Conflict between Taras and his son. Fathers and sons. Conflict between fathers and sons. Case from practice

Subject. N.V.Gogol. The story "Taras Bulba". 1. The heroic-patriotic pathos of the story. 2. Zaporozhye Sich and its customs. Ostap and Andriy, the principle of contrast in the depiction of heroes. 3. The tragedy of the conflict between father and son. 4. The clash of love and duty in the souls of the heroes. 5. The image of Taras Bulba. 6. Learning to write an essay

Goals: to emphasize the greatness and heroism of the struggle for the freedom of the Fatherland, for the purity of faith, the importance of a sense of camaraderie, the willpower and spirit of the Cossacks; help in perceiving the beauty of the steppe expanses in landscape sketches stories; learn to work with text selectively, select quotes that confirm the thoughts expressed.

Methodological techniques: reading the text, analytical conversation, revealing knowledge and understanding of the text.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Reading and analysis of poetry.

III. Studying a new topic.

1. Opening remarks teachers.

Here is another name that evokes admiration and pride in any person who knows and loves literature.

N.V. Gogol, born in 1809 in the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Poltava province, created his works in the 19th century.

He knew local national customs and morals well, collected folk songs and legends, and studied the historical past of the Slavic peoples.

In the 16th century Ukrainian Cossacks built a military fortification beyond the Dnieper rapids - Sich - to protect the country's borders from Polish, Turkish and Tatar (from Crimea) raids.

The Sich voluntarily took upon itself the task of protecting the western and southern borders. Many Cossacks gave their lives defending their Motherland and the Orthodox faith.

Gogol spoke about the life of the Zaporozhye (beyond the rapids) Sich, about the struggle of the Cossacks, about their heroic death in the name of the life of the Motherland, in the name of its freedom in the story “Taras Bulba”.

2. Analysis of chapters I and II of the story.

– What qualities, in your opinion, does Taras value in a Cossack, including in his children?

– What decision does he make? (Ostap showed dexterity and the power of the blow, and his father felt it too. He does not tolerate ridicule, he is ready to punish the offender, even if this offender is the father. The son earned his father’s praise: “Good job, son!” Taras Bulba decided to send his sons to Zaporozhye in a week , and getting excited, he changes his decision: his sons will leave with him tomorrow. This decision is dictated not only by his stubbornness and passion, but also by his firm conviction that only in Zaporozhye is there a real military school and science, only there will they become real warriors.")

– What is the meaning of his life? (The meaning of life is in the struggle for the independence of his homeland. And everything that was dear to him, he gives, without hesitation, to the common cause.)

– How did your mother react to your husband’s decision? (“...She couldn’t help but cry...”) (I part, p. 150.)

– What is the fate of the wife, the woman of that time? (I part., p. 151. “Indeed... I looked...)

– What did you hope for? (“Bulba, waking up, will delay...”)

Assignment: retell (briefly) the scene of a mother’s farewell to her sons. (I part., p. 154. “When I saw my mother...”.)

– What feeling fills our soul?

(I spied the only ones in the world

Holy, sincere tears, -

Those are the tears of poor mothers!

They will not forget their children,

Those who died in the bloody field,

How not to pick up a weeping willow

Its drooping branches...

(N.A. Nekrasov. “Hearing the horrors of war...”)

Conclusion. T. Bulba, long before the arrival of his sons, decided their fate: to be defenders of their land, like himself; That’s why he makes a decision: his sons go to the Zaporozhye Sich; How great is the grief of a mother who did not have time to look at her sons enough. How touching are the scenes of her farewell to her sons; and how sad the reader becomes, in whose soul a premonition of great misfortune is born.

– How did Ostap and Andriy study at the Kyiv Academy?

– What changes took place in Andria in recent years? (P. 156. “He appeared less often...”)

Exercise. Can you tell me (briefly) the story of how Andria and the lady met? (Pani, pannochka is a form of address to a woman and girl in Poland and Western Ukraine.)

Commented reading by the teacher. Description of the steppe (P. 158–159.) (The steppe, the further ... they flew through the dark sky.")

– Why did Gogol introduce the description of the steppe? (The wide, expansive steppe is a symbol of the Motherland and freedom. It connects two worlds: Bulba’s house and Zaporozhye. The struggle for these endless steppe expanses. Pay attention to the richness of colors, feel the aroma of flowers, its beauty, fall in love with this golden-boundless ocean, feel sublime (solemn) - lyrical (emotions, feelings) tone of description of the steppe.)

Conclusion. One cannot help but feel the charm of the steppe expanses while reading the pages of Gogol’s story; one is surprised by the richness of colors, sounds and the solemn and lyrical tone of the description of the steppe; Our heroes, Ostap and Andriy and their comrades, will fight for the freedom of these steppes.

Homework: learn one of the descriptions of the steppe by heart; prepare an oral story about Bulba.

Goals: to develop the ability to find in a literary text the material necessary to characterize the characters; build skills analytical work with a reproduction of the painting; lead to logical conclusions and generalizations, understanding of the author’s position.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Reading by heart descriptions of the steppe (2–3 students).

III. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. Work on the topic.

1. Working with text.

Exercise. Looking through the text, choose pictures that introduce us to the life of the Sich. (“... stunned five hundred blacksmith’s hammers...”, “tanners crushed leather...”, “Traders... sat...” “hung out handkerchiefs, “... moved tubs of dough,” “... a Cossack sleeping on the road,” “... made his way... through... street...", "...several kurens (huts in which the Cossacks lived; a unit of the army),...Cossacks lying...", "...a Cossack without a shirt...")

2. Conversation on issues.

– What and how does the author say about the Sich and the Cossacks? (“So here it is, the Sich!.. for all of Ukraine.” Every word and enthusiastic intonation conveys admiration that only the Sich with its republican system forms proud, brave and freedom-loving Cossacks.)

3. Examination of a reproduction of the painting by I. E. Repin “Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan.”

The picture is very close to Gogol's story. She creates bright, living impressions of the Cossack freemen, the glorious, daring people about whom Repin wrote: “... and this handful of daredevils, of course, the most talented people of their time, grows to the point that they not only protect the whole of Europe from eastern predators, but and threatens even their then strong civilization and laughs heartily at their Eastern arrogance...”

(Quote from the book: Golubeva, E. I., Krestinskaya, A. A., Kuznetsova, E. V. Conversations about Russian artists. - L., 1960. - P. 163.)

The letter from the Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan testifies to the power, strength and inexhaustible humor of the Cossacks.

The central figure of the picture is Koshevoy Ataman Ivan Sirko. He has a courageous face, intelligent, penetrating eyes, and an aquiline nose.

Everything: posture, clothing - speaks of the strength and authority of the chieftain. It was precisely such an ataman who could walk on “seagulls” across the Black Sea and make the most daring trips to the Crimea.

The entire vast space is occupied by people who have gathered here to protect their native land from dangerous southern and western neighbors. The brave Cossacks neglected everything that they left at home for the sake of one goal - to protect their homeland, to protect its borders from predatory and cruel raids.

In the center of the picture is a small group of laughing Cossacks. They have courageous, weathered faces. Such people are not afraid of the enemy. They are confident in their abilities and in their rightness.

These proud and freedom-loving people, warriors and republicans, are equally dear and close to both Gogol and Repin.

4. Commented reading of the pages of the story.

– What surprised Ostap and Andriy in organizing the Sich? (I part, 162 “...the death of the people came...the whole ceremony.”)

– What role did the kuren ataman (father) play?

– What are the laws of the Zaporozhye Sich?

– How did Ostap and Andriy prove themselves?

– What decisions do the Cossacks make and why? (“…go straight to Poland, take revenge… for… the disgrace of faith and Cossack glory.” Farewell, our mother!..”)

Conclusion. the laws of the Zaporozhye Sich are harsh, the sons of Taras Bulba plunged into its restless life; in battle they did not spare themselves; but in battle, as in studies, they were different; The father admires his sons and is proud.

– What qualities of a warrior did Andriy display? (“Andriy is brave in battle, but this is not the kind of courage that is needed for a feat, this is only an intoxication with the music of battle. Ostap is brave, but prudent.”)

– What did the lady remind Andria of? (“...your name is your father, your comrades, your homeland, and we are your enemies.”)

– What did the Cossack answer? (“What is my father to me... And I’ll destroy everything... for such a fatherland!”)

Conclusion. Since childhood, Cossacks knew that the most dear thing to them was their native land, the meaning of their life was to protect it. There was no love for the Motherland in Andriy’s heart; there was no need for courage or bravery. Such a person should not be a hero... Ostap and Andriy grew up together, under the same parental roof, both in childhood witnessed their father’s life, full of courage. But there was no directness and honesty in Andriy’s nature, his little childish tricks were not in vain, there was a desire to hide behind his comrade’s back, to evade punishment (this is exactly what happened in the bursa!), even if he was guilty. And all this is not out of cowardice, but cunning. So egoism gradually developed, his soul was filled with his own feelings, his own experiences, and there was no room left in it for love for his native land and for the sacred duty of comradeship.

V. Summing up the lesson.

– What are the similarities between the Cossack heroes and epic heroes?

Homework: prepare to analyze chapters 5, 6, 7 of the story.

Goals: improve skills in analytical work with text; develop the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations; to form a sense of patriotism and national identity.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Work on new topic(analysis of Chapter 7).

Analytical conversation on issues.

– How do we feel about Andriy’s action?

- What else happened that night in the Cossacks’ camp? (I part, p. 177. “... half the army was killed, and the other was bandaged (captured) ...".)

– What is the reason? (Carelessness.)

– What decision does Kokubenko make? (Divide the army into three parts, stand at the three gates and lure the Poles out of the city with abusive words that are offensive to the Poles.)

Exercise. Select replicas of Cossacks and Poles. (“And the red zhupans (the outerwear of the Poles and...). They didn’t even say...)

- Why didn’t they tell you?

- Ostap is the chieftain of the kuren. Why did the Cossacks choose him? (“It’s impossible to put it better... he has a mind like an old man.”)

– How did Taras feel when he saw Ostap with the ataman’s club? (I part., p. 184. “You see what... done to your son.”)

– What thought never left Taras? (“...Taras thought and could not figure out where Andriy had gone... and walked in front of the regiment.”)

Conclusion. Carelessness leads to disaster in any business, but in a military matter it brings death. Bitter thoughts did not give Taras Bulba peace, he was proud of Ostap, he constantly thought about the fate of Andriy; The Cossacks showed a sense of camaraderie, promising to release the captured Cossacks.

III. Summing up the lesson.

– What news alarmed the entire Cossack camp? (The Tatars attacked the Sich, took away all their belongings (property). Some Cossacks were killed, others were taken prisoner.)

– What does Koshevoy Ataman Kokubenko offer? (“...don’t waste time, comrades, and chase the Tatars.”)

– Why does Bulba not agree with this decision? (“Have you forgotten... captured by the Poles?... What a Cossack. I remain alone!” P. 186 (below).)

– What is his advice? (“The first duty and first honor of a Cossack is to maintain partnership...” Divide into two parts. “Everyone agrees!” (I part, p. 188.)

Exercise. farewell of the Cossacks. (I part., p. 190.)

– How did the Cossacks feel? (I part., p. 190.)

Conclusion. The feeling of camaraderie manifests itself not in a drunken party, but on the battlefield, when the fate of not only yours, but your brothers in arms is decided.

Homework: select material for the characteristics of the characters in the story (T. Bulba, Ostap, Andria).

Goals: develop the ability to work on the psychological appearance of heroes based on text analysis; lead to an understanding of the special role of the partnership and brotherhood of the Cossacks; understand the heroic orientation of the story and its moral meaning.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Studying a new chapter.

1. Conversation on issues.

– Why did the Cossack ranks become “troubled”? (The Cossacks parted with their comrades, whom they might never see again. They realized that they had lost faithful comrades who, in battle, without thinking about themselves, would come to the rescue. Sad thoughts also came about what awaited them ahead.)

– How did Taras prepare his army for battle? (P. 191, “...built, gave orders and instructions... enemy cavalry.”)

2. Commented reading of Taras’s speech.

(I part, pp. 191–193). “I’d like to say... more valuable to them than any brotherhood.”)

– What is the main idea of ​​T. Bulba’s speech? (For the Cossacks, “there is no bond holier than comradeship,” therefore, without hesitation, they divided their forces when it was necessary to rescue their comrades who were captured by the Tatars and Poles; now everyone must fight for two. Without hesitation, they came to the rescue of their comrades, not Thinking about themselves, risking their lives, they rushed into the thick of the battle. And isn’t this a proof of the holy bonds of camaraderie, the episode when Tovkach, Taras’s old friend, bandaged his wounds and rushed off on a lathered horse, so that his faithful friend would not be desecrated by the enemy? Taras himself does not think about himself even when the flames engulfed his legs; he thinks only about saving the Cossacks from pursuit, and in his clear head, even before death, a plan for their salvation is ripening, and the wind carries his loud voice to the Cossacks.)

(“Far away there was a loud clap” of shots from arquebuses, “...the cannons” of the Poles exploded into the Cossacks’ camp,” “...quickly get out of the carts and get on your horse,” “Ostap knocked out the wicks of six gunners,” “... and how it thundered “One cannon, followed by three others... they caused a lot of grief!”)

– What words did the Cossacks die with on their lips? (“Stepan Kuska: “Let them disappear...”, Bovdyug: “Let them be famous...”. Balaban: “Let them bloom...” Kokubenko: “Let them live after you...”)

Assignment: description of Andria’s appearance.

– What made Taras furious? (“How… your own?.. Do you beat your own, damn son?..” But Andriy…)

– What did he ask the Cossacks for? (“Hey, flakes, just lure him to the forest for me...”)

Assignment: reading the text (“Andriy accelerated on his horse... Taras fired.”)

– What is Bulba’s feeling in his words: “Ostap!.. Ostap, don’t give in!..” (The desire to support him, to inspire him, the fear of losing his son.)

– What does the story have in common with epics? (Three repetitions. “Is there gunpowder...?) Description of women’s grief. (“More than one Cossack’s mother weeps…” the dearest of all.) Description of the battle. (“Cossacks... a young soul flew out.”) Hyperbole: “Where the Nezamainovites passed, there is a street; where they turned, there is an alley.”)

III. Summing up the lesson.

Final word teachers.

There is nothing that bonds people more strongly than camaraderie. There is a proverb: “Perish yourself, but save your comrade”; if a person betrays his comrades, his Motherland, he dies, even if not immediately, the feeling of guilt will never leave him: personal happiness cannot be achieved by betraying the Motherland.

N.V. Gogol. “Taras Bulba” Analysis of chapters 10, 11, 12

Goals: to lead to an understanding of the heroic-patriotic theme of the work, the idea of ​​​​feat for the glory of the Fatherland; improve skills in analytical work with text.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Studying new chapters.

1. Conversation on issues.

– Why did Andriy meekly obey Taras Bulba? (He is guilty, he realized that he would have to answer for treason, so he humbly, like a child, got off his horse and stopped neither alive nor dead in front of Taras.)

– Has he repented? (“...He pronounced someone’s name, but it was not the name of his fatherland, or mother, or brothers, it was the name of a beautiful Poles.”)

Assignment: reading ch. 9 (captivity of Ostap and Taras Bulba.)

2. Analysis of Chapter 10.

Task: awakening Taras.

– What oath did Ostap take? (“God forbid... I didn’t say a single word.” P. 207.)

– Why does Ostap remember his father and turn to him in his last hour? (“He wouldn’t want to hear sobs... Do you hear?” Inhuman torment weakened Ostap’s will. He wanted to hear or see a firm husband, a man who would cheer him up, refresh his strength and console him in the last minutes of his life.)

– Did he hear his husband’s word? (p. 207.)

4. Analysis of Chapter 12.

Assignment: Taras's revenge for his son.

-What kind of punishment was invented for him? (And they sentenced... to burn... But Taras was not looking at the fire... P. 209.)

-What was he looking at? (“There was no pursuit to the shore.” P. 209.)

-What is his dying wish? (P. 209. “Goodbye... take a walk!”)

Conclusion. It’s sad because heroes died, but they died as heroes, they did not betray their oath, their comrades. Their exploits, their names will remain for centuries, will be an example of service to the Motherland.

III. Summing up the lesson.


1. Which hero and under what circumstances pronounces the words below.

“Be patient, Cossack, and you will become an ataman!”

“What, son, did your Poles help you?”

"There is life in the old dog yet?"

2. In what life situations could they be pronounced today?

3. V. G. Belinsky called Gogol’s story “a poem about love for the motherland.” Do you agree with this judgment?

4. Which artists’ illustrations for the story “Taras Bulba”, in your opinion, more fully reflect the characters’ characters?

Homework: finish collecting material for the essay " Comparative characteristics brothers."

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy, Taras Bulba

Goals: develop the ability to work with text, select quotes that confirm the thoughts expressed; to note the reason for the betrayal of Andriy the warrior, to show the depth of dedication of Ostap the warrior, Taras Bulba, their loyalty to the Motherland; learn to work on a plan and according to a plan.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

III. Work on a new topic.

1. Independent work with the text according to assignments (10–15 min).

The tasks are written on the board.

1) Find in Chapter V the episode that talks about Ostap and Andria. How does Ostap’s behavior in battle differ from Andriy’s behavior? Why do brothers behave differently?

2) Prepare to read the episode “Andria’s Meeting with the Tatar Woman” (Chapter V). What character traits did Andriy display in this meeting? What choice did Andriy make?

3) Find episodes about Andria (chapter VI) and Ostap (chapter VII). Compare the actions and experiences of the brothers. How are brothers different from each other? How do Ostap and Andriy make you feel?

2. Collective discussion of issues.

– How does Ostap’s behavior in battle differ from Andriy’s behavior?

– Why do they behave differently? (If Ostap, a warrior purposeful in his actions, with the makings of a commander, shows restraint and composure (which is why the author writes that “his knightly qualities have already acquired the broad strength of the qualities of a lion,” then Andriy is the embodiment of ardor, unbridled desires and unexpected decisions In battle, he is attracted not by the achievement of the goal for which the battle is fought, but by the process of battle itself, the delight (admiration) of battle for Andriy - “the charming music of bullets and swords”, comparing his actions with the actions of a drunk who rushes without seeing. not noticing the danger: “heads fly, horses fall to the ground with thunder, and he (Andriy) rushes like a drunk, in the whistling of bullets, in the flash of a saber and without hearing... This is the essence of his ardent and unbridled character.)

– What character traits did Andriy display when meeting the Tatar woman? What choice did he make? (Pannochka understands that she is an enemy for the Cossacks and asks to come, if possible, or to give a piece of bread for her dying mother. How does the author describe Andriy’s state of mind? “... his heartbeat became stronger at the mere thought that he would see the pannochka; “... he suddenly it occurred to him that she was dying of hunger.” The hero has no doubts. As in battle, he is at the mercy of emotions (feelings). Andria's soul prevails over all other feelings and reason.

– (Chapter VI, VII.) Andriy is dying morally. Without hesitation, he renounces his mother and Motherland in the name of love for the Polish lady. “What is my father, comrades and homeland to me? Who said that my homeland is Ukraine?.. My homeland is you!..” Andriy contrasted himself with his father, brother and all the Cossacks, former comrades in arms. Ch. VI.

And at this time Ostap, like a hawk floating in the sky (VII chapter) ... threw a rope around his (the Pole’s) neck with an arrow.”

He is chosen as the smoking ataman. “It couldn’t be better... like an old man. Ostap... thanked for the honor..."

– Is Andriy happy in his personal life? (There is no personal happiness if a person tries to achieve it through such a fatal sacrifice as treason. Andriy also dies physically.)

– Raised under their parents’ roof, studying in the same school, Ostap and Andriy were distinguished by their different characters and outlooks on life. Why? (There was no directness and honesty in Andriy’s nature, his childhood tricks were not in vain, there was a desire to hide behind the backs of his comrades, to evade punishment, although “he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise...” Selfishness gradually developed, Andriy lived only by his own feelings, experiences, and everything else: love for brother, father, mother, Motherland, the sacred duty of comradeship - everything disappeared, disappeared not because of cowardice, but because of cunning.)

3. Independent work based on illustrations to the story by E. Kibrik.

– What is shown in E. Kibrik’s illustrations?

– How did the artist convey the fortitude and courage of Ostap, the unwavering will and heroism of Taras?

– What qualities of Andria’s character was the artist able to convey?

IV. Summing up the lesson.

– Why did one of Taras’s sons die as folk hero, and the second - “disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog”? (Ostap fought honestly and courageously with the Poles, despite his youth, he was chosen by the Cossacks to be the atamans of the kuren, even captivity and foreign lands did not break him. He endured all the torture with dignity and did not flinch in the face of death. Even before execution, he is not only firm himself, but and tries to cheer up his comrades, set them up in a heroic mood.

Andriy betrays his father, his brother, his Fatherland, and his comrades, having fallen in love with a beautiful Polish girl. He, without hesitation, goes over to the side of the enemy, just to be with his beloved.)

– List what means Gogol uses to portray the characters of Ostap and Andriy. (Portrait, monologues (for example, Ostap before execution, Andria before the lady), author’s characteristics (history of life in the bursa, attitude towards parents, brothers on the battlefield, etc.), behavior of the characters, assessments of them by other characters, dialogues.)

Teacher's word.

It was in Ostap, Taras and other Cossacks that the writer’s dream of great service to the common cause came true. Turning to the past, to the tragic pages of history is not an escape from reality, but an answer to the questions that worried Gogol about the place of man in society and the political life of the country, about what a person should be.

Homework: prepare a text to characterize Taras Bulba, his speech about partnership ( expressive reading, retelling close to the text).

preparation for an essay about Taras Bulba

Goals: using the example of the image of T. Bulba to show the strength and greatness of the feat in the name of serving the Motherland and Orthodox faith; develop skills in working on a plan for an essay, the ability to select the necessary language material.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. Work on a new topic.

This is how N.V. Gogol ends his story, telling us the sad story of life and struggle (for the freedom of the Motherland, for Christian faith, for the prosperity of their land) heroes-Cossacks.

There are many heroes in the story, each of them has their own character, their own mental make-up: Demid Popovich is strong with a caustic word, wise and calm long life Bovdyug, who went on a campaign in the hope of being “suitable” for his Cossack comrades, ataman Kokubenko, smart and prudent in battle, Ostap, who inherited from his father integrity of character, sobriety in battle, sensitivity and lively mind, and, finally, Taras Bulba himself, rude stubborn by nature, but loyal to his homeland and comradeship until the end of his life.

Think about why Gogol doesn’t give us a detailed portrait of the main character. How do you imagine Taras Bulba? (Probably, this is not necessary - Taras had his hairstyle, clothes, shoes, like other Cossacks, and he paid little attention to his appearance (remember the old Cossack’s contempt for rich pants stained with tar). In addition, his youth is long gone , and in mature years, external beauty is replaced by intelligence, will, strength. What does Taras look like? He is heavy-set, gray-haired, very strong (that is, muscular), his expression is serious, imperious, his eyes are smart, dressed in a discreet manner, but his trousers are wide. The Black Sea, a black hat with a red top, an expensive weapon, a pipe in his hands. He speaks loudly, but slowly sits on his horse like a glove.)

2. Collective discussion of issues characterizing Taras Bulba.

Drawing up plan items.

– When do we first meet the hero? What is his appearance? (Old Taras is a typical Cossack. He is extremely heavy and fat. He is wearing wide trousers, a white Ukrainian shirt. A shoulder-length mustache. Throwing his head back defiantly, Taras looks at his sons with mockery, and then personally tests the fighting skills of one of them, Ostap, who received approval and order: “Yes, he fights well!.. He will be a good Cossack!.. Beat everyone like that... Don’t let anyone down!”)

- Taras himself, “a native, old colonel, was created for abusive alarm. “Restless forever, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy” - and was ready to “not let anyone down” if the Cossack “elders” were not respected and Polish tax collectors stood in front of them wearing hats, if they mocked Orthodoxy and if the enemies were those who did not profess Christianity.

Taras is the son of a fighting and difficult century, his whole life is constant military campaigns in the name of the freedom of the Motherland. In fierce battles his courage was born and the whole appearance of the old colonel became firm and stern. Wanting his sons to become seasoned warriors, and not “bastards,” he decides to send them to Zaporozhye with the words “God grant that you will always be successful in war!”

Character traits.

1) Pride.

Taras was proud of his sons: “he consoled himself in advance with the thought of how he would appear with his two sons for the beating,” “he would introduce them to all the old battle-hardened comrades” and say: “Look at what fine fellows I have brought to you!” And we understand his paternal sense of pride, which subsequently will not prevent him from punishing his son, who has become a traitor.

What torment old Taras must have experienced when his son became his enemy, a traitor, and violated what was most dear and sacred - love for the Motherland. And in the name of this love, the father found the strength and courage to kill his traitorous son. Only a truly heroic nature is capable of this.

Taras, a subtle connoisseur of the human soul (psychologist), understands that for a feat in the name of the Fatherland, the support of a comrade is necessary, a sense of camaraderie is necessary. And at the decisive moment he makes his speech about comradeship!)

– What is the strength of a person? (“but only one person can become related by soul, and not by blood.” The speech sounds contempt for enemies, henchmen who adopt “infidel customs.”)

2) A talented commander.

Taras, as an experienced warrior, is always in the center of the battle, he manages to go everywhere, give the necessary orders, and encourage the Cossacks in time. In different places his voice is heard: “What, gentlemen? There is life in the old dog yet? Has the Cossack strength weakened? Are the Cossacks bending? The military leadership talent of Taras Bulba was manifested in the anticipation of danger, battle tactics, and the ability to encourage the Cossacks at the most intense moment of the battle. During the execution, inhuman torment weakened Ostap’s strength and will, and Taras, in order to cheer him up, refresh his strength before the last and most terrible torment, uttered only one word that could cost him his life: “I hear!”

– How Taras changed after Ostap’s death! (The death of his son shocked Taras. After the execution of his son, there was no more pity and compassion for the enemies in his heart. Taras did not believe the Poles, like many of his comrades, and did not conclude a truce with them, but left with part of the Cossacks to continue the fight that had begun, and no one could have stopped him: “In sight of the entire army, the regiment was leaving, and for a long time Taras turned around and kept threatening.”

Having led his hero through terrible trials, Gogol showed that a person can be hardened, made unhappy and lonely, knowing no rest from suffering, but he cannot be broken or bent if he serves a common cause, if he fights for freedom.

Taras Bulba remained undefeated and unbroken until the end of his life. The fire is raging under him, tongues of flame cover his chest, approach his mustache, but he rushes to where his comrades are fighting, “gathered all the power of his voice and loudly shouted: “To the shore! to the shore, boys!.. There was no pursuit near the shore!”

“And the eyes of the old chieftain flashed with joy” when he, waking up from a blow for advising the Cossacks, saw how “the Cossacks sailed on narrow canoes...”)

More than four centuries separate us from the events of the story, and more than a century has passed since these immortal words were written by Gogol. But the story is alive, its heroes are alive, who in the difficult years of trials were, are and will be a living example in the struggle for the freedom of the Motherland, an example of great brotherhood, camaraderie, which is the key to success, the key to victory under the enemy.

3. Reading by heart (close to the text) of Taras’s speech.

– Which hero of Gogol’s story does this speech belong to? What is her main idea? How do these words characterize the hero? (“I want to tell you, gentleman...” to the words “No, no one can love like that!” P. 192 in the textbook.)

(This is a speech to the Cossacks by the main character of the story - Taras Bulba. Its main idea is the glorification of the Russian land, comradeship, the Russian soul. Taras Bulba is a true patriot of Rus', he faithfully stands for its independence, valuing above all else the military brotherhood of the Cossacks, honor and valor. )

– Re-read the excerpt from Chapter 1, dedicated to Taras Bulba. Who gives him this characteristic? Why is it important? (“Taras was one of the number...” to the words “Restless forever, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy.” (P. 150 in the textbook.)

This is the author's description of the hero. The writer highlights the main thing in Taras’s nature - his restlessness, desire to fight, love of freedom, sense of self and national dignity. Therefore, one of the main calls of the old colonel was the call to stand up for the Christian faith. Thus, the author inextricably connects the fate of Taras with the fate of Ukraine, and the story becomes a heroic epic.)

4. Drawing up a plan for characterizing Taras Bulba (simple and quotable), discussing the plan proposed by the teacher.

characteristics of Taras Bulba

I. Introduction.

“Will there really be such fires, such torments, such forces in the world that would overpower the Russian force!” (N.V. Gogol.)

II. Main part.

Taras Bulba is the son of a fighting and difficult time.

1) Taras is a native, an old colonel.

2) The Cossack’s pride in his sons.

3) “There is no bond holier than fellowship.”

4) Experienced commander.

5) A harsh, merciless avenger.

6) An unbending warrior even in the face of death.

III. Conclusion.

The immortality of the story and its heroes.

5. Correction of plans drawn up by students.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

Final words from the teacher.

Two great artists of the past: the writer N.V. Gogol and the painter I.E. Repin - dedicated their works to the Zaporozhye Sich. Famous painting Repin’s “The Cossacks Write a Letter to the Turkish Sultan,” created much later than the story “Taras Bulba,” preserves the spirit of Gogol’s Cossack freemen,” tells of the unbridled courage and unity of the Cossacks.

Andrei's tragedy: conflict of feelings and duty

G. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" was published in the collection "Mirgorod" in 1835. It depicts the life of the Zaporozhye Sich: the heroic struggle of the Cossacks against the oppressors of the Ukrainian people, the unique flavor of the life and morals of the Cossacks. The main characters of the story are the old Colonel Taras Bulba and his sons.
Andriy is the youngest son of Taras Bulba. At the bursa I studied willingly and without stress. He often led the way in rather dangerous tricks, “and thus, with the help of his inventive mind, he knew how to get out of execution.” He, like his older brother Ostap, “also seethed with a thirst for achievement, but at the same time his soul was susceptible to other feelings. The need for love flared up in him sharply when he turned eighteen.” While studying in Kyiv, he met a Polish lady, whom he loved with all his young, ardent heart.
Life in the Zaporizhzhya Sich captured Andrei; with all the ardor of a young man, he rushed into this “reckless sea” and forgot and parents' house, and the bursa, and the young lady. Andrei was a brave Cossack; in battle he knew no fear, he destroyed everyone and everything that came under his saber. But the younger Bulba didn’t care who to fight with. He was fascinated by the music of the battle itself, he gave himself entirely to it. When, under the cover of night, a Tatar woman, a maid of a beautiful young lady, made her way to the state of the Cossacks, and conveyed the request of a young Pole to help her mother, “the whole past, everything that was closed, drowned out by the present harsh military life - everything floated to the surface at once, drowning, in turn, the present." Andrei was again captured by his feelings. The very thought that he would see her again made the Cossack’s heart beat faster and his young knees tremble.” And when he found himself next to the young lady and “full of unearthly feelings, Andriy kissed her fragrant lips,” he felt something “that is given only once in a lifetime.” feel to a person."
"And the Cossack died!" For the sake of the young lady, for the sake of his feelings, Andrei is ready to give everything: his father, his comrades, his fatherland. He put his love for a woman above his duty to his homeland. "My homeland is you!" - says Andrey, a Zaporozhye Cossack, to the daughter of his enemy, the Polish governor. For the sake of the Polish beauty, he went against his comrades. “Overwhelmed by the fire and the heat of battle,” eager to earn “an expensive scarf embroidered by the hands of the first beauty,” Andrei rushed, “like a young thor,” raining blows right and left, “he did not see who was in front of him, his own or others.” ". But old Bulba saw who was in front of him. Unlike Andrei, for Taras the most dear things in life are the fatherland, comrades, and faith. Therefore, Andrei’s tragedy - the conflict between love and duty to the homeland - became a tragedy for Taras. The father cursed “both the day and the hour in which he gave birth to such a son to shame himself.” Fulfilling his duty to his comrades, Taras kills his traitorous son.
In the story "Taras Bulba". Gogol condemns betrayal and glorifies devotion to the fatherland, the holy sense of camaraderie.

I. Introduction.
II. Main part.
Taras Bulba is the son of a fighting and difficult time.
1) Taras is a native, an old colonel.
2) The Cossack’s pride in his sons.
3) “There is no bond holier than fellowship.”
4) Experienced commander.
5) A harsh, merciless avenger.
6) An unbending warrior even in the face of death.
III. Conclusion.

1)Where did the sons of Taras Bulba come from?

1) From the Kyiv bursa; 2) From a real school; 3) From guests; 4) From a military campaign
2) What intonation does the author choose in the scene of Taras’s meeting with his sons?
1) romantic; 2) lyrical, sad; 3) cheerful, ironic; 4) daring, joyful
3)What phrase did Taras approve of his son after their comic fight?
1) "Look how curvy you are!"
2) “Yes, he fights nicely!”
3) “Oh, you are such and such a son!”
4)!Good for you, son! By God, good!"
4)Where does Taras Bulba want to send his sons to study science?
1) to the Kyiv Bursa; 2) to relatives; 3) to a military campaign; 4) to the Zaporozhye Sich
5) Who did Taras order to convene on the occasion of his arrival in home his sons?
1) all the centurions and the entire regimental rank; 2) close and distant relatives; 3) pilgrims; 4) the Cossack ataman with his retinue
6) What are the main motives behind N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”?
1) Motives of love and friendship; 2) Motives true patriotism and betrayal; 3) Motives of proud loneliness; 4) Motives for love of freedom
7) What event ends the story?
1) the death of Andriy; 2) the death of Ostap; 3) the death of Taras Bulba; 4) the return of Taras Bulba home.

Test based on the story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol

1. Where did the sons of Taras Bulba come from?
A) from Kyiv B) from Moscow C) from Kharkov
2. What actions, according to the laws of the Zaporozhye Sich, deserved punishment?
A) theft B) cheating at cards C) drunkenness
3. What are we talking about? “It was some kind of continuous feast, a ball that began noisily and lost its end.”
A) life in the Sich B) studying at the bursa C) the siege of Dubna
4. What did Andriy take with him to Dubna?
A) weapons B) prisoners C) bread
5. Which of the characters in the story are we talking about in this passage?
And “he was also seething with a thirst for achievement, but along with it his soul was accessible to others... he was very good-looking.”
B"Oh! Yes, this one will eventually be a good colonel!...hey, he will be a good colonel, and even one that will put daddy in his belt!”
6. Complete the phrase.
And “Stop and don’t move! “I……., I’ll kill you!” said Taras...”
“We’ve been to other lands..., but there were none like those in the Russian land...”
7. What is the fate of Taras Bulba?
A) was executed B) headed the Zaporozhye Sich B) went beyond the Dniester
8. Who owns the following words?
A) “Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, dad! ..even though you’re my father, if you laugh, then, by God, I’ll beat you up!... I won’t look at anyone for an offense and I won’t respect anyone.”
B) “Let them all know what partnership means in the Russian land! If it comes to that, to die, then none of them will have the chance to die...” - Magazine of modern youth