to study shuffle will still be able to find a studio to their liking.

Like all the funniest and most interesting things in the world, the shuffle appeared by chance on one of the stages in Melbourne, Australia.

This happened during music festival at the end of the 80s of the last century.

The dance is both a product of club and underground culture; it has no division of movements into female and male, and their simple set allows one to express oneself on the dance floor.

And get a great cardio workout, by the way.

Collected best videos lessons on how to learn to dance the shuffle at home.

What is a shuffle and how to learn to dance it at home?

The basis of the movements of this dance is moving from heel to toe at a fast pace.

"Shuffling" translated from English means “to slide your feet along the floor” or “shuffle.”

It was this word that gave the dance its name. Initially it was danced to acid house. Today - to any electronic music.

The modern shuffle takes its cues from LMFAO's popular 2009 video for the song "Party Rock Anthem."

The dance itself is divided into two types: Australian and Malaysian (more modern).

At first glance, it seems that performing all these movements is quite simple.

But this is only at first glance - to become a real party star, you will need more than one week of hard training.

Advice: when starting classes, do not immediately choose hard, dynamic music. Your task is to learn to fall under the beat. To dance quickly, it is important to master the basic movements with an A plus.

How to learn to dance the shuffle at home - basic movements

"Running Man"

The main movement of the shuffle is sliding steps back and forth and from side to side.

This foundation, vaguely reminiscent of the moonwalk of Michael Jackson and the videos of the group “Car-Man” from the harsh 90s, was called “Running Man”.

The video below will certainly motivate you to start dancing now:

When the shuffler - the dancer - moves, it seems that he is in weightlessness.

You dance in place, one foot lifts up and forward into a waiting position, the other slides back.

Then the back foot returns to its original position, the front foot returns back.

Your task is to fall under the beat of the music. This combination of movements is considered standard.

Tip: before each workout, do not forget to avoid injuries and sprains.

In addition to those described above, the shuffle contains the following movements:


The dancer moves to the right with his left foot, then to the left. The foot moves only left and right according to the “back and forth” principle.

At the same time, the right foot moves up and down. This combination of movements is performed in the shape of the letter “T”.

After the Running Man, this movement is the most popular among shufflers.


It is an imitation of kicks on the floor performed in the air.

One leg is located slightly in front, the second one hits the place of the second foot.

The knee is raised to any desired height. The point of impact must be balanced and controlled.


Normal sliding movements characteristic of different styles, are also present in the shuffle.


They also scroll the body around its axis or against it. The movement during the dance is performed chaotically in the order in which you feel comfortable.

Advice: today a huge number of movements from other styles have leaked into the shuffle - popping, locking, liquid dance, breaking, etc. Dancers take the brightest elements and combine them in free form.

Development of the dance direction

We already wrote above that the shuffle initially appeared on the dance floors of Australia, after which it was slightly transformed and migrated to Malaysia.

Today, thanks to the efforts of the world's leading DJs, it is danced in all clubs around the world for self-expression.

You can learn the basics of shuffle on your own, because the main thing in it is your individual and unique style.

But it's a good idea to take a few professional lessons to get the basics down.

Advice: interesting fact: many dancers sprinkle talc on its surface to enhance gliding on the floor.

Finally, one more useful video on how to learn how to dance the shuffle at home with a tutorial in Russian:

Shuffle is a dance style originally from Australia, it is quite difficult to say exactly when it appeared, but traditionally its appearance is associated with the Rave parties of the late 80s, when acid house and techno first started playing in Melbourne clubs, then people danced to acidic club music didn’t know how, and people began to mix hard step with such styles as: popping, breaking, mining, etc. As a result, a new dance direction appeared - the Melbourne shuffle.

It was danced, as a rule, only in clubs, where the floor was often specially sprinkled with talcum powder to increase gliding. But the spectacle itself, when the talc from hundreds of kicks rose above the dance floor and people literally slid waist-deep in smoke, cannot be expressed in words; it was a rave, and people felt it when they came to Australia.

Yes, it was a rave style of dance, it was created not for the streets and competitions, but in order to blow up dance floors and dissolve in the dance, everything from clothes and hairstyles to dance styles literally screams about this.

But still, let’s try to highlight the main styles that professional shufflers usually talk about:

Australia Style (AUS) - the main, very first direction of Shuffle, popular today, there are such types as Hard style (the most popular, the body is slightly inclined), Soft (straight body, sliding predominates over impacts), New School (straight body, a lot of sliding, hand work), Old School (soft style, almost no use of arms and body), Pure (Instead of Running Man they use only Teshka).

Malaysia Style (MAS) - Appeared later in Malaysia and quickly began to develop. They are also divided into SOFT (soft, only the arms work, without the body), HARD (hard, the body and arms constantly work), STOMP (the body is tilted), PURE (T is used instead of RM, jumps and spins are used), OLDSCHOOL (RM is done on the heels, T is done not 3-4 times, as in other styles, but 7 or more)

Today the shuffle is promoted by DJs of all kinds of clubs, as well as partygoers from the most different countries. The shuffle is a fairly diverse dance, and each dancer can bring their own elements, which makes it very bright, unique and unique.

There is hardly a person who can name the number of dances that exist in the world. New styles are constantly emerging. They are formed in parallel with the emergence of new styles in music, borrowing movements from each other. The dances are filled with original movements and spread from continent to continent.

“Learning how to dance in the shuffle style is a video material that will help you effectively learn this well-known style. Such educational videos help beginners start learning dance at home and watch performances by professionals.

Video lesson “Learning to dance in the shuffle style”

What is a shuffle?

Shuffle (“shuffle”) is a dance style that arose in the 80s of the XIX century. Its homeland is Melbourne, Australia. The shuffle combines jazz dance moves (step) to electronic music.

There are several main types of steps:

  • running man (running man);
  • teshka (movement in the form of the letter “T”);
  • slide (sliding);
  • spin(scroll);
  • kick (kick).

Creating bundles from listed elements, dancer performs dynamic dance. There are many more shuffle movements borrowed from other styles.

Learning basic movements

In the presented video material, dancer Andrei Zakharov will perform training in the basic movements of the shuffle dance: running man and “teshka”. The author will demonstrate each stage of learning each movement. Will tell you about the correct position of the body. A. Zakharov will demonstrate performing short sequences with learned movements to music.

This video lesson will be of interest to beginners who want to master the basic elements of the shuffle dance. - Magazine of modern youth