A. Gorky. Milestones of life and creativity. Presentation "Early romantic works of A.M. Gorky" Give me another kiss

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Biography of M. Gorky

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Maxim Gorky. Biography of M. Gorky. Nickname. Parents. Kashirin's house. Gorky did not receive a real education. “Spiritually born in Kazan...” Kazan. House-museum in Kazan. Biography of M. Gorky. In 1888 he was arrested. Stories “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”. Biography of M. Gorky. "Song of the Petrel". In 1901, M. Gorky turned to drama. The election was annulled. Biography of M. Gorky. Joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Biography of M. Gorky. Edits Bolshevik newspapers. Creates a series of stories and essays. Biography of M. Gorky. Failed to re-register party members. - Biography of M. Gorky.ppt

Biography of Maxim Gorky

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Maxim Gorky. Biography of Maxim Gorky. Parents. Childhood. Start life path. First literary activity. Glory to Gorky. Public position. Publishing house "Knowledge". Gorky's wife. Emigration 1905-1917. Emigration 1917-28. Return to the USSR. Death. - Biography of Maxim Gorky.ppt

Years of Gorky's life

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Maxim Gorky. Glory to Gorky. Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. Gorky's early work. Korolenko. Taste of freedom. At the bottom. Untimely thoughts. Personality. Life of Klim Samgin. Song about the Falcon. Homework. Test. Loiko Zobar. Composition of a “story within a story.” Bubnov. Noise. Luka advises Vaska Ash to look for a righteous land in Siberia. Play. Image. - Years of Gorky's life.ppt

Romanticism in Gorky's works

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Romanticism in the early works of M. Gorky. Maxim Gorky. Romanticism in the works of Gorky. Romanticism in the works of Gorky. Romanticism in the works of Gorky. N.E.Fedoseev. Romanticism in the works of Gorky. Romanticism in the works of Gorky. Museum-apartment of A.M. Gorky. Romanticism in the works of Gorky. Works of M. Gorky. What is romanticism? Features of Romanticism. Song about the petrel. Loons. The petrel soars with a cry. Storm. The hero is dissatisfied with reality. Composition of the story “Old Woman Izergil”. The Legend of Larra. The Legend of Moses. The Legend of Danko. Feelings. What people look like. - Romanticism in the works of Gorky.ppt

Life and work of Gorky

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Human existence. Melancholy will never take you. Maxim Gorky. You can't go anywhere in the carriage of the past. Brief chronicle of life. Makar Chudra. Novel "Three". Song about the Petrel. Gorky turned to drama. Children of the sun. Meets Lenin. Gorky goes abroad. Bolshevik newspapers. Revolutions are needed to destroy revolutionaries. "Methods" of the Bolsheviks. Gorky lived in Italy. Gorky returns forever Soviet Union. Congress of Soviet Writers. Poster for the First Congress of the Union of Soviet Writers. Life of Klim Samgin. Gorky died in Moscow. Life and work of Gorky. - Life and work of Gorky.ppt

Gorky's works for children

Slides: 40 Words: 2231 Sounds: 10 Effects: 13

Works of Gorky for children. Maxim Gorky. Speech warm-up. The case of Evseyka. Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich. Nickname. Family of Maxim Gorky. Childhood and youth. Years have passed. Gorky also wrote for children. I warmly greet the future heroes of labor. Works by M. Gorky for children. Boy Borya. Physical education minute. Little boy Evseyka. Scarlet starfish. Whiskered lobsters. The crab is moving. Sea anemones are scattered. Sea lilies. Quick shrimp. Sea turtle. Hermit crab. Uncle Yakov's cart. Playful fish. Dad. We need to change the conversation. Now I'm going to start crying. - Gorky's works for children.ppt


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Lesson based on the story “Childhood” by A.M. Gorky. Goals and objectives of the lesson. “Lead abominations of Russian life.” Meeting with the writer. The setting of M. Gorky's story "Childhood". Heroes of the story. Why did my first meetings with my grandmother make such a strong impression? Questions and assignments. Tell the story of Gypsy. How Gorky paints a picture of a fire. What feelings did street impressions evoke in Alyosha? Why does Gorky call a Good Deed “foreign?” Good luck with your work. - Childhood.ppt

Book “Childhood” Gorky

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Lesson based on the story “Childhood” by A.M. Gorky. Meeting with the writer. Leaden abominations of Russian life. The setting of the story. Heroes of the story. The image of a grandmother. The image of grandfather Kashirin. Tell the story of Gypsy. How Gorky paints a picture of a fire. Street impressions. Excerpt. - Book “Childhood” Gorky.ppt

Heroes of "Childhood"

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Works of fiction as a reflection of gender relations. Gender and sex. Men and women. Study gender speech differences. Various gender studies. Relationships between men and women. Childhood. Thoughts famous people about gender. Directions of gender research. Gender features of the text. Analysis of oral speech. Comparison options. Topics of conversation. Frequently used words. Appeals. Features of behavior. The use of tropes in speech. Offer type. Topics of conversations between women and men. Thank you for your attention. - Heroes of “Childhood”.ppt

M. Gorky “At the Bottom”

Slides: 46 Words: 1940 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

Computer presentation on the works of M. Gorky. Friedrich Nietzsche. Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich. Nietzsche. M. Gorky “At the Bottom”. Painting by I.K. Aivazovsky “Among the Waves”. The work of M. Gorky in the 1890s. Drama by M. Gorky. Return of Gorky to St. Petersburg. Post-revolutionary work of Gorky. If a person gets scalded, take him to the bathhouse. Features of romanticism in the work. Decidedly, Gorky is not a playwright. M. Gorky “At the Bottom”. Features of M. Gorky's dramaturgy. Gorky does not have a single hero who does not philosophize. Philosopher. Philosophy of Gorky's drama. The attitude towards the world, expressed in the feeling, in the experience of the hero. - M. Gorky “At the Bottom”. ppt

Heroes of Gorky's play "At the Depths"

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At the bottom. Maxim Gorky. Heroes of Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths". Play. Epigraph. Explore the spiritual essence of the play. A severe economic crisis. Problematic issues. Gorky chooses the topic of exposing the vices of capitalist activity. Storyline plays. Characteristics of heroes. Luke. Satin. Kostylev and Vasilisa. Vaska Ash. Natasha. Baron and Nastya. Klesh and Anna. Actor. Who really argues with Luke? The play "At the Bottom". Saving people. Main problems. The play "At the Bottom". Heroes of Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths". Heroes of Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths". Heroes of Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths". - Heroes of Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”.ppt

The case of Evseyka

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Maxim Gorky. How can he live in the world without whiskers and scales? What sea inhabitants did Evseika meet? Like fish they laughed at Evseyka. Why was Evseyka surprised? Choose the appropriate dialogue from the text. The case of Evseyka. Test work for M. Gorky’s story “The Case of Yevseyka.” Choose the correct answer. A real person. Scarlet starfish. Evseyka. Evseika thought. Sea bubble. Lobster. Anemones. Sea turtle. Starfish. Test yourself. Evaluate yourself. There were plans to come up with a sequel. Until the next lesson. Well done. - The case of Evseyka.ppt

Analysis of “The Old Woman Izergil”

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Romanticism in the works of M. Gorky. Acquaintance with the early works of M. Gorky. If only for yourself, then why are you. Romanticism. Composition of the story “Old Woman Izergil”. The Legend of Larra. As M. Gorky portrays Larra. Pride. The Legend of Danko. Portrait characteristics. Life of Izergil. The heroine's position. What was Izergil’s life dedicated to? Homework. -

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ORIGIN Gorky was born on March 16 (28), 1868. Father, Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov (1840-1871), the son of a soldier, demoted from the officers, a cabinetmaker. IN recent years worked as a manager of a shipping office, died of cholera. Mother, Varvara Vasilievna Kashirina (1842-1879) from a bourgeois family; Having become a widow at an early age, she remarried and died of consumption. The writer spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, who in his youth was a barracks worker, then became rich, became the owner of a dyeing establishment, and went bankrupt in his old age. The grandfather taught the boy from church books, the grandmother Akulina Ivanovna introduced her grandson to folk songs and fairy tales, but most importantly she replaced the mother, “saturating,” in the words of Gorky himself, “with strong strength for a difficult life” (“Childhood”).

EDUCATION Alyosha Peshkov lived poorly; at the age of 11, his cruel grandfather sent him “to the people,” to do the most menial work. Gorky did not receive a real education, graduating only from a vocational school. His thirst for knowledge was quenched independently; he grew up “self-taught.” Hard work (a boatman on a ship, a “boy” in a store, a student in an icon-painting workshop, a foreman at fair buildings, etc.) and early hardships taught him a good knowledge of life and inspired dreams of reorganizing the world. “We came into the world to disagree...” is a surviving fragment of the destroyed poem by the young Peshkov “The Song of the Old Oak.”

WORLDVIEW Hatred of evil and ethical maximalism were a source of moral torment. In 1887 he tried to commit suicide. He took part in revolutionary propaganda, “went among the people,” wandered around Rus', communicated with tramps. He experienced complex philosophical influences: from the ideas of the French Enlightenment and the materialism of J. W. Goethe to the positivism of J. M. Guyot, the romanticism of J. Ruskin and the pessimism of A. Schopenhauer. In his Nizhny Novgorod library, next to “Capital” by K. Marx and “Historical Letters” by P. L. Lavrov, there were books by E. Hartmann, M. Stirner and F. Nietzsche. The rudeness and ignorance of provincial life poisoned his soul, but also paradoxically gave rise to faith in Man and his potential. From the collision of contradictory principles, a romantic philosophy was born, in which Man (the ideal essence) did not coincide with man (the real being) and even entered into a tragic conflict with him. Gorky's humanism carried rebellious and atheistic features. His favorite reading was the biblical Book of Job, where “God teaches man how to be equal to God and how to calmly stand next to God” (Gorky’s letter to V.V. Rozanov, 1912). M. Gorky and A. Chekhov M. Gorky and F. Chaliapin M. Gorky and Stalin

EARLY GORKY 1892-1905 Gorky began as a provincial newspaperman (published under the name Yehudiel Chlamida). Pseudonym M. Gorky (signed letters and documents real name A. Peshkov; the designations "A. M. Gorky" and "Alexey Maksimovich Gorky" contaminate the pseudonym with the real name) appeared in 1892 in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus", where the first story "Makar Chudra" was published. In 1898, the book “Essays and Stories” was published in St. Petersburg, which had a sensational success. In 1899, the prose poem “Twenty Six and One” and the first long story “Foma Gordeev” appeared. Gorky's fame grew with incredible speed and soon equaled the popularity of Chekhov and Leo Tolstoy.

The reader was least interested in social aspects his prose, he looked for and found in them a mood in tune with the time. According to the critic M. Protopopov, Gorky replaced the problem of artistic typification with the problem of “ideological lyricism.” His heroes combined typical features, behind which stood a good knowledge of life and literary tradition, and a special kind of “philosophy” with which the author endowed the heroes according to at will, not always consistent with the “truth of life”. In connection with his texts, critics solved not social issues and problems of their literary reflection, but directly the “question of Gorky” and the collective lyrical image he created, which began to be perceived as typical for Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and which critics compared with a “superman” "Nietzsche. All this allows, contrary to the traditional view, to consider him more of a modernist than a realist. EARLY GORKY 1892-1905

BETWEEN TWO REVOLUTIONS After the defeat of the revolution of 1905-1907, Gorky emigrated to the island of Capri (Italy). The “Capri” period of creativity forced us to reconsider the idea that had developed in criticism about the “end of Gorky” (D. V. Filosofov), which was caused by his passion for political struggle and the ideas of socialism, reflected in the story “Mother” (1906; second edition 1907). He creates the stories "The Town of Okurov" (1909), "Childhood" (1913-1914), "In People" (1915-1916), a cycle of stories "Across Rus'" (1912-1917). ". Controversy in criticism was caused by the story "Confession" (1908), highly appreciated by Blok. In it, for the first time, the theme of God-building was heard, which Gorky with A.V. Lunacharsky and A.A. Bogdanov preached at the Capri party school for workers, which caused him differences with Lenin, who hated “flirting with the godly” M. Gorky, Lenin and Bogdanov.

First world war had a serious impact on Gorky's state of mind. It symbolized the beginning of the historical collapse of his idea of ​​“collective reason,” which he came to after disappointment with Nietzschean individualism (according to T. Mann, Gorky built a bridge from Nietzsche to socialism). BETWEEN TWO REVOLUTIONS Boundless faith in human reason, accepted as the only dogma, was not confirmed by life. The war became a blatant example of collective madness, when Man was reduced to a “trench lice”, “cannon fodder”, when people went wild before our eyes and the human mind was powerless before logic historical events. In Gorky’s poem from 1914 there are the lines: “How will we then live?//What will this horror bring us?//What will now save my soul from hatred of people?” M. Gorky and V. Mayakovsky

YEARS OF EMIGRATION 1917-1928 The October Revolution confirmed Gorky's fears. Unlike Blok, he heard in it not “music,” but the terrible roar of a hundred million peasant element, breaking through all social prohibitions and threatening to drown the remaining islands of culture. In "Untimely Thoughts" (a series of articles in the newspaper " New life"; 1917-1918; published in a separate publication in 1918) he accused Lenin of seizing power and unleashing terror in the country. But there he also called the Russian people organically cruel, “bestial” and thereby, if not justified, then explained the brutal treatment of the Bolsheviks against by these people. The inconsistency of the position was reflected in his book “On the Russian Peasantry” (1922).

Gorky’s undoubted merit was his energetic work to save the scientific and artistic intelligentsia from starvation and executions, gratefully appreciated by his contemporaries (E. I. Zamyatin, A. M. Remizov, V. F. Khodasevich, V. B. Shklovsky, etc.) Barely Isn’t it for this reason that such cultural events as the organization of the publishing house “World Literature”, the opening of the “House of Scientists” and the “House of Arts” (communes for the creative intelligentsia, described in the novel “The Crazy Ship” by O. D. Forsh and the book by K. A) were conceived Fedina "Gorky among us"). However, many writers (including Blok, N.S. Gumilyov) could not be saved, which became one of the main reasons for Gorky’s final break with the Bolsheviks. From 1921 to 1928, Gorky lived in exile, where he went after Lenin’s too persistent advice. He wrote the cycle “Stories of 1922-1924”, “Notes from the Diary” (1924), the novel “The Artamonov Case” (1925), and began working on the epic novel “The Life of Klim Samgin” (1925-1936). Contemporaries noted the experimental nature of Gorky's works of this time, which were created with an undoubted eye on the formal quest for Russian prose of the 1920s. YEARS OF EMIGRATION 1917-1928

RETURN In 1928, Gorky made a “test” trip to the Soviet Union (in connection with the celebration organized on the occasion of his 60th birthday), having previously entered into cautious negotiations with the Stalinist leadership. The apotheosis of the meeting at the Belorussky station decided the matter; Gorky returned to his homeland. As an artist, he completely immersed himself in creating “The Life of Klim Samgin,” a panoramic picture of Russia over forty years. As a politician, he actually provided Stalin with moral cover in the face of the world community. His numerous articles created an apologetic image of the leader and were silent about the suppression of freedom of thought and art in the country - facts that Gorky could not have been unaware of. In 1934, he headed the Union of Writers of the USSR, created on his initiative.

In May 1936, Gorky became seriously ill. On the 27th he returned from Tesseli to Moscow and the next day went to his dacha in Gorki. On the way, the car stopped at the Novodevichy cemetery - Gorky wanted to visit the grave of his son Maxim. The day was cold and windy. And in the evening, as nurse O.D. Chertkova recalls, Gorky felt uneasy. The temperature rose, weakness and malaise appeared. THE DEATH OF GORKY The disease developed rapidly. Eyewitnesses note that already on June 8, Gorky was on the verge of death. On June 18, 1936, Gorky passed away. His death was surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery, as was the death of his son Maxim Peshkov. However, versions of the violent death of both have still not found documentary confirmation. The urn with Gorky's ashes is placed in the Kremlin wall in Moscow.

It's never too late to be happy. I owe everything good in me to books. The height of culture is determined by the attitude towards women. Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. Prejudices are fragments of old truths. It is an excellent position to be a human being on earth! Man - that sounds proud! Do not write on the blank pages of your heart in someone else's words. Personal egoism is the father of meanness. The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life. APHORISMS OF GORKY

Stories 1894 - “Poor Pavel” 1900 - “A Man. Essays" (remained unfinished, the third chapter was not published during the author's lifetime) 1908 - "The Life of an Useless Person." 1908 - “Confession” 1909 - “Summer” 1909 - “Town of Okurov”, “Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”. 1913-1914 - "Childhood" 1915-1916 - "In People" 1923 - "My Universities" 1929 - "At the End of the Earth" Novels 1899 - "Foma Gordeev" 1900-1902 - "Three" 1906 - "Mother" (second edition - 1907) 1925 - “The Artamonov Case” 1925-1936- “The Life of Klim Samgin” WORKS OF GORKY

Stories, essays 1892 - “The Girl and Death” (fairy tale poem, 1892 - “Makar Chudra” 1892 - “Emelyan Pilyai” 1892 - “Grandfather Arkhipp and Lenka” 1895 - “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “Song of the Falcon” "(prose poem) 1897 - " Higher people", "The Orlov Spouses", "Malva", "Konovalov". 1898 - “Essays and Stories” (collection) 1899 - “Twenty-Six and One” 1901 - “Song of the Burivestnik” (prose poem) 1903 - “Man” (prose poem) 1906 - “Comrade!” 1908 - “Soldiers” 1911 - “Tales of Italy” 1912-1917 - “Across Rus'” (cycle of stories) 1924 - “Stories of 1922-1924” 1924 - “Notes from a Diary” (cycle of stories) 1929 - “Solovki” ( essay) WORKS OF GORKY

Plays 1901 - “Bourgeois” 1902 - “At the Demise” 1904 - “Summer Residents” 1905 - “Children of the Sun” 1905 - “Barbarians” 1906 - “Enemies” 1908 - “The Last” 1910 - “Cranks” 1910 -Children” (“Meeting” ") 1910 - "Vassa Zheleznova" 1913 - "Zykovs" 1913 - "False Coin" 1915 - "The Old Man" (staged on January 1, 1919 on the stage of the State Academic Maly Theater; published 1921 in Berlin). 1930-1931 - “Somov and others” 1931 - “Egor Bulychev and others” 1932 - “Dostigaev and others” Journalism 1906 - “My interviews”, “In America” (pamphlets) 1917-1918 - series of articles “Untimely Thoughts” in newspaper "New Life" (published as a separate publication in 1918). 1922 - “On the Russian Peasantry” WORKS OF GORKY

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MAXIM GORKY - real name ALEXEY MAKSIMOVICH PESHKOV - Russian writer, prose writer, playwright. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, famous for his portrayal of a romanticized déclasse character (“tramp”), author of works with a revolutionary tendency, personally close to the Social Democrats, “petrel of the revolution” and “great proletarian writer”, founder socialist realism

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Alexey Peshkov was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a carpenter. Orphaned early, he spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather Kashirin. From the age of 9 he was forced to go “to the people”; worked as a “boy” at a store, as a pantry cook on a steamship, as an apprentice in an icon-painting workshop, as a baker, etc.

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Father, Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov (1840-1871) - the son of a soldier, demoted from the officers, a cabinetmaker. In recent years he worked as a manager of a shipping office, but died of cholera. Mother, Varvara Vasilyevna Kashirina (1842-79) - from a bourgeois family; Having become a widow at an early age, she remarried and died of consumption. The writer spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, who in his youth was a barracks worker, then became rich, became the owner of a dyeing establishment, and went bankrupt in his old age. The grandfather taught the boy from church books, his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna introduced her grandson to folk songs and fairy tales, but most importantly, she replaced his mother, “filling him,” in Gorky’s own words, with “strong strength for a difficult life” (“Childhood”).

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Gorky did not receive a real education, graduating only from a vocational school. An attempt to enter Kazan University was unsuccessful. His thirst for knowledge was quenched independently; he grew up “self-taught.” Hard work (a boatman on a ship, a “boy” in a store, a student in an icon-painting workshop, a foreman at fair buildings, etc.) and early hardships taught him a good knowledge of life and inspired dreams of reorganizing the world. “We came into the world to disagree...” - a surviving fragment of the destroyed poem by the young Peshkov “The Song of the Old Oak.”

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Hatred of evil and ethical maximalism were a source of moral torment. In 1887 he tried to commit suicide. He took part in revolutionary propaganda, “went among the people,” wandered around Rus', and communicated with tramps. He experienced complex philosophical influences: from the ideas of the French Enlightenment and the materialism of J. W. Goethe to the positivism of J. M. Guyot, the romanticism of J. Ruskin and the pessimism of A. Schopenhauer. In his Nizhny Novgorod library, next to “Capital” by K. Marx and “Historical Letters” by P. L. Lavrov, there were books by E. Hartmann, M. Stirner and F. Nietzsche.

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EARLY WORKS OF GORKY Gorky began as a provincial newspaperman (published under the name Yehudiel Chlamida). The pseudonym M. Gorky (he signed letters and documents with his real surname - A. Peshkov; the designations “A. M. Gorky” and “Alexey Maksimovich Gorky” contaminate the pseudonym with his real name) appeared in 1892 in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus”, where the first story "Makar Chudra". In 1895, thanks to the help of V.G. Korolenko, he was published in the popular magazine “Russian Wealth” (the story “Chelkash”). In 1898, the book “Essays and Stories” was published in St. Petersburg, which had a sensational success. In 1899, the prose poem “Twenty Six and One” and the first long story “Foma Gordeev” appeared. Gorky's fame grew with incredible speed and soon equaled the popularity of Chekhov and Tolstoy

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From the very beginning, a discrepancy emerged between what critics wrote about Gorky and what the average reader wanted to see in him. The traditional principle of interpreting works from the point of view of the social meaning contained in them did not work in relation to the early Gorky. The reader was least interested in the social aspects of his prose; he looked for and found in them a mood in tune with the times. His heroes combined typical features, behind which stood a good knowledge of life and literary tradition, and a special kind of “philosophy”, which the author endowed the heroes with at his own request, not always consistent with the “truth of life”. In connection with his texts, critics resolved not social issues and problems of their literary reflection, but directly the “question of Gorky” and the collective lyrical image he created, which began to be perceived as typical for Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. and which critics compared to Nietzsche’s “superman”. All this allows, contrary to the traditional view, to consider him more of a modernist than a realist

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Gorky's social position was radical. He was arrested more than once; in 1902, Nicholas 2 ordered the annulment of his election as an honorary academician in the category of fine literature (in protest, Chekhov and Korolenko left the Academy). In 1905 he joined the ranks of the RSDLP (Bolshevik wing) and met V.I. Lenin. They received serious financial support for the revolution of 1905-07. Gorky quickly proved himself to be a talented organizer of the literary process. In 1901 he became the head of the publishing house of the Knowledge Partnership and soon began to publish Collections of the Knowledge Partnership, where I.A. Bunin, L.N. Andreev, A.I. Kuprin, V.V. Veresaev, E.N. .Chirikov, N.D.Teleshov, A.S.Serafimovich and others.

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Vertex early creativity, the play “At the Bottom”, owes its fame to a great extent to the production by K. S. Stanislavsky at the Moscow Art Theater (1902; played by Stanislavsky, V. I. Kachalov, I. M. Moskvin, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova and others .) In 1903, the performance “At the Bottom” with Richard Wallentin in the role of Satin took place at the Berlin Kleines Theater. Gorky's other plays - "The Bourgeois" (1901), "Summer Residents" (1904), "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians" (both 1905), "Enemies" (1906) - did not have such sensational success in Russia and Europe.

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GORKY BETWEEN TWO REVOLUTIONS (1905-1917) After the defeat of the revolution of 1905-07, Gorky emigrated to the island of Capri (Italy). The “Capri” period of creativity forced us to reconsider the idea that had developed in criticism about the “end of Gorky” (D. V. Filosofov), which was caused by his passion for political struggle and the ideas of socialism, reflected in the story “Mother”. He creates the story “Town of Okurov” ( 1909), “Childhood” (1913-14), “In People” (1915-16), a cycle of stories “Across Rus'” (1912-17). The story “Confession” (1908), highly appreciated by A. A. Blok, caused controversy in criticism. In it, for the first time, the theme of god-building was heard, which Gorky preached with A.V. Lunacharsky and A.A. Bogdanov at the Capri party school for workers, which caused his differences with Lenin, who hated “flirting with the little god.”

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The First World War had a hard impact on Gorky's state of mind. It symbolized the beginning of the historical collapse of his idea of ​​“collective reason,” which he came to after disappointment with Nietzschean individualism (according to T. Mann, Gorky built a bridge from Nietzsche to socialism). Boundless faith in human reason, accepted as the only dogma, was not confirmed by life. The war became a blatant example of collective madness, when Man was reduced to a “trench lice”, “cannon fodder”, when people went wild before our eyes and the human mind was powerless before the logic of historical events.

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THE YEARS OF EMIGRATION OF MAXIM GORKY The October Revolution confirmed Gorky's fears. In “Untimely Thoughts” (a series of articles in the newspaper “Novaya Zhizn”; 1917-18; published as a separate publication in 1918), he accused Lenin of seizing power and unleashing terror in the country. But in the same place he called the Russian people organically cruel, “beastly” and thereby, if not justified, then explained the brutal treatment of these people by the Bolsheviks. The inconsistency of his position was also reflected in his book “On the Russian Peasantry” (1922). Gorky’s undoubted merit was his energetic work to save the scientific and artistic intelligentsia from starvation and execution, which was gratefully appreciated by his contemporaries (E. I. Zamyatin, A. M. Remizov, V. F. Khodasevich, V. B. Shklovsky, etc.)

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It is almost for this reason that such cultural events were conceived as the organization of the publishing house “World Literature”, the opening of the “House of Scientists” and the “House of Arts” (communes for the creative intelligentsia, described in the novel “The Crazy Ship” by O. D. Forsh and the book by K. A. Fedina “Gorky among us”). However, many writers (including Blok, N.S. Gumilyov) could not be saved, which became one of the main reasons for Gorky’s final break with the Bolsheviks. From 1921 to 1928, Gorky lived in exile, where he went after Lenin’s too persistent advice. He settled in Sorrento (Italy), without breaking ties with young Soviet literature. He wrote the cycle “Stories of 1922-24”, “Notes from the Diary” (1924), the novel “The Artamonov Case” (1925), and began working on the epic novel “The Life of Klim Samgin” (1925-36).

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GORKY'S RETURN TO THE SOVIET UNION In 1928, Gorky made a "test" trip to the Soviet Union (in connection with the celebration organized on the occasion of his 60th birthday), having previously entered into cautious negotiations with the Stalinist leadership. The apotheosis of the meeting at the Belorussky station decided the matter; Gorky returned to his homeland. As an artist, he completely immersed himself in creating “The Life of Klim Samgin,” a panoramic picture of Russia over forty years. As a politician, he actually provided Stalin with moral cover in the face of the world community. His numerous articles created an apologetic image of the leader and were silent about the suppression of freedom of thought and art in the country - facts that Gorky could not have been unaware of.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY M. GORKY Novels 1899 - "Foma Gordeev" 1900-1901 - "Three" 1906 - "Mother" (second edition - 1907) 1925 - "The Artamonov Case" 1925-1936 - "The Life of Klim Samgin" Stories 1908 - "The Life of the Unnecessary" person." 1908 - “Confession” 1909 - “The Town of Okurov”, “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”. 1913-1914- “Childhood” 1915-1916- “In People” 1923 - “My Universities”

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Plays 1901 - “Bourgeois” 1902 - “At the Demise” 1904 - “Summer Residents” 1905 - “Children of the Sun”, “Barbarians” 1906 - “Enemies” 1910 - “Vassa Zheleznova” (reworked in December 1935) 1930-1931 - “Somov and others” 1932 - “Egor Bulychev and others” 1933 - “Dostigaev and others” Journalism 1906 - “My interviews”, “In America” (pamphlets) 1917-1918 - a series of articles “Untimely Thoughts” in the newspaper “New Life” "(published as a separate publication in 1918) 1922 - “On the Russian peasantry”

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(1868 – 1936)

"Kashirin's House"
Kazan University

I.E. Repin
L. Andreev
L.N. Tolstoy
A.P.Chekhov and M.Gorky


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(1868 – 1936)
Prose writer, publicist, founder of socialist realism
Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) A. M. Peshkov was born on March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod to a bourgeois family. At the age of 3 he lost his father, at the age of 11 - his mother; was brought up in the family of his grandfather Vasily Kashirin.
"Kashirin's House"
Kazan University
In the summer of 1884, Gorky travels to Kazan, hoping to enter Kazan University; but there was not enough money. Active participation in student circles, passion for revolutionary ideas, conflicts with the police. Gorky's working life began at the age of 11, after graduating from a vocational school: a “boy” in a shoe store, a student in a drawing and icon-painting workshop, a crockery worker on a steamship, a gardener’s assistant; later - fishing and salt trades, a railway watchman, work in repair shops... Early hardships, wanderings around Rus' (Volga region, Bessarabia, Don, Ukraine, Crimea, Caucasus), communication with tramps taught a good knowledge of life and inspired dreams of reorganizing the world. Gorky began as a provincial newspaperman (published under the pseudonyms Yegudiel Khlamida, A.P., M.G., Taras Oparin, “A-a!”, etc.). In 1892, the story “Makar Chudra” appeared in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus” under the pseudonym M. Gorky.
In 1895, thanks to the help of V. Korolenko, he was published in the popular magazine “Russian Wealth” (the story “Chelkash”). 1895 - “Old Woman Izergil”, “Song of the Falcon”.
Start literary activity Gorky's early stories are of a romantic nature: The hero is a proud, strong, freedom-loving, lonely person, the destroyer of the sleepy vegetation of the majority. “With such a person you become a better person” (“Makar Chudra”) The setting is unusual, exotic. Romantic landscape. Romantic dual world - the hero’s ideal world is opposed to the real world, which is far from the romantic ideal.
In 1896, Gorky married Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina.
“a meaningful picture of modernity”, against the background of which “an energetic healthy person...».
1897 - 1898 - works in the newspaper "Nizhny Novgorod Listok". 1898 - "Essays and Stories" (the book was published in St. Petersburg and was a huge success) 1899 - story "Foma Gordeev" - V. Veresaev
I.E. Repin
L. Andreev
In 1899, Gorky moved to St. Petersburg. Acquaintance with Veresaev, Mikhailovsky, I. Repin. Lives in Moscow since 1900; meets L. Andreev, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, I. Bunin, A. Kuprin. 1901- “Song of the Petrel” I. A. Bunin
L.N. Tolstoy
A.P.Chekhov and M.Gorky
In 1902 he was elected an honorary academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature (the title was revoked by the government).
Since 1901, M. Gorky has been the head of the Znanie publishing house. Plays: 1901 - “Bourgeois” 1902 – “At the Lower Depths” 1904 – “Summer Residents” 1905 – “Children of the Sun”, “Barbarians” 1906 – “Enemies” The pinnacle of early creativity is the play “At the Lower Depths” (staged by Stanislavsky). In 1905, Gorky joined the RSDLP; actively collaborates with the Bolsheviks; participates in the revolutionary events of 1905 -1907. (Arrests in 1905, 1907) In 1905 he met Lenin. 1906 - 1913 - emigration to Capri. Creates works: The story "Confession" (1908) The novel "Mother", the story "Town of Okurov" (1909) The story "Childhood" (1913-1914) (1916 - "In People ”, 1923 - “My Universities”) Cycle of stories “Across Rus'” (1912-1917) “Tales of Italy” (1913) Gives a course on the history of Russian literature at a party school for workers. The First World War had a hard impact on Gorky’s state of mind. How will we live then? What will this horror bring us? What will now save my soul from hatred of people? M. Gorky, 1914
In 1913, after the announcement of a political amnesty in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, Gorky returned to Russia, to St. Petersburg. In 1913 -1921. together with Ladyzhnikov and Tikhonov, he organized the publishing house "Parus", published the journal "Chronicle", and in 1917 - the newspaper "New Life" Gorky perceives the February and October revolutions of 1917 ambiguously. He accuses Lenin of seizing power and unleashing terror in the country . Revolution for Gorky is a rebellion, an unprepared experiment of the Bolsheviks, a general catastrophe. “The Russian people will pay for this with lakes of blood...”
Gorky launched vigorous efforts to save the scientific and artistic intelligentsia from starvation and execution. “More than a dozen people owe him their lives and freedom” (E.I. Zamyatin) World Literature Publishing House Commission for Improving the Life of Scientists Opening of the “House of Scientists” and “House of Arts” Writes petitions for those arrested. Sorrento
Second emigration to Italy (1921 - 1928) "Stories of 1922 - 1924" Novel "The Artamonov Case" (1925) "The Life of Klim Samgin" (1925 - 1936) "Literary portraits" about Korolenko, Chekhov and others. Gorky leads a wide public literary activity, creates new magazines, heads the Union of Writers of the USSR (1934). Gorky's journalism of the 30s is a “solemn hymn” to the USSR, Stalin and the revolutionary proletariat.
1928, 1933 – return to the USSR. “THEY have very big goals. And that justifies everything for me.” (M. Gorky) In 1931, Gorky was given a mansion on Nikitskaya Street in Moscow (Ryabushinsky’s house)
The last years of Gorky's life were tragic. On the one hand, the favor of the authorities, “friendship” with Stalin, high reward(Order of Lenin, 1932); on the other hand, careful control over correspondence, contacts, and trips. M. Gorky died on June 18, 1936. The significance of M. Gorky's work Gorky came to literature at the moment when the crisis of the old critical realism emerged and the themes and plots of the great literature of the 19th century V. The tragic note, which was always present in the works of famous Russian classics and gave their work a special - mournful, suffering flavor, no longer awakened the previous uplift in society, but caused only pessimism. There was an urgent need for something new positive hero, and Gorky was the first to respond to it - he brought out on the pages of his stories, tales and plays a Man-Fighter, a Man capable of Overcoming the Evil of the World. His cheerful, hopeful voice sounded loudly and confidently in the stuffy atmosphere of Russian timelessness and boredom. No one in Russian literature before him had created such a passionate and sublime hymn to the glory of Man. “Man - that’s the truth! ...It's huge! In this are all the beginnings and ends... Everything is in man, everything is for man! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! Human! This is great! That sounds... proud!” “Gorky remained wholeheartedly connected with the fate of the oppressed and those fighting for liberation. This preserved his creative powers and ensured the immortality of his works. Gorky expanded the field of literary creativity and opened new paths and prospects for world literature. He gave new topics and a new reader. Gorky was the first to introduce into literature, as its heroes, representatives of a class that had not been represented in literature before.” G. Mann

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