Modern waltz for wedding dance. Staging a wedding waltz dance yourself: video lesson. The lady walks around her partner and bows

Waltz is the most popular wedding dance among newlyweds. What can compare with it in beauty? With the help of our video lessons, you can independently master basic movements and choose musical accompaniment for your dance performance. You will learn how the classic Viennese waltz differs from the English one and which one is preferable for beginners.

They say that in the good old days, when time flowed slowly and people had enough time to communicate, wedding celebrations were modest but sincere. And it doesn’t matter that instead of a sophisticated stereo system (or a DJ with a set of sound-reproducing equipment), a self-taught accordionist or an amateur orchestra created the mood for the guests. The newlyweds, their families, friends and loved ones had enough music to enjoy dancing at the celebration. Because almost everyone knew how to dance.

Today, a person who can dance well is becoming a rarity. The proposed dance scheme will allow future spouses not only to feel confident on the floor, but also to act as dance stewards, organizing for friends and guests first a kind of express course in waltz, and then a synchronized and spectacular performance of the learned material (today it is called a flash mob ). The movements of the dance number (unofficially called “50 grams”) are so simple that they can be mastered in literally half an hour (especially after 50 grams of good cognac “for courage”).

About the waltz very briefly (“galloping across Europe”)

The fast waltz (better known by its romantic name, Viennese) is a relatively simple dance. However, its speed often becomes an almost insurmountable obstacle for beginning dancers.

You are invited simple circuit, which is performed to a moderate rhythm (not as fast as the Viennese waltz, but not as viscous as the English one). In addition, the main step of the dance sequence has been specially simplified so that untrained people can quickly master it.

Waltz rhythm and tempo

The tempo of the English waltz is 96 beats per minute, and the Viennese waltz is 180.

The basic rhythm is “one”, “two”, “three”, with an emphasis on “one”. Most often, the introduction of new students to the world of ballroom choreography begins with the slow waltz, since the Viennese version is contraindicated for beginners due to its speed.

The tempo of the combination being studied will be faster than the English waltz, but slower than the Viennese one.

About the basic step of the waltz

Dancing the basic waltz figures is easy because only one step is performed for each beat of the bar. In the connection we are studying, the main step is even more simplified. The step will need to be taken on the strongest beat of the beat (count “one”).

About positions in the presented composition

In dance, the simplest position in a pair is mainly used - training. Training and dancing are also used.

As the performance progresses, the position numbers alternate. You can find out more about them here:

Confident Leading

In pair dances, the roles have long been distributed - the partner leads, the lady follows. Accordingly, the partner takes the lady by the hand, and not vice versa (which is often the “sin” of overly emancipated persons).

While performing dance numbers and changing positions, the partner intercepts the lady’s hand in different ways to make it more convenient to guide her. Partners need to try not to grab onto each other like a life preserver. So it won't be long before injuries!

Confidence on the floor is gained through numerous training sessions.

At the end of the preparation, it is advisable to conduct several dress rehearsals in wedding suits and shoes (it is advisable to immediately eliminate all noticed shortcomings), and certainly in the presence of several spectators. After a series of rehearsals, the newlyweds will feel more free at the real performance.

Here is the entire composition:

And here is a detailed analysis of it with all the nuances:

About the musical accompaniment

Look for a Viennese waltz at a moderate speed. Or deliberately slow down your favorite melody.

Detailed analysis of the dance composition

First figure

Starting position – the partner holds the lady by the hands in a training position. The position does not change during the execution of the figure:

  1. At the count of “one” of the FIRST beat (1-2-3), the partner takes a step to the side with the left leg, pulling the right one towards it (without transferring the body weight to it).
  2. At the count of “one” of the SECOND beat (1-2-3), the partner takes a step to the side with the right leg, pulling the left one towards it (without transferring the body weight to it).
  3. Then the partner, at the count of “one” of the THIRD and FOURTH measures, steps to the side with the left foot, in the interval placing the right one with the transfer of body weight.

Total: to the side to the left (L) - to the side to the right (R) - to the side to the left (L) - put your foot with the transfer of body weight (R) - to the side to the left (L). The lady's steps are all the opposite.

Then we do the same in right side from the right leg: to the side to the right (R) - to the side to the left (L) - to the side to the right (R) - put your foot with the transfer of body weight (L) - to the right (R).

Second figure

Performed in a training position.

Based on the partner's steps, the figure is identical to the first. But maintaining a partner is more difficult:

  1. Simultaneously with the step to the side, the partner releases the partner’s hand and slightly turns the body to the left.
  2. Returning to his right leg, the partner turns his body towards his partner. At the same time, the hands of the partner and the lady rest their palms on each other.
  3. During the double side step, the partner rotates the partner under his right hand, assisting the rotation with his left hand.
  4. Then the same movements are performed in the other direction.

At the end of the figure, the partner, being in front of the partner, shifts her right hand from his left to his right. The partner's left hand is placed behind the waist. The partner picks up the hem of her skirt with her left hand. This position is used in the figure waltz.

Third figure

  1. The partner and partner for the first three walk towards each other (from the right foot on the count of “one”), without putting their foot down.
  2. For the second three - from each other (from the left foot to the count of “one”).
  3. Then, in two threes, the partner and partner move past each other, turning to face each other at the last moment. Which leg the movement starts from and the number of steps does not really matter. Although it is advisable to take one step in the first three of the transition for each blow (the partner and partner pass by each other), and spend the second three on turning towards each other.
  4. We repeat, only on the second three-piece the partner transfers the partner’s right hand to his left. And with his right hand he takes the lady by the spatula, and she puts left hand on the partner’s shoulder (transition to a dance position).

Fourth figure

For four threes, the partner takes four steps without placing or transferring body weight. The beginning of the movement is with the partner’s left foot stepping backwards. He carries the lady along with him, gradually turning to the right along the way (in four threes the couple needs to turn completely around its axis).

Then the partner raises his left hand up and turns his partner under it, helping her with his right hand. Two triples - two turns. When turning, it is advisable for your partner to look at her partner as long as possible to avoid dizziness.

Something like this:

Then the couple returns to the dance position.

Four steps into four triples with a complete rotation of the pair around its axis are repeated. The two turns under the arm are also repeated. After them, the partner lowers his left hand and intercepts the partner’s right hand with his right hand (figure waltz position).

The lady walks around her partner and bows

The partner leads the lady with his hand, encouraging her to completely circle around him. Performed in four triples. The number and speed of steps are not regulated. The main thing for a partner is to comfortably and elegantly go around her partner.

At the same time, the partner gives way to her, taking steps to the side without transferring body weight:

  • 1-2-3 Left;
  • 1-2-3 Right;
  • 1-2-3 Left;
  • 1-2-3 Right

If the dance is performed not only by young people, but also by witnesses (two or three couples are enough, although the more the better), then the partners, after their partners go around them, direct their ladies to the neighboring partner (who is standing on the right). This way you can perform the combination several times in a row, each time with a different partner. To do this, the pairs must be arranged as follows:

Partners have their backs to the center, evenly distributed around a small circle.

Ladies face the center, in front of their partners.

The number can be used as the first dance of the newlyweds, as a pre-rehearsed number of the newlyweds and bridesmaids with their boyfriends. You can also organize something like a flash mob for guests. Learning the dance will take very little time, and performing it together will enliven the wedding and leave pleasant memories for a lifetime.

Have a beautiful wedding waltz!

During the festive banquet, guests look forward to the moment when the newlyweds perform their wedding dance for the first time as husband and wife. As a rule, newlyweds try to prepare well for this part of the event in order to perform beautifully and delight those present with an elegant performance. The wedding waltz, a ballroom dance known throughout the world, is ideal for a classic formal event. A touching performance of the choreographic homer will win the hearts of the guests, tell them about the sincere love of the dancing couple, and give pleasant emotions newlyweds.

Which waltz is better to choose for a wedding dance?

IN recent years newlyweds all over the world are experimenting, choosing unusual wedding dances for dance performances - tango, jive, swing, surprise dance, rumba, but the wedding waltz remains one of the most popular. The exquisite movements and varied figures of this classical dance create a unique mood for the performance. There are two options for performing ballroom choreography - a slow and smooth waltz, a rhythmic and rapid Viennese waltz. What type of dance to choose depends on the wishes of the heroes of the occasion.

Viennese Waltz

The Viennese version of this dance is suitable for those couples who already have some dance experience, as it is performed at a fast pace and requires precise movements. If future spouses, who have never practiced ballroom dancing before, want to choose this style for a wedding performance, then they need to spend a lot of time training. To make all movements look beautiful, interesting, and arouse the admiration of guests, you should use competent figures when creating a wedding waltz - a professional choreographer will help you do this.

As a rule, before the wedding celebration, the bride and groom need to come to at least 8-10 classes, this is enough to make a simple but effective version of the dance. If you want to stage an original Viennese waltz with complex figures, support, it may take much more time. The exact number of hours of preparation will depend on the preparedness of the future spouses and the duration of the performance. An experienced choreographer will be able to immediately tell how much time the couple will need to bring the couple's wedding composition to perfection.

Slow Waltz

The slow wedding waltz is the second most popular wedding dance for a special event after the Viennese one. The movements during this dance number are more gentle, smooth, and this makes the whole production look light and airy. This waltz is chosen by young couples who have little time to prepare (only a few lessons) or experience in dancing, and those who want to create a beautiful, touching composition. The slow option is suitable for older people who, due to their age, cannot move as quickly as the young heroes of the occasion.

Despite the fact that the slow type of waltz for a wedding is much easier to perform, future spouses need to try hard so that such a production does not look boring. Due to the calm pace, the guests present will pay special attention to the clarity of movements and the position of the dancers’ body. Frequent changes of figures and supports will help make a slow waltz interesting.

What music should you choose for the newlyweds' dance?

Music plays a big role in creating a unique mood wedding dance. Newlyweds need to carefully select a composition, taking into account their own wishes and abilities. Many couples are helped to find a song for a dance number by a choreographer who comes up with a performance for the hero of the occasion. The look of a professional and his advice when choosing a composition will give future spouses the opportunity to perform a truly beautiful dance.

Some young people can calmly dance to a waltz part played on the piano, while others need a clear rhythm and bright accents in order to understand where the transition from one part of the dance to another is. For future spouses who find it difficult to harmonize movements with music, a professional will find compositions with a clearly audible drum line: this way the heroes of the occasion will be able to keep in time. For a wedding dance, a couple can choose music with lyrics or a backing track to a famous song.

Melodies for wedding dances from the classics are extremely popular: “Spring Waltz” by the French composer Chopin, “Blizzard” waltz by Vivaldi, solemn compositions by Giuseppe Verdi, gentle waltz works by Wagner, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by Schubert. Separately, it is worth mentioning the rich heritage of Johann Strauss’s compositions: after listening to the works of this composer, the newlyweds will definitely be able to find suitable work. The Mendelssohn March, often played in the registry office, can also be used for production, converted into a waltz.

Listen to tunes for a waltz

If the future spouses do not know what composition to choose for a ceremonial dance number during a banquet, it is worth paying attention to several popular melodies. Using the links below you can listen and download Sarah Brightman’s Viennese waltz “Moonchild”, famous work Strauss, Wagner's waltz composition, Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" and fabulous dance music from the Harry Potter film.

  • Sara Brightman – Hijo de la Luna
  • Strauss – Viennese Waltz
  • Wilhelm Richard Wagner – Waltz 1
  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky – Waltz Of The Flowers
  • Patrick Doyle – Potter Waltz

Video selection of a beautiful wedding waltz

The first dance of newlyweds is always a touching event. To look good during the performance, the future spouses must spend many hours doing intense training. Preparing for some couples can be an ordeal, but it will yield great results - a positive reaction from guests and beautiful memorable photographs. If the heroes of the occasion want to forever capture the dance performance, it is necessary to hire a professional cameraman who will shoot a video using good equipment, edit the footage and record it on disk.

Hiring a videographer may be expensive, but the quality of the video will be much better than a free video shot by guests of the celebration. A professional will install two or more cameras to record from several angles, and then use those frames in editing that will best highlight the wedding dance. A selection of videos with beautiful waltz performances below demonstrates what different ideas for performing choreography look like. Thanks to them, newlyweds will be able to decide in advance which type of room they like best:

One of the most exciting moments of every wedding is the first dance of the newlyweds. At modern weddings, people choose for the first dance various types choreography: tango, latina, modern style etc. But still, the waltz is considered a classic of the genre.

In order for the dance to turn out beautifully, it is necessary to harmoniously select the music for it. In our publication we will look at what songs can be selected for a wedding waltz.

Choosing music for the first wedding dance

Despite the large selection of dance styles, the waltz is experiencing a new surge in popularity.

Especially when the couple organizes a wedding ceremony in a traditional style and on the groom formal suit, and the bride is wearing a magnificent dress, perhaps even with a train, then the waltzing couple looks very impressive.

Having chosen the waltz for the first wedding dance, the newlyweds need to decide how they will dance their dance quickly or slowly. After all, dance has many varieties, which differ significantly in the tempo of execution.

Most often, the Viennese, slow or Russian waltz is danced at weddings. Next we will look at each of them in more detail.

Having decided on the tempo of the dance, the couple begins to select what musical composition she will dance her first dance in her new status - husband and wife.

It is important to understand that the newlyweds do not take part in dances where they need to show coherence during complex movements; they demonstrate their love and mutual understanding to the guests through dance.

The best classical waltz melodies

The Viennese waltz is one of the varieties of the classical waltz. It is danced much faster than the slow waltz. For its execution basic choreography skills required.

You need to master the dance steps and turns, as well as the correct hand position. Newlyweds can take advantage of online lessons or work out with a choreographer.

The second option has a number of advantages. Firstly, the choreographer will stage a wedding dance specifically for a particular couple, taking into account their abilities and wishes.

Secondly, classes will be held in a special dance hall, where there are many mirrors on the walls, and the newlyweds will be able to appreciate the dance, as if from the outside.

Thirdly, the presence of mirrors will help you see mistakes that need to be worked on, and the choreographer will tell you how to do this more efficiently. For example, you can eliminate the slouching of your back while dancing by practicing with books on your heads.

As a rule, a dance is performed at a wedding to one of these beautiful compositions:

  1. Strauss's Waltz "Viennese Voices".
  2. Waltz of the Flowers from the ballet “The Nutcracker” – P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  3. Waltz from the musical Notre Dame de Paris.
  4. Waltz from the cartoon "Anastasia".
  5. Under the sky of Paris - French accordion.
  6. Have you ever really loved a woman – Brian Adams.
  7. Canzone Per Lei – Eros Ramazzotti.
  8. Blackmores Night Castles And Dreams
  9. Ti Amo – Umberto Tozzi and Monica Bellucci.
  10. La Valse D’Amelie (Orchestra Version) – composition from the film “Amelie”.
  11. Caribbean BlueEnya.
  12. Les Valses De Vienne – Francois Feldman.
  13. Breathe easy – Blue.
  14. Until (OST Kate and Leopold) – Stinl.
  15. Once upon a December – OST Anastasia.
  16. Breakaway Kelly Clarkson.
  17. Hijo de la Luna Macano.
  18. Vuela Alto Enrique Iglesias.
  19. Circle Of Smiles Olympic Standard Orchestra.
  20. Et Si Tu N'existais Pas Joe Dassin.

Those wishing to create a romantic dance should pay attention to the first composition. To her introduction, the couple will dance a slow dance, which will then turn into a waltz.

In Russian, the ideal musical accompaniment for the production of the Viennese waltz is “Music of Unearthly Happiness” written by Evgeniy Doga for the film “My Affectionate and Tender Beast”.

Features of a slow waltz for newlyweds

When a couple has difficulty with the fast tempo of the Viennese waltz, then you should pay attention to the slow version of the dance. Its main characteristics are sliding movements and slow turns.

By choosing this type of waltz for the first dance, the couple will be able to demonstrate a sensual mini-performance of their relationship - acquaintance, the emergence of feelings and tender love. The dance will be very sensual and romantic.

The following compositions are often chosen as musical accompaniment:

  1. Hero – Enrique Iglesias.
  2. Feel – Robbie Williams.
  3. Always – Bon Jovi.
  4. Nat King Cole – Fascination.
  5. Try – about Pink.
  6. Hurt - Christina Aguilera.
  7. Moon River – Andrea Ross
  8. Lady – Klaus Hallen.
  9. River flows in you – Yiruma.
  10. Slow Waltz - Tony Evans.
  11. Instrumental – Slow Waltz
  12. Come away with me – Nora Jones.
  13. Unchained Melody – Gareth Gates
  14. For my wedding day – Vio Friedman
  15. A new day has come – Celine Dion

Very beautiful wedding dances are performed for the newlyweds to the slow waltz sounded in the famous cartoon Shrek. Those who prefer songs in Russian should pay attention to the song “Dreamers” by Dima Bilan and “I Love You to Tears” by Alexander Serov.

Russian waltz

Russian waltz is a type of waltz in 2 steps. It appeared in Vienna and, accordingly, was first called Viennese. But with the growing popularity of the waltz all over the world, the name “Viennese Waltz” was assigned to the classical dance in 3 steps, and the waltz in 2 steps began to be called the “Russian Waltz”.

In modern ballroom dancing, the Russian waltz is considered a simplified version of the Viennese and slow waltzes.

It is customary to put it under fragments of famous productions of Russian classics or Russian songs.

Waltzes from the following productions are especially popular:

  1. Sergei Prokofiev from the opera "War and Peace".
  2. Georgy Sviridov to Pushkin’s “Blizzard”.
  3. Aram Khachaturian to Lermontov’s drama “Masquerade”.

All compositions are very sensitive, but a little sad. Couples who do not want to evoke a minor mood and nostalgia with their performance can choose a Russian-language song as the musical accompaniment.

It has the following advantages over the hit song:

  1. Everyone immediately understands the meaning of the composition that the couple has chosen and tries to convey through dance movements.
  2. No need to translate the text. Often newlyweds choose a beautiful melody without thinking about the meaning of the words. Guests who understand well foreign language, it becomes unclear why the couple is twirling at the wedding to a dramatic composition.
  3. It’s easier for everyone to remember the song in Russian to which the newlyweds danced their first dance.

For the dance you can choose a hit song or a more modern composition.

Newlyweds often choose the following songs:

  1. A fairy tale in my life - Vladimir Kuzmin.
  2. We are an echo - performed by Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin.
  3. How beautiful you are today - Valeria Meladze.
  4. Love is like a dream - Alla Pugacheva.
  5. There is no one more precious than you - Alsou.
  6. If you are nearby in performance - Emin and A-studio.
  7. The light of my eyes is Valeria.
  8. Tenderness - Nargiz.
  9. Wedding Waltz - Nikolai Baskov.
  10. If it weren't for you, it would have been an accident.
  11. If it weren’t for you, Alexey Kortnev.
  12. Love story - Nikolaeva Baskov.

A wedding dance to these songs will be romantic and touching.

Useful video

Beautiful wedding waltz.

Waltz at a wedding.

Wedding waltz with beautiful lifts.

The best wedding waltz.

Bottom line

A wedding is perhaps the most colorful event in the life of every married couple. The first dance of the newlyweds will forever remain in the memory and video recording of the wedding ceremony.

In it, the bride and groom, through the harmony of music and body movements, convey the whole range of feelings they experience, show their love and sincerity of their intentions to live their whole lives together. Waltz is perfect for this role.

Depending on the availability of choreographic training and wishes, the couple can choose Viennese, Russian or slow waltz. May all your dreams come true!

The waltz is recognized as an ideal option for dancing in the registry office and the first dance of the newlyweds at a wedding banquet. The wedding waltz is a spectacular and spectacular dance: it always makes an impression on the audience, causes a high emotional intensity and looks great on a wedding video.

Compared to other generally accepted options, it presents some difficulties and requires professional training and the ability to strictly adhere to a given rhythm. But its entertainment and beauty make up for the time spent, and the achieved visual effect justifies all the difficulties of its preparation.

To make the right choice of dance for newlyweds, you need not only the coincident desires of the bride and groom, but also professional consultations and lessons.

All movements must be rehearsed several times, if not in the place where the celebration will take place, then at least in a similar area and location of possible obstacles.

Waltz is a dance for masters with practice and skills. This is an enchanting spectacle, a complex dance with right and left turns, rapid rotation, one-beat variation between partners, effectively practiced smooth gliding and graceful rapid circular movements.


Slow or English, which is sometimes confused with Boston. The characteristic slow movement, when properly practiced, makes it possible to give the couple a romantic-excited emotional design and, with a little time spent on rehearsals, makes the right impression on both the couple and the audience. 32 beats per minute (twice slower than Viennese).

The beat begins with the partner shifting to the right and stepping with the right foot, the movement starts from the heel, which makes it somewhat more difficult for the bride who prefers high stiletto heels. (Love, Believe, Slow Waltz, Strauss Waltzes).

Smooth, slow and graceful dance steps, semicircular rotations interspersed with left and right bends, the basic movements are somewhat similar to a foxtrot.


8-10 professional lessons are needed, at least 3 of them in wedding clothes, in the presence of spectators, in order to develop tolerance for the presence of people watching the dance.

Accented first beat of measure, 3/4 or 6/8 time signature. High tempo – at least 60 beats per minute. Waltz from the film “Masquerade”, “My affectionate and gentle beast”, “Game of Thrones”, the cartoon “Anastasia”, waltzes by Chopin, Strauss.


Training is easier, you can use video lessons, but without certain skills it will take about the same time to learn.

It is also necessary to reference the location in order to calculate the length of the track and the approximate distance to future spectators. The meter is the same as in the Viennese waltz, but the tempo is about 40 bars. The main emphasis falls on the first beat of the measure (with emphasis on one, when counting one, two, three).

A beautiful and simple waltz for newlyweds who know how to dance at least a little. The placement of the legs and the number of revolutions differ from the Viennese one. The movements are performed at a slower rhythm and simultaneously, without the partner lagging behind the beat.

Looks great in a long, not fluffy dress, with a skirt widened at the bottom (during the dance you need to take wide steps, but there are fewer circular movements and there are practically no turns around an axis).

French waltz

It is often performed at weddings because it does not require large space and large-diameter circular movements. Performed at a relatively fast tempo (50 bars per minute), in 3/4 time signature.

In this video there is a diagram of the French waltz:

Simple, cheerful, evoking positive emotions, it is often used as the last dance of young people, because it does not interfere with other dancers. (Paris, Amazing music, Wedding Waltz).

The dance pattern is simple and allows it to be used in a small registry office, and the melodies are usually popular and familiar to musicians if there is live music at the wedding.

Young people's first dance waltz - how to choreograph it yourself

Future spouses will be able to choose a certain waltz not only by their personal preferences, but also by the dancing skills they possess. It is important to consider the time they can devote to receiving lessons from a professional teacher, the opportunity to rehearse at the venue in wedding dresses (this is often not available) and options for musical accompaniment (live sound or equipment.

To choose a melody, you need to consider several components:

  • personal preferences and favorite options of the bride and groom (required consensus);
  • duration of performance so that the waltz does not break off in the middle if there is not much time in the registry office);
  • the bride’s outfit (does it correspond to the nature of the movements being performed and does it not create obstacles);
  • permitted or available amplitude of dance steps;
  • popularity or novelty of the found option (so as not to repeat common options);
  • the ability to take spectacular photos (any option looks good on video, but in a quick waltz you may end up with blurry photos).

Young people always have room for creativity, which allows them to cut off the musical option before the given time and prefer a certain type of waltz.

The main condition is to correctly perform the partner’s support and strictly observe the musical tact. Despite the fact that the dance is included in the compulsory program at competitions, it is quite easy to learn, which is why it is often performed at weddings. The main thing is not to overestimate your strength, but also not to slide into simply marking time.

If you don’t have time to attend professional lessons, you can always start dancing at home. There are many video lessons filmed specifically for newlyweds, and no matter what age the wedding takes place, you should not neglect a memorable and exciting event.

The wedding waltz will leave a huge mark on the memory of the newlyweds and guests. Much depends on the correct choice of this dance. Which option would you choose?

With the help of videos in which the dance is presented in a simple and accessible form for amateurs, training can take place at home. You can explain to the teacher that the goal is a one-time performance at a wedding, so the main set of movements can be limited to a minimum, and the main emphasis can be placed on the emotional component. How it will be performed at the wedding depends on the newlyweds and their feelings. What do you think about this, did you have a dance at the registry office and what were your impressions?

Waltz is the most romantic, gentle and airy dance. Isn't it perfect for newlyweds? Especially for conservatives and lovers of sophisticated and high style. A wedding waltz, the music of which can pierce deep into parts of the soul. This will allow you to feel all the emotions that the newlyweds put into creating the dance composition.

Why is he so good?

Waltz has long been popular among wedding productions. Ballroom dance appeals to many people. And this is not without reason.

It has four varieties:

  1. Swift Viennese. It will look beautiful when performed by experienced partners. If the young people have absolutely no experience, they will have to practice a lot.
  2. Smooth. A gentle and airy dance at a calm pace.
  3. Rhythmic. In simple words is a smooth choreography with unusual elements.
  4. Slow. Light and airy staging. The movements are easy to learn, which is ideal for busy couples who don't have time to train.

The video shows a rhythmic and beautiful composition.


Calm and refined rhythm.

Each of them looks impressive and exciting. Why should such a composition be chosen for the newlyweds’ first dance? There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Suitable for any style ceremony.
  2. The waltz consists of complex choreographic compositions. Having mastered them, the newlyweds will pleasantly surprise their guests.
  3. The wedding dance "Waltz" is performed to beautiful music, which makes the performance even more elegant.
  4. Reveals the feelings of the bride and groom.
  5. Can be combined with other types of choreography.

By choosing this type of dance for a wedding ceremony, you definitely won’t go wrong, because it’s a classic! And a very beautiful classic.

Waltz: instead of a thousand words

Classical music for a wedding waltz, as a rule, does not contain beautiful lines about love. However, the melody is capable of conveying its main idea- deep feelings. It is so pleasant to listen to her that at that moment everything is forgotten. Can you imagine how much pleasure the guests will get from staging the bride and groom to such music?

Classic will never go out of style. Moreover, it can only become even more in demand. Therefore, if you are planning a wedding waltz, music without words will be one of the ideal options for a dance composition.

We suggest studying the best for a wedding waltz classical music, which you can listen to online:

  1. French accordion – Under the sky of Paris.
  2. P. I. Tchaikovsky – Waltz of the Flowers (from the ballet “The Nutcracker”).
  3. G. Sviridov - Blizzard.
  4. Johann Strauss - Viennese Waltz.
  5. E. Doga - My affectionate and gentle beast.
  6. Wedding Waltz - music by Mendelssohn. There are many adaptations of the classic version, for example by Klaus Hallen.
  7. Wilhelm Richard Wagner – Waltz 1.
  8. Patrick Doyle – Potter Waltz.
  9. Chopin - Spring Waltz.

If you like any composition, you can also download the music and start staging a wedding waltz today.

You can watch the gorgeous dance of the young people to the melody from “The Nutcracker” in the following video.

Powerful love songs

Music for the newlyweds' wedding waltz is a very important moment in creating the dance. The movements fit easily to a well-chosen song, the emotions of the performers are present, and family and friends cannot take their eyes off the dance.

It’s good if the melody is somehow connected with the story of the bride and groom - the newlyweds will experience more pleasure from the performance. However, such songs do not always exist among young people. Luckily, there is beautiful music for a wedding waltz.

Russian tracks

Russian-language lines give the compositions soulfulness and deep meaning.

List of the best wedding waltz performers:

  1. Evgeny Martynov.
  2. Nikolay Baskov.
  3. Petrovich.
  4. Timur Temirov. His composition is suitable for a father-daughter wedding waltz.
  5. Mikhail Mikhailov.
  6. Ruslan Mark.

If you want to add a little variety to the classic style production, then listen to the following DJ Denis Lop track for dance.

A touching number can be created to the song: Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Dmitry Dyuzhev - Echo of Love. Wedding number of the bride and groom to this wonderful composition in the video.

Foreign songs

The music for the wedding waltz by foreign performers is filled with romance and deep feelings:

  1. Giuseppe Verdi – Once upon a December. This song exists in different versions from various performers, but the one most suitable for the waltz is from Giuseppe Verdi.
  2. Francois Feldman – Les Valses De Vienn.
  3. Enya – Caribbean Blue.
  4. Sara Brightman - Hijo de la Luna.
  5. Charles Aznavour e Mireille Mathieu – Une Vie D. Amour.
  6. Blue – Breathe easy.
  7. Sting – Until (OST Kate and Leopold).

If, after listening to any composition, a wedding waltz has already started playing in your head, then you definitely need to download such music - you can do this for free.

Where can I find suitable music?

Whether you search for songs yourself or with the help of professionals is up to you. If you entrust this matter to your choreographers, then you will save time and effort. They, in turn, will select the most suitable composition for their dance idea.

At the same time, searching is a lot of fun. Firstly, you will have a pleasant time listening to romantic compositions. Secondly, you will be much more deeply inspired by the creation of your first wedding dance. And finally, thirdly, you will choose music that you both will like: both the groom and the bride.

Free music for the first wedding waltz is available on the following popular sites:


You can also listen to it online for free in good quality.

There are special forums on the Internet where they recommend good melodies. Such groups also exist on social networks.

Thus, you now know that the wedding waltz is the highlight of any ceremony. To get the most out of the process of creating a dance and performing, find the right music. And our website will help you with this. - Magazine of modern youth