How to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil? How to draw graffiti with a pencil (3d signature)

Looking at different types of graffiti, we may catch ourselves thinking that we would like to try our hand at this type visual arts. Many are stopped by a complete lack of experience and lack of self-confidence, although there is no need to be afraid, because creating graffiti is not as difficult as some may think. IN this material I will explain in detail how to draw different ways graffiti, what is the sequence of steps when creating a drawing, and I will also explain how to create graffiti in VK messages.

How to create graffiti - sequence of steps

Drawing graffiti is a fairly popular activity, but not everyone can create truly stylish and attractive graffiti. To acquire the appropriate skills, let's try create beautiful graffiti on a sheet of paper with pencils of two colors so that you can then color our graffiti with markers or special paint.

Arm yourself with at least two pencils and a piece of paper

Decide on a style

Since graffiti usually consists of some kind of text, we first need to decide on the style of future letters. You have seen a lot of graffiti on the street, different designs can be found online. The easiest way for a beginner is imitation of a certain style, for example the popular “bubble letters”. You can choose round or sharp edges of letters, letters of the same size or different, many other shapes and implementations to suit your taste.

Draw the correct word

Write the word on paper. You can choose any word for your graffiti. It is very important to leave free space between letters, because in the process of creating graffiti the letters will expand, and the empty space will be filled.

Create letters in graffiti style

Draw letters in graffiti style. Use light pencil strokes to create the letters, as this may cause problems later. need to adjust some lines. This can take a long time and you will have to be patient to get all the letters looking stylish. At the same time, try to make your graffiti original, and not just copy someone else's work one-to-one.

Choose an acceptable line thickness

Decide on the thickness of the lines. You can make your font the same weight, but it will be better if the lines are wider in some places and narrower in others.

Special effects

Decide on special effects for your graffiti. Once you've finished drawing the letters, you can add some details to your graffiti. For example, the letter "Z" can display a lightning bolt, the letter "O" can appear in the shape of a teardrop, and the letter "P" can use a variety of impressive effects. However, be careful, if mistakes happen in your drawing, you will not be able to continue drawing. Copy your pencil sketch (eg using a scanner) before you start coloring your graffiti. Set up the scanner so that it correctly displays all the shades of your drawing.

Creating shadows

Create shadows for your letters. Use a marker to darken pencil lines. These lines will be permanent, so be careful. Minor errors can be corrected. For example, if the lines of the drawing are too thin, add a little volume to them.

Adding Color

Add color to your graffiti. Browse some ready-made graffiti samples online before you start painting. Do not use pencils to color letters, It's better to use markers or paint. Graffiti should be bright, lively, contrasting. You can paint each letter a different color, or use several colors at the same time. At the same time, remember that overly bright letters can distract from the overall perception of graffiti and make it difficult to focus on the word itself.

Develop your own style

Once you have learned how to draw graffiti correctly, you should focus on developing your own style.

How to draw graffiti on paper - draw a lily

Let's look at an example of creating more complex graffiti in the form of a lily flower with illustrations.

Step #1.

To begin, draw a small circle for the future lily bud, and add a long line to it for the future stem.

Drawing the base

Step #2.

Finishing the shape of the petals

Step #3.

Next we need to draw simple outlines for flower petals. To do this, draw seven initial lines (not necessarily symmetrical) using curved lines that will define the final shape of the lily's petals.

Creating petal shapes

Now we create the outlines for the lily petals.

Step #4.

Erase the internal marks for the petals

Add more details for the final contours each petal. Now it's time to erase the initial outlines of the inner marks for the petals.

Step #5.

Drawing the stem

Let's move on to drawing stem lilies and also leaves of various sizes and quantities.

Step #6.

It remains to add shadows to the petals in those places where the light does not fall directly on the flower.

Let's use shadows

Step #7.

Coloring the flower

Now all you have to do is color the flower, pencils or watercolors. Remember that leaves come in different shades of green.

Graffiti in VK messages

You can also draw graffiti in VK, while This function is available only in the mobile version of the site. To use it, you need to switch to the mode personal messages with the person you need. To the left of the message line, select paperclip, and in the set of options that appears, select “”.

Click on the paperclip and then select "Graffiti"

After this, all you have to do is click on the blue button “ Draw graffiti».

You will have access to several buttons for creating graffiti (from left to right).

Tools for creating graffitiAlso available nearby various options choosing colors to create graffiti.


In this material I discussed how to draw beautiful graffiti and what is the sequence of steps when creating various types graffiti. If you are just starting your journey, it is recommended to start with the simplest types of drawing, and as you improve, complicate the style and form of execution. Study, try, invest your time and effort, and you will succeed. Good luck!

For me personally this is new technology. I rarely draw in color, and this is the first time I’ve ever drawn letters. However, I tried to make a tutorial for beginners on how to draw graffiti with a pencil. Yes, I could have used an aerosol can, or other materials typical for this style, but I didn’t and I don’t recommend it! Want to know why? Firstly, the older generation is very skeptical about graffiti and will in no way approve of your desire to paint the walls in the house, and secondly, this may result in punishment from the authorities for damage to property. So be extremely careful! After all, even the coolest graffiti artists prefer to remain anonymous.

In addition, you should know that all this is not graffiti:

  • Vulgar inscriptions on the walls, at a level of 1-1.5 meters from the ground;
  • Scratched nasty things on school desks, or toilets, made by the same individuals as in the previous paragraph;
  • Signatures on the walls of houses by various groups to mark the territory;
  • Texts like: Kisa and Osya were here, and / or Marina I love you;
  • Any other scribble that makes you want to gouge your eyes out;

All of the above is subject to liability under the law of the Russian Federation. Although you may also get into trouble for real graffiti, if it is high-quality work, you can get away with a slight fright. This is what real graffiti is:

  • Street painting of fences, walls, asphalt with various words and exquisite drawings;
  • Spray art is the most common type. These are inscriptions applied using aerosol paint;
  • Bubble style - letters are rounded and look like bubbles (2-3 colors are used);
  • Blockbuster style - Huge letters without interlacing or any problems. Usually one color (well, maximum 2). Rollers are used for drawing;
  • Wild style is one of the most difficult. The letters become very complex and confusing. Sometimes it is even difficult to read what is written.
  • Style FX (Daima) - volumetric 3D letters in a pronounced perspective, characterized by a play of light and shadow, smooth color gradients and the realism of the picture.
  • Any other elegant images on the walls. There are so many types and styles that I can’t describe them all here;

For the tutorial I will try to make a picture in Spray Art style. But my tools will not be aerosol paints, but, as usual, pencils, an eraser and watercolor paper. Using even these tools, you can create a huge variety of styles and techniques. You can draw your name, or some other important word. I took the name of my blog – DayFun! If you want, you can draw it too, I will be very pleased!

How to draw Graffiti with a pencil step by step

Step one. I didn't want to bend the letters too much, so I just added some arrows. Anticipating your questions, I’ll say right away: I draw on watercolor paper with simple and colored pencils from Marco. If anyone is interested I can show you a photo.
Step two. Let's add a background and start coloring the letters.
Step three. I add shadow and begin to brighten the coloring.
Step four. Now let's start coloring the background.
Step five.
Step six.
Step seven.
Step eight. If you can't see the pictures, click on them and they will enlarge. If you want, I can show full-size photos. Here's the graffiti I came up with: I'll be glad to see your creativity! Attach your work below this article in the comments.

Thousands of years separate the inhabitants of the modern city from the time when cavemen earned their living by hunting wild animals, depicting them on the walls of their homes. But even in the most modern, well-maintained city with an organized life and extensive cultural life There are many people who are ready to decorate city walls with their creativity. Like the ancient ancestors who depicted the surrounding nature in rock paintings, modern man pours out his inner world using aerosol paints on the facades and backyards of modern “concrete jungles”, creating graffiti.

Why don't we try ourselves in this popular artistic style? After all, creating a drawing with your own hands - graffiti, which other people will admire - is always a special joy! If you have no experience, but have an excess of creative strength and a desire to test yourself in the monumental genre, check out step by step instructions: how to make your first graffiti on a wall.

If you are new to street graffiti, then we advise you to start with some small forms, for example, drawing simple graffiti on a transformer box in the yard - we are sure that local residents will gratefully appreciate your efforts!

What do you need to draw graffiti?

Step_5 On the painted graffiti details, in accordance with the sketch, apply shadows with dark colors and highlights with light colors. At the same time, try to “increase” the darkening and lightening gradually, do not press hard and for a long time on the nozzle of the balloon; It’s better to paint over the same spot several times than to “miss” and then have to correct it.

Step_8 Colorless acrylic varnish (matte or glossy), the principles of working with which are similar to working with paint and primer, will help protect your graffiti from precipitation and fading in the sun.

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You are about to graffiti. First you need to make a sketch, which is called a sketch. Drawing a beautiful and neat sketch is not an easy task. Although at first glance it may seem that this is not so. If you are just taking your first steps into graffiti, you need to practice sketching. Take a piece of paper, pencils, gel pens, felt-tip pens will do, and practice, fill your hand.
Preference should be given to dense. Whatman paper is quite suitable for these purposes. Take your time. Take a pencil and start making strokes. Then you can correct the shortcomings. Then trace around everything you drew with a felt-tip pen. Erase unnecessary pencil strokes with an eraser. Paint the background and fill everything with color.
If you like your result and you are sure that you do not want to change anything else in it, then you can transfer the sketch to .
Now prepare your equipment. You need to decide on the choice of paint. It is also necessary to wear gloves and a respirator. Paint fumes are poisonous and can cause poisoning. Your clothing should also allow for the possibility of being stained with paint.

Now you need to choose a suitable wall. The most suitable option for you would be porous concrete or any primed surface. You can also use it on a metal surface, but you will have to degrease it first.
Try to paint in areas that are specifically designated for graffiti. Don't draw over other people's work. Or choose an inconspicuous wall.
If you have a wall in front of you, completely painted, but it seems quite suitable for your first creation. Try to see if your balloon covers the painting and if it is clearly visible. Not all colors, especially light ones, can cover other inscriptions the first time. It is extremely difficult to cover up black paints.
When you are near a wall, try sketching it with a balloon in the air. When drawing graffiti, first of all, you need to take care of the background. First, a sketch is displayed. This is done using the color of the main background. Even if you make a mistake, you can correct it. You should not stop the drips with a rag, otherwise you will get streaks. It's better to wait until the paint dries. Paint them later with the background color.
Do not rush to direct the jet at a specific area of ​​graffiti. First, check if the cap is installed correctly. Test it by spraying it on the ground.
In the rain and cold weather The paint may not adhere well and will take a long time to dry. It is best to choose warm weather. Wind can also be a hindrance to drawing.

Modern and at the same time very unique art for Lately has become incredibly diverse. Art includes much more than we think. Over the past few years, youth creativity has gained a huge amount interesting species and art forms.


A type of art is the so-called graffiti. It would seem that just a couple of years ago such inscriptions and drawings were known only in the largest cities of the United States of America, but now even children in Russia know what it is. Few people know that graffiti is a fairly ancient art. If at one time this form of “drawing” could be considered acceptable, now this is not the case, although competitions and even protests are already being held in different cities of Russia, where schoolchildren draw graffiti, and it is far from the same as in America. Our children draw decent pictures, the most popular of which are those made on the theme of the Great Patriotic War.

What can I say, even pensioners who went through the war are happy to see graffiti on the walls, made as a gift to them for saving Russia from the Nazis. But that’s not about that now.

How to learn to draw graffiti?

Learning to draw graffiti is not so difficult, but a beginner should always understand that his training will not be on walls, but on a regular piece of paper in order to hone his skills. Drawing graffiti on paper with a pencil is very simple, but you will have to spend far more than 15 minutes of your time on this - much more, of course, only if you want to draw really high-quality drawings.

Dear friends, today you will finally learn how to correctly draw graffiti on paper using an ordinary pencil.

What is needed for graffiti?

In order to make graffiti (for beginners) on paper with a pencil, you need the following elements:

  • white paper - and best of all, of course, an album, thanks to which you can monitor your progress;
  • an eraser and, of course, a pencil in order to make sketches, which will become the basis for the drawing;
  • colored pencils, markers, felt-tip pens and similar elements that will help us draw graffiti on paper;
  • self-confidence and own abilities.

Today we will tell you how to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil, and you watch carefully so that everything works out.

How to draw graffiti?

As you already understand, in order to draw graffiti, you need to be able to draw at least a little, since drawing stunning pictures from scratch will be extremely difficult, even moreover, it is impossible. Without a doubt, for the first time you will have to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil step by step, and then, perhaps, on your own.

First of all, try to draw voluminous text yourself. If you manage to do this, the most difficult graffiti will also give in to you someday.

Anyone can draw a picture, but you will have to spend a lot of time learning this type of art. Nobody argues, there are self-taught people who draw better than some professionals, but know that it would be best to go to a special graffiti school, where they will teach you everything related to this art form. If there is no such school in your city, you will have to study on your own, but to do this you need to first learn the theory.

Graffiti and its types

To put it bluntly, it can be argued that graffiti is inscriptions and drawings on various walls, train cars and completely other surfaces. Graffiti on paper with a pencil for beginners step by step is what you need, since you have come to this page. Graffiti is, first of all, a form of art, so inscriptions like “Petya was here” or “CSK is a champion” are not graffiti - these are ordinary inscriptions on a quick fix, so don't get confused.

As you probably already understood, graffiti is divided into several types:

  1. Writing is the main category of painting on city streets, which includes a variety of inscriptions and very beautiful pictures.
  2. Bombing - This form is called extreme drawing. Why is that? Because here it doesn’t matter how beautiful and pleasant the drawing is to people, the main thing is where and under what conditions the inscription or drawing was made. Similar designs can be seen on train carriages or car doors.
  3. Tagging is the simplest type of such drawings, which is an ordinary simple signature of the artist.
  4. Scratching is graffiti drawings that are made using a special stone cutting glass.

On paper, you can only perform tagging and, in fact, writing.


Before you start drawing in this format, you should come up with the word that you will use in your drawing. Graffiti on paper with a pencil will not take you very much time, however, in order to draw a real worthwhile tag, you will need to try.

The essence of the tag is the ordinary signature of the person who draws; in other words, when drawing graffiti in this form, you can use either your real name or surname, or some invented pseudonym. You can only assess the complexity of an inscription by reading it, that is, the harder your inscription is to read, the more difficult it is to complete. In no case do not forget to decorate the letters you draw with various curls and your own author’s elements. Write the words in an original way so that it is difficult to read, but at the same time the graffiti looks more than good. Don't forget to use the basic tagging elements: stars, crowns, dots, etc.


If you're the kind of person who already knows how to draw, tagging is probably a very easy task for you. In such a situation, you need to try yourself in more complex form graffiti on paper with a pencil, which is called in art as writing.

The first step would be to depict some specific inscription, for example, the name (both your own and someone else’s, even your favorite dog) would be ideal. You can also use favorite word or something similar.

For beginners in this business, the following graffiti is ideal. For beginners, it will be easier to try drawing on paper with a pencil in a strict style and in a large size. In no case, if this is your first time drawing a writing, you should not try to depict something first-class, try to write some word of 3-5 letters.

Bottom line

Today you learned the types of graffiti, with a simple pencil on paper that can be drawn without any problems. Few people could have guessed that graffiti is already considered an official art form. Also, not everyone is aware that this was invented many years ago. Did you know that in different cities Russian Federation Are competitions held very often (especially in summer) among lettering professionals?

Many were not aware of the types of graffiti: writing, bombing, tagging and scratching. Unfortunately, only two of these types are suitable for drawings on paper. Graffiti on paper with a pencil is not the last type in this art. Many of the most famous graffiti professionals started out drawing their images and words on paper, and are now receiving huge amounts of money for painting on houses.

Do you like to draw, but don’t know if you can make a high-quality picture? So why not try it!? Do not under any circumstances draw on buildings, because this is simply prohibited by the laws of our state; draw breathtaking inscriptions on paper! - Magazine of modern youth