Stand-up my name is Idrak. Idrak Mirzalizadeh: about himself, KVN and stand-up. What does the Free Microphone show mean to you?

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About stand-up

The April program of the “Stand Up club” in Moscow presents to the attention of humor lovers a show by the famous comedian Idrak Mirzalizade. The concert will feature the artist’s best improvisations, as well as new preparations for working with the audience.

In April, the cost of tickets to Idrak Mirzalizadeh's show will range from 500 to 1,500 rubles. If your interests include visiting comedy shows, then don’t waste your time and take a few minutes to buy tickets on the website

The concert of one of the leading comedians of the “Stand Up Special” project, Idrak Mirzalizadeh, will be a review of his creative path from participation in the Minsk KVN to the first performances directly in the TNT channel project. The guy prepared this solo program for almost three years, collecting the most funny facts about yourself and others.

Despite the fact that Idrak studied at the Faculty of Journalism for a long time, he openly makes jokes about his native university, although he graduated with honors. The comedian will also not ignore his native Belarus, making several unpatriotic remarks towards Russian humor, which, as it turns out, is worse than Belarusian. He explains this position by the fact that Belarusians are a more rational people than Russians. But you shouldn’t take these jokes seriously, because Mirzalizadeh only wants to teach the viewer to laugh at himself, since he knows how to do it himself. The comedian will thoroughly go over his name and origin, so that many will forget to even think about jokes about bad Russian humor.

Idrak himself notes that the stand-up genre is much more effective than an ordinary scripted comedy concert. According to the artist, there has been a tendency for the viewer to distrust prepared jokes. With improvisational jokes, there is no such tension. Moreover, this project teaches people to accept someone else’s, sometimes completely opposite, point of view.

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Why Ponominalu?

Ponominalu sells tickets to the concert of Idrak Mirzalizadeh under an agreement with the organizer. All ticket prices are official.

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Ponominalu has an exclusive quota of seats - the tickets presented are not sold at the STAND UP club #1 box office or from other operators.

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Ticket prices may rise closer to the concert date, and the most popular seats may run out.

Site address: Smolenskaya metro station, Moscow, st. Novy Arbat, 21

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  • Smolenskaya

STAND UP club #1

As is easy to understand from the name, Stand-up Club №1 - this is the place where His Majesty humor reigns. Every evening a diverse audience gathers within its walls and has a fun time. The country's leading comedians, famous KVN performers, humorous TV presenters, and aspiring writers take the stage. And everyone has something to say to the viewer! By the way, a sincere and frank conversation is conducted with the audience, and each of those present can communicate with the artists.

Stand-up Club opening hours

You need to enjoy life every day, and that’s why the club is open every day!

During the day it is like a restaurant type establishment, in the evening it is like a concert venue. Check the schedule for show and concert times.

How to get toStand-up Club

The site is located in the center of Moscow, on Novy Arbat, 21. There is a Novinsky Boulevard stop nearby, where trolleybuses 2 and 44 run. Also nearby is the Novy Arbat Street stop, where trolleybuses 39, 79, 10 stop.

Photography is the official VKontakte community.

Idrak Mirzalizadeh- stand-up comedian, member of the KVN teams “Crazy Empress”, “Rostik and Idrak” - a modest guy with immodest capabilities! For myself, I first saw him on stage a couple of years ago at the games of the KVN Open League of BSU and did not even imagine that I would later write an interview about him.

In the past, Idrak Mirzalizadeh is a student at the Institute of Journalism of BSU, and thanks to my work, we were able to chat casually within the walls of his home department. It’s a busy time for the session, and the hero of my interview is in a great, calm mood! Well, let's get started... 😉
Stand Up on TNT, 2014.
Born in 1995. He performed stand-up in Minsk. Since 2014 - participant of the Stand Up project on TNT.

Let me ask you to start by telling me a little about yourself. What does your last name mean?
- With my parents different surnames, because there is such a tradition: the surname is given by the grandfather. My grandfather’s name was Mirzali, the prefix is ​​zade, which means “son”: it turns out like “from the son of Mirzali.”
- Tell us about your historical homeland?
- I am Talysh by nationality. At home last time was 8 or 9 years ago.
- How did it happen that your family moved to Belarus?
- Then there was still Soviet Union, dad studied here in Belarus. As a result, I stayed to work, opened a business and we moved.

You have such a creative atmosphere at your journalism department! Do you like studying?
- I don’t like the journalism department. But it’s easy for me to study here, I pass everything just fine! The teachers are excellent, but the students can be arrogant: “By the way, I’m a journalist...”. The faculty sometimes makes people selfish, but not all of them. My group is simply wonderful! (smiles)
- Do you take part in the cultural life of the faculty?
- I'm on my own. I always distinguished KVN, humor, etc. for myself. “Miss journalism department”, freshman days - I try not to participate in this. Causes irritation.
- Are there any other irritations in life?
- Arrogance, anger, excessive aggressiveness... Frivolity! Girls in KVN. (laughs)
-Are there any hobbies besides humor? Maybe you listen to some specific music?
- I don’t listen to music. Movie! Only movies. I watch absolutely everything: from the most slag films to the best.
- What films are the best for you?
- My favorite film is “Mimino”.
- And from the modern one?
- From the modern – “Old boy”, “Children of heaven”.
-Are there any hobbies besides cinema?
- I used to be interested in history. If I came across something from history, I loved to study it. Now it's no longer interesting. And I was interested in politics, but that’s not my thing.
-How did KVN come into your life?
- KVN appeared in the 9th grade, when the organizer of the concert approached us and asked us to organize a KVN competition at school. Rostik (Rostislav Shlapak - author's note) and I studied at the same school. That's when we started, but we did it somehow stupidly. Then after school, KVN was the only thing we did. We liked it. But only this year I began to take KVN seriously.
-How many years have you known Rostik?
- We have known each other for 7-8 years. The team appeared at school, it was called “Tired by School.” Just as the title was plagiarized, so were the jokes. We did this on purpose, we even showed STEM " Ural dumplings" We were great plagiarists. This was mostly my fault. (laughs) Rostik didn’t do this. It was necessary to start somehow. But in the 10th grade we stopped doing this. (pause) Okay, at eleven (laughter).
-What did KVN give you? What did you teach?
- I believe that KVN taught me to approach everything more simply and to think more originally. Even when we write jokes, we don’t get together specifically for this, we just go for a walk. And if something comes to mind, then good. Well, if he doesn’t come, God be with him! Very often the entire performance is thought up right before the game. All editors hate us for this. (laughs)
-How do you assess the current state of KVN? They say that KVN is no longer the same...
- I don’t treat KVN as a separate genre. I think that in general everything is fine with humor. In general, in Belarus humor is the coolest. At least in Belarus it is better than in Russia.
-Why? How is it different?
- He’s more adequate, or something. More quality humor.
-Tell me how the “Crazy Empress” team appeared?
It was Vanya (Usovich - author's note) who invited us to play. There was the Narxoz Cup, he wanted to win the “Million” team, they were at the peak of popularity then, they always won. Well, now too! The “Crazy Empress” should also have included the “Two Pieces” and “Medley” teams. But neither one nor the other could do it, so only we remained. Later, there was the KVN Champions Cup in Mogilev and we were invited to perform there.
Crazy Empress in Moscow

How is the team doing now? I know you played in Lampa... (Central League of Moscow and Moscow Region - author's note)
- Yes, we played, but we didn’t have money, and we didn’t go to the quarterfinals. We play in Belarusian leagues. The level of Belarusian leagues is not inferior to Lampa. They are inferior only in terms of the level of organization - in Russia they try to do all this very beautifully.
-Are you upset that you didn’t make it to the game?
- No... I don’t treat the situation so painfully. Initially, Rostik and I were worried: “What if we lost something? We missed this chance...” But then we realized that we wouldn’t prepare properly for the games, so it’s okay.
Champions Cup. Mogilev
- Indeed, KVN taught us to approach life more simply! How long have you been performing stand-up?
- I performed for the first time this year, a couple of months ago. I have about 10-11 stand-up performances.
-How did it happen: did you just want to, or did you accumulate the material as an option?
- No, at first Vanya was in stand-up. I actually planned to be far from this, I didn’t even want to study, because suddenly it became very fashionable. And then Rostik began writing stand-up comedy. And somehow 2 people from our team were performing, so I decided to catch up. At the same time I thought: well, I won’t be able to do this, I won’t do it. But in the end I decided to prove to myself that it would work. I liked it!
-Do you have any tricks of your own when writing material? How do you collect observations?
- I don’t have any observations at all, I’m talking about myself. And most of the jokes are made up before the performance. I always try to speak when Zhenya calls (Zhenya Sviridovich – author’s note).
Performance in Saltaime
- What is the “Free Microphone” show for you?
- This is cool! I like that the audience doesn’t really judge you if something doesn’t work out on stage. I remember my third performance, it was almost “silent”, but I was pleased because the audience turned out to be kind and very supportive. We do not impose our humor. For example, in KVN humor is imposed. If a person comes to KVN, where a ticket costs 15 thousand, this is not much, but nevertheless, people are already expecting some kind of return. If you don't start making jokes very well, the audience no longer believes you. But in stand-up it’s absolutely not like that - there’s no such tense atmosphere.
- What do you think awaits the stand-up genre in Belarus?
- There is definitely a future. Many Belarusians are successfully developing in this genre. Roma Sidorchik, for example, in Comedy Battle. Yes, many, well done!
- What do you plan to do after studying?
- The same as now - humor. But I'm not sure about that yet.
- Good luck to you! I'll be glad to listen to you again!
- Thank you!

Idrak Mirzalizadeh was born in 1995. Today he is a participant in the Stand Up project on TNT.


The birthplace of the young stand-up comedian is the mountainous region of Talysh region. Even during the USSR, Idrak’s father lived and studied in Belarus. After finishing his studies, he found a job there, and soon opened a business and moved his wife and little Mirzalizadeh to live with him. Since then, Idrak has not been back home for about 7-9 years.

Idrak has a different surname from his parents. He explains this by the fact that in their homeland the surname is given by the name of the grandfather. Since the name Mirzali + the prefix zadeh, the result is Mirzalizadeh. The literal translation is “from the son of Mirzali.”

A young guy in 2015 received higher education, having finished Institute of Journalism of BSU. Idrak does not like the very direction of journalism. But he was quite satisfied with the easy and relaxed study, and the problem-free session. According to Idrak, many journalists are too selfish and arrogant, but he was lucky with the group, as there were kind and sympathetic guys studying there. During his studies, he actively took part in KVN.

Attitude towards others

Idrak is a very modest and kind guy. Always tries to see the positive in everything. But there are things that annoying stand-up comedian– arrogant, aggressive and angry people.


In addition to humor, Idrak enjoys watching movies. From the terrible ones, which are at the “bottom” of the top, to the most popular and cult ones. Some of the films are “Mimino” and “Children of Heaven”.

During his studies, the guy also showed a love for history and politics. Exploring various historical facts helped kill time. But this hobby did not go far, since he devoted more time to humor.


KVN came to life young man back in ninth grade. School organizers invited Idrak and his friend Rostislav Shlapak not only to take part in the event, but also to write a script, select “actors” and bring their plans to life. After graduation, KVN still remained in the lives of young people. We dealt with it almost constantly, said Idrak himself. But only this year it became serious.

Idrak has known Rostislav for 7-9 years. Their school KVN team was called “Tired by School.” They borrowed all the jokes and performances from other more famous comedians. As the guy himself noted, it was blatant plagiarism, up to the 11th grade. After 11th grade they are already we wrote the script ourselves etc.

The process of writing jokes did not take place sitting at home over sheets of paper and trying to squeeze out at least something. Usually Idrak and his friend created their masterpieces simply while walking around the city.

Attitude to KVN and humor

Love for KVN taught the young comedian to look at the world around us It’s easier to be able to develop your thoughts in a non-standard direction. To joke well, you need to be savvy and navigate many topics, less banality. With humor, according to the stand-up comedian, in general everything is great. But in Belarus he better quality and adequate than in Russia.

Participation in the team "Crazy Empress"

This team was created during the competition for the Narxoz Cup. At that time, the invincible team was “Million”, and even now it remains so. After the cup, Idrak’s team was invited to other venues. For example, the game in Lamp is the Central League of Moscow and Moscow Region. But the young comedians were unable to advance further and go to the quarterfinals, since they did not have enough funds for flights and accommodation. In terms of organization Russia is much better, the comedian himself said.


Idrak’s first appearance on stage as a stand-up comedian took place in 2013. In total, about 10-12 performances accumulated in a short period of time.

Idrak didn’t really see himself as a stand-up comedian. He became interested in stand-up because it was fashionable and popular. The second reason was the participation of his teammates in this direction, who already had several performances behind them at that time.

Idrak gets all his stand-up material from from your life. He talks about himself and his friends, sometimes inventing some unrealistic situations.

Show "Free Microphone"

Participation in “Free Microphone” gave Idrak a good experience. He liked performing on this stage much more than in KVN. Because the public is very kind and very supportive. The audience does not feel the intrusive humor. It is not created to please absolutely everyone. This is more of a way of self-expression, unlike humor in KVN.

As the comedian himself notes, the Belarusian stand-up bright and successful future. Many guys are already performing at popular venues, for example, Roman Sidorchik. Since 2014, Idrak has been a participant in the Stand Up project on TNT.

Idrak is a stand-up comedian, a member of the KVN teams “Crazy Empress”, “Rostik and Idrak”, - a modest guy with immodest possibilities! For myself, I first saw him on stage a couple of years ago at the games of the KVN Open League of BSU and did not even imagine that I would later write an interview about him. Idrak is a 4th year student at the Institute of Journalism of BSU, and thanks to my work, we were able to chat casually within the walls of his home department. It’s a busy time for the session, and the hero of my interview is in a great, calm mood! Well, let's get started... ;)

- Let me ask you to start by telling me a little about yourself. What does your last name mean?
- My parents and I have different surnames, because there is such a tradition: the surname is given by the grandfather. My grandfather's name was Mirzali, the prefix -zade, which means “son”: it turns out like “from the son of Mirzali.”
- Tell us about your historical homeland?
- I am Talysh by nationality. The last time I was in my homeland was 8 or 9 years ago.
- How did it happen that your family moved to Belarus?
- Back then there was still the Soviet Union, dad studied here in Belarus. As a result, I stayed to work, opened a business and we moved. - You have such a creative atmosphere at your journalism department! Do you like studying?
- I don’t like the journalism department. But it’s easy for me to study here, I pass everything just fine! The teachers are excellent, but the students can be arrogant: “By the way, I’m a journalist...”. The faculty sometimes makes people selfish, but not all of them. My group is simply wonderful! (smiles)
- Do you take part in the cultural life of the faculty?
- I'm on my own. I always distinguished KVN, humor, etc. for myself. “Miss journalism department”, freshman days - I try not to participate in this. Causes irritation.
- Are there any other irritations in life?
- Arrogance, anger, excessive aggressiveness... Frivolity! Girls in KVN. (laughs)
-Are there any hobbies besides humor? Maybe you listen to some specific music?
- I don’t listen to music. Movie! Only movies. I watch absolutely everything: from the most slag films to the best.
- What films are the best for you?
- My favorite film is “Mimino”.
- And from the modern one?
- From the modern - “Old boy”, “Children of heaven”.
-Are there any hobbies besides cinema?
- I used to be interested in history. If I came across something from history, I loved to study it. Now it's no longer interesting. And I was interested in politics, but that’s not my thing.
-How did KVN come into your life?
- KVN appeared in the 9th grade, when the organizer of the concert approached us and asked us to organize a KVN competition at school. Rostik and I (Rostislav Shlapak - author's note) studied at the same school. That's when we started, but we did it somehow stupidly. Then after school, KVN was the only thing we did. We liked it. But only this year I began to take KVN seriously.
-How many years have you known Rostik??
- We have known each other for 7-8 years. The team appeared at school, it was called “Tired by School.” Just as the title was plagiarized, so were the jokes. We did this on purpose, we even showed STEM “Ural dumplings”. We were great plagiarists. This was mostly my fault. (laughs) Rostik did not do this. It was necessary to start somehow. But in the 10th grade we stopped doing this. (pause) Okay, at eleven (laughter).
-What did KVN give you? What did you teach?
- I believe that KVN taught me to approach everything more simply and to think more originally. Even when we write jokes, we don’t get together specifically for this, we just go for a walk. And if something comes to mind, then good. Well, if he doesn’t come, God be with him! Very often the entire performance is thought up right before the game. All editors hate us for this. (laughs)
-How do you assess the current state of KVN? They say that KVN is no longer the same...
- I don’t treat KVN as a separate genre. I think that in general everything is fine with humor. In general, in Belarus humor is the coolest. At least in Belarus it is better than in Russia.
-Why? How is it different?
- He’s more adequate, or something. More quality humor.
-Tell me how the “Crazy Empress” team appeared?
This is Vanya (Usovich - author's note) invited us to play. There was the Narxoz Cup, he wanted to win the “Million” team, they were at the peak of popularity then, they always won. Well, now too! The “Crazy Empress” should also have included the “Two Pieces” and “Medley” teams. But neither one nor the other could do it, so only we remained. Later, there was the KVN Champions Cup in Mogilev and we were invited to perform there.

How is the team doing now? I know you played in Lamp...(Central League of Moscow and Moscow Region - author's note)
- Yes, we played, but we didn’t have money, and we didn’t go to the quarterfinals. We play in Belarusian leagues. The level of Belarusian leagues is not inferior to Lampa. Only in terms of the level of organization they are inferior - in Russia they try to do all this very beautifully.
-Are you upset that you didn’t make it to the game?
- No... I don’t treat the situation so painfully. Initially, Rostik and I were worried: “What if we lost something? We missed this chance...” But then we realized that we wouldn’t prepare properly for the games, so it’s okay.

- Indeed, KVN taught us to approach life more simply! How long have you been performing stand-up?
- I performed for the first time this year, a couple of months ago. I have about 10-11 stand-up performances.
-How did it happen: did you just want to, or did you accumulate the material as an option?
- No, at first Vanya was in stand-up. I actually planned to be far away from this, I didn’t even want to study, because suddenly it became very fashionable. And then Rostik began writing stand-up comedy. And somehow 2 people from our team were performing, so I decided to catch up. At the same time I thought: well, I won’t be able to do this, I won’t do it. But in the end I decided to prove to myself that it would work. I liked it!
-Do you have any tricks of your own when writing material? How do you collect observations?
- I don’t have any observations at all, I’m talking about myself. And most of the jokes are made up before the performance. I always try to perform when Zhenya calls (Zhenya Sviridovich - author's note).

- What is the “Free Microphone” show for you?

This is cool! I like that the audience doesn’t really judge you if something doesn’t work out on stage. I remember my third performance, it was almost “silent”, but I was pleased because the audience turned out to be kind and very supportive. We do not impose our humor. For example, in KVN humor is imposed. If a person comes to KVN, where a ticket costs 15 thousand, this is not much, but nevertheless, people are already expecting some kind of return. If you don't start making jokes very well, the audience no longer believes you. But in stand-up it’s absolutely not like that - there’s no such tense atmosphere.
- What do you think awaits the stand-up genre in Belarus?
- There is definitely a future. Many Belarusians are successfully developing in this genre. Roma Sidorchik, for example, in Comedy Battle. Yes, many, well done!
- What do you plan to do after studying?
- The same as now - humor. But I'm not sure about that yet.
- Good luck to you! I'll be glad to hear from you again!
- Thank you!

All the best,
Tatyana Dobriyan
Photo: Lesha Wargun, photo archive of the “Free Microphone” show, KVN team “Crazy Empress”. - Magazine of modern youth