An essay on a work on the topic: Who is Katerina: a weak creature or a strong woman? Who is Katerina: a weak creature or a strong woman? (based on the work of A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”) An essay based on the work on the topic: Who is Katerina: a weak creature and

The drama “The Thunderstorm,” according to Dobrolyubov, “is Ostrovsky’s most decisive work,” in which he showed the tyranny and despotism of the merchants, the “dark kingdom.”

In the drama, the main character of the “Russian strong character” collides with the cruel and inhuman mores of the old way of life. Katerina - main character dramas. This is a poetic, dreamy, gentle nature.
Katerina’s childhood in her parents’ house passed very quickly, and she remembers it as the best time of her life. Her life with her mother was easy and joyful. Katerina loved to care for flowers, walk alone in the garden, go to church to listen to church singing and music, and embroider on velvet with gold. At that time, girls were not given any education, and books were replaced by stories of wanderers. Even as a child, Katerina was impressionable. Under the influence of the stories of praying mantises and wanderers, her freedom-loving and romantic character was formed.

Main feature in the character of Katerina - “the image of a bird.” In folk poetry, the bird is a symbol of will. “I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild,” Katerina recalls about how she lived before her marriage. “...Why don’t people fly like birds?” she says to Varvara. “You know, sometimes it seems to me that I’m a bird.”

Katerina wants to love both her husband and her mother-in-law, but she does not find a response to her feelings in them. Tikhon refuses to take her with him, Kabanikha pursues her with his instructions. But Katerina endures for the time being. “And if I get really tired of this place,” she says, “no force can hold me back. I’ll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the pool...” Kabanikha is an ardent defender of the old order, realizing that the old kingdom of tyrants is coming to an end , hates everything new, grinds everyone down, achieving his own order. Lies and pretense reign in Kabanikha's house.

Katerina is an independent, determined person. How hard it is for her when she listens to Tikhon’s orders, which he gives her under the dictation of her mother. It is at this point that she begins to understand the horror of her situation.

Katerina is a determined and courageous person. Katerina's only love and joy is Boris. She will not come to terms with the reality around her. She is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her loved one, moreover, transgressing those concepts of sin that are sacred to her. She truly loves. “Let everyone know, let everyone see what I’m doing!” - she says to Boris. She expects true, happy love from life.

Katerina is lonely. She finds no protection either from her husband or from her beloved Boris Grigorievich. Neither the husband nor Boris can fight for their happiness, defend their rights, love.

How from the bottom of her heart and how much she loves Boris! Katerina is not afraid of death, but Boris is too weak to help Katerina.

The path to freedom is cut off, and she cannot exist among the Kabanovs. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.

The heroine's suicide is a protest against tyranny, dark forces, the kingdom of house-building. So for the first time in " dark kingdom"A bright ray flashed."

The plays of A. N. Ostrovsky are plays of genuine truth, true life. The drama "The Thunderstorm" was of particular importance.

Katerina is a strong personality. She managed to awaken in her husband a feeling of love, pity, and truthfulness. Kabanov says to his mother: “You ruined her! You! You!”

The image of Katerina belongs to the best images women in Ostrovsky’s works, in all Russian literature.

The drama “The Thunderstorm,” according to Dobrolyubov, “is Ostrovsky’s most decisive work,” in which he showed the tyranny and despotism of the merchants, the “dark kingdom.”
In the drama, the main character of the “Russian strong character” collides with the cruel and inhuman mores of the old way of life. Katerina is the main character of the drama. This is a poetic, dreamy, gentle nature.
Katerina’s childhood in her parents’ house passed very quickly, and she remembers it as the best time of her life. Her life with her mother was easy and joyful. Katerina loved to care for flowers, walk alone in the garden, go to church to listen to church singing and music, and embroidered on velvet with gold. At that time, girls were not given any education, and books were replaced by stories of wanderers. Even as a child, Katerina was impressionable. Under the influence of the stories of praying mantises and wanderers, her freedom-loving and romantic character was formed.
The main feature in Katerina’s character is the “image of a bird.” In folk poetry, the bird is a symbol of will. “I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild,” Katerina recalls about how she lived before her marriage. “...Why don’t people fly like birds? - she says to Varvara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.”
Katerina wants to love both her husband and her mother-in-law, but she does not find a response to her feelings in them. Tikhon refuses to take her with him, Kabanikha pursues her with his instructions. But Katerina endures for the time being. “And if I get really tired of it here,” she says, “no force can hold me back. I’ll throw myself out the window, I’ll throw myself into the pool...” Kabanikha is an ardent defender of the old order, realizing that the old kingdom of tyrants is coming to an end, she hates everything new, sharpens everyone, achieving her own order. Lies and pretense reign in Kabanikha's house.
Katerina is an independent, determined person. How hard it is for her when she listens to Tikhon’s orders, which he gives her under the dictation of her mother. It is here that she begins to understand the horror of her situation.
Katerina is a determined and courageous person. Katerina's only love and joy is Boris. She will not come to terms with the reality around her. She is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her loved one, transgressing even those concepts of sin that are sacred to her. She truly loves. “Let everyone know, let everyone see what I do!” - she says to Boris. She expects true, happy love from life.
Katerina is lonely. She finds no protection either from her husband or from her beloved Boris Grigorievich. Neither the husband nor Boris can fight for their happiness, defend their rights, love.
How sincerely and deeply she loves Boris! Katerina is not afraid of death, but Boris is too weak to help Katerina.
The path to freedom is cut off, and she cannot live among the Kabanovs. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.
The heroine's suicide is a protest against tyranny, dark forces, and the kingdom of house-building. So for the first time in the “dark kingdom” a “light ray” flashed.
The plays of A. N. Ostrovsky are plays of genuine truth, true life. The drama “The Thunderstorm” was especially important.
Katerina is a strong personality. She managed to awaken in her husband a feeling of love, pity, and truthfulness. Kabanov says to his mother: “You ruined her! You! You!"
The image of Katerina belongs to the best images of women in Ostrovsky’s work, in all of Russian literature.

A. N. Ostrovsky in each of his plays created and showed multifaceted characters whose lives are interesting to watch. One of the playwright’s works tells about a girl who committed suicide, unable to withstand the pressure of circumstances. The development of Katerina’s character in Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” as well as her emotional experiences, are the main driving forces of the plot.

On the list characters Ostrovsky designates Katerina as the wife of Tikhon Kabanov. As the plot develops, the reader gradually reveals the image of Katya, realizing that this character’s function as a wife is not exhausted. The character of Katerina in the drama “The Thunderstorm” can be called strong. Despite the unhealthy situation in the family, Katya managed to maintain purity and firmness. She refuses to accept the rules of the game, living by her own. For example, Tikhon obeys his mother in everything. In one of the first dialogues, Kabanov convinces his mother that he does not have his own opinion. But soon the topic of conversation changes - and now Kabanikha, as if casually, accuses Katerina of the fact that Tikhon loves her more. Until this moment, Katerina did not participate in the conversation, but now she is offended by her mother-in-law’s words. The girl addresses Kabanikha on a personal level, which can be regarded as hidden disrespect, as well as a kind of equality. Katerina puts herself on an equal footing with her, denying the family hierarchy. Katya politely expresses her dissatisfaction with the slander, emphasizing that in public she is the same as at home, and she has no need to pretend. This line actually speaks of Katya as a strong person. As the story progresses, we learn that Kabanikha’s tyranny extends only to the family, and in society the old woman talks about preserving family order and proper upbringing, covering up her cruelty with words about benefactor. The author shows that Katerina, firstly, is aware of her mother-in-law’s behavior; secondly, I disagree with this; and thirdly, he openly declares to Kabanikha, to whom even his own son cannot object, about his views. However, Kabanikha does not give up trying to humiliate her daughter-in-law, forcing her to kneel in front of her husband.

Sometimes a girl remembers how she lived before. Katerina's childhood was quite carefree. The girl went to church with her mother, sang songs, walked, and according to Katya, she didn’t have everything she could have. Katya compares herself before marriage to a free bird: she was left to her own devices, she was in charge of her life. And now Katya often compares herself to a bird. “Why don’t people fly like birds? - she says to Varvara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.”

But such a bird cannot fly away. Once in a cage with thick bars, Katerina gradually suffocates in captivity. A freedom-loving person like Katya cannot exist within the rigid confines of the kingdom of lies and hypocrisy. Everything in Katya seems to breathe with feelings and love for the most unique thing - for life itself. Once in the Kabanov family, the girl is deprived of this inner feeling. Her life is similar to life before marriage: the same songs, the same trips to church. But now, in such a hypocritical environment, Katya feels false.

It’s surprising that with such inner strength, Katya does not oppose herself to others. She is “a martyr, a captive, deprived of the opportunity to grow and develop,” but she does not consider herself such. She tries to pass through the “millstone of hostility and malicious envy” with dignity, without losing or vulgarizing her essence.

Katya can easily be called brave. Indeed, the girl tried to fight the feelings that flared up in her for Boris, but still decided to meet with him. Katya takes responsibility for her destiny and decisions. In a sense, during her secret meetings with Boris, Katya gains freedom. She is not afraid of “neither sin nor human judgment.” Finally, a girl can do as her heart tells her.

But with Tikhon’s return, their meetings stop. Katya’s desire to talk about her relationship with Dikiy’s nephew does not please Boris. He hopes that the girl will remain silent, dragging her into the net " dark kingdom", from which Katya tried so desperately to escape. One of the critics of the drama, Melnikov-Pechersky, surprisingly aptly described Katerina: “a young woman, having fallen under the yoke of this old woman, experiences thousands of moral torments and at the same time realizes that God has put an ardent heart in her, that passions are raging in her young breast , not at all compatible with seclusion married women, which dominates the environment where Katerina found herself.”

Neither the confession of treason nor the conversation with Boris met Katerina’s hopes. For her, the difference and discrepancy between the real world and ideas about the future turned out to be fatal. The decision to rush into the Volga was not spontaneous - Katya had long felt her approaching death. She was afraid of the approaching thunderstorm, seeing in it retribution for sins and bad thoughts. Katerina's frank confession becomes like a desperate communion, a desire to be honest to the end. It is noteworthy that between the events of the confession of treason - the conversation with Boris - the suicide, some time passes. And all these days the girl endures insults and curses from her mother-in-law, who wants to bury her in the ground alive.

You cannot condemn the heroine or talk about the weakness of Katerina’s character in “The Thunderstorm”. Nevertheless, even having committed such a sin, Katya remains as pure and innocent as in the first acts of the play.

A discussion about the strength or weakness of Katerina’s character can be useful for 10th grade students when writing an essay on the topic “The Character of Katerina in the play “The Thunderstorm”.”

Work test

The drama “The Thunderstorm,” according to Dobrolyubov, “is Ostrovsky’s most decisive work,” in which he showed the tyranny and despotism of the merchants, the “dark kingdom.”

In the drama, the main character of the “Russian strong character” collides with the cruel and inhuman mores of the old way of life. Katerina is the main character of the drama. This is a poetic, dreamy, gentle nature.

Katerina’s childhood in her parents’ house passed very quickly, and she remembers it as the best time of her life. Her life with her mother was easy and joyful. Katerina loved to care for flowers, walk alone in the garden, go to church to listen to church singing and music, and embroider on velvet with gold. At that time, girls were not given any education, and books were replaced by stories of wanderers. Even as a child, Katerina was impressionable. Under the influence of the stories of praying mantises and wanderers, her freedom-loving and romantic character was formed.

The main feature in Katerina’s character is the “image of a bird.” In folk poetry, the bird is a symbol of will. “I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild,” Katerina recalls about how she lived before her marriage. “...Why don’t people fly like birds? - she says to Varvara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.”

Katerina wants to love both her husband and her mother-in-law, but she does not find a response to her feelings in them. Tikhon refuses to take her with him, Kabanikha pursues her with his instructions. But Katerina endures for the time being. “And if I get really tired of this place,” she says, “no force can hold me back. I’ll throw myself out the window, I’ll throw myself into the pool...” Kabanikha is an ardent defender of the old order, realizing that the old kingdom of tyrants is coming to an end, she hates everything new, and persecutes everyone, achieving her own order. Lies and pretense reign in Kabanikha's house.

Lesson questions:1. What are the features of the inner world
2. What are the origins of her nature?
3. What significance did the playwright put into
name of the drama?


Let's listen and analyze monologues
Write down the traits in your notebook as the lesson progresses.

Analysis of the monologue “Why don’t people fly?...”

What does the image symbolize?
What does Katerina dream about?
What traits of the heroine does he talk about?
this monologue?
Does Varvara understand?
Katerina? Why?

Analysis of 2 monologues

What does Katerina’s phrase say:
“How frisky I was! I'm with you
withered completely"?
Find folklore here
What does Katerina see as charm?
your girl life?
Do you agree that Varvara
says: “Yes, it’s the same with us”?
Don't you think that Katerina
Did you grow up slacker?

Analysis of 3 monologues

About what features
Katerina says this
Why can't she now
I dream about these
amazing clean


Does Katerina humble herself before
your mother-in-law? Read out
How do you feel about this
What would I do in her place?
Can Katerina do this?
enroll? Why?

Katerina's character traits

Dreamy and
lie, true

What made Katerina like this?

environment, in
which she
grew up
Church life
literature and

Could Katerina have a loved one? Does anyone understand her?

Tikhon and Katerina

The motive of temptation and sin



What does he dream about?
What's sinful about
this dream?

Crazy lady

What role in the play
plays Crazy
Why doesn't Varvara
is afraid of her, and Katerina

Before sin and after sin

Action 2 phenomenon 10. What's it like
psychological state of the heroine?
Act 4 phenomenon 3. What feelings
Katerina experiences after
what was done?
Act 5 phenomenon 2. How she
is he aware of his actions? How is she
refers to Boris
Act 5, phenomenon 3. Is he guilty?
Boris in Katerina's suicide?

Katerina's conflict

Education nature
Dream =
Fight with

“Oh, Varya, you don’t know
my character... really
if I'm here
you'll get tired of it, won't you
no way to hold me back
by force. Out the window
I'll throw myself into the Volga
I'll rush. I don't want to be here
I won’t live like that,
even if you cut me!”
Love of freedom,


Homework. Fill out the table

1. “Something is wrong with me.”
some kind of miracle is happening"
2. “I’m sure I’ll live again
I’m starting, or... I don’t know.”
3. “It’s as if I’m over an abyss, and
someone is pushing me there, but
I have nothing to hold on to"
4. “As if there is an evil one in my ears
At what point is this said?
connection with what, what conclusions can be drawn
do? - Magazine of modern youth