Who was the boss in a past life? Your past life and purpose in this life. Reincarnation of the soul. The task of the current incarnation

Where did I come from? Where am I going? In Indian astrology (jyotish), the karmic horoscope gives answers to these questions. Find out what tasks are facing you here and now by understanding who you were in a past life. In this way you can change your destiny for the better.

16:53 11.03.2015

Our mission in the current life largely depends on who you were in a past life. The law of karma says: what goes around comes around. Perhaps now you are just reaping the fruits of your achievements in a past life and do not understand where all this is pouring on you from...

Basic " karma counter" - this is the position in the natal chart of the Lunar nodes: Ketu - the Setting, or Southern Lunar Node (Tail of the Dragon), and Rahu - the Ascending, or Northern Lunar Node (Dragon's Head). The position of Ketu sheds light on our previous incarnation. This is what ties us to the past, points to old mistakes.

On the contrary, Rahu describes a development program for the current life - what we should strive for in order to improve ourselves. By applying this forecast, we get a chance to adjust our own destiny.

You can act based on the advice given by Heaven, or forget about it. In the first case higher powers They will help and support you in every possible way. In the second, they will try to show: “I was heading in the wrong direction, this is not your path.”

Acting in accordance with your karmic mission is not the most difficult thing. It is only important to understand: harmonious fate- a consequence of fulfilling your destiny, and not the result of abandoning it in the name of well-being!

Table of karmic signs

1. Rahu in Aries, Ketu in Libra

Win independence!

In a past life... you were an esthete who appreciated beautiful things, beautiful people, luxury and secular conventions. And they remained dependent on all this. Loneliness frightened you, you married several times, but the bonds of Hymen were not strong, infidelity awaited you. This generally easy life has robbed you of your will, assertiveness, and desire to fight to achieve your goal.

Now... you definitely need to slow down a bit to gain a sense of stability and peace of mind. This will protect you from shocks. Stop criticizing, judging, destroying. You need to build, lay strong foundations in order to work, love, and have a family. Learn to enjoy beautiful moments without thinking about what “could have been” or “should have been.” As for the love sphere, strive not for passionate hugs and sex for the sake of sex, but for tenderness, caresses, and fidelity. Don't be jealous, get rid of rancor and envy. Work on the land and household chores are also shown. You are called to accumulate energy, to take care of building a temple in your soul. Painting and poetry, vocal art and a penchant for needlework, gardening or theatrical activity may not become a profession, but amateur aspirations for them must definitely be realized. Not least on the list of karmic programs is the ability to manage finances wisely. Trust yourself more.

In the next life... you will become a great materialist, you will increase your property and accumulate the feeling of security that owning it brings. awaits you ordinary life, which may seem routine to you, but will be filled with peace. Strong love and numerous children will teach you to rejoice simple things in life. You will finally find harmony.

Famous personalities: A. Pushkin, B. Shtokolov, I. Aivazovsky.

3. Rahu in Gemini, Ketu in Sagittarius

Dare to be frivolous

In a past life... you were something like a patriarch, a nobleman, a judge or a priest - in general, someone who occupied a good position in society and lived in abundance. You expressed your judgments about other people peremptorily and imperiously, practically without understanding them. You were the master of the situation and did not hesitate to take advantage of it.

Now... you will have to overcome your desire to take control. Learn to be flexible, tolerant, and develop your imagination. Life forces you to give and receive love in all its forms, to share the deep, unforced feelings of your partner, children, it forces you to create a family or clan, to weave a cocoon, inside of which you will feel protected. Show tenderness, cordiality, and the ability to listen. Don't hide your sensitivity under a mask of coldness. Stop strictly regulating yourself, give free rein to your dreams, hopes, fantasies, let your intuition guide you, not cold reason. The more generous and generous you are, the more happiness it will bring you. At least one problem of the kind in which you are embodied must end with you. What your mother failed in raising children should not happen to you. It is in the karma of the family that you should look for the sources of possible family or work problems. And they will disappear as soon as the fate of your ancestors becomes clear to you. It is important to learn to sacrifice personal goals, to live for family, relatives and the Motherland, to study national roots. Among the representatives of this karmic sign there are many excellent historians and archaeologists, local historians and collectors of antiquities, organizers and curators of museums.

Don't be surprised to discover mystical abilities in yourself: for example, you can remember your past incarnations. But one should not rush things: what is given will manifest itself at the right time.

In the next life... you will be a soft, gentle person, a little strange and extravagant. Perhaps the father or mother of a large family. Warm, loving, you will not coldly calculate every step, participate in a race for power, or compete with someone. It is in the circle of loved ones that you will find your happiness.

Famous personalities: Alexander the First, Seraphim of Sarov.

5. Rahu in Leo, Ketu in Aquarius

Get out of your tower

In a past life... you, in general, did not give a damn about money, power, about everything that concerns material things. You needed freedom, independence, and to have this, you were ready to do anything, including being alone. As an unrecognized genius standing outside of society, you yourself isolated yourself from people, and even worse if this prevented you from getting married and having children.

Now... you must definitely get out of your ivory tower, live according to the laws of society and actively participate in its life. Be determined, be ambitious, take a broad view of things, aim high. Don't isolate yourself, be sure to play your own role, and why can't it be the main one? You should feel that your loved ones are always close to you and value you, and those around you recognize your merits, that you need to fulfill some noble mission, realize your talents, create something significant. You can earn good money, occupy a leadership position... Today's life invites you to participate in everything that happens in the world around you, have a family home, friends, and expand your circle of acquaintances. Don't lose touch with your time. Strive to reveal your creative self. Your karma is the karma of a leader who knows how to realize his ambitions. But not as an end in itself, but as a service to those people for whom he is responsible. You can be the leader of a nation, or you can take responsibility for the fate of your own children, help your son’s classmates, be an authority in the work team, or gather enthusiasts to clean up the yard in front of your windows. If you learn to rule, not by suppressing, but by developing those around you, your destiny will be very worthy.

In the next life... you will patronize others and, by patronizing, reign over them. An artistic person who considers herself a little higher than other people, you will get a taste for everything that belongs to the world of art, fashion, and theater. It will be extremely necessary for you to have money, social status, in short, to “appear.”

Famous personalities: E. Blavatskaya, M. Gandhi, K. Rossi, S. Kovalevskaya.

6. Rahu in Virgo, Ketu in Pisces

Count on yourself

In a past life... you were too immersed in yourself, in dreams, hopes, mirages. They were susceptible to the influence of others, weak-willed people, avoiding all responsibility. You were not able to live alone and existed only for the love that others felt for you. You had a somewhat limited vision of life: work, your partner, friends, children.

Now... you need to take control of yourself and set practical goals for yourself. You cannot afford to float through the field of waves. You have a job to do, a responsibility to live up to, a profession to master, a fire to keep burning. Say “stop” to disorder, your wild imagination, and trust your own mind more than impressions. All attention is paid to details, details and an accurate understanding of what is happening. Act in such a way that others can always rely on you. Self-improvement, rationality, a sense of duty, conscious responsibility for actions, expanding your range of interests, hard work - these are your guidelines. Rely on yourself more than others. The present requires specific actions, prudence, pure intentions, a certain selflessness - and the achievement of material well-being will not take long to arrive.

In the next life... you will have a secret power that will turn you into eminence grise, which they cannot do without. Scrupulous, serious, punctual, somewhat picky, you will rule the minds of many.

Famous personalities: C. Dickens, W. Thackeray, A. Herzen, N. Gumilev, M. Sklodowska-Curie, N. Bohr, N. Lobachevsky, I. Sechenov, I. Pavlov.

7. Rahu in Libra, Ketu in Aries

Share your life experiences

In a past life... you were terribly selfish! You thought only about yourself, acted only in your own interests, not noticing that those around you who love you need your attention, presence, and advice. You were impulsive, hot-tempered, or uncontrollable, living alone, making no concessions to anyone regarding restrictions on your freedom.

Now... it is necessary to come to terms with your surroundings, become friendly, gain respect, develop diplomacy, learn to respect the needs of others, feel and understand beauty in all its manifestations. This life requires caution, deliberate steps, and moderation from you. Deal with your own anger. Act in the best interests of your partner, children, employees, friends. In this incarnation, you should establish harmonious, calm, tension-free connections with people. Calm, harmony, compromise. There is no point in sitting in a secluded corner, but life will not allow this: upholding justice, implied by your karma, does not imply stagnant silence. But this should be done carefully and in accordance with the law.

An important, if not decisive, place in this karmic task is assigned to your partner. He (or she) provides you with everything that will help you overcome your selfishness and get out of isolation. By balancing your relationships with people, you will find your true self.

In the next life... you will strive for ease, pleasure, easy acquaintances, everything secular, and it will be difficult and even impossible for you to live alone. You will marry repeatedly or have many relationships at the same time. And in general, sincerity is unlikely to be yours strong point.

Famous personalities: L. Tolstoy, Michelangelo, J. Verne, F. Chopin, Madonna, M. Jackson, K. Marx.

8. Rahu in Scorpio, Ketu in Taurus

Maintain your inner strength

In a past life... your habits were extremely dear to you. You wanted to make the most of life, but in such a way that nothing changed. This led to some rigidity. For people like you, pleasure seekers, people who love to eat well, great materialists, life flowed comfortably, without any special problems.

Now... you need to maintain your inner strength, sharpen your will, choose difficult paths. Your need for security is great, and it is difficult for you to change anything in your life, because for you it means going down the path of losses. Learn not to cling to the past, the familiar, and accept all the transformations and even shocks that may await you: they are the ones who will contribute to your growth. It is necessary to earn money, but do not save, on the contrary, spend, be generous, let there be more idealism in you than materialism. Be prepared to part with things, people, dogmas. In everything that is in your life, be it love, family or profession, invest your whole soul. Do not allow egocentrism, the desire for revenge and to control the world with the help of occult forces to take over your soul: if you give free rein to such manifestations, it is easy to find yourself in the power of darkness.

In the next life... you will successfully realize your grandiose dream and discover new qualities and potential that has been dormant for the time being. For you, an avid player, a sensual person, very sexy, with original ideas, love will be both a poison and an antidote - in short, you will become a playmaker.

Famous personalities: N. Miklouho-Maclay, N. Gogol, M. Cervantes, A. Kashpirovsky.

Many people around the world, including Buddhists and other religions, believe in reincarnation (or rebirth). They are convinced that every person has a soul that is constantly reborn and manifests itself again in new life forms. She travels her karmic path and her goal is to achieve a state of "perfect enlightenment."

If the soul comes to this, then it will no longer be reborn, because it has already fulfilled its mission and achieved perfection.

Have you ever felt like you were an “old” soul? Maybe you are the person who has been reborn many times? These 6 convincing signs indicate that your soul has repeatedly appeared in this world in different life forms.

Recurring dreams

You tend to have the same dreams often, especially about people and places you have never met or visited in real life, but somehow they seem extremely familiar? This may be due to the fact that the subconscious mind reminds you of experiences from previous lives.

You have very developed intuition

Intuition is believed to come from the ability to tap into wisdom and knowledge that is not always available to all of us. If your intuition is very strong, this may be a clue, a sign that the soul is enjoying a rich experience that you can benefit from.

Do you often experience déjà vu?

Memories of past lives don't just come to people in their dreams. If you frequently experience déjà vu with sensations, sounds, tastes or smells that seem incredibly familiar for reasons you don't know, they could be memories from a time old life.

You are a very sensitive person

Buddhists, in particular, believe that if a person has a high capacity for experience and empathy, then there is a high probability that he has a more “adult” soul. Such individuals tend to be more sensitive to their own and others' emotions because they have had much more time to experience them.

You are attached to certain events, time periods, cultures

If you have a strong attachment to an event or holiday, or you are close and pleasant to certain periods of time, cultural features, what does this mean? This may be related to memories from a past life and probably a very happy one.

You have inexplicable fears

Do you have a strong fear of something for no reason? Perhaps you are deathly afraid of water, for example, but you have never had an experience in your life that led to this fear. This could mean that you drowned in a previous life or had certain negative experiences.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Questions of life and death face every person. While you are young, it seems that you will live forever. After forty years, a sad thought gradually comes about the frailty of life. Old age poses the question bluntly: who needed my life? What will happen to me later, after death? Will my soul be reincarnated into another person or is it all just a fairy tale? Optimists believe in the immortality of the soul, in reincarnation, pessimists believe that there will be nothing after death...


Buddhists have found the answer to the question: what will happen to us after death. The theory of reincarnation is one of the postulates of Hinduism and the basis of Buddhist teachings. After the death of the physical body, a person’s spiritual body rises to heaven, and there, according to earthly merits, it is sent to different “floors.”

There is a law according to which the soul returns to Earth, and this does not happen when it would like it. Also, according to the highest law, the body is chosen for the further life of the soul.

The basic idea of ​​Buddhism, according to which a person undergoes a certain number of reincarnations in order to improve to the state of nirvana, that is, desired and deserved peace, deserves special attention. The theory of reincarnation, like the astrology of karma, was developed by the sages of Tibet. It is there that international conferences are held, where people interested in this topic can ask pressing questions.

There are works that calculate who a person was in previous lives, but the principles of calculation vary greatly. According to the Chinese Book of Changes, it is quite easy to calculate what kind of lives you have lived in the past. However, this can be believed or not, because the approach in this work is quite extensive and clearly not scientific.

Researchers also have a scientific method at their disposal that can be used to “look” into a past life. This is a hypnosis-based method of regression analysis. A person is offered training in which, through affiliation (belief phrase), lucid dreams and three levels of the astral plane, one can “get in touch” with a past life.

It remains to seriously consider whether you are ready for such a test. Regression is unsafe for both a person’s physical and mental health.

But how interesting it is! There is a lot of factual evidence that people put into deep hypnosis begin to describe places of past residence, buildings, streets, living conditions, names of people, in a word - the smallest details! Checking the past life data obtained by regression analysis leaves no doubt about the authenticity of the description. Those subjected to the experiment often begin to speak in unfamiliar languages, dialects and dialects that have long since sunk into the past...


Astrology does not stand aside and in its own way illuminates the issue of past and present lives. It does this using the location of the Lunar nodes in the birth horoscope. It is the Lunar nodes that show the path of reincarnation, the program for further spiritual development associated with human karma. According to the belief of Professor S. A. Vronsky, “this is the intersection of the past (Moon) with the present (Earth) and the future (Sun). Lunar nodes connect one reincarnation to another with invisible threads.”

The descending node (“vase”) is a source of information about what a person has accumulated in past lives. The ascending knot (“dragon’s tail”) is a hint on how to use it correctly current life. There is only one goal - atonement or mitigation of karma. Every eighteen and a half years, a person is given the opportunity to eliminate or soften karma, be reborn where required, and correct where he made mistakes in his previous life. However, this can be done in very rare cases. Almost all of us are karmic debtors... Even A.S. turned out to be karmic debtors. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, V.V. Mayakovsky, B.S. Vysotsky.

The latter insightfully noted the cleansing time at 37 years (twice 18.5). He managed to pass the number 37, but he couldn’t reach the serious milestone of 42 years...

Having studied the horoscope for the position of the descending Lunar node, you may find out that you have “chosen a difficult fate.” This is due to mistakes in a past life, from which the soul must cleanse itself. It is assumed that the addictions of the previous life, addictions and thoughts still live in the subconscious. That is why it is necessary to protect life, strengthen the temple of the spirit - the body, strive for moderation and mitigation of karma.

For example, if in a past life a person was physically strong, loved women, believed that everything can be bought and sold, then now he is faced with the task of becoming spiritually strong, giving strength and knowledge for the good of society. In a past life, I didn’t know how to make friends, I divided people by rank, class, wealth, now I need like-minded friends, an understanding that all people are brothers, a manifestation of generosity and selflessness. This is the verdict of astrology, which is worth listening to.

You can read a lot of interesting things on the topic of reincarnation about many famous talented people. For example, about members of the Roerich family. Z.G. Fosdick was a long-term assistant and employee of the Roerich family, and at the same time she enjoyed unconditional trust, which is why the memories acquire special value. In her diary “America 1922-1923” we read that “N.K. (Roerich) voluntarily incarnated after being the Dalai Lama in Tibet.” In the explanation we read: “The fifth Dalai Lama (1617-82) is Agvan Lobsanjamtso.”

The issue of reincarnation is also touched upon in the case of N.K.’s conversation. Roerich with a certain Russian worker who asked: “What will happen in the future with different peoples Russia? Roerich replied that “Solomon was later Sergius of Radonezh, and this resolved the whole question of nationalities.” As for the great artist himself, the author of the book testifies that “He automatically drew portraits of our former incarnations.”

It remains to conclude that, in order not to be responsible for your mistakes in future lives, it is better to live in harmony with your conscience now.

Although today from all sides they say that you need to live life to the fullest, some people believe that a person can have several lives. This is the so-called theory of reincarnation. Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, I personally am skeptical about this idea, but here is a list of signals that may indicate that “there was a boy after all” and you have already experienced existence on this planet somewhere in the heart of England in Tudor era.

1. Recurring dreams

In general, there are many explanations for recurring dreams, but they say that if you keep repeating the same dream, then perhaps this is a clue to your past. The plot may be different historical era, another area. This is one of the signs that you existed before at another point in history.

2. Deja vu

Each of us at least once in our lives has been overcome by a sudden and strange sensation... We know for sure: what is happening now is happening for the first time. But suddenly we realize that this has already happened once: I was already here, saw the same person, heard the same words, and the light fell in the same way. The present seems to meet the past... Scientists explain this by the phenomenon of paramnesia, parapsychologists - by a past life.

3. You remember events in the past.

Key point: you were not a participant. That is, you have memories that should not be in your head. Moreover, you may remember this in rather bright colors. Some people claim that these are fragments of your past memory.

4. You have incredible intuition.

People who believe in reincarnation claim that you are in an amazing connection with time. Both past and present, and future. You can often predict the outcome of an event, feel how and where to act, which often surprises others.

5. Unfounded fears and phobias

We are all afraid of something: water, heights, spiders or snakes. But where did these fears come from? Some believe it is the result of painful events in the past. If, for example, you are afraid of snakes and don’t know why, maybe this is your answer?

6. Mystical pains

This is, of course, a controversial point, but have you ever experienced phantom pain in healthy areas of the body that disappeared after a moment? Perhaps in a past life you were, for example, a soldier and your leg was torn off, and now an old injury is echoing in you...

7. You have found your soul mate

It's a bit like the movie The Notebook. But it is possible that if you feel with every fiber of your soul a kindred spirit in someone (maybe even in a stranger), it is possible that this is not without reason. This is such a beautiful romantic theory to confirm that everyone has their own soul mate in this world.

8. You feel like you're an old soul.

This phenomenon can occur when a person thinks that his soul lives longer than himself. If you are wise beyond your years or feel more mature than you should, it is possible that you have a past behind you, and now one of the “presents”. Well, that's great. Whether it really didn't matter, isn't it time to apply your wisdom to your life to achieve more?

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