How old is Alice Mon, the singer? Biography of Alice Mon. And it all started so well

At the end of the 80s of the last century, “Plantain-grass” was considered one of the most popular songs that were, as they say, heard all the time. It was sung by a striking brunette with green eyes, Alisa Mon. The song became a hit after the singer performed it on the then popular TV show “Song 88”. And Alisa Mon was then known along with Alena Apina, Elena Presnyakova, Valeria, Natalya Gulkina...

But few people knew that Alice Mon is not the singer’s real name. In fact, her name was Svetlana, a girl from the city of Slyudyanka, Irkutsk region. Full name Svetlana Vladimirovna Bezukh. From 1986 to 1989, Alisa-Svetlana sang in the musical group "Labyrinth" under the direction of Sergei Muravyov. He is also the author of the song "Plantain Grass". "Labyrinth" was created at the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic. And Alice Mon was already pursuing a solo career. In 1986, the album "Take My Heart" was released. It also included the song “Plantain Grass”.

In the late 1980s, the first big tour of Alice Mon and the Labyrinth group took place, and everywhere the band and the singer were warmly received. In 1991, Alisa Mon became a diploma winner at the Midnight Sun competition in Finland, where she performed two songs: one in Finnish and the other in English. But in the early 1990s, the singer suddenly left the stage and returned to the city of Angarsk, where she worked as artistic director of the Energetik House of Culture. In 1993, she resumed her artistic career, and in 1997, she recorded her most famous song, “Almaz,” and shot a video for it. The songs “I Promise”, “Warm Me”, “Tender” and others were easily picked up by the audience and quickly became hits.

What's going on with Alice Mon these days? She appears on television quite rarely. But still, viewers could see her in such programs as “Property of the Republic”, “Let Them Talk”, “Desperate Housewives”... If you look at the discography, the last disc dates back to 2005. However, messages appear all the time about her concerts: performing at City Day, congratulating her on Victory Day, performing in one club or another.

But recently, as part of a show by the famous author and producer Lyubov Voropaeva at the Oblaka restaurant, Alisa Mon celebrated her anniversary. The singer appeared in front of the guests in great shape and showed that she was just as stage-like and organic as she was before. Bari Alibasov and Natalya Gulkina came to congratulate Alisa Mon. Philip Kirkorov - it was he who sang “Happy Birthday” the loudest when they brought out a huge cake in the shape of “plantain grass”, Lada Dance, Igor Nadzhiev, Slava Medyanik and other celebrity guests. Alla Pugacheva could not come, but sent a gift and a bouquet of flowers.

Why does the general public know so little about Alice Mon today, a RG columnist asked producer Lyubov Voropaeva

Alice has not stopped working all these years. For example, recently, on the day national unity I was in Krasnodar - an audience of more than two thousand people gathered there. Now Alisa is on tour in Sochi, she has concerts, and she has been in great demand all these years, despite the fact that she is not on the screen. She is recording new songs (they can be found on iTunes), and her fate is very indicative of many artists who are not on the screen for reasons beyond their control. I would like to compare Alice Mon with the Russian Edith Piaf. In the sense that she lives every song as if small performance. She has her own audience because she is real and despises phonograms. She lives each song differently, depending on the state of her soul. The fact that she keeps to herself and doesn't try to punch a wall with her forehead means she understands the talent she has. And she will always be in demand by her audience,” the producer answered.

The star of the 90s, singer Alisa Mon spoke about the divorce of her son Sergei and how her mother was going through a family tragedy.

The author and performer of the hit “Almaz” is an infrequent guest at social events. Svetlana Bezukh (the singer's real name) in her free time prefers to be at home doing handicrafts, putting things in order, arranging...

– Alisa, you started your singing career early.

– Yes, I fell in love with music since childhood, entered the pop department of the music school in Novosibirsk, then went to work in the “Labyrinth” group at the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic, which was led by Sergei Muravyov, my future husband.

Sergei began to work not only with the group, but also with my solo work; he wrote the song “Plantain-Grass” for me, which later became a hit. We also published the album “Take My Heart.” Sergei and I got married, we had a son, whom we named Seryozha.

Alisa Mon / Personal archive of the singer

Now my son lives with me, he is a very talented person. But he didn’t follow in my footsteps, because pop music doesn’t interest him, his path is the blues, he loves it very much and plays great, writes poetry. But one thing is common creative work we have - a year ago we recorded the song “Say Love” with him. And they even made a video for it, in which Seryozha also starred, he wrote the text himself and read it. It seems to me that the text turned out to be of high quality and even philosophical beyond its years.

Seryozha also performs in nightclubs, he has his own audience. But he does not perform under the name Muravyov. My son doesn’t like it when I talk about him, about his work, he behaves completely separately. And despite the fact that he, like me, did not go to music school, music comes easily to him.

– You are also a composer, you yourself have written so many songs, including “Almaz”.

– But I don’t consider myself a professional composer, because I select music by ear, because I still don’t know the notes. I’ve been playing the instrument for a long time, and everything is clear to me without notation. My son is a good listener, he does everything by ear. Serezha is 25 years old, and he got married a long time ago. I really like my daughter-in-law, however. I don’t interfere in their relationship, but I want Dasha and Seryozha to be together again. Because for me Dasha is not a daughter-in-law, but my own girl, I call her daughter, and she calls me mother. She is wonderful, I like her very much, we understand each other. And I want Dasha to return to Sergei.

Alisa Mon / Mila Strizh / “Interlocutor”

– You look great. How do you take care of yourself, how do you feel about plastic surgery?

- Thank you. About seven years ago I was at plastic surgeon, I had blepharoplasty, my lower eyelid was trimmed. And that’s it, I didn’t use the services of doctors in this field anymore. And the appearance is probably this way by nature, genetics. My mother and I looked very good. And this, of course, knocked her down. She gave up after my grandmother died, and then my dad died. It’s hard to go through such grief; last year was very difficult. But my mom is holding on, she’s doing great. Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, leads healthy image life, it is very correct for me! May God give her health and joy, she is wonderful. Very much so! She never asks for anything; when I go to visit her, I ask what to bring her. And she, like all parents, answers: “You don’t need anything, the main thing is that you come yourself!” And don’t forget to take a warm jacket, it’s cold here!” That is, he tells me what the weather is like so that I can prepare.

– You often visit your mother. What are you bringing her as a gift?

– I buy her gifts at my own discretion, intuitively: a microwave oven, a newfangled multicooker. Of course, I don’t bring equipment from Moscow, you can buy it locally. But I buy some things for her here. Sometimes, of course, I bring the necessary medications. My mother is also an avid summer resident; she loves to dig in the soil and grow flowers. Therefore, to please her, I am bringing some seeds. She enjoys working with plants, I am very proud of her, because I myself do not like vegetable gardens or beds.

Alisa Mon with her beloved Yorkshire terrier Honey / Mila Strizh / “Interlocutor”

I prefer to do housework. I have been a needlewoman since childhood, but as a little girl I sewed for dolls, and now I sew curtains to make the house cozy. I am also a pillow maker and love sewing pillows. I always enjoy doing household chores for my own pleasure, although I don’t have enough time for all my hobbies. And I also have my tailed “children” - the cat Voodoo and the girl dog, the Yorkshire terrier Honey. They are wonderful, sometimes I even dress them up in beautiful clothes, but they don’t like it. My cat is beautiful, black. And I have long dreamed of making him a collar, so glamorous, with diamonds. I think this accessory will suit him very well. He's so graceful. They miss me very much, they need to be looked after and not left unattended. I also really love these wonderful kids. I think that everyone who has tailed “kids” understands me.

Alisa Vladimirovna Mon (real name is Svetlana Vladimirovna Bezukh). Born on August 15, 1964 in Slyudyanka, Irkutsk region. Soviet and Russian pop singer.

Svetlana Bezukh, who became widely known as Alisa Mon, was born on August 15, 1964 in the city of Slyudyanka, Irkutsk region (110 km from Irkutsk).

Brother - Vladimir Vladimirovich Bezukh.

WITH early years she loved to sing, she began by imitating famous Soviet performers, her idols were the Czech singer Karel Gott and.

It is interesting that, despite her good vocal abilities and hearing, she did not study at a music school. But she actively performed at various school events where singing songs was required. Co school years I started composing songs myself.

She also played sports and played for the school basketball team.

She graduated from school No. 4 in her hometown.

In 1983 she entered the pop department at the Novosibirsk music school. At the same time, she worked part-time as a singer in restaurants in the city.

In 1985 she became a soloist in the school's jazz orchestra. However, she subsequently left the educational institution without receiving a secondary education.

From 1986 to 1989 she worked in the group “Labyrinth” under the direction of Sergei Muravyov at the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic, while simultaneously pursuing solo work. Then she took the pseudonym “Alice Mon” - similar to “Mona Lisa”. Later she turned her pseudonym into her first and last name, which are written in her passport.

In 1987, she appeared on television for the first time - she made her debut in the “Morning Mail” program with the composition “I Promise.”

In 1988, Alice Mon's first album, “Take My Heart,” was released. Among others, it included the song “Plantain”, which became the singer’s first hit after her performance in the program “Song-1988”. The festival brought the performer an audience award and all-Union popularity.

Alice Mon - Plantain grass

After the song “Plantain”, all-Union fame fell on her. The Labyrinth group was able to sign a contract with the Melodiya company to record an album. Radio stations invited her to broadcast.

In the late 1980s, the first big tour of Alice Mon and the Labyrinth group took place. During the tour, new songs appeared - “Hello and Farewell”, “Bird in a Cage”, “Long Road”. They were included in Alice Mon's second solo album, “Warm Me.”

In 1991, Alisa Mon became a diploma winner at the Midnight Sun competition in Finland, where she performed two songs: one in Finnish and the other in English.

In the early 1990s, she left the stage, returned to Slyudyanka, then went to the city of Angarsk in the Irkutsk region, where she worked as the artistic director of the Energetik House of Culture.

In 1993 she resumed her artistic career.

In 1997, she recorded her most famous song “Almaz” and shot a video for it. Then several albums of the singer were released with a number of compositions that became popular: “A Day Together” (“Blue Airship”, “Strawberry Kiss”, “Snowflake”), “Be Sad with Me” (“Untruth”, “Trouble is not a Problem”, “Here and that’s it”), “Dance with me” (“Orchid”, “You never know”, “Be mine”). Video clips were shot for the songs “Blue Airship” and “Become Mine”.

Alisa Mon - Diamond

In 2005, the singer recorded the album “My Favorite Songs,” which, in addition to new releases, included popular tracks from past years. In the 2000s, the singer also became a student at the Institute of Culture and received a degree in mass production.

On May 12, 2004, in the Kremlin, Alice Mon was presented with the honorary award of the Council on Public Awards of Russia “Best of the Best.”

Lives in Moscow. Sometimes appears on television, performs at corporate events, as well as nightclubs and restaurants.

“They keep asking me: “Did you live in America?” Yes, I didn’t live there! Once I went on tour, the second time we filmed a video for my hit “Almaz”. Why should I leave? I live well in Russia!”, she says.

The artist rarely appears on TV; the singer refuses many television broadcasts herself. Alisa Mon was invited to the show “You are a Superstar”, where many of her star colleagues reasserted themselves. But she refused: “I was one of the first people invited to that project. But when I read the script, I realized that I would not participate in it. It seemed to me that it was all invented with special cynicism.”

Alice Mon's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Alice Mon:

She was married twice.

The first husband is Vasily Marinin, guitarist of the Labyrinth group.

The second husband is Sergei Muravyov, composer and producer of the Labyrinth group (wrote the song “Podorozhnik”).

The marriage gave birth to a son, Sergei Sergeevich Muravyov, on November 14, 1989. The marriage also quickly broke up; according to the singer, her husband often used violence against her.

The son is a musician, performs in nightclubs, plays the blues, writes poetry, and together with his mother Alisa Mon recorded the song “Say Love.” The son is married, his wife's name is Daria.

Sergei - son of Alice Mon

"For me there is no such thing as betrayal. I always perceive the man who is next to me as a free person. And to admit betrayal means to recognize a sense of ownership towards another person. For me, betrayal is if a person close to me tells others my secret . But this is more betrayal. Although I don’t understand when a man lives with his wife and sleeps with others. Well, what happens to her? - the artist believes.

Discography of Alice Mon:

1988 - Take my heart
1989 - Keep me warm
1997 - Diamond
1999 - A Day for Two
2002 - A Day for Two (reissue)
2002 - Diamond (reissue)
2002 - Be sad with me
2002 - Dance with me
2005 - My favorite songs

Songs by Alice Mon:

I'm at your feet
Two Palms, Tender Cats
I promise
Ah, Mommy!
Pink Glasses
We don’t abandon our own!
Berry - Raspberry
I miss you
Become Mine
He And She
Stop, Feeling
I'll give it up - I'll love it
Blue Airship
Hello And Goodbye
I'm Worried
You are My Light
Stop, Taxi
Touch with Warm Palms...
Happy New Year
Warm Me
I'm Not a Doll (A. Mon)
Day for Two
Wet March

Alisa Mon is a popular Russian singer, whose creative destiny has repeatedly presented her with surprises. Twice the artist soared to the musical Olympus and twice burned all the bridges behind her, starting from scratch.

The songs “Plantain-Grass” and “Diamond,” which brought her popularity, appeared almost 10 years apart. The star continues to surprise fans today with new hits.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Vladimirovna Bezukh, whom the Russian public knows under the pseudonym Alisa Mon, was born on August 15, 1964 in Slyudyanka, Irkutsk region. While studying at school, the girl showed interest in music, but music education I didn't receive it. She went in for sports and played for the school basketball team. Svetlana was a social activist, spoke at ceremonial events in the city, defending the honor of her native school No. 4.

IN adolescence She began to compose song compositions, and for this she mastered playing the piano. To realize her talent, Svetlana created her own music group. Young musicians mastered the repertoire. The young performer tried to imitate the singing style of her idols.

After school, the girl entered the Novosibirsk Music College in the department pop singing. She immediately began working part-time as a restaurant singer. In her second year, Svetlana was invited to join the school’s jazz ensemble, led by A. A. Sultanov, a vocal teacher. But the girl failed to get a diploma. Svetlana left the walls of the educational institution ahead of schedule to become a soloist of the Labyrinth group, based at the Novosibirsk Philharmonic.


Working in a musical group, led by a composer, required maximum effort from Svetlana; there was practically no free time left. The artist made her debut on television in 1987 in “Morning Mail” with the musical composition “I Promise” from the upcoming debut album.

Alisa Mon and the group "Labyrinth" - "I Promise"

In 1988, Svetlana’s first album, “Take My Heart,” was released, which included the tracks “Farewell,” “Horizon,” and “Hot Rain of Love.” The song “Plantain-Grass” earned the fame of a hit, for which in 1988, at the “Song of the Year”, the lead singer of the group received the audience award. Initially, Sergei Muravyov wanted to give the composition, but the famous singer suggested leaving the hit to Svetlana after she heard her young colleague perform.

Alice Mon - "Plantain"

All-Union glory fell on the soloist of “Labyrinth”. The team enters into a contract with the Melodiya company to record an album. Radio stations invite Svetlana and Sergei to broadcasts dedicated to their work. During one of the interviews, Svetlana comes up with the pseudonym Alice Mon, a derivative of Mona Lisa. The artist liked the new name so much that she replaced it in her passport.

Artists of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic go on tour around Soviet Union, during which new songs “Hello and Farewell”, “Bird in a Cage”, “Long Road” were born for Alice Mon’s second solo album “Warm Me”.

Alice Mon - "Hello and Goodbye"

In 1991, the singer went international. The girl goes to Europe to the Midnight Sun competition, which took place in Finland, and receives a diploma. To participate in the competition, the singer had to master Finnish and English languages, songs on which were included in the compulsory program. After this, the musicians managed to work in the USA for a year.

In 1992, Alisa Mon returned to Russia and participated in the international music festival“Step to Parnassus”, where the singer performed that year. But suddenly, after a meteoric rise, Alice Mon decides to make drastic changes in her life. creative biography. She returns to her native Slyudyanka, from where she soon moves to Angarsk and gets a job as artistic director at the Energetik Palace of Culture.

The singer does not stop writing music. In her small homeland, Alisa’s hit “Almaz” was born, which one wealthy fan of the singer once heard and suggested releasing a cassette. Get with new musical material A lucky chance helped Alice get to Moscow. A group of Moscow artists came to the Energetik cultural center, where the singer worked at that time, with a concert. Among the performers were people familiar to the singer. The sound engineer, having listened to the cassette with the recorded Almaz album, took a copy to the capital.

10 days later, a phone call came with an offer to work together on a video and a full-length disc.

Alisa Mon - "Diamond"

So in 1995, Alice Mon returned to the capital. And in 1996, the song “Almaz” was released at the Soyuz recording studio, which became an all-Russian hit. A year later, a video appeared, which was broadcast on leading Russian TV channels, and a disc of the same name. In the video, the artist appeared in a white fluffy dress with a bare back and a wide-brimmed hat. The girl could afford it: with a height of 169 cm, her weight did not exceed average parameters.

Three discs of the singer were released one after another at the turn of the millennium: “A Day Together” (“Blue Airship”, “Strawberry Kiss”, “Snowflake”), “Be Sad with Me” (“Untruth”, “Trouble is not a Problem”, “Here and that’s it”) and “Dance with me” (“Orchid”, “You never know”, “Be mine”). Videos are being shot for two hits - “Blue Airship” and “Become Mine”. Alisa Mon prefers working at private parties, restaurants and nightclubs to big concerts and television appearances.

Alice Mon - "I Promise"

In 2005, Alisa Mon’s discography was replenished with the album “My Favorite Songs,” which, in addition to new releases, included popular tracks from past years. In the second half of the 2000s, the singer decided to become a student at the Institute of Culture and chose the specialty of “mass director”. The artist is ripe for receiving higher education, which she repeatedly tried to obtain in her youth, enrolling in turn at medical, polytechnic and pedagogical institutes and quickly leaving them.

In 2016, Alisa Mon was invited to the program “Fashionable Verdict” as main character. The singer changed her image under the strict guidance of a fashion historian. Fans of the artist noted that Alisa Mon is in good shape, her marks are almost invisible age-related changes on the face, as can be seen from the photo in the press.

Alisa Mon in the program "Fashionable Verdict"

At the beginning of April 2017, the premiere of the song “Pink Glasses” took place. The hit was written by composer Nikolai Arkhipov and poetess Lyubov Voropaeva. Alice Mon's first performances with her latest hit took place in Moscow clubs and at Fashion Week in Moscow. An amateur video from the event appeared on the You Tube channel.

Personal life

At dawn musical career the singer married the guitarist of the Labyrinth group Vasily Marinin, but the marriage soon broke up. Alice's second husband was the leader of the team, Sergei Muravyov. The age difference between the spouses was 20 years. At first, the relationship developed romantically, the couple dreamed of children and a long life. life together. Sergei wrote the song “Podorozhnik” for his wife and muse, which became a hit in the late 80s.

In 1989, the couple had a son, who was named after his father. The union of two creative people could not last long, as Sergei behaved despotic towards his wife. The last straw that influenced Alice’s decision to divorce was the ultimatum set by her husband: either they will live as a complete family, or the singer will never see her son Sergei again.

Alice was forced to leave the capital in the early 90s to hide from her husband, who often brutally beat the singer. For many years, the artist did not advertise the reasons for her separation from her producer husband. According to Svetlana, she did this because of her son, who was having a hard time with the conflict situation that arose in the family.

Alice Mon o plastic surgery, trying to get back on stage and ex-husband

After the divorce, Alice never married again: none of the future contenders for her hand and heart inspired trust. Only once in the artist’s life did a great romance flare up again. The singer’s chosen one was a young man named Mikhail, who turned out to be 14 years younger than her. The relationship ended on Alice’s initiative: she let her beloved go so that he could create a full-fledged family.

Son Sergei followed in the footsteps of his parents and became a musician. He works as a DJ, writes poetry and music, and performs in clubs. Sergei is married to a girl named Daria.

In 2015, the singer experienced a personal tragedy and lost two close people at once - her grandmother and father. For some time, the artist stopped performing, but soon returned to the stage renewed.

Over the years, Alice Mon discovered a new talent for sewing clothes. Alice does this for herself, family and friends, to order. But the artist’s real passion is creating designer pillows, as well as curtains and other home textiles.

Alice Mon now

In May 2017, Alice Mon became the heroine of the “10 Years Younger” program. The artist decided to carry out a complete “reboot” - change her appearance and revise her wardrobe in order to burst onto the stage for the third time and repeat the success that accompanied her in her youth.

Alisa Mon in the program "10 Years Younger"

During the filming of the TV show, the singer underwent several operations for a facelift and bust enlargement. Cosmetologists and dentists worked with the artist, and finally, stylists. At the end of the TV show, Mon's song "Rose Glasses" premiered on television.

Alisa Mon - "Rose-Colored Glasses"

The singer happily invited all the experts of the program and the TV presenter to her birthday (53 years old), which she renamed as her 35th anniversary in the spirit of “Alice through the Looking Glass.” Later, with the participation of the star of the 90s, the program “Oh, Mommies!” was released, in which Mon spoke in detail about the events of her personal life.

In May 2018, the artist appeared on the program “Hello, Andrey!”, performing the hit “Almaz”. In the summer, the premiere of the video for musical composition"Virus l"amour", which Alisa performed together with ANAR. Alice posted the announcement of her new work on her account in "Instagram".

Alisa Mon on the program "Hello, Andrey!"

Now Alisa Mon appears on stages across the country both with solo performances and in group concerts. Among her upcoming performances is the gala concert “Hits of the 20th Century,” which will take place in October at the Kremlin Palace.


  • 1988 – “Take My Heart”
  • 1989 – “Warm Me”
  • 1997 – “Almaz”
  • 1999 – “A Day for Two”
  • 2002 – “Dance with me”
  • 2002 – “Be Sad with Me”
  • 2005 – “My favorite songs”

They learned about Alice Mon in the 90s: her hit “Almaz” sounded from almost every radio. But few people know that before the wave of her popularity, Alisa lived in Angarsk for several years and worked in a local cultural center.

All this time, the future star carefully hid the persecution and bullying from her ex-husband. Music and the love of fans were able to pull her out of the terrible family drama. About the overdrinking of your life and creative path Alisa Mon spoke on air on the MIR TV channel.

- In the early 90s, you essentially ran away from your husband and part-time producer, Sergei Muravyov. The country learned that he behaved cruelly towards you only in the early 2000s. And you were silent for a very long time. Why?

Because my son didn't want it. He was a teenager at that moment - this is such a tender age, so, of course, he had to be respected. I once had a situation when my son Seryozha said: “Here, dad this, dad that, dad is better,” and I felt that this was a manipulation of my feelings and demands. I replied: “Then go to him.”

The son began to slowly digest this situation and realized that better than mom There can be no one who really wants the best for you. Dad said everything good in words.

We really needed help, but I didn’t ask for anything, although I knew that I was awarded alimony, that I had the right to some part of the property, but Seryozha and I didn’t ask for anything.

- Why didn’t you fight?

I don't know, maybe it's pride. But I was too offended, I needed to overcome it within myself. And I decided that since I had a grudge of such magnitude, I would take everything into my treasury of sorrows and deal with everything myself. It was my initiative to get a divorce.

- Judging by the fact that you left everything and went to your parents on Lake Baikal, your story was the same as that of Valeria and. Beatings, blackmail, threats?..

Yes, and bullying, and the suggestion that you are nobody and there is no way to call you, a girl from the trash heap.

- What was the last straw? Why did you decide to give up everything and break it up?

When he stole his son. Everything there was hard and complicated. This was the last straw, he set an ultimatum: “Either you live with me, and your son is next to us, or you will never see him.”

- And you secretly left Moscow?

Yes, on relays, because there was no more money. Friends helped me. And two weeks later my son and I were able to get to my homeland.

- Was Muravyov following you?

Certainly. He tried to search, but, thank God, I had everything prepared and planned. So all I had to do was seize my chance to sneak out of the house with Seryozhka. I didn’t have a dilemma whether I would have money or not. It was important for me to just leave the house.

- You then left the child with your mother in the city of Slyudyanka, Irkutsk region, and you yourself went to Angarsk. Got a job...Why didn't you stay with your son?

Because of gossip. People were mostly happy. This is a small town. But even in Angarsk many people came to take a look, because we had both Christmas trees and matinees. Everyone wanted to take a photo with the organizer and, it seems, with Alice Mon.

- Alisa, you were thrown “on the crest of a wave” twice, and the second time popularity came to you ten years after the first hit “Plantain”. Not everyone can withstand such somersaults of fate. What was more difficult for you – the descent from the musical Olympus to the provincial cultural center, or, conversely, the ascent back?

Now I understand that all this was not in vain, and all this should have happened exactly when it happened. I didn’t perceive it as a fall, I was worried about how we would live. We had no stake, no yard, no clothes, no profession left. Everything that happened happened, and I was confused, I didn’t know what to do.

Therefore, when they took me to the Energetik cultural center and offered me a position artistic director, I was very happy. I remember these years as some of the best. The second such period was when I returned to Moscow for the second time.

- I helped you then stranger guy who recognized you big star, gave money to promote the video and write songs. But you have never mentioned his name!

His name is Sergey Tokmen, and I can say this with pride. He became an angel to me. I came to ask him for money so that we could release a cassette with my songs, because in Angarsk I began to actively write songs for the Almaz album. I came to him - he was recommended as a businessman who really loves music. He responded: “What are you doing here?” I told him everything, he gave me money to work, and after that my second life began. creative life.

We had one place in Angarsk where all the artists came - Sovremennik. It so happened that one day there was some kind of problem, and the group of singers was sent to our cultural center. I knew all the visiting stars personally; they all came up and wondered why I was in Angarsk.

The sound engineer of the Zemlyane group recognized me and offered to show my material in Moscow. I warned that I only had three thousand dollars. For ten days I waited for an answer, folding my arms, and finally they called me from Moscow and asked me to come.

- Both of your husbands were associated with the Labyrinth group - Vasily Marinin and Sergei Muravyov. Why didn’t the relationship work out with your first husband?

We were children, and each lived in our dreams. We were both very self-centered, everyone wanted happiness for themselves. If I had stayed married to him, it seems to me that I would have become a tavern singer. And so I achieved something thanks to my second marriage.

- You never got married again. Why?

Maybe I was so scared, and now I dig too much into men. I need to live with a man for three years to begin to understand him, and, as a rule, after three years I already understand that this is not my man.

Probably the problem is me, because I don’t want love anymore. I dreamed of love before, now I want mutual respect and feel the need for each other.

- The second husband was 20 years older than you. I know that there was a man in your life who was 14 years younger. In which of the two stories did the age difference cause you internal discomfort?

Of course, I was more uncomfortable with a man 20 years older than me. I was 23, I was a child, and I needed to catch up with him, I needed to become a housewife, and I didn’t know how to cook anything except dumplings. And when I met young Misha, it was real happiness. I didn’t intend to have children then, but he needed a family, and I let him go.

- You once said that you were betrayed by a producer, that he stole money from you. Have you filed a lawsuit?

No. So Tokman decided, it was his money. He said: “That person has a child, I have a child - I don’t want to take sin on my soul.”

- Is it true that your hit “Almaz” did not bring you much money?

Is it true. The producer received all the money from the Soyuz company, I didn’t tell anyone about this before. He put his copyright on the song and received everything himself.

- Do you want to get married?

Want! Of course yes!

Watch new episodes of the program “Oh, Mommies” every Saturday at 9:00 on the MIR TV channel. - Magazine of modern youth